Vol.7, No.3, May, 2004
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Study on Bilinear Scheme and Application to Three-dimensional Convective
Equation (Itaru Hataue and Yosuke Matsuda)
- Study on Convergency of SOR Method by Domain Decomposition in
Parallel Computation (Itaru Hataue and Kinya Sakatani)
- On Improvement of Lossless Image Coding for a Computer Graphic
Illustration Image by Predictive Coding (Kei Inoue, Yutaka Kurotsuka, Shigeru Furuichi)
- An Effective Use of Improved Stabilized Approximate INVerse Preconditioning
According to Characteristics of Computers (Yusuke Ikeda and Seiji Fujino)
- An Analyzing Method for GI/G/1 Queueing System (Yoshio Yoshioka)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An Architecture to Allow Intrinsic Concurrency on Java Processors for
Embedded Systems (Progyna Khondkar, Masa-Aki Fukase, Clecio Donizete Lima and
Tadao Nakamura)
- A New Method of Hand Gesture Configuration and Animation
(Nicoletta Adamo-Villani and Gerardo Beni)
- MSL : Modified Secure Lock for Efficient Group Rekeying
(Yaser M. Asem and A. Kara)
- Extension of the SQL3 Data Manipulation Languages for the Spatio-
Temporal Databases (Jong-Yun Lee)
- How the Dominance of Professional Practices Pose a Menace to Digital
Society (Tomoyuki Nagase, Rausch Anthony Scott and Yoshio Yoshioka)
- Failure Probability Estimation from Inferior and Quality Mixed Populations
(Hideo Hirose)

Vol.7, No.4, July, 2004
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Stochastic Dynamics of Actin-Myosin System Employing Fluctuation and
Stochastic Resonance (Hiroyuki Matsuura, Masahiro Nakano and Liang-gang Liu)
- Application of Matrices Generated by Rank One Matrices in Mathematical
Science IV (Kunio Oshima and Ichiro Hofuku)
- A Weighted Least Squares Method for Priorities in AHP (Zeshui Xu)
- On Fractional Differential Equations with Small Perturbation (Tsuyako Miyakoda)
- Online Recoverable Canadian Traveler Problem on a Road
(Su Bing, Xu Yinfeng, Xu Yu and Zhu Zhijun)
- Multi-Objective Constrained Nonlinear Optimization : An ODE Approach
(Xiaowo Tang, Zongfang Zhou, Chungen Zhang and Yong Shi)
- Stochastic Dynamics of Complex Systems (I) Description of Micro-System
and Macro-System (H. Matsuura, M. Nakano and L.L. Liu)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- State Equation of Program Nets and Its Application to Reachability Analysis
For SWITCH-less Nets (Shingo Yamaguchi, Kousuke Yamada, Qi-Wei Ge and Minoru Tanaka)
- Construction of Graph-Structured GIS Road Map using High-Resolution
Satellite Image (Md. Shahid Uz Zaman, Yen Wei Chen, Xiang-Yan Zeng,
Dongshik Kang, Hayao Miyagi)
- Speculation in Solving Maximal Elements Problem on the Pipelined Optical
Bus Systems with Various Processor Arrays (Haklin Kimm)
- On BNCpack, A Multiple Precision Numerical Computation Library and its
Parallelization (Tomonori Kouya)

Vol.7, No.5, September, 2004
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Overview of Methods for Determining Attribute Weights in Multiple
Attribute Decision Making (Zeshui Xu)
- Geometrically Nonlinear Structural Analysis by FEM Using the Coordinate
Value on a Deformed Body (Toshio Honma and Nobuyuki Ataka)
- Stability Analyses of Wavelet Neural Networks (Shengzhong Xiao)
- Decoherence and Dissapation in a Double Quantum Dot
(Satoshi Nakamura)
- Optimization Lay-out Problem in 3-Dimensional Finite Element Space
(I. Ario and T. Ishii)
- An Improvement of Ajiz-Jennings type of Incomplete Factorization
Preconditioning by means of Post Filtering (Masanobu Kakihara and Seiji Fujino)
- On Counting the Number of Permutations with Constraints for case k=n-7
(Wakana Tamada, Lei Li and Hiroshi Matsuno)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Could Wave Pipelines Overcome Commodity Pipelines ?
(Ryusuke Egawa, Masa-aki Fukase, Tomoaki Sato and Tadao Nakamura)
- Comprehensive Information based Methodology for NLU : Theory and
Application (Yi X. Zhong)
- Improvement of Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm Based on Genetic
Algorithm (Baowen Wang, Yingjie Wang, Wenyuan Liu,
Chengyu Deng, Yan Shi and Shufen Fang)
- Microsystems for Biomedical Applications - Development of Micro Active
Catheter System and New Type of Micropumps - (Shuxiang Guo)

Vol.7, No.6, November, 2004
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Asymptotic Estimation for Counting of the General Occupancy Problem (Lei Li)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Transliteration of Japanese Words in the Ancient Chinese Literature (Chuidong Jiang)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An Improved Neuro-Fuzzy Learning Algorithm (Yan Shi, Yongmao Wang and Xiaozhu Zhong)
- Development of ECDIS Supported by Multi Data Format (Zuoliang Chen, Yanling Hao and
Shuxiang Guo)
- The Role of BA46 of the Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Functional
MRI Study (Yoshiro Sakayi, Sheng-Fu Lu, Jing-Long Wu, et al)
- Application of 3-Dimension Imaging Technology for Quality Evaluation of
Apple Fruits (Shu-Huai Zhang, Hirofumi Sutou and Hiroshi Fukuchi)
- A Novel Architecture without Crossbar for Fast Switch Core (Chun-Xiang Chen
and Masaharu Komatsu)
- A New Model Describing the Interaction between System and Human for
Pointing Tasks (Jing Kong, Xiangshi Ren and Xing-Qi Jiang)
- A Study of the Optimal Size for Pen-Input Character Boxes (Xiangshi Ren and
Jing Kong)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Anatomical and Radiological Studies on Degenerative Changes of the Ulnar
Wrist (Hao-Gang Xue, Chun-Ying Yang, Shan-Shun Luo et al)
- Thrombopoietin Activated the Cell Cycle of Blasts from Patients with
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (Shan-Shun Luo, Chun-Ying Yang, Hao-Gang Xue, et al)

Vol.8, No.1, January, 2005
- Invited Paper
- Recognizing Human Emotion and Creating Machine Emotion (Fuji Ren)
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Pion Condensation in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter based on Relativistic
Calculations (Ken-ichi Makino, Nobuo Noda, Akira Hasegawa, Hiroaki Kouno
and Masahiro Nakano)
- On the Measurability of the Semantic Operators Determined by Logic
Programs (Anthony Karel Seda and Maire Lane)
- Convergence of Quasi-Robust Incomplete Cholesky CG Method by Means
Of Uniformed Modification for Diagonal Entries (Masanobu Kakihara and Seiji Fujino)
- An Analysis of a Closed Loop Type Queueing System with a General
Service Distribution (Yoshio Yoshioka)
- Human and Social Sciences
- The Process Improvement of the Software Development, which Conforms
To the Japanese Culture (Hidetaka Isaka)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An Interactive Computer Animation Method for Learning Instrument Grasp
(Nicoletta Adamo-Villani and Gerardo Beni)
- A Dependence Model for Concurrency in Java Programs (Jianjun Zhao)
- GIS-based Optimum Scheduling for the Sugar Cane Transportation
Problem using Tabu Search (Md. Shahid Uz Zaman, Yen-Wei Chen, Masami Ueno
and Hayao Miyagi)
- An Improved Chinese Sentence Similarity Measure
(Rongbo Wang, Zheru Chi, Baobao Chang and Xiaojing Bai)
- Control of Liquid Crystal Alignment by Laser (Yinghan Wang)
- Human-machine Cooperation for Plant Maintenance Activities and Early
Plant Abnormality Detection (Qiao Liu, Masayoshi Numano,
Yasuyuki Niwa and Takeshi Matsuoka)
- Adaptive Threshold Parameters for Bilingual Dictionary Extraction from
The Internet Archive (Mohamed Abdel Fattah, Fuji Ren and Kuroiwa Shingo)
- Chinese Automatic Question Answering System for Sightseeing Tourists
(Haiqing Hu, Fuji Ren and Shingo Kuroiwa)

Vol.8, No.2, March, 2005
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Fuzzy Rule Generation Based on Genetic Algorithm (Baowen Wang, Chunjing Xiao,
Wenyuan Liu, Yan Shi and Shufen Fang)
- A Numerical Conformal Mapping onto the Radial Slit Domain by the Charge
Simulation Method (Kaname Amano, Dai Okano and Hidenori Ogata)
- The Classification of H-matrices (Masataka Usui, Kensaku Tomura, Hiroshi Niki and Lei Li)
- Roy*s Electre Method for Multiple Attribute Decision-making Problems based
on Uncertain Numbers (Rui Wang and Jiuping Xu)
- Non-perturbative Qunatum Field Theory and Intermolecular Forces in Physical Chemistry
(Hiroyuki Matsuura, Masahiro Nakano and Tetsuya Nemoto)
- The Study on the Improvement of Synthesis of Dihydrocarvone and Stability Of Product
(Yucang Zhang, Junhong He and Zhonglin He)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Knowledge Management Between Fad and Relevance (Marin Fotache)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- The Development of Liquefaction Technology on Woody Waste (Yucang Zhang, H. Ono and J. Kobayashi)
- Towards Multilingual Syllabus Integration (Toshiro Minami and Sachio Hirokawa)
- Polynomial Networks Approach for Arabic Character Recognition (Raed Abu Zitar)
- Novel Circularly Polarized Slotted Tube Resonator (CPSTR) for Magnetic Resonance Signal Detection
(Norio Iriguchi, Hideki Matsuda, MasahiroMigita, Kuniyasu Ogawa, Masaki Sekino, Hiroaki Mihara
and Shoogo Ueno)
- Advanced Video Distribution System based on Satellite Communication (Shigeo Goto, Masatsugu Hashimoto,
Tomohiko Yokozawa, Norio Izumi and Tadao Nakamura)
- A Proposal and Performance Evaluation of Simulated Annealing with Adaptive Learning
(Noriyasu Hasegawa and Lei Li)
- Model for the Development Index Variation after Structural Regulation of Injection and
Production in Reservoir (Bingyu Ji)

Vol.8, No.3, May, 2005
- Invited Paper
- The Definition of Low Power and High Speed Processors (Tadao Nakamura)
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Tilted Axis Rotation in Hartree-Fock Framework (Yukio Hashimoto and Takatoshi Horibata)
- Superconvergence of Finite Difference Methods for Initial-Boundary Value Problems of
Convection-Diffusion Equations (Qing Fang)
- The IBiCG Method for Large and Sparse Unsymmetric Linear Systems on BSP Architectures
(Laurence Tianruo Yang, Xiangzhen Qiao and Ruth E. Shaw)
- The Parameter Estimation for the Mixture Normal Populations (Chen Dong)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Evaluation of Large-Scale Remote Interactive Visualization via Super SINET
(Hiroyuki Takizawa and Hiroaki Kobayashi)
- Virtually Touchable Video Communication (Shinichi Kanehata, Akinori Yoshino and Kenji Miyamoto)
- Automatic Translation of Compound Nouns in the Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation System SFBMT
(Xin Zhao, Fuji Ren and Singo Kuroiwa)
- Optimal Interconnection Network for r-Ring with Chord
(Daisuke Sakura and Lei Li)
- Development and Evaluation of Web-based Reading Support System
(Yukari Kato)
- Selection and Extraction of Chinese E-mail Feature for Authorship Mining
(Guifa Teng, Maosheng Lai and Jianbin Ma)
- Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Single Fiber Composite (Qing-Qing Ni, Junjie Chang and Masaharu Iwamoto)
- The Hybrid Linguistic Weighted Averaging Operator (Zeshui Xu)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Inferring Gene Networks from Microarray Data using Bayesian Network and Radial
Basis Function Network Regression Model (Tomohiro Ando and Satoru Miyano)

Vol.8, No.4, July, 2005
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Annuity Calculation Based on Random Positive Interest Rates (Yongmao Wang, Qin Shang and Yan Shi)
- Characterization of the Reversibility of Wolfram Cellular Automata with Rule Number 150 and Periodic
Boundary Conditions (O. Garcia Delgado, L. Hernandez Encinas, S. Hoya White, A. Martin del Rey and
G. Rodriguez Sanchez)
- 3-Dimensional Matrix Expressional Form in an MHD Simulation Trial (Katsuyoshi Sotani)
- Human and Social Sciences
- The Rising Private Money in Information Age (Seungbong Park, Jaemin Han and Chinnapaka Chitharanjandas)
- On Game Theory of Inside Information in Chinafs Security Market (Zhang Yan)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Static Analysis of Bytecode Programs (Jianjun Zhao)
- Super-Function based Ubiquitous Chinese Vocabulary Learning (Taihao Li and Fuji Ren)
- Remote Sensing for Monitoring Coral Reefs using High Resolution Satellite Imagery
(Dongshik Kang, Kenshi Shinya and Hayao Miyagi)
- Estimation Methods for First Excursion Probability of Secondary System With Friction using Maximum Response
(Shigeru Aoki)
- On Translation from Numerical Expression with Japanese Punctuation Mark eTotenf in Newspaper Articles into Values
(Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kimura and Hiromitsu Shiina)
- Developing an Intelligent Management System of the Screen Reader Specialized for Visually Impaired
(Hong Shen, Hiroto Kikuchi and Tadao Nakamura)
- Cellular Neural Network and its Application to Abnormal Detection (Zhong Zhang, Michihiro Namba and Hiroaki Kawabata)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Is the Personality Trait Related to the Immune Function ? The Correlation Between the NK Cell and the Subscales of the TCI
(Nan Jiang, Takeshi Sato, Hidetoshi Sato, Keiko Kidoh and Shigeto Yamada)
- A Post-processing Method to Correct B1 Field Inhomogeneity due to Dielectric Resonance at High Field MRI
(Hiroaki Mihara, Norio Iriguchi and Shoogo Ueno)

Vol.8, No.5, September, 2005
- A Special Issue for the Software Engineering and Software Security(Prof. Chih-Cheng Hung and Prof. Sung Y Shin, USA)
- Separation of Concerns for Improving Practice of Parallel Programming
(Francisco Heron de Carvalho Junior and Rafael Dueire Lins)
- A New Software Development Model: Mechanical Process Model
(Chang Oan Sung and Charlie Y. Shim)
- Reflective QoS Management and System Validation in the Real-Time Performers Architecture
(Andrea Trentini and Daniela Micucci)
- Secure Access Control Systems in Distributed Environments: A Case Study And Issues Learned
(Seng-Phil Hong and Jaehyoun Kim)
- Dynamical Extraction of Web Applications Models via Mutation Analysis
(Carlo Bellettini, Alessandro Marchetto and Andrea Trentini)
- ZL scheme: Generalization of EDZL Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems
(Minkyu Park, Sangchul Han, Heeheon Kim, Seongje Cho and Yookun Cho
- A Collaborative Testbed Engineering Platform
(Vadim Kotov and Vishal Mehrotra)
- A Dynamic Cohesion Metric for Component Design
(Jong-Suk Lee, Mi-Sook Choi)
- A Formal Model for Managing Multiversion XML Documents
(Geunduk Park and Chisu Wu)
- Agent-Based Framework for the Software On-Demand Service
(Jeong-Min Shim, Won-Young Kim, Wan Choi and Chang-Hyun Jo)
- An Efficient Checkpointing Interval Placement Based on Memory Usage Profile
(Jiman Hong and Sooyoun Lee)
- An Assessment Tool for Out of Classroom Learning using Pervasive Computing Technologies
(Sheikh I. Ahamed, Moushumi Sharmin, Shameem Ahmed, Michael J. Havice and Suresh Anamanamuri)
- Development of A Weighted Security Measure as A Design Metric
(Sung Y. Shin, Charlie Y. Shim, Bong Gun Cho and Chih-Chen Hung)

Vol.8, No.6, November, 2005
- Invited Paper
- Weighted Semi-Markov Decision Processes and Their Perturbations (Ke Liu)
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Numerical Study on Frequency Characteristics of Vortex Shedding from A Forced Vibrating Plat
(Itaru Hataue and Daisuke Yamamoto)
- An Application of Projection Method for Generalized Eigenvalue Problems Using Preconditioned COCG Method
(Yushiro Fujii, Masanobu Kakihara, Mutsumi Aoyagi and Seiji Fujino)
- Mixed Optimization Problems with Structure (Pawel Radzikowski)
- Improving Convergence Rate of EM Algorithm via Component wise Aitken Ģ2 Acceleration
(Michio Sakakihara and Masahiro Kuroda)
- Random Number Generation for the Generalized Normal Distribution using The Modified Adaptive Rejection Method
(Hideo Hirose and Akihiro Todoroki)
- Isomorphism Classes of Genus-2 Hyperelliptic Curves over Finite Fields F5m
(L. Hernandez Encinas and J. Munoz Masque)
- Algorithms for Curve Image under Geometric Transformations (Zi Cai Li)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Resolution to Loan Conundrum for Peasants in China (Ximei Li)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Development of a Multimedia Bidirectional Learning System Environment
(Ya Lin, Zhi Teng, David B. Bracewell, Fuji Ren and Shingo Kuroiwa)
- Automatic Stock Market Forecasting and Correlative Natural Language Generation
(Qiong Liu, Xin Lu, Fuji Ren and Shingo Kuroiwa)
- A New Retrieval Scheme using Meaning Attributes for Ancient Chinese Medical Literature
(Guifa Teng, Maosheng Lai, Peng Li, Fang Wang and Yuxin Zhang)
- Behavioral Decomposition Technique for use Case Driven Software Development
(Jaehyoun Kim)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- XML Pathway Format Comparison between Genomic Object Net and SBML
(Hironori Kitakaze, Ryuhei Noda, Masafumi Nakano, Hiroshi Matsuno and Satoru Miyano)

Vol.9, No.1, January, 2006
- Invited Paper
- The Integration of Connectionism and First-Order Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning as a Challenge for Artificial Intelligence
(Sebastian Bader, Pascal Hitzler and Steffen Holldobler)
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Optimization Method in Traffic Forecasts with Risk Analysis (Takahiro Minamiya,
Xiaojun Chen, Hiroaki Fujita, Kozo Tsumura and Masamichi Kon)
- A Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Chance Distribution of Birandom Variable
(Lixing Yang and Baoding Liu)
- Ranking Methods for Various Aspects Based on Perron-Frobenius Theorem
(Ichiro Hofuku and Kunio Oshima)
- Computational Behavior of a Genetic Algorithm to Approximately Solve the
Set Covering Problem (Kakuzo Iwamura and Makoto Horiike)
- On Deviation from Self-similarity for Attractors Measured by Conditional Entropy
(Kei Inoue)
- Theoretical Study of Molecular Recognition and Activation Mechanism of the
Ionotropic Glutamate Receptor (Kei Odai, Minoru Kubo, Eiji Shiomitsu, Tohru Sugimoto and Etsuro Ito)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Mass Media and the Puzzle of Information in the Course of Playing Crises
(Mahmoud Eid)
- Inferring Japanese Onyomi from Chinese Kanji Pronunciation using Fuzzy Relation Equations
(Yiping Fan Pogue, Dongshik Kang and Hayao Miyagi)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Partitioned Register File Designs for Clustered Architectures
(Yukinori Sato, Ken-ichi Suzuki and Tadao Nakamura)
- Phoneme Based Speaker Modeling to Improve Speaker Recognition System
(Mohamed A. Fattah, Fuji Ren, Shingo Kuroiwa, Satoru Tsuge and I. Fukuda)
- A Rule Multi-Start Genetic Algorithm and its Applications
(Arata Suenaga and Lei Li)
- Fiber Optics Budget Projection Through Channelization
(Chiang Ching-San and Donald M. Duesterberg)
- Reallocation of Mesh Points in Fluid Problems using Back-Propagation Algorithm
(Nameer N. El. Emam)

Vol.9, No.2, March, 2006
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On Kozenfs Embedding and the Use of Analysis in the Semantics of Computation (Anthony Karel Seda)
- A Semiautomatic Classification Method Based on a Minimum Weighted Squared-Error Distortion Criterion
(Fujiki Morii)
- A New Approach for Optimizing GI/G/1 Queuing System (Yoshio Yoshioka, Shinya Kato and Tomoyuki Nagase)
- A New Method for Regression Analysis Using Constrained Coefficient Component Approach (Koki Kyo)
- Human and Social Sciences
- An Analytical Ranking Procedure Integrating AHP and ELECTRE (Mark Gershon)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Overview of Hydra : A Concurrent Language for Synchronous Digital Circuit Design
(John T. OfDonnell)
- Parallel Mining of Association Rules in Multi-stream Time Series Data
(Biplab Kumer Sarker, Toshiya Hirata and Kuniaki Uehara)
- Reliability Modeling and Evaluation for Wide-Area Distributed System (Yuan-Shun Dai)
- Parallel Algorithms for the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Using Nearest-Neighbor
Chains and the Heap-Traversal Technique (Li-Jen Mao and Sheau-Dong Lang)
- Open Issues and Challenges in Security-aware Real-Time Scheduling for Distributed Systems
(Tao Xie, Xiao Qin and Man Lin)
- Substituted DWT Image Dilation (Zhimei Yang, Hiroshi Kondo and Takaharu Kouda)
- Constant Time Algorithm to Generate Plus and Minus Symbol Sequences (Limin Xiang, Kazuo Ushijima,
Kai Cheng, Jianjun Zhao and Cunwei Lu)
- Detection and Prevention of DNS Query PTR record-based Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack
(Yasuo Musashi, Ryuichi Matsuba, Kenichi Sugitani and Kai Rannenberg)
- A New Approach on Zone-based Routing Algorithm for Congestion Control Over the Internet
(Ashraf Uddin Ahmed, Makoto Takizawa and Senro Saito)

Vol.9, No.3, May, 2006
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Parallel Computation of Boundary Value Problems using Block Gauss-Seidel
Method (Salman H. Abbas)
- Feature Selection using Fuzzy Decision Attributes
(G. Ganesan and C. Raghavendra Rao)
- Marker Particle Method using Triangular Finite Elements for Free Surface
Flow Problems (Takemi Shigeta and Nobuyoshi Tosaka)
- An Automatic Drawing Algorithm for Multi-Component Interfaces in a Block
(Mai Yamamoto and Lei Li)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Textual Complexity Decrease on Activating Graphical Information at
Shallow and Deep Comprehension of Second Language Reading
(Yukari Kato)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Parallel I/O Architecture based on Traditional and Distributed Servers
(Maria S. Perez, Alberto Sanchez, Victor Robles and Jose M. Pena)
- Semantic Intensity : A Measure of Visual Relevance
(Gerardo Beni and Nicoletta Adamo-Villani)
- A Novel Architecture Design for A Low-Power Mobile Magnetometer
(Tomoyuki Nagase, Takashi Araki, Shigeyuki Kitamura,
Makoto Araki and Hisao Ono)
- Rough Sets and Genetic Programming in Learning the Template for
Uncoupled Cellular Neural Networks
(Elsayed Radwan and Eiichiro Tazaki)
- Multi-Spectral Image Classification using the Water Level Model
(Shangrong Deng, Chih-Cheng Hung, Kai Qian,
Kang Yen and Tommy L. Coleman)
- A Statistical Approach for the Analysis of the Relation between Low-Level
Performance Information, the Code and the Environment
(Nayda G. Santiago, Diane T. Rover and Domingo Rodriguez)
- Resilient Image Fusion (Tiranee Achalakul and Joohan Lee)
- An Edge Extraction Algorithm based ICA-Domain Shrinkage for Penumbral
Imaging (Xian-Hua Han, Zensho Nakao and Yen-Wei Chen)

Vol.9, No.4, July, 2006
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Some Aspects of the Integration of Connectionist and Logic-Based Systems
(Maire Lane and Anthony Karel Seda)
- Convergence of Ascher-Mattheij-Russell Finite Difference Method for a
Class of Two-point Boundary Value Problems (Qing Fang)
- A Computational Approach to Constructive a Priori Error Estimate for
Finite Element Approximations of Bi-harmonic Problems in Nonconvex
Polygonal Domains (Kouji Hashimoto, Kaori Nagatou and Mitsuhiro T. Nakao)
- Lossless Image Compression in a Computer Graphic Illustration by
Predictive Position Model with Reference Block (Kei Inoue)
- Modified Crout Version of ILU Decomposition by Means of Compensation
For Diagonal Entries (M. Fujiwara, M. Yoshida and S. Fujino)
- Mass Renormalization Method in Finite Density -General Formalism-
(Masahiro Nakano and Hiroyuki Matsuura)
- Convergence Rate of RIF Preconditioner of CG Method in the Composite
Materials Analysis by S-version FEM (Masahiro Yoshida, Hiroshi Okada,
Seiji Fujino and Takashi Hatazaki)
- An Improved Method of Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm
(Jian-Hua Huang, Shu-Fen Fang and Yan Shi)
- A Framework of Birandom Theory and Optimization Methods
(Jin Peng and Baoding Liu)
- Human and Social Sciences
- The Evolutionary Role of Information Systems : Learning from a Korean
Case (Jongsoo Yoon, Yoojung Kim, Jongwook Yoon and Seungbong Park)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Competitive Analysis for Online Leasing Problem with the Depreciation
Factor (Weijun Xu, Weiguo Zhang, Yinfeng Xu and Maolin Hu)
- Specifying Synchronization in Distributed Shared Memory Programs
(Gurdip Singh)
- Globalization of Non-English Software (Shengping Jiang)

Vol.9, No.5, September, 2006
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics for Matters-(I) under the existence
of external fields (Hiroyuki Matsuura, Tetsuya Nemoto, Nobuo Noda,
Kazuharu Koide and Masahiro Nakano)
- Fuzzy Geometric Additive Weighting Method for Fuzzy Multiple Attribute
Decision Making (Ling Zeng)
- An Evaluation for Parallel Computation of the Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method
with the Preconditioners (Kei Kojima and Lei Li)
- Human and Social Sciences
- An Assessment of Fiedlerfs Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) Contingency
Model at the National Level of Government (Donald M. Duesterberg)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- The Extraction of CCE (Chinese Conventional Expression) for CSL Learners
(Shuang Xiao, Hua Xiang, Peilin Jiang, Fuji Ren and Shingo Kuroiwa)
- Preserving the Archetype of Digital Media
(Tomoyuki Nagase, Satoshi Ikezoe, Hiroshi Kobayashi and Takashi Araki)
- Estimation Methods for First Excursion Probability of Secondary System
with Collision using Maximum Response (Shigeru Aoki)
- Performance Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers using Radial Basis Function Network
(Robert Li)
- Numerical Analyses of Heat and Flow Around Hot-Film Shear Stress Sensor
(Kenya Kuwagi and Toshihiro Takami)
- Effects of Fibrillation of Reinforcement Phase on the Mechanical Properties
of LCP Reinforced PC Composite Materials (Jianhui Qiu)
- Furnace Tube Failures Induced by Incidental Working Defect
(Zhang Li-Jing, Si-Xian Li and Tao Gang)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Relationship between Emotion and Respiration using Fractal Dimension
Analysis and Psychosomatic Testing : The perspectives from contemporary
and traditional Chinese medicine
(Takeshi Sato, Keiko Kidoh, Hidetoshi Sato and Masasuke Takefu)

Vol.9, No.6, November, 2006
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- MMPI Making Maths in the Classroom Fun (Daniel C. Doolan and Sabin Tabirca)
- Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics for Matters-(II) Decomposition of
Field Operators (Hiroyuki Matsuura, Tetsuya Nemoto, Nobuo Noda, Kazuharu Koide and Masahiro Nakano)
- A Random Fuzzy Decision Approach for R&D Project under Uncertainty
(Changsheng Yi, Wansheng Tang and Ruiqing Zhao)
- A Note on a Parametrically Extended Entanglement-measure Due to Tsallis Relative Entropy
(Shigeru Furuichi)
- Convergence Concepts of Random Fuzzy Sequence (Yuanguo Zhu and Baoding Liu)
- An Iterative Algorithm for the Linear Complementarity Problem with a P-matrix
(Takuya Higuchi and Lei Li)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Towards e-Inclusion : A Typology Perspective
(Seungbong Park, Jongsoo Yoon, Shin Joong Kim and Jaemin Han)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Novel Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for Digital Image
(Naglaa Yehya Hassan and Norio Akamatsu)
- Privacy Protection Model in Customer Relationship Management Systems
(Seng-Phil Hong, Sungmin Kang and Jaehyoun Kim)
- Digital Watermarking using Dual-Tree CWT with a New Quality Measure SSIM
(P. Thangavel and T. Kumaran)
- A ProFound-based Meta Search Engine for Rapid Protein Identification
(Hongchi Shi, Yanling Shi and Yi Shang)
- History of Numerical Calculation and Computers (Calculators)
(Katsuyoshi Sotani)

Vol.10, No.1, January, 2007
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Effect of Random Errors on Statistical Behavior of Discretized Dynamical System
(Itaru Hataue and Yasumasa Saisho)
- The Estimator and Confidence Estimator of the Logistic Distribution Parameter
(Chen Dong)
- Human and Social Sciences
- An Optimal Investment Portfolios Model Among Different Regions with Investment
Sunk Cost (Lizhan, Xiaoling Yuan and Meixia Wang)
- Can NPOs Provide gTrusth in the Market ? : Consumersf Perspective in
Emerging Japanese Nonprofit Business (Sachiko Nakagawa and Ikuyo Kaneko)
- A Balanced Framework for Customer Segmentation in CRM: A Case Study
(Jongwook Yoon, Dan J. Kim, Jongsoo Yoon and Yoojung Kim)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Edge Detection Method in Thershoded Image
(Naglaa Yehya Hassan and Norio Akamatsu)
- Query Evaluation of Heterogeneous Multidatabase Systems using Coloured
Petri Nets (Pe-Te Chen, Yu-Tsai Chen and Chen-Chau Yang)
- A Novel Approach for Blocking Unauthorized Access on the Internet
(Chun-Xiang Chen)
- Sign-only Synthesis (Hiroshi Kondo, Zhimei Yang, Takaharu Koda and Lifeng Zhang)
- A New Method of Dynamic Full-Text Search Method using ID Management System
(El-Sayed Atlam)
- Efficient Cost Functions for Solving 8-Puzzle with the A* Algorithm based
On Statistics of Distribution of Tiles (Takatoshi Horibata, Yusuke Sakai and Osami Yamamoto)
- On the Research of a Kind of Heat Resistance Steel with Low Carbon and
High Chromium (Li Si-Xian)

Vol.10, No.2, March, 2007
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Hybrid Approach of the MCDA : Application to the Project of the Localization
Of a Site for the Implantation of a Dam in the Western Region of Morocco
(Abdessadek Tikniouine and Abdelaziz Elfazziki)
- On the Online Dial-A-Ride Problem with Time-Windows
(Fanglei Yi, Yinfeng Xu and Chunlin Xin)
- Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics for Matters-(III) Integral Particle-Hole
-Antiparticle Representation (Hiroyuki Matsuura, Tetsuya Nemoto, Nobuo Noda,
Kazuhara Koida and Masahiro Nakano)
- On the Utility of a Bilateral System
(Hideki Sawada and Qing Fang)
- A Particular Preconditioning Technique for Symmetric Complex Matrix
(Moethuthu, Noriko Okamoto, Akira Shiode, Masanobu Kakihara, Seiji Fujino
and Toru Otsuru)
- Wobbling Motions in 182Os Expected Through the Generator Coordinate
Method based on the Three-Dimensional Cranked HFB
(Yukio Hashimoto and Takatoshi Horibata)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Human Capital, Expanding Product Variety and Sustained Growth (Hideo Noda)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Theoretical Multimedia Synchronization Framework for E-Learning System
(Xiaoye Dai and Sabin Tabirca)
- Approximate Calculation Method for Sum of Mean Square Value of Nonstationary Response
(Shigeru Aoki and Azusa Fukano)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Noshirofs Ventilation System and its Application
(Tsai Cheng Yen, Masao Igarashi, Yukio Yanagaisawa and Eiji Nunohiro)
- Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Hydrogen Storing in Clathrate Hydrates
(Masahiro Nakano, Hiroyuki Matsuura, Hajime Endou, Tadahiro Kin,
Ken-ichi Makino, Kazuharu Koide and Nobuo Noda)
- Establishing Methods and Analytical Examples for Empathic Understanding
As Technological Competency in Nursing
(Chiemi Kawanishi, Kyoko Osaka, Tetsuya Tanioka, Rozzano C Locsin, Toshiko Tada,
Shu-ichi Ueno, Fuji Ren, Kazuyuki Matumoto and Shunji Mituyoshi)

Vol.10, No.3, May, 2007
- A Special Issue for the Convergence Computing
(Prof. Jin Suk Kim, Korea and Prof. Sung Y Shin, USA)
- PREFACE (Jin Suk Kim and Sung Y Shin)
- Frequency Synchronization based on Adaptive Diversity in OFDM-WLAN systems
(Jun Young Kim and Sekchin Chang)
- A Load-balancing Algorithm for Monte Carlo Simulations in Peer-to-Peer Systems
(Seok Myun Kwon, Jin Suk Kim and Sung Y. Shin)
- A New Density-based Misuse Detection Method in Network Intrusion Detection
(Han-joon Kim, Keun-tae Kim and Min-young Ahn)
- Autonomic Service Reconfiguration for Fault-Tolerant Ubiquitous Computing
(Eun-kyung Kim and Yoonhee Kim)
- An Adaptive High-Resolution Frequency Synchronizer for OFDM-WLAN Systems
(Jong Rok Kim and Sekchin Chang)
- A Scheduling and Selection Algorithm with Co-allocation Scheme for Grid Computing Systems
(Seok Myun Kwon and Jin Suk Kim)
- Categorizing Influential Patents using Bibliometric Analysis of Patent Citations Network
(OhJin Kwon, Jinny Seo, KyoungRan Noh, JeongHo Kim, Jin Suk Kim and Sung Y. Shin)
- Tracing Knowledge Flows using Science and Technology Indicators
(Kyungran Noh, Wanjong Kim, Ohjin Kwon, Yong-Hee Yae, Hee-Yoon Choi)
- Discovery of Promising Business Items by Keyword Analysis of US Patents
(Byoung-Youl Coh and Hyun-Sook Roh)
- Network Analysis of Solar Cell-Related Patent Information
(Hyuck Jai Lee, Jongseok Kang and Yeongho Moon)
- Evaluation of an Individualfs Scientific Productivity using Author Rank
(Wan-Jong Kim and Jinny Seo)

Vol.10, No.4, July, 2007
- A Special Issue in the 10th Anniversary Commemoration of CASEJ
- Robust Control Design for Stochastic Jump Systems with Multi-State@and Input Delays
(Jianjun Cui, Yan Shi and Magdi S. Mahmoud)
- A Heuristics Solution with Fuzzy C-means Method
(Hiroaki Watanabe and Lei Li)
- Senior Citizens and Internet Usage in Japan
(Wei Zhou and Shigeki Yokoi)
- The Architecture of Old Mitsui Bank Hiroshima Branch and its Changing Process
(Ming Li)
- An Algorithm DMABR for Robot Group Control
(Jia He and Shuxiang Guo)
- An Evolutionary Algorithm with Comparison of Three Generations
(Ryo Akamatsu and Lei Li)
- Vehicle-Pedestrian Discrimination in Traffic Surveillance Movies
(Jian Kato)
- Weld Joint Modeling and Representation on Assembly Structure for Knowledge-Based Design Support Systems
(Zhihua Zhang)
- Research of Internationalizing Chinese Software (1)
(Wei Gao, Shengping Jiang, Guoping Wu, Youchun Zhang and Yang Zhang)
- Contents Distribution Technology over the Internet
(Zhou Su and Zhihua Zhang)
- Preparation of Tofu Refuse - biodegradable Polymer Composites and Studies on Their Mechanical Properties
(Jianhui Qiu, Hiroshi Nagaoka and Min Zhang)
- Development of Biomass Materials using the Marine alga
(Hao Sun, Xiulun Wang, Koji Kito, Kunio Sato and Hirokazu Fujii)
- Advance in Study on Functional Lipids
(Yuming Wang)

Vol.10, No.5, September, 2007
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Stability Property of Runge-Kutta Methods for a System of Equations with Piecewise Continuous Arguments
(Chisato Suzuki and Ken-ichiro Mitsuda)
- Cost Allocation of Internet Links : A Game Theoretical Approach
(Zehai Zhou)
- Discretized Fractional Calculus with Chebyshev Series Expansion
(Tsuyako Miyakoda)
- Precise Ranking for a Large-Scale Examination by Means of Oshima-Hofuku Method
(Kunio Oshima and Ichiro Hofuku)
- Blind Source Separation Using Time-Frequency Information Matrix Given By Several Wavelet Transforms
(Ryuichi Ashino, Keiko Fujita, Takeshi Mandai, Akira Morimoto and Kiyoaki Nishihara)
- Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics for Matters-(IV) Necessity of Renormalization and its Significance
(Hiroyuki Matsuura, Tetsuya Nemoto, Nobuo Noda, Kazuhara Koide and Masahiro Nakano)
- A New Approach to Exponential Stability of the Cohen-Grossberg Model
(Luo Nanlin and Xiao Shengzhong)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- (Invited Paper) Trends in High Performance Computing with Low Power
(Tadao Nakamura)
- Adaptive Intelligent Control Based on Parallel State Space Partitioning For Optimal Fed-batch Biocontrol
(Andrei Doncescu, Zhan Zhang, Yoh-Han Pao and Laurence T. Yang)
- A Neural Obfuscator for Java Program
(Mineki Okura, Ayumi Maruyama and Kazuyuki Murase)
- Decision Trees Approach for Anomaly Intrusion Detection
(Tomokazu Nagata, Jaeho Lee, Wenhung Su, Atsushi Kinjo, Tadashi Shiroma, Yuji Taniguchi and Shiro Tamaki)
- Disambiguation of Field Association Terms using Co-occurrence Information
(Ghada Elmarhomy, Uddin Md. Sharif, Elsayed Atlam, Kazuhiro Morita,Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe)
- Neuro-Fuzzy Classification of Fatigue Bill by the Similarity Grade of Acoustic Signal
(Dongshik Kang, Kazuyoshi Ohyama and Hayao Miyagi)
- A Walking Support Machine with Mechanical Devices to Prevent Patientfs Falling and Relieve Patientfs Weight
(Yoshihiro Kai, Naoki Fujii, Tetsuya Tanioka, Kenichi Sugawara and Rozzano C Locsin)
- A Cache Memory Prioritizing Long Waiting Load Instructions
(Yusuke Hasegawa, Ken-ichi Suzuki and Tadao Nakamura)
- Detection of Bot Worm-Infected PC Terminals
(Dennis A. Ludena Romana, Yasuo Musashi, Ryuichi Matsuba and Kenichi Sugitani)
- The Row and Column Cache and its Management Policies
(Ken-ichi Suzuki, Ryusuke Egawa and Tadao Nakamura)
- Scaling Effects in Combinational Logic Circuit Design
(Ryusuke Egawa, Tasku Itoh, Tomoyuki Inoue, Ken-ichi Suzuki,Tadao Nakamura and Jubei Tada)
- Performance Evaluation of a Dictionary Management System for a Screen Reader
(Hiroto Kikuchi, Hong Shen and Tadao Nakamura)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Functions Required for Walking Supporting Devices to Improve the Level of Elderly Peoplefs Quality of Life in Japan
(Toshiko Tada, Yasuko Matsushita, Tetsuya Tanioka, Ruriko Yamashita, Sumiko Yamamoto, Sachiko Okamoto, Sachiko Hara, Chiemi Kawanishi,
Chiemi Onishi, Shu-ichi Ueno and Haruo Kobayashi)

Vol.10, No.6, November, 2007
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Convergence of Asynchronous Parallel Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis
(Jie Hu)
- Parallel Differential Evolutionary Algorithms for Parameters Estimation In Fermentation Process
(Laurent Manyri and Andrei Doncescu)
- Verification of Solutions for Linear Equations by RICCG Method
(Takuma Kimura)
- Physical Principle of Flagella Motor ? Stochastic Resonance, Coherent State and Quantum Theory -
(Hiroyuki Matsuura, Masahiro Nakano, Kazuharu Koide, Nobuo Nada, Yasumi Ito and Tetsuya Nemoto)
- A Progressive 3D-Meshing Algorithm for Interactive Simulation of Soft Bodies
(Tomoyuki Saoi, Hiroyuki Takizawa and Hiroaki Kobayashi)
- Testing for Serial Correlation in Multivariate Least Absolute Deviations Regression
(Abd EL-Nasser M. Salem)
- A Method of Intelligent Search to Answer Queries in Relational Databases
(Ashit Kumar Dutta, Ranjit Biswas and Abdul Quaiyum Ansari)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Estimation of Cooperation Behaviors - Six Categories from Experimental Data -
(Hideki Fujiyama)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Database for Evaluating Extracted Terms and System for Extracting Terms
(Masaki Murata, Qing Ma, Tamotsu Shirado, Toshiyuki Kanamaru and Hitoshi Isaharu)
- A Curriculum Ensuring Information Literacy (IL) : An Indonesian - Japanese Institutional Mission
(Linda Indrayanti, Norio Iriguchi, Titon Dutono and Tsuyoshi Usagawa)
- Magnetothermal Convection of Paramagnetic Gas
(Masato Akamatsu and Mitsuo Higano)
- Recovering Surrounding Environment Structure by Spherical Stereo
(Shigang Li, Kiyotaka Fukumori and Shinichi Tekuramori)
- A Method of Vague Search to Answer Queries in Relational Databases
(Smita Rajpal, M. N. Doja and Ranjit Biswas)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Detection System of Cardiac Wall Motion Abnormality by an Asynergy Using the Neural Network
(Yasue Mitsukura and Keiko Sato)
- Detection Method of Music to Match Users Mood in Prefrontal Cortex EEG Activity
(Shin-ichi Ito, Yasue Mitsukura, Hiroko Nakamura Miyamura, Takafumi Saito, Minoru Fukumi and Jianting Cao)

Vol.11, No.1, January, 2008
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Bi-Double Stone Algebras and Rough Sets
(S.EL-Assar and E-Ghareeb)
- A Geometrical Interpretation for Fast Numerical Simulation by Electromagnetic -Hydrodynamics
(Katsuyoshi Sotani)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Medium and Small-Sized Business Policies of the Shifted Period in China
- On the Case Study of the Shanghai City -
(Zhiyong Zang)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- The Technique of Emotion Recognition Based on Electroencephalogram
(Kyoko Osaka, Seiji Tsuchiya, Fuji Ren, Shingo Kuroiwa, Tetsuya Tanioka and Rozzano C. Locsin)
- Measurement and Analysis of Human Characteristics of Directional Memory By Electroencephalography for the Brain-Computer Interface System
(Dashun Wang and Jinglong Wu)
- Protocol-Selective Streaming System based on Network State
(Atsushi Kinjo, Satoshi Gima, Tadashi Shiroma, Tomokazu Nagata, Yuji Taniguchi and Shiro Tamaki)
- Power Line Communications (PLC) Home Network System
(Lifeng Huang)
- Research of Internationalizing Chinese Software (2) -- Solution for Typical Problems in Separating Resources of Chinese Software
(Yang Zhang, Shengping Jiang, Youchun Zhang, Guoping Wu and Wei Gao)
- Interpolation Method Based on Point Matching for 3D Medical Images
(Guoyue Chen, Min Zhu, Yaoqin Xie and Shanglian Bao)
- A Survey for Research of the Organic Pollutants in Reduction System of Contaminated Water by the Zero-Valent Iron
(Si-Xian Li)
- ICMP Type 3 Messages Analysis and Payload Matching for Unknown Worms Detection
(Tomokazu Nagata, Wenhung Su, JaeHo Lee, Atsushi Kinjo, Tadashi Shiroma, Yuji Taniguchi and Shiro Tamaki)

Vol.11, No.2, March, 2008
- A Special Issue for the 11th Symposium of the Setouchi-rim JSIAM Local Research Group
- The Gauss-Seidel Method with the Preconditioner (I+rG) Faster then the Generalized SOR Method
(Hiroshi Niki and Toshiyuki Kohno)
- Local Crank-Nicolson Method for Solving the Nonlinear Diffusion Equation
(Abdurishit Abduwali, Toshiyuki Kohno and Hiroshi Niki)
- A Direct Identification Method of a Point Source for 3-Dimensional Scalar Wave Equation
(Hirokazu Inui and Kohzaburo Ohnaka)
- Analysis by Macroscopic Model Using Optimal Velocity Model in Two-lane Traffic Flow
(Itaru Hataue and Shuji Suzuki)
- A Numerical Conformal Mapping onto the Parallel Slit Domain and the Laurent Expansion of Mapping Functions
(Tao Li, Dai Okano and Kaname Amano)
- On Speeding up Encoding Performance of a Lossless Image Encoding by a Predictive Position Modeling with a Reference Block
(Kei Inoue)
- Transformation from an Unrestricted LR(k) Grammar into an Unrestricted LR(1) Grammar
(Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Hiromitsu Shiina and Sigeru Masuyama)
- Natural Ventilation Systems for a Malted Rice Room of the Meiji Era and its Applications
(Masao Igarashi and Tsai Cheng Yen)
- Statistical Test of the Order Predicted by the Transformational Group Structure Theory
(Toshio Konishi, Dai Okano and Kaname Amano)

Vol.11, No.3, May, 2008
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Quantum Circuits, Path and Quantum Bifurcations - For Basic of
Quantum Computation and Circuit -
(Hiroyuki Matsuura)
- Human and Social Sciences
- On International Technology Transfer Through Licensing
(Hideo Noda)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Systematization of the Reasoning Model Treating Fuzzy Events
(Rumiko Azuma, Hayao Miyagi and Takeo Okazaki)
- Proposal of Classification Method of Color Impression Considering
the Individual Characteristics
(Keiko Sato, Yasue Mitsukura, Hiroko Miyamura and Minoru Fukumi)
- Userfs Preferred Content Types in Using the WiBro Service
(Yoojung Kim and Jongsoo Yoon)
- Development of the Distributed Network Storage in Consideration
of The Confidentiality of Data Storage
(Tomokazu Nagata, Horonobu Yonaha, Yutaka Yonamine, Yuji Taniguchi
and Shiro Tamaki)
- Hybrid Multiprocessor Scheduling for Task Graphs without
Communication Costs
(Mitsuru Nakata, Qi-Wei Ge, Hironori Youhata, Takashi Otsuka and Hirotoshi Tonou)
- Performance Evaluation of Loop-Structured-Computer by Applying
Pairwise Sequence Alignment
(Kenji Ichijo, Nobuaki Kikuchi, Yoshio Yoshioka and Toshio Shimizu)
- Studies on Japanese Expressions Including English Expressions
(Masaki Murata, Toshiyuki Kanamaru, Koichiro Nakamoto, Katsunori Kotani and Hitoshi Isahara)
- Robust Eye Tracking for Practical Use
(Takuya Akashi, Yuji Wakasa, Kanya Tanaka and Minoru Fukumi)

Vol.11, No.4, July, 2008
- Human and Social Sciences
- Analyses of Chinafs Price Fluctuation Using Structural VAR Model (Yan Zhang)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- System Displaying Differences between Claims and Matching of Claims with
Corresponding Parts in Embodiments (Masaki Murata, Tamotsu Shirado, Toshiyuki
Kanamaru and Hitoshi Isahara)
- Extended TAM for Accepting Mobile Devices Including Technological Attributes :
The Case of Cellular Phone (Sora Kang, Jong Oh Lee, Jaehoon Whang and Hyemi Um)
- Sentence Alignment based on the Text Length between Punctuation Marks
(Mohamed Abdel Fattah and Fuji Ren)
- A Max-Min Ant System Algorithm with MAX Selection (Masato Ogawa and Lei Li)
- Sino-Japanese Agricultural Trade Friction and Dynamic State
(Yaokui Liu, Ruiqin Bi and Hongxiong Yang)
- Wide-area Head Tracking for VR Environment from Spherical Images
(Shigang Li, Fumiyoshi Ishizawa and Norishige Chiba)
- Text Summarization Using Articles and Weight Inverse Frequency
(Elsayed Atlam)
- A Probability Movement Method for the Affordable Neural Network
(Hirokazu Nakamura and Lei Li)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Atomic Force Microscopic Observation of Nucleosomes Consisting
of Core Histones and DNA Promoter Regions
(Akira Takashima, Hisayo Sadamoto, Akiko Okuta and Etsuro Ito)

Vol.11, No.5, September, 2008
- A Special Issue for the Convergence Technology and
Information Convergence (Guest Editors: Prof. Han-joon Kim, University of Seoul, Korea, and
Prof. Sung Y Shin, South Dakota State University, USA)
- A Hybrid Scheduling for Mobile Interactive Data Broadcasting
(Sang Hyuk Kang)
- Checking Policy Enforcement in an Access Control Aspect Model
(Eunjee Song, Robert France, Indrakshi Ray and Hanil Kim)
- A Task Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems
(Undrakh Badral and Jin Suk Kim)
- Non-Disturbance Scheduling based on User Usage Pattern for Volunteer Computing
(Jang Won Choi, JiHyun Choi, Chan Yeol Park, PillWoo Lee, ChongSun Hwang and SangKeun Lee)
- A Parallel Dynamic Convex Hull Algorithm based on M2M Model
(YingPeng Zhang, Qiong Chen, Zhizhou Zhang, ZhiMing Zhou and ShengZhou Luo)
- Dirty-paper Watermarking by Orthogonal Arcs with Trellis-Coded Modulation
(Hee Keun Song, Bum Gon Kim, In Jun Park and Yong Cheol Kim)
- Performance Evaluation on Managing XML Documents with Native XML Databases
(Min-Young Ahn, Han-joon Kim)
- Extended Model Design for Quality Factor Based Web Service Management
(YunHee Kang and KyungWoo Kang)
- The Research about the Grid Delegation Service using the SPKI Certificate
(Seoung Hyeon Lee, Jae Seung Lee, Jae-Kwang Lee)
- Development of Fault Tolerant Linux Kernel 2.6 with Backward Error Recovery
(Sung Y. Shin, Hyungbae Park, Jiman Hong and Haklin Kimm)
- An Enhanced Retrieval Tool for EJB Components for Components Based Software Development
(Chang Oan Sung, Sun-Ae Shin, Jung Yeop Kim and Misook Choi)
- An Intra-Task DVS Scheme Exploiting Tree-Based WCET Analyses for High-Security
Low-Performance Systems (Soong Hyun Shin and Seong Tae Jhang)
- Early Start Prediction to Tolerate Branch Prediction Latency
(Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon)
- Energy Effective Branch Prediction Logic for High Performance Embedded Processors
(Sunghoon Shim, Cheol Hong Kim and Chu Shik Jhon)

Vol.11, No.6, November, 2008
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- The Loewner-Neville Factorization of Generalized Matrices with
Consecutive-Column and ?Row Properties (Weidong Xu, Weijun Xu and Chongfeng Wu)
- Exact Solutions for Generalized KdV Equation with Variable Coefficients
(Wang Jinzhi, Chen Wanji, Xiao Shengzhong and Mei Jianqin)
- Trend of Japanese Divorce
(Hiroyuki Matsuura, Masahiro Nakano, Nobuo Noda, Kazuharu Koide,
Makoto Yamanaka, Tetuya Nemoto and Yasumi Ito)
- Robust Fuzzy Stabilization of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Input-Delay
(Shaocheng Qu and Shengzhong Xiao)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- On Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computers
(Lei Li, Qian Li and Yoshio Yoshioka)
- A Non-Commutative Multiplication Hash Function
(Ryusuke Koide, Tomoyuki Nagase and Yoshio Yoshioka)
- Adoption of Mobile Games as Entertainment Technology : A Test of
Extended Technology Acceptance Model (Mi-Ryang Kim, Tae Ung Kim and Jaehyoun Kim)
- An Attack Against the Cryptosystem using Sum of Powers of Public Key
of Ansai-Hayata-Kobayashi (Akira Hayashi)
- Rethinking Internet Portals : An e-Inclusion Penetration Perspective
(Seungbong Park, Min-Kyo Seo, Min-Suk Yoon and Yong-Min Kim)
- Toward the Design and Implementation of Content Protection Model in
UCC (User Created Content) Environments (Seng-Pil Hong and Sungmin Kang)
- Face Detection from Near-Infrared Camera Images for Driver Dozing
(Yasue Mitsukura, Hironobu Fukai and Minoru Fukumi)
- Development of Automatic Trend Exploration System using MuST Data Collection
(Masaki Murata, Koji Ichii, Qing Ma, Tamotsu Shirado, Toshiyuki Kanamaru,
Sachiyo Tsukawaki and Hitoshi Isahara)
- Restriction of the Teacher Signal in the Digital Type BP Learning Algorithm
(Yoshimitsu Zobuchi and Lei Li)

Vol.12, No.1, January, 2009
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Pseudocomplemented Bilattices (S.EL-Assar and E-Ghareeb)
- A New Approach for Vendor Evaluation and Selection Based on Maximizing
Deviation Multiple Attribute Decision (Qi Sun, Jianhua Ji and Weijun Xu)
- Competitive Analysis of the On-line Replacement Problems with Continuous Time
(Chunlin Xin, Fanglei Yi and Yinfeng Xu)
- Estimation for the Size of Fragile Population in the Trunsored and
Truncated Models with Application to the Confidence Interval for The Case Fatality
Ration of SARS (Hideo Hirose)
- Hierarchical Aggregation Methods Based on Weighted Combination Operators
(Xiaohan Yu and Zeshui Xu)
- Approximate Calculation Method for Integral of Mean Square Value of Nonstationary
Response of Secondary System (Shigeru Aoki and Azusa Fukano)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Patent Duration, Innovative Performance, and Technology Diffusion
(Hideo Noda)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Hierarchical Approach for Active Mobile Robot Localization
(Hongjun Zhou and Shigeyuki Sakane)
- Non-Factoid Japanese Question Answering System Using Passage
Retrieval that is Weighted Based on Types of Answers
(Masaki Murata and Hitoshi Isahara)
- Feature Analysis for Age Estimation Using the GA and the SOM
(Hironobu Fukai, Yasue Mitsukura, Hironori Takimoto and Minoru Fukumi)
- Mapping Functions Between Image Color Features and KANSEI
(Xinyin Huang, Shouta Sobue, Tomoki Kanda and Yen-Wei Chen)
- The Study on the Information Security Audit Guideline for SCADA System
(ChulSoo Lee, Seng-phil Hong, Sungmin Kang and Jaehyoun Kim)
- A Model Checking Method of Soundness for Acyclic Workflow Nets
Using the SPIN Model Checker
(Shingo Yamaguchi, Munenori Yamaguchi and Minoru Tanaka)
- Design and Evaluation of LSC-Based DSP with 8-bit Wide Link
(Kenji Ichijo, Kazuki Niiyama and Yoshio Yoshioka)
- Statistic Information and Grammatical Features Based Emotion Recognition
For Chinese Split Phrases (Yu Zhang and Fuji Ren)
- Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging and 1H MR Spectroscopy for Studying
Prostate Cancer at 3 T without an Eendorectal Coil
(K. Maruyama, N. Mizuuchi, T. Moroi, C. Imura, I. Isobe, T. Usagawa, T. Sueyoshi and N. Iriguchi)
- Denial of Service Threats and Mitigation Techniques in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks
(Shafiullah Khan, Noor Mast and Kok-Keong Loo)
- Analysis of Pushing Manipulation by Humanoid Robot during Dynamic Walking
(Qiang Huang, Xuechao Chen, Junyao Gao, Dongyong JiaAnd Weimin Zhang)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Sequence Selection for Multiple Alignments of Transmembrane Proteins
(Takuhiro Nishio, Teruyuki Ohta, Sunao Kaneko and Toshio Shimizu)

Vol.12, No.2, March, 2009
- A Special Issue for IEEE International Conference
on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering 2008
(Editor: Prof. Fuji Ren, Tokushima University, Japan)
- Negative Expression Translation for Japanese and Chinese Machine Translation System
(Hong Zhang and Fuji Ren)
- Emotion Recognition Based on Negative Words and Pattern Matching For Chinese Negative Sentences
(Ye Wu and Fuji Ren)
- Disambiguating Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives
(Yunfang Wu, Miao Wang and Peng Jin)
- Merging Utterance Templates by Constraint Satisfaction in Automaton-Based Dialogue Systems
(Pierre Hankach, Laurence Danlos, Franck Panaget and Philippe Bretier)
- A Reordering Model Based on Shallow Parsing for Improving Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation Systems
(Yidong Chen, Xiaodong Shi, Changle Zhou and Qingyang Hong)
- Object Manipulation for a Humanoid Robot Based on an Integrated Control Strategy
(Qiang Huang, Dongyong Jia, Xiaopeng Chen, Ye Tian and Weimin Zhang)
- Balance Control of a Two-Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Mobile Robot
(Jingtao Li, Xingguang Duan, Xueshan Gao, Qiang Huang and Hui Li)
- To Extract Ontology Attribute Value Automatically Based on WWW
(Zhifang Sui and Qingliang Zhao)
- Automated Essay Scoring Using Set of Literary Sememes
(Tao-Hsing Chang, Pei-Yen Tsai, Chia-Hoang Lee and Hak-Ping Tam)
- The Effects of a Classic Self-Learning System Utilizing Pragmatics Information and Topic
(Ye Yang, Peilin Jiang and Fuji Ren)
- Chinese Query Expansion Based on Topic-Relevant Terms
(Tingting He, Xinhui Tu, Jing Luo and Fang Li)
- Retrieval Method of Example Sentence for Intelligent English Composition Support System
(Kazuyuki Matsumoto, Junko Matsumoto and Fuji Ren)
- A Clustering Based Approach for Domain Relevant Relation Extraction
(Yuhang Yang, Qin Lu and Tiejun Zhao)
- A Clustering Retrieval System of Chinese Information
(Sin-Guang Sha, Yuan-Chao Liu, Ming Liu and Xiao-Long Wang)
- English-Chinese Translation for Patent Titles Using Statistical Models
(Dongfeng Cai, Xiaoqing Lin, Duo Ji and Guiping Zhang)
- Automatic Identification of Non-Anaphoric Pronouns in Spoken Dialog
(Zhongchao Fei, Xuanjing Huang and Fuliang Weng)
- Exploring Words with Semantic Relations from Chinese Wikipedia
(Li Yun, Huang Kaiyan, Ren Fuji and Zhong Yixin)
- IE Based SMS Semantic Orientation Recognition
(Lei Li, Yonggui Yang, Yanquan Zhou and Yixin Zhong)

Vol.12, No.3, May, 2009
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Strongly Gamma-Generalized Closed Sets and Strongly Gamma-T1/2
Spaces (A.I. El-Maghrabi)
- An Assessment of the Parallel Preconditioners for the Large Symmetric
Generalized Eigenvalue Problems by CG-type Methods
(Sangback Ma and Ho-Jong Jang)
- Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Designing DNA
Codewords (Rui Zhang, Qiang Zhang and Bin Wang)
- On the Properties of Equilibrium Chance and Critical Value Functions
(Fang-Fang Hao)
- New Results for Online Bahncard Problem
(Lili Ding and Yinfeng Xu)
- Human and Social Sciences
- The Local Government Policy and the Development of Private Enterprises
In Wenzhou of China (Zhiqian Li, Hongliang Wang and Jianping Li)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Investigation of Coding Efficiency for Widening DCT Method
(Kanae Taniguchi)
- Distinguishing Japanese Question Sentences and Estimating the Number
Of Queries (Dongli Han)
- A Survey of Human Computer Interaction Models for the Disabled
(Feng Wang and Xiangshi Ren)
- Improvement of Convergence Speed for Multichannels ANC with Blind
Deconvolution of Reference Signals (Min Zhu, Guoyue Chen,
Kenji Muto, Huigang Wang and Kean Chen)
- Advanced Naive Bayes Text Classifier with Embedded Feature Weighting
Approach (Han-joon Kim)
- Measurement and Analysis of Binocular Perceptual Characteristics with
Peripheral Vision for the Development of Head Mounted Display with
Wide View (Xiaoguang Li, Chang Cai and Jinglong Wu)
- The Music Analysis Method Based on Melody Analysis
(Tsukasa Endo, Shin-ichi Ito, Yasue Mitsukura and Minoru Fukumi)
- An Implementations Method for Word Tendency Using Decision Tree
(El-Sayed Atlam, Kazukiro Morita, Masao Fuketa and Jun-ichi Aoe)
- The Parallel Computer LSC for Simulations of the Self-Reproduction Type
Model (Akiko Narita, Kenji Ichijo and Yoshio Yoshioka)
- A 3D Objects Retrieval System Based on One Fast and Simple Retrieval
Method (Zhenbao Liu, Jun Mitani, Yukio Fukui and Seiichi Nishihara)
- A Classification Based Residual Evaluation for Fault Detection and Isolation
(Mohammed Nabil Kabbaj, Youssef Nakkabi and Andrei Doncescu)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Visualizing Nerve Roots of the Spinal Cord Using a 3 T MRI without Contrast
Agents (N. Mizuuchi, K. Maruyama, T. Moroi, C. Imura, I. Isobe,
T. Usagawa, T. Sueyoshi and N. Iriguchi)
- T2 Weighted Isotropic Imaging of the Abdomen at 3T: Combination of
Variable-Refocusing-Flip-Angle Technique SPACE and Navigator Triggering
Technique PACE (Takashi Moroi, Katsuya Maruyama, Nobuo Mizuuchi,
Chiaki Imura, Itsuo Isobe, Tsuyoshi Usagawa, Toshinori Sueyoshi
And Norio Iriguchi)
- Assessment of a Questionnaire Used for an AIDS-Related KABP Survey
Among Physicians in China (Guoxi Cai, Jun Kang, Ling Shen,
Kaining Zhang, Xiangdong Min, Zhunyou Wu, Keming Rou,
Taro Yamamoto, Zhuo Zhang and Kazuhiko Moji)
- Detection and Recognition of Uterine Cervical Carcinoma Cells in Pap-Smears
Using Kapur Method and Morphological Features
(Kwang-Baek Kim, Doo Heon Song, Jae-Hyun Cho, Changsoo Kim and Young Woon Woo)

Vol.12, No.4, July, 2009
- A Special Issue for the 3rd International Conference
on Convergence Technology and Information Converge
(Editors: Prof. Sung Y. Shin, South Dakota State University, USA, and
Prof. Seong-Whan Kim, University of Seoul, Korea)
- A Discipline for Constructing Dynamic Intrusion Detection Systems
(Jung Yeop Kim, Rex E. Gantenbein, Chang Oan Sung and Hyung-Do Choi)
- Service Map for the Classified Services based on the Vertical and Horizontal Architecture
(Misook Choi, Junghwa Kang, Hyungbae Park and Sun-Ae Shin)
- An Efficient Reliability Enhancing Method for TLB Tag
(Soong Hyun Shin and Seong Tae Jang)
- SCUD : Smart Code Updating Design for Wireless Sensor Networks
(Hong Min, Sangho Yi, Bongjae Kim, Yookun Cho, Sangjun Lee and Jiman Hong)
- A Network Reliability Model for a Privilege Description and Management
(Soomi Yang, Yoon Gi Yang and Woo Shik Shin)
- Improved Simulation Comparison of Capacity Route Planner Algorithms
(Sung Y. Shin, Manki Min, Sangjun Park and Austin OfBrien)
- Capacity-Aware Routing with Hop-Count Constraint and Its Adaptivity
(Cheolgi Kim, Hyun-Gyu Kim, Yonggyu Kim and Joong Soo Ma)
- An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Maximizing Lifetime of Node in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
(Sangkyune Kim, Younho Jung, Cheol Hong Kim, Su-il Choi, Seong-Whan Kim and Jaehyung Park)
- A Study on Coverage of Wireless Sensor Networks
(Seok Myun Kwon and Jin Suk Kim)
- Coordinated Differential Movement for Dynamic Coverage Maintenance of Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
(Ngoc Son Han, Seong Whan Kim and Jin Suk Kim)
- A Method to Make the Genealogical Graph of Core Documents From the Directed Citation Network
(Ohjin Kwon, Bangrae Lee, Jinny Seo, Kyeongran Noh, Jinjoo Lee and Jinsuk Kim)
- Processing Gain and Fixed Weights of a Recursive Single Parity Check Product Code
(In Jun Park, Bumgon Kim and Yong Cheol Kim)
- A Refining Method for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
(Min-Seok Kim, IL-Ho Yang, Ha-Jin Yu and Jin-Suk Kim)
- Improving Hybrid Flash-Disk Storage Through Intelligent Prefetching : A Data Mining Approach
(Un-Keun Yoon, Han-Joon Kim and Jaehyuk Cha)
- LDPC Decoding of Constant Amplitude Multi-Code
(Tongsok Kim and Yong Cheol Kim)
- u-TransitNET : Researches on the User-Controlled Path-Shortening for the Reduction of the Path-Delay in Detoured R&E Networks
(Hyoung Woo Park, Sangwan Kim, Jongsuk Ruth Lee, HaengJin Jang and Kumwon Cho)

Vol.12, No.5, September, 2009
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Functionally Fitted Runge-Kutta Methods : A Survey
(Kazufumi Ozawa)
- Dependence of Structure of Flow Simulation Results on Random Errors
(Itaru Hataue)
- Development of Cell-Independent Dual-Reciprocal Boundary-Node Method
(Ayumu Saitoh, Susumu Nakata, Satoshi Tanaka and Atsushi Kamitani)
- A Rapid Iterative Algorithm for LCP
(Junji Kuwajima and Lei Li)
- An Analysis on the Probability Distribution of the Number of Hops Required
For Content Lookups in Chord Networks
(Keiichi Endo)
- Multiagent Simulation on Product Diffusion Process : From Chasm to Cascade
(Atsushi Tanaka and Kiminori Haga)
- Secure Communication based on Chaotic Modulation and Adaptive Synchronization Technology
(Shaocheng Qu, Wenhui Tian, Meijing Gong, Shenzhong Xiao and Li Sha)
- A Law of Large Numbers for Fuzzy Random Variables
(Yanju Chen)
- Hybrid Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making
(Hua Zhao, Zeshui Xu, Mingfang Ni and Feng Cui)
- Human and Social Sciences
- The Study of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in the SMEs Credit Evaluation
- A Case Study in Zhenjiang China
(Li, Xin)
- A Longitudinal Study on the Effects of IT Investment from the Perspective of
Transaction Processing Cost : A Korean Case
(Jaemin Han, Jongsoo Yoon and Gillsun Choi)
- Design and Implementation of an Application Service Providing Solution Based on Web 2.0
(Junghoon Shin, Seungpyo Hong, Sangjun Lee and Jisook Park)
- Development Study of Evaluation Indexes for Internet Business Models
(Min Sun Kim, Young-Ah Rhee and Hyo-Gun Kym)
- Strategic Use of Resources in Mobile Payment : The Case of Korea
(Seungbong Park, Jun-Suk Lee and Min-Suk Yoon)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Mechanical Properties and Morphologies Observation of Biodegradable
Polymer Composites Filled with Rice Straw
(Takuya Murata, Jianhui Qiu, Min Zhang, MingZhu Lin, Liang Shao, Makoto Kudo and Yi Li)
- Analysis of Masking Signal Based EMD Method and Application
(Hongying Hu, Shengzhong Xiao and Fuliang Yin)
- Fuzzy Timed Petri Nets and the Performance Analysis
(Zuohua Ding, Qi-Wei Ge and Jueliang Hu)
- Word Sense Indicators: Effective Feature for Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation
(Changqin Quan, Fuji Ren and Tingting He)
- Recommendation Systems and Their Preference Prediction Algorithms in a Large-Scale Database
(Seiji Takimoto and Hideo Hirose)

Vol.12, No.6, November, 2009
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- The Planar Network Representation of Factorizations of Strictly Totally
Positive Matrices (Weidong Xu, Qi Sun and Yucheng Dong)
- Fast QR Decomposition by Using Blocked Gram-Schmidt Methods with
Cholesky Factorization (Yohsuke Hosoda and Takemitsu Hasegawa)
- Concept Lattices Determined by an Inclusion Degree
(Bin Xie, Ju-Sheng Mi and Jing Liu)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Quality and Technology Levels Research of Chinese Construction Material
Exports using the Gravity Model (Yu Song and Fanglei Yi)
- Ideas in Japanfs ODA and the Assistance for China (Gao Wen)
- A Comparative Analysis on the Role of Social Presence and Emotion in
UCC Use According to UCC Usage Type (Yoo Jung Kim and Sora Kang)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Bowl Trajectory Detection for Bowling Game Videos
(Jiann-Shu Lee)
- Estimation of Apparent Age from Face Image based on Age Perception
(Hironori Takimoto, Hironobu Fukai, Yasue Mitsukura and Minoru Fukumi)
- Digital Watermarking Encryption by Utilizing DNA Sequence and Chaotic
System (Xianglian Xue, Qiang Zhang, Xiaopeng Wei and Qian Wang)
- An Efficient Calculation Method for the Number of Code Words with Minimum
Weight of High Rate Binary Cyclic Codes (Zheyu Li and Kai Sun)
- Multisensory Interactions of Audiovisual Stimuli Presented at Different
Location in Visual-Attention Tasks (Qi Li and Jinglong Wu)
- A Cache Replacement Algorithm for Improving of Service Response Time
(Tomokazu Nagata, Yuji Taniguchi and Shiro Tamaki)
- Mobile Interaction System for Context Aware Electronic Devices
(Jinsuk Kang, Jaehyoun Kim, Gyungleen Park and Taikyeong Jeong)
- Chinese New Word Detection and POS Tagging Based on DUCRF
(Xiao Sun, Degen Huang and Fuji Ren)
- An Open-Buffet Education Framework Addressing IT Undergraduate
Disciplines (Mustafa Ilkan, Hasan Amca and Ersun Iscioglu)
- Greedy Binary Search and Feature Subset Selection
(Myung-Mook Han and Dong-Hui Li)

Vol.13, No.1, January, 2010
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Online Algorithm for Ski Rental with Promotion Strategy
(Bin Liu, Wentian Cui, Chunlin Xin and Shaobai Kan)
- Searching for a Line with Fixed Distance and Slope Set in the Plane
(Maolin Hu, Weijun Xu and Hongyi Li)
- Solutions to Fuzzy Linear Systems
(Yuanguo Zhu, Jyrki Joutsensalo and Timo Hamalainen)
- Online Dial-A-Ride Problem with Deadlines and Incomplete Information
(Fanglei Yi, Yu Song and Yinfeng Xu)
- Point Set with the Property of Almost Periodicity, Semi-conjugacy and Chaos
(Lidong Wang, Heng Liu, Xiao Shengzhong and Yu'e Yang)
- Similarity Measures between Fuzzy Variables and their Application to Pattern
Recognition (Xiaozhong Li, Ruiqing Zhao and Wansheng Tang)
- Spatial Behavior of Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear Viscoelasticity
Equations (Yan Liu, Wenhui Liao and Shengzhong Xiao)
- A Method Based on Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Entropy for
Multiple Attribute Decision Making
(Qi Chen, Zeshui Xu, Shousheng Liu and Xiaohan Yu)
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on the CRM Developmental Stage Model
(Min Sun Kim, Jeong-hee Kim and Hyogun Kym)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Investigation on Human Visual and Auditory Calculation Mechanism by
Event Related Potential (Jinglong Wu and Noriyosi Kakura)
- Recent Research Development on Condition Diagnosis of Rotating
Machinery Part A : Diagnosis Method Based on Feature Extraction
(Huaqing Wang, Ke Li, Peng Chen and Shuming Wang)
- A TCP Communication Performance Improvement Method Considering
Congestion Status of Network (Tomokazu Nagata, Yuji Taniguchi and Shiro Tamaki)
- A Human Tracking System on the Robot with Face Detection
(Satoru Suzuki, Yasue Mitsukura and Shin-ichi Ito)
- New Spherical Analysis Method for 3D Shape Matching
(Zhenbao Liu, Jun Mitani, Yukio Fukui, Zhongsheng Wang and Chao Zhang)
- Research on Clustering Technology Based on Manual Feedback
(Ming Liu, Xiao-Long Wang and Yuan-Chao Liu)
- Design of HMM based Context-Awareness System for Individual Exercise
Management Service (SangHyun Park and HeeJoung Hwang)
- A Dynamic Classifier with Adaptive Cost Optimization
(Xiaolin Chen, Enmin Song, Guangzhi Ma and Chih-Cheng Hung)
- Biodiesel Production from Waste Food Oil by Means of Ultrasonic
Energy and Combustion Properties as Engine Fuel
(Aiping Shi, Yibing Wang, Ning Zhu, Lihua Ye and Yinli Zhang)
- Measurement of T2 Relaxation Time and Fiber Orientation Degree of
Collagen Gel Exposed to a Magnetic Field
(Michihiro Takeuchi, Shoogo Ueno, Tsuyoshi Usagawa, Toshinori Sueyoshi,
Masaki Sekino and Norio Iriguchi)

Vol.13, No.2, March, 2010
- A Special Issue on the 4th International Conference
on Convergence Technology and Information Converge
(Guest Editors: Prof. Seong Tae Jhang, Prof. Gwangil Jeon and Prof. Jin Suk Kim)
- Novel Interface Failure Tolerant Schemes for Wireless Mesh Networks
(Yonggyu Kim, Myunghwan Seo, Myungin Ji and Joongsoo Ma)
- Similarity Measure for Semantic Document Interconnections
(Myunggwon Hwang, Dongjin Choi, Junho Choi, Hanil Kim and Pankoo Kim)
- A Scalable Bluetooth Ad-hoc Network Formation Scheme
(Cheolgi Kim)
- A Performance Study for Route Tracking of Moving Magnetic Object With Context Awareness
(Seung-Jin Moon)
- Contents Database Structure based on 5W1H using Multi-Dimension And Agent
(Daeki Hong, Jaehoon Ahn, Sangho Yi, Hyungbae Park, Namyong Lee and Dongho Kim)
- Efficient Web Services Composition Search System based on a Reachability
(Daewook Lee, Joonho Kwon and Sangjun Lee)
- Contribution of Processing Gain in Turbo Decoding of a Recursive Single
Parity Check Product Code (Su Won Chon and Yong Cheol Kim)
- Systematic Approach for Monitoring Competitorfs Technological Challenges
based upon Patent Analysis (Jong Seok Kang, Hyuck Jai Lee and Yeong Ho Moon)
- Analysis of the Topology-Independent Node Duplication Method
(Boncheol Gu, Yookun Cho, Gwangil Jeon, Junyoung Heo, Chang Oan Sung and Minkyu Park)
- Branch Pre-Prediction : A Method for Hiding Branch Prediction Latency
(Ju-Hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Soomi Yang, Sung Y. Shin and Chu Shik Jhon)
- Hardware-based Thermal-Aware Register-Renaming Technique in Microprocessors
(Jungwook Kim and Seong Tae Jhang)
- INFLAWARE : Integrated Flash Memory Software Architecture for
Interoperability, Reconfigurability and Performance Enhancement
(Yoojin Chung, Seungjae Baek and Jongmoo Choi)
- Energy Aware Hamming Encoder for False Hit Detection in Data Cache
(Young-Sik Eom, Soong-Hyun Shin and Seong-Tae Jhang)
- Defect Map Remapping Scheme for Defect Concealment of On-Chip Video Memories
due to Parameter Fluctuation in Circuits
(Kang Yi, Shih-Yang Cheng, Fadi J. Kurdahi and Kyeong Hoon Jung)
- Program Research for Facilitating Science Business
(Eun-Sun Kim, Hyuk Hahn and Ji-Ho Park)
- A Novel Ranking Technique for Opinion Search
(Hong-joon Yoon, Han-joon Kim, Jae-young Chang and Jaehyuk Cha)
- An Efficient Platform Design for Servicing Location-based Cultural Contents
(Byeongsun Song, Bongjae Kim, Hong Min, Sungyul Rhew and Jiman Hong)
- Analysises and Implementations for Phase Identifications of Power Lines
(Jae-Jo Lee and Sugoog Shon)

Vol.13, No.3(A), May, 2010
A Special Issue on the 5th International Conference on Information
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Study of Strategy Optimization for Facility Location of Reverse Logistic
Network Based on Artificial Immune System
(Huang Qian, Ren Zhigang, Li Shuzhou, Jiang Hong and Xu Dong)
- Measures to Represent the Properties of Nodes in a Directed Graph
(Ichiro Hofuku, Takeru Yokoii and Kunio Oshima)
- An Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy based Algorithm for Remotely-Sensed Image
Segmentation (Wanhui Zhou and Wenping Liu)
- Approximate Calculation Method for Integral of Mean Square Value of
Nonstationary Response (Examination for Various Excitations)
(Shigeru Aoki and Azusa Fukano)
- A Service Credit Evaluation Method on Service Agents
(Ren Jiafu, Xiao Min, Zhou Zongfang and Shi Yong)
- A Description of t-band in 182Os within the Fully Microscopic Calculation
(Yukio Hashimoto and Takatoshi Horibata)
- A New Class of Fuzzy Location-Allocation Problems and its Approximation Method
(Si-Yuan Shen and Yan-Kui Liu)
- On Simulation of the Clustering Representations of the Three Dimensional Ideal Bose Gas
(Kei Inoue)
- A Fitness Criterion on Finding Nonlinear Curve for the NDVI Data
(Masao Igarashi, Jong Geol Park, Chen Yen Tsai, Eiji Nunohiro and Yukio Yanagisawa)
- Management and Social Sciences
- Development of Framework for Privacy Information Protection ? Case Study and Issue in Korea ?
(Seng-phil Hong, Kyong-jin Kim, Sungmin Kang and Jaehyoun Kim)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Novel Term-weighting Approach in Text Classification over Skewed Data Sets
(Tieli Sun, Yujie Zhang, Fengqin Yang, Xiquan Yang, Yingjie Jiang, Zibing Wang and Kuiwu Li)
- A Pursuit-Evasion Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
(Shuhua Liu, Jie Liu and Yu Cheng)
- Test Evaluation System via the Web using the Item Response Theory
(Takenori Sakumura and Hideo Hirose)
- Locality-based Peer Clustering for Efficient Overlay Networks
(Junghoon Shin, Sangwook Joo, Kyu-Baek Hwang, Sangjun Lee and Jisook Park)
- Performing Register Allocation in a Non-Retrial Way
(Hong Shen)
- Modeling and Analysis of Workflow Integration Using Petri Nets
(Shingo Yamaguchi, Yuki Watanabe and Minoru Tanaka)
- Intelligent Diagnosis Method Based on Feature Spectra and Fuzzy Neural
Network for Distinguishing Structural Faults of Rotating Machinery
(Ke Li, Huaqing Wang and Peng Chen)
- A Survey with the Aim of the Elaboration of A French-Japanese Machine
Translation System (Eline Apprederisse and Dongli Han)
- DNS Based Detection of SSH Dictionary Attack in Campus Network
(Dennis Arturo Ludena Romana, Yasuo Musashi, Kazuya Takemori,
Masaya Kumagai,Shinichiro Kubota, Kenichi Sugitani, Tsuyoshi Usagawa and Toshinori Sueyoshi)
- Effective Band Combination for Land Cover Classification Accuracy using MODIS Data
(Jong Geol Park, Masato Saito, Keitarou Hara, Ichio Asanuma, Yoshizumi Yasuda, Eiji Nunohiro,
Kenneth J. Mackin, Kotaro Matsushita, Yukio Yanagisawa and Masao Igarashi)
- A QPSK-CDMA Based Acoustic Communication System for Multiple Underwater Vehicles
(Zixin Zhao and Shuxiang Guo)
- A Method of Computing PageRank Based on Extrapolation
(Tieli Sun, Kaiying Deng and Jingwei Deng)
- Towards Patron-Oriented Library Service Improvement with Data Analysis For Library Marketing
(Toshiro Minami)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- IMBG: Identifying Motifs Based on Graphic Algorithms
(Fenghui Zhao, Zhen Shao, Hongyan Wang, Pingping Sun and Zhiqiang Ma)
- Karyotype Analysis of 7 Species in Polyclads
(Riki Nagasawa, Sayaka Ogura, Mika Takahashi and Sachiko Ishida)
- Studies on the Chromosomal Polymorphisms of Japanese Freshwater Planarian,
Seidlia Auriculata (Takuma Suzuki, Wataru Yoshida and Sachiko Ishida)
- Comprehensive Research on the Putative Roles of miRNAs by Combined Database Analysis
(Izuru Hashimura and Kojune Ohsugi)
- Image and Usage of the Health Food in Nursing and Nutrition Students
(Keiko Sekido, Kyoko Osaka and Tetsuya Tanioka)
- Relation between Electronic Nursing StaffsfDaily Records and Nursesf
Workload in the A Psychiatric Hospital
(Tetsuya Tanioka, Kenichi Mishina, Masami Miyoshi, Kyoko Osaka,
Ai Kawamura, Yukie Iwasa, Yuko Yasuhara, Chiemi Kawanishi,
Keiko Sekido, Tomoko Kawata, Misako Satou and Kazushi Mifune)
- Fundamental Study for the Clarification of Gender Differences of ActiGraphic Assessments of
Life Rhythms in Healthy Adults
(Yuko Yasuhara, Tetsuya Tanioka and Chiemi Kawanishi)
- What is the Function Necessary for the Electronic Nursing Management
Systems in Psychiatric Hospitals ? (Masami Miyoshi, Kenichi Mishina,
Tetsuya Tanioka, Kyoko Osaka, Ai Kawamura, Yukie Iwasa,
Chiemi Kawanishi, Yuko Yasuhara, Mika Kataoka and Shinichi Chiba)
- Multimodal Audiovisual Integration at Early and Late Processing Stages in
Humans: An Event-Related Potential Study
(Qi Li, Jingjing Yang, Noriyoshi Kakura and Jinglong Wu)
- Sexual Information and Sexual Education Program for Junior High School Student
(Yoshiko Gohgi, Shin-ichi Chiba, Chiaki Moriwaki, Toshie Hirohara, Kikuko Okuda and
Tokie Kanayama)

Vol.13, No.3(B), May, 2010
A Special Issue on the 5th International Conference on Information
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Remarks on a Method of Blind Source Separation (Keiko Fujita)
- Generalized Toponogov Comparison Theorem for Manifolds of Roughly
Non-Negative Radial Curvarure (Yoshiroh Machigashira)
- On a Pre-Processing of the DGHM Multiwavelet Transform for Image
Compression (Kiyoshi Mizohata)
- N-Fractional Calculus Operator Method to an Extended Homogeneous
Chebyshevfs Equations (T. Miyakoda and K. Nishimoto)
- On the GS Iterative Method with I+S Type Preconditioner
(Toshihiro Nitta, Toshiyuki Kohno and Hiroshi Niki)
- Damped Newdon Method for the Seepage Problems with Free Surface
(Wang Jinzhi, Xiao Shengzhong, Chu Yanpeng and Kan Chunming)
- On the Preconditioned SOR-like Algorithm
(Toshiyuki Kohno, Toshihiro Nitta and Hiroshi Niki)
- Fuzzy Critical Chain Method Based on Genetic Algorithm for Project
Scheduling (Chunguang Bai, Mark Gershon and Xiaopeng Wei)
- Comparison of Fuzzy Buffer Size Algorithms in Critical Chain Scheduling
(Chunguang Bai, Mark Gershon and XiaopengWei)
- Segmentation of Objects in Digital Images Based on the Modified C-V
Model (Walid Dabour, Enmin Song and Chih-Cheng Hung)
- Management and Social Sciences
- Research Performance Evaluation Based on Bibliometric Analysis of
Journal Articles and Patents (Hyuck Jai Lee, Jong Seok Kang, Yeong-Ho Moon
and Soon Cheon Byeon)
- Statistical Analysis of the Dynamic Structure of Chinafs Economic Sectors
Based on Bayesian Modeling (Hideo Noda and Koki Kyo)
- A Knowledge Map Development Based on Collaboration Network of Social
Science in Korea (Bangrae Lee, Kyung-Ran Noh, Dong-Kyu Won and Oh-Jin Kwon)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- 3D Temperature Distribution Measurement Based on Fan-Beam Projection
Data by Using Ultrasonic CT (Ning Zhu, Zhou Su and Yong Jiang)
- A Method of Recognizing Handwritten Characters in Japanese Historical
Documents by Using Feature Graphs (Mitsuru Nakata, Shuichi Nishida,
Ryuzo Fukuda, Qi-Wei Ge and Makoto Yoshimura)
- Application of Artificial Neural Network for Paddy Field Classification using
Spatiotemporal Information (Takashi Yamaguchi, Kazuya Kishida,
Eiji Nunohiro, Jong Geol Park, Kenneth J. Mackin, Keitaro Hara,
Kotaro Matsushita and Ippei Harada)
- Corpus-based Subtopic Segmentation Using Concept Segment Method
(Tao-Hsing Chang, Chia-Hoang Lee and Hak-Ping Tam)
- Measurement of Diffusion Rates for Fuel Cell Technologies through
Adoption Diffusion Model using Bibliometric Analysis
(Jong Seok Kang, Hyuck Jai Lee, Yeong Ho Moon and Sea Hong Oh)
- Study on Mode-mixing Resistance Empirical Mode Decomposition Method
(Hongying Hu and Er Bao)
- Development of Biomass Materials ? Production and Strength Testing of
Bio-Board - (Hao Sun, Xiulun Wang, Koji Kita and Kunio Sato)
- Land Surface Cover Classification by Soft Computing Methods using
MODIS Satellite Data (Kenneth J. Mackin, Takashi Yamaguchi,
Eiji Nunohiro, Jong Geol Park, Zeyu Zheng, Keitaro Hara,
Kotaro Matsushita, Yukio Yanagisawa and Masao Igarashi)
- A New Seal Authentication
(Lifeng Zhang, Kazushige Hiramatsu and Hiroshi Kondo)
- Innovating Sign Selection for Face Identification using DCT Sign
(Lifeng Zhang and Hiroshi Kondo)
- Design of Burst-mode Asynchronous Control Unit of 8-bit Microprocessor
Using Standard FPGA Development System
(Kenji Ichijo, Tatsuya Suto and Yoshio Yoshioka)
- Comparative Evaluation of LSC-Based DSP with Five Kinds of Link Width
(Kenji Ichijo, Kazuki Niiyama and Yoshio Yoshioka)
- Using MODIS Data to Evaluate Forest Fire Risk in East Asia Area
(Zeyu Zheng, Eiji Nunohiro, Kazuko Yamasaki, Kenneth J. Mackin,
Kotaro Matsushita and Jong Geol Park)
- Compact and High-Speed Face Recognition System for Embedded Devices
(Takaharu Koda and Zhimei Yang)
- The Keyword Extraction with the Ranking Method using ANP
(Takeru Yokoi and Ichiro Hofuku)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Morphogenesis During Early Development in Four Temnopleuridae Sea Urchins
(Chisato Kitazawa, Yoko Tsuchihashi, Yuji Egusa, Tomoko Genda and Akira Yamanaka)
- Environmental and Cerebral Factors Affecting Diapause Pupal Coloration in
The Cabbage White Butterfly Pieris rapae crucivora
(Akira Yamanaka, Yuuki Nomura, Takako Fujita, Takashi Hayase,
Tetsuro Fujishima, Kae Yamashita, Ichiro Kodama, Tomoko Genda,
Chisato Kitazawa and Katsuhiko Endo)
- Literature Study on Affective State Estimation for Human and Robot
Interaction Using Physiological Indicators
(Kyoko Osaka, Tetsuya Tanioka, Shinichi Chiba,Yukie Iwasa, Keiko Sekido and
Chiemi Kawanishi)
- Fatigue Evaluation by Sleep and Awake Rhythm in Careworkers of Home-Visit
Long Term Care Station (Kaori Harano, Gururaja D, Toshiyo Taniguchi and Haruo Kobayashi)
- Markov Model of Honeybee Social Behavior
(Ryuichi Okada, Hidetoshi Ikeno, Toshifumi Kimura, Mizue Ohashi,
Hitoshi Aonuma and Etsuro Ito)

Vol.13, No.4, July, 2010
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Risk Model for Online Rental Problem with Market Factors
(Weijun Xu, Yucheng Dong and Weiguo Zhang)
- GRA Model for Selecting an ERP System in Trapezoidal Intuitionistic Fuzzy Setting
(Guiwu Wei, Xiaofei Zhao, Hongjun Wang and Rui Lin)
- On Rough Approximation Projectors with Properties in the Fuzzy Environment
(Meng-Lei Lin)
- Fuzzy Edmundson-Madansky Inequality and Its Application to Portfolio Selection Problems
(Xiang Li, Lixing Yang and Jinwu Gao)
- Iterative Substructuring Method for Equilibrium Equations (Ho-Jong Jang)
- A New Ascher-Mattheij-Russell Type FDM for Nonlinear Two-point Boundary Value Problems
(Xiao-Yu Zhang)
- Management and Social Sciences
- Quantifying Critical Factors for Office Environmental Satisfaction in Australia
(Yu Song)
- Effects of Perceived Value and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
in the Mobile Phone Service Market (Hyung Seok Lee)
- Grooming IT Students for Industry Through Industrial Training and Graduation
Project Work (Mustafa Ilkan, Hasan Amca and Ersun Iscioglu)
- A Empirical Study of the Relation between Service Quality and Customersf
Loyalty in China Fitness-keeping Industry (Huang Qian, Kang Xiaoyan,
Chen Jinliang, Jiang Hong and Feng Gengfu)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Computing an Incompressible Viscous Fluid Flow Using Neural Network
Based on Modified Adaptive Smoothing Errors (Nameer N. EL-Emam and Riadh H. Al-Rabeh)
- Recent Research Development on Condition Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery
Part B: Diagnosis Method Based on Artificial Intelligence
(Huaqing Wang, Ke Li, Peng Chen and Shuming Wang)
- Digital Image Watermarking Based on Normalization and Visual Feature
(Qiang Zhang, Chen Chen and Xiaopeng Wei)
- A CST+-Tree Index Structure for Efficient Range Serach
(Jae-won Lee, Ig-hoon Lee, Minsuk Kahng, Junho Shim and Sang-goo Lee)
- Enriching the Semantics of Queries with Bayesian Belief Network in Concept-
based Search (Jae-won Lee, Han-joon Kim, Juno Chang and Sang-goo Lee)
- Biometric Image Hiding Based on Correlation Analysis
(Miao Qi, Chih-Cheng Hung, Ning Du, Yinan Zhang and Jun Kong)
- Filter Fourier Coefficients of Shape Projections for 3D Shape Retrieval
(Zhenbao Liu, Shuhui Bu, Chao Zhang and Xiaojun Tang)
- Self-repairing Decentralized Control System based on Living Organisms
(Ryusuke Fujigaya, Tomonori Kouya and Kojune Ohsugi)
- Improve the Statistical Machine Translation Performance by Refining the
Word Alignments (Hongfei Jiang, Tiejun Zhao, Sheng Li, Muyun Yang and Chunyue Zhang)
- A Practical Single-Register Wait-Free Mutual Exclusion Algorithm on Asynchronous
Networks (Hyungsoo Jung, Heon Y. Yeom and Sooyong Kang)
- Throughput and Delay Performance of Voice over Wireless LAN :
Analysis and Enhancement (Lin Zhang, Yingtian Du and Ke Yu)
- Implementation of MPEG-7 Document Management System Based on XML Database
(Byeong-Tae Ahn and Min Sun Kim)
- An Evolutionary Solution for Spatial Optimization of Personal Scheduling in
Urban Multimodal Networks (Rahim Aliabbaspour and Farhad Samadzadegan)
- Strategic Supplier Selection : A Domain Driven Data Mining Methodology
(Jie Lin, Xu Xu and Dongming Xu)
- Exploiting Semantic Template for Message Summarization for Mobile Devices
(Xuan Hau Pham and Jason J. Jung)
- PLSI-based Query Expansion (Deng Hui, Li WeiJiang and Zhao TieJun)
- Relationship between Buffer Replacement Policy and Flash Translation
Layer Mapping Algorithm (Sooyong Kang, Kyeong-hoon Yoon, Hoyoung Jung, Hyoki Shim,
Sungmin Park and Jaehyuk Cha)
- Fixed-length Code Compression Technique on Text Files
(Mohammed H. Mahafzah)
- Towards Modeling of End System Multicast Networks Based on Replica
Exchange Economy (Mohammad Hossein Rezvani and Morteza Analoui)

Vol.13, No.5, September, 2010
- Special Topic: Recent Trends on Engineering Knowledge
and Semantic Systems in South Korea (Prof. Jason J. Jung)
- A Hybrid Semantic Mapping Approach for a Collaborative Engineering
Environment (Min-Jung Lee, Hong Bae Jun, Jae-Hyun Lee and Hyo Won Suh)
- Collaborative Ontology Building by Reaching Consensus among Participants
(Trong Hai Duong, Sang-Jin Cha and Geun-Sik Jo)
- A Framework for Multiple Ontology Integration of Multilingual Ontologies in
Web Environment (Dosam Hwang, In Keun Lee, Ho Mai Thi Pham)
- Evolutionary Ontology Construction and Learning Mechanism for Semantic
Web Service (Mye M. Sohn, Su ho Kang and Hyun Jung Lee)
- A Method for Knowledge Base Enrichment using Wikipedia Document Information
(Myunggwon Hwang, Dongjin Choi and Pankoo Kim)
- Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Tag Recommendation in Social
Bookmarking Systems (Sanghun Ju, Sangjun Lee and Kyu-Baek Hwang)
- Consensus Methods by Analyzing Keywords in Blogosphere
(Nurul Akhmal Mohd Zulkefli, Trong Hai Duong, Inay Ha and Geun Sik Jo)
- Ontology-based Job Scheduling Using Mobile Agent Technology in Grid Computing
(Sung Ho Jang, Jong Sik Lee, Chang Hyeon Noh and Young Shin Han)
- Rule-based Cloud RBAC Model for Flexible Resource Allocation in Cloud
Computing Service (Eun Young Jang and Hyung-Jong Kim)
- Ranking Parameters based on Social Network for User-generated Video Contents
(Laehyun Kim, Lisa Wiyartanti, Hyunchul Cho, Yo-Sub Han and Jeong-Won Cha)
- Digital TV Content Recommendation Method based on Individual
Ontology and Stereotype User Group Ontology (Jongwoo Kim, Nojeong Heo and
Sanggil Kang)
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Some Properties on Expected Value Operator for Uncertain Variables
(Wei Liu and Jiuping Xu)
- A New Risk-Reward Model for One-Way Online Trading
(Yong Zhang, Weiguo Zhang, Weijun Xu and Xingyu Yang)
- Generalized Closed Nuclei on Frames (A.I.El-Maghrabi)
- TOPSIS-Based Linear-Programming Methodology for Multiple Attribute
Decision Making with Incomplete Weight Information in Intuitionistic Fuzzy
Setting (Guiwu Wei, Rui Lin, Xiaofei Zhao and Hongjun Wang)
- The Performance-Reliability Design with Uncertainty of Combining
Randomness and Fuzziness (Meilin Wen, Yunxia Chen and Rui Kang)
- A Note on gIRA Algebrah (1) (Ibrahim R. Al-Amri and Areej A. Al-Muhaimeed)
- Management and Social Sciences
- Uses and Gratifications Approach to UCC Use Behavior and Role of
Cyber-Ethics in UCC Media (Hyeyoung Kim, Yoojung Kim and Sora Kang)
- Critical Factors Influencing Consumer Adoption of Internet Banking in China
(Hyung Seok Lee)
- Mental Background of Zhu ShunShui and His Contribution to EdoEro Japan
(Lin Minjie)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Study on Architect Jan Letzel and His Architecture of Hiroshima Industrial
Exhibition Hall (Ming Li)
- Electronic Voting Systems Using Divided Image Cryptography (Shanjun Zhang)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Extracting Protein Interactions from Biological Literatures Using Syntactic
Tree Patterns (Yong Suk Choi)
- Development and Evaluation of a Multi-Model Tactile Pattern Delivery
Device for fMRI Study (Jiajia Yang and Jinglong Wu)
- Characteristics of the IR Spectra of Firefly Luciferin and Related Biomolecules
Calculated by Density Functional Theory (Hironori Sakai and Naohisa Wada)
- Structure Identification and Biological Activities of A novel Sulfated
Polysaccharide from Hemicentrotus Pulcherrimus Eggs
(Ri Xia Bai, Chang Hai Wang, Shu Jia Zhang, Ming Hui Jiang and Shao Hui Cui)

Vol.13, No.6, November, 2010
- A Special Issue on the 2010 IEEE International
Conference on Information and Automation
(Guest Editors: Prof. Shuxiang Guo and Prof. Huosheng Hu)
- Foreword from the Guest Editors
(Shuxiang Guo and Huosheng Hu)
- A Dexterous Robot Hand for Museum Exhibition ? Design, Installation
and Maintenance (S. Davis and Darwin G. Caldwell)
- A Robust Data Association for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in
Dynamic Environments (Rex H. Wong, Jizhong Xiao and Samleo L. Joseph)
- A Multi-pattern CPG Model for Snake-like Robots
(Chaoquan Tang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang)
- A Discussion on Methods for Creating Filters with Matched Frequency
Responses for Differently Sampled Signals
(Joao Luiz de Paiva Martins and Fuad Kassab Junior)
- 3D Optical Localization System Based on Four Video Cameras
(Wei Liu, Chao Hu, Qing He, Ning Wei and Max Q. -H. Meng)
- Target-following Scheme for Mobile Robots Based on the Virtual Sub-goal
Points (Byoung-Suk Choi, Joon-Woo Lee and Ju-Jang Lee)
- Study on Tendency Prediction of Power-Shift Steering Transmission Based
on Support Vector Regression (Yingfeng Zhang, Biao Ma, Jing Fang and
Hailing Zhang)
- How do Facial Parts Contribute to Expression Perception? An Answer
from the High-level Face Adaptation (Miao Song, Keizo Shinomori and
Shiyong Zhang)
- Study on a Blind Guidance System for Street Crossings Based on Ultrasonic
Sensors (Ramin Ghurchian and Satoshi Hashino)
- An Infrared Ray Controlled Fish-like Underwater Microrobot
(Baofeng Gao and Shuxiang Guo)
- Development and Evaluation of a Vectored Water-jet-based Spherical
Underwater Vehicle (Xichuan Lin, Shuxiang Guo, Koujirou Tanaka and Seji Hata)
- Development of A Force Information Monitoring Method for A Novel
Catheter Operating System
(Jian Guo, Nan Xiao, Shuxiang Guo and Takashi Tamiya)
- Deformation Model of Soft Tissues for Real-time Surgical Simulation
(Xiufen Ye, Ling Zhu and Shuxiang Guo)
- Real-time Adjusting Control Algorithm for the Spherical Underwater Robot
(Shuxiang Guo, Juan Du, Xiufen Ye, Hongtao Gao and Yizhou Gu)
- Numerical Analysis of Complete Waterjet Installation
(Shuxiang Guo and Yao Chen)
- Integration of Multiple Views for a 3-D Indoor Surveillance System
(Yi-Yuan Chen, Yung-Huang Huang, Yung-Cheng Cheng and Yong-Sheng Chen)
- A Robust Controller with Particle Pre-estimated Algorithm in the
Network-based Teleoperation System with Force Feedback
(Xiufen Ye, Ting Chen, Shuxiang Guo and Gang Hao)
- A PDMS Diaphragm Micropump Using Electroosmotic Actuation
(Wei Wei and Shuxiang Guo)
- Engine Ignition System Diagnosis using Case-based Reasoning
Enhanced with Wavelet Packet Transform and Clustering
(Chiman Vong, Pakkin Wong and Wengfai Ip)
- Design of an Adaptive Genetic Algorithms Based on Information Entropy
in Path Planning Application (Zhifeng Shen, Yanling Hao and Kuixing Li)
- Study on Inspection of Surface Crack and Scratch of Micro Components
(Huadong Yu, Shaohui Wei, Zhanjiang Yu, Weishi Yin and Jinkai Xu)
- Carrier Ambiguity Resolution Algorithm under Multipath Condition
(Wei Wang, Yuehua Ma, Juncheng Hu and Sangarapillai Lambotharan)
- Krylov Subspace Transform Domain LMS Algorithm
(Yonggang Zhang, Ning Li and Jonathon A. Chambers)
- Waveform Prediction of Ultrasonic Guided Waves Based on Spectrum
Synthesis and Phase Velocity
(Cunfu He, Yang Zheng, Jinjie Zhou and Bin Wu)
- Design and Simulation of a Micro Induction Heater
(Bendong Liu and Desheng Li)
- Development of a Catheter Propulsion System with Tactile Sensor
(Hongtao Gao, Yanling Hao and Juan Du)

Vol.14, No.1, January, 2011
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Analysis of MIMO System with Internal Model Controller Including Uncertainty
of Time-Delay Element, External Disturbance and Feedback Noise
(Faramarz Asharif, Shiro Tamaki, Tsutomu Nagado, Tomokazu Nagata and Mohammad Reza Asharif)
- Fuzzy Parametric Statistical Inference
(Wansheng Tang, Cheng Wang and Ruiqing Zhao) pp.17-28.
- A New Method for Estimating Models of Seasonal Adjustment with AR Component
(Koki Kyo and Hideo Noda) pp.29-50.
- Representations of Interval-Valued Fuzzy J-Equivalence Relations
(Hongying Zhang, Minggao Dong, Jianjun Qi and Wenxiu Zhang) pp.51-64.
- An Orthogonal Algorithm for Clustering Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information
(Zeshui Xu, Jian Tang and Shousheng Liu) pp.65-78.
- Uncertain Variance of Sample and its Application
(Xiaosheng Wang and Haiying Guo) pp.79-88.
- The On-line Rental Problem under Risk-Reward Model with Probabilistic
Forecast (Yucheng Dong, Jinhong Xu, Yinfeng Xu and Weijun Xu) pp.89-96.
- A Novel Efficient Approach for Interval-valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiple
Attribute Decision Making with Incomplete Weight Information (Guiwu Wei) pp.97-102.
- Management and Social Sciences
- An Analysis on Price Convergence of a Prediction Market
(Bong-sung Chu, Akihiro Nakatsuka and De-bi Cao) pp.103-114.
- Measuring the Quality of Fast-Food Service in Korea (Hyung Seok Lee) pp.115-126.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Detection using Support Vector Machine
(Iftikhar Ahmad, Azween B. Abdullah, Abdullah S. Alghamdi and Muhammad Hussain) pp.127-134.
- An Extended Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for Next Generation
Network Application Plane (Zeeshan Shafi Khan, Khalid Rashid, Muhammad Khurram Khan and
Muhammad Sher) pp.135-150.
- Validation of Secure Broadcast Framework using VANETs
(Aneel Rahim, Fahad T. Bin Muhaya, Muhammad Sher and Tai-hoon Kim) pp.151-156.
- Handling Diacritical Marks for Online Arabic Script Based Languages
Character Recognition using Fuzzy c-mean Clustering and Relative Position
(Muhammad Imran Razzak, Syed Afaq Husain, Muhammad Khurram Khan and Muhammad Sher)
- Information Management in Wireless Mobile Sensor Network
(Debnath Bhattacharyya, Tai-hoon Kim, Kheyali Mitra and Samir K Bandyopadhyay) pp.167-178.
- Enhancing Buffer Replacement Policy with Write Sequence Reordering for
Flash Memory (Hoyoung Jung, Sungmin Park, Sooyong Kang, In Ryu and Jaehyuk Cha)
- Executional Data Model Using SQL (Young-Gook Ra) pp.197-222.
- The Design and Simulation Analysis of a High-frequency and High-voltage
Switching Mode Power Supply for Electrostatic Precipitators
(L. Y. Gao, C. H. Zhang, Z. H. Jin and Z. Liu) pp.223-234.
- Effect on Learnersf Achievement of Using Language in Online Learning
Environments (Bunyamin ATICI) pp.235-250.
- Implementation and Evaluation of Improved Ant System Individuality
(Keisuke Takayanagi and Lei Li) pp.251-264.
- A High-Voltage Electron Microscope Control System based on Grid
Infrastructure (Hyuck Han, Shinkyu Kim, Hyungsoo Jung,
Heon Y. Yeom, Yong-Woo Lee and Sooyong Kang) pp.265-276.

Vol.14, No.2, February, 2011
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Reliability Analysis of Random Fuzzy Unrepairable Cold Standby Systems
with Imperfect Conversion Switches (Ying Liu, Xiaozhong Li and Guanglei Yang)
pp.283-196. [ PDF ]
- Distributional Chaos in a Sequence of Extension Map and Factor Map
(Lidong Wang, Jiao Peng, Heng Liu and Chengshan Zhang) pp.297-304.
[ PDF ]
- Spatial Decay Estimates for the Linear Damped Boussinesq Equation
(Wenhui Liao, Shengzhong Xiao and Danling Li) pp.305-314.
[ PDF ]
- A Method for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making with
Incomplete Weight Information (Haining Wang and Shouqian Sun) pp.315-322.
[ PDF ]
- Signaling Pathway Reconstruction Based on the Statistical Models
(Yanwen Li, Zhiqiang Ma, Shanhong Zheng, Zhiguo Zhou, Yu Zhao and Chunguang Zhou)
pp.323-332. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Operations of IT Projects with Effectiveness and Innovation: Perspectives
of the Conflict Management (Hsing Hung Chen and Chao Ma) pp.333-342.
[ PDF ]
- Urban Development and Planning in North Cyprus (In the context of Local,
National and International Factors) (Deniz Iscioglu and Rusen Keles) pp.343-360.
[ PDF ]
- A Growth Model of Social Network Based on Individual Selection
(Qingjun Li, Wentian Cui, Xiaoming Sun and Xiaomo Li) pp.361-372.
[ PDF ]
- 3E-Model for Temporary Passenger Train Scheduling Problem
(Xiang Li, Lixing Yang, Keping Li and Ziyou Gao) pp.373-390.
[ PDF ]
- Can the Chinese Banking System be Sustainable under the Global
Financial Crisis ? (Gao Wen and Shozaburo Sakai) pp.391-398.
[ PDF ]
- Application of Hybrid Method of Bagging and Case-Based Reasoning to
Solve Small-Businessesf Credit Assessment Problems (Dong Yanwen) pp.399-410.
[ PDF ]
- Methods of Designing and Implementing the Risk Management System
In e-Finance Service Environments (Seng-Phil Hong and Sungmin Kang) pp.411-432.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Organizational Context for an Individual e-Learning
Performance (Hyemi Um, Min Sun Kim and Hyo-Gun Kym) pp.433-442.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Identifying the FTL Mapping Schemes of USB Flash Drives
(HyoGi Sim, HoYoung Jung, SungMin Park, Jaehyuk Cha and Sooyong Kang) pp.443-456.
[ PDF ]
- Font Compression Method Using Genetic Algorithm and Its Application on
The Chinese Cellular Phone Mail System (Wei Wang, Jun Li, Xiaofei Wang and Zheng Tang)
pp.457-468. [ PDF ]
- Moving Object Tracking based on Mark Tag Detection
(Shunsuke Nara and Satoru Takahashi) pp.469-482.
[ PDF ]
- A RESTful Approach to Network Management
(Hyuck Han, Hyeonsang Eom, Heon Y. Yeom, Jong Won Park, Chang Ho Yun and Yongwoo Lee) pp.483-492.
[ PDF ]
- Genetic Feature Selection in Intrusion Detection System
(Myung-Mook Han, Jaehyoun Kim and Taikyeong Jeong) pp.493-502.
[ PDF ]
- Proactive Reverse-link Traffic Management for Minimum Load Fluctuation
In High-Speed CDMA Systems (Woon-Young Yeo and Seong-Whan Kim) pp.503-514.
[ PDF ]
- Retrieval of Clothing Fabric Images based on KANSEI Words
(Xinyin Huang, Shouta Sobue and Yen-Wei Chen) pp.515-526.
[ PDF ]
- Survey and Trend Analysis of Context-Aware Systems
(Sangkeun Lee, Juno Chang and Sang-goo Lee) pp.527-548.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Combustion Characteristics of Vinegar Residue (Aiping Shi, Yinli Zhang, Ning Zhu, Lihua Ye,
Rongjin Xu and Yibing Wang) pp.549-558. [ PDF ]
- Localization of Semi-Dynamic Objects During SLAM (Hongjun Zhou and Shigeyuki Sakane) pp.559-576.
[ PDF ]
- A Frame Distortion Estimation Method for MGS Bit-stream Extraction in H.264/SVC
(Zhu Tao, Zhang Xiong-wei and Wang Jin-ming) pp.575-582.
[ PDF ]
- A Text Similarity Measure Based on Suffix Tree
(Chenghui Huang, Yan Liu, Shengzhong Xiao and Jian Yin) pp.583-592.
[ PDF ]
- Factor Analysis for EEG Response to Ride Quality (Yohei Tomita, Hironobu Fukai and Yasue Mitsukura)
pp.593-600. [ PDF ]
- Music Compression by Using the EMD and the GA
(Yasue Mitsukura, Yohei Tomita and Hironobu Fukai) pp.601-608.
[ PDF ]
- Splicing Side and Front Face Images Seamlessly by Applying Iterative
Fusion Algorithm with n*n Wave-low-pass Filters
(Junfeng Yao, Yu Zhan, Chih-Cheng Hung, Xiaobiao Xie and Guoli Ji) pp.609-620.
[ PDF ]
- A Method of Obtaining Sense of Touch by Using EEG
(Tsukasa Nakamura, Yohei Tomita and Yasue Mitsukura) pp.621-632.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- System Design and Clinical Application of Medical Robot Assisted Photodynamic
Therapy of Port Wine Stains (Xing-guang Duan, Xing-tao Wang,
Qiang Huang, Gui-bin Bian, Hong-hua Zhao,
Nai-yan Huang, Ying Gu, Xiao-ying Tang and Wei-feng Liu) pp.633-650.
[ PDF ]
- Investigation of Community Healthcare Services and Programmed Immunization
Of Floating Children : A Study in Kunming City, China (Li XM, Zhang JP,
Bi WH, Xu XY, Bai H, Wang YB, Zhuo Zhang and Guoxi Cai) pp.651-656.
[ PDF ]
- Iranian Nursing Studentsf Skills in Meeting Their Information Needs ?
(Kahouei Mehdi, Firozeh Mehri, Parsania Zeinab, Said Roghani Panoe,
Alaei Safollah, Aziz Zadeh Farhad and Ghazavi Shariat Panahi Soheila) pp.657-666.
[ PDF ]

Vol.14, No.3, March, 2011
- A Special Issue - Selected, peer reviewed papers
from 2011 ICICIS2011: International Conference on Intelligent Computing and
Information Science (Guest Editors: Prof. Ran Chen, Prof. Dongye Sun and Prof.
Hsiang-Chuan Liu)
- Research on an Analysis and Improvement of the Image Detection Algorithm
Based upon Adaboost (Peng Wu, Yalin Song, Qi Liu and Heng Shi) pp.675-680.
- Study on Molecular Simulation of Modified Tricalcium Silicate Doped CuO
(Wei Dai and Zhonghe SHUI) pp.681-686.
- UCAV path planning based on FSCABC (Yudong Zhang, Lenan Wu and Shuihua Wang) pp.687-692.
- A Novel Classification Approach Based on Testing Sample Pairs
(Deqiang Han, Chongzhao Han and Yi Yang) pp.693-698.
- Remote Sensing Monitoring of Hail Disaster Based on Spectral Feature
(Chengfan Li, Jingyuan Yin, Junjuan Zhao, Xinjian Shan and Lan Liu) pp.699-704.
- Design and Motion Analysis of a Spherical Robot
(Shengju Sang, Ding Shen, Jichao Zhao, Jun Wang and Qi An) pp.705-710.
- A Distributed Total Order Consistency Approach in Large-Scale Distributed
Virtual Environment Systems (Hangjun Zhou, Wei Zhang, Yuxing Peng and Sikun Li) pp.711-718.
- Research on the Characteristics of Pressure Fluctuation in Draft Tube based
on Relevance Vector Machine (Liying Wang) pp.719-724.
- An Improved Bacterial Foraging Optimization with Fuzzy Step Size
(Weiguo ZhaoCZhaowang Xia and Xiaoming Chang) pp.725-730.
- Multiple QoS Constraints Finding Paths Algorithm in TMN (Li Qianmu) pp.731-738.
- The Research of Heart Beat Pattern Recognition Based on ECG
(Guangying Yang and Shanxiao Yang) pp.739-744.
- An Integrated Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Engineering Information Flows
through Task Splitting and Partitioning (Yongyi Shou and Chunjiang Song) pp.745-752.
- Empirical Research on Knowledge Integration Improving Innovation Ability
Of IT Enterprise-- Based on Structural Equation Model (Chen Si-hua) pp.753-758.
- Design and Implementation of Domain Ontology-based Agricultural Risk
Management System (Liu Chunnian, Wang Yonglong and Pan Qin) pp.759-764.
- A MDA Based Approach for Multi-platform Mobile Application Development
(Minghui Wu, Zihan Chen, Jing Ying) pp.765-772.
- A New Certificateless Signature Scheme Without Pairing
(Chungen Xu,Aohong Zhang ,Mu Han, Bennian Dou) pp.773-778.
- A Doppler Frequency Compensation Algorithm Based on M-Sequence
(Su Xi, Wang Yiying, Bai Peng, Feng Yanping) pp.779-784.
- A Hybrid Fuzzy Correlation Based Text Multi-Classification Method
(Hao-En Chueh, Kuo-Hsiung Liao and Shih-Ming Pi) pp.785-790.
- Deployment Optimization of Mobile Sensor Networks Based on Fuzzy Control
(Zheng Gengzhong, Liu Sanyang and Qi Xiaogang) pp.791-796.
- The Segmentation of Perspective Image for Intracardiac Catheter Navigation
Based on Snake Model and Genetic Algorithm (Peng Wang, Wei Cao,
Yuan Zhang, Shao-chen Kang, Jing-lei Xin, Wen-hao Jiang, and Xin Li) pp.797-802.
- Variation Aware Low Power Domino Circuit Performance Statistical
Characterization Analysis Based on WNN (Jinhui Wang, Na Gong,
Xiaohong Peng, Ligang Hou, Shuqin Geng, Wuchen Wu) pp.803-810.
- Spatial Diversity Renyi Entropy Fractionally Spaced Wavelet Blind Equalization
Algorithm (Guo Yecai, Gong Xiuli) pp.811-816.
- Mathematical Model and Computational Simulation for Marine Pipeline Oil Spill
(Wei Li and Jianguo Lin) pp.817-822.
- Optimal Decision of Dominant Firm in Technical Alliance Based on Plant
Growth Simulation Algorithm
(Gong Yan-Ping, Mao Chong-Feng, Li Tong and Zhou Qing) pp.823-828.
- Prediction of Epitopes for Coat Protein of Apple stem pitting virus
(Lili Li, and Hongyi Yang) pp.829-834.
- Optimizing Search Engines Using Time-Sensitive Ranking
(Kerui Chen, Wanli Zuo, Fengling He, Yongheng Chen, Tao Peng) pp.835-840.
- Semi-physical Simulation System Design of Automotive Electronic Control
System (Yafu Zhou, Jing Lian, Dianting Cao, Xiaoyong Shen,
Baoyu Tian, Zhiqiang Wang) pp.841-846.
- A New Immune Clone Algorithm to solve the constrained optimization
Problems (Liang Zhou and Jianguo Zheng) pp.847-852.
- Formal Representation of Information System Process Based on Object-based
Knowledge Mesh and Binary Tree (C G Xue, and H W Cao) pp.853-858.
- Classification of surface EMG signals using ICA and Fuzzy Controller
(Yang Shanxiao, Guangying Yang, Caiming Chen, Yuliang Dai) pp.859-864.
- A Simple Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Self-Adaptive
Neighborhood Explored (Gou Jin, Wu Zhong-Yong, Chen Hong-Guang) pp.865-870.
- Analytical Method to Solve for Ideal Constrained Forces in Nonholonomic
Systems (Wenli Yao, Qingwen Yuan) pp.871-876.
- Comparison Analysis of the Influences on the Directivity of Acoustic Vector
Sensor by Soft Sphere, Prolate Spheroid and Finite Cylinder Boundaries
(Ji Jianfei, Liang Guolong and Zhang Guangpu) pp.877-884.
- The Stirred Bioreactor Structure Optimizing Based on Numerical Calculation
(Zhiwei Zhou, Boyan Song, Likuan Zhu, Xiaowei Zhao, Yang Wang) pp.885-892.
- Parallel Computation of Three Dimensional Gaseous Detonation Wave
(Changjian Wang, Weigang Yan, Jin Guo and Changming Guo) pp.893-898.
- Sigmoid Fuzzy Neural Network-Based Motion Control for Mini Underwater Robots
(Xiao Liang, Jundong Zhang, Jin Yue and Lihong Wu) pp.899-904.
- Modified SPECK algorithm for wavelet packet image coding
(Yan Zhang, Yongdan Nie, Guowei Tang) pp.905-910.
- Supervised Canonical Correlation Analysis and Its Application to Information Fusion
(Lei Gang, Zhou Jiliu , He Kun, Zhang Jian) pp.911-916.
- Behavior-based Formation Control of nodes of Mobile Sensor Network
(Ping Song, Xiaobing Han, Kejie Li, Xiaoyue Wang) pp.917-924.
- Fuzzy Clustering methods Based on Modified PSO and Its Application
(Xueyong Li, Guohong Gao, Jiaxia Sun, Guoyi Miao) pp.925-930.
- A Network Behavior Analysis System for Cloud Computing Service
(Bon-Yeh Lin, Chi-Hua Chen, Hsu-Chia Chang, Chi-Chun Lo) pp.931-938.
- Momentum Particle Swarm Optimization for Molecular Docking
(Yu Liu, Wentao Li, Lei Zhao, and Yongliang Yang) pp.939-944.
- Study on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communication Mechanism of
Electronic Commerce (Ni Jing,Yan Guangle,Ye lin,Zhong Liangwei,Wang Hengshan) pp.945-950.
- Query-focused Multi-document Summarization Using Cloud Model
(Jinguang Chen and Tingting He) pp.951-956.
- Local Feature based Near-duplicate Images Detecting (Zheng Liu) pp.957-962.
- Towards a Bridge Ontology Based Approach of Access Control for Semantic
Web Services (Hu Luokai, Wei Xiong, Zhao Kai and Wang Jun) pp.963-968.
- Optimal Grouping Algorithms for Step-and-shoot MLC Delivery in Intensity-
Modulated Radiation Therapy
(Jia Jing, Xi Pei, Ruifen Cao, Hui Lin, Mengyun Cheng and Yican Wu) pp.969-974.
- Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Method for Marine Diesel Engines Based on
KICA-Wigner Bispectrum and SVM (Hongling Qin, Huijie Li and Zhixiong Li) pp.975-980.
- Load Balancing on Clusters-Connected Multistage Networks
(Chenggui Zhao) pp.981-986.
- Impulsive Noise Removal Based on Hit-or-Miss Transform
(Xiangzhi Bai, Fugen Zhou) pp.987-992.
- A Behavior Strategy for Agents in the Semantic Web Using Dynamic
Description Logics (Limin Chen, Zhongzhi Shi) pp.993-998.
- A Hybrid Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Solving Matrix
Eigenvalues (Yan Yang, Yongquan Zhou) pp.999-1004.
- Acquiring Hierarchical Concepts Based on Granular Computing
(Taorong Qiu, Qing Liu and Xiaoming Bai) pp.1005-1010.
- Multi-Scale Dual Hit-or-Miss Transform (Xiangzhi Bai, Fugen Zhou) pp.1011-1016.
- Dependability Analysis and Evaluation of Cloud Computing Environments
from a Redundancy Perspective
(Dawei Sun, Guiran Chang, Chunguang Tan, Lina Sun and Xingwei Wang) pp.1017-1026.
- A scalable CAC scheme for VoIP traffic (Chin-Ling Chen, Jia-Chun Wu) pp.1027-1032.
- A Passive Location System to Fixed Target Based on Unmanned Helicopter
Observer Station: Algorithm and Experiment
(Xiaoming Chang, Xiaolin Zhang, Weiguo Zhao) pp.1033-1042.
- An Intelligent Approach To Develop Fault Detection and Classification
in Photolithography Process of Semiconductor Manufacturing
(Shu-Fan Liu, Hao-En Chueh, Kuo-Hsiung Liao and Fei-Long Chen) pp.1043-1048.
- Rsu Location Optimization Model under Vii Environment
(Jian Sun, Yuwei Yang) pp.1049-1056.
- An ACO Approach for the Corridor Alignment (Kun Miao, Liang Li) pp.1057-1066.
- An Estimation Similarity Measure Method based on the Characteristic of
Vector Difference (Zhong Li and Jinsha Yuan) pp.1067-1074.
- Improved Multi-object Detection and Tracking Method Based on Mean Shift
Algorithm (Li Jian-qiang,Lu Hao-bo and Du Wen-feng) pp.1075-1080.
- Linear Relaxation Method for Globally Solving a Class of Multiplicative
Optimization Problems (Jing-Ben Yin, Hong-Wei Jiao) pp.1081-1086.
- The Inhibition Effect Of Bridge Function Smart Code On Multipath Interference
And Multiple Access Interference In Cognitive Radio System
(Sheng Hong, Yafei Xu, Jinshan Di , Guodong Zhao, Fengyuan Zhang and Qishan Zhang)

Vol.14, No.4, April, 2011 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Random Sum of New Bivariate Negative Binomial-(Bernoulli and Bernoulli) Mixture (Abd El-Moneim A. M. Teamah, Abd El-Nasser M. Salem and
Ahmed M. T. Abd El-Bar) pp.1097-1104. [ PDF ]
- GRA-Based Linear-Programming Methodology for Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making with 2-Tuple Linguistic Assessment Information (Guiwu Wei)
pp.1105-1110. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Competitive Analysis of the Quantity Flexibility Contract in an On-line Situation (Xin Chunlin, Ma Weimin and Shen Fengwu) pp.1111-1120.
[ PDF ]
- Sources of the Customer Switching in the Korean Mobile Telecommunications Market : Transitions from Second to Third Generation Service
(Myoung-Soo Kim and Myeonggil Choi) pp.1121-1136. [ PDF ]
- Determinants of Utilization of E-Travel Agencies : Case of University Students in Turkey (Meltem Ozturan, Adem Karahoca and Dilek Karahoca) pp.1137-1150.
[ PDF ]
- Conceptual Modeling on the Relationship between Trust and Stickiness to Corporate Blog in Korea (Yoojung Kim and Hyung Seok Lee) pp.1151-1170.
[ PDF ]
- Dynamic Cubic Neural Network with Demand Momentum for New Product Sales Forecasting (Bong-sung Chu and De-bi Cao) pp.1171-1182.
[ PDF ]
- Advance Selling at Hierarchical Consumer Market (Junwu Chai and Zelin Zhang) pp.1183-1192. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Scalable and Privacy Preserving Remote Attestation Mechanism (Tamleek Ali, Masoom Alam, Mohammad Nauman, Toqeer Ali, Muhammad Ali and Sajid Anwar)
pp.1193-1204. [ PDF ]
- Translation Model Combination Based on String-Chunk (YuPeng Liu, Sheng Li and TieJun Zhao) pp.1205-1218. [ PDF ]
- A Method for Incorporating Language Models Based on Linkage Grammar Into Phrase-Based SMT Models (Yidong Chen, Xiaodong Shi and Changle Zhou) pp.1219-1230.
[ PDF ]
- r-Train (Train) : A New Flexible Dynamic Data Structure (Ranjit Biswas) pp.1231-1246. [ PDF ]
- An Approximate Indexing Method for Efficient Processing of k-Nearest Neighbor Queries in Road Network Environment
(Sang-Chul Lee, Sang-Wook Kim, Junghoon Lee and Jae Soo Yoo) pp.1247-1264. [ PDF ]
- Efficient Filtering Techniques for Cosine Similarity Joins (Dongjoo Lee, Jaehui Park, Junho Shim and Sang-goo Lee) pp.1265-1290.
[ PDF ]
- Consistent Topology Construction of Overlay Based on Fuzzy Clustering (Wang Bin and Shen Qing-guo) pp.1291-1302.
[ PDF ]
- A Novel Energy-efficient Authentication Data Distribution Scheme for Heterogeneous Interworking Networks (Li Wang, Mei Song, Jingyao Wang and Yong Zhang)
pp.1303-1314. [ PDF ]
- Presumption for Appearance of Mosquito Noise (Kanae Taniguchi) pp.1315-1324. [ PDF ]
- Optical Flow Feedback for Mobile Camera Measurement and Data Acquisition System Localization/Navigation
(Jinsuk Kang, Joongnam Jeon, Jaehyoun Kim and Taikyeong Jeong) pp.1325-1336. [ PDF ]
- Aggregated Harmonic Data Placement for Scalable Streaming (Youngsang Kang, Heon Y. Yeom and Sooyong Kang) pp.1337-1352.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on d-left Counting Bloom Filter for Dynamic Packets Filtering (Peizhen Lin, Hui Deng, Feng Wang and Weiliang Tan) pp.1353-1362.
[ PDF ]
- MRWorkflow : Design and Implementation of a Workflow System for MapReduce Applications (Shin-gyu Kim, Hyuck Han and Heon Y. Yeom) pp.1363-1372.
[ PDF ]
- Adaptive Security Model in Real-time Intrusion Detection Environment (Myung-Mook Han, Dong-Hui Li and Taikyeong Ted. Jeong) pp.1373-1384.
[ PDF ]
- Control of a Cooling Fanfs RPM Using Fuzzy Inference Method (Kwang-Baek Kim, Gyeongyong Heo, You-Sik Hong and Young Woon Woo) pp.1385-1396.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Different Activities on Chinese Character and Figure Processing by a Visual fMRI Study Involving Literates and Illiterates
(Xiujun Li, Jinglong Wu, Chunlin Li, Chang Cai and Qiyong Guo) pp.1397-1410. [ PDF ]
- 3-D Segmentation of Lung Nodules in CT Images based on Improved Level Set Method (Zhifang Min, Renchao Jin, Enmin Song,
Hong Liu, Xiaotong Wang and Chih-Cheng Hung) pp.1411-1420. [ PDF ]

Vol.14, No.5, May, 2011
- A Special Issue on Reliable and Autonomous
Computational Science (Guest Editors: Prof. Sung Y. Shin, Prof. Rex E. Gantenbein,
Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo and Prof. Jiman Hong)
- Tracking of Proxy RP in Wi-Fi Based Indoor Localization of a Wi-Fi Mobile
Device (Wonsun Bong, Injun Park and Yong Cheol Kim) pp.1425-1438.
- Analysis of the Impact of Redundancy on Reliable Broadcasting in MANETs
(Jinman Jung, Yeongkwun Kim, Sangho Yi and Hyungbae Park) pp.1439-1456.
- Design and Analysis of a Probability-based Data Forwarding Scheme in
Wireless Sensor Networks (Dang Tu Nguyen, Wook Choi and Hyunseung Choo) pp.1457-1480.
- Buffered retransmission on grid-style wireless process control networks
(Junghoon Lee, Gyung-Leen Park , In-Hye Shin and Mikyung Kang) pp.1481-1496.
- A Fast Fault Detection Mechanism for Clustered Underwater Sensor Networks
(Hong Min, Sangil Eo, Gwangil Jeon, Jung Yeop Kim and Junyoung Heo) pp.1497-1512.
- A Reliable Watchdog Protocol with Two-way Mutual ConPrmation in Wireless
Multi-Hop Networks (Dongseung Shin, Dongkyun Kim and Jinwook Lee) pp.1513-1534.
- An Energy-Efficient Interface Selection Scheme for Multi-Mode Wireless
Network Devices (Bongjae Kim, Chaedeok Lim, Chang Oan Sung,
Hernsoo Hahn and Kanghee Kim) pp.1535-1552.
- Generalized rate control model and CDMA-based real-time services for
in-building environments (Woon-Young Yeo, Donghoon Kang and Hyukjun Oh) pp.1553-1564.
- An Efficient Stabilization Scheme for Improving Availability of P2P Networked
Systems (Geunyoung Park, Jinman Jung, Yookun Cho and Sung Y. Shin) pp.1565-1578.
- A Suggestion for a New Reliable Real-Time Nested Transaction Model
(Seung-Jin Moon) pp.1579-1594.
- An Adaptive and Hierarchical CPU Allocation for Multicore NUMA Memory
Organization (Dongwoo Kang, Heekwon Park and Jongmoo Choi) pp.1595-1612.
- Low-Power Algorithm for EDZL Scheduling on Multicore Processors
(Xuefeng Piao, Heeheon Kim, Yookun Cho, Sangchul Han,
Minkyu Park, Moonju Park and Seongje Cho) pp.1613-1628.
- A Semi-Real-Time Scheduler for Service Robot Components on Windows
NT Systems (Heejune Ahn, Hyukjun Oh and Yoojin Chung) pp.1629-1644.
- Analysis of Autonomous Bandwidth-Delay-Balancing Characteristic in the
Decay Usage Scheduler (Kyeongho Park, Ju Hyun Lee, Hoyoung Hwang,
Chang-Gun Lee, Sang Lyul Min and Hyo-Joong Suh) pp.1645-1662.
- Pre-Verified Safety Control Framework for Real-Time Medical Systems
(Cheolgi Kim, Heechul Yun, Hyun-Gyu Kim and Lui Sha) pp.1663-1674.
- Temperature Reduction of Register File by Effective Heat-Dissipation
Structure (Jungwook Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Su Goog Shon and Chu Shik Jhon) pp.1675-1694.
- The Efficient Circular Flash Memory Cache Mechanism For Reducing Energy
Consumption of Disks (Younghwan Kim, Taehyoung Kim and Jiman Hong) pp.1695-1708.
- Automatic Document Tagging using Online Knowledge Base
(Chang Choi, Myunggwon Hwang, Dongjin Choi, Junho Choi and Pankoo Kim) pp.1709-1720.
- Efficient and Flexible Key/Value Datastore System using Java Reflection
(WookHwan Choi, Junghoon Shin, Sangjun Lee and Sung Y. Shin) pp.1721-1732.
- Collision Resilient Symbol based Extension of Query Tree Protocol for
Parallel RFID Tag Collision Recovery (Jae Youn Shim and Seong Whan Kim) pp.1733-1744.
- Research Trends in Condensed Matter Physics Based on Bibliometric
Analysis (Sejung Ahn, Jongseok Kang and Hyuck Jai Lee) pp.1745-1760.
- TOF Camera based 3D Fingertip Interaction (Yangkeun Ahn and Jiman Hong) pp.1761-1774.
- Design of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set-based Fuzzy Neural Networks and
Its Optimization Using Generation-based Evolution
(Keon-Jun Park, Sung-Kwun Oh and Yong-Kab Kim) pp.1775-1790.
- A Comparison Between Core Patents That Including And Excluding
Self-Citations (Keun-Hwan Kim, Oh-Jin Kwon and Bang-Rae Lee) pp.1791-1802.
- An ontological approach to partnership establishment
(Harshit Kumar, Pil Seong Park, SooMi Yang and Hong Gee Kim) pp.1803-1824.
- A Research on System Development for Automatic Pattern Extraction
Based on Characteristics of 2D Image by Adaptive Edge etection
Algorithm (DoYeong Jeong and Kicheon Hong) pp.1825-1842.

Vol.14, No.6, June, 2011
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Approach to Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Trapezoid Fuzzy
Linguistic Information (Jianwu Wu) pp.1841
- Shapley Value and Choquet Integral-based Operators for Aggregating
Correlated Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information (Xiumei Zhang, Zeshui Xu and Xiaohan Yu) pp.1847-1858.
- Effectiveness of IDR(s)-based iterative methods for Electromagnetic Wave
Propagation Analysis by FEGTD method (Kengo Taira, Yusuke Onoue and Seiji Fujino) pp.1859-1872.
- A Lower Bound for Minimum Positive Semidefinite Rank by Constructing
An OS-vertex Set for a Given Graph (Li Lei and Ting-Zhu Huang) pp.1873-1878.
- Optimizing Two-Stage Fuzzy Multi-Product Multi-Period Production
Planning Problem (Xueqin Feng and Guoqiang Yuan) pp.1879-1894.
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Programming Model for the Newsvendor
Problem (Qi Sun, Jianhua Ji, Xing Bao and Dehai Liu) pp.1895-1902.
- Convergence and Merger Performance of Acquiring Firms in the Broadcasting
and Telecommunication Industries: Evidence from Korean Case
(Daeho Lee, Ahreum Hong, Minjung Shon and Junseok Hwang) pp.1903-1924.
- Hedonic Price Modeling of the Quality Attributes of Products (Hyung Seok Lee) pp.1925-1934.
- Supply Chain Risk Driver Extraction using Text Mining Technique
(Sara Moriizumi, Bongsung Chu, Haiyan Cao and Hiroaki Matsukawa) pp.1935-1946.
- A Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Model with Credibility Measure
(Meilin Wen, Dong Zhou and Chuan Lv) pp.1947-1958.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- DNA Sequence Block Cipher with Multi-Chaotic Maps for Image Encryption
(Changjun Zhou, Wei Xiaopeng, Zhang Qiang and Liu Rui) pp.1959-1968.
- Combining Multi-models for Gene Mention Tagging
(Lishuang Li, Degen Huang and Jing Sun) pp.1969-1982.
- A Scheme of Real Time Cloud Rendering on the GPU (Zhenbao Liu and Shuhui Bu) pp.1983-1992.
- Design and Implementation of a Web Service to Express the Visual
Components of the USN Sensing and Meta data (Byeong-Tae Ahn and Min Sun Kim) pp.1993-2008.
- Spatial Attention Improve Human Performance of Pointing Movement
(Jiajia Yang, Motohiko Omodani and Jinglong Wu) pp.2009-2018.
- Soft Computing Techniques for Decision Making with Induced Aggregation
Operators (Jose M. Merigo, Anna M. Gil-Lafuente and Jaime Gil-Aluja) pp.2019-2040.
- RFID Authentication Protocol for Low-cost RFID Tags
(BooJoong Kang, Hye Seon Kim, Eui-Hyung Kim, Hyong-Shik Kim and Eul Gyu Im) pp.2041-2060.
- A Novel Algorithm for Image Contents Distribution over Image Contents
Networks based on Efficient Caching Solutions
(Zhou Su, Zhihua Zhang, Yu Chen, Zhu Ning and Ying Li) pp.2061-2070.
- Hierarchical Graphical Model-based Object Identification and Categorization
For Smartphone (Jinsuk Kang and Byeong-Hee Roh) pp.2071-2086.
- E-learning Asynchronous Course Delivery in gFundamental of
Telecommunication and Computer Networkh(Saad Najim Al Saad) pp.2087-2094.
- Word Sequence-based Newspaper Articles Plagiarism Detection
(Hyun-Sook Chung, Jong-An Park, Young-Eun An and Jung-Min Kim) pp.2095-2114.
- Kinematic Analysis and Mechanical Design of a Humanoid Manipulator
(Ye Tian, Weimin Zhang, Min Li, Xiaopeng Chen and Fei Meng) pp.2115-2138.
- A FODA Oriented Approach to Architecture based Ripple Effect Analysis
(Sajid Anwar, Shehzad Haleem, Toqeer Ali Syed, Awaia Adnan,
Tamleek Ali Tanveer,Masoom Alam, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Ramzan and Abdul Rauf) pp.2139-2150.
- Active Learning in Cooperative Communication based Cognitive Radio
(Xian Zhang, Qihui Wu and Jinlong Wang) pp.2151-2162.
- A Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Images using GA and k-Means
(Ze Wang, ShengZhong Xiao, HuanFu Cai and ChunMei Wang) pp.2163-2170.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Study of Autocrine M-protein of LP-1 Cells Antagonist As2O3-mediated
Programmed Cell Death (Chen Ying, Zhang Mei, Li Chengliang and Hao Jinxia) pp.2171-2182.

Vol.14, No.7, July, 2011
- A Special Issue on Ubiquitous Information Technology
for Enhanced Mobile Systems (Guest Editors: Prof. Min Hong, Prof. Vladimir Hahanov
and Prof. Chen Yu)
- A Secure and Efficient E-Will System Based on PKI (Kwangwoo Lee, Dongho Won and Seungjoo Kim) pp.2187-2206.
- Development of a Stochastic Simulation Model for Estimating Construction Time Durations
(Jaehyun Choi, Jaeho Son and Seunghyun Lee) pp.2207-2218.
- Developing an Algorithm for Measuring the Quantity of Installed Euro Forms
(Seunghyun Lee, Soojung Oh, Jaehyun Choi and Min Hong) pp.2219-2228.
- Unsupervised Lexical Entry Acquisition Model based on Representation of Human Mental Lexicon
(Wonhee Yu, Doo-Soon Park, Taeweon Suh and Heuiseok Lim) pp.2229-2242.
- Clearer Line-Drawings of 3D Models Rendered More Quickly on a GPU
(Soo-Kyun Kim and Jung Lee) pp.2243-2250.
- Label-Switched Routing Protocol with Local Multi-Paths for Reliable Message Delivery in Ubiquitous
Tactical MANET Environments (Bosung Kim, Jong-kwan Jung, Kwangsoo Kim and Byeong-hee Roh) pp.2251-2270.
- Office Device Authentication and Authorization Protocol in Ubiquitous Office Network
(Jong Sik Moon and Im-Yeong Lee) pp.2271-2292.
- Available-Bandwidth Estimation Considering Transmission Overheads in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs
(Hyelim Koo, Kwangsoo Kim, Hyung Joon Park, Byeong-hee Roh and Jin-Suk Kang) pp.2293-2306.
- A New linear MMSE Estimator based on the Diversity Property of Signal Correlation
(Chengti Huang, Wei Nie, Rueywen Liu and Houjun Wang) pp.2307-2314.
- XenMVM: Exploring Potential Performance of Virtualized Multi-core Systems
(Zhiyuan Shao, Hai Jin, Yong Li and Jian Huang) pp.2315-2326.
- A Cross-Layer Mobility Management Scheme Based on Time Series Analysis in IEEE802.16 Networks
(Jun-Hui Lee , Hyun-Woo Kim, Yong-Hoon Choi, Jaesung Park and Kilhung Lee) pp.2327-2338.
- Dynamic Mobility Management for Ubiquitous Information Technology
(Myung-Kyu Yi, Sung-Yeol Yun, Seok-Cheon Park and Young-Kyu Yang) pp.2339-2356.
- Implementation of Mobile Collaboration Application Service in u-Hospital Environments
(Chang Won Jeong, Su Chong Joo and Young Sik Jeong) pp.2357-2368.
- The Cost Model of 3rd Party Content Service for efficient Mobile IPTV Provision
(Maria Elizabeth Aldana Diaz and Eui-Nam Huh) pp.2369-2386.
- A Seamless NEMO Support Protocol with Efficient Buffering Scheme in PMIPv6 Networks
(Hyo-Beom Lee, Sung-Gi Min, Youn-Hee Han, Kyoung-Hee Lee and Sung-Kuen Lee) pp.2387-2400.
- Real-time Diagnosis System for Cardiovascular Diseases in u-Healthcare Service
(Heon Gyu Lee and Jin Hyoung Park) pp.2401-2418.
- Information Analysis Infrastructure for Diagnosis (Vladimir Hahanov,
Wajeb Gharibi, Eugenia Litvinova and Svetlana Chumachenko) pp.2419-2334.
- New Efficient Migration for Mobile Computing in Distributed Networks
(Yu-Li Lin and Chien-Lung Hsu) pp.2435-2450.
- Multimedia Recommendation Services based on Social Context Awareness in Mobile Networks
(Meng-Yen Hsieh, Hua-Yi Lin and Kuan-Ching Li) pp.2451-2458.
- A Key Management Scheme for DenseWireless Sensor Networks
(Wei-Shuo Li, Chun-Wei Tsai, Wen-Shyong Hsieh, Chu-Sing Yang and Ming-Chao Chiang) pp.2459-2470.
- IP-paging based Broker Service for Reliability and Efficiency in Mobile Grid Computing
(DaeWon Lee, SungHo Chin and HwaMin Lee) pp.2471-2486.
- A Study on e-Learner Satisfaction: The Case of Online MBA Program
(Mi-Ryang Kim, Tae Ung Kim and Jaehyoun Kim) pp.2487-2498.
- Advanced Bot Response Mechanism based on DNS Sinkhole
(Seok-Hun Kim, Sang-Soo Choi, Hark-Soo Park and Jang-Won Choi) pp.2499-2522.
- Smart Entrance Monitoring System Using Clothing Color Analysis in Multi-Camera Environment
(Yoo-Joo Choi, Doo-Cheol Kang, We-Duke Cho and Ku-Jin Kim) pp.2523-2536.
- Secure ARP using CA Management Server based on MACsec
(Jun-Won Lee, Seon-Ho Park, Ki-Ho Gum and Tai-Myoung Chung) pp.2537-2548.

Vol.14, No.8, August, 2011
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Sets and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topology Spaces
(Tao Feng, Shao-Pu Zhang and Ju-Sheng Mi) pp.2553-2562.
- Research on Pattern Recognition of Chatter in Grinding Based on HMM
(Jing Kang, Hongying Hu and Shengzhong Xiao) pp.2563-2574.
- Extended Fuzzy VIKOR Method with Intuitionistic Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers
(Yan Du and Peide Liu) pp.2575-2584.
- On the Structural Stability of Discretized BurgersfEquation with Randomness
(Itaru Hataue) pp.2585-2598.
- Moments and Tails Inequality within the Framework of Uncertainty Theory
(Xiaohu Yang) pp.2599-2604.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Strategic Customer Relationship Management of Firms under Competition
(Eunjin Kim and Huy Kang Kim) pp.2605-2614.
- The Trial Production of the Web Search Support System for Information
Practical Use Capability Training in Elementary School Education
(Tomokazu Nagata, Yuki Matsubara, Tetsuya Higa, Tadashi Shiroma,
Yuji Taniguchi and Shiro Tamaki) pp.2615-2634.
- Determining Diffusion Power Users in a Blogosphere
(Seung-Hwan Lim, Sang-Wook Kim, Sunju Park and Seok-Ho Yoon) pp.2635-2654.
- Impact of Charging Strategy on e-Loyalty: Failure Case of a Korean Portal Site
(Jongtae Lee, Myeong-Cheol Park, Young Chan Choe and Junghoon Moon) pp.2655-2668.
- A Computational Model for Simulating Korean Visual Word Recognition
(Kinam Park, Soonyoung Jung, Yoonhyoung Lee, Changhwan Lee, Heuiseok Lim) pp.2669-2684.
- Prioritizing the Investment of Research and Development in the Construction
Industry Using Strategic Mapping Technique (Edward H. Wang, Ming-The Wang) pp.2685-2700.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Exploration-Exploitation Balancing Deployment Strategy in UAV Sensor Networks
(Xuanya Li, Linlin Ci, Minghua Yang and Bin Cheng) pp.2701-2710.
- Generalized Aggregation Operators in Decision Making with Dempster-Shafer
Belief Structure (Jose M. Merigo and Montserrat Casanovas) pp.2711-2732.
- Efficient and Flexible Metadata Authoring Tool for Multimedia Contents
(Junghoon Shin, Sooduck Chun, Sangjun Lee and Hyeokman Kim) pp.2733-2742.
- Efficient Trajectory Indexing in Moving Object Databases
(Jung-Im Won, Chang-Il Cha, Min-Hee Jang, Sang-Wook Kim and Junghoon Lee) pp.2743-2758.
- Horn Extraction in Noisy Environments by Empirical Mode Decomposition
(Masaki Nakanishi and Yasue Mitsukura) pp.2759-2766.
- The Fractal Features of Salt-Out Crystal Surface in Liquid-Solid Two-Phase
Flow (Weidong Jia, Ning Zhu and Aiping Shi) pp.2767-2772.
- The Normal Acquisition from the Real Object Surface and Mapping
(Huijian Han and Caiming Zhang) pp.2773-2784.
- Translating Chinese-English Organization Names with Mix-Language Web Pages
(Feiliang Ren and Jingbo Zhu) pp.2785-2800.
- Development of Scenario-based Collaborative Middleware Platform for
Heterogeneous Service Systems in RFID/USN Environment
(Seokkyoo Kim, Juno Chang and Sangyong Han) pp.2801-2822.
- A New Methodology for Automatic Building Arabic Field Association
Terms Dictionary Using POS (El-Sayed Atlam) pp.2823-2834.
- Korean POS Tagging using Syllable Lattice Based OOV Words Resolution
(Jungyeul Park, Jeong-Won Cha and Seok-Woo Jang) pp.2835-2844.
- Thickness Measurement of Lighting Glass-Sphere by Inverse Ray Tracing
Method (Satoru Takahashi and Youichi Ishigami) pp.2845-2856.
- Post Recommendation in a Blogosphere
(Seok-Ho Yoon, Suk-Soon Song, Sang-Wook Kim and YongSu Park) pp.2857-2864.
- Modeling of Radiation Effects for 1-D RLH-TL using Extraction of Circuit
Parameters and its Application (Changho Choi and Yoonseok Heo) pp.2865-2874.
- Long-Term Performance Evaluation of a PV System for a Model House
Equipped with Thin-Film Silicon Hybrid Solar Cells (Part 1)
(Guanglong Zhao, Kunio Sato, Takashi Fukushima and Xiulun Wang) pp.2875-2888.
- An Effective EM Extension of Naive Bayes Text Classifier with Uncertainty
-based Selective Sampling (Han-Joon Kim) pp.2889-2900.
- A Look-up Table based Binary GCD for Fast Modular Inversion
(Tsutomu Ishida, Tomoyuki Nagase and Yoshio Yoshioka) pp.2901-2910.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Neural Substrates of Priming Effect for Japanese Word and Nonword when
Compared to Figure Form (Chunlin Li, Xiujun Li, Hiroshi Kusahara and Jinglong Wu) pp.2911-2926.

Vol.14, No.9, September, 2011 [ COVER PDF ]
- A Special Issue: Creativity, Context Prediction, and Decision Making in Ubiquitous Computing Era
(Guest Editor: Prof. Kun Chang Lee)
- Individual and Team Differences in Self-Reported Creativity by Shared Leadership and Individual Knowledge in an e-Learning Environment
(Dae sung Lee, Young Wook Seo and Kun Chang Lee) pp.2931-2946. [ PDF ]
- A Context Prediction Methodology for Timely Service Invocation in Location-Based Services (Ohyung Kwon and Kyoung-Yun Kim) pp.2947-2960.
[ PDF ]
- Bayesian Network-Based Management of Individual Creativity in an e-Learning Environment: An Approach to Balance Task Complexity and Individual Knowledge
Competence (Young Wook Seo, Dae sung Lee and Kun Chang Lee) pp.2961-2972. [ PDF ]
- A Personalized Booth Recommendation using Bayesian Networks in Ubiquitous Exhibition (Il Young Choi, Hyea Kyeong Kim and Jae Kyeong Kim) pp.2973-2990.
[ PDF ]
- Innovation Assimilation by Individuals: A Mobile Application Diffusion Perspective (Minkyoung Kim and Myeong-Cheol Park) pp.2991-3004.
[ PDF ]
- Determining and Predicting Proper Man-months in IT Outsourcing Service by Employing Bayesian Networks (Nam Yong Jo and Kun Chang Lee) pp.3005-3014.
[ PDF ]
- Exploring the Role of Visual Design in IT Acceptance: A Study of Blog Websites (Sook-Hyun Cho, Se-Joon Hong and Jae Yun Moon) pp.3015-3030.
[ PDF ]
- Measuring Smartphone Dependence: A First Step with Emphasis on Factor Analytic Evidence (Woojae Km, Bong-Won Park and Kun Chang Lee) pp.3031-3048.
[ PDF ]
- Integration of RFID and Sensor Networks into ERP: Innovation of Mushroom Farm's Decision Making (Heun Dong Park, Haneul Kim, Junghoon Moon and Young
Chan Choe) pp.3049-3062. [ PDF ]
- Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Evaluation of Mobile Business Models (Gyoo Gun Lim, Kun Chang Lee, Won Jun Seo and Dae Chul Lee) pp.3063-3080.
[ PDF ]
- The Impact of Organizational Culture and Knowledge-Sharing - Exploitation and Exploration - on Individual Creativity (Min Hee Hahn, Kun Chang Lee,
Young Wook Seo and Dae Sung Lee) pp.3081-3088. [ PDF ]
- Designing a COntext REcommendation System (CORES) for Context Prediction Based on the Dempster-Shafer Theory (Jong Man Lee, Kun Chang Lee, and Seong Wook
Chae) pp.3089-3100. [ PDF ]
- Context Data Clustering Based On Modified Fuzzy Possibilistic CMeans Algorithm for Efficient Context-Aware Computing Services (Mohamed Fadhel Saad,
Jongyoun Lee, Ohbyung Kwon and Adel M. Alimi) pp.3101-3112. [ PDF ]
- An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Smartphone Use on Addiction: Usage and Gratification Approach (Seong Wook Chae and Kun Chang Lee) pp.3113-3126.
[ PDF ]
- CoP Evaluation and Reward Decision Support System Based on Active Context-aware Decision-making (Daegeun Hong, EuihoSuh, Suchul Lee and Kiwon Lee)
pp.3127-3142. [ PDF ]
- Approach to Corporate Credit Grading Prediction Using Bayesian Network Model (Do Young Choi, Kun Chang Lee and Nam Yong Jo) pp.3143-3154.
[ PDF ]

Vol.14, No.10, October, 2011
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Fitting a Nonlinear Curve to Temperature Data and the Accuracy Estimation
of the Curve (Takahiro Yamazaki, Shigeo Ishikawa, Sadao Nagasaka and Masao Igarashi)
- TOPSIS-Based Numerical Computation Methodology for Intuitionistic Fuzzy
Multiple Attribute Decision Making (Aimin Yang, Chunfeng Liu, Jincai Chang and
Li Feng) pp.3169-3174.
- Expected Payoff of Trading Strategies for Uncertain Financial Markets
(Xichang Yu) pp.3175-3186.
- Synthesis of Novel Beta-Elemene Glycoside Derivatives
(R. X. Bai, C. H. Wang and S J. Zhang) pp.3187-3198.
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Informative and Effective Approach towards Construction Contract
Administration: A Modified Delphi Method
(Heap-Yih Chong, Rosli Mohamad Zin and Chai-Chai Lim) pp.3199-3222.
- Morphology Analysis of Mass Rail Transit Network
(Chaoqun Ma and Yuping Wang) pp.3223-3234.
- Disaster Management in the Public Administration System of NC
(Deniz Iscioglu and Rusen Keles) pp.3235-3248.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Impact of Selfish Nodefs Presence in VANETs over Different Attributes
(Adeel Javed, Abdullah Al-Dhelaan and Mznah Al-Rodhaan) pp.3249-3260.
- A Group Key Management Protocol Based on Weight-Balanced 2-3 Tree for
Wireless Sensor Networks
(Lin Yao, Bing Liu, Feng Xia, Guo-Wei Wu and Qiang Lin) pp.3261-3278.
- Network Behavior Analysis Simulation Using Ontology Methodology
(Taekyu Kim and Young Shin Han) pp.3279-3288.
- Optimal WEB Service Selection and Composition Using Multi-Objective Bees
Algorithm (Tai-hoon Kim, Palanikumar.D, G. Kousalya) pp.3289-3296.
- Routing Energy Efficiency and Quality of Service (QoS) of Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN)
(Noor Zaman, Azween B. Abdullah, Iftikhar Ahmad and Muneer Ahmed) pp.3297-3304.
- An Optimized Indicator Sequence for Coding Identification in Eukaryotes
(Muneer Ahmad, Azween B. Abdullah, Iftikhar Ahmad and Noor Zaman) pp.3305-3312.
- Fingerprint Classification Using PCA, LDA, L-LDA and BPN
(Mohammed S. Khalil, Muhammad Imran Razzak, Muhammad Khurram Khan) pp.3313-3324.
- Analysis of Classification Model and Feature Subset Selection
(Muhammad A. Khan and Anwar M. Mirza) pp.3325-3334.
- Enhancing IP Blacklist for Botnet Detection
(Aneel Rahim, Khizar Hayat, Muhammad Sher, Tai-hoon Kim) pp.3335-3342.
- Wireless Sensor Network Architecture for SCADA System: Review
(Yvette E. Gelogo and Tai-hoon Kim) pp.3343-3350.
- Trust Evaluation Model based Node Behavior Character
(Junfeng Tian, Yuling Liu and Ruizhong Du) pp.3351-3372.
- Multi-level Linked List FP-Tree for Attack Graph
(Myung-Mook Han and Dong-Hui Li) pp.3373-3384.
- An Energy-efficient Task Scheduling Approach for Variable Frequency
Multi-core Processors (Yingfeng Wang, Hong Tu, Shengjun Qin) pp.3385-3394.
- Geo-Cloud Space of 3D Perception for Stereoscopic Camera Navigation and
Localization (Jin-Suk Kang and Byeong-Hee Roh) pp.3395-3408.
- Bump Hunting using the Tree-GA (Hideo Hirose) pp.3409-3424.
- Geometrical Retrieval of Images Using Discrete Shock Graph-based Shape
Features (Solima Khanam, Seok-Woo Jang, Woojin Paik) pp.3425-3438.
- A Study on Optimization of Trajectory Tracking Using Artificial Immunity
(Sangwon Kim and Yoonseok Heo) pp.3439-3454.
- Dynamic Software Provisioning System for EMR Gateway
(SiYun Song and HeeJoung Hwang) pp.3455-3464.
- Homomorpic Distributed Verification Protocol for Ensuring Data Storage
Security in Cloud Computing (P. Syam Kumar, R. Subramanian) pp.3465-3476.
- A Fair and Priority-based Protocol Processing Scheme for End-to-End QoS
Provisioning (Jimin Kim and Minsoo Ryu) pp.3477-3488.
- An Improved Algorithm for Attribute Reduction Based on Database Technology
(Shifei Ding, Hao Ding, Fengxiang Jin) pp.3489-3498.
- An Alternative Routing Algorithm for Hex-Cell Network
(Mohammad Qatawneh, Hamed Bdour, Shrouq Sabah, Rana Samhan,
Azzam Sleit, Ja'far Alqatawna, Wesam al-Mobaideen) pp.3499-3514.
- Towards Trusted Information Sharing in Enterprise Information Systems
(Masoom Alam, Tamleek Ali, Sajid Anwar, Quratulain Alam,
Muhammad Ali, Awais Adnan, Amir Hayat, Sohail Khan) pp.3515-3526.
- A Staged and Distributed Strategy for Bio-Entity Recognition
(Huiwei Zhou, Degen Huang, Xiaoyan Li, Yuansheng Yang and Fuji Ren) pp.3527-3536.
- A Robust Digital Image Watermarking Method Against Geometric Attacks
(Qiang Zhang, Chen Chen, Xiaopeng Wei and Runnian Ma) pp.3537-3548.
- Analysis and Implementation of MSC-Pool in Mobile Communication Core
Networks with Path Diversity (Yu Su and Xian Feng) pp.3549-3554.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Contribution of Pinna Cues to Human Sound Discriminate Ability of
Vertical Angle in Sagittal Planes (Tianyi Yan and Jinglong Wu) pp.3555-3566.

Vol.14, No.11, November, 2011
- Recent Trends on Intelligent Management Technologies
for Cloud Computing and Security (Guest Editor : Prof. Jason J. Jung)
- A Dictionary Development System based on Web (Dosam Hwang) pp.3575-3582.
- Building Knowledge Domain N-Gram Model for Mobile Devices
(Dongjin Choi, Byungkyu Ko, Myunggwon Hwang and Pankoo Kim) pp.3583-3590.
- Localized Approximation Method Using Inertial Compensation in WSNs
(ChangWoo Song, KyungYong Chung, Jason J. Jung, KeeWook Rim and JungHyun Lee) pp.3591-3600.
- The effects of central leader and candidates in Ad Hoc Networks
(Mary Wu, YoungSeok Jung, ChongGun Kim) pp.3601-3610.
- Solving Protein Fold Prediction Problem Using Fusion of Heterogeneous Classifiers
(Abdollah Dehzangi, and Sasan Karamizadeh) pp.3611-3622.
- Contextual Syndication Based on Tag Correspondences: a Case Study of Flickr
(Ho Mai Thi Pham, Jason J. Jung) pp.3623-3630.
- Integration of a Causal Map and Social Network Analysis to Predict the
Performance of Intelligent Exhibit Marketing (Namho Chung, Jae Kyeong Kim) pp.3631-3638.
- The Effects of Individual Values on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
in Virtual Communities: Testing Mediating Effects of User Involvement
(Sung Yul Ryoo, Soo Hwan Kwak, Sang Cheol Park) pp.3639-3646.
- What Factors Do Really Influence the Level of Technostress in
Organizations? (An Empirical Study) (Chulmo Koo, Yulia Wati) pp.3647-3654.
- The Effect of Alternative Attractiveness and Bonds on Continuous Usage
Intention of Customers in Mobile Telecommunication Services
(JaeSung Park, KyoungAe Kim, JaeJon Kim, Joon Koh) pp.3655-3662.
- Fuzzy Feedback Control for Warranty Claim
(Sang-Hyun Lee, Sang-Joon Lee and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.3663-3672.
- A* Based Metal Grating Layout Method for Cutting Plan Process
(Jin Myoung Kim and Tae Ho Cho) pp.3673-3682.
- Self-similarity based lightweight intrusion detection method
(Hyukmin Kwon, Eunjin Kim, Song Jin YU and Huy Kang Kim) pp.3683-3690.
- Design and Implementation of Data Leakage Prevention System Considering
the Level of Privacy Protection and Violation (Jinhyung Kim, Hyung-jong Kim) pp.3691-3698.
- Data Hiding in a Halftone Image Using Hamming Code (15, 11)
(Cheonshik Kim, Dongkyoo Shin, Dongil Shin, Phan Trung Huy) pp.3699-3706.
- QoS and Ontology-based Resource Management in Cloud Computing Environment
(Yong Beom Ma, Sung Ho Jang, and Jong Sik Lee) pp.3707-3716.
- Distributed and Centralized Test Approaches to Reinforce Distributed
Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
(Mihui Kim, Hyunseung Choo and Min Young Chung) pp.3717-3730.
- Production Planning Methodology for Semiconductor Manufacturing
Based on Marketing Pattern and Linear Programming Algorithm
(Youngshin Han, Jin Myoung Kim and Chilgee Lee) pp.3731-3738.
- Special Topic for ICISA 2011 (Guest Editor: Prof. Kyung-Yong Chung)
- Design of a Web Service Selection Administrator Based on a Metabroker
(Sung-Ho Sim, Su-Jin Baek, Young-Jae Song) pp.3739-3748.
- Analysis of Malicious Codes Similarity Using N-Gram and VSM in Windows
Environment (DongHwi Lee, Kuinam J Kim and Won Hyung Park) pp.3749-3758.
- Design of Secure Network Protocol to Defend against Fragmented Packet Attacks
(Daesung Lee, Kuinam J. Kim and Ki Chang Kim) pp.3759-3772.
- E-impression visualization: An empirical study on design factors for
e-impression in 3D space (Su-e Park, Ja Young Kim and Daesung Lee) pp.3773-3790.
- A Study of a Valid Frequency Range using Correlation Analysis of Throat
Signal (Young-Giu Jung, Mun-Sung Han, Kyung-Yong Chung, Sang Jo Lee) pp.3791-3800.
- Hybrid Scheme for Indoor Localization and Map Building with a Laser Range
Finder and a Local Positioning Sensor (ByungOk Han, Yong-Ho Seo,
Do-Hyeon Lee, SangYeob Na and Hyun S. Yang) pp.3801-3814.
- Scene Analysis for Robot Vision using Real Planes
(Jae-Kyu Lee, Seongjin Ahn, Georg F. Mauer, Woosoon Yim) pp.3815-3830.
- Injection Attack Detection using the Removal of SQL Query Attribute Values
(Jeom Goo Kim) pp.3831-3842.
- Semantic Social Network Analysis for Hierarchical Structured Multimedia
Browsing (Seung-Bo Park, Jin-Guk Jung and Daesung Lee) pp.3843-3856.
- The Size and Position Detection of the Small Target Using Facet Model
(Gyoon-Jung Lee, Ji-Hwan Park, Jae-Heum Joo and Ki-Gon Nam) pp.3857-3868.

Vol.14, No.12, December, 2011
- A Special Issue for the 2011 International Conference
on Computer-aided Material and Engineering (Guest Editors : Dr. Wenya Tian and Dr. Linli Xu)
- Investigation on Simulation and Experiment of Excitation Characteristics of
Turn-milling Center (Lida Zhu, Chunxia Zhu, Chong Su and Wanshan Wang) pp.3875-3880.
- Brand Trust Study based on Online Reviews: A Fuzzy Reasoning Method
(Narisa Zhao and Rui Zhang) pp.3881-3888.
- Data-driven Performance Assessment and Prediction Approach for Machinery Prognostics
(Wenzhu Liao, Ershun Pan and Lifeng Xi) pp.3889-3896.
- Optimization for Nozzle Parameters of Waterjet Propulsion System
(Guoqin Huang, Jin Yu, Xuan Ling and Yuquan Zhu) pp.3897-3904.
- Collaborative QoS Prediction for Web Services
(Qi Xie, Kaigui Wu, Jie Xu, Changze Wu and Ming Chen) pp.3905-3912.
- Reliability-aware Replica Selection for Data-intensive Applications on Data Grids
(Wei Du, Guohua Cui and Wei Liu) pp.3913-3920.
- Dynamic Tuning Parameter for the Stability of FAST TCP
(Fuzhe Zhao, Yuanbing Kang, Ru Li and Yang Xiao) pp.3921-3928.
- A Secure Wireless Data Collection Approach for Smart Grid (Yuxin Mao and Guiyi Wei) pp.3929-3940.
- Heterogeneous Information Integration Based on Services Composite Process
(Peiyun Zhang and Rongjian Xie) pp.3941-3948.
- Complex Event Processing in Seed Monitoring and Tracing System Based on EPC Network
(Jianing Zhao, Wanlin Gao, Ganghong Zhang, Yilong Zhu, Xiaomiao Zuo and Miaomiao Zhu) pp.3949-3956.
- Investigating, Classifying and Quantifying Standby in Reliability Salvatore Distefano pp.3957-3964.
- Fixed Abrasive Lapping Plate for Lapping Copper Substrates
(Yao Chunyan, Zhu Xianhui and Peng Wei) pp.3965-3972.
- Certificate Based Dynamic Access Control Strategy for Service Composition
(Guisheng Fan, Huiqun Yu, Chunhua Gu and Dongmei Liu) pp.3973-3980.
- Research of Wireless Link Statistical Characteristics in the Opportunistic Network
(LIU Qi-lie, PAN Ying-jun, ZHU Meng-wei, LI Yun and WENG Bin-bin) pp.3981-3988.
- An Adaptive Service Composition Mechanism Based on Reliability
(Liqiong Chen, Yunxiang Liu and Caizhu Yu) pp.3989-3996.
- The Parallel and Optimization of the JCG Solver in Reservoir Numerical Simulator
(Zhou Jingjing) pp.3997-4006.
- Using Stable Sets to Enhance I/O Pre-fetch (Mingyang Guo, Zhengju Sha, Lu Xu) pp.4007-4016.
- Correction for ESP Intervene Time Based on Driverfs Steering Desire
(Gao Zhenhai, Guo Jian, Guan Hsin, Dong Yiliang and Qiao Yanjuan) pp.4017-4026.
- Trajectory Planning and Experiment Research of Spherical 5R Parallel Manipulator
(Yong Quan Li, Li Jie Zhang, Zhi Min Guo and Fei Guo) pp.4027-4034.
- Experimental Research on SFRC Subjected to Wastewater and Dry-wet Cycling
(Fan Xiangqian, Hu Shaowei and Lu Jun) pp.4035-4040.
- Software Design for PCB Defects Detection System Based on AOI Technology
(Qi Yang and Ziyin LI) pp.4041-4046.
- Analysis on the QDPSK Modulation Principle and System Performance of
Continuous Pressure Wave Signal in Drilling Fluid Channel
(Zhong Wei LI and Rui He WANG) pp.4047-4054.
- Portal User Behavior on Mobile Internet (Gou-Feng Zhao, Lu Wang, Chuan Xu, Hong Tang) pp.4055-4060.
- Research on the Multi-step Prediction of Traffic Flow WNN Neural Network
Based on Chaos Algorithm (Yin Lisheng, Lu Zhaoquan and Dong Xueping) pp.4061-4066.
- Anomaly Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Improved Manifold Algorithm
(Liangliang Wang, Zhiyong Li, Jixiang Sun and Chun Du) pp.4067-4074.

Vol.15, No.1, January, 2012
- A Special Issue for International Workshop on Computational
Theory and Information Technology CT&IT2011 (Guest Editor: Prof. Junwu Zhu)
- A Kind of Differentiator Design Algorithm Based on Iterate Quadratic Program
(Xiao-dan Zhang and De-gan Zhang) pp.7-14.
- Analyzing and Modeling Data Center Availability from Replication Perspective in Cloud Computing
Environments (Dawei Sun, Guiran Chang, Lizhong Jin, Lina Sun and Xingwei Wang) pp.15-22.
- A Novel Smooth Support Vector Regression Based On Taylor Formula
(Bin Ren and LiangLun Cheng) pp.23-32.
- An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Operation of Cascade Reservoirs
(Peng Yong) pp.33-40.
- Adaptive Image De-noising Using Multivariate Statistical Model of Fractal-wavelet Encodes
(Zhiwen Wang, Shaozi Li and Ying Dai) pp.41-50.
- A Relaxed Stability Analysis and Controller Design of T-S Fuzzy Systems with Standard Fuzzy
Partition Inputs (Song-tao Zhang) pp.51-58.
- The Beamforming Design for Optimal Outage Probability of Analog Network Coding with
Multi-Antenna Relay Channel (Rui Wang, Chen Chen, Da Wang and Haige Xiang) pp.59-66.
- Microcalcification Clusters Detection with Bagging and Boosting based Twin Support Vector Machine
(Xinsheng Zhang, Yongfeng Chen and Zhengshan Luo) pp.67-74.
- An Enhanced Grey Relational Analysis Method for Interval-Valued Multiattribute Decision Making
(Qiansheng Zhang, Fuchun Liu and Shihua Luo) pp.75-82.
- Information Complexity of Monte Carlo Integration in Sobolev Classes with Mixed Derivative
(Liqin Duan and Peixin Ye) pp.83-90.
- Research on Multi-platform Cooperative Target Recognition Based on Data Mining
(Tian-Quan Ni, Xiao-Bing Peng, Jian-Dong Wang and Yi-An Liu) pp.91-104.
- Unbounded Hierarchical Identity-based Encryption in the Standard Model
(Leyou Zhang, Qing Wu, Yupu Hu and Yang Yang) pp.105-112.
- An Alert Hierarchical Association Algorithm to Construct Attack Scenarios
(Shuai Chunyan, Jiang Jianhui, Ouyang Xin, Chen Linbo and Yang Yang) pp.113-122.
- A Novel Bacterial Foraging Algorithm For Multi-working Mode Product Color Planning
(Hanning Chen, Yunlong Zhu, Kunyuan Hu, Man Ding and Weixing Su) pp.123-130.
- QoS Prediction of Web Services on Collaborative Filtering
(Qi Xie, Kaigui Wu, Changze Wu and Jie Xu) pp.131-140.
- A New SC-Based Method of Non-Line Wavelet Shrinkage Denoising
(De-Gan Zhang, Xue-Jing Kang, Yu-xia Hu and Wen-bo Dai) pp.141-148.
- Design of Robust H‡ Control Law via LMI for Lifting Vehicle
(Chuanfeng Li, Lei Liu, Yongji Wang and Zhishen Wang) pp.149-156.
- A Multi-value Classifying Method for Mining Knowledge from Noun Phrases
(Shi Wang, Cungen Cao, Ya-Nan Cao and Yajun Pei) pp.157-164.
- Learning NT Bayesian Classifier Based on Canonical Cover Analysis of Relational Database
(Limin Wang, GuoFeng Yao and XiongFei Li) pp.165-172.
- Extracting Logical Rules and Attribute Subset from Confidence Domain
(Limin Wang, GuoFeng Yao and XiongFei Li) pp.173-180.
- A Mathematical Approach to Reduce the Mean Number of Waiting Tasks in Wireless Sensor Actor Networks
(Mohsen Sharifi, Hossein Momeni and Morteza Okhovvat) pp.181-192.
- Studying the Sampling Bias of Network Topology Discovery
(Hui Zhou and Wencai Du) pp.193-200.
- List Scheduling with QoS Requirements on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems
(Weipeng Jing and Yaqiu Liu) pp.201-212.
- Prediction and Dispatching of Workshop Material Demand Based on Least Squares Support
Vector Regression with Genetic Algorithm
(Shuai Wang and Qingming Wang) pp.213-222.
- Material Character and Its Application for Color-image Retrieval
(Lei Wang and Li Zhao) pp.223-238.
- A Normalization Method of Interval-valued Belief Structures
(Xiaobin Xu, Haishan Feng and Chenglin Wen) pp.239-248.
- Tagging Social Images by Probabilistic Topic Model and Tag Association Mining
(Zheng Liu, Weiguo Zhao, Huijian Han and Hua Yan) pp.249-258.
- PeerChatter: A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Data Distribution over Social
Networks (Zhong Zheng, Yijie Wang and Xingkong Ma) pp.259-266.
- PNDP: Predicting Accurate Network Distance Based on Clustering
(Xiaoyong Li, Yijie Wang, Yongquan Fu and Weidong Sun) pp.267-274.
- SAPS:A Single Attribute Protection Scheme for SaaS
(Lin Li, Qingzhong Li, Yuliang Shi and Kun Zhang) pp.275-282.
- On the Convergence Rate and Expected First Fitting Time of Elitist Evolutionary Algorithms
(Ming Chen, Lixin Ding, Yunwen Lei and Qiuheng Tan) pp.283-296.
- Improved Memetic Algorithm for Multilevel Redundancy Allocation
(Pan He, Kaigui Wu, Junhao Wen, Peng Li and Jie Xu) pp.297-306.
- A Mixed Static Analysis Method based on Event Flow and Data Flow in Distributed Debugger
(Qingshan Li, Wei Chen, Xin Wang and Hua Chu) pp.307-314.
- An Agent-based System Dynamic Integration Method for Multi-level Evolution
(Qingshan Li, Wei Chen and Mengxia Zhu) pp.315-322.
- Detecting Shared Congestion Paths Based on Sparse Representation
(Lidong Yu, Ming Chen, Yong Gong, Huali Bai and Changyou Xing) pp.323-330.
- Design of Class Integration Test Order Based on Coupling Measures
(Shujuan Jiang, Yanmei Zhang, Qingtan Wang and Xuefeng Zhao) pp.331-338.
- Interactive Deformation Simulation of Manual Girth Measurement for Limbs
(Jianhui Zhao, Yihua Ding, Ravindra S. Goonetilleke, Shuping Xiong
Yuanyuan Zhang, Chengjiang Long and Zhiyong Yuan) pp.339-346.
- Multiage Evolutionary Algorithm and Its Application in Data Mining
(Li Zhao and Lei Wang) pp.347-362.
- Training Moment Neuronal Networks with Intra- and Inter-layer Interactions
(Xuyan Xiang and Yingchun Deng) pp.363-374.
- Fast Immune Greedy Spectral Clustering
(S.P. Gou, J. Zhang, L.C. Jiao and J.Y.Yang) pp.375-386.
- TPS: an Unsupervised Web Page Segmentation Algorithm Based on Dom Tree Structure Mining
(Chunshan Li, Yunming Ye and Xiaofeng Zhang) pp.387-394.
- A Improved Coverage Model and Deployment Algorithm in Internet of Things
(Bin Cao, Xuanjing Shen, Shuanglan Cao and Qingji Qian) pp.395-402.
- Doubly Constrained Robust Least Squares Constant Modulus Algorithm for Signal Steering Vector Mismatches
(Xin Song, Jinkuan Wang and Qiuming Li) pp.403-412.
- Recurrent Network and Recursive Estimation Methods for State Space Modeling
(Jih-Gau Juang, Bo-Shian Lin and Li-Hsiang Chien) pp.413-426.
- Web Mining for Causal Relations between Events
(Ya-nan Cao, Cungen Cao, Shi Wang and Liangjun Zang) pp.427-434.

Vol.15, No.2, February, 2012
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Hesitant Fuzzy Choquet Integral Aggregation Operators and Their Applications
to Multiple Attribute Decision Making (Guiwu Wei, Xiaofei Zhao, Hongjun Wang and Rui Lin) pp.441-448.
- Delphi Method for Estimating Uncertainty Distributions (Xiaosheng Wang, Zhichao Gao and Haiying Guo) pp.449-460.
- Rate of Convergence for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes
(Lin Sun, Youzhu Liu, Weijun Xu and Weilin Xiao) pp.461-466.
- Employing Emotional Cellular Models and its Similarity Computing in Valence -Arousal based Semantic Inference-
(Shi Fuqian) pp.467-482.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Deduction of a U-City Strategy by Analyzing Cases Worldwide (Chris Tackwon Kim and Min Sun Kim) pp.483-496.
- The Return Policy based on Asymmetric Nash Negotiation Model in Fuzzy Environment
(Shukuan Liu and Zeshui Xu) pp.497-506.
- Strategic IT Equipment Replacement Considering EOS and Risk of Failure
(Shuhei Inada, Chu Bong-Sung, Masahiko Tanaka and Hiroaki Matsukawa) pp.507-516.
- R&D-Based Models of Economic Growth Reconsidered (Hideo Noda) pp.517-536.
- A Decision Support System for Evaluation of Business Process Management Systems
(Ismail Cingil, Meltem Ozturan and Asli Sencer Erdem) pp.537-556.
- The Development of Information Systems and its Corresponding Financial Operations and Corporate Performance
(Chao Ma, Chuan Pang and Hsing Hung Chen) pp.557-566.
- On a Modeling for Multiple Websites using Access Log Analysis (Shinya Nogami and Daisuke Waki) pp.567-576.
- R&D Indicators of a Firm as Predictors for Predicting Firm Performance
(Young Geun Shin, Sang Sung Park and Dong Sik Jang) pp.577-596.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Self-Decision Activity in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks
(Meng-Yen Hsieh, Der-Jiunn Deng, Whe Dar Lin, Ching-Hung Yeh and Kuan-Ching Li) pp.597-606.
- A Collaborative Architecture for Healthcare Applications (Mario Ciampi and Taeshik Shon) pp.607-618.
- Numerical Simulation of Salt-out Turbulent Flow (Weidong Jia, Ning Zhu and Aiping Shi) pp.619-628.
- The Impact of Task-Technology Fit on the Performance of Mobile Communication System
(Sangjae Lee, Kun Chang Lee and Jinsung Kim) pp.629-638.
- A New Dynamic ID-based RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol Providing Perfect Synchronization
(Jihwan Lim, Sangjin Kim and Heekuck Oh) pp.639-656.
- Enhancing RFID Search Protocols based on Counters (Jihwan Lim, Sangjin Kim and Heekuck Oh) pp.657-670.
- Dynamic Behaviors of Gunfs Gear Mechanism with Clearance Based on Sencond Generation Wavelets and
Information Entropy (Bing Li, Xuefeng Chen and Zhengjia He) pp.671-678.
- Crime tracking E-Security system: Using wireless technology and Database (Hameed Ullah Khan) pp.679-688.
- Genetic Algorithm with Dynamic Stopping Criteria for Global QoS-Driven Web Service Replanning Selection
(Chengwen Zhang, Jian Kuang, Bo Cheng, Longchang Zhang and Zhenzhong Zhang) pp.689-698.
- A Uniform Noise Median Filter Based on a New Type of Filtering Window
(Mohammad Qatawneh, Yacoub Massad, Mohammed Musaddaq, Tawfiq Khalil and Azzam Sleit) pp.699-706.
- Malignancy and Abnormality Detection of Mammograms using Discrete Wavelet Transformed Features and
Neural Network (Muhammad Talha, Ghazali Bin Sulong, Nawazish Naveed and M. Arfan Jaffar) pp.707-720.
- Neuro-Fuzzy based Blind Image Restoration (Sohail Masood, M. Arfan Jaffar, Ayyaz Hussain,
Asmatullah Chaudhry and Jin Young Kim) pp.721-728.
- Novel Application of k-Means Support Vector Data Description to Speaker Verification without Background Models
(Chanyuan Niu, Ha-Jin Yu, Min-Seok Kim and IL-Ho Yang) pp.729-740.
- Experimental Verification and Analysis on Seismic Proof Performance of Velocity and Displacement
Dependent Hydraulic Damper (VDHD) (Wen-Pei Sung, Ming-Hsiang Shih, Darius Bacinskas and Gintaris Kaklauskas) pp.741-750.
- Voice Conversion Including Contextual Information
(Jian Sun, Xiongwei Zhang, Tieyong Cao, Jibin Yang and Xinjian Sun) pp.751-762.
- Hybrid Optimization Algorithm Based on Mean Particle Swarm and Artificial Fish Swarm
(Yongquan Zhou, Xingshou Huang, Yan Yang and Jinzhao Wu) pp.763-778.
- A study of Mozart effect in Attentional blink (Chen Xie, Duoqian Miao, Junqi Zhang and Zheng Tang) pp.779-792.
- Concept Based Learning Contents Retrieval by Using Extended Vector Space Model with Ontology
(Byoungchol Chang, Heonho Dho, Yonsoo Lee, Han-joon Kim, Jae-young Chang and Jaehyuk Cha) pp.793-804.
- A Noise Estimation Method Based on Principal Components Analysis Using Intensity-Homogeneity and Sharpness
(Ping Jiang and Jian-zhou Zhang) pp.805-814.
- Robust and Self-Synchronized Audio Watermarking by Invariant Feature Points
(Chi-Man Pun, Jing-Jing Jiang and Moon-Chuen Lee) pp.815-830.
- iVDA: A Efficient and Load-balanced Virtual Machine Deployment Algorithm in Large Cloud Environment
(Feng Huang, Dongsheng Li, Zhenbang Chen and Xicheng Lu) pp.831-846.
- Distributed resource allocation games in horizontal dynamic cloud federation Platform
(Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Biao Song, A. M. Jehad Sarkar and Eui-Nam Huh) pp.847-866.
- Intelligent Diagnosis Method for Bearing Using Non-dimensional Symptom Parameters and Ant Colony Optimization
(Ke Li, Peng Chen, Shiming Wang and Huaqing Wang) pp.867-878.
- Heterogeneous Data Structure gr-ATRAINh(Ranjit Biswas) pp.879-902.
- Securing Smart Phones Against Malicious Exploits (M Zubair Rafique, Faraz Ahmed, Muhammad Khurram Khan
and Muddassar Farooq) pp.903-922.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Study on Security Requirements and Health-care Housing Application for u-health Device
(Soon Seok Kim, Deok Seok Seo, Yong Hee Lee and Jong Hyuk Park) pp.923-938.
- Proposal of the Extraction Method of Ride Comfort by EEG (Yohei Tomita, Yasue Mitsukura, Hironobu Fukai,
Hirokazu Watai, Katsumi Tashiro and Kazutomo Murakami) pp.939-948.
- Generating Effective Responses for a Plan-based Dialogue System in Human-robot Interaction
(Sangwoo Kang, Youngjoong Ko and Jungyun Seo) pp.949-960.

Vol.15, No.3, March, 2012
- Special Issue on Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia
Applications (Guest Editors: Tai-hoon Kim, Sabah Mohammed and Carlos Ramos)
- Foreword of the Special Issue : Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia
Applications (Tai-hoon Kim, Sabah Mohammed and Carlos Ramos) pp.966-968.
- Effective Tailoring Method in Healthcare Industry
(Won-young Choi, Soon-gohn Kim and Eung-nam Ko) pp.969-980.
- A Web Based Multimedia CSCW with Fault Tolerance Multi-Agents for
MHAP Environment: WFTMA_MHAP (Soon-gohn Kim and Eung-nam Ko) pp.981-990.
- A Reliable Architecture with an Agent for Intelligent Transportation Systems
of e-Government (Woonsuk Suh, Kyungmee Chang and Eunseok Lee) pp.991-1012.
- Congestion Control for Time-Delayed TCP/AQM System using Loop-Shaping
Method (Ji Hoon Yang, Seung Jung Shin, Dong Kyun Lim and Jeong Jin Kang) pp.1013-1030.
- Immediate Avionic Content Distribution over Social Networking Services
(Dongwoon Jeon, Seung-Jung Shin and Doo-Hyun Kim) pp.1031-1040.
- Designing Thin Speaker Systems Using Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
(Keehong Um and Jeong-Jin Kang) pp.1041-1052.
- A study for method of construct encryption scheme of data management to
Secure Data using bucket ID in Cloud Computing Environment
(You-Jin Song, Jaesang Cha and Jang-Mook Kang) pp.1053-1064.
- Indoor VLC channel modeling and Unipolar code based ZCD-VLC system
(JungHoon Lee, SangKook Han, YongHwan Son, JangMook Kang,
JeongJin Kang and JaeSang Cha) pp.1065-1072.
- Positioning Data Watermarking Scheme for QPSK-OFDM based VLC system
(JungHoon Lee, SeungHo Lee, Daeho Kim, SeungHo Choi, JangMook Kang,
JeongJin Kang, SangKook Han, YongHwan Son and JaeSang Cha) pp.1073-1080.
- Modeling and Analysis of Wireless LANs with a Backoff Freezing Mechanism
(Ho Young Hwang, Seong Joon Kim, Byung-Soo Kim,
Dan Keun Sung, Suwon Park and Young-uk Chung) pp.1081-1094.
- A Novel Power Saving Mechanism for IEEE 802.16e Femtocell Base Station
(Sujin Kwon, Young-uk Chung, Yong-Hoon Choi, Suwon Park and Ho Young Hwang) pp.1095-1106.
- An Empirical Study on Smart Safety Management Architecture for Gas
Facilities in Korea (Jeong Seok Oh, Hyo Jung Bang and Hoon Ko) pp.1107-1122.
- Design and Implementation of Context-Aware Middleware for Intelligent
Service in Ubiquitous Livestock Barn (Jeonghwan Hwang and Hyun Yoe) pp.1123-1136.
- MASS-Mobile Agent Systems for Smart Applications with CBD
(Haeng-Kon Kim) pp.1137-1152.
- An Effective Method for Dynamic Traffic Distribution in MOST GATEWAY
System (Seong-Jin Jang and Jong-Wook Jang) pp.1153-1170.
- A Noise Robust Echo Canceller with Post-Processing using Multiple Liner
Predictors and Multiple Wiener Filters
(Jangsik Park, Daehyun Ryu and Hyuntae Kim) pp.1171-1184.
- A Performance Comparison of Broadcast Schemes in Wireless Sensor
Networks for Nuclear Facilities
(Kwan-Woong Kim, Kwang-il Jeong, In-Soo Koo and Yong-Kab Kim) pp.1185-1198.
- Reconstructible S/W Model for Evolutionary Robots in Multi-robot Cooperation
Environments (Yunsik Son and YangSun Lee) pp.1199-1214.
- Designing a Video Control System for Intelligent Transport Systems
(Il-Kwon Lim, Young-Hyuk Kim and Jae-Kwang Lee) pp.1215-1228.
- A Study on Key Distribution Protocol with Mutual Authentication for M2M
Sensor Network (Sungmo Jung, Jae Young Ahn, Dae-Joon Hwang and Seoksoo Kim) pp.1229-1240.
- Encryption Schemes applied in SCADA Components Communication:
Summary (Rosslin John Robles and Tai-hoon Kim) pp.1241-1252.
- Grid-based & Outlier Detection-based Data Clustering & Classification
(Kyu Cheol Cho and Jong Sik Lee) pp.1253-1266.
- Design of LCL filter using Hybrid Intelligent Optimization for Photovoltaic
System (Jae Hoon Cho, Dong Hwa Kim, Maria VIRCIKOVA and Peter SINCAK) pp.1267-1276.
- Three-tier authentication scheme using smart card
(Tien-Ho Chen, Wai-Chi Fang, Shih Kang and Tai-hoon Kim) pp.1277-1292.
- A Fairness Comparison among Load-shedding Schemes using Bankruptcy
Rules for Multiagent-based Microgrid Operation
(Hak-Man Kim, Yujin Lim and Tetsuo Kinoshita) pp.1293-1302.
- A Time-Scale Modification-Based Voice Changing Method with Seamless
Switching and Its Real-Time Implementation on Digital Imaging Devices
(Young Han Lee, Sung Dong Jo, Ji Hun Park, Duk Su Kim, Nam In Park,
Hong Kook Kim, Ji Woon Kim, Myeong Bo Kim and Sang Ryong Kim) pp.1303-1316.
- Efficient Detection of Data Races in Concurrent Signal Handlers Guy Martin
Tchamgoue, (Kyong-Hoon Kim and Yong-Kee Jun) pp.1317-1338.
- An Implementation of Interactive Wireless Network System for u-Highway
Environment (Bong-Hwa Hong, Hwa-Young Jeong and Hae-Jong Joo) pp.1339-1350.
- Load Balance of the Original Pages Storage in the Distributed Crawling
System (Weizhe Zhang, Hongli Zhang, Jinfu Chen and Chuanliang Yu) pp.1351-1362.

Vol.15, No.4, April, 2012
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Fuzzy Numbers Redefined (Ranjit Biswas) pp.1369-1380.
- A Sufficient and Necessary Condition of Uncertain Measure
(Zixiong Peng and Kakuzo Iwamura) pp.1381-1392.
- A Twisted Factorization Method for Complex Symmetric Tridiagonal
Eigenvalue Decomposition (Wei Xu, Sanzheng Qiao and Jiantong Zhang) pp.1393-1408.
- Reducing Uncertain Information in Type-2 Fuzzy Variables by Lebesgue
-Stieltjes Integral with Applications (Xiao-Li Wu, Yan-Kui Liu and Wei-Li Chen) pp.1409-1426.
- Management and Social Sciences
- An Analysis on the Characteristics of Degree Accreditation in Chinese
College Archive (Zhao Hong) pp.1427-1434.
- Keeping the Network Neutral: Game Theory Analysis on Internet Service
Provider Discrimination Against Application Service Providers
(Daeho Lee and Junseok Hwang) pp.1435-1460.
- Research on Forecasting the Car Sales in Mainland of China Based
on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Gray Model
(Xin Zheng, Miaomiao Wang, Weimin Ma and Chunlin Xin) pp.1461-1476.
- Empirical Research of Individualsf Intention to Provide Private Information
Online (Wang Hongwei, Zhou Man, Yin Pei and He Shaoyi) pp.1477-1492.
- Research on Shortest Path Algorithm during Network Generation
(Qingjun Li, Wentian Cui, Xiaoming Sun and Haihua Hu) pp.1493-1498.
- Reputation Mechanism in a Newsvendor-Type Supply Chain with
Pure Moral Hazard (Jianjun Zhang, Jiazhen Huo and Jin Zhao) pp.1499-1514.
- An Analysis on Supplier Flexibility Value for Assemble-to-Order
Manufacturing (Ki-Seok Choi) pp.1515-1530.
- The Competitive Structure of New Media Services in South Korea
(Imsook Ha, Jeaheung Yoo and Munkee Choi) pp.1531-1546.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Secure Privacy-Preserving Remote User Authentication Scheme
Using Smart Cards for Multi-server Environment (Zuowen Tan) pp.1547-1558.
- Theory and Synthesis of the Variable Inertia Flywheel
(Er Bao, Hongying Hu and Deyong Liu) pp.1559-1568.
- Integration of Software Protection Mechanisms against Reverse
Engineering Attacks (Jinyoung Lee, Hyeyoung Chang,
Seong-Je Cho, Seong Baeg Kim, Yongsu Park and WoongChul Choi) pp.1569-1578.
- Face Detection using the Near-Infrared Camera and Evolutionary
Algorithms (Yasue Mitsukura and Yohei Tomita) pp.1579-1588.
- A New Construction of Optimal Online/Offline Signature
(Zhiwei Wang, Danwei Chen and Guozi Sun) pp.1589-1598.
- Chinese Person Name Detection Based on Hybrid Discriminative
Model with Global Templates (Xiao SUN) pp.1599-1604.
- Peer-to-Peer BotNet Traffic Analysis and Detection
(Dongseok Han, Kyoung Soo Han, Boojoong Kang, Hwansoo Han and Eul Gyu Im) pp.1605-1624.
- Lightning Surge Characteristics Analysis of Electrical Distribution
Poles using the Method of Moments (Z. Li, M. Silainam and S. Kato) pp.1625-1634.
- QoS Optimization for Real-time Monitoring Faced Wireless Sensor
Networks with Long-chain Structure (LI Li-fen and ZHU Yong-li) pp.1635-1644.
- A Similar Sub-trajectory-based algorithm for Moving Object
Trajectory Clustering (Chen Jiashun and Pi Dechang) pp.1645-1662.
- Design and Behavior Study of 1/2n Order Fractional Controllers
based on RC Elements (Liu Yan, Pu Yifei, Zhou Jiliu and Shen Xiaodong) pp.1663-1674.
- Capacity Analysis on Multi-beam Satellite Communications System
(GAO Qian, ZHANG Jian, LV Jing and LI Guang-xia) pp.1675-1686.
- A Perfect Design of Component Retrieval System
(Yinghui Wang and Chunxia Yang) pp.1687-1704.
- A Research about Formation of the Pyongyang City in the Period of
Koguryo (Ming LI) pp.1705-1712.
- An Improved Directional Feature-based Method for Prediction Mode
Estimation in MPEG-2 to H.264 Intra Transcoding
(Ping Wang, Fuqiang Liu and Yan Zheng) pp.1713-1726.
- Folksonomy Reasoning based Personalized Tagging and Tag
Recommendation for Web Page Search (Tao Zhang, Byungjeong Lee, Hanjoon Kim and Sooyong Kang)
- Thread-Level Speculation Based on Transactional Memory (Xiang Li and Jing Zhang) pp.1745-1756.
- A Multi-focus Image Fusion Classifier (Abdul Basit Siddiqui, Muhammad Rashid, M. Arfan Jaffar,
Ayyaz Hussain and Anwar M. Mirza) pp.1757-1764.
- Computer Worm Virus Modeling and Simulation Using the SES/MB
Framework (Yong-Jun You, Ji-Yeon Oh, Sung-Do Chi and Syng-Yup Ohn) pp.1765-1778.
- A Simple Approach to Describing Spatial Relations in Observer Reference Framework
(Ke Zhang, Xiaojie Wang and Yixin Zhong) pp.1779-1786.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Puri?cation of Schwann Cell By Differential Cell Attachment and
Detachment (Yan Liu, Yu Wang, Xu Gong, Li Zhang, Jifeng Chen,
Jiang Peng, Bin Zhao, Zhiwu Ren, Na Lu, Shibi Lu and Wenjing Xu) pp.1787-1798.
- The Ebbinghaus Illusion Affects Visual Size Perception But Not Pointing
Movement (Jiajia Yang, Daisuke Oka and Jinglong Wu) pp.1799-1808.
- Prediction of Plant Poly(A) Sites Based on GHMM-RWT
(Xiaohui Wu, Sun Zhou, Liangliang Chen and Guoli Ji) pp.1809-1822.
- Nursesf Perception about the Effect of Hospital Information System in Iran
(Kahouei Mehdi, Hesamedin Askari Majdabadi, karimi Mozhgan,
Ghazavi Shariat Panahi Sohaila Sadat, Ali Akbari Saedeh,
Kazemzadeh Farzaneh, Ahmadi Zahra, Parsania Zeinab, Said roghani Panoe, Firozeh Mehri) pp.1823-1832.

Vol.15, No.5, May, 2012
- Special Issue on Computer Convergence Technologies
(Guest Editors: Jin Kwak, C.H. Yang and Soo-Kyun Kim)
- PREFACE (Jin Kwak, C.H. Yang and Soo-Kyun Kim) pp.1838
- Determining Start-Band Frequency for Spectral Band Replication Tool in
MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding (Shingchern D. You and Chin-Ming Tsai) pp.1839-1850.
- Tree-based Redundancy Control for Achieving Desired Level of Reliability
in Wireless Sensor Networks (Jungmin So, Sangyeob Oh and Kyuho Kim) pp.1851-1862.
- Hybrid Search Engine: Concept and Framework
(Junghyun Nam, Juryon Paik, Ung Mo Kim and Dongho Won) pp.1863-1874.
- Primitive Audio Genre Classification: An Investigation of Feature Vector
Optimization (Mohammad A. Haque, Sangjin Cho and Jongmyon Kim) pp.1875-1888.
- Reinforcement Learning Based Multi-Agent Cooperation for Water
Price Forecasting Decision Support System (Jianjun Ni, Minghua Liu, Juntao Fei and Huawei Ma)
- FS-MAC: A Mac Protocol to Minimize Sensor Network Packet Delay Using
a Fast Synchronization (SungHoon Moon and SangKeun Lee) pp.1901-1912.
- Double Code-signing for Enhanced Android Application Security
(Taenam Cho, Seung-Hyun Seo and Nammee Moon) pp.1913-1926.
- A Study on the Application of Convergence Technology in an Ideal Healthcare
System (Oakyoung Han and Jaehyoun Kim) pp.1927-1936.
- Skyline Computation for Supporting Location-Based Services in a Road Network
(Yingyuan Xiao, Hua Zhang, Jingsong Wang and Hongya Wang) pp.1937-1948.
- An Efficient Global Communication Method for 6LoWPAN
(Dae-In Choi, Min-Su Kim, Chang-un Park, Jae-Jo Lee and H K Kahng) pp.1949-1960.
- Metal Crack Detection in X-ray Images Based on Local Brightness Variation
and Multi-scale Analysis (Shao-Hu Peng, Han-Seok Kim and Hyun-Do Nam) pp.1961-1972.
- Safe & Efficient Privacy-policy Enforcement on Hadoop
(Insoon Jo, Eunjin (EJ) Jung, Faiz Currim, Im Young Jung and Heon Y. Yeom) pp.1973-1984.
- An Approach for Music Recommendation Using Content-based Analysis and
Collaborative Filtering (Jaekwang Kim, Kunsu Kim, Kwan-Ho You and Jee-Hyong Lee) pp.1985-1996.
- Mobile Smart-work Appling to Security Policy For Data Loss Tracking
(Seung-hwan Ju, Hee-suk Seo, Seung-jae Lee and Jong-sung Lee) pp.1997-2006.
- Facial Expression Recognition Based on Local Transitional Pattern
(Taskeed Jabid and Oksam Chae) pp.2007-2018.
- Automated Selection of Appropriate Advertisements for Digital Signage by
Analyzing Crowd Demographics (Naveed Ejaz, Jong Weon Lee,
Wonil Kim, Cheolsu Lim, Sanghyun Joo and Sung Wook Baik) pp.2019-2030.
- Using Channel Diversity to Defend Against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Sensor
Networks (Syed Muhammad Asad Zaidi, Waleed Akram Baig and Ki-Hyung Kim) pp.2031-2042.
- Social Media Sharing System: Supporting Personalized Social Media Service
Using UPnP Technology in Cloud Computing Environment
(Yun Cui, Myoungjin Kim and Hanku Lee) pp.2043-2054.
- A Two-Attribute Green Warranty Model for Automobile Warranty Data
(Sang-Hyun Lee, Sang-Joon Lee and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.2055-2066.
- HCML: An MOF-based Hardware Component Modeling Language for Profiling
Heterogeneous Embedded System (Woo Yeol Kim, Hyun Seung Son, Junbeom Yoo and
Robert Young Chul Kim) pp.2067-2078.
- Integration of Q-learning and Behavior Network Approach with Hierarchical
Task Network Planning for Dynamic Environments
(Yunsick Sung, Kyungeun Cho and Kyhyun Um) pp.2079-2090.
- A Novel Graph Partition based Page Segmentation Algorithm
(Yumming Ye, Chunshan Li and Xiaofeng Zhang) pp.2091-2098.
- An Adaptive Superframe Structure for LR-WPAN
(Heedong Park, Dohyeun Kim and Jinmook Kim) pp.2099-2110.
- SafetyEnsurer: Towards Improving System Safety Using Redundant Processes
(Dong Kwan Kim, Won-Tae Kim and Seung-Min Park) pp.2111-2122.
- A Study of NetStore-based Dynamic Service Overlay Networks
(Tai-Won Um, Gyu Myoung Lee, Changwoo Yoon, Won Ryu and Byeong-Ok Jang) pp.2123-2134.
- Keyword Searchable Re-encryption Scheme Considering Cloud Storage-Service
Environment (Sun-Ho Lee and Im-Yeong Lee) pp.2135-2146.
- A Quantification Method of Recommending Color Harmony
(Eun-Young Park and Young-Ho Park) pp.2147-2158.
- Computationally Efficient Residual Symbol Timing Offset (STO) Estimation
Scheme for OFDM-based DRM+ Systems
(Ki-Soo Chang, Young-Hwan You, Mingoo Kang and Joong-Soo Ma) pp.2159-2168.
- A Structure Evaluation Model of Ubiquitous Service Ontology (Meeyeon Lee,
Seung Soo Park, Doo-Soon Park, Young-Sik Jeong and Jung-Won Lee) pp.2169-2180.
- A Method of Detecting Abnormal Malicious Remote Control Codes using
Network Domain Information (Hyung-Geun Oh, Jung-Taek Seo, Jong In Lim and Jong-sub Moon) pp.2181-2192.
- Intelligent Pedestrian-Search System Based on Color Queries
(Yoo-Joo Choi, Ku-Jin Kim and We-Duke Cho) pp.2193-2206.
- Development of Prototype Model for measuring the installed quantity of
aluminum forms (Min Hong, Soojung Oh and Seunghyun Lee) pp.2207-2218.
- Gyroscope-based Secure NFC Payment System using Signatures
(Woong Go, Sungyong Ryu and Jin Kwak) pp.2219-2232.
- DigiLand: Model Design of Smart Sensor based Digital Landscape System
in Ubiquitous Home (Junyon Kim and Youngwoo Nam) pp.2233-2242.
- Method and system for Provisioning of Converged Services in IPTV
(Hyun-Jin Lee, Hwa-Suk Kim, Kee-Seong Cho, Won Ryu and You-Ze Cho) pp.2243-2254.
- An Efficient Scheme Design and Implementation of P2P based Social
Broadcasting System for SmartTV Service on Android Mobile Devices
(Jinsul Kim and Sangkeun Kim) pp.2255-2266.
- Cloud-based PI Controller Optimization
(Kanghee Lee, Jeong-Geun Kim and Younggeun Choi) pp.2267-2276.
- Development of Technology to Predict Algorithm for Patent
(Chul-Young, Kim, Ja-Chul, Gu and Seok-Hun Kim) pp.2277-2288.
- Classifications and Research Trends of Data Analysis Techniques in Web
and Mobile Environment (Chan Seob Lee, Young-Kyu Lee, Sung-Gi Kang,
Sang Yeop Cho, Choi Jae-Yeon, Dong-Hyuk Kim, Taek-Cheon Kim and Kwang Hyuk Im) pp.2289-2298.
- Cooperation, service quality and reputation of a team: A social network
Approach (Jiyoung Woo and Min Jung Lee) pp.2299-2310.
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Middleware in Massively Multiplayer
Online Games (Shin Jin Kang and Soo Kyun Kim) pp.2311-2320.
- Temporal Visual Features and Adaptive Decision Scheme for Large-scale
Video Rating System (Byeongcheol Choi, Seungwan Han, Jaedeok Lim and Jaecheol Ryou) pp.2321-2332.
- Efficient Authorized Domain DRM System without Revocation List
(Donghyun Choi, Kwangwoo Lee and Seungjoo Kim) pp.2333-2344.

Vol.15, No.6, June, 2012
- Special Issue on Fuzzy Engineering and Intelligent Transportation
(Guest Editors : Prof. Xiangmo Zhao, Prof. Valentina Emilia Balas and Prof. Fuqian Shi)
- Modelling the Lake Water Environment Impact on Urban System Expansion
(Yaobin Liu) pp.2351-2356.
- Data Mining In Massive Spectral Data (Wenyu Wang, Xinjun Wang, Bin Jiang and Jingchang Pan)
- A Three-Phase Rectifier Control System Based on SVPWM (Xiaoping Si and Jidong Wang) pp.2365-2372.
- Discrete-time Supervisory Control of Input-constrained using a New Switching Logic
(Yehai Xie, Xiaogong Lin, Xinqian Bian and Dawei Zhao) pp.2373-2382.
- Robust Adaptive PD Control Method for Vibration of Flexural Circular Plate
(Jingyu Yang and Guoping Chen) pp.2383-2390.
- Application of Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm in Harmonic
Detection (SHEN Xue-qin and HE Tong-di) pp.2391-2396.
- Intelligent Rollbacks Analysis Algorithm for Optimistic Parallel Discrete Event
Simulation (Wei Xia, Yiping Yao and Xiaodong Mu) pp.2397-2402.
- Association Rule Extension Mining and Reuse in Scheme Design of Large
-scale Hydraulic Turbines (Tichun WANG, Sai ZHAO and Bingfa CHEN) pp.2403-2410.
- Comprehensive Assessment for Thermal Power Unit Operation State based
on Multi-level Grey Relational Analysis (Luo Yi, Zhou Chuangli and Liu Xiangjie) pp.2411-2416.
- Resource Allocation Algorithm oriented on Load Balance in Cloud Computing
Systems (XiaoJun Chen and Jing Zhang) pp.2417-2422.
- Enhancing the Performance of ENN via Data Selection Technique
(Yu Zhou, Lin Zhou and Haibin Su) pp.2423-2428.
- County Highway Automatic Extraction from Color Highway Maps
(Tao Hai, Shuang Cong and Yuanlu Bao) pp.2429-2434.
- An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Multi-Tasking
Subpopulation Cooperation
(Wang Ke-ke, Zhao Han-qing, Lv Qiang and Wang Dong-lai) pp.2435-2440.
- Bayesian Network Inference Based on Functional Dependency Mining of
Relational Database (Limin Wang, Xiaohui Wei, Liyan Dong and Xiongfei Li) pp.2441-2446.
- Anti Fuzzy Soft Groups and Anti Normal Fuzzy Soft Groups
(Yong Yang, Congcong Meng and Chenli Ji) pp.2447-2452.
- Decentralized ADRC Control for Reconfigurable Manipulators Based on
VGSTA-ESO of Sliding Mode (Yuanchun Li and Bo Dong) pp.2453-2466.
- New Recursive Method for Constructing Symmetrical-Pandiagonal Magic
Squares Based on Kronecker Compositional Addition
(Dandan Xu, Bei Chen, Zisen Mao and Ping Huang) pp.2467-2472.
- Exploring Potential Fusion Disciplines by Developing a Keyword-based
Research Knowledge Map (Inchae Park and Byungun Yoon) pp.2473-2478.
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets with Double Parameters and Its Application to
Dynamic Multiple Attribute Decision Making
(Zhenhua Zhang, Jingyu Yang, Youpei Ye, Yong Hu and Qiansheng Zhang) pp.2479-2486.
- Wrist Joint Movement Characteristic Estimation from EMG Signal
(Youngwon Kim, Jaesung Oh, Minsuk Kwon and Jaehyo Kim) pp.2487-2498.
- Study on Equipment Network Scheduling of ZPMC Automated Container
Terminal based on Simulation (Yu Tian, Yao Chen and Bo Yang) pp.2499-2502.
- Modeling Channels in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
(Duan Shihong, Wan Yadong and Wang Qin) pp.2503-2508.
- Fingerprint Verification Using Directional Filter Banks and Invariant Moment
(Li Chaorong, Li Jianping and Fu Bo) pp.2509-2512.
- The Retrieval of 3D Local Model Based on Mesh Segmentation
(Chen Baisong, Ye Xuemei, An Li and Wang Yuan) pp.2513-2520.
- An Immune-inspired Computer Forensics Model with Reproductive Crime
Scene (Lingxi Peng, Jin Yang, Dongqing Xie, Ying Gao, Maobing Tang and Fufang Li) pp.2521-2530.
- Efficient Harmonic Retrieval Algorithm: Period Blind Source Extraction
(Fasong Wang, Linrang Zhang and Rui Li) pp.2531-2534.
- Interval-valued Fuzzy Reasoning under Interval-valued Fuzzy Quotient Space
Structure (Qiansheng Zhang and Lihua Wu) pp.2535-2538.
- Generalized Fuzzy Completely Semiprime(Prime) Ideals of a Ring
(Zu-hua LIAO, Cui-yun HAO and Yun-sheng CHEN) pp.2539-2542.
- Bi-modal Multi-class Uniformly Pareto-improving Congestion Pricing and
Revenue Refunding (Yishun Li, Jianmin Xu and Kai Lu) pp.2543-2554.
- TAR: Trajectory-Aware Routing Algorithm in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
(Chia-Ho Ou, Chih-Feng Chao and Tzu-Yu Huang) pp.2555-2562.
- Attitude Synchronization of Multiple Spacecraft with Finite-time Convergence
(Guiming Li and Liangdong Liu) pp.2563-2570.
- Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm of RBF Neural Network with Variable Length
Structure (She Yuanguo) pp.2571-2578.
- Dynamic Network Anomaly Detection Model-inspired by Immune
(Lingxi Peng, Dongqing Xie, Xiong Wei, Jianxiong Wang and Caiming Liu) pp.2579-2584.
- A New Method of Extracting Terrain Feature Lines by Morphology
(Yueping Kong, Jing Su and Yuepeng Zhang) pp.2585-2592.
- Security of Mobile Transaction Electronic Ticketing (Zhong Chen) pp.2593-2598.
- Ciphertext-Auditable Public Key Encryptions without Random Oracles
(Changlu Lin and Chenglian Liu) pp.2599-2602.
- A pseudo-force Concept for Validating Carpal Bone Ossification
(Chi-Wen Hsieh, Chih-Yen Chen and Chui-Mei Tiu) pp.2603-2612.
- Modeling and Development of Novel Giant Magnetostrictive Transducer for
Large Block Concrete Testing
(Xiangmo Zhao, Zhigang Xu, Huansheng Song, Ziyu Zhao and Weixing Wang) pp.2613-2622.
- Wireless Sensor Networks for Hazardous Materials Transportation Monitoring:
Framework and Implementation (Fei Hui, Xiang-mo Zhao, Xin Shi and Lan Yang) pp.2623-2630.
- The Research on Topology Structure Influencing Evolution Character of the
Business Incubation Network (Min Zhang) pp.2631-2636.

Vol.15, No.7, July, 2012
- Special Issue on Research in Applied Computation Symposium
(Guest Editors : Prof. Sung Y. Shin, Prof. Rex E. Gantenbein and Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo)
- Identification of Adult Images Through Detection of the Breast Contour and
Nipple (YoungJae Park, SunHee Weon, JunKyung Sung, HyungIl Choi and GyeYoung Kim)
- Design and Analysis of an Adaptive Duty-Cycling Scheme for Load Balance
in Wireless Sensor Networks (Myungsu Cha, Mihui Kim and Hyunseung Choo) pp.2653-2672.
- SPRS : Standby Power Reduction System for an Efficient Power Management
(Sukil Hong and Jiman Hong) pp.2673-2684.
- The Performance Analysis of ARM NEON Technology for Mobile Platforms
(Minwoo Jang, Eunseok Choi and Jiman Hong) pp.2685-2694.
- Model-driven Rich Form Generation (Tomas Cerny and Eunjee Song) pp.2695-2714.
- System Development for Measuring Curvature and Slope through Electric
Pole Edge Information Partially Hidden by Obstacles (Kicheon Hong) pp.2715-2726.
- An Improved Method of Segmentation and Object Extraction With Breast MR
Images (Donghoon Kang, Sung Y. Shin, Chang Oan Sung, Jung Y. Kim,
Jeong-Ki Pack and Hyung Do Choi) pp.2727-2736.
- Extracting Breast Cancer Feature in Medical Images and Generating Its
Parametric Pattern (Jucheol Moon, Sung Y. Shin, Donghoon Kang,
Soon Ik Jeon, Hyung Do Choi and Jung Y. Kim) pp.2737-2746.
- Sensor Redundancy Check Without Location Information
(Peter Brassy and Hyeon-Suk Naz) pp.2747-2754.
- Automatic Extraction of Semantic Concept-Relation Triple Pattern from
Wikipedia Articles (Junho Choi, Chang Choi, Dongjin Choi, Jungin Kim and Pankoo Kim)
- Methodology and Tool for Software Debugging and Analysis
(Yongsuk Choi and Jongmoo Choi) pp.2771-2786.
- Expanding CGA Acceleration Regions Using Compiler-Driven Architecture
Extensions (Jungsik Choi, Seonggun Kim and Hwansoo Han) pp.2787-2802.
- Design and Analysis of a Real-time MVB-Ethernet Interface
(Sugoog Shon and HeeJung Byun) pp.2803-2812.
- Systematic Monitoring of Competitorsf Patents Using 2-Dimensional Hybrid
Similarity Method (Jongseok Kang and Hyuck Jai Lee) pp.2813-2822.
- Lightweight Security Enforcement on Android Platform
(Jiyeon Park, Bongjae Kim, Hong Min, Yookun Cho, Minwoo Jang and Yoojin Chung)
- An Algorithm for Matrix Inversion in Cloud Computing System
(Do Hyun Bae, Munkhbayar Bayartsogt and Jin Suk Kim) pp.2833-2844.
- Evaluation of Selective Spilling Policy for Capacity Sharing of Private L2
Caches in CMP Architectures (Young-Sik Eom, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang
and Chu Shik Jhon) pp.2845-2862.
- EBA-GC: An Efficient Block-Associativity-Aware Garbage Collection
Scheme for Flash-Memory-Based File Systems
(Bongjae Kim, Cheol Jeon, Gi Du Kang and Jiman Hong) pp.2863-2878.
- Fast Malware Classification using Counting Bloom Filter
(BooJoong Kang, Hye Seon Kim, Taeguen Kim, Heejun Kwon and Eul Gyu Im) pp.2879-2892.
- u-DSLT: An Enhanced Real-Time Tag-less Location Tracking System Using
Doppler Radar and Bio-Sensors in WSN
(Seung-Jin Moon and Hong-Kyu Kim) pp.2893-2912.
- Design of a Heuristic-based Charging Scheduler for Electric Vehicles
(Junghoon Lee, Hye-Jin Kim, Gyung-Leen Park and Hongbeom Jeon) pp.2913-2922.
- Quantitative Analysis of CPU/GPU Co -execution in High -Performance
Computing Systems (SeungGu Kang, Hong Jun Choi, Jae Hyung Park, Sung Woo Chung,
Jong Myon Kim, DongSeop Kwon, Joong Chae Na and Cheol Hong Kim) pp.2923-2936.
- Logarithmic Divide-and-Conquer Visitation Algorithm for High-Interaction Client
Honeypots (Hong-Geun Kim, Dong-Jin Kim, Seong-Je Cho,
Moonju Park and Minkyu Park) pp.2937-2956.
- Selective Word Reading for Low Power Processor with No Loss of
Performance through Architectural Improvement
(Yun Kyo Cho, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon) pp.2957-2972.
- Instruction Frequency-based Malware Classification Method
(Kyoung Soo Han, Sung-Ryul Kim and Eul Gyu Im) pp.2973-2984.
- Proxy Protocol and PMIPv6 based Mobility Management for IEEE 802.11s
Wireless Mesh Networks (Hong-Jong Jeong, Sungwon Lee,
Dongkyun Kim, Kyungshik Lim and Jungsoo Park) pp.2985-3004.
- A Recommendation Scheme Considering Customerfs Psychological Patterns
in M-Commerce Environment (Won-Ik Park, Sanggil Kang and Young-Kuk Kim) pp.3005-3020.
- A Research on the Method to Select Promising Scientific Technologies in
the Condensed Matter Physics by Using Journalfs Editing Preference
(Jae-Min Lee, Oh Jin Kwon, Ho-Shin Lee, B. Y. Coh and Y.W. Park) pp.3021-3030.
- A Fine-grained Analysis and ASIP Design Strategy for Specific Algorithm
(Jinbin Ju and Qian Chen) pp.3031-3038.
- Building and Optimizing a Scalable and Portable Message-Passing Library
for Embedded Multicore Systems
(Shih-Hao Hung, Po-Hsun Chiu and Chi-Sheng Shih) pp.3039-3058.
- Design and Implementation of Energy Saving System
(Kwang-Soon Choi, Eun-Seok Choi and Ha-Bong Chung) pp.3059-3068.
- A Reliable Multi-Grid Routing Protocol for Tactical MANETs Deepesh Man
Shrestha (Cheolgi Kim and Young-Bae Ko) pp.3069-3084.
- An Unstructured Peer to Peer Architecture over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
(He Li, Kyoungsoo Bok and Jaesoo Yoo) pp.3085-3106.
- A Fair Scheduling Algorithm with Delay-Bandwidth Normalized Service Sharing
(JuHyun Lee, Hoyoung Hwang, KyeongHo Park, Chang-Gun Lee and Sungsoo Lim)
- Information Granulation-based Fuzzy Inference Systems Realized with the
Aid of Space Optimization and Genetic Algorithms
(Wei Huang, Sung-Kwun Oh, Keon-Jun Park and Yong-Kab Kim) pp.3125-3138.
- Achievable Performance of IEEE 802.11n MIMO adapted WLANs with MAC
Enhancements (Anup Thapa and Seokjoo Shin) pp.3139-3148.
- Mount Time Analysis on a Flash File System with a Checkpoint Mechanism
(Jinman Jung, Joonhyouk Jang and Yookun Cho) pp.3149-3160.
- A Method-based Software Watermarking Scheme for Copyright Protection of
Mobile Applications (Joonhyouk Jang, Jinman Jung and Yookun Cho) pp.3161-3172.

Vol.15, No.8, August, 2012 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Transportation Model with Uncertain Costs and Demands (Yuhong Sheng and Kai Yao) pp.3179-3186. [ PDF ]
- A Hybrid Approach to the Precision of Particle-Size-Distribution Retrieval (Hao XU, Pu WAN and Da-Wei JIN) pp.3187-3194.
[ PDF ]
- Region Algebra (Ranjit Biswas) pp.3195-3228. [ PDF ]
- Bang-Bang Optimal Control for Multi-stage Uncertain Systems (Yujie Kang and Yuanguo Zhu) pp.3229-3238. [ PDF ]
- A Proposal and Estimation of Preconditioned Residual Reduction Method (Takashi Sekimoto, Seiji Fujino, Yusuke Onoue and Masaaki Sugihara) pp.3239-3248.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Non-Optimal Consumption Model with Habit Formation Over the Life Cycle (Wen He and Jinwu Gao) pp.3249-3254.
[ PDF ]
- Towards the Design of an Interactive U-Learning System (Tai-hoon Kim) pp.3255-3264. [ PDF ]
- A Self-Directed Dynamic Web-based Learning Environment: Personalized Learning Framework (Hye-jin Kim and Ronnie D. Caytiles) pp.3265-3276.
[ PDF ]
- Dynamic Pricing Policies and Optimal Product Sampling for the Diffusion Model of New Product (Zhineng Hu, Wei Wei and Jiuping Xu) pp.3277-3300.
[ PDF ]
- Merchant Web Applications Defense in E-commerce Enviroment (Srdjan Stankovi, Dejan Simi and Goran Nenadovi) pp.3301-3312.
[ PDF ]
- Evolving Profitable Trading Rules with Genetic Algorithms (Kyung-shik Shin and Kyoung-jae Kim) pp.3313-3322.
[ PDF ]
- Optimal Inventory Control of Perishable Products with Inventory-Level-Dependent Demand (Lin Feng, Jianxiong Zhang and Wansheng Tang) pp.3323-3332.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Marketing Decision Support System Based on Multi-Agent System (Linqi Gao) pp.3333-3342. [ PDF ]
- Applying Six Sigma in Increasing Delivery Accurate Rate of Shank Heating Upsetting Machines (Chang-Hsien Hsu) pp.3343-3350.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Properties of Knowledge, Network Topologies and Firm Innovation Performance:Based on the Perspective of Absorptive
Capacity (Changfeng Wang and Peng Zhang) pp.3351-3364. [ PDF ]
- Applications of Support Vector Machine in Modeling and Forecasting Stock Market Volatility (Phichhang Ou and Hengshan Wang) pp.3365-3376.
[ PDF ]
- Theory of Observation in Business Research: Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Research Settings (O. F. Bahrisch and Jin-Suk Kim) pp.3377-3390.
[ PDF ]
- A Strategy Matrix for the Product-Service System (Hyung Seok Lee, Jinmin Kim, Jinsoo Park, Kwangtae Park, Kwang-Jae Kim and Yoo-Suk Hong) pp.3391-3400.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Distributed Dual Cluster Algorithm Based on FCM?Clustering Sensor Streams (Jianghua Huang and Junying Zhang) pp.3401-3410.
[ PDF ]
- Face Detection on AIBO by using the RBF and Particle Filtering (Kohki Abiko, Taiki Fuji, Hironobu Fukai and Yasue Mitsukura) pp.3411-3422.
[ PDF ]
- Discriminant Orthogonal Rank-one Tensor Projections in Extended Graph Embedding Framework (Chang Liu, Kun He, Ji-liu Zhou and Fang-nian Lang)
pp.3423-3440. [ PDF ]
- A Minimum Tardiness and Makespan-based Scheduling Algorithm on the Distributed Computing Systems (Badral Undrakh and Jin Suk Kim) pp.3441-3446.
[ PDF ]
- Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of High Gravity Abutment before and after Strengthening Using Carbon Fiber Sheet
(Li-hui Qin and Zong-lin Wang) pp.3447-3458. [ PDF ]
- Integration and Communication to Prevent Dirty Data: The Role of MADAR Project (Zahid Ullah and Abdullah S. Al-Mudimigh) pp.3459-3468.
[ PDF ]
- Profit-based Association Rule Mining from Commercial Transactions (Namhee Lee and Jason J. Jung) pp.3469-3476.
[ PDF ]
- Acoustic Emission Monitoring of AFM Nano Scratching for Ductile and Brittle Materials (Seoung Hwan Lee and Jungsun Kim) pp.3477-3484.
[ PDF ]
- Reed-Solomon Decoder Optimization for PC-Based DVB-T Software Radio Receiver (Shu-Ming Tseng, Yueh-Teng Hsu and Jheng-Zong Shih) pp.3485-3498.
[ PDF ]
- A Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm Based on the Splitting and Lumping Method for Image Segmentation (Wenping LIU, Chih-Cheng HUNG, Shihong CHEN and Tianyi CUI)
pp.3499-3510. [ PDF ]
- An Automated Incident Detection Algorithm Based on Real Time High Accuracy GPS Signal (Ishak Mohamad, Mohd.Alauddin Mohd. Ali and Mahamod Ismail)
pp.3511-3518. [ PDF ]
- BPSR: Flexible Process Reservation Approach for Service-Oriented Applications (MA JianWei, CHEN HongHui, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, HUANGFU XianPeng,
GUO DeKe) pp.3519-3530. [ PDF ]
- Concept Network-based Personalized Web Search (Han-joon Kim, Hong-june Yune, Jaeho Lee and Byungjeong Lee) pp.3531-3542.
[ PDF ]
- Practical Joint Demodulation and Decoding Scheme for the Block Noncoherent Channel (Chao Gong, Aijun LiuCXiaofei Pan, Daoxing Guo and Bangning Zhang)
pp.3543-3550. [ PDF ]
- Design of Simulation-based Network Vulnerability Analysis System (Yong-Jun You, Jang-Se Lee and Sung-Do Chi) pp.3551-3560.
[ PDF ]
- Improved Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Information Exchange in Network Coding in Wireless Networks (Wei Sun, Gengxin Zhang and Liang Gou) pp.3561-3572.
[ PDF ]
- An Integrated Service Information Architecture for Digital Broadcasting Receiver Middleware (Jungsun Kim) pp.3573-3584.
[ PDF ]
- Formal Specification of Agent-oriented Multiple Sensors System Organization Based on Object-Z (Xiong Li, Zongchang Xu, Zhiming Dong and Yiwei Zhang)
pp.3585-3594. [ PDF ]
- Structural Outlier Detection in Trajectory Database based on Hierarchical Tree (Guan Yuan, Shixiong Xia, Lei Zhang and Yong Zhou) pp.3595-3602.
[ PDF ]
- Bayesian based Admission Control (BAC) Policy for Distributed Video-on-Demand System (Sami Saleh Alwakeel, Hesham Abdulaziz Altwaijry
and Muhammad Ammad-udDin) pp.3603-3610. [ PDF ]
- Attempt of Modeling of Dynamic Learning Course for Stable System Specification (Kanae Taniguchi) pp.3611-3620.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Study on a Portable Health Monitoring System with Wristband using Photoplethysmograph and Skin Temperature
(Jihyeoung Lee, Wonjoo Lee and Kyungho Kim) pp.3621-3636. [ PDF ]

Vol.15, No.9, September, 2012
- Special Issue on the 3rd International Conference
on Image Analysis and Signal Processing (Guest Editors : Dr. Jin Zhang,
Dr. Chih-Cheng Hung and Dr. Jin Hanjun)
- Research on Acceleration Structures for Dynamic Scenes Based on Ray
Tracing (Jin Hanjun, Lisha Ouyang, Zhu Changwu and Liang Yan) pp.3643-3650.
- The Correlation between CG Lightning and Lightning Trip-out Accident Based
on Grid Method - 220Kv GECHEN Transmission Line in Three Gorges
(Hui Liu, Wenyong Liang, Han Li, Ling Ruan and Hongliang Liu) pp.3651-3658.
- Simulation of Pump Motor Fault Diagnosis (Pan Jian and Qiu Wei) pp.3659-3666.
- Sampling Based on Genetic Algorithm for Data Mining
(Wang Jianyong, Huang Yu, Hu Bin and Wei Xiaomei) pp.3667-3672.
- Region and Edge Integration based Active Contour Model for Mammographic
Mass Segmentation (Yihua Lan, Xiangyang Xu, Renchao Jin,
Shengrong Zhao and Jingsheng Zhu) pp.3673-3680.
- Texture-Aware Simplification of Point-Based 3D Models
(Feihu Yan, Yan Huang, Chen He, Xueqing Li and Jingliang Peng) pp.3681-3688.
- Automated Reconstruction of Complex Object by Integrating Point Clouds
and Digital Images (Ruifang ZHAI, Shanmei Liu and Chengda LIN) pp.3689-3694.
- Seal Forgery Detection by Geometric Consistency
(Haitao Lang, Chaoran Xie, Xi Qi and Haibin Ling) pp.3695-3700.
- Adaptive Gamut Mapping Algorithm based on Image Content
(Yaohua Yi, Juhua Liu, Hai Su and Yuan Yuan) pp.3701-3708.
- A Decoding Method Based on Manchester Code Modulated RF Card
(Xu Yuanzhong) pp.3709-3714.
- Modeling and Stability Analysis of an Extended Cooperative-Driving Car
Following Model Based on Intelligent Transportation System
(Xinlai Tang, Meng Wang and Shuhong Yang) pp.3715-3720.
- Fast Threshold Selection for Grayscale Images Based on Two-Dimensional
Fuzzy Renyifs Entropy and Quantum Genetic Algorithm
(Weining Liu, Shuhong Yang, Dihua Sun and Meng Wang) pp.3721-3726.
- An Algorithm of Anti-Aliasing and Real-Time Shadow Rendering Based
On Shadow Maps (Li Jun, Jin Hanjun, Jincai Yang , Yin Jin and Xiaojiao Liu) pp.3727-3734.
- Extract Chinese Summarization Based on Concept-Obtained and Clustering
Algorithm (Meng Wang) pp.3735-3740.
- Joint Positioning of Multi-sensor SAR Remote Sensing Imagery Based on
RFM (WU Yingdan, MING Yang and ZHU Yongsong) pp.3741-3748.
- Distributed Storage System Big Data Mining Based on HPC Application --
A Solar Photovoltaic Forecasting System Practice
(Jia Fu, Zhenghong Chen, Junchao Wang, Mingqiong He and Jianzong Wang) pp.3749-3756.
- A Quasi-cyclic LDPC-coded Fine-grained Data Reconstruction Algorithm
for Storage System (Peng Wang, Diqing Hu, Jianzong Wang, Changsheng Xie and Xiao Qin)
- Adaptive Generous Tit-for-Tat Incentive Mechanism Strategy for BitTorrent
(Chunzhi Wang, Ruoxi Wang and Hongwei Chen) pp.3763-3770.
- Classification of Hyperspectral Data Based on Principal Component Analysis
(Baolin Yi, Weiwei Li and Jian Du) pp.3771-3778.
- An Ontology-Based Image Retrieval System Design and Implementation
(Junmin Ye , Hui Zhao , Shizi Li , Cong Jin and Jinhua Wang) pp.3779-3786.
- AGIOT: A Model of the Internet of Things Used in Agriculture
(Feng Liu, Junxiang Gao, Wenjun Yu and Xing Jin) pp.3787-3792.
- Decision Rules Extraction of Rough Set Based on Attribute Dependability
(Bo Fu, Yingwei Huang, Hui Liu, Nan Yi, Hanjun Jin and Xin Xing) pp.3793-3802.
- Dynamic Knowledge Inference and Learning for the Diagnosis of Insulator
Running State Based on Fuzzy Petri Net
(Zipeng Zhang and Shuqing Wang) pp.3803-3810.
- Unified Pedestrian Detection and Orientation Recognition Using Single-
Frame (Wu Lianshi, Xia Limin and Luo Dayong) pp.3811-3818.
- Data Allocation Based on User Moving in Mobile Computing Environments
(Du Hongmei) pp.3819-3826.
- A Fingerprint-Identification-Based Wireless Authentication System Study
of the 3rd-Generation (3G) (Xiang Yang, Yuanyi Zhang and Wei Pan) pp.3827-3832.
- A Shingled Writing Storage System based on 2D Magnetic Recording
Platforms (Xuexia Xu, Gang Lin and Jianzong Wang) pp.3833-3840.
- A Negotiation Support Framework for Establishing Bilateral Trust in Mobile
Commerce (Bailing Liu, Weijun Wang and Jianzong Wang) pp.3841-3848.
- Research on the Fast Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for
Arbitrarily Constrained Multidimensional Knapsack Problem
(Luwei Ding, KunPeng Kang, Bin Hu and Jianyong Wang) pp.3849-3854.
- Citrus Fruit Positioning based on Interest Point Matching
(Hui Peng, Youxian Wen, JunLuo and Xiu Jing) pp.3855-3862.
- An Efficient Method for Matching Images with Large Rotation Angle
(ZHU Yongsong and WU Yingdan) pp.3863-3870.
- The Application of Crisp and Fuzzy Decision Trees to Monitor Insurance
Customer Database (Chih-Cheng Lien) pp.3871-3876.

Vol.15, No.10, October, 2012
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Chance Distribution of Fuzzy Random Variables and Laws of Large Numbers
(Lixing Yang and Xiang Li) pp.3881-3894.
- Some Weight-preserving Properties for Prioritization Methods in Judgement
Matrix (Weijun Xu, Yucheng Dong and Maolin Hu) pp.3895-3900.
- A New Uncertain Programming Model for Project Scheduling Problem
(Xingfang Zhang and Xiaowei Chen) pp.3901-3910.
- Research of Models and Methods of Construction Project Information
Management with 2-tuple Linguistic Information (Yan Lu) pp.3911-3916.
- An Approach to Evaluating the Quality of Public Physical Education Class in
Universal Institutions of Higher Learning with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information
(Yingjie Chen) pp.3917-3922.
- Image Segmentation and Smoothing by Using Improved Mumford-Shah Model
(Shuaijie Li, Shengzhong Xiao, Yan Liu and Zhengan Yao) pp.3923-3934.
- Reliability Analysis of Fuzzy Unrepairable Systems
(Ying Liu and Haiming Zhu) pp.3935-3944.
- Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control for a Class of Perturbed Nonlinear Time-delay
Systems (Geng Ji and Xue-bing Hua) pp.3945-3956.
- Fuzzy Regression with Asymmetric Fuzzy Coefficients Applied to Software
Quality Evaluation (Kewen Li, Yu Zhang and Jisong Kou) pp.3957-3968.
- Management and Social Sciences
- A New Method of Forward Index with Obtaining ID Automatically
(Li Wei Jiang and ZHAO Tie Jun) pp.3969-3980.
- Evaluation of Historical Maps by Affine Transformation of Region Boundaries
(Daeho Lee and Jin Hyuk Choi) pp.3981-3986.
- An Integrated Approach for Developing Online Recommender System for
Retail Commodity Shopping in B2C E-commerce (Ziming Zeng) pp.3987-3998.
- Towards Understanding Dynamic Capability Building in Customer Relationship
Management Challenges (Seungbong Park and Jun-Seok Seo) pp.3999-4010.
- Implementation of Reservoir-Dam Emergency Decision Management Framework
(Wenting ZHANG and Yongzhi LIU) pp.4011-4018.
- Barriers Faced by Under Developed Countries in Promotion of Web Based
e-Learning (Maqbool Uddin Shaikh and Azra Shamim) pp.4019-4026.
- Formal Control, Social Control and Their Complement to Knowledge Transfer:
from the Buyerfs Perspective (Jinliang CHEN, Tao WANG and Yaoguang HU) pp.4027-4036.
- A Synthetic Evaluation Model for Consumer Products Quality Safety Based
on the VIKOR Method (Shi Hui-bin, Li Hong, Liu Lu and Wang Li) pp.4037-4048.
- Robust Optimization-based Genetic Algorithm for Project Scheduling with
Stochastic Activity Durations (Yongyi Shou and Wei Wang) pp.4049-4064.
- A Novel Information Retrieval Algorithm Based on Association Diagram
Extension of Key Words (Peng Zhu, Fei Jia and Peng Wu) pp.4065-4080.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Co-channel Interference Analysis of Multi-beam Satellite Communication
Systems for Mobile Satellite Service (Yu-Jin Heo and Ill-Keun Rhee) pp.4081-4100.
- Perceived Affordance based Tangible Interfaces for Augmented Virtuality
Simulation of Aerospace (Jinsuk Kang, Byeong-hee Roh and Kiyeol Ryu) pp.4101-4112.
- LSSX: A Layer-Sensitive Similarity Detection for XML
(Wei Li and Xiongfei Li) pp.4113-4128.
- A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Credit Scoring
(Nnamdi I. Nwulu, Shola Oroja and Mustafa Ilkan) pp.4129-4146.
- Software Architecture for Distributed Real-Time Agent Services
(Tae-Hyung Kim) pp.4147-4156.
- Moving Object Detection from Video with Optical Flow Computation
(Wei Zhan and Junkai Yang) pp.4157-4164.
- A Score Sharing Method for XML Element Retrieval
(Tanakorn Wichaiwong and Chuleerat Jaruskulchai) pp.4165-4178.
- On the Research of Data Flow Uncoupling in Integrated Multidisciplinary
Design Process Management (XIAO Fei, XIANG Min, ZHANG Weihua,
HU Fan, WANG Donghui and CHEN Min) pp.4179-4190.
- An Efficient Transmission Energy Control Protocol in Wireless Sensor
Networks (Zeng Bin, Yao Lu, Yang YunSheng and Zhang Jing) pp.4191-4204.
- A Framework to Non-functional Modelling and Analysis of Software
Architectures (M. Hajiee, S. Rasoolzade and R. Rafe) pp.4205-4212.
- Combined Behavior- and Signature-Based Internet Worm Detection System
(Altyeb Altaher, Sureswaran Ramadass, Andrew Meulenberg,
Mustafa Abdat and Ammar Ali) pp.4213-4222.
- eTR-OPM: Efficient Trust Reasoning on Open Provenance Model for
e-Science Environment in the Cloud
(Im Y. Jung, Insoon Jo and Heon Y. Yeom) pp.4223-4244.
- A Survey of Researches on the Challenge Issues In Cloud Computing
(Majda Wazzan and Ayman Fayoumi) pp.4245-4254.
- Text Classification Based on Naive Bayes Algorithm with Feature Selection
(Zhenguo Chen, Guang Shi and Xiaoju Wang) pp.4255-4260.
- Blind Multiuser Detection and External Interference Cancellation of
Asynchronous DS-CDMA System with Single Antenna
(Zhifu Cui, Hang Zhang, Fanglin Gu and Jiang Zhang) pp.4261-4276.
- An Unsupervised Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis Model for Chinese
Online Reviews
(Hanxiao Shi, Guodong Zhou, Peide Qian and Xiaojun Li) pp.4277-4294.
- Algebraic Cube Attack on Sfinks Stream Cipher
(Shunbo Li, Yupu Hu, Yongbin Zhao and Yan Wang) pp.4295-4302.
- Towards A Formal Framework for Cross Domain Access Control
(Quratulain Alam, Masoom Alam, Gohar Ali, Fazle Azim, Kamran. H Khan,
Tamleek Ali, Muhammad Ali and Amir Hayat) pp.4303-4312.
- Oil Production Prediction of Oil Field Based on Primal Twin Relevance
Vector Regression Algorithm
(Yan Xiao-fei, Sun shi-jun, Wang Jing and Feng Jiang) pp.4313-4320.
- Temperature Prediction for Massive Concrete in Bridge Structure Based on
PSO and RVM (YIN Zihong, LI yuanfu and YANG zhenghu) pp.4321-4328.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Applications of Bioelectricity Signals in Intelligent Wheelchair
(WANG Zhu-ping and GU Chun-rong) pp.4329-4338.

Vol.15, No.11(A), November, 2012
- Special Issue on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science
(Guest Editors : Dr. Wen-Pei Sung and Dr. Hsiang-Chuan Liu)
- Analysis Modulation Formats of DQPSK in GPON Transmission System
(Li Li, Chunfang Xing and Degong Duan) pp.4347-4352.
- Maintain the Cloud System Quality by QFD Method
(Jang-Ruey Tzeng, Shing-Han Li and Chih-Had Chen) pp.4353-4358.
- Research on Matching Theory of EV Charging Station
(Zhenpo Wang , Xiaohui Sun, Yue Wang and Liyuan Liu) pp.4359-4366.
- Simple Implementation of Parallel Genetic Algorithms Based on Cloud
Computing (Jianfeng Zhao and Wenghua Zeng) pp.4367-4372.
- 3D Spatial Neighbor Points Coupling Surface Modeling for Discrete Points
Base on RBF Network (Huipu Xu and Xiaofeng Yao) pp.4373-4378.
- Study of Jet Fire Height Based on Extended OTSU and Stripe Image
Segmentation Method in an Enclosed Compartment
(Weigang Yan, Changjian Wang and Jin Guo) pp.4379-4384.
- Algorithm of Curves in Young Femalefs Upper Body Prototype Based on 3D
Point Clouds Data (Junqiang Su, Haiyan Kong and Guolian Liu) pp.4385-4392.
- Study on Traditional Camera Calibration
(Hou Zhenjie and Wang Jingtao) pp.4393-4398.
- Study on Global Robust Stability of Uncertain Stochastic Neutral-type Neural
Networks with Distributed Delays (Guoquan Liu and Simon X.Yang) pp.4399-4404.
- Soft Information and its Application to Bank Loans
(Gujun Yan) pp.4405-4410.
- Improve readability with Exact Hierarchical Codes in Distributed Storage
(Zhen Huang, Changjian Wang, Yuan Yuan, Lixia Liu and Yuxing Peng) pp.4411-4416.
- Enhance ASM for Multi-view Facial Features Localization
(Youjia Fu and Jianwei Li) pp.4417-4422.
- Ensembles Of LS-SVR For Time Series Prediction
(Kunlun Li, Yinghui Ma and Yongmei Tian) pp.4423-4428.
- One Machine Sequencing Game with Lateness Penalties
(Yanping Zhou and Xingsheng Gu) pp.4429-4434.
- SETAM: An Integrated Model for Software Security Testing Requirements
Behavior (Zhanwei Hui, Song Huang, Xiaoming Liu and Bin Hu) pp.4435-4442.
- A Scoring Function of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets with Double Parameters and
Its Application to Multiple Attribute Decision Making
(Zhenhua Zhang, Jingyu Yang, Youpei Ye, Yong Hu and Qiansheng Zhang) pp.4443-4450.
- Study on Semi-autonomous Agent Based CGF Behavior Modeling
(Guojun Song, Xiaodong Mu, Haijing Zhang and Qinghui Zhang) pp.4451-4456.
- An Effective Mechanism against Intrusion Attack using Aggregate Traffic
Prediction for Wireless Industrial Networks
(Min Wei and Keecheon Kim) pp.4457-4462.
- Partitioning Method on Super-mild HEV Drive Mode Region
(YIN Yan-li and SUN Dong-ye) pp.4463-4468.
- The Study on Motor-function Evaluation Method Based on Fuzzy-AHP Method
with Online Self-correction (Li Xing and Wang Jian-hui) pp.4469-4474.
- Generation Scheduling Optimization Model for Energy-saving and Emission-
Reduction Based on Multi-Agent
(YANG Shu-xia, Ding Hui, HAN Qi and CAO Yuan) pp.4475-4480.
- Empirical Analysis on Technological Innovation Path of Optoelectronic
Information Industry Clusters of eOptical Valley of Chinaf in Wuhan
(Zhang Qi and Han Chunxia) pp.4481-4486.
- Air-fuel Ratio Intelligent Control in Coke Oven Combustion Process
(Gongfa li,Jianyi Kong,Guozhang Jiang,Liangxi Xie, Zhigang Jiang and Gang Zhao) pp.4487-4494.
- On the Dynamics of Hydraulic Automatic Tension Control System
(Xingchun Yan and Zhifang Liu) pp.4495-4500.
- Rural Information Poverty and Farmers' Information Right -Take China's
Western Rural Areas for Example
(Chunnian Liu , Zhongwen Chen and Dehui Yang) pp.4501-4506.
- Cryptanalysis and Enhancement of an Efficient and Provably Secure
Password-based Group Key Agreement Protocol
(Wei Yuan, Liang Hu, Hongtu Li, Jianfeng Chu and Kun Yang) pp.4507-4512.
- A Novel Data Selection Method for Improving Supervised Learning
Performance of Neural Network
(Yu Zhou, Haibin Su and Hongtao Zhang) pp.4513-4518.
- The Novel Positioning Algorithm Based on Cloud Computing - A Case Study
of Intelligent Transportation Systems
(Chi-Hua Chen, Bon-Yeh Lin, Hsu-Chia Chang and Chi-Chun Lo) pp.4519-4524.
- Partitioning the Last Level Cache to Improve Performance
(Baozhong Yu, Zening Qu, Jianliang Ma and Tianzhou Chen) pp.4525-4532.
- Multiage Genetic Programming And Its Application For Building Decision Tree
(Li Zhao and Lei Wang) pp.4533-4538.
- Non-tensor Product Wavelet Transform Algorithm Used in Traffic Accident
Treatment System (Juan Wang and Jiaomin Liu) pp.4539-4544.
- The HMM Speech Recognition Algorithm Based speech Feature Clustering
(Jing Zhang and Simin Yu) pp.4545-4550.
- A Novel Image Completion Method based on Texture Segmentation
(Minqin Wang) pp.4551-4556.
- Probabilistic Extreme Learning Machine and Its Application in the Classification
of WWTP Data (Lijie Zhao, Xiaokun Diao and Decheng Yuan) pp.4557-4562.
- Unknown Malicious Code Detection Comparison of Statistical and Encoding
Method (Yingxu Lai and Zenghui Liu) pp.4563-4572.
- SER Analysis of Physical Layer Network Coding over Rayleigh Fading
Channels with QPSK Modulation (Dandan Li and Ke Xiong) pp.4573-4578.
- An Association Mining Model for Intrusion Detection
(Yunfei Yin) pp.4579-4584.
- Strong and Weak Stability Of k-partite Ranking Algorithms
(Wei Gao, Yun Gao and Yungang Zhang) pp.4585-4590.
- A Novel Multi-members Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Constrained
Optimization Problems (Wang Xiang and Li Zhiyong) pp.4591-4596.
- Face Recognition Based On Total Variation And Sparse Representation
(Kunlun Li and Guoyan Zhang) pp.4597-4602.
- CODP Positioning and Optimization of Complex Product Life Circle Supply
Chain (Yongtao Huang, Gang Wang, Bingyin Ren and Haoyun Zhang) pp.4603-4608.
- Large Scale Content Delivery for LBS Application in 3GPP LTE
(Lu Lou and Xin Xu) pp.4609-4614.
- SVM Multi-class Classification based on Binary Tree for Fault Diagnosis
of Hydropower units
(Weiguo Zhao and Liying Wang) pp.4615-4620.
- Research on An Industrialized PL-ISEE and Its Database Platform Architecture
(Jianli DONG and Yanyan CHEN) pp.4621-4626.
- A New Method of 3D Machining Procedure Model Creation Based on Process
Knowledge (WAN Neng and LIU Lin-lin) pp.4627-4632.
- The Silicon Micro-Gyroscope Signal Processing Method Based on
Morphological Wavelet Filter
(Liye Zhao, Hongsheng Li and Shourong Wang) pp.4633-4640.
- K-means Clustering algorithm based on kernel Fisher Discrimination
(Chensong Peng and Zhong Li) pp.4641-4646.
- Coal Fire Depth-profile Reconstruction from Ground Penetrating Radar Data
(Xuhua Chang and Yanming Wang) pp.4647-4652.
- Power System Security Enhancement Based on Optimal Placement of
Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation
(Ghamgeen Izat Rashed and Yuanzhang Sun) pp.4653-4660.
- Research on Information Collection System of Energy Efficient and New
Energy Vehicles
(Jing Lian, Linhui Li and Yafu Zhou) pp.4661-4666.
- Multi-faults Classification of Gear System Based on Combining Wavelet
Packet Transform with Support Vector Machine
(Renping Shao, Xinna Huang and Wentao Hu) pp.4667-4676.
- Information Security Risk Assessment Technology of Cyberspace: a Review
(Li Qianmu and Zhang Hong) pp.4677-4684.
- Research on the Convergence in value and solution of ACO Subset Algorithms
(Chen Wenyu, Zeng Ru and Li Weishun) pp.4685-4690.
- Orthogonal Wavelet Transform Rayleigh Renyi Entropy Blind Equalization
Algorithm Based on Fractionally Spaced Decision Feedback
(Guo Yecai and Gong Xiuli) pp.4691-4696.
- Efficiency Evaluation and Tactics Calculation of Passive SSJ on Guidance
Radar (ZHOU Zhe-shuai and FANG Hong-bing) pp.4697-4702.
- Parikh Vector based Approach for Petri Net Controller
(Tao Ze and Liu Xiaoxia) pp.4703-4708.
- Displacement-Based Seismic Design for High-Speed Railway Bridge pier in
Seismic Regions (Lingkun Chen and Lizhong Jiang) pp.4709-4714.
- Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Electro-mechanical Clutch
Actuator of Automated Manual Transmission Vehicle
(Ran Chen, Lin Mi, Wei Tan and Xuan Wu) pp.4715-4724.
- Forecast Model for Inner Corrosion Rate of Oil Pipeline Based on GA-SVM
(Jingcheng LIU and Hongtu WANG) pp.4725-4730.

Vol.15, No.11(B), Novemver, 2012
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Improvement of a Multi-proxy Multi-signature Scheme in the Standard Model
(Haiwei Fan, Xiangmo Zhao, Yang Ming and Jin Du) pp.4737-4742.
- Novel Traffic Flow Video Detection Algorithm
(Zhanwen Liu, Shan Lin, Anguo Dong and Kenan Qiang) pp.4743-4748.
- An Approach to Evaluating the Project Management with Triangular Fuzzy
Information (Xuefeng Zhao and Jing Liu) pp.4749-4754.
- 3D Geological Modeling and Assessment of Site Suitability based on
Orthogonal Polynomials and Markov Matrix (Guo Chen, Shouting Zhang and Yan Li) pp.4755-4762.
- A Survey and Prospects of OWA Aggregation with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information
(Zeshui Xu) pp.4763-4776.
- Study on GM(1,1) Model Property of Approximate Non-homogeneous Exponential Sequence
(Wei Niu, Juan Cheng and Guoqing Wang) pp.4777-4784.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Utilisation of Photo-Montage Technique for UK Planning Process
(Kyung Jin An, Hyun Kyung Kang, Goreti Marreiros and Hoon Ko) pp.4785-4796.
- Matching Degree Prediction of Region Industry-Population-Knowledge
System Based on GA-SVM: County-Level Evidence from Guanzhong Urban
Agglomeration in China (Zhao Jing, Huang Duo and Zhang Wei) pp.4797-4802.
- Research and Evaluation on Learning Content Management Systems
Incorporating with Improved Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
(Liyong Wan and Chengling Zhao) pp.4803-4812.
- Enterprise Software Selection Methodologies - A Brief Review
(Abeer Al-Arfaj and Abdullah Al-Mudimigh) pp.4813-4832.
- Composite Cross-hedging Models Under Mark-to-market Risk
(Junhui Fu, Wei-Guo Zhang, Weijun Xu and Yunxia Chen) pp.4833-4840.
- China's Technology Innovation Strategy from Technology Transfer Perspective
(He Wei) pp.4841-4846.
- A Novel Culture Algorithm and Itfs Application in Knowledge Integration
(CHEN Si-hua) pp.4847-4854.
- Toward User Satisfaction of E-Learning: The Roles of Qualities, Social
Influence and User Beliefs (Iuan-Yuan Lu, Tsuang Kuo and Wen-Pin Lee) pp.4855-4870.
- A Cross-cultural Comparative Study of User-Created Content Usage in
Korea and the US (Sora Kang, Yoojung Kim and Hyunju Lee) pp.4871-4890.
- Improving Contract Administration: Information System Approach on Legal Information
(Heap Yih Chong) pp.4891-4900.
- Evaluation of Strategies for Quantitative and Qualitative VCHSType
Queuing Systems (Shinya Nogami and Satoru Shimizu) pp.4901-4918.
- A Framework of Language Learning Navigator Based on the Presumption
of the Linguistic Ability Structure (Dongli Han) pp.4919-4926.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An IFRP(IDS Based on Fuzzy Rule and Pattern) Design for Improving on
an Intrusion Detection Rate and False Positives (EunHee Jeong and ByungKwan Lee) pp.4927-4932.
- A SADIC(Sybil Attack Detection with an ID-based Certificate) Design
using One-way Key-chain on WSNs (EunHee Jeong and ByungKwan Lee) pp.4933-4938.
- An Optimized OMA DRM v2.0 Rights Object Acquisition Protocol
(Eun-Jun Yoon and Kee-Young Yoo)@pp.4939-4952.
- Verifiable Storage Structure for Reputation in P2P Networks
(Hua Sun, Jiong Yu, Bin Liao and Xing-yao Yang) pp.4953-4958.
- An Integrated Security Mechanism for Intranet Accessing
(Lin Jianhui and Huang Xuepeng) pp.4959-4964.
- Weakness a Remote Password Authentication Schemes for Multiserver
Architecture Using Neural Networks
(Chenglian Liu, Changlu Lin, Lien Harn and Shisheng Chen) pp.4965-4970.
- A Novel RFID Authentication Protocol Support Detecting Cloned Tags
(Xiong Li and Chenglian Liu) pp.4971-4976.
- Security Analysis of Secure Electronic Ticket Scheme for ITS
(Yongning Guo and Chenglian Liu) pp.4977-4982.
- Classification for Unbalanced Dataset by an Improved KNN Algorithm Based on Weight
(Chao-Xue WANG, LI-Li DONG, Zheng-Mao PAN and Tao Zhang) pp.4983-4988.
- Secure Data Transmission Protocol based on Quantum Cryptography
(Joonmo Hong, BooJoong Kang, Hye Seon Kim, Peter Chang and Eul Gyu Im) pp.4989-5002.
- Model for Evaluating the Router Security of Wireless Sensor Network with
Interval Grey Linguistic Variables (Jing Gao, Jinkuan Wang and Bin Wang) pp.5003-5008.
- Research on Projection from Choreography to Orchestration Based on Role Correlation
(Xu Donghong, Li Zheng, Qi Yong and Jiang Shujuan) pp.5009-5028.
- Automatic Named-Entity Set Expansion from the Web Using a Mutual Importance Measure
(Youngjoong Ko and Sangjun Bae) pp.5029-5040.
- Embedded Multimedia DBMS based on Mpeg-7 in Mobile Environment
(Byeong-Tae Ahn and Min Sun Kim) pp.5041-5054.
- Mining Association Rules in Non-transactional Databases
(Ho-Jong Lee, Seung-Hwan Lim, Hyun-Kyo Oh, Jinsoo Cho,
Sang-Wook Kim, Jaehyuk Cha, Junghoon Lee and Hanil Kim) pp.5055-5070.
- Towards Service Pool Construction Approach based on Extended QoS
Model for Pervasive Environment (Qibo Sun, Wenbin Wang, Fangchun Yang and Xinchao Zhao) pp.5071-5086.
- Farsi Font Face and Font Size Recognition using Neural Network
(Yaghoub Pourasad, Houshang Hassibi, Saeed Farokhi and Azam Ghorbani) pp.5087-5098.
- Energy-aware Cost Model for Flash-aware Embedded Databases
(Sangwon Park) pp.5099-5116.
- An Information Hiding System based on Reference Matrix
(Zhaoxia Yin, Wanli Lv and Bin Luo) pp.5117-5124.
- Uncertain Schema Matching Based on Fuzzy Decision Making
(WENG Nian-feng, DIAO Xing-chun and CAO Jian-jun) pp.5125-5136.
- An Elitist Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Small-World
Network (Jie Qian and Jian-Guo Zheng) pp.5137-5150.
- A New Model of Spatial Directional Relation
(Ke Zhang, Wei Zhao and Tao Liu) pp.5151-5158.
- Shearlet-Based Image Deblurring Using Generalized Exponential Prior Model
(Qiang Guo and Songnian Yu) pp.5159-5170.
- Light Weight Hierarchical Cache Coherence in NoC-Based MulticoreProcessors
(Libo Huang, Nong Xiao and Zhiying Wang) pp.5171-5188.
- Sequential Approximate Modeling Method Based on Support Vector Regression
(Xixiang Yang and Weihua Zhang) pp.5189-5196.
- Exploiting Whole-Network Mobility for Mobile Service Discovery
(Choonhwa Lee, Sumi Helal, Eunsam Kim and Wonjun Lee) pp.5197-5216.
- Performance Evaluation of a Cost-Aware Multihop Handover in Multihop
Radio Access Network (Seong Woong Lee and Yun Won Chung) pp.5217-5230.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Multiclass Cancer Microarray Data Classification by the Combination of
Two Strategies (Hualong Yu, Jing Zhao and Bin Qin) pp.5231-5240.
- Health status and sexual behavior of long-distance-truck drivers in
Kunming, China (Guoxi CAI, Yongjun YAN, Qionghua WU,
Jun KANG, Bo ZHANG, Zhuo ZHANG and Keming ROU) pp.5241-5246.

Vol.15, No.12(A), December, 2012
- Special Issue on New Frontiers of Information and Electrical
Technology (Guest Editors : Dr. Chengjun.Xie and Dr. Gang Yang)
- Design of a New Type of Audio Directional System based on DRC Algorithm
(Jicai Liang, Song Gao and Yi Li) pp.5255-5262.
- Solving the Time Dependent Chinese Postman Problem by Branch-and-Bound Algorithm
(Guozhen Tan, Jinghao Sun and Yakun Meng) pp.5263-5270.
- 3D Motion Estimation Based on Straight-Line Optical Flow Using Ant Colony Algorithm
(Congxuan Zhang, Zhen Chen, Ming Li and Shuigen Wei) pp.5271-5278.
- Graph Transformation Method for Time Dependent Rural Postman Problem
with Time Windows (Guozhen Tan, Jinghao Sun and Xianchao Meng) pp.5279-5286.
- Study on convertor oxygen lance orientation based on the support vector
Machine (Bai jing, Wen jian-xin, Ma dan-dan and Xin ping) pp.5287-5294.
- Fuzzy Adaptive power matching for an agricultural motor Grader
(Tao Lin, Shengjie Jiao, Xin Wang and Jianke Li) pp.5295-5304.
- A Novel Method of Moving Object Detection Based on Global Motion
Estimation in Video Image Sequence (Lu Bin, Zhang Qiang and Liu Huanxia) pp.5305-5312.
- Optimal Relay Deployment Algorithm under Energy Constraint for Wireless
Sensor Networks (Zeng Bin, Feng Shaowei and Zhang Jing) pp.5313-5320.
- A Driver Fatigue Recognition Model Using Multiple Physiological Features
based on Support Vector Machine (Li Shiwu, Wang Linhong, Yang Zhifa, Ji Bingkui,
Qiao Feiyan and Yang Zhongkai) pp.5321-5328.
- Research on Multi-sensor Information Fusion Method Based on Dempster-
Shafer Evidential Theory (He Guo, Pan Xinglong,
Zhang Chaojie, Ming Tingfeng and Wang Xiaochuan) pp.5329-5336.
- Design and Application of Double E-markets in Chinese Countryside
(Lijuan Huang) pp.5337-5344.
- Solving the Regression Problems Based on Maxi-Min Margin Machine
(Xiaoming Wang, Xiangnian Huang and Min Wan) pp.5345-5354.
- Study of Savant Middleware and Technology Research in the Internet
of Things (Yin Laiwu, Chen Deyun, Fu xin and Wang Donglai) pp.5355-5362.
- Construction of Emergency Evacuation Information System based on
the Internet of Things (Qingfeng Sun, Fansen Kong, Ling Zhang and Xiangwen Dang) pp.5363-5370.
- The Data Mining of Traditional Chinese Medical Science Diagnosis
on the Elderly's Pneumonia by An Improved Apriori Algorithm
(Yong-sen Jiang, Chu-xiang Chen and Yan Zhuang) pp.5371-5378.
- Hand Tracking Based on Multi-clues
(Xing Xiaofen, Guo Kailin, Qiu Suo, Wang Enxiang and Xu Xiangmin) pp.5379-5386.
- Clustering-based Safety Grouping Strategy for Bipartite Graph Data
Publishing (Yongcheng Luo, Jiajin Le, Yaqian Jiang and Dehua Chen) pp.5387-5394.
- Virtual Fire Evacuation Simulation System (Da-chuan Wei) pp.5395-5402.
- Connection strength of self-piercing riveted with different surface
Treatment (Liu Ruijun, Chu Yaxu, Dang Xangwen and Wang Xing) pp.5403-5410.
- Cascade Filter for Precise Gravimeter Signal Processing
(Liye Zhao, Hongsheng Li and Cheng Luo) pp.5411-5418.
- A 2-D Suspended Sediment Transport Numerical Model with the Finite
Volume Method (Sun Dawei and Feng Weibing) pp.5419-5428.
- Modified Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its
Application in Image Processing (Pei Yao, Jia Dacheng and Wang Jiaying) pp.5429-5436.
- Key Nodes Identification Method for Crowd Monitoring in Subway Stations
(Yanyan Chen, Guanghou Zhang, Pingpu Li, Zhe Zhang and Xiaoyang Zhang) pp.5437-5446.
- A Novel Stealth Design Method for X-band Microstrip Vivaldi Antenna
(XiaoXiang HE, Teng CHEN and Xin WANG) pp.5447-5454.
- A New Collision Detection Algorithm Suitable for Complex Virtual
Environment (Wei Zhao, LongTao WangCMingQuan Wang and Yi Liu) pp.5455-5464.
- A PSO Optimization Algorithms Based on the Solution Space Division
(Wei Zhao, Xingsheng Cai, MingQuan Wang, HuiYan Qu and ChunGuang Bi) pp.5465-5472.
- Algorithm of Parallel Collision Detection Based on Temporal-spatial Coherence
(Huiyan Qu, Wei Zhao, Dandan Wu and Ying Pan) pp.5473-5480.
- A Pedestrian Detection Method Using 3D Laser Scanner
(Lisheng Jin, Qingning Niu, Haijing Hou, Shunxi Hu and Fangrong Wang) pp.5481-5490.
- Driver Inattention Monitoring System Based on Machine Vision
(Yuying Jiang, Yazhen Wu, Lisheng Jin and Haijing Hou) pp.5491-5498.
- A new heuristic algorithm for two-dimensional rectangle-packing problems
(Bitao Peng, Yongwu Zhou, Shiping Zhou and Baixun Li) pp.5499-5506.
- An Improved Simulated Annealing Method to the Multiple Satellites Mission Planning
(Peng WANG and Li-Ning XING) pp.5507-5514.
- Modeling and Simulation of Travel Behavior Forecasting System
Based on Bayesian Network (Gao Jingxin, Juan Zhicai and Gao Linjie) pp.5515-5522.

Vol.15, No.12(B), December, 2012
- Special Issue on Reliability, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering:
Recent Progress in China (Guest Editors : Dr. Hong-Zhong Huang, Dr. Ming J. Zuo and Dr. Yu Liu)
- PREFACE (Hong-Zhong Huang, Ming J. Zuo and Yu Liu) pp.5529-5532.
- Robustness of Age Replacement Strategy in Maintenance Management
(Liang Wen, Su Wu, Xisheng Jia and Binfeng Li) pp.5533-5540.
- Weibull Process Model with Application for Modeling Bus-Motor Failures
(R. Jiang) pp.5541-5548.
- Joint Optimization for Replacement and Spare Parts Inventory
(Jianmin Zhao, Chang-An Xu and Hou-Bo He) pp.5549-5556.
- Scheduling Preventive Maintenance for Systems with Imperfect Maintenance
(Yunxian Jia, Lei Sun and Xuhua Chen) pp.5557-5568.
- A Network-Based Remote Fault Maintenance Support System for Logistics Carrying Vehicle
(Gongliang Jiang, Yu Pang and Yu Liu) pp.5569-5576.
- Modeling Method for Reliability of Components with Cyclosymmetric Structure
(Zheng Wang, Zengquan Wang and A-Na Wang) pp.5577-5584.
- Reliability Model of Distributed Simulation System
(Hu Wan and Hong-Zhong Huang) pp.5585-5592.
- Cause Analysis of Crankshaft Crack & Crank Bearing Scuff and
Optimization Design of Large-Scale Reciprocating Compressor
(Shijie Wang and Zengjin Xu) pp.5593-5604.
- A Fuzzy Inference Method for Multi-State Systems
(Yi Ren and Leixing Kong) pp.5605-5618.
- Bayesian Inference of Weibull Distribution Based on Probability Encoding
(Haiqing Li, Rong Yuan and Weiwen Peng) pp.5619-5626.
- Reliability Analysis for Close Position Accuracy of Gear Door Mechanism
Based on Importance Sampling (Zhongchao Sun, Tianxiang Yu, Weimin Cui, Bifeng Song
and Huahui Yi) pp.5627-5634.
- Curve Fitting with Weight Assignment under Evidence Theory Combination Rule
(Rui Sun and Hong-Zhong Huang) pp.5635-5642.
- The Solution to Nonlinear Equations Based on the Hybrid Neural Networks
(Haibin Li and Wei Qie) pp.5643-5650.
- Reliability Analysis of the Flap Mechanism with Multi-Pivots
(Huan Pang, Tian-Xiang Yu, Hui Wang and Bifeng Song) pp.5651-5658.
- Mission Reliability Analysis of Missile Defense System Based on DODAF
and Bayesian Networks (Bin Liu and Xiaoyue Wu) pp.5659-5666.
- Mechanism Reliability Analysis for Multi-Support Axis Seizure with Assembly Tolerance
(Hui Wang, Tianxiang Yu, Huan Pang and Bifeng Song) pp.5667-5674.
- Synthesized Assessment Method for Interior Weapon Cabinfs Door Safety
Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
(Ye Lin, Wei-Min Cui and Bifeng Song) pp.5675-5682.
- Study on Failure Probability Model of LanChengYu Pipeline under Landslide
Geological Disaster (Peng Zhang and Yonghong Duan) pp.5683-5692.
- XML Schema Based Qualification of Soft IP Core
(Li-Wei Wang and Hong-Wei Luo) pp.5693-5702.
- A PSGO-Based Method for Inverse Kinematics Analysis of Serial Dangerous
Articles Disposal Manipulator
(Panfeng Zhang, Xihui Mu, Zhenshu Ma and Fengpo Du) pp.5703-5710.
- The Probabilistic Analyze of Radioactive Materials Release in Transport Accidents
(Chaoyang Xie, Lilun Guo and Jingrun Luo) pp.5711-5718.
- Analysis on Thermal Reliability of Key Electronic Components on PCB
(Xunbo Li and Shaoting Xu) pp.5719-5724.
- Uncertainty Propagation Techniques in Probabilistic Design of Multilevel Systems
(Fenfen Xiong and Shuxing Yang) pp.5725-5732.
- Reliability-Based Robust Design of Vehicle Rear-Axle Housing with
Non-Normal Random Parameters (Zhou Yang and Yimin Zhang) pp.5733-5742.
- Robust Design of Dimension Chain with Less Composing Loops and
Higher Precision Requirement (Yong-Hua Li and Wei Li) pp.5743-5750.
- Decomposition Method for Hierarchical Multidisciplinary Robust Design
Considering Uncertainty Functions and Coupling Variables
(Jianbin Guo, Shengkui Zeng and Jiming Ma) pp.5751-5764.
- Reliability-Based Design for the Structure of Tower Crane under Aleatory
and Epistemic Uncertainties
(Lanfeng Yu, Ye Cao, Qiang Chong and Xiao Wu) pp.5765-5774.
- Reliability-Based Design for Hoop Connection of Unmanned Undersea Vehicle
under Uncertainty (Shunqi Yang, Yutao Zhou and Guoliang Lu) pp.5775-5780.
- Research of Optimizing Cost Model of Tolerance Based on Robust Design
(Yong-Hua Li, Wei Li and Zai-Lin Ge) pp.5781-5786.
- Reliability Analysis and Design for the Aerospace Valve
(Tianxiang Yu, Weimin Cui, Bifeng Song and Ta Wu) pp.5787-5794.
- Multi-Objective Robust Design Based on Maximum Variation Analysis
(Huanwei Xu, Hong-Zhong Huang and Zhonglai Wang) pp.5795-5802.
- Rapid Adaptation Design of Existing Equipment for Unanticipated
Environment Changes (Zhijie Liu, Hongfei Teng and Chengxin Lin) pp.5803-5810.
- An Evidence Theory Based Uncertainty Quantification for Robust Design
(Fayuan Wei, Junming Hu and Renwei Ge) pp.5811-5818.
- A Two-Stage HSMM Model for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Gearboxes
(Xisheng Jia, Hongzhi Teng and Qiwei Hu) pp.5819-5828.
- Application of Hidden Markov Models in Machine Fault Diagnosis
(Jian-She Kang and Xing-Hui Zhang) pp.5829-5838.
- Stress-Lifetime Joint Distribution Model for Performance Degradation Failure
(Yanzhen Tang, Quan Sun, Jing Feng and Paul Kvam) pp.5839-5846.
- Accelerated Storage Degradation Test and Life Extension Assessment
Method for Hermetically Sealed Electromagnetic Relay
(Bo Sun, Qiang Feng and Shengkui Zeng) pp.5847-5858.
- Contributing Factors of Human Reliability of Train Drivers
(Jing Qiu and Rolf Helbig) pp.5859-5866.
- Human Reliability Analysis in Complicated Armament Equipment System
(Jianxin Huang and Yaqin Bian) pp.5867-5878.

Vol.15, No.12(C), December, 2012 [ COVER PDF ]
- Special Issue on Smart Logistics and Supply Chain Management
(Guest Editor : Prof. Young Hae Lee)
- Preface (Young Hae Lee) pp.5884
- Supply Chain Network Redesign ? The Retrospection of a Case Study (Shong-Iee Ivan Su and Jei-Zheng Wu) pp.5885-5908.
[ PDF ]
- The Study on the Integrated Berth Allocation and Quay Cranes Assignment (Meilong Le, Congcong Wu and Fei Liu) pp.5909-5918.
[ PDF ]
- Control of Lead Time for Retailer-Supplier Contract with Stochastic Demand and Order Cancellation (Si-Yeong Lim, Sun Hur and You-Jin Park) pp.5919-5930.
[ PDF ]
- Determination of Production Level in a Make-to-Stock System with Stochastic Demands and Returns (Si-Yeong Lim, Sun Hur and You-Jin Park) pp.5931-5946.
[ PDF ]
- The Implementation of Online Order & Forecast System for Asia Markets (Jonghoon Park and Palseon Jang) pp.5947-5956.
[ PDF ]
- Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization of a Supply Chain Considering Customer Demand and Information Quality Level (KyoungJong Park) pp.5957-5968.
[ PDF ]
- Dynamic Two-Route Transportation Problem for a Target Service Level (Suk-Chul Rim, Ik-Ju Jang and Jin Young Choi) pp.5969-5984.
[ PDF ]
- Integrated Supply Chain and Finance Model for Value Maximization of a Firm with Multi-Divisions (Sukjae Jeong and Jaehyun Han) pp.5985-5998.
[ PDF ]
- Pricing Strategies for Managing New and Remanufactured Products in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain (Jen-Ming Chen and Chia-I Chang) pp.5999-6010.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of EcoDesign Taxonomies on Financial Performance (Tienhua Wu, Yen-Chun Jim Wu and Yenming J. Chen) pp.6011-6024.
[ PDF ]
- Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickups under Dynamic Rescheduling Environment (Dong Sik Kim and Young Hae Lee) pp.6025-6032.
[ PDF ]
- A Contract Model for Multi-echelon Supply Chain Based on Revenue Sharing and Quantity Discount (Dong Won Cho, Young Hae Lee and Se Ho Park) pp.6033-6042.
[ PDF ]
- A Model for Determining Optimal Batch Sizes for Product Quality Assurance with Material- and Process-induced Variability under Open Supply Chain
Environments (Namhun Kim, Dongmin Shin and Sun Hur) pp.6043-6062. [ PDF ]
- Application of Genetic Algorithm in Production Scheduling: A Case Study on the Food Processing Business (Yu-Chuan Liu, Shu-Huang Sun, Shih-Ming Yang
and Chung-Yung Chuang) pp.6063-6076. [ PDF ]
- Estimating the Cycle Time of Container Handling in Terminals (Mai-Ha Thi Phan and Kap Hwan Kim) pp.6077-6098.
[ PDF ]
- A Novel Approach for Assessing Lead-Time Performance in Supply Chain Management (Bi-Min Hsu, Lin-Ying Hsu, Wen-Hsiung Wu and Ming-Hung Shu) pp.6099-6116.
[ PDF ]
- Adaptive Genetic Algorithm to Multi-stage Reverse Logistics Network Design for Product Resale (YoungSu Yun, Mitsuo Gen and ReaKook Hwang) pp.6117-6138.
[ PDF ]
- Innovative Green Transportation System - On-Line Electric Vehicle Applied to Airport Passenger Logistics (Young Dae Ko, Young Jae Jang and Hark Hwang)
pp.6139-6154. [ PDF ]
- DEA-Based Port Efficiency Improvement and Stepwise Benchmarking Target Selection (Jaehun Park, Sungmook Lim and Hyerim Bae) pp.6155-6172.
[ PDF ]
- A Compromised Decision Making Model for Implementing a Strategic Alliance in Express Courier Services (Friska Natalia Ferdinand, Ki Ho Chung, Hyun Jeung Ko
and Chang Seong Ko) pp.6173-6188. [ PDF ]
- Simultaneous Decision on Berth Planning and Quay Crane Assignments in Maritime Container Terminals (Pyung-Hoi Koo) pp.6189-6204.
[ PDF ]
- The Impact of RFID Implementation on Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management (Younjung Kim, Hunwu Choi and Kangdae Lee) pp.6205-6226.
[ PDF ]
- Effect of CCMS on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Jordanian Banks (Belal Gharaibeh, Abbas Al-Refaie, Jawadat Goussous and Mohammed Shurrab)
pp.6227-6238. [ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Three Contexts and Intention of Using in the Cloud Computing Environment: A PLS Path Model Approach (Jae Su Lim and Jay In Oh)
pp.6239-6254. [ PDF ]
- A Cost Minimization Model for Weight-Based Automatic Quantity Inspection in Distribution Centers (Suk-Chul Rim) pp.6255-6268.
[ PDF ]
- Optimal Routing Design and Operation for Multiple Truck-Trailer Vehicles (Dong Won Cho, Young Hae Lee and Kwang Hyun Song) pp.6269-6276.
[ PDF ]
- A Genetic Algorithm for Multi-cycle Operation Oriented Yard Crane Scheduling Problem (Jianquan Guo, Liqiang Liu and Chengji Liang) pp.6277-6286.
[ PDF ]
- Quality Improvement of FVP (free visit and pick-up) Services for Reverse Logistics of End-of-Life Consumer Electronics (Hyunsoo Kim and Hong Joo Lee)
pp.6287-6296. [ PDF ]
- Optimization of Healthcare Supply Chain using Integrated Inventory and Distribution Planning (Young Hae Lee, Dong Won Cho and Sang Won Lee) pp.6297-6304.
[ PDF ]

Vol.16, No.1(A), January, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Iterative Method for Absolute Value Equations Problem
(Longquan Yong) pp.7-12.
- Dynamic Web service Composition Algorithm with Uncertainties
(Longchang Zhang, Zhanlin Yu and Xu E) pp.13-22.
- Nondense Orbits of Beta-transformations@Over Formal Laurent Series
(Chao Ma, Shuailing Wang and Hsing Hung Chen) pp.23-28.
- Multi-criteria Decision Making Based on Generalized Geometric
Aggregation Operators under Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment
(Dejian Yu) pp.29-38.
- A Possibilistic Adjusting Model for Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs
(Wei Chen and Yonghong Sheng) pp.39-52.
- Algorithm of Curvelet Domain Digital Watermarking Base on Image Normalization
(Changjun Zhou, Yingying Jiao, Qiang Zhang and Yuan Xu) pp.53-62.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Adaptive Control for Traffic Signal Aspect Pattern and its Evaluation
(Shinya Nogami and Seiya Sawada) pp.63-76.
- Design of School Content Management Framework
(Shaha T. Al-Otaibi and Samir El-Masri) pp.77-94.
- A User-Centered Approach for ERP System Introduction and Implementation
(Chiuhsiang Joe Lin, Su Ling Huey, Hsi Pin Lin and Li Fei Chen) pp.95-120.
- Evaluation for Land Resource Ecological Security Based on Least
Squares Support Vector Regression Optimized by Genetic Algorithm
(HaiYang SHANG and Fang SU) pp.121-128.
- Evaluating and Selecting the Key Performance Measures for Business
Process Management Using a Neighborhood Rough Set Methodology
(Lijie Hu, Chunguang Bai, Mark Gershon and Changjun Zhou) pp.129-142.
- An Ontology-based Supply Chain Architecture for Distributed Simulation
Modeling with SCOR Model (Jie Lina, Gang Wanga, Qingqi Longa and Zhijuan Hua) pp.143-154.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Higher Order Contextual Texture Descriptor for Image Retrieval Using
Generalized Texton Co-occurrence Matrix (Qingyong Li and Zhiping Shi) pp.155-174.
- Space-Varying Nonstationary Digital Image Model (Jia-Chyi Wu) pp.175-190.
- Multi-view Facial Feature Extraction
(Chuan-Yu Chang, Chuan-Wang Chang and Jia-Sin Li) pp.191-204.
- A Novel Method of Object of Interest Detection for Low Depth-of-field Images
(Ding-Horng Chen, Tsai-Rong Chang and Fang-De Yao) pp.205-218.
- Effective Back-Hand Vein Pattern Extraction
(Chia-Nan Wang, Jing-Wein Wang and Yao-Lang Chang) pp.219-234.
- ROIs Fragile Image Watermarking Scheme Using DPSK Technique
(Wen-Yuan Chen) pp.235-254.
- An Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition System Based on a Mixture of Experts Module
(Tsai-Rong Chang, Ding-Horng Chen and Chien-Ting Lai) pp.255-274.
- An Efficient Feature Extraction Method for KNN Classifiers Using Weighted SOFM Networks
(Jiunn-Lin Wu and I-Jing Li) pp.275-294.
- Application of Genetic-Based Wavelet Packet Watermarking for Trusted Communication
(Hsiang-Cheh Huang and Yueh-Hong Chen) pp.295-306.
- A Fast Super Resolution Image Reconstruction Method
(Huiyan Jiang, Jinge Jiang and Liuqing Zhang) pp.307-318.
- Local Statistical Force Function Based Level Set Method and Its Application in Liver Segmentation
(Huiyan Jiang and Ruijie Feng) pp.319-332.
- Color Image Enhancement Based on Three-dimensional Logarithmic Image Processing Model
(Huiyan Jiang, Xihe Gao and Biao Zhang) pp.333-342.
- Application of Interactive Evolutionary Computation to Emotional
Perception Assessment of Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder
(Xinyin Huang, Yan Zhang, Aibing Xu, Hisashi Kawabayashi and Yen-Wei Chen) pp.343-352.
- A Method to Control Fuel Consumption A Hybrid Car Using Fuzzy Control
(Jong-Chan Kim, Eung-Kon Kim and Am-Suk Oh) pp.353-366.
- Application of Digital Image Processing Method for Identifying Two-dimensional Rock Discontinuity
(Jiawen Zhou, Xingguo Yang, Zhaohui Yang, Hongtao Li and Hongwei Zhou) pp.367-382.
- Efficient and Flexible Storage Virtualization System based on Distributed Hash Tables
(Jonghyeon Kim and Sangjun Lee) pp.383-392.
- Adaptive Rendering System of Large Scale 3D-Terrain Data for Streaming Services
(Junghoon Shin, Taejoo Park and Sangjun Lee) pp.393-406.
- Simplified Optimality Conditions and Optimal Pilot Design Based on DFT for MIMO-OFDM
(Li Suoping, Xiao Dandan and Zhu Hongfeng) pp.407-416.
- The Effect of the Adaptive Learning Rate in the Regularized Matrix Factorization based Recommender
(Cheng Zhang, Xin Luo and Qingsheng Zhu) pp.417-430.
- A New Method of Class Centriod Vectors Classication Based on the Feedback
(Li Wei Jiang, ZHAO Tie Jun and Wang Xian Gang) pp.431-440.
- Improved Wavelet Neural Network Method for Industrial Control Network Traffic Prediction
(Wang TING, Wang HENG and Wang PING) pp.441-448.
- A Dynamic View on Knowledge Representation: Minds vs. Machines
(Xixu Fu and Hui Wei) pp.449-458.
- Fault Diagnosis of Analogue Circuits Based on Relevance Vector Machine and Ant
Colony Optimization Algorithm (Zhixue Wang and Lei Liu) pp.459-468.
- BBMC: A Novel Block Level Chunking Algorithm for De-duplication Backup System
(Bin Zhou, Hai Jin, Xia Xie and Pingpeng Yuan) pp.469-480.
- Performance Improvement by Modification of Learning Algorithm of Multilayer Feed-forward
Neural Network Model (Daehyon Kim, Gwang Jun Kim and Haeng Kon Kim) pp.481-494.
- Frameworks for MIRA(Mobile Information Retrieval Agent) based on Component Integration
(Haeng-Kon Kim) pp.495-508.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- MRI Classification and Detection Using Kalman Filtering Techniques
(Chuin-Mu Wang and Ruey-Maw Chen) pp.509-526.
- Enhancement of Visual Detection by Temporal Alignment of Visual-
auditory Stimuli: A Behavioral and Event-Related Potential Study
(Jingjing Yang, Qi Li, Weiping Yang and Jinglong Wu) pp.527-534.

Vol.16, No.1(B), January, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Novel Soft Decision Decoding Algorithm with Exploration of Candidate Code Words
(Yong-Geol Shim) pp.541-548.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Framework of Populace Survey-enabled Design Patent Map Systems
(Rain Chen and Chao-Chun Chen) pp.549-554.
- A New Patent Analysis Using Association Rule Mining and Box-Jenkins Modeling
for Technology Forecasting (Sunghae Jun) pp.555-562.
- Effects of Educational Game on the Intrinsic Motivation by Learnerfs Traits
(Hyung-sung Park, Jung-hwan Park, Young-Tae Kim and Young-sik Kang) pp.563-568.
- A Study of the Effects of a Wine Criticfs Evaluation on the Retail Prices in
Korea; with On-line Evaluation Basis
(YoonJung Nam, Youngsik Kwak and Yoonsik Kwak) pp.569-574.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Study on Applying Extreme Value Distribution to NHPP-based SRM
(Xiao XIAO and Tadashi DOHI) pp.575-580.
- A Study on Security Grade Assignment Model for Mobile Users in Urban Computing
(Hoon Ko, Goreti Marreiros, Sang Heon Kim, Carlos Ramos and Tai-hoon Kim) pp.581-586.
- Light Weight Thin Client Session Isolation and Efficient Session Management
for Multi-Platform Mobile Thin Client System
(Biao Song, Wei Tang, Tien-Dung Nguyen, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan and Eui-Nam Huh) pp.587-592.
- An Implementation of a Multi-carrier Ad-hoc Routing (MAR) Protocol for Maritime Data
Communication Networks (Seong Mi Mun, Joo Young Son, ChiaSyan Lim,
Won Boo Lee, Hun Ki Kim and Byung Wook Lee) pp.593-602.
- Revised Model Transformation for Model Convergence
(Woo Yeol Kim, Hyun Seung Son and Robert Young Chul Kim) pp.603-614.
- Rule Extraction Method for Model Transformations in Heterogeneous Smartphone Applications
(Woo Yeol Kim, Hyun Seung Son and Robert Young Chul Kim) pp.615-626.
- A Study on a Statistical Analysis of Proposed Dynamic Signature Verification Algorithm
(Jin Whan Kim) pp.627-638.
- An Efficient Online Hierarchical Mediator System for Adaptive Query
Optimization based on Evaluation Cost (Nam Hun Park and Kil Hong Joo) pp.639-644.
- Schedulability Analysis of Large-Scale Real-Time Systems with Hierarchically
Profiled Petri Nets (Hyunsang Youn, Jeongmin Park, Ingeol Chun and Eunseok Lee) pp.645-650.
- Process Assessment Framework to be concerned Software Safety
(Hyun-Sug Cho and Sun-Myung Hwang) pp.651-656.
- Composite Kernelbased Relation Extraction using Predicate-Argument Structure
(Hong-Woo Chun, Chang-Hoo Jeong, Sa-Kwang Song, Yun-Soo Choi, Sung-Pil Choi and Won-Kyung Sung)
- The Distributed Pub-Sub System with Privacy Protection in Smart Home Environments
(Yuan Tian, Biao Song, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan and Eui-Nam Huh) pp.663-668.
- Hybrid Artificial Neural Network for Abnormal Brain Image Classification
(D.Jude Hemanth, C.Kezi Selva Vijila, A.Immanuel Selvakumar and J.Anitha) pp.669-674.
- Image Content Detection Method Using Correlation Coefficient between Pixel Value Histograms
(Kousuke Imamura, Hideo Kuroda and Makoto Fujimura) pp.675-680.
- Watermarking Representation for Adaptive Image Classification with RBF Network
(Chi-Man Pun) pp.681-686.
- OntoURIResolver: Resolution and Recommendation of URIs Published in LOD
(Taehong Kim, Seungwoo Lee, Hanmin Jung, Won-Kyung Sung and Pyung Kim) pp.687-692.
- InSciTe Advanced: Strategic Decision-Making Support Service based on Technology Opportunity
Discovery Model (Mikyoung Lee, Seungwoo Lee, Jinhee Lee, Hanmin Jung, Jinhyung Kim,
Dongmin Seo, Pyung Kim, Taehong Kim, Hee Kwan Koo and Won-Kyung Sung) pp.693-698.
- Efficient Mobile RFID Code Translation and Filtering in a User-Created
Information Management System (Jae Kwoen Lee, SungHo Chin, Joon-Min Gil,
Hee Cheon Kim and Kwang Sik Chung) pp.699-706.
- OntoRelFinder: Ontology Schema-based Relationship Finder for Completely
Revealing Relationships between Data in Mass Ontology Databases
(HeeKwan Koo, Seungwoo Lee, Pyung Kim, Hanmin Jung, Won-Kyung Sung and Dongmin Seo) pp.707-714.
- Component-based Software Product Line Engineering Approach for Developing Insurance
Product Sales Systems (Jeong Ah Kim) pp.715-720.
- Domain Independent Recognition of Multi-word Terminology Using Web Search
(Sa-kwang Song, Yun-Soo Choi, Hong-Woo Chun, Chang-Hoo Jeong, Sung-Pil Choi and Won-Kyung Sung)
- Analysis on Interference Impact of LTE in TVWS on DTV
(In-kyoung Cho, Il-kyoo Lee and Youn-ok Park) pp.727-732.
- A Simple Method to Enhance Reliability of Spectrum Sensing over Rayleigh Fading Channel
(Truc Thanh Tran and Hyung Yun Kong) pp.733-738.
- A Study on the Source Translator of the WIPI-to-Android Mobile Game Converter
(YangSun Lee and Yunsik Son) pp.739-746.
- An Efficient Geographic Routing Protocol for UAV Networks
(Youngsoo Park and Jaeil Jung) pp.747-752.
- A Non-Partitioned File Assignment Strategy for Parallel I/O System with Minimum Disk I/O
Contention Probability (Bin Dong, Xiuqiao Li, Limin Xiao and Li Ruan) pp.753-758.
- Mobile Cell inspired Self-Association Algorithm for Mobile Floating Agents
(Kiwon Yeom) pp.759-764.
- Multiple Change-Point Modeling for Software Reliability Assessment and Goodness-of-Fit
Comparisons (Shinji Inoue, Keisuke Fukuma and Shigeru Yamada) pp.765-770.
- Adaptive Secure Client-Side Digital Watermarking Using Optimal Key Selection
(Chi-Man Pun and Jing-Jing Jiang) pp.771-776.
- Analysis of Concrete Slab Surface Cracks Using ART2-based Hybrid Neural Network
(Kwang-Baek Kim, Am Suk Oh and Gyeongyong Heo) pp.777-782.
- Design and Implementation of Mobile Leadership with Interactive Multimedia Approach
(Suyoto, Tri Prasetyaningrum and Ryan Mario) pp.783-788.
- Fast and Reliable Structure-Oriented Distortion Measure for Video Processing
(Md. Mehedi Hasan, Kiok Ahn, JeongHeon Lee, M Zahid Ishraque and Oksam Chae) pp.789-794.
- A Howling Margin Enhancement Method Using All-Pass Filters with Phase Dispersion
(Jae-Won Lee, Seung Ho Choi and Hyung Chul Park) pp.795-800.
- DataConnector: A Data Processing Framework Integrating Hadoop and a Grid Middleware
OGSA-DAI for Cloud Environment (Woongsup Kim, Hyukho Kim and Yangwoo Kim) pp.801-806.
- A Novel Non-interactive Deniable Authentication Protocol using Generalized
ECDSA Signature Schemes with Message Recovery
(Jayaprakash Kar Daniyal M. Alghazzawi and Syed Hamid Hasan) pp.807-814.
- Modeling Logical User Interfaces of Multimedia Applications for Multiple
Embedded Systems (Saehwa Kim) pp.815-820.
- Formal Verification of Basic DEV&DESS Formalism Using HyTech
(Han Choi, Sungdeok Cha, Jae Yeon Jo, Junbeom Yoo, Hae Young Lee and Won-Tae Kim) pp.821-826.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Re-sequencing Tool for High-throughput Long Reads Based on UNImarker with Non-Overlapping
iNterval Indexing Strategy (Chun-Yuan Lin, Che-Lun Hung and Yu-Chen Hu) pp.827-832.

Vol.16, No.2(A), February, 2013
- Special Issue on Recent Advances on Information and
Management Sciences (Guest Editors : Dr. Jin Peng and Dr. Jinwu Gao)
- PREFACE (Jin Peng and Jinwu Gao) pp.839-840.
- The Pricing of Vulnerable Options for Uncertain Financial Market (Jian Cao) pp.841-846.
- A New Ranking Method to Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis using Hurwicz Criterion
(Meilin Wen, Linhan Guo and Rui Kang) pp.847-854.
- A New Decomposition Method for Birandom Programming and Its Application
(Rui Qin, Yankui Liu and Kai Yang) pp.855-866.
- Some Inequalities on Uncertain Measure (Xiaosheng Wang and Ruihua Lu) pp.867-874.
- Characteristic Function of Uncertain Variable (Xiaohu Yang and Xiaomeng Dong) pp.875-880.
- Reliability Analysis of Redundant System with Uncertain Lifetimes (Wei Liu) pp.881-888.
- Semi-Linear Uncertain Differential Equation with Analytic Solution (Yang Liu) pp.889-894.
- Radical Entropies of Uncertain Sets (Jin Peng and Shengguo Li) pp.895-902.
- Expected-Variance-Entropy Model for Uncertain Parallel Machine Scheduling
(Xingfang Zhang and Guangwu Meng) pp.903-908.
- A New Method for Terrain Generation in Virtual Environment
(Guangxin Li, Qiang Wang and Haolei Li) pp.909-914.
- China Faces up to Tremendous Challenges of its Transport Energy Saving
(Jingjing Ye) pp.915-920.
- A Study on Chinafs Provincial Efficiency of Patent Output Based on Spatial
Econometric Analysis (Junjie Ma, Hua Ke, Jianxin You and Xueliang Zhang) pp.921-930.
- Closure Axioms For Elementary Fuzzy Matroids (Yaolong Li and Lijing Pan) pp.931-936.
- A modified Chaos Prediction Approach of Aero-engine Performance
Parameters Based on Box-Cox transformation and PLS regression
(Chunxiao Zhang and Junjie Yue) pp.937-946.
- A Grey Correlation Analysis on Interwell Communication in Daqing Oilfield
(Kaoping Song, Yueming Qu and Jicheng Zhang) pp.947-950.
- Model and Theory for Fuzzy-Based Performance-Reliability
(Yunxia Chen, Meilin Wen and Rui Kang) pp.951-960.
- Triple I Method and its Application Based on Generalized Residual Implication
(Kai Hu and Guangwu Meng) pp.961-966.
- Quality Management Practices and Firm Performance: A Cluster Analysis
(Junfeng Li and Yong Long) pp.967-976.
- Mean-TVaR Model for Portfolio Selection with Uncertain Returns
(Yufu Ning, Limei Yan and Yanhong Xie) pp.977-986.
- F-Index: A New Index in Citation Analysis (Youhua Fu) pp.987-994.
- Fuzzy Availability Theory and its Applications to Fuzzy Repairable Series System
(Ying Liu and Xiaozhong Li) pp.995-1002.
- Analytic Solution for a General Type of Uncertain Differential Equation
(Zuoren Wang) pp.1003-1010.
- Solving Oil-water Wells Operations Planning in Daqing Oilfield Based on
Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (Xiaolong Yang, Fenglan Wang and Jingang Niu) pp.1011-1014.
- Construction of Information Security System for the Campus Card System
(Yongsheng Fang, Hong Gang and Yuedong Chen) pp.1015-1018.
- Some Properties of Uncertain Dominance (Zhichao Gao and Haiying Guo) pp.1019-1024.
- Multi-Dimensional Canonical Process (Tongqi Zhang and Bin Chen) pp.1025-1030.
- Pseudo Duality and the Pseudo Law of Excluded Middle in Some t-norm Based Logics
(Ying Song and Xingfang Zhang) pp.1031-1036.
- A Warranty Contract Model with Uncertain Demands (Yanfei Lan and Huibin Du) pp.1037-1046.
- Network Traffic Prediction Based on Wavelet Neural Network Improved by Genetic Algorithm
(Guangxin Li, Qiang Wang and Haolei Li) pp.1047-1052.
- A Multi-attribute Fuzzy Classification Method for Oil Wells in Daqing Oilfield
(Liyang Song and Jicheng Zhang) pp.1053-1056.
- Prediction of Aero-Engine Fuel Flow Based on Chaotic Radial Basis Function Neural Network Model
(You Gao, Yuli Shen and Keqiang Dong) pp.1057-1062.
- A Note on Arc-Cosine Uncertain Variable (Wei Liu) pp.1063-1068.
- A New Uncertain Programming Model for Grain Supply Chain Design
(Sibo Ding) pp.1069-1076.
- Optimal Allocation of Sample Size with Random Costs in Stratified Sampling
(Limei Yan, Jianjun Liu and Mingfeng Zhang) pp.1077-1082.
- Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a Business Cycle Model with Random Parameter
(Jiaorui Li, Zifei Lin and Shuang Li) pp.1083-1090.
- A Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Convergence in Mean Square for Uncertain Sequence
(Haiying Guo and Chunxia Xu) pp.1091-1096.
- Stability in Dynamic Optimization of Competitive Agents with a Market Externality
(Yirong Ying, Jinze Li and Feng Yao) pp.1097-1100.
- On the Second Type of L-Fuzzy Covering Rough Sets (Qiu Jin and Lingqiang Li) pp.1101-1106.
- A Fuzzy Evaluation Method for Remaining Oil Distribution Estimation
(Kaoping Song, Jianwen Tao and Jicheng Zhang) pp.1107-1110.
- Performance Analysis for Approximating MCDS in Wireless Ad-Hoc Network
(Jun Li and Xiaofeng Gao) pp.1111-1118.
- An Uncertain Chance-Constrained Programming Model for Empty Container Allocation
(Guangjie Jiang) pp.1119-1124.
- A Block Replacement Policy for Consecutive k-out-of-n: F Systems
(Jianhua Zhao and Jinda Bai) pp.1125-1130.
- Cycle Index of Uncertain Graph (Xiulian Gao) pp.1131-1138.
- Some Families of Implication Operators and Corresponding Triple I Methods
(Kai Hu and Xingfang Zhang) pp.1139-1144.
- Some New Theorems on Uncertain Renewal Process (Wei Liu) pp.1145-1150.
- A Statistical Analysis on Job Stress and Job Burnout of Senior High School Teachers in Xinjiang
(Yifan Wang) pp.1151-1158.
- Research on System Availability Information Model and Analytical Calculation
Method Based On Mission Scenario (Xiaoming Kang and Naichao Wang) pp.1159-1166.
- Project Time-Cost Trade-off Problem with Fuzzy Time-Dependent Activity
Duration Parameters (Hua Ke, Weimin Ma and Yaodong Ni) pp.1167-1178.
- Step Empirical Uncertainty Distribution and its Applications
(Chunxia Xu and Zhichao Gao) pp.1179-1186.
- On Multiplicative Band Semirings (Tianmin Zhu and Baomin Yu) pp.1187-1192.
- Ranking Fuzzy Variables by Moments (Xiaozhong Li and Ying Liu) pp.1193-1200.
- Optimization Uncertain Measure Model for Uncertain Vehicle Routing Problem
(Guangwu Meng and Xingfang Zhang) pp.1201-1206.
- Uncertain Programming Model for Solid Transportation Problem
(Qing Cui and Yuhong Sheng) pp.1207-1214.
- The Impact of Demand Information in a Supply Chain with a Seasonal ARIMA
Process (Dong Won Cho and Young Hae Lee) pp.1215-1224.
- Neutral Uncertain Delay Differential Equations (Hongjian Liu and Weiyin Fei) pp.1225-1232.
- Application of Sociometry and Genetic Algorithm to Selection of Class Officers
(Rong-Chang Chen, Jyun-Yang Li, Nuo-Jhen Ma and Yu-Ting Chang) pp.1233-1242.
- Reverse Logistics Network in Uncertain Environment
(Jianjun Liu, Yufu Ning and Xuedou Yu) pp.1243-1248.
- Triangular Entropy of Uncertain Sets (Ruihua Lu and Xiaosheng Wang) pp.1249-1256.
- BP Neural Network to Optimize the Injection Rate of Well Group Water Injection
(Jicheng Zhang and Xiaoyun Li) pp.1257-1264.
- Study on the Multiobjective Programming Problems Based on Credibility Theory
(Mingfa Zheng, Guolin Yu and Bingjie Li) pp.1265-1272.
- Uncertain Optimal Control with Application to Vehicle Routing Problem
(Keqiang Dong and Nianpeng Wang) pp.1273-1278.
- Triangular Entropy of Uncertain Variables (Weiping Tang and Weina Gao) pp.1279-1282.

Vol.16, No.2(B), February, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Design of Error Control Code with Self-Synchronization Capability
(Yong-Geol Shim) pp.1289-1294.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Experimental Comparisons of Neural Networks and Logistic Regression
Models for Heart Disease Prediction (Yong-Gyu Jung and Hoon Jin) pp.1295-1300.
- Investigating the Critical Success Factors of Internet Banks: From the
Resource-Based View (Dong Hwan Cho and Jin Hyuk Hong) pp.1301-1306.
- Implementation of an Indoor-Location-Based Interactive VoD Player Using
Web Services (Gyeyoung Lee, Jaegeol Yim and Changyong Han) pp.1307-1314.
- Job Embeddedness, Work Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions of
Construction IT Workers (Dong-Hwan Cho and Haeng-Nam Sung) pp.1315-1320.
- Dynamic Expansion of a Semantic Dictionary for Topic Extraction in
Automatic Summarization (Kyonam Choo and Jungwon Cho) pp.1321-1332.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An Implementation of a Multi-carrier Ad-hoc Routing (MAR) Protocol
for Maritime Data Communication Networks
(Seong Mi Mun, Joo Young Son, ChiaSyan Lim, Won Boo Lee,
Hun Ki Kim and Byung Wook Lee) pp.1333-1342.
- Revised Model Transformation for Model Convergence
(Woo Yeol Kim, Hyun Seung Son and Robert Young Chul Kim) pp.1343-1350.
- Rule Extraction Method for Model Transformations in Heterogeneous
Smartphone Applications
(Woo Yeol Kim, Hyun Seung Son and Robert Young Chul Kim) pp.1351-1358.
- Soft-Qos Support for MANET Using Extended Multi-Path Routing Scheme
(Tz-Heng Hsu and Yi-Da Li) pp.1359-1364.
- Ontology for Indoor Location-Based Services and CPN Model
(Jaegeol Yim, Jaehun Joo and Gyeyoung Lee) pp.1365-1370.
- Design of TOD Model for Analyzing Technology Trends and Predicting Future
Trends (Jinhyung Kim, Myungwon Hwang, Do-Heon Jeong,
Seungwoo Lee, Jinhee Lee, Mikyung Lee and Hanmin Jung) pp.1371-1378.
- Location Prediction and Relay Node Selection for Grid-based Geographical
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Routing Protocol (Si-Ho Cha and Keun-Wang Lee) pp.1379-1384.
- Prediction-based Hybrid Routing Algorithm using the Road Structure and the
Moving Direction of Vehicles for VANETs
(Min-Woo Ryu, Si-Ho Cha, Keun-Wang Lee and Kuk-Hyun Cho) pp.1385-1390.
- Photoluminescence Characteristics of SiOC Thin Films Deposited by Using
Inductively Coupled Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition with Annealing
(Teresa Oh) pp.1391-1398.
- Platoon Multicast: TDMA-like Scheduling based Multicast Protocol for Vehicle
Platoon System (Pyungsun Park, Jooyoung Lee and Jaeil Jung) pp.1399-1408.
- Development of Integrated Diagnostic Gateway and Conversion Algorithm
between CAN and K-Line buses
(Pyungsun Park, Jooyoung Lee and Jaeil Jung) pp.1409-1418.
- Implementation of Control System for a Passive Filter Based on Monitoring
and Analyzing Power Quality
(Jeong-Chay Jeon, Jae-Hyun Kim and Jae-Geun Yoo) pp.1419-1428.
- Measurement for an Underwater Electric Field Using an Underwater 3-Axis
Electric Potential Sensor
(Jae-Hyun Kim, Jae-Geun Yoo and Jeong-Chay Jeon) pp.1429-1436.
- Design of an Iterative Learning Controller for Nonlinear Systems with
Time-varying Using ANN and GA (Hun Oh, Hyun Seob Cho and In Ho Ryu) pp.1437-1446.
- An Approach to Context Representation Discovery and Sharing in Mobile
Ad-Hoc Networks (Qi Liu, Nigel Linge and Martin Hope) pp.1447-1456.
- An Objective-C Compiler to Generate Platform-Independent Codes in
Smart Device Environments (Yunsik Son and YangSun Lee) pp.1457-1464.
- A Study on the Smart Virtual Machine for Smart Devices
(Yunsik Son and YangSun Lee) pp.1465-1472.
- Cooperative Formation Control for Swarm of Micro UAVs to Establish
Positionless Aerial Communication Relays (Kiwon Yeom) pp.1473-1478.
- A Study on a Statistical Analysis of Proposed Dynamic Signature Verification
Algorithm (Jin Whan Kim) pp.1479-1490.
- Image Processing Based Multiple Vehicle Monitoring System
(HyungJun Kim) pp.1491-1496.
- Extended Spherical Self-Organizing Maps for an Intelligent Management
System to Automatically Detect Anomaly Conditions
(Jeong Seok Oh, Ji-Hye Yeo and Il-ju Ko) pp.1497-1502.
- Utilization of Different Encryption Schemes for Securing SCADA Component
Communication (MinKyu Choi, Rosslin John Robles, Zita Vale,
Carlos Ramos, Hoon Ko and Goreti Marreiros) pp.1503-1508.
- Enhanced FCM-based Hybrid Network
(Kwang-Baek Kim, Am Suk Oh and Young Woon Woo) pp.1509-1516.
- Calling Card Recognition using Enhanced RBF Networks
(Kwang Baek Kim, Yang Sun Lee, Dong Hui Yu and Am Suk Oh) pp.1517-1522.
- A Technology Forecasting Model Using Support Vector Clustering and
Voting Approach (Sang Sung Park and Sunghae Jun) pp.1523-1528.
- A Block-level Buffer Cache Management Scheme for NAND Flash Memory
Storages (Soohyun Yang and Yeonseung Ryu) pp.1529-1534.
- The New IMC-PID Controller Design Method with Phase Margin and Gain
Margin (Seung Jung Shin and Dong Kyun Lim) pp.1535-1540.
- Comic Image Retrieval System using Image Features
(Dongkeun Kim and Chijung Hwang) pp.1541-1546.
- Advertisement Pricing and Layout Mechanism in GlobalAd
(Satoshi Takahashi, Tokuro Matsuo and Roger Y. Lee) pp.1547-1554.
- Efficient Construction of Kripke Structures and Model Checking of Logic-
Labeled Sequential Finite State Machines
(Vladimir Estivill-Castro and David A. Rosenblueth) pp.1555-1560.
- An Optical Flow Method for Motion Estimation and Segmentation
(Yeonho Kim and Sooyeong Yi) pp.1561-1566.
- Radial Processing for Feature Detection of Omnidirectional Images
(Jin Shin and SooYeong Yi) pp.1567-1572.
- Design and Implementation of Monitoring System for Spreading Prevention
of Livestock Disease (Jiwoong Lee, Ingon Park and Hyun Yoe) pp.1573-1578.
- A Distributed Cultural Tourist Guide System Using HMM-Based Speech
Recognition and Speech Synthesis (Kwang Myung Jeon, Duk Su Kim,
Ji Hun Park, Woo Kyeong Seong, Hong Kook Kim and Seong Ro Lee) pp.1579-1586.
- Detecting Privacy-Related Threats via Dynamic Risk Assessing Model in
Cloud Computing Environments
(Seng-phil Hong, Joon Young Kim and Yeonwoo Lee) pp.1587-1592.
- A Shared Key Distribution Method for Secure Information
(Yojiro Takehana, Tomoyuki Nagase and Yoshio Yoshioka) pp.1593-1604.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Gene Function Prediction by Bootstrapping with Multiple Graphs
(Ngo Phuong Nhung and Tu Minh Phuong) pp.1605-1614.

Vol.16, No.3(A), March, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Non-Linear Approximations in Differential-Multiple Linear Cryptanalysis
(Zhiqiang Liu, Dawu Gu, Ning Ding and Wei Li) pp.1621-1634.
- Differential-Multidimensional Linear Cryptanalysis
(Zhiqiang Liu, Dawu Gu, Ning Ding and Wei Li) pp.1635-1646.
- Verifiable Identity-based Encryption in the Standard Model
(Leyou Zhang, Yupu Hu and Qing Wu) pp.1647-1656.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Lightweight Access Control for Resource Limited Clients on Valid XML Data Streams
(Dongchan An and Seog Park) pp.1657-1678.
- Designing User Profiling Prototype for Identification of Malicious Forums
(Maqsood Mahmud, Muhammad El Mogy, Muhammad Khurram Khan,
Khaled S. Alghathbar and Sang-Soo Yeo) pp.1679-1692.
- Detecting Memory Leak Using Virtualization Technology
(Xiaolin WANG, Zhenlin WANG, Yi LIU, Yingwei LUO and Xiaoming LI) pp.1693-1708.
- A Study on Windows Malicious Code Classification System
(Seung-hwan Ju, Hee-suk Seo and Seung-jae Lee) pp.1709-1724.
- A More Practical Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards
(Xiong Li, Jianwei Niu, Wendong Wang and Jian Ma) pp.1725-1738.
- Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of a Simple Authentication Protocol for a
Wireless Sensor Networks Platform (A. Errandani, A. Abdaoui, A. Doumar and E. Chatelet) pp.1739-1752.
- User Receptivity of Closed Subscribers Group (CSG)-Closed Mode Mobile WiMAX Femtocell Service
(Ilkwon Cho, Sangyong Ha, Sangug Kang and Jonggook Koh) pp.1753-1774.
- Immune-inspired Pattern Recognition Algorithm for Anomaly Detection
(Kiwon Yeom and Ji-Hyung Park) pp.1775-1786.
- An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Identity-Based Broadcast Signcryption for Large-Scale
Wireless Sensor Networks (In Tae Kim and Seong Oun Hwang) pp.1787-1792.
- Breaking the Spacing Based Authentication Protocol
(Imran Erguler, Serdar Aktas, Emin Anarim and Gokay Saldamli) pp.1793-1804.
- Development to Protection Model from Large-Scale Information Leakage in Web Environments
(Kyong-jin Kim, Seng-phil Hong, Hyun-mi Jang and Joon Young Kim) pp.1805-1816.
- Event Correlation, Extra Information and Merged Policies Approaches
for Integrating Intrusion Detection and Access Control Systems
(Waleed Halboob, Khaled S.Alghathbar, Ali Mamat, Ramlan Mahmod, Solahuddin B.Shamsuddin) pp.1817-1830.
- A Fingerprint Verification using Coarse-to-Fine Strategy
(Seung-Hoon Chae, Hae Min Moon, Keun-Chang Kwak, Chang-Ho Seo, Yongwha Chung and Sung Bum Pan)
- Visualization of Abnormal Behavior Detection using Parallel Coordinate and Correspondence Analysis
(Jaeik Cho, Ken Choi, Taeshik Shon, Jongsub Moon) pp.1847-1860.
- Reversible Data Hiding for Halftone Images Using Histogram Modification
(Cheonshik Kim,YongSoo Choi, Hyoung-Joong Kim, Dongkyoo Shin, Dongil Shin, Ching-Nung Yang) pp.1861-1872.
- OpenID Based Personal Information Management System
(Junghwan Song, HwanJin Lee, DongHoon Shin and Hyun-Chul Jung) pp.1873-1886.
- A Tool Implementation Applied by PF Architectural Pattern to Integrate the Open Source
Software for the Static Analysis (WoongChul Choi, DaeMyeong Park, DaeHun Yoo and Byung Joon Park)
- Design and Implementation of Code Virtualization for Binary Code Protection
(Ji-Yeon Kim, Hyung-Jong Kim, Jae-Woo Park and Cheol-Won Lee) pp.1903-1914.
- A New Approach of Differential Fault Analysis on Block Ciphers with S-box
(Kitae Jeong, Jaechul Sung, Seokhie Hong and Changhoon Lee) pp.1915-1928.
- A Verifiable Key Management Scheme in Hierarchical Ad Hoc Networks
(Chin-Chen Chang, Chia-Chi Wu and Iuon-Chang Lin) pp.1929-1944.
- Development and Validation of Requirements for Evidential Value for
Assessing Trustworthiness of Digital Records over Time
(Jianqiang Ma, Habtamu Abie, Torbjorn Skramstad and Mads Nygard) pp.1945-1980.
- Malicious Peer Identification using both Goodness and Wickedness Metrics
(Pilar Manzanares-Lopez, Josemaria Malgosa-Sanahuja and Juan Pedro Munoz-Gea) pp.1981-2000.
- Fast Web Service Selection for Reliable Service Composition Application System
(Qibo Sun, Shangguang Wang, Hua Zou and Fangchun Yang) pp.2001-2012.
- SmartID: Using a Smart Phone as a Password-based Secure ID for Web Surfing
(Weili Han, Ye Cao, Gang Pan and Laurence T. Yang) pp.2013-2028.
- Security Analysis and Countermeasures of Current Smart Phones Applications
(Akbar Raza, Matei Ciobanu Morogan, Abdulrahman A. Mirza, Maqsood Mahmud) pp.2029-2046.
- Washing Effects on Electric & Signal Transmission Properties of Textile Based
Embroidered Circuits (Arman. S, Laurence .S, Dominique C. ADOLPHE) pp.2047-2052.
- On the Provisioning of Improving the Efficiency of Intrusive Analysis
Engine through Optimal Feature Subset
(Iftikhar Ahmad, Abdullah Alghamdi, Muhammad Hussain and Amanullah Quadri) pp.2053-2062.
- FocalPoint- Proposed Grounded Methodology for Collaborative Construction
of Information Systems Security Ontologies
(Syed Irfan Nabi, Zaheeruddin Asif, Syed Muhammad Faisal Iradat,
Muhammad Waseem Arain, Sayeed Ghani) pp.2063-2074.
- Trusted-based Scalable Access Control Model for Broadcast XML Documents
(Waleed Halboob, Ali Mamat, Ramlan Mahmod, Khaled S. Alghathbar, Muhammad Khurram Khan) pp.2075-2086.
- Extended Role of Presence To Reconnect The Pending IMS Call Setup Session
(Z.S. Khan, M. Sher, K. Rashid) pp.2087-2092.
- Multi-user Detection using Soft Particle Swarm Optimization for Asynchronous MC-CDMA
(Muhammad Zubair, Muhammad Aamer Saleem, and Ijaz Mansoor Qureshi) pp.2093-2100.

Vol.16, No.3(B), March, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Study on a Statistical Analysis of Proposed Dynamic Signature Verification Algorithm
(Jin Whan Kim) pp.2107-2112.
- Analysis of Cracks on Concrete Surface Using Fuzzy Logic
(Kwang Baek Kim, Doo Heon Song and Dong Hui Yu) pp.2113-2118.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Adaptive Assessment System for Customized Learning
(Youngseok Lee and Jungwon Cho) pp.2119-2126.
- Secure Authorized Management in Social Society
(Kyong-jin Kim and Seng-phil Hong) pp.2127-2132.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Average Symbol Error Rate Analysis for the Nth Best Opportunistic AF
Relay Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels
(Choongchae Woo and Kyunbyoung Ko) pp.2133-2138.
- Extraction of Concrete Cracks Using ART2-based Hybrid Neural Network
(Kwang-Baek Kim, Am Suk Oh and Gyeongyong Heo) pp.2139-2144.
- Development of the Machinery and IT convergence: Intelligent Remote Monitoring System
(Jung-Sook Kim) pp.2145-2156.
- A Study on the WIPI-to-Windows Mobile Game Contents Converter using
a Resource Converter and a Platform Mapping Engine (YangSun Lee and Yunsik Son)
- Digital Modeling and Control of Time-Delayed Systems and Its Application to
Distributed Power Grid (Jong-Jin Park, Gyoo-Seok Choi, Leang-San Shieh and In-Kyu
Park) pp.2165-2172.
- Implementation of Smart Electronic Acupuncture System
(You-Sik Hong, Hong-kyun Kim and Baek ki Kim) pp.2173-2178.
- The Personal Information Protection Technique in Smart Grid Environment
(Do-Eun Cho, Hee-Jong Shin and Si-Jung Kim) pp.2179-2184.
- Implementation of Responsive Smart Learning Contents Template
(Hyoungchul Kim, Chihyun Ahn and Yoonsik Kwak) pp.2185-2192.
- Implementation of Responsive Contents Template for Smart Learning
(Hyoungchul Kim, Chihyun Ahn and Yoonsik Kwak) pp.2193-2198.
- Estimation of Moving Objects Based on a Vanishing Point
(Dongwook Kim) pp.2199-2214.
- A Distance Measurement System Based on Structured Light Image
(Jin Shin and Sooyeong Yi) pp.2215-2220.
- A Wireless Presenter with Computer Mouse Functions
(Jin Shin and Sooyeong Yi) pp.2221-2226.
- Study on the Ubiquitous Pig Farm Management System Using Smart Phone
(Jeonghwan Hwang and Hyun Yoe) pp.2227-2232.
- Competency-based Learning Environment Reconfiguration for Individual Learning
(Youngseok Lee and Jungwon Cho) pp.2233-2240.
- Multiple Likelihood Ratio Test-Based Voice Activity Detection Robust to
Impact Noise in a Car Environment
(Seon Man Kim, Hong Kook Kim, Sung Joo Lee and Yunkeun Lee) pp.2241-2252.
- Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Narrowband Speech Applied to CELP-Type
Speech Coding (Nam In Park and Hong Kook Kim) pp.2253-2264.
- Development to Secure Contents Sharing Model for N-Screen Services
(Hyunmi Jang and Sengphil Hong) pp.2265-2270.
- Securely Available Credentials Framework in Cloud Computing Environments
(Jaejung Kim, Seng-phil Hong, Bong Gyou Lee and Joon Suk Hwang) pp.2271-2276.
- An Acknowledged System of Systems Architecture Description Method
(Jae-Hong Ahn, Yeunseung Ryu and Doo-Kwon Baik) pp.2277-2282.
- An Adaptive Priority Factors Routing Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
(Hung-Chi Chu and Yi-Ting Hsu) pp.2283-2288.
- The Cross Crypto Scheme Cipher Integration for Securing SCADA
Component Communication
(MinKyu Choi, Rosslin John Robles, Goreti Marreiros,
Zita Vale, Carlos Ramos and Hoon Ko) pp.2289-2294.
- Advanced Geographic Routing Protocol for UAV Networks
(Youngsoo Park, Jooyoung Lee and Jaeil Jung) pp.2295-2304.
- Detecting Moving Objects using Background Modeling and Local Binary
Patterns (HyungJun Kim) pp.2305-2310.
- Analysis of Vehicle Mobility Patterns using VanetMobiSim for Inter-Vehicle
Communication Networks (Min-Woo Ryu, Si-Ho Cha and Kuk-Hyun Cho) pp.2311-2318.
- The Reverse Translator for Reconstruction of the Declaration Part from
Symbol Tables of the C++ Compiler (YangSun Lee and Yunsik Son) pp.2319-2324.
- Fault Tolerance Technique Using Replication and Checkpoint in Mobile Grid
(SookKyong Choi, JongHyuk Lee, HeonChang Yu and HwaMin Lee) pp.2325-2334.
- A Study of Conversion System Considering Characteristics of Thesis
Metadata for Integration (Min-Ho Lee, Won-Goo Lee, Hwa-Mook Yoon, Won-Kyung Sung,
Jae-Cheol Ryou) pp.2335-2344.
- Multimedia Synchronization Model using Variance Buffer in Mobile Environment
(Keun-Wang Lee and Si-Ho Cha) pp.2345-2352.
- Design and Implementation of Smart Cattle Shed Monitoring System Utilizing Thermal
Image Information (Jiwoong Lee and Hyun Yoe) pp.2353-2358.
- Study on the Wireless Sensor Networks based Livestock Activity
Monitoring System for Livestock Disease Surveillance
(Jeonghwan Hwang and Hyun Yoe) pp.2359-2364.
- Robust IPSec Key Recovery Solution in Mobile and Wireless Environment
(Yunjung Lee, Keun-Wang Lee and Jungwon Cho) pp.2365-2374.
- Enhanced Reproduction of Auditory Image Recorded Using Closely Spaced Stereo
Microphones (Chan Jun Chun, Hong Kook Kim and Sang Ryong Kim) pp.2375-2384.
- A Fault-tolerant Network Scheme for Large-scale Mission-critical Systems
(Minho Shin, Raheel Ahmed Memon, Yeonseung Ryu, Jongmyung Rhee and Dongho Lee)
- Design and Implementation of Distributed VoIP System with UPnP
(Lin-Huang Chang, H.F. Chang, T.P.Wang, P.D. Chuang, S. J. Chen) pp.2391-2396.
- An Analysis Intelligent Methodology for Finding Gas Leak Location
(Jeong Seok Oh) pp.2397-2402.
- Implementation of Device-independent RSLCT(Responsive Smart Learning Contents Template)
(Hyoungchul Kim, Chihyun Ahn, Yoonsik Kwak) pp.2403-2410.
- V2XRSF: V2X Integrated Runtime Simulation Framework based on Virtual Reality for
Cooperative Vehicular Communication Applications Evaluation
(Heeseok Moon, Pyungsun Park, Jooyoung Lee and Jaeil Jung) pp.2411-2420.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Preliminary Study on Simple Index for Pedaling Performance between Before and
After Fitting (Jin-Seung Choi, Dong-Won Kang and Gye-Rae Tack) pp.2421-2428.
- Design of Shareable and Interoperable Clinical Decision Support System Architecture
(Jeong Ah Kim, InSook Cho, NamSun Kim, Seonah Kim) pp.2429-2436.

Vol.16, No.4, April, 2013
- Special Issue on Ubiquitous Multimedia and Systems
(Guest Editor : Dr. Cheonshik Kim)
- Design of Architectural Smart Vehicle Middleware (Jin-Hong Kim and Seung-Cheon Kim)
- An Efficient Data Delivery Scheme using Implicit ACK for the Reliability
Assurance in Wireless Sensor Networks (Jaeho Lee and Seungcheon Kim) pp.2457-2468.
- Simulation of High Frequency Properties of Octagonal Spiral-type
Planar Magnetic Inductors for Direct-write Technique Applications
(Myunghee Jung and Eui-Jung Yun) pp.2469-2480.
- Low-Power Management Scheme and Human Movement Detection
Algorithm using 3-Axis Accelerometer for Mobile Healthcare System
(Jaewan Shin, Dongil Shin and Dongkyoo Shin) pp.2481-2494.
- Geometrical Approach to Edema Patch Synthesis for Virtual Skin Reconstruction
(Seongah Chin and Sangyong Lee) pp.2495-2504.
- On the Effect of Image Filtering in the Process of MPEG-7 Visual Descriptor
(Wonil Kim, Joo Hwan Lee, Jai-Hoon Kim and Bongshik Jang) pp.2505-2514.
- A Parallel IP Lookup Engine with Two-Stage Pipeline
(Junghwan Kim, Myeong-Cheol Ko and Jinsoo Kim) pp.2515-2532.
- The Heterojunction of Ubiquitous Sensor Network and Intelligent
Transport System Supporting Smart Traffic
(Gil-Yong Lee, Hyun-Moon Park, Ju-Hum Kwon and Soo-Hyun Park) pp.2533-2548.
- Switching Based Sub-optimal Relay Selection Scheme over Multiple
Relay Network (Kyu-Sung Hwang and Ronny Yongho Kim) pp.2549-2558.
- Testing Feasibility of Collision-Free Periodic Activities (Kirack Sohn) pp.2559-2564.
- Time Reversal-Least Sidelobe Scheme to Minimize Intersymbol Interference and
Multiuser Interference (Do-Hoon Kim, Jaewoong Cho and Kyu-Sung Hwang) pp.2565-2574.
- Skin Region Extraction Combining Color and Depth Features
(Seok-Woo Jang and Myunghee Jung) pp.2575-2584.
- Urban Change Detection based on Texture Analysis
(Myunghee Jung and Seok-Woo Jang) pp.2585-2598.
- R-Map : A Hybrid Map for Mobile Robot In Ubiquitous Computing Environment
(Jung Kyu Park, Heung Seok Jeon, Myeong-Cheol Ko and Sam H. Noh) pp.2599-2606.
- A biological simulation game using Prey-Predator model
(Seongdong Kim, Jaemoon Lee, Varun Ramachandran,Seongah Chin) pp.2607-2618.
- Development of the Intelligent Responsive Home Space based on USN Environment
(Myeong-Cheol Ko, Heung Seok Jeon, Min-Gyu Park, Su-Min Kim, Jinsoo Kim)
- Design of the Frequency-Controlled Charge Pump for LED Illumination Systems
(Keehong Um) pp.2631-2634.
- Reasoning Switching Mechanism(RSM) based on Reactive Emotional Spectrum
(JeongYon Shim) pp.2635-2642.
- Scalability and Channel Utilization with Heterogeneous MAC Protocol
for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (Nam-Yeol Yun and Soo-Hyun Park) pp.2643-2650.
- Packet Sniffer Design and Real-time Collision Analysis of Experiments
in Low Rate Underwater Sensor Networks (Sardorbek Muminov, Nam-Yeol Yun and
Soo-Hyun Park) pp.2651-2660.
- Improving Optimal Parity Assignments in Palette Images
(Phan Trung Huy, Nguyen Hai Thanh, Nguyen Tien Dat and Cheonshik Kim) pp.2661-2668.
- Extraction of Muscle from Ultrasound Images of Cervical Regions
(Kwang-Baek Kim, Dong Hui Yu, You-Sik Hong) pp.2669-2678.
- Self Health Diagnosis System based on Korean Traditional Medicine
using FCM Algorithm and Fuzzy Method (Kwang-Beak Kim, Dong-Hui Yu and Sung-Dae Kim)
- Study on Evaluation Methods for Face Recognition Performance of Intelligent
Robots Using Photos (Byung Tae Chun, Kyu-Dae Ban, Young Sook Jeong) pp.2689-2700.
- SmartRadio: Cloning Internet Radio Broadcasting Stations
(Sanghoon Jun and Eenjun Hwang) pp.2701-2710.
- Improved Efficient ID-based User Authentication and Key Exchange
Protocol for Mobile Client-Server Environment (Eun-Jun Yoon, Cheonshik Kim,
You-Sik Hong) pp.2711-2720.
- The Contingent Effects of Implementing Systems Engineering in
Program Management on Program Performance: Lessons Learned from The Boeing Company
(Samuel K. Son and Sheung-Kown Kim) pp.2721-2738.
- Optimal Lossless Data Hiding Using Selective Block Manipulation
Based on Local Characteristics (Xiaochao Qu, Hyoung Joong Kim and Yong Soo Choi)
- A New Approach for Achieving k-anonymity in Database Based on Fuzzy Clustering
and 0-1 Integer Programming (Hee Sun Won, Run Cui, Hyoung Joong Kim, Sundaram. Suresh,
Vasiliy Sachnev) pp.2759-2766.
- Data Hiding Based on Absolute Moment BTC Compressed Image
(Cheonshik Kim, Dongkyoo Shin, Dongil Shin, Phan Trung Huy) pp.2767-2776.

Vol.16, No.5, May, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- The Exact Solution of Exhaustive, Gated and Mixed Exhaustive & Gated
Service Polling Models with Multiple Classes of Self-Similar Traffic Input
(Faten Al-Rashed, Mohsin Iftikhar, Ijaz Ali Shoukat, Mehmet S. Aksoy,
Mansour Zuair, Wasai Shadab Ansari, Atif M. Al Amri, Bjorn Landfeldt
and Albert Y. Zomaya) pp.2783-2800.
- Effective Evaluation Metrics for the Assessment of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key
Exchange Tactics (Ijaz Ali Shoukat and Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar) pp.2801-2814.
- Chaoticity of The Set-valued Mapping Induced by Uniform Limit Maps
(Lidong Wang, Lingling Li and Yuelin Gao) pp.2815-2820.
- Characteristics of Millimeter Wavefs Attenuation by Dust (Qianzhao Lei) pp.2821-2828.
- MOPSO with Simulated Binary Crossover and Local Search
(Yanmin LIU, Weimin MA and Ben NIU) pp.2829-2840.
- Developing Sliding Mode Control Method for Seismic Proof of Building
Under Excitation of Vibration (An-Pei Wang, Yuan-Liang Chen and Wen-Pei Sung) pp.2841-2850.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Enterprise Resource Planning in Saudi Organizations (Rasheed M. Alzahrani) pp.2851-2860.
- Resolving "the Tragedy of the Commons" to Achieve Effective Use of Public School
Sports FacilitiesF Case Studies on NPO Clubs Operating "Comprehensive Community Sports
Clubs" in Japan (Takashi Matsuhashi and Ikuyo Kaneko) pp.2861-2884.
- Predictors for User Satisfaction in Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation in
Technical Educational Institutions (Shivani Goel, Ravi Kiran and Deepak Garg) pp.2885-2894.
- Effects of the Public R&D Support System on the Financial Performance of Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises: Empirical Evidence from Korea
(Hyung Seok Lee and Ji Young Park) pp.2895-2906.
- Efficient Classification Scheme for Detecting Malicious Websites
(Insoon Jo, Im Y. Jung and Heon Y. Yeom) pp.2907-2916.
- Rethinking the Role of the State in Rural Finance: Learning from Japanfs Experience
(GAO Wen) pp.2917-2924.
- Verifying Data Schema Transformations by Using Information Channel Theory
(Kaibo Xu, Junkang Feng and Jianbin Chen) pp.2925-2936.
- Understanding Complexity in Research & Development Ecologies
(Muhammad Fiaz, Malik Zaka Ullah and Yang Naiding) pp.2937-2950.
- Game Analysis of Universal Service Investment (Weina Gao and Huali Yun) pp.2951-2956.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Passive Detection of Copy-Move Image Forgery using Undecimated Wavelets and Zernike Moments
(Ghulam Muhammad and Muhammad Hussain) pp.2957-2964.
- A Temporally Efficient and Optimized Solution for Wireless Mesh Backbone Device Placement
and Antenna Selection in Wireless Mesh Networks (Shahbaz Pervez and Adeel Akram) pp.2965-2976.
- PAPR Reduction in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks: A Discrete Cosine Transform Matrix
Precoding Based MIMO-OFDM System
(Muhammad Ayaz, Imran Baig, Iftikhar Ahmad and Abdulhameed A Alelaiwi) pp.2977-2986.
- Survey of Classification Techniques in Intrusion Detection System for Determining Optimized
Solution (Noreen Kausar, Brahim Belhaouari Samir, Iftikhar Ahmad and Muhammad Hussain) pp.2987-2994.
- Classification of Attacks in Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET)
(Irshad Ahmed Sumra, Halabi Bin Hasbullah, Jamalul-lail Ab Manan, Iftikhar Ahmad and
Daniyal M Alghazzawi) pp.2995-3004.
- An Assessment of Authentication and Key Management Protocol of IEEE 802.16d (WIMAX) Wireless
Mesh Networks (Muhammad Bakhsh, Iftikhar Ahmad, Muhammad Javed Iqbal and Abdulhameed A Alelaiwi)
- Performance Evaluation of MAODV for VANETs in Urban and Rural Scenarios
(Adeel Javed, Mznah Al-Rodhaan and Abdullah Al-Dhelaan) pp.3013-3024.
- Adoption and Analysis of Security Applications to Secure Data Integrity
(Muhammad Usama, Fahad bin Muhaya and Fahim Akhter) pp.3025-3032.
- On the Provisioning of QoS Mapping in Cellular and IP Networks Using a Translation (Function)
Matrix (Mohsin Iftikhar, Nada Al Zaben, Waleed M. Al-Salih, Ijaz Ali Shoukat, Mueen Uddin,
Muhammad Talha, Bjorn Landfeldt, Albert Zomaya) pp.3033-3068.
- On the Provisioning of Guaranteed QoS in a Converged ONU-BS with Self-Similar Traffic
Input and Low-Latency Queueing Discipline (Brownson Obaridoa Obele, Minho Kang, Mohsin Iftikhar,
Mansour Zuair and Albert Zomaya) pp.3069-3096.
- Software Cost Estimations for Projects Requiring Customized Revisions
(Basit Shahzad, Yousef Al-Ohali and Abas Md Said) pp.3097-3106.
- Selecting the Best CASE Tools for DoDAF Based C4I Applications
(Khalid A. Alnafjan, Abdullah S Alghamdi, M. Shamim Hossain and Muhammad Al Qurishi) pp.3107-3118.
- Curricula Assessment of Undergraduate Degree Information Systems in Saudi Universities
(Rasheed M Alzahrani) pp.3119-3132.
- A Comprehensive Analysis of the Security Aspects in Saudi Arabian Web Servers
(Khalid A. Alnafjan, Hanif Ullah, Abdullah Sharaf Alghamdi and Gul Faraz Khan) pp.3133-3144.
- The Impact of Feature Subset Selection in MLP Based Intrusion Detection Mechanism
(Iftikhar Ahmad, Abdullah Alghamdi, Muhammad Hussain and Mohammad Amanul Haque) pp.3145-3154.
- Novel Technique for Mammogram Image Segmentation Using Moment Preserving
(Ihsan Ullah, Muhammad Hussain, Hatim A. Aboalsamh, Mohamed Berbar and A. El-Zaart) pp.3155-3164.
- Automatic Removal of Continuous and Various Blotch in Digital Film Restoration
(Xin Lu) pp.3165-3174.
- A Pipelined Architecture for Quarter-pel Interpolation in H.264
(Neungsoo Park, Jongwoo Bae, Minseok Choi and Seong-Won Lee) pp.3175-3184.
- On-chip Inter-victim Cache Architecture and its Snooping Protocol for Shared Bus-based CMP
Systems (Jong Wook Kwak, Seokbin Kang and Seong Tae Jhang) pp.3185-3196.
- Novel Genetic Designs of Efficient Ambiguous Mobile Keypad
(Hyunmin Kim, Yourim Yoon and Yong-Hyuk Kim) pp.3197-3210.
- Optimization Design and Internal Flow Field Research on Low Specific Speed Agricultural
Centrifugal Pump (Chuan Wang, Weidong Shi, Jing Xu and Qiaorui Si) pp.3211-3228.
- Investigation of the Cavitating and Turbulent Flow in a Nozzle with Wire Net
(Zhixia He, Qian Wang, Juyan Liu, Jing Bai, Yang Li and Ning Zhu) pp.3229-3238.
- Adaptive Rate Shaper for Improving the User Perceived QoS of Multimedia Streaming Services
(Jahon Koo and Kwangsue Chung) pp.3239-3248.
- Deploying An Artificial Neural Network Model for Solar Air Heating Modelling
(Peter Omojaro, Nnamdi I. Nwulu and Mustafa Ilkan) pp.3249-3258.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Curvelet based Brain Tumor Detection from Magnetic Resonance Images
(Neelum Noreen, Khizar Hayat, Sajjad A. Madani, Muhammad Hussain, Iftikhar Ahmad and
Abdulhameed A Alelaiwi) pp.3259-3266.
- Contrast Enhancement of Mammograms Using Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and Tsallis Entropy
(Muhammad Hussain, Helala Al-Shehri and Mohamed Berbar) pp.3267-3274.
- A Virtual Instrument System Operated by Electromyographic Signals (Duk Shin, Atsushi Katayama,
Kyoungsik Kim, Jaehyo Kim, Natsue Yoshimura, Hiroyuki Kambara and Yasuharu Koike) pp.3275-3286

Vol.16, No.6(A), June, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Robust Cryptosystem for Encrypting Long Messages
(Eun-Jun Yoon and Kee-Young Yoo) pp.3293-3302.
- Pricing Warrants in a Stochastic Jump Diffusion Process and an Empirical Study
(Lin Sun) pp.3303-3308.
- Research on Performance Evaluation System of Agricultural Product
Logistics Enterprises with Hesitant Fuzzy Information
(Shuang Liu and Donggang Hu) pp.3309-3314.
- Model for Evaluating the Training Effect Based on the Psychology of
Employees with Uncertain Linguistic Information (OuYang ZhongMing) pp.3315-3320.
- An Approach to Evaluating the Overall Performance of Buried Scraper
Conveyor with Linguistic Information (Yanping Yao, Ziming Kou and Wenjun Meng) pp.3321-3326.
- Computation and Application of Eigenvalues of the Tridiagonal Matrix in
Biogeography-based Optimization (Longquan Yong, Sanyang Liu,
Fang'an Deng, Wentao Xiong and Jianke Zhang) pp.3327-3334.
- Topological Structures on Covering-based Rough Sets (Bin Chen) pp.3335-3342.
- Tourist Population Forecasting Based on Least Squares Support Vector
Regression Trained by Genetic Algorithm (Anfeng Xu) pp.3343-3350.
- The Solution for Boundary and Periodic Points by Construct Polynomial
Approximation Curve of Generalized Mandelbrot Set with Positive Integer Order
(LIU Shuai, GAO Guanglai and WANG Zhengxuan) pp.3351-3364.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Role of ProfessionalsfEthics in Construction Performance and Quality-related Issues
(H. Abdul Rahman, Chen Wang, Syahrul Nizam Kamaruzzaman, Adi Irfan Che-Ani
and X.W. Yap) pp.3365-3384.
- Biofuel Policy Impact Analysis: Model Review and Implications for China
(Juan Yang) pp.3385-3390.
- Analysis on the Japanese Grain Circulation of Industrial Organization
(LI Feng) pp.3391-3398.
- Why Is Chinese GDP Statistics Data Distorting? An Explanation of Game
Equilibrium Evolutionary Model for Political Achievement Competition
(Dehai Liu, Weijun Xu, Weiguo Wang and Shi Sheng) pp.3399-3412.
- The Role of IT in a Business Ecosystem: A Case Study of the Korea Exchange
(Hyeyoung Kim, Jae-Nam Lee and Jaemin Han) pp.3413-3430.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- MAVCM: Mobile Application Version Control Management (Haeng-Kon Kim) pp.3431-3442.
- A Design of IPTSF (IP Traceback System based on Forensics) Against
Network Attacks Using both BLH (Black List based on a Hash Function)
and TFAP (Traffic Flow Analysis based on a Priority)
(Ina Jung, EunHee Jeong and ByungKwan Lee) pp.3443-3450.
- A New Method for Choosing Corner Reflectors Using PO Algorithm
(Chengfan Li and Jingyuan Yin) pp.3451-3456.
- Secure Spanning Tree Protocol using Network Partitioning
(Fan Yan and Kai Hau Yeung) pp.3457-3470.
- The Behavior Predictability Analyzing of Composite Business Process
Based on K-bounded Process Mining
(Xianwen Fang, Xiangwei Liu, Zhixiang Yin and Qianjin Zhao) pp.3471-3478.
- A New RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol using Light-weight Hash Functions
(Yongsu Park) pp.3479-3486.
- Multifractal Spectrum Cluster Analytical Method and Its Application in
Speaker Recognition (Zhou Yuhuan, Fu Qiang, Xu Xin and Zhang Xiongwei) pp.3487-3498.
- A Neural Network Parameterization Model for the Variant Design of NC
Machine Tool Products (Yanqun Huang and Xu Li) pp.3499-3506.
- Citation Field Unification for Citation Relation of Knowledge Map
(Hee-Kwan Koo, Dongmin Seo and Hanmin Jung) pp.3507-3516.
- Combining FA Words with Vector Space Models for Arabic Text Categorization
(M. E. Abd El-Monsef, El-Sayed Atlam and O. El-Barbary) pp.3517-3528.
- A Comprehensive Failure Recovery Algorithm and Dynamic Execution
Semantic for Web Composition Transactions
(Xiaoyong Mei, Changqin Huang, Yiyan Fan and Shixian Li) pp.3529-3542.
- Online Classification of Single Trial Motor Imagery Electroencephalogram Signals
(Baoguo Xu, Wei Lu, Aiguo Song, Renhuan Yang, Lizheng Pan, Hong Zeng and Guozheng Xu)
- A New Algorithm of Web Services Matching Method Based on Improved
Semantic Distance (Xu Donghong, Yao Xiangjuan, Wang Gongzhen, Qi Yong and Jiang Shujuan)
- Study on the Extreme Crop Disaster Using Satellite RS Technique
(Li Chengfan and Yin Jingyuan) pp.3567-3576.
- Area-efficient BCH Decoder for High Immunity in Memory Systems
(Haejun Seo, Yoonseok Heo and Taewon Cho) pp.3577-3588.
- Trajectory Clustering based on Iterative Partition
(Lei Zhang, Guang Yang and Jing Li) pp.3589-3598.
- A Scalable and Efficient Virtual Network for Cloud Computing
(Dongsheng Li, Jinkun Pan, Yixin Chen and Feng Huang) pp.3599-3612.
- A Generic Naked Image Detection Method Using Evolutionary Algorithm
(Jiann-Shu Lee and Shang-Cin Su) pp.3613-3620.
- A Self-similarity based Robust Watermarking Scheme for 3D Point Cloud Models
(Qi Ke and Xie Dong-Qing) pp.3621-3634.
- Deep Web Query Result Pages Content Extraction Based on Combination
of Vision and Tag Information (Yong Feng and Huijuan Wang) pp.3635-3642.
- Online Trajectory Planning and Control for Humanoid Space Climbing Robot
(Hui Li, Zhihong Jiang, Que Dong, Jian Yang, Danfeng Li and Qiang Huang) pp.3643-3662.
- Experimental Study of an Inclined Solar Water Desalination (ISWD) System
(O. Phillips Agboola and Fuat Egelioglu) pp.3663-3674.
- Tree Modeling Methods from 3D Point CloudFA Survey
(Yinghui Wang, Xin Chang, Xiaojuan Ning, Jiulong Zhang and Zhenghao Shi) pp.3675-3694.
- Enabling Efficient Search for Association Knowledge Flow on the Web
(Xue Chen and Wu Chao) pp.3695-3708.
- An Agent-Based Hybrid Medical Complex System (Barna Iantovics) pp.3709-3726.
- QoS Guaranteed Coding Aware Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks
(Xing Shao, Ruchuan Wang and Lijuan Sun) pp.3727-3742.
- Community Mining With Mobile Phone Data
(Zhang cheng, Zhu qing-sheng, Chen zi-yu and Liu hui-jun) pp.3743-3762.
- Fault Diagnosis for Sensor of Network Control System based on Least
Squares Support Vector Machine Trained by Quantum-Behaved Particle
Swarm Optimization (WANG Ting, WANG Heng and WANG Ping) pp.3763-3770.
- Effective Fault Localization Approach Using Coverage Information and Program Slices
(Yan Lei, Xiaoguang Mao, Ziying Dai and Chengsong Wang) pp.3771-3786.
- Development of A Robust Traffic Surveillance System using Wavelet
Support Vector Machines and Wavelet Invariant Moments (Jong-Bae Kim) pp.3787-3800.
- An Efficient Parallel Skyline Computation in Distributed Environments
(He Li, Sumin Jang and Jaesoo Yoo) pp.3801-3816.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Effects of Lactacystin and Arsenic Trioxide on the rpt-1 subunit and ƒÀ1
subunit of 26S Proteasome in NB4 cells
(Chen Yinga, Zhao Jing, Han Shaoling, Hao Jinxia, Liu Haibo,
ZhangMei, He Pengcheng and Wang Huaiyua) pp.3817-3824.

Vol.16, No.6(B), June, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Hybrid-QoS-Aware Dynamic Web Service Composition Group Decision-making with Uncertainties
(Longchang Zhang and Xia Peng) pp.3831-3840.
- New Iterative Method: Application to nth-Order Integro-Differential Equations
(A. A. Hemeda) pp.3841-3852.
- Technology Forecasting Using Patent Analysis based on Cross-impact
(Sunghae Jun) pp.3853-3864.
- Digital Audio Large-capacity Watermarking Scheme Based on Singular Value Decomposition
(Rui Chen, Yulin Lan, Yuanyuan Luo and Mohanmad Reza Alsharif) pp.3865-3874.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Risks in Web 2.0-based Business Environments (Sangkyun Kim) pp.3875-3882.
- Strategy of Information Security in Small and Medium Enterprises, an Technology-Enterprise
Approach: Analysis of its Relationship with Organizational and Performance Business Variables
(Daniel Perez Gonzalez, Pedro Solana Gonzale and Sara Trigueros Preciado) pp.3883-3906.
- A Theory Based Approach to Information Security Culture Change
(Johan van Niekerk and Rossouw von Solms) pp.3907-3930.
- The Game Selection for Enterprise IT Application Maturity (Jianping Peng) pp.3931-3942.
- Economic Loss of Cyber Terror: DDoS Attack in South Korea (Sangkyun Kim) pp.3943-3948.
- Mobile Phone Security: Understanding Mobile Users' Intention to Adopt Mobile Phone Anti-virus
Software (Shuchih Ernest Chang, Yu-Teng Jang and Ying-Shin Hsiao) pp.3949-3970.
- A Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Dynamic Location Problem
(Yanhui Li, Feitao Cui, Jing Fu and Aoxia Wei) pp.3971-3982.
- Research on Chinafs Urban Indemnificatory Housing Supply Based on Robust Optimization
(Zhiqing Li, Jinxin Tian and Hongfei Jiang) pp.3983-3996.
- Implementing a Total Healthcare Enterprise Resource Planning System
(Omar Adwan, Azzam Sleit, Mohammed Qatawneh, Ammar Huneiti, Tawfiq Khalil) pp.3997-4004.
- Vital Index Evaluation for Information Industry with Hybrid Strategy of Clustering
Algorithm and Analytic Hierarchical Process
(Youzhu Li, Jingbo Xia, Chongguang Li) pp.4005-4018.
- Emergency Management Organizational Structure of China and Its Information Transmission Ability
(Jian Ping, Chuanfeng Han and Yong Wang) pp.4019-4028.
- Determinants of EnterprisesfIntention to Introduce Web 2.0 Services
(Shiue-Lung Yang, Heng-Li Yang) pp.4029-4044.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Prevention of Wormhole Attack for Secure Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
(Ananthakumaran. S, Jasmine Thilagavathy. A.S, Ramar. K and Angel. A) pp.4045-4062.
- A Framework for a Personal Information Security Agent
(Ewald Stieger and Rossouw von Solms) pp.4063-4092.
- Illegal Information Flow Control in Role-based Access Control Based on Colored Petri Nets
(Meng Liu, Xuan Wang and Hainan Zhao) pp.4093-4108.
- An Integrative Semantic Role Labeling Method Based on Synergetic Theory
(Zhehuang Huang, Yidong Chen and Xiaodong Shi) pp.4109-4116.
- Secure OSMU (One-Source Multi-Use) Architecture in Cloud Computing Environments
(Jaejung Kim and Sengphil Hong) pp.4117-4132.
- Automatic Global Registration of Splat-level Fruit Scans
(Hui-jun YANG, Dong-jian HE, Jiang Shao-Hua, Xin WANG) pp.4133-4142.
- Performance Analysis of Quality of Service With Renewed Push in Integrated WLAN and UMTS
Technologies (Rajiv Kumar Chechi and Rajesh Khanna) pp.4143-4150.
- Face Recognition using Nonlinear Correlation Filter
(Mohamed I. Alkanhal, Ghulam Muhammad and Mohammed A. Al-Manie) pp.4151-4164.
- A PSO-SVM Method for Time Series Prediction Based on Fuzzy Information Granulation
(Huajuan Huang and Shifei Ding) pp.4165-4174.
- Correlation-based Ranking for Relational Databases
(Jaehui Park and Sang-goo Lee) pp.4175-4192.
- A New Method of Storage and Processing for Massive Condition Information in Smart Grid
based on Cloud Computing (Dewen Wang, Lei Xiao and Kai Xiao) pp.4193-4204.
- Mobile Universal Search based on Semantic Data Modeling
(Jinhyung Kim, Myunggwon Hwang, Do-Heon Jeong, Seungwoo Lee, Hanmin Jung) pp.4205-4220.
- Scheduling Time-Constrained Tasks in ALE-compliant RFID Middleware
(Ji Chan Maeng and Minsoo Ryu) pp.4221-4230.
- KSU Rich Arabic Speech Database (Mansour Alsulaiman, Ghulam Muhammad, Mohamed A. Bencherif,
Awais Mahmood and Zulfiqar Ali) pp.4231-4254.
- Development and Experiments of a Multi-Arm Robot for Mandible Reconstruction Surgery
(Honghua Zhao, Xingguang Duan) pp.4255-4272.
- Hundd: Puzzle-Based Detection of Null Pointer Dereference (Jie Chen) pp.4273-4282.
- Model Driven Embedded System Test Sequence Generation Via Parameterized Monitor
(Fuzhen Sun, Lejian Liao and Guoqiang Li) pp.4283-4294.
- Joint PAPR Reduction Method Based on ACE-POCS and Frequency Domain Random Process
(Lingqiu Zeng, Qingwen Han, Xin Luo) pp.4295-4310.
- Three-Dimensional Low-Thrust Trajectory Optimization via Genetic Algorithm
(Qiang Meng, Tao Zhang, Zhang Chen, Qian Wang, Chun-ling Wei, Ke-hang Li, Jing-yan Song) pp.4311-4324.
- Trust Region Methods on Truss Structural Optimization
(Tao Xu, Zhenglei Yu, Wenjie Zuo) pp.4325-4336.
- The Psychometric Analyses on Computer-based Case Simulations for Psychological Counseling
(Peng Wang, Yunpeng Wu, Ruiqin She, Fengqiang Gao, Haiqi Dai) pp.4337-4344.
- Towards a Competitive Exact Solver for Partial MaxSAT
(Mohamed El Bachir Menai and Tasniem Nasser Al-Yahya) pp.4345-4356.
- Cloud-Based Malware Analysis System for Mobile Applications
(Seil Kim, Seung Won Ko and Dong Hoon Lee) pp.4357-4364.
- A Fair Resource Allocation in OFDM based Cognitive Radio Networks with Network Coding for Two
Secondary Users (Yinglei Teng, Yong Zhang, Yuanyuan Liu, Yifei Wei and Mei Song) pp.4365-4378.

Vol.16, No.7(A), July, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Neutrosophy in Image Segmentation (Ling Zhang and Ming Zhang) pp.4385-4390.
- A New Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Solving Job Shop Scheduling Problems
(Xiao-juan HE, Jian-chao ZENG, Li-fang WANG and Song-dong XUE) pp.4391-4398.
- Block Workload Allocation in Container Terminals based on Combined Operation
(Leilin Yu, Binghai Zhou, Zhiqiang Lu and Lifeng Xi) pp.4399-4404.
- Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for a Multi-objective Cross-training Problem
(Jun Gong, Qian Li, Jia-fu Tang, Ikou Kaku and Wenxin Liu) pp.4405-4420.
- Adaptations for Block Partition and Scanning Direction in the Predictive
Position Modeling with a Reference Block (Kei Inoue) pp.4421-4430.
- Case Studies of Estimating Original Mathematical Formulas from Numerical Data
(Katsuyoshi Sotani) pp.4431-4448.
- Development of an Arbitrary Precision Mathematical Function Table as an
Educational Material in the Web Era (Tomonori Kouya) pp.4449-4458.
- Compound-type Group Decision Making based on Vector Product
(Kaori Ota, Naoyuki Taira and Hayao Miyagi) pp.4459-4476.
- Efficient Improvement of the Subspace Iteration Method for Eigenvalue Problems
(T. Yasue, S. Shibata, S. Fujino and H. Nakagawa) pp.4477-4486.
- Performance Estimation of Preconditioned Iterative Methods for Solving
Linear Systems in Earthquake Response Analysis of 3D Dam
(Taku Yasue, Seiji Fujino, Yusuke Onoue, Hiroaki Nakagawa and Takashi Sekimoto) pp.4487-4496.
- Uniqueness of Meromorphic Functions and Differential Polynomials
(Xiao-Yu Zhang and Qing Fang) pp.4497-4508.
- Management and Social Sciences
- An Experimental Study of Human FactorsfImpact in Cellular Manufacturing
and Production Line System (Xiying Hao, Harumi Haraguchi and Yanwen Dong) pp.4509-4526.
- A Density-based Clustering Method Considering Attribute Distance and
Relationship Strength (Chen Bai, XueDong Gao and Sen Wu) pp.4527-4538.
- Analysis of Reuse Trader Construction in the Global Auto- Industry Supply Chain
(Jing Sun, Ichiro Koshijima, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, Jun Kato, Sule RYURUK) pp.4539-4554.
- A Novel Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Method Combining Context
Clustering and Social Network Analysis for Personalized Recommendation
in Mobile E-Commerce (Xiaoyi Deng, Chun Jin, Yoshiyuki Higuchi and Jim C. Han)
- Delivery Time Contract Design in Outsourcing Logistics: a Fourth Party
Logistics Perspective (Min Huang, Jun Tu and Chunhui Xu) pp.4577-4594.
- Competition and Efficiency of Express Service in Online Shopping Industry
(Yihong Hu and Jiantong Zhang) pp.4595-4610.
- An Experimental Study on Choices Deferral Behaviors of Investors under
Uncertain Conditions (Lixin Pan, Ning Zhou, Kaku Ikou and Fabienne Miller) pp.4611-4626.
- A Configuration Study on Manufacturing Systems in Turbulent Environment
Based on Text Mining (Jian Wang, Qunzhi Wang and Hiroaki Matsukawa) pp.4627-4638.
- Bayesian Analysis of the Dynamic Relationship between Oil Price Fluctuations
and Industrial Production Performance in Japan (Koki Kyo and Hideo Noda) pp.4639-4660.
- An Empirical Study on E-commerce Adoption in Chinese Enterprise
(Maoran Zhu, Pei Yin, Lijuan Zheng and Xuyu Wang) pp.4661-4674.
- An Adaptive and Hierarchical System for Small-Businesses' Credit Assessment
(Xiying Hao and Yanwen Dong) pp.4675-4692.
- An Analysis of MML Agent Simulation under Uniform Distribution of Gain Parameter
(Koichiro Ishikawa, Bongsung Chu, Akito Sakurai and Hiroaki Matsukawa) pp.4693-4704.
- Scenario-based Simulation for Supply Chain Risk Management
(Hiroki Okubo, Shigeji Miyazaki, Takahiro Ogura and Hisahi Onari) pp.4705-4716.
- Development of Small Base Isolation System by Friction Force - Fundamental
Research using Roller Bearing - (Katsumi Kurita, Shigeru Aoki, Yuuji Nakanishi,
Kazutoshi Tominaga, Mitsuo Kanazawa, Nobuyuki Ogawa and Kiyohiro Ooki) pp.4717-4726.
- Examining Analysis of Operating Income : From the Perspective of Marketing
(Jun Oheki) pp.4727-4736.
- Safety Analysis of Manufacturing Investment Alternatives by Using of the Equality
of the Analysis Charts (Shuhei Inada, Kei Sakata and Yuki Nagamachi) pp.4737-4748.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Plant Identification Based on Computer Technologies
(Yangying Gan, Ning Xia, Yelu Zheng, Zhong Wan and Minjie Yan) pp.4749-4754.
- Research on Identify Method of Flora Based on Cloud Model/TOPSIS
(Lin Peng and Li-min Zhang) pp.4755-4762.
- Personalized Gesture and Activity Recognition Based On Tri-axial Accelerometer Signals
(Zhenyu He) pp.4763-4770.
- A New Multi-Valued Attribute and Multi-Labeled Data Decision Tree Algorithm
(Yi Weiguo, Yan Lingwei, Lu Mingyu and Liu Zhi) pp.4771-4780.
- A Global Localization Method for Mobile Robot
(Piao Songhao, Xu Xiandong, Luo Ronghua, Zhong Qiubo, Byen Zhengyong) pp.4781-4788.
- Double Threshold Detection of Micro-seismic Signal Based on Constraint Judgment
(Chang-peng JI, Mo GAO, Xiao-qiu NIE, Jie YANG, Dian LIU, Dan ZHOU) pp.4789-4800.
- Ringing Suppression and Enhancement in Image Enlarging Method using DCT
(Takaharu Kouda) pp.4801-4808.
- "DIFF" of Spoken Language and Written Language (Masaki Murata) pp.4809-4822.
- Channel Modeling of LED Communication Considering Glass-Wall of Indoor
(JongHo Paik, SunMee Kang, JungHoon Lee, JaeSang Cha) pp.4823-4832.
- A Collaborative Recommender System: Lexicographic Consensus and Web Usage Mining Approach
(Seok Kee Lee, Young-Gab Kim and Do-Gil Lee) pp.4833-4840.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Spatial Location of Audiovisual Stimuli Affects the Latency of Multisensory
Integration around 340 to 400 ms
(Qi Li, Jingjing Yang, Jinglong Wu and Noriyoshi Kakura) pp.4841-4852.
- Face Detection based on Skin Color Detection and Parallel Neural Network
(Satoru Suzuki and Yasue Mitsukura) pp.4853-4860.
- Environmental Changes of Lake Erhai, Dali, Yunnan and Related Livelihood
Choices Among Bai Nationality Fishing Families
(Ju Zhang, Huilin Duan, Hua Chen, Zhuo Zhang, Taro Yamamoto and Guoxi Cai) pp.4861-4868.

Vol.16, No.7(B), July, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Approximate Calculation Method for Integral of Mean Square Value of Nonstationary Response
(Shigeru Aoki and Azusa Fukano) pp.4875-4878.
- Performance Evaluation of Multiple and Mixed Precision Iterative Renement
Method and its Application to High-Order Implicit Runge-Kutta Method
(Tomonori Kouya) pp.4879-4892.
- Visualization Method to Confirm Relationships among Optimal Solutions
(Shin-ichi Ito, Yasue Mitsukura, Takafumi Saito, Katsuya Sato and Shoichiro Fujisawa)
- An Attempt of Immersed Boundary Method to Calculate Lift Force and Viscous Torque of a
Particle (Azri Bin Alias, Kenya Kuwagi, Yu Shimoyama, Hiroyuki Hirano and Toshihiro Takami)
- A Nonlinear Model for Estimating Local Temperature Trends in the UK and Germany
(Masao Igarashi, Takahiro Yamazaki and Eiji Nunohiro) pp.4923-4930.
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Dispatching Rule for Container Logistics System with Trading Carbon
Credit Adapted Situation and Analysis of the Impact
(Joungmin Park, Jaehwan Lee, Seungyoon Ko and Chulung Lee) pp.4931-4946.
- Operational Risk Measurement: Peaks-Over-Threshold (POT) Approach
using Maximum Entropy Principle (MEP) (Jichuang Feng, Jianping Li, Wujiang Shi,
Xiaoqian Zhu and Jianming Chen) pp.4947-4958.
- Model for B2B Integration of Traffic Systems (Sladjana Jankovic,
Snezana Mladenovic and Krsto Lipovac) pp.4959-4970.
- A Case Study on Optimal Allocation of Call Center Staff for IT Equipment Products
(Masahiko Tanaka, Bong-Sung Chu, Shuhei Inada and Hiroaki Matsukawa) pp.4971-4982.
- Text Clustering on Authorship Attribution Based on Features of Punctuation
Usage in Chinese (Mingzhe Jin and Minghu Jiang) pp.4983-4990.
- Solution of Semantic Mergers of English Modal Verbs
(Jianping Yu, Nan Chen, Wenxue Hong and Yan Shi) pp.4991-5006.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- EDG: An Energy-Ecient Data Gathering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks
(Chen-Che Huang, Lo-Yao Yeh and Jiun-Long Huang) pp.5007-5018.
- Simple Secure RFID and Reader Communication Schematic for Smart Meter Network
(Jaeik Cho, Ken Choi, Taeshik Shon, Jungtaek Seo and Jongsub Moon) pp.5019-5028.
- Dynamic FEC Scheme for Multicasting Real-Time Multimedia Traffic in WLANs
(Sunmyeng Kim and Young-Jong Cho) pp.5029-5042.
- A Novel Clustering Algorithm in MANETs using Analytical Hierarchy Process
(AHP) Mathematical Model (Weijie Liu and Wooju Kim) pp.5043-5058.
- Energy Efficient Encoder Design of Distributed Video Coding for Wireless Video Sensor Network
(Li Li, Krishna Rao Vijayanagar, Ken Choi, Joohee Kim and Tae Hee Han) pp.5059-5072.
- Novel Schmitt Trigger Based Hardened Latch Design For Nanoscale CMOS
(Haiqing Nan, Ken Choi and Tae Hee Han) pp.5073-5084.
- Statistical Characterization of Service Time in Saturated IEEE 802.11e Networks
(Eui-Jik Kim, Sungkwan Youm, Sang-Soo Yeo and Chul-Hee Kang) pp.5085-5098.
- A Cross-Layer Routing Protocol for IPv6 Wireless Sensor Networks
(Deyun Gao, Kai-Di Chang, Jiann-Liang Chen and Han-Chieh Chao) pp.5099-5114.
- Adaptive Node Discovery Scheduling in Complex Large Scale Smart Space
(SooHyung Lee, JaeHyuk Kim, HaeYoung Lee, WonTae Kim and JaeCheol Ryou) pp.5115-5130.
- Performance Analysis of Smart Grid Communication Network: Case Study of IEC 61850
based 154 kV Substation (yo-Sik Yang, Seung-Ho Yang, Byung-Kwan Yu, Mu-Yong Hyun,
Yong-Ho An and Hyuk-Soo Jang) pp.5131-5144.
- Quality of Protection for Multimedia Services via Wireless Mesh Networks
(Sun-Hee Lim, Okyeon Yi and Jong-Hyun Kim) pp.5145-5158.
- Administrative Approach Towards Usage Control in a Multi-Stakeholder Environment for Android
(Masoom Alam, Shahryar Khan Afridi, Bahar Ali, Yasir Khan, Mohsin Yasin and Amir Hayat)
- Data Storage and Transfer Management for Visual Sensor Networks
(Seung-Ho Lim and Min Choi) pp.5171-5182.
- Investigating Techniques to Model Real-Time Network Communication for the Industrial
Component Model (Saad Mubeen, Jukka Maki-Turja and Mikael Sjodin) pp.5183-5196.
- Flow-based Analytic model with Deletion Policies
(Ui-Jin Jang, Chenggen Quan, Yongtae Shin and Changjin Suh) pp.5197-5214.
- Energy-Efficient Computation Offloading on Multi-Interface Smartphone in
Mobile Cloud Computing (Yun Won Chung) pp.5215-5228.
- Resource Provision Technique with Entropy-based Mobility Grouping for Fault
Tolerance in Mobile Cloud Computing (Jisu Park, Byoungwook Kim, Heonchang Yu,
Hyongsoon Kim and Eunyoung Lee) pp.5229-5244.
- Mobility-aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Body Sensor Network
(Dong-Hoon Lee and Jae-Young Pyun) pp.5245-5260.
- IPTV Recommender System Using Social Network for Multiple Users
(Soo-Cheol Kim, Chan-Soo Park, Sang-Soo Yeo and Sung Kwon Kim) pp.5261-5274.
- An Approximate Metric of Exploration and Exploitation in Particle Swarm
(Junqi Zhang, Jing Yao, Qi Kang, Lina Ni and Zheng Tang) pp.5275-5290.
- Exploring the Technological Trends for a Novel Technology through Patent
Network Analysis: The Case of Carbon Nanotubes (Chao-Chan Wu and Hoang-Jyh Leu) pp.5291-5302.
- A Heuristic Double Auction Mechanism for Resource Scheduling in Cloud Datacenter
(Zhiming Wang, Kai Shuang, Xiaoqian Ma and Fangchun Yang) pp.5303-5328.
- Quantitative Comparison of Familiarity Ratings of Nouns in Human-Translated
And Machine-Translated Sentences (Takehiko Yoshimi) pp.5329-5344.
- A Study of Chinese Tone Learning System Utilizing Pitch Pattern Images
(Song Liu and Shizuo Hiki) pp.5345-5354.
- Implementation and Evaluation of a Lightweight Protocol for a Home Network
(Koji Funayama and Akiko Narita) pp.5355-5364.
- Pandemic Simulations by MADE: A Combination of Multi-agent and Differential Equations,
with Novel Influenza A(H1N1) Case (Hideo Hirose) pp.5365-5390.
- A Logarithmic quaternion based Secret Sharing Scheme
(Yojiro Takehana, Tomoyuki Nagase and Yoshio Yoshioka) pp.5391-5406.
- Prediction of the O-linked Glycosylation Sites in Protein by Independent Component
Analysis and Support Vector Machine (Chu-Zheng Wang, Xiao-Feng Tan and Yen-Wei Chen)
- Vibration Analysis of Base Isolation System for Small Equipments using Friction Bearing
(Katsumi Kurita, Shigeru Aoki, Yuuji Nakanishi, Kazutoshi Tominaga and Mitsuo Kanazawa)

Vol.16, No.8(A), August, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Simple Pattern Matching Algorithm for Weighted Sequences
(Inbok Lee) pp.5433-5440.
- Management and Social Sciences
- WordNet-based Emotion Words Extraction Considering Sense Distance
(Seung-Bo Park, Eunsoon You and Jason J. Jung) pp.5441-5452.
- Tracking Relationships on Ontology for Revealing Potential Trade Risk Factors in e-Customs
(Dongmin Seo, Pyung Kim, Hanmin Jung and Seungwoo Lee) pp.5453-5464.
- The Understanding of Building Trust Model on Smartphone Application: Focusing on Usersf
Motivation (Hun Choi and YooJung Choi) pp.5465-5474.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Practical Firewall Policy Inspection using Anomaly Detection and Its Visualization
(Ui-Hyong Kim, Jung-Min Kang, Jae-Sung Lee, Hyong-Shik Kim and Soon-Young Jung) pp.5475-5490.
- An Extension XML Compression Technique for XML Element Retrieval
(Tanakorn Wichaiwong and Chuleerat Jaruskulchai) pp.5491-5504.
- Robust Estimation of Heights of Moving People using a Single Camera
(Sang-Wook Park and jong-Soo Choi) pp.5505-5522.
- Real-time Camera Pose Estimation Based on Planar Object Tracking for Augmented Reality
Environment (Seok-Han Lee, Ahyun Lee, Jae-Young Lee, Kyoung-Ju Park and Jong-Soo Choi)
- Discretionary Decryption Control for Cloud Computing Services
(Yi-Chang Hsu and Jing-Jang Hwang) pp.5537-5552.
- A Load-balanced Content Sharing Scheme in Mobile Computing Environment
(Chung-Pyo Hong, Cheong-Ghil Kim, Jeom Goo Kim, Dong Hwi Lee and Shin-Dug Kim) pp.5553-5568.
- A Virtual Touch Event Layer for Smooth Touch Control on Android
(Yeong Kyu Lim, Cheong Ghil Kim, Chung-Pyo Hong and Shin Dug Kim) pp.5569-5580.
- Image Encryption Using Cellular Automata (Abdul Raouf Khan) pp.5581-5590.
- Fast Image Registration for Sub-Pixel Using Pyramid Edge Images
(Jae-Young Lee, Kee-Baek Kim, Da-Un Jung, Seok-Han Lee and jong-Soo Choi) pp.5591-5602.
- Impact Analysis of Unauthorized Client Connection Vulnerability on IEC 61850
(Moon-Su Jang, Jeong-han Yun, Yeop Chang, Byung-gil Min and Woonyon Kim) pp.5603-5612.
- Import API sequences Analysis for Malware Classification
(Kyoung Soo Han and Eul Gyu Im) pp.5613-5624.
- A Study of Detection System for SPA (Sophisticated Phishing Attack)
(Kyongho Choi, DongHwi Lee and Kuinam J Kim) pp.5625-5636.
- Improving the Run-time Performance of Subword Parallel Gaussian Filter using Loop Unrolling
(Cheong Ghil Kim, Jeom Goo Kim and Kuinam J. Kim) pp.5637-5646.
- Joint Queue and Sleep Control for Energy-efficiency and Delay Guarantees in Wireless
Sensor Networks (Heejung Byun and Sugoog Shon) pp.5647-5658.
- Application of DIBR Algorithm in Real-Time Image
(Yangkeun Ahn and Jiman Hong) pp.5659-5672.
- A Scalable Load-Balancing Scheme for Advanced Metering Infrastructure Network
(Jeasung Park, Yujin Lim and Seung-Jin Moon) pp.5673-5686.
- Classifying Consumer Regulatory Focus by Analyzing Small and Imbalanced Web Shopping Logs
(Jongbum Baik, Chungseok Han, Eunyoung Jang, Yongbum Kim, Jayoung Choi and Soowon Lee)
- Design and Implementation of the User Interactive Object Audio System for Cloud-based
Mobile Consumer Devices (Jaehoon An and Jiman Hong) pp.5699-5710.
- Visual Tracking via Multiple Representative Appearance Models Based on L1 Minimization
(Deqian Fu and Seong Tae Jhang) pp.5711-5722.
- Design and Implementation of an Android Copyright Protection System
(Sanghoon Choi and AhReum Kim) pp.5723-5732.
- Improving and Evaluating Real-time Performance for Smart Devices
(Eunseok Choi, Minwoo Jang and Bongjae Kim) pp.5733-5744.
- Analysis of the Effects of Weight Distribution on Proportional-Share Scheduling Algorithms
(Ahreum Kim and Jiman Hong) pp.5745-5754.
- Design a Delay-Ecient Data Aggregation Scheduling Scheme for Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor
Networks (Nguyen Phan Khanh Ha, Vyacheslav Zalyubovskiy and Hyunseung Choo) pp.5755-5772.
- Malware Classification Method via Binary Content Comparison
(TaeGuen Kim, Boojoong Kang and Eul Gyu Im) pp.5773-5788.
- An Adaptive Object Tracking Strategy Based on Homography
(Ai Min Li, Pil Seong Park and Ye Hong Chen) pp.5789-5804.
- Monitoring-based Prediction and Electric Vehicle Charging in Smart Grid Cities
(Junghoon Lee, Gyung-Leen Park, Sang-Wook Kim, Seong Baeg Kim, Chan Jung Park and Min-Jae Kang)
- An Improved Approach for Object Tracking based on Adaptive Bhattacharyya Coefficient
(Zhenhai Wang and Kicheon Hong) pp.5815-5830.
- Fast Integer-pel Motion Estimation on Statistical Properties for H.264/AVC
(Jin-young Noh and Min-Cheol Hong) pp.5831-5844.
- Improving a Hierarchical Pattern Matching Algorithm Using Cacheaware Aho-Corasick Automata
(Phuong Do, Ho-Seok Kang, Inbok Lee and Sung-Ryul Kim) pp.5845-5856.
- Preventing Execution of Unauthorized Applications Using Dynamic Loading and Integrity
Check on Android Smartphones (Youn-Sik Jeong, Jae-Chan Moon, Dongjin Kim, Seong-Je Cho
and Minkyu Park) pp.5857-5868.
- Exploiting Bloom Filters for Ecient Joins in MapReduce
(Taewhi Lee, Kisung Kim and Hyoung-Joo Kim) pp.5869-5886.

Vol.16, No.8(B), August, 2013
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Impacts of Website Types on Longitudinal Trust Factor Changes
(Kil-Hwan Shin and ChoonYeul Lee) pp.5893-5900.
- Enhancing Revenue from Information Goods through the Free-to-play
Business Model Using Price Discrimination (Changsok Yoo and Huy Kang Kim) pp.5901-5910.
- Design and Implementation of a RFID Library System Complemented by
Image-Processing Technique to Improve Recognition Rate
(Sungil Yoo, Dongik Oh and Min Hong) pp.5911-5920.
- What Drives People to Adopt Online Payment? The Modified Extended Technology
Acceptance Mode (Chuan Pang, Qing Yang, Xin-hua Qian and Hsing Hung Chen) pp.5921-5932.
- Empirical Study on the Construction of Competency Model of Key Disciplines in
the Medical University (Wang Yi, Wang Zhen-wei and Liu Wei-dong) pp.5933-5942.
- A Study on Urban Architecture of Pyongyang |Period Immediately After
the World War Two(1945-1950)| (Ming LI) pp.5943-5952.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- AAA-based Secure Fast Handover Mechanism for the Proxy Mobile IPv6
(Hyun-Sun Kang and Chang-Seop Park) pp.5953-5966.
- Yet Another Token-based Authentication Method For Web Applications
(Jonguk Kim, Sukin Kang and Manpyo Hong) pp.5967-5984.
- Design and FPGA Implementation of a Worldwide Digital Radio Receiver
Baseband Processor (Kyung-Taek Lee, Yong-Suk Park and Seong-Jun Kim) pp.5985-5992.
- A First Report on Electromagnetic and Power Analysis Attack Against a 28-nm
FPGA Device (Yohei Hori, Toshihiro Katashita, Akihiko Sasaki and Akashi Satoh) pp.5993-6006.
- A Semi- Lagrangian Trajectory Integration Method with 3D Applications
(Suwan Park and Nakhoon Baek) pp.6007-6012.
- Fast Speaker Identification over Large Population in Ubiquitous Environment
(Fei Wang, KeXing Yan and Min Feng) pp.6013-6024.
- Web Page Request Behavior Analysis for Threshold based HTTP GET Flooding
Attack Detection (Yangseo Choi, Ikkyun Kim and Eul Gyu Im) pp.6025-6040.
- GESNIC: Detection of HTTP-GET Flooding Attacks for Web Server Protection
(Hyunjoo Kim, Byoungkoo Kim, Daewon Kim, Ikkyun Kim and Tai-Myoung Chung) pp.6041-6054.
- Implementation and Evaluation of Multiple Deduplication Methods for VM Disk Images
Composing a Virtual Cluster (Daiki Morita, Kohei Ichikawa, Hirotake Abe, Susumu Date
and Shinji Shimojo) pp.6055-6068.
- Multi-Level Reversible Data Hiding with Prediction-Based Approach
(Hsiang-Cheh Huang, Yueh-Hong Chen, Feng-Cheng Chang and Sheng-Hong Li) pp.6069-6078.
- Group Key Renewal and Authentication Scheme Using Bloom Filter for SMART Highway
(Su-Hyun Kim and Im-Yeong Lee) pp.6079-6092.
- Secure Key Distribution Scheme using Proxy Re-encryption in an Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (Woong Go and Jin Kwak) pp.6093-6108.
- Developing an Earthmoving Information System Using Optimization Algorithm
(Jaeho Son and Seunghyun Lee) pp.6109-6118.
- Mutual Authentication Scheme based on NTRU for Payment Information Protection in
NFC Mobile Environment (Sung-Wook Park and Im-Yeong Lee) pp.6119-6136.
- An Agent-based Dynamic Routing Algorithm with QoS-Adaption in Heterogeneous Network
(Songhua Huang, Hailin Chen, Feng Ding, Ying Liu and Jun Tao) pp.6137-6148.
- Developing an Intelligent Tutoring System for Sudoku on Mobile Platform
(Yuan Zhuang and Lam-for Kwok) pp.6149-6158.
- A Study on Mobile Security Scheme for Smart-work
(Seung-hwan Ju and Hee-suk Seo) pp.6159-6168.
- Mutual Authentication and Key Establishment Protocol for a Mobile Office
Environment (Jun-Sub Kim and Jin Kwak) pp.6169-6178.
- QoS-Aware Routing Based on Adaptive-Gossip Algorithm for Conserving
Resource in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (Ahyoung Lee and Ilkyeun Ra) pp.6179-6188.
- A Radio Interface Selection Scheme for a Stable End-to-End Connectivity
Guarantee in Multi-network (JooSang Youn) pp.6189-6202.
- Hierarchical Organization of Shader Data for Effective Search
(Jung-Im Won, Min-Hee Jang, Sang-Wook Kim and Jin-Soo Cho) pp.6203-6218.
- Deriving a Robust Policy for Container Stacking Using a Noise-Tolerant
Genetic Algorithm (Ri Choe, Hyeonguk Jang and Kwang Ryel Ryu) pp.6219-6242.
- A Hybrid Design of Online Execution Class and Encryption-based Copyright Protection
for Android Apps (Hee Sun Kim, Ji Hyun Kim, Inbok Lee and Sung Ryul Kim) pp.6243-6258.
- A Sequential Feature Filtering Approach for Breast Magnetic Resonance Image
Similarity Study (Byung K. Jung, Wei Wang, Sung Y. Shin, Hyung Do Choi and Jungki Pack)
- Similarity Measurement for Breast Medical Image Retrieval System with Hybrid
Object Based Approach (Hyun I. Kim, Sung Y. Shin, Wei Wang, Soonik Jeon and Sungho Son)
- An Locking and Unlocking Primitive Function of FSM-modeled Sequential Systems
Based on Extracting Logical Property
(Edward Jung, Chih-Cheng Hung, Ming Yang and Seonho Choi) pp.6279-6290.
- Java Birthmark Based on Structural Properties of Program Binaries
(Joonhyouk Jang, Bongjae Kim and Yookun Cho) pp.6291-6300.
- Using Aspects to Improve Software Test Observability
(Jun Lin, Eunjee Song, Nankai Pan and Hanil Kim) pp.6301-6314.
- A Facial Texture Generation Method Using Curvature-Reflected Size-Variable Block
Matching (Seok-Woo Jang, Myung-Ae Chung and Gye-Young Kim) pp.6315-6324.
- Hybrid Averaging Distance Operator and Its Application to Group Decision Making
(Pan Tiejun and Zeng Shouzhen) pp.6325-6338.
- ElGamal-Based Weighted Threshold Signature Scheme
(Cheng Guo and Chin-Chen Chang) pp.6339-6348.
- The Algorithm of Similarity Joins Based on the Chinese Strings
(Ou Ye, Jing Zhang and JunHuai Li) pp.6349-6366.
- Fuzzy Classification of Instructorfs Morphological Features for Autonomous
Lecture Recording System (Muhammad Haroon Yousaf, Hafiz Adnan Habib and Kanza Azhar)
- An Improved Authentication Mechanism using IPV6 in Mobile RFID Environment
(Sandhya M and Sharmila Sankar) pp.6383-6400.

Vol.16, No.9(A), September, 2013
- Special Issue on Information, Computing and Telecommunications
(Guest Editors : Prof. Jin-bao Li and Prof. Shou-xu Jiang)
- Preface (Jin-bao Li and Shou-xu Jiang) pp.6406
- A Petri-net-based Approach to Reliability Analysis of BPEL-based Service Compositions
(Yunni Xia, Xin Luo, Ji Liu and Qingsheng Zhu) pp.6407-6420.
- An Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Vibration of Flexural Circular Plate
(Jingyu Yang and Guoping Chen) pp.6421-6430.
- Global Robust Stability on Uncertain Stochastic Neutral-Type Neural Networks with Mixed
Time-Varying Delays (Guoquan Liu and Simon X.Yang) pp.6431-6438.
- A Grey Verhulst Back-Propagation Neural Network Method for Forecasting Slope Displacements
from Filtered Monitoring Data (J.W. Zhou, H.T. Li and H.G. Xing) pp.6439-6448.
- Backstepping Control of Supersonic Missiles with Nussbaum Gain Adaptive Method
(Junwei LeiCJie Cheng, Hongchao Zhao and Guoqiang Liang) pp.6449-6458.
- Road Network Modeling and Representation for Time-dependent Traffic Control
(Luliang TANG, Qingquan LI, Xue Yang, Feng Xu and Wenlin Zeng) pp.6459-6472.
- Forward-Secure Dynamic Rational Secret Sharing
(Yongquan Cai, Zhanhai Luo and Yi Yang) pp.6473-6482.
- Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery
(Jianghui Cai and Wenjun Meng) pp.6483-6490.
- A Prediction Based Traffic Assignment Routing Mechanism for a New Internet Architecture
(Yongtao Wei, Jinkuan Wang and Junwei Wang) pp.6491-6502.
- A Multi-Enterprise Production Scheduling Model in Partial Information Context Integrating
Ant Colony Algorithm and Multi-Agent Technology (Jinghua Zhao, Jie Lin and Xia Zhao) pp.6503-6520.
- Analysis on Selection of Customized Product Suppliers Using Modified LVQ, RST and Multi-Objective
Planning Method (Shen-Tsu Wang) pp.6521-6530.
- The Design Concept of Self-Determination Based On-Line Learning Platform
(Pi-Shan Hsu, Te-Jeng Chang and Kuo-Hung Tseng) pp.6531-6538.
- A Novel Approach for Multi-attribute Group Decision-making Based on Set-valued Statistics
and Information Axiom (Houxing You and Jie Lin) pp.6539-6548.
- A Bialgebraic Perspective on Abstract Data Types (Su Jindian and Yu Shanshan) pp.6549-6570.
- Countermeasures for SMEs in Zhejiang Province to Expand Bond Financing
(Gujun Yan and Sijiang He) pp.6571-6578.
- Probabilistic Trust Modeling for MANET Security Services
(Xibin Zhao, Zhiyang You and Zhifeng Zhao) pp.6579-6588.
- Multi-channel Based Parallel CRC Computation With CPLD Implementation
(XU Zhan-qi, YANG Fan, DING Zhe and DONG Huai-nan) pp.6589-6596.
- A Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Test System Based On Labview
(Yafu Zhou, Jing Lian, Pu Jia and Linhui Li) pp.6597-6604.
- Key-recovery Attack on a Keyed Hash Function Based on Chaotic Map Network
(Wei Guo, Xiaomin Wang, Wenfang Zhang and Dake He) pp.6605-6618.
- Efficient Impulse Noise Reduction Based on the Improved Direction Impulse Detector and PDE
(Hongchen Liu and Lishan Sun) pp.6619-6628.
- Channel Estimation Schemes in Multi-Antenna Relay for Analog Network Coding
(Chen Chen, Lin Bai, Rui Wang and Xiaoning Zhang) pp.6629-6636.
- An Improved ABC-KFCM Algorithm Based on Boltzmann Selection Mechanism
(Xiaoqiang Zhao and Shouming Zhang) pp.6637-6644.
- Study on Collaborative Management of Information Architecture in Old Revolutionary Administrative
Village (Zhang Dan-ping and Jiang Cheng) pp.6645-6652.
- Model-free Adaptive Control for Single-phase Full-bridge Inverter
(Wu Jianhua, Liu Ya'nan, Liu Gang and Yang Haitao) pp.6653-6660.
- Structured Arguments for Abstract Argumentation: Modeling and Evaluation
(Yanjuan Wang, Jinping Yuan, Li Yao and Weiming Zhang) pp.6661-6674.
- Study on Power Efficient Wireless Network Scheduling in Portable Device
(Zhanying Zhang, Yuan Tian and Qingcheng Li) pp.6675-6682.
- A Modified Two-Scale Model for Backscattering Based on the Non-Fully Developed Full-Range
Sea Spectrum (Xu Zhan, Wan Jianwei, Li Gang and Su Fang) pp.6683-6690.
- Adaptive Semi-Supervised Clustering Algorithm based on Density
(Mingwei Leng, Ping Wen, Xiaoyun Chen, Zhengquan Zhang, Hairong Zhang and Jianjun Cheng) pp.6691-6700.
- Study on the Single-Phase-Ground Fault Detection Method in Distribution Network Based on
Hilbert-Huang Transform and Genetic Algorithm (Zhongjian Kang, Dandan Li and Yanyan Feng) pp.6701-6710.
- Fuzzy Fisher Criterion Based Unsupervised Optimal Discriminant Planes (Su-Qun Cao) pp.6711-6732.
- Novel Uplink Initial Ranging Method for IEEE 802.16e OFDMA Systems
(Chien-Sheng Chen, Chyuan-Der Lu, Jium-Ming Lin and Ho-Nien Shou) pp.6733-6742.
- Efficiently Indexing Sparse Wide Tables in Cloud Computing (Huang Bin and Peng Yu-Xing) pp.6743-6752.
- Sensor-less Speed Measurement of Induction Motor Using Harmonic Spectrum
(Dawei MengCQingwei Meng and Yuping Wang) pp.6753-6758.
- Progress Monitoring and Control Method for Cross-Enterprise Project (Guo Hong) pp.6759-6766.
- Reorder Parsing Tree from Chinese to English
(Chun-Xiang Zhang, Xue-Yao Gao and Zhi-Mao Lu) pp.6767-6774.
- A Scheduling Algorithm for Multiple Correlative Task System on Heterogeneous Cluster
(Shuli Zhang and Shenghui Liu) pp.6775-6782.
- Research and Implementation of Porting TinyOS To CC2530
(Shenghui Liu and Haitao Li) pp.6783-6790.

Vol.16, No.9(B), September, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On Replication of Documents in Distributed Storage Systems
(Jacek Cichon, Rafal Kapelko and Karol Marchwicki) pp.6797-6808.
- The Cognition Diagnosis of Learning Fundamental Mathematics for College Students
(Chin-Chun Chen) pp.6809-6816.
- More Secure Authenticated Group Key Agreement in a Mobile Environment
(Chun-Ta Li and Cheng-Chi Lee) pp.6817-6830.
- An Ecient CP-ABE Scheme with Constant Size Ciphertext
(In Tae Kim, Nghiem Xuan Hung and Seong Oun Hwang) pp.6831-6846.
- Induced Quasi-Arithmetic Intuitionistic Fuzzy Choquet Aggregation Operator
(Wei Yang and Yongfeng Pang) pp.6847-6854.
- Some Properties of Certain Subclasses of Meromorphically Functions Related to
Cho-Kwon-Srivastava Operator (F. Ghanim, M. Darus and Zhi-Gang Wang) pp.6855-6866.
- A Method Based on Correlation Coefficient for Interval-valued Intuitionistic
Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making (Yingjun Zhang, Yizhi Wang, Jingping Wang,
Peijun Ma, Xiaohong Su and Hongtao Zhang) pp.6867-6880.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Extracting Water Shortage Information from Reservoir Records
(Jie-Lun Chiang and Yu-Shiue Tsai) pp.6881-6892.
- A Rule-based Home Energy Management System for Power Consumption Reduction
(Tomoki Yoshihisa, Naotaka Fujita and Masahiko Tsukamoto) pp.6893-6904.
- Privacy-enhanced Social Network Service(SNS)
(Hanjae Jeong, Changbin Lee, Jin Kwak, Changyoung Kwon, Seungjoo Kim and Dongho Won) pp.6905-6920.
- A Simulation Framework of Remote Drive-Directing over Local Autonomous Vehicles for Experimentation
(MinHwan Ok and Ui-Sung Song) pp.6921-6936.
- A Case Study for Implementing CRM in a Major Korean Housing Company
(Jongwook Yoon, Oh Park Kwon and Jongsoo Yoon) pp.6937-6960.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Robust Nonstationary Powerline Interference Suppressor for ECG Signals Based on Masking
Signal-Aided EMD (Guojun Li, Xiaopin Zeng, Shuting Zhang, Xiaona Zhou and Xichuan Zhou) pp.6961-6974.
- Multimedia Information Retrieval Grid System for TV-Anytime Based on Metadata Services
(Kyoungro Yoon, Tae-Beom Lim, James Lee, Seok-Pil Lee and Sang Boem Lim) pp.6975-6992.
- Optimization Method for Comfortable and Energy Saving using Genetic Algorithm in Building Environment
(Safdar Ali and DoHyeun Kim) pp.6993-7002.
- Design and Analysis of a Multispeed Transmission Hub (Yi-Chang Wu and Pei-Wun Ren) pp.7003-7014.
- Single Audio Source Stream Separation Using Genetic Algorithm Method
(Jia-Shing Sheu, Kun-Wei Chiu and Tsong-Liang Huang) pp.7015-7024.
- The Kinematic and Efficiency Analysis of Planetary Gear Trains with Single Train Circuit
(Long-Chang Hsieh and Tzu-Hsia Chen) pp.7025-7032.
- Fuzzy Logic System-Based Pattern Recognition in Speech Processing: Techniques and Challenges
(Ing-Jr Ding) pp.7033-7042.
- The Efficient Power Allocation Schemes in OFDM Systems (Chia-Hsin CHENG and Yung-Fa HUANG) pp.7043-7050.
- Robust Analysis of Solder Fatigue Reliability of Stacked IC Package with Through Silicon Vias (TSVs)
(Chieh Kung) pp.7051-7058.
- Cross-coupled Synchronous Control for Gantry Stage via Fuzzy Neural Network Compensator
(Chin-Sheng Chen and Tsung-Han Yang) pp.7059-7070.
- Application of Steganography and Empirical Mode Decomposition in Communications Security
(Kuang-Ya Lu, Wei-Tai Hsu, Pi-Cheng Tung, Chien-Jung Tseng, Norden E. Huang and Shih-Lin Lin) pp.7071-7078.
- Utilization of 2 D Laser Scan System to Evaluate 3D Surface Texture and Potholes Detection on Pavement
(Shih-Huang Chen, Ching-Tsung Hung, Chang-Hua Yu, Cheng-I Li and Chien-An Wu) pp.7079-7086.
- Voltage Protection Apparatuses Development for PCDU of Satellite
(Che-Cheng Huang and Zhe-Yang Huang) pp.7087-7098.
- An Efficient Algebraic Codebook Search Method in G.729 Speech Codec
(Shun-Chieh Chang, Cheng-Yu Yeh and Shaw-Hwa Hwang) pp.7099-7106.
- SB-Qtree : Scalable Spatial Index for Server Cluster
(Hong Jun Jang, Soon Young Jung and Jaehwa Chung) pp.7107-7122.
- Parameter Optimization for Local Structure-Based Fingerprint Alignment
(Heemin Park, Jongwoo Lee and Jae Won Lee) pp.7123-7136.
- Blind Image Deconvolution through Evolutionary Technique
(Muhammad Tariq Mahmood, Abdul Majid, Jongwoo Han and Young-Kyu Choi) pp.7137-7144.
- A Statistical Image Retrieval Technique from Large Image Repositories in the Domain of Partial
Supervised Learning (Aun Irtaza, M. Arfan Jaffar and Muhammad Tariq Mahmood) pp.7145-7152.
- Prevention of Log Data Falsification based on WORM in IT Convergence Environment
(Dongsoo Kim and YoungRan Hong) pp.7153-7162.
- New Convertible Ring Signatures Based on RSA (Kaibin Huang and Raylin Tso) pp.7163-7174.
- Dynamic Access Control Policy based on RBAC for Ubiquitous Applications
(Young-Gab Kim and Sungdeok Cha) pp.7175-7190.
- A Highly Robust Approach Face Recognition System using Multi-resolution Trace Transform and
Supervised Fuzzy ART Combination (Rerkchai Fooprateepsiri and Werasak Kurutach) pp.7191-7206.
- Environmental Impact Assessment for Soil in Oilfield Exploitation Based on Genetic
Algorithm-support Vector Machine (Yan Xiao-fei, Sun shi-jun, Cui Peng and Feng Jiang) pp.7207-7218.
- Design Space Exploration using Answer Set Programming (Hyunok Oh and Jihye Kim) pp.7219-7228.
- An Efficient Buffer Caching Algorithm for Multimedia Workloads
(Kyungwoon Cho and Hyokyung Bahn) pp.7229-7234.
- Minimization of Both Buffer Memory Size and Buffer Memory Management verhead for A Synchronous
Dataflow Graph (Hyunok Oh and Jihye Kim) pp.7235-7248.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Analysis of Brainwave Characteristic Frequency Bands under Different Physiological Statuses
(Fu-Chien Kao and Jian-Hao Jhong) pp.7249-7258.
- An Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Method for Biomedical Domain via a Co-occurrence
Network Kernel (Tae-Gil Noh, Seong-Bae Park and Sang-Jo Lee) pp.7259-7274.

Vol.16, No.10, October, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Fast Multi Images Restoration Algorithm Based on CMG-PDE
(Fang wang and Meihua Xie) pp.7281-7288.
- Collaborative Recommendation Method Reflecting Temporal Trends
(Yong Suk Choi) pp.7289-7296.
- Dependence of Bifurcation of Flow Structure in Cavity on Numerical Conditions
(Ling-Xiang Tang and Itaru Hataue) pp.7297-7310.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Application and Analysis of STEAM using Education Programming Language in Elementary School
(Namje Park) pp.7311-7324.
- Using Intelligent Agents in e-Learning
(Asma Moubaiddin, Fatmeh Shawarbeh and Nadim Obeid) pp.7325-7342.
- Inventory Decision Under Unknown Demand Using Online Algorithm with Risk-reward
(Liu Bin, Wang Yufeng and Shaobai Kan) pp.7343-7354.
- Complex Network Features of Urban Rail Transit: A Case Study from Harbin, China
(FENG Shumin, CI Yusheng and ZHANG Yi) pp.7355-7368.
- Critical Success Factors of ERP Implementation at Higher Education Institutes: A Brief Case
Study (Zahid Ullah, Abdullah S. Al-Mudimigh, Abdullah AL-Malaise AL-Ghamdi and Farrukh Saleem)
- The Dynamics of Ethical Dimensions in the Information Society
(Cheul Rhee, H. Raghav Rao and H. Timothy Rhee) pp.7379-7394.
- An Information Perspective on Earnings Conservatism and AnalystsfForecast Errors
(Jong Eun Lee and Jaehyoun Kim) pp.7395-7406.
- A Study for Representing and Managing Propagation in Configuration Requirement of SaaS
(Jongdae Han, Byungjeong Lee, Jaewon Oh and Chisu Wu) pp.7407-7422.
- Thai Elementary Discourse Unit Analysis and Syntactic-based Segmentation
(Nongnuch Ketui, Thanaruk Theeramunkong and Chutamanee Onsuwan) pp.7423-7436.
- New Entrants into the Chinese Rural Financial Market ? A Case Study of Rural Small-loan
Company in G-Township Jiangsu-Province - (GAO Wen and Masaaki ISHIDA) pp.7437-7442.
- Towards a Conceptualization of Relationship-based Resource: A Business Model Perspective
(Seungbong Park and Jun-Seok Seo) pp.7443-7454.
- Investigating Major Determinants of Flow Experience with the MMORPG
(Yoojung Kim, Sora Kang, Dongwoo Shin and Jihee Song) pp.7455-7472.
- High-dimensional Data Mining in Finance by Robust Semi-supervised Kernel Classiers on
Maximum Covariance Discriminant Subspace (Shian-Chang Huang and Tung-Kuang Wu) pp.7473-7492.
- Exploring the Path from Sound to Brand on Customer Intention
(Wei-Lun Chang and Yen-Ting Chang) pp.7493-7506.
- Finding Optimal Values for Multi-valued Features to measure Vowel Distances
(Woon-Ho Choi and Hwa-Young Jeong) pp.7507-7514.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An Adaptive Fast Block-Matching Algorithm for Video Coding
(Jen-Yi Huang, Lung-Jen Wang, Jun Wu and Yuan-Chan Liu) pp.7515-7528.
- Implementation of a Security Control Method for DB Query Tools based on SQL Injection
and API Hooking (YoungRan Hong and Dongsoo Kim) pp.7529-7544.
- A Study on Password-based User Authentication Methodology Using Pattern Type
(Hee-suk Seo, Jin Kwak and Seung-hwan Ju) pp.7545-7554.
- Formal Mapping of Fuzzy XML Model into Fuzzy Conceptual Data Model (Li Yan) pp.7555-7564.
- A Bit-wise Partial Encryption Scheme for Flash Memory Based Storage Systems
(Surafel Teshome, Sungsoo Kim and Tae-Sun Chung) pp.7565-7584.
- The Simulation and Research on Topology Control Algorithms in Backbone Network of
InterPlaNetary Internet (Yong Jiang, Gengxin Zhang and Guangxia Li) pp.7585-7596.
- Immune-based Multi-agent Model for RFID Security
(Hai-Dong Yang, Jian-Hua Guo, George Q. Huang and Guo-Sheng Liu) pp.7597-7610.
- Minimizing Interference in Wireless Mesh Networks Using Multi Channel and Multi Radio
(Mohammad Siraj) pp.7611-7624.
- High Performance and Low Power TLB Structure (Jung-Hoon Lee and Bo-Sung Jung) pp.7625-7636.
- Robust Feature Extraction Method for Automatic Sentiment Classification of Erroneous
Online Customer Reviews (Maengsik Choi, Junsoo Shin and Harksoo Kim) pp.7637-7646.
- Intelligent Energy-Saving Information and Management System Part I: Hardware Design
Based on Wireless Sensor Network (Hung-Cheng Chen, Long-Yi Chang and Chun-Liang Hsu) pp.7647-7658.
- Research into Cloud-Monitoring based on Compressive Sensing
(Wu Hai-jia, Zhang Xiong-wei, Chen Wei-wei and Zhang Liang-liang) pp.7659-7668.
- Exploiting Concept Network-based User Profile for Personalized Web Search: A Re-ranking
Approach (Jun-ho Roh and Han-joon Kim) pp.7669-7676.
- Improved Time Triggered Hybrid Scheduling Algorithm for an Embedded Systems
(R. Prabakaran, S. Sujatha, R. Sivaraman and X. Jenniferviola) pp.7677-7688.
- Improved Stereo Matching Algorithm For Depth Map Calculation
(M. Vijayasarathy, G.Balakrishnan and R.Prabakaran) pp.7689-7698.
- Data Partitioning in Hierarchical Clustering: A Parameter-Insensitive Approach
(Kyo-Sung Jeong, Seok-Ho Yoon, Suk-Soon Song, Sang-Chul Lee, Minsoo Ryu, Sang-Wook Kim
and Byung-Soo Jeong) pp.7699-7710.
- Performance Evaluations of MPEG-4 Video Traffic Services over Fading Channel-based MANETs
(Muhammad Khalil Afzal, Byung-Seo Kim and Sung Won Kim) pp.7711-7716.
- QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm Based on Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization
(Bo Peng and Lei Li) pp.7717-7732.
- Efficient 3D Network On Chip Based Crypto processor Design
(A.Vino Vilmet Rose and R.Seshasayanan) pp.7733-7750.
- MDA based Model Transformation Verification Mechanism with Model Property Information
and Graph Comparison Algorithm (Jong-Won Ko and Hwa-Young Jeong) pp.7751-7758.
- A Design Support Model for Improving the Service Efficiency of Restaurant Layout
(Hsin-Yun Lee, Pei-Ying Li, Meng-Cong Zheng and Hao-Hsi Tseng) pp.7759-7768.
- Integrating ant Colony Optimization and Simulation for the Deck Design of Cruise Ships
(Hsin-Yun Lee) pp.7769-7776.

Vol.16, No.11, November, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Approach to Interval-valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-attribute Group Decision Making
with Individual and Collaborative Information (Qi Chen, Zeshui Xu and Xiaohan Yu) pp.7791-7800.
- Classification using DEA and SVM Approaches: The Empirical Study of Higher Education
(Han-Ying Kao, Chia-Hui Huang and Jhih-Yong Chen) pp.7801-7810.
- Parity of the Catalan Numbers and Related Sequences
(Zahid Raza, M. Tariq Rahim and Ali Nawaz Bajwa) pp.7811-7816.
- Superconvergence of FDM for IBV Problems of Parabolic Equations
(Xiao-Yu Zhang and Qing Fang) pp.7817-7826.
- Cryptanalysis of Certificateless Signature Scheme
(Suman Bala, Gaurav Sharma and Anil K. Verma) pp.7827-7830.
- Breaking the RSA-based Certificateless Signature Scheme
(Gaurav Sharma and Anil K. Verma) pp.7831-7836.
- Convolution and Correlation Based on Discrete Quaternion Fourier Transform
(Mawardi Bahri, Ryuichi Ashino, and Remi Vaillancourt) pp.7837-7848.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Optimal Design of the Sale and Service Network After Merger or Alliance
(Shen Fengwu, Xin Chunlin and Liu Bin) pp.7849-7858.
- Strategies for Reducing Internet Portal Service Quality Gap in Online Banking
(Mohammed A. T. Alsudairi) pp.7859-7874.
- Comprehensive Study of Information and Communication Technology Investments: A Case Study of
Saudi Arabia (Farrukh Saleem, Naomie Salim, Ayman G. Fayoumi, Abdullah S. AL-Ghamdi and
Zahid Ullah) pp.7875-7894.
- Framework for Selecting the Technology in Public Sector (Jongyi Hong) pp.7895-7904.
- The Role of Interactive Media, GDP, CPI and Exchange Rates on Exports of Goods and
Services: Evidence from Turkey (Osama Harfoushi, Bader Alfawwaz, Hossam Faris
and Ruba Obiedat, Nazeeh A. Ghatasheh) pp.7905-7916.
- Criticality of Robustness Checks for Complex Simulations and Modeling
(Manu Dube and Sema Dube) pp.7917-7940.
- Discovering Intelligent Knowledge for Credit Card Churn Management through Second-order
Mining using Multiple Criteria Linear Programming
(Yibing Chen, Lingling Zhang, Yong Shi, Xiaohui Liu) pp.7941-7964.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Demonstration on Stability of WMN-based Network Control System under the Hypothetical
Congestion Control Condition
(Dong Huang, Zhouhe Wu, Haifeng Zeng, Qing Luo and Yong Yang) pp.7965-7972.
- Simple but Effective Method for Identifying Coarse Genres of Office Documents
(Mengmeng Shi, Hongbo Zhang, Songzhi Su, Jing-Lun Kao, Shu-Yuan Chen and Shaozi Li) pp.7973-7982.
- On the Construction of DL-Based Convertible Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Message Linkages
(Tzong-Sun Wu, Han-Yu Lin, Shu-Hsin Tsao and Pei-Yih Ting) pp.7983-7994.
- Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) and Network Issues: A Survey
(Aftab Alam, Sehat Ullah, Shah Khalid, Fakhrud Din, Ihsan Rabbi) pp.7995-8020.
- Optimizing Ontology and Semantic Search Using Genetic and Greedy Algorithms Approach
(K.Srihari and S. Karthik) pp.8021-8026.
- A New Kind of Super-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithm Based on the ICM and the Constrained
Cubic Spline Interpolation (Xiangguang Zhang, Zeyu Zheng, Ichio Asanuma and Yongsheng Xu) pp.8027-8036.
- Interface for In-situ Authoring of Augmented Reality Contents on a Mobile Device
(Jeong-Gyu Lee and Jong Weon Lee) pp.8037-8052.
- Evaluation on the Effect of Retweet in Twitter Ranking
(Jae-Young Chang and Han-joon Kim) pp.8053-8068.
- A Binocular Stereovision System for the Strawberry Harvesting Robot
(Yongwei Xu, Kenji Imou, Yutaka Kaizu, Kiyotaka Saga, Daisaku Takeshita, Shigehiko Hayashi,
Satoshi Yamamoto and Sadafumi Saito) pp.8069-8092.
- XML Flexible Query Pattern Mining for Electronic Health Record Documents
(Tsui-Ping Chang) pp.8093-8110.
- Chaotic Characteristics Extraction of Acupuncture Neural Electrical Signals
(Chun-Xiao Han, Jiang Wang, Yiu Kwong Wong and Kai Ming Tsang) pp.8111-8120.
- Implementation of a Behavior Driven Methodology for Insider Threats Detection of Misuse of
Information in Windows Environment
(Maaz Bin Ahmad, Adeel Akram, Saeed-ur-Rehman and Hasan Islam) pp.8121-8136.
- Neuro- Fuzzy Based Clustering of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack Detection Mechanism
(K.Saravanan, Dr.R.Asokan and Dr.K.Venkatachalam) pp.8137-8144.
- Hybrid Pervasive Mobile Cloud Computing: Toward Enhancing Invisibility
(Zohreh Sanaei, Saeid Abolfazli, Touraj Khodadadi, Feng Xia) pp.8145-8156.
- Modeling for Analysis of Residual Stress on Welded Joint Subjected to Vibration during Welding
(Shigeru Aoki, Katsumi Kurita, Shigeomi Koshimizu, Tadashi Nishimura, Tetsumaro Hiroi
and Seiji Hirai) pp.8157-8160.
- WordNet-based Feature Engineering for Text Classification Systems
(Han-joon Kim and Jae-Young Chang) pp.8161-8168.
- Simple Visual Monitoring Tool for Jordanian Traffic, Yet Intelligent
(Rizik M. H. Al-Sayyed, Omar Al-Kadi and Ja'far Alqatawna) pp.8169-8186.
- Tracking New Challengeable Technologies using Co-terms Network Analysis in Pressure
Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs) (Hyun Sang Chung, Il Doo Chung and Jongseok Kang) pp.8187-8192.
- Non-Gaussian Multivariate Shrinkage Function for Natural Image Denoising
(Yujie Li, Huimin Lu and Seiichi Serikawa) pp.8193-8200.
- Characteristics of Welding Low Carbon Steel Thin Plates for Ni-MH Battery Purpose Using
Continuous Wave Nd:YAG Laser (Eun Kyeong Park, Yun Seok Yang and Young Tae Yoo) pp.8201-8212.
- Key Distribution Scheme Using Modulo Operation for WSN (T.Kavitha and Dr.D.Sridharan) pp.8213-8228.
- Multilevel Value Fuzzy Cluster Based Association Rules Mining (MFCBARM)
(N.Balaji Raja and G.Balakrishnan) pp.8229-8234.
- Reliable Hierarchical Security Routing For Delay Tolerant Sensor Networks
(R.Kanthavel and R.Dhaya) pp.8235-8242.
- Object Recovery in Prediction Based Network Using Multidimensional Optimization Technique
(Pavalarajan Sangaiah and Vincent Antony Kumar) pp.8243-8252.
- A Determination of Upright Learning Postures through Monitoring System in Ubiquitous Learning
Environment (MunSuck Jang, SuHong Eom, EungHyuk Lee and Pyung Soo Kim) pp.8253-8260.
- Audio Recorder Identification using Noise Property
(Chang Bae Moon, HyunSoo Kim, Myeong Hwan Yi, Hyun Ah Lee and Byeong Man Kim) pp.8261-8270.

Vol.16, No.12(A), December, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Attribute Reduction in Formal Decision Contexts Based on Congruence Relations
(Xia Wang and Wei-Zhi Wu) pp.8277-8284.
- A Criterion for the Measurement of the Privacy of User Profiles
(David Rebollo-Monedero, Javier Parra-Arnau and Jordi Forne) pp.8285-8290.
- A Variable Fuzzy Entropy-based Fuzzy Partition for Fuzzy System Modeling
(In-Kyu Park, Gyoo-Seok Choi and Jong-Jin Park) pp.8291-8296.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Development of Moodle Customization Supporting Environment and Case Study
(JeongAh Kim, Suntae Kim and Sun-Myung Hwang) pp.8297-8302.
- The Development of Forecasting Model for Applefs Wholesale Price at Shipment
Timing Support System (Youngsik Kwak, Seokil Song and Yoonsik Kwak) pp.8303-8308.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Analysis of Non-interference in Cyber-physical Systems
(Jingming Wang, Huiqun Yu and Xiaoxing Sun) pp.8309-8314.
- Design of Optimal Combination and Sizing for New and Renewable Hybrid Generation Systems
(Jong Hwan Lim and C. U. Kang) pp.8315-8322.
- Analysis on the Malfunction Mechanism for Protection Devices in Distribution Systems
with PV systems Using EMTDC/PSCAD
(Byunki Kim, Hasan, Chanhyeok Kim, Daeseok Rho and Yongpeel Wang) pp.8323-8330.
- Hot and Cold Data Replacement Method for Hybrid Storage System
(Kijeong Khil, Seokil Song, Kyoungsoo Bok and Seung-Kook Cheong) pp.8331-8338.
- A New Wide-area Power Monitoring Integrated with Virtual FDR in South Korea
(Kwang-Ho Seok, Junho Ko, Chul-Won Park, Chul-Hwan Kim and Yoon Sang Kim) pp.8339-8344.
- Development of Evaluation Simulator of New Distributed Power Sources using the
LabVIEW Software (KyungsangRyu, Sooyong Lee, Sukhwan Song, Seobhan Kim
and DaeSeok Rho) pp.8345-8352.
- Multi-policy based Scheduling for Face Certification on Distributed Computing
(Tae Young Kim and Jong Sik Lee) pp.8353-8358.
- Design of Monitoring and Control Device for PV Systems Using the Wire and Wireless Network
(Jeabum Park, Sunyoung Kim, Heontae Lee, Kyeho LEE and Daeseok Rho) pp.8359-8366.
- Trajectory Clustering in Road Network with Segmentation based on RDBMS
(Seokil Song, Dongho Kwak, Yunsik Kwak, Kyoungsoo Bok and Daesik Ko) pp.8367-8374.
- Motion Vector Renement Algorithm for the H.264/AVC Video Compression Standard
(Le Thanh Ha, Seung-Won Jung and The Duy Bui) pp.8375-8380.
- Adaptive Power and Rate Control for QoS Guarantee of DSRC Based Collaborative
Road Safety Applications (Wenyang Guan, Jianhua He, Lin Bai, Yi Zhou and Yue Li) pp.8381-8386.
- Adaptive Forecasting of Earthquake Time Series by Incremental Decision Tree Algorithm
(Simon Fong) pp.8387-8396.
- Triple Dependency Index and Visualization for Inference Verification
(Seungwoo Lee, Mikyoung Lee, Hanmin Jung, Won-Kyung Sung and Pyung Kim) pp.8397-8402.
- Acronym-Expansion Recognition based on Knowledge Map System
(Do-Heon Jeong, Myunggwon Hwang, Jinhyung Kim, Hanmin Jung and Won-Kyung Sung) pp.8403-8408.
- Design of Automatic Parking System using Genetic Algorithm
(Xing Xiong and Byung-Jae Choi) pp.8409-8414.
- Design of Adaptive Controller with a Neural Networks Compensator for of the Nonlinear
Dynamic Systems (Hyun Seob Cho and In Ho Ryu) pp.8415-8424.
- A Verbal Spatial Morphology and Mobile App for English as a Foreign Language
(Robert C. Meurant) pp.8425-8432.
- An Analytical Model for Cache Sojourn Time for LRU Replacement Policy
(Jong-Geun Park, Hoon Choi, Soon-Seok Lee and Chi-Hoon Shin) pp.8433-8438.
- Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Inference Systems by Means of Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
(Keon-Jun Park and Dong-Yoon Lee) pp.8439-8444.
- An Optimal Relay Node Selection Scheme for Localizing the Mobile Sensor Nodes
(Kyungmi Kim and Hyunsook Kim) pp.8445-8450.
- An Adaptive IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Layer Transmission Scheme for Applications with
Heterogeneous Tra}c (Yi Zhou, Jianhua He, Kai Chen, Zuoyin Tang and Yue Li) pp.8451-8456.
- Intelligent Control Algorithm for Smart Grid Home Area Network
(Md. Tahidul Islam and Insoo Koo) pp.8457-8462.
- Safety Agent System of Smart Objects using Context-Awareness
(Ryum-duck Oh and Kwang-won Lee) pp.8463-8468.
- Multistage Anomaly Detection over Intelligence Threats Evolution for Secured Cloud
Computing Resources (YooKang Ji, YongIl Kim, JongWon Kim and ByungRae Cha) pp.8469-8474.
- A Resource Monitoring Code Generation for Self-healing
(Jeongmin Park, Ingel Chun, Sung-Hwa Hong, Taebok Yoon and Wontae Kim) pp.8475-8480.
- Location and User-Behavior Awareness Service Architecture Based on Opportunistic
Computing in Ad-hoc Sensor Networks
(Tae-Hyon Kim, Hyeong-Gon Jo and Soon-Ju Kang) pp.8481-8490.
- A Homecare Service System for Ubiquitous Environment Using a Wearable Sensor Device
(Young-guk Ha and Yung-cheol Byun) pp.8491-8496.
- A Target Location Estimation Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Altitude Error
Correction Mechanism (Tsung-Han Lee, Yu-Jhong Fu and Lin-huang Chang) pp.8497-8502.
- A Class of LED Image Tracking Method Using Kalman Filter Algorithm
(Young-Kwan Choi, Jae-Sang Cha, Jung-hoon Lee, Ji-Hun Koh, Jeong-Jin Kang and Jong-Ho Paik)
- The Electric Fire Detection Method through the Analysis of Arcfs Electric
Characteristics in Wastewater Treatment Plant
(Young-Kwan Choi, Byeung-Don Yoon, Eung-Kwon Kim, Jeong-Jin Kang, In-Kap Park, Si-Jin Lee,
Jung-Hoon Lee and Jae-Sang Cha) pp.8511-8516.
- An Application Development Framework for Monitoring System
(Shin-Hyeong Choi and Hyoung-Keun Park) pp.8517-8522.
- Design and Implementation of Distributed VoIP System with UPnP
(Lin-Huang Chang, H.F. Chang, T.P.Wang, P.D. Chuang and S. J. Chen) pp.8523-8528.
- Resource-Aware Reliable Networking for CPS Environment and Performance Evaluation
(Jongryool Kim, KyeongTae Kim, Soo-Hyung Lee and JongWon Kim) pp.8529-8534.
- A Method to Discover and Exchange Context in a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
(Qi Liu, Nigel Linge and Martin Hope) pp.8535-8540.
- Efficient Thread Labeling for On-the-fly Detection of Races in OpenMP Programs
(Ok-Kyoon Ha and Yong-Kee Jun) pp.8541-8548.
- Fast Self-deployment Scheme based on Grid Algorithm in Mobile Sensor Networks
(Pill-Won Park, Sang-Seok Oh, Sung-Gi Min and Dae-Sik Ko) pp.8549-8554.
- Study on the Event-driven Sensor MAC Protocol for Feedlot Environment
(Jiwoong Lee and Hyun Yoe) pp.8555-8562.
- Design and Implementation of Web Portal for 'Open IPTV System
(Jaegeol Yim and Gyeyoung Lee) pp.8563-8568.

Vol.16, No.12(B), December, 2013
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Numerical Conformal Mappings onto the Spiral Slit Domain by the Charge Simulation Method
(K. Amano, D. Okano, K. Endo and H. Ogata) pp.8575-8578.
- Block Construction for Task Graphs
(Lin Chen, Qi-Wei Ge, Mitsuru Nakata and Hirotoshi Tonou) pp.8579-8588.
- Basic Properties of Entropic Chaos Degree in Classical Systems (Kei Inoue) pp.8589-8596.
- An Introduction of the Node-Clustering Algorithm Using the PH Algorithm
(Ichiro Hofuku, Takeru Yokoi and Kunio Oshima) pp.8597-8610.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Public Information: Brazilian Strategic Digital City Project
(Denis Alcides Rezende) pp.8611-8620.
- Hand-Held Augmented Reality: Usability and Academic Performance Assessment in Educational Environments.
Case study of an Engineering Degree Course
(Albert Sanchez, Ernest Redondo, David Fonseca and Isidro Navarro) pp.8621-8634.
- The Effects of Professional Service Quality on ERP System Satisfaction
(Iuan-Yuan Lu, Tsuang Kuo, Sheng-Chan Chiu, Wen-Pin Lee and Chia-Chi Hsu) pp.8635-8652.
- Monitoring of Countriesf R&D Profiles in Secondary Battery : Creating Topographical Map based
on Scientific Papers (Jongseok Kang, Hyun Sang Chung, Sea Hong Oh and Seong Soo Oh) pp.8653-8658.
- Temperature Trends of 57-main Station in Japan since 1880s
(Masao Igarashi, Takahiro Yamazaki, Shigeo Ishikawa and Tatsuya Shinozawa) pp.8659-8664.
- A Study on Incremental Citation Impact Due to Collaboration for Various Agencies
(We Shim, Keun-hwan Kim and Oh-jin Kwon) pp.8665-8670.
- Measuring International Technical Collaborations by Using Probabilistic Affinity Index (PAI)
(Kyung-Ran Noh, Kang-Hoe Kim, We Shim and Oh-Jin Kwon) pp.8671-8676.
- Location-Based Information Sharing System using Social Network Service in the Mobile Environment
(Donsu Lee, Junghoon Shin and Sangjun Lee) pp.8677-8682.
- Relationship Among the Effects of Motivations, the Critical Success and Business Performance on
Female ?Owned Businesses: A Study of Myanmar Female Entrepreneurs
(Sang Suk Lee and Mary Nyunt) pp.8683-8696.
- Cultural Fingerprint of Contents Using Cultural Dimensions Model
(Jung Min Oh and Nammee Moon) pp.8697-8708.
- Study of Relationship between Higher Education and Females - Point of View from Feminism
(Liu Wen) pp.8709-8730.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Combining Static and Dynamic Typing to Achieve Multiple Dispatch
(Francisco Ortin, Miguel Garcia, Jose M. Redondo and Jose Quiroga) pp.8731-8750.
- Ergonomic Assessment of the "ManPro" Software Application for the Computer Aided Generation of
Documentation for Nuclear Facilities
(Cristina Olaverri Monreal, Carsten Dlugosch and Klaus Bengler) pp.8751-8766.
- Enhancing Wireless Sensor Network Simulators with a Realistic Battery Discharge Function
(Odilson T. Valle, C. Montez, G.M. Araujo, Paulo Portugal and Francisco Vasques) pp.8767-8780.
- IPM-TP, a Full Integrated Architecture to Provide Seamless Mobility Management with QoS
(David Cortes-Polo, Jose-Luis Gonzalez-Sanchez, Javier Carmona-Murillo, Fco. Javier Rodriguez-Perez
and Javier Corral-Garcia) pp.8781-8798.
- Requirements in an Internet Access Sharing Model (Conceicao Tavares and Henrique Santos) pp.8799-8812.
- A Comparison of Agile RUP with Open Source Software Methods for Developing System of Systems : C4I Systems
(Layla Sulaiman Alsalhei and Abdullah Alghamdi) pp.8813-8822.
- Evaluating and Selecting the Best Encryption Approach for the Security of C4I Systems
(Hanif Ullah, Tazar Hussain and Abdullah Sharaf Alghamdi) pp.8823-8832.
- A Comparison of Agile RUP With Scrum Software Methods for Developing System of Systems : C4I System
(Mona AlZuhair, Yasmeen AlOmair and Abdullah Alghamdi) pp.8833-8842.
- C4I Security Enhancement Using Modeling and Fuzzy Rule based Expert System
(Khalid Alnafjan, Tazar Hussain, Gul Faraz Khan, Hanif Ullah and Abdullah Alghamdi) pp.8843-8852.
- Multi-class DOS Attacks Classification in C4I Systems
(Iftikhar Ahmad, Abdullah Alghamdi and Abdulaziz Alsadhan) pp.8853-8862.
- A Context-Aware Service Discovery Framework Based on UPnP and CC/PP
(Choonhwa Lee, Vasileios Thanasias, Eunsam Kim and Sumi Helal) pp.8863-8868.
- Precise RSSI Models for Practical Indoor WSN Localization
(Shu-Yin Chiang, Yao-Chiang Kan, Ming-Hau Shen and Hsueh-Chun Lin) pp.8869-8886.
- A Flexible Blob Detector Based on the Image Local Contrast and Blob-Likelihood
(Shao Hu Peng, Shan Shan Zhu and Hyun Do Nam) pp.8887-8900.
- A Statistical Study of ANY Resource Record Based DNS Query Request Packet Traffic
(Yasuo Musashi, Yuto Takeda, Nobuhiro Shibata, Irwan Alnarus Kautsar and Kenichi Sugitani) pp.8901-8908.
- Multiscale Keypoint Detection Based on Triangular Biorthogonal Wavelets
(Kensuke Fujinoki) pp.8909-8916.
- Flexible Video Metadata Player for Smartphone Environments
(Donsu Lee, Junghoon Shin and Sangjun Lee) pp.8917-8924.
- Personal Cloud Storage System for Mobile Devices using the Steganography
(Sanggeun Song, Junghoon Shin, Dong Cheng and Sangjun Lee) pp.8925-8930.
- Object Contour Detection Using an Improved Snake Model (Seok-Woo Jang and Gye-Young Kim) pp.8931-8936.
- Construction of Integration Framework Support Application Service Based on Multi-sensor
(Chang Won Jeong, Kwon Ha Yoon and Su Chong Joo) pp.8937-8948.
- Development of an ICP Remote Monitoring System based on Rich Internet Technology
(Junjiang Zhu and Lingsong He) pp.8949-8958.
- A Secure and Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing Scheme for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
(Sangkyu Lee, Junho Park, Dongook Seong and Jaesoo Yoo) pp.8959-8970.
- A Simple Authentication Scheme for Providing Privacy Support with User Anonymity in VANET
(Chan-Haeng Lee, Sang-Seok Oh, Youn-Hee Han and Sung-Gi Min) pp.8971-8986.
- Optimized Group Signcryption for Cloud Computing Environments (Su-Hyun Kim and Im-Yeong Lee) pp.8987-8998.
- Low Heat Instruction Window Architecture for x86 Android Mobile Devices
(Min Choi, Wonjae Lee, Seong-Jun Bae, Hyun-Woo Lee and Seung-Ho Lim) pp.8999-9008.
- Genetic Algorithm for Energy Efficient Clustering in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks
(Selim Bayrakl?, Senol Zafer Erdogan and Sajid Hussain) pp.9009-9022.
- Disturbance Control Method of Piezo-Typed Spectrum Measurement Device
(Satoru Takahashi, Yoichi Ishigami, Toshiaki Matsumoto and Ichiro Ishimaru) pp.9023-9034.

Vol.17, No.1, January, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Computation of Conformal Mapping Functions on Simply Connected Domains by the Charge Simulation
Method (Dai Okano and Kaname Amano) pp.7-14.
- The Shape a Hanging Multi-section Staff Forms (Akihito Ebisu and Yoshiroh Machigashira) pp.15-22.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Advertising: Focus on Mobile Users in South Korea and Russia
(Seunggweon Kim and Jongsoo Yoon) pp.23-34.
- Citation Tracking of Core Papers
(Dohyun Kim, Oh-Jin Kwon, Sejung Ahn and June Young Lee) pp.35-38.
- RFM Analysis for Detecting Core Research Topics
(Dohyun Kim, Oh-Jin Kwon, Sejung Ahn and June Young Lee) pp.39-44.
- Integrating Various Features to Grade StudentsfWritings Based on Improved Multivariate Bernoulli
Model (Tao-Hsing Chang, Chien-Liang Liu, Shou-Yen Su and Yao-Ting Sung) pp.45-52.
- A Case Study on Contemporary Art Exhibition that Encourages the Participation of Children
and Their Guardians (Wakato Ono, Sachiko Namba and Junko Sakano) pp.53-58.
- A Study on the Association of Information Technology Risk Management and Business Performance
(I-Cheng Chang, She-I Chang and Chia-Yi Lee) pp.59-74.
- Study on Method of Research Performance Evaluation Using Journal Information: Focused on
Case Analysis on 4 National Research & Development Projects
(Dae-hyun Jeong, Oh-jin Kwon and Young-il Kwon) pp.75-88.
- A Confirmative Knowledge Management Framework based on RDBMS, Knowledge Map, and SQL Inference
(Jin Sung Kim) pp.89-98.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Design and Evaluation of a Ring Interconnected Multicore Dataflow DSP with a Low Cost
Fault Tolerant Mechanism (Kenji Ichijo and Koshi Nitobe) pp.99-110.
- Analysis of the Actual Network Structure with the PH Algorithm
(Takeru YOKOI and Ichiro HOFUKU) pp.111-118.
- A Novel Abnormal Pattern Identification Method with ISODATA
(Young Jae Park and Gye Young Kim) pp.119-124.
- Precise Corresponding Point Detection Proposal for Distance Measurement by Using a Home-use
3D Camera (Lifeng Zhang, Takaharu KODA, Shiyuan Yang and Seiichi Serikawa) pp.125-130.
- Index Creation Method of Codebook for Self-Reference Super-Resolution
(Takaharu Kouda) pp.131-136.
- Global Issues in the Perspective of Information Science (Marcin J. Schroeder) pp.137-140.
- Shock Wave Propagation in Bone When Hitting Head
(Masahiro Nakano, Hiroyuki Matsuura, Masaaki Tamagawa, Toru Yukimasa, Makoto Yamanaka and
Masami Kubota) pp.141-144.
- Images Pre-processing for Deep-sea Sonar Imaging Systems
(Huimin Lu, Yujie Li, Lifeng Zhang and Seiichi Serikawa) pp.145-152.
- Improvement of the Hash-based RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol Using Secret and Count Values
(Juseok Shin, Sejin Oh and Kwangseon Ahn) pp.153-164.
- A Method for Risk Measurement of Botnetfs Malicious Activities
(Dohoon Kim, Young-Gab Kim, Hoh Peter In and Hyun Chel Jeong) pp.165-180.
- Secure U-Healthcare Service based on Wireless Sensor Network
(Jung-Min Park, Inshil Doh and Kijoon Chae) pp.181-196.
- An Adaptive-Secure k-Resilient Identity-Based Identification Scheme in the Standard Model
(Ji-Jian Chin and Swee-Huay Heng) pp.197-208.
- Modeling of Microbial Communities of Plant Organisms in Aquatic Ecosystem
(Aleksandr Abakumov, Aisulu Ismailova and AbilmazhinAdamov) pp.209-218.
- Vulnerability Classification of Information Security in Corporate Systems
(A.A.Mukhanova and A.M. Fedotov) pp.219-228.
- Some Results on Multiagent Algorithms in Social Computing/Software Context
(Aizhan Satekbayeva and Nikolai Shilov) pp.229-240.
- Digital Model Railway Control on the Foundation of Real-Time Operating Systems
(Pok-Son Kim and Arne Kutzner) pp.241-250.
- Aided Method of Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Receiver for Wideband Application
(Hao Peng, Ziqiang Yang and Tao Yang) pp.251-262.
- Intelligent Wall Climbing Robot and Sensors for Edge Movement
(Ji Soo Lee, Hyeonjoon Moon and Sanghoon Kim) pp.263-270.
- A NATted Host Detection and Identification Algorithm based on Port Patterns of SYN Packets
(Juhyuk Kim and Myung-Mook Han) pp.271-294.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Developmental Profiles and Hormonal Responsiveness of the Painted Lady
Butterfly, Vanessa cardui, reared on Artificial Diets containing Artemisia indica
(Akira Yamanaka, Masatoshi Ito, Chigusa Moriyama, Chisato Kitazawa and Masao Watanabe)
- Perceived Positive Change of Mental Patients Participating in the Salutogenic Salon
(Junko Sakano, Yoshihiko Yamazaki, Kazue Ninomiya, Kiyomi Ota and Yuki Yajima) pp.305-312.
- The Effect of Hot Pack Treatment to Chronic Stress for the Patients, Having Stiffness
of Shoulders or Lumber (Hanachiyo Nagata, Yushi Ito, Norio Akaike, Akira Honda,
Masahiro Nakano, Junzo Watada, Masasuke Takefu, Takao Shindo, Toshiko Oki, Kumiko Satou,
Fusako Fujii, Ayaka Hamamoto, Naokazu Iwamoto, Kayo Sakai, Tatuya Koga, Yukimitu Satou)
- Implicit Auditory Spatial Information Modulates Audiovisual Integration: A Behavioral Study
(Qi Li, Jingjing Yang and Yulin Gao) pp.321-326.
- Effects of Ion Flow on Establishment of Left-Right Polarity of the Adult Rudiment in Larvae
of Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Chisato Kitazawa, Michihiro Nakano, Chiaki Kobayashi and
Akira Yamanaka) pp.327-334.
- Attention Influence Response of Ebbinghaus Illusion in the Human Visual Area
(Tianyi Yan, Bin Wang, Yaqi Yan, Yansong Geng, Yuji Yamasita, Jinglong Wu and Qiyong Guo)
- Discussion of Nursing Robot's Capability and Ethical Issues
(Syoko Fuji, Hirokazu Ito, Yuko Yasuhara, Shihong Huang, Tetsuya Tanioka and Rozzano C. Locsin)
- The Challenges of the Nursing Administration for Staff Assignment Determination in
Psychiatric Hospitals (Misao Miyagawa, Yuko Yasuhara, Tetsuya Tanioka and Rozzano Locsin)
- Clarification of a Demand Function Required for A Staff Assignments Support Program for
Nursing Administrator-use in Psychiatric Hospitals
(Misao Miyagawa, Yuko Yasuhara, Tetsuya Tanioka and Rozzano Locsin) pp.361-366.
- Sensitive Test for Screening for Autonomic Neuropathy of Type 2 Diabetes
(Miki Sato, Tetsuya Tanioka, Yuko Yasuhara, Toshiyuki Yasui, Yukie Iwasa and Masafumi Miyake)
- Develop a Staff Assignments Support Program based upon the Nursing Administrator's
demand function in Psychiatric Hospitals
(Yuko Yasuhara, Misao Miyagawa, Tetsuya Tanioka and Rozzano Locsin) pp.373-380.

Vol.17, No.2, February, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Optimality Proof of the Interval Caching in Multimedia Systems (Kyungwoon Cho and Hyokyung Bahn) pp.387-390.
- Score Allotment Optimization Method with Application to Comparison of Ability Evaluation in Testing between
Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory (Hideo Hirose, Takenori Sakumura and Takayuki Kuwahata) pp.391-410.
- Multi-receiver Identity-based Signcryption Scheme with the Receiver Anonymity
(Liaojun Pang, Huixian Li and Yumin Wang) pp.411-428.
- A Description of t-band in 182Os with Generator Coordinate Method (Yukio Hashimoto and Takatoshi Horibata) pp.429-434.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Social Bookmarking as a Knowledge Sharing Tool (Amal A. Al Rasheed and Jawad Berri) pp.435-442.
- Application of PCA and ICA as Preprocessing Tools for eCRM (Hyoung-Yong Lee and Hyunchul Ahn) pp.443-454.
- Do Technical Innovations Lead to Depleted Fishery Resources ? Bayesian Estimation of Potential Economic Losses
(Yukichika Kawata and Koki Kyo) pp.455-470.
- Improving the Software Quality by Designing an Effective Test Cases in Health Care Softwares
(Nirmal Kumar A and Dr.B.G.Geetha) pp.471-476.
- EMD-Based Event Analysis of Extreme Events on Silver Price (Chao Li and Yu Song) pp.477-486.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Hybrid-RAID System based on SSD for Enhancing Reliability and I/O Performance
(Deok-Hwan Kim, Jae-Seok Song, Yu-Seok Yang and Mehdi Pirahandeh) pp.487-502.
- A Kind of Control System in Iron Roughneck Based on the Multi-way Valve
(Yuanchao Zhang, Xinglong Zhu and Longqin Gao) pp.503-514.
- Natural Image Feathering Using Referenced Depth Image Filter (Yujie Li, Huimin Lu, Shiyuan Yang and Seiichi Serikawa)
- Study on Improvement of Visibility of Road Traffic Signal
(Kazutaka Hongo, Kentarou Hayashi, Yoshinori Akinaga, Masahiro Kourogi, Makoto Miyauchi and Seiichi Serikawa) pp.523-528.
- Effect of Parallel Processing on a Generic SoC Platform Using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration
(Hiroyuki Tanabe, Kohei Miyata and Akira Yamawak) pp.529-538.
- Review of Dynamic-Force Correction Method for a Force Transducer with the Levitation Mass Method
(Akihiro Takita, Yoshiki Ono and Yusaku Fujii) pp.539-544.
- Measurement System of Heart Rate Using a Mbed Microcontroller (Fumiaki Ehara, Takahiro Kubo and Kanya Tanaka) pp.545-550.
- Generation of Audible Sound at Local Area Using Ultrasonic Waves (Shiyuan Yang, Yuu Kouno and Seiichi Serikawa) pp.551-558.
- Development of System to Detect Loss of Luggage (Yuhki Kitazono, Toru Tanaka, Takakazu Mouri, Yuji Ohta
and Shota Nakashima) pp.559-566.
- Human Shape Detection based on One-Dimensional Brightness Distribution Sensor
(Shota Nakashima, Shenglin Mu, Kanya Tanaka, Yuhki Kitazono and Kazuo Haruyama) pp.567-576.
- Query by Singing/Humming (QbSH) System for Polyphonic Music Retrieval (Sungjoo Park and Kwangsue Chung) pp.577-592.
- A Method of Assessing Process Performance for Meta-heuristic Algorithms
(CAO Jian-jun, DIAO Xing-chun, Zhou Xing, Jiang Chun and Xu Yong-ping) pp.593-602.
- An Adaptive Anchor Protocol to Enable VCR Interactions for P2P VoD Streaming Service
(Eunsam Kim and Choonhwa Lee) pp.603-616.
- An Efficient Free Memory Space Finding Algorithm on the FPGA (Chin-Chun Huang and Chao-Jang Hwang) pp.617-626.
- An Investigation into the Effect of Coronas on Using Balanced-Energy Scheme in Corona-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
(Hadi Asharioun, Hassan Asadollahi, Tat-Chee Wan and Abdul Samad Ismail) pp.627-636.
- Oscillatory Pattern Generation of the Olfactory Center Hardware Model of the Land Slug
(Hidefumi Masumoto, Yuuta Hamasaki, Tomoya Shimokawa, Ken Saito and Minoru Saito) pp.637-648.
- Content-based 3D Model Retrieval Techniques (Motofumi T. Suzuki) pp.649-654.
- High Performance and Low Power DSP Based Simulation for ESP Controller
(Dr.S.Saravanan, Dr.E.Mohan and A.Karthikayen) pp.655-662.
- Modeling and Evaluation of a Ceiling-Mounted Compound-Eye Sensor (Yoshiaki Taniguchi and Hirotaka Nakano) pp.663-676.
- The Design of a Multi-stage Magnetic Pulses Compression Circuit by Pspice
(Zi Li, Takashi Sakugawa and Hidenori Akiyama) pp.677-682.
- Analysis and Synthesis for Mobile Advertisements in a Social Networking Name-card Service (Yung Bok Kim) pp.683-698.
- Sentiment Document Classification Using Global and Domain Features (Youngjoong Ko) pp.699-708.
- Improving the Quality of FA Word Dictionary based on Co-occurrence Word Information and its Hierarchically Classification
(Elsayed Atlam) pp.709-734.
- Sparsity Regularized Subband Adaptive Filtering for System Identification (Young-Seok Choi) pp.735-746.
- Mobile Robot Active Localization using a Learned Bayesian Network (Hongjun Zhou and Zhuping Wang) pp.747-776.
- Improving the Security of Quick Response Codes (Angel Martin del Rey and Gerardo Rodriguez Sanchez) pp.777-784.
- Coexistence of 2.6GHz WiMAX Service between Korea and Japan (Ho-Kyung Son, Young-Jun Chong and Che-Young Kim) pp.785-796.
- Vision-based Automatic Obstacle Avoidance for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(Chung-Cheng Chiu, Yao-Jen Teng, Kuo-Lung Huang and Cheng-Chyuan Lai) pp.797-806.
- A Model-Based Approach to Providing Dynamic Context-Aware Services Using Location Information
(Moon-Soo Lee and Dong Kwan Kim) pp.807-820.
- A Self-Organizing Defense Technique for SSH Dictionary Attacks (Akilandeswari.V and Dr.S.Mercy Shalinie) pp.821-834.
- A Methodology on Password Based User Authentication for Multi-Touch Environment
(Ju, Seung-hwan, Seo, Hee-suk, Lee, Seung-jae and Kim, Min-su) pp.835-846.

Vol.17, No.3, March, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Interval Type-2 FCM-based Fuzzy Inference Systems in Noisy Environments for Error Bound Analysis
(Keon-Jun Park, Jong-Beom Lee and Yong-Kab Kim) pp.853-858.
- A Test bed Generation Technology for Dynamic Game Map Using AND/OR Graph and Boolean Expression
(Jung-Yoon Kim and Won-Hyung Lee) pp.859-866.
- A Game Theoretic Approach for Load Shedding in the Islanded Microgrid
(Yujin Lim, Hak-Man Kim, Jaesung Park and Tetsuo Kinoshita) pp.867-876.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Technical Terms Trends Analysis Method for Technology Opportunity Discovery
(Mi-Nyeong Hwang, Min-Hee Cho, Myunggwon Hwang, Mikyoung Lee and Do-Heon Jeong) pp.877-884.
- Development of a Regional Flood Risk Index Considering Accumulated Rainfalls and Elevations
(Eunmi Kim, Hyun Suk Hwang and Chang Soo Kim) pp.885-892.
- The Dynamics of University-Industry Alliances: A Win-Win Research and Development Ecosystem
(Muhammad Fiaz, Yang Naiding and Naqvi Najam Abbas) pp.893-904.
- Effects of Educational Game on the Intrinsic Motivation by Learner's Traits
(Hyung-sung Park, Young-Tae Kim, Young-sik Kang and Jung-hwan Park) pp.905-910.
- A Study on K-POP Strategy: Focused on Digital Music Environment and Social Media
(Hyunhee Cha and Seongmook Kim) pp.911-918.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Development of Evaluation Systems for Bi-Directional Protection Coordination in Distribution
Systems with Distributed Generation (Sohee Kim, Seongho Ji, Bangwoon Song, Seungkyou Choi
and Daeseok Rho) pp.919-926.
- Hybrid Routing Algorithm for Vessel USN (Myeong Soo Choi and Seong Ro Lee) pp.927-932.
- Efficient Approaches for Image Identifier Generation (Je-Ho Park and Young Bom Park) pp.933-938.
- A Task Scheduling Algorithm with fewer Redundant Duplications for Distributed Homogeneous
Multiprocessor Systems (Inseong Song, Eunmee Jang, Munsuck Jang and Sangbang Choi) pp.939-944.
- Hangul character Region Detection from Natural Image Using Topological Structure of Hangul Characters
(Jong-Cheon Park, Myoung-Kwan Oh and Byoung-Min Jun) pp.945-950.
- Performance Analysis of Twister based MapReduce Application on Virtualization System in the FutureGrid
(Yunhee Kang and Geoffrey C. Fox) pp.951-956.
- Security Requirements for Certificate Application in Web (Hee Bong Choi, Yong Dae Kim,
Sang Yun Han, Hyuk Joong Yoon and Sang Woo Park) pp.957-964.
- Reactive Human?Robot Interaction Learning in Virtual Environments
(Daxing Jin, Yunsick Sung and Kyungeun Cho) pp.965-970.
- Facial Expression Analysis using 2D+3D Facial Feature Tracking
(Chan-Su Lee, Sung Yong Chum and Sang-Heon Lee) pp.971-978.
- Monitoring System of Opinion Information based on Web 2.0
(Young-Chun Kim, Ho-Bin Song, Hae-Jong Joo and Moon-Taek Cho) pp.979-984.
- Projective Ground Segmentation and Complete Object Recovery for Perceptual Terrain Reconstruction
(Wei Song, Kyungeun Cho, Kyhyun Um, Cheesun Won and Sungdae Sim) pp.985-990.
- Dynamic Software Updating for Embedded Applications
(Dong Kwan Kim, Won-Tae Kim and Seung-Min Park) pp.991-996.
- A Broadcasting Scheme for Time-Synchronization in WUSB over IEEE 802.15.6 Hierarchical MAC
(Kyeong Hur, Won-Sung Sohn and YangSun Lee) pp.997-1002.
- Document Clustering with Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms, NSGA-II and SPEA2
(Jung Song Lee and Soon Cheol Park) pp.1003-1012.
- Fabrication and Properties of High Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films on Molybdenum
Substrate (Hyunil Kang, Wonseok Choi, Yeonho Jung, Hyunsuk Hwang and Doyoung Kim) pp.1013-1018.
- Improvement of Energy Storage System Efficiency Using Autotuning Algorithm
(Kyoung-Bok Lee, Seoung-Gil Baek, Kyu-Joong Kim, Hyun Il Kang and Won Seok Choi) pp.1019-1024.
- SMART-CPS : Self-Managed Reliable System Development Method for Cyber-Physical Systems
(Ingeol Chun, Haeyoung Lee, Wontae Kim and Eunseok Lee) pp.1025-1030.
- Adaptive M-ary Query Tree Protocol for the Fast RFID Tag Arbitration
(Dongmin Yang, Jongmin Shin and Taekeun Park) pp.1031-1036.
- Document Clustering Based on Double Layered Genetic Algorithm : Performance Comparison with
Adapted Probability Based Genetic Algorithms (Lim Cheon Choi and Soon Cheol Park) pp.1037-1046.
- Design and Implementation of the Livestock Activity Monitoring System using RSSI of ZigBee and
Ratiometric (Jeonghwan Hwang and Hyun Yoe) pp.1047-1052.
- A Toolkit of Script Generator and Data Analyzer for Generating Virtual Actions
(Yunsick Sung, Kyhyun Um and Kyungeun Cho) pp.1053-1058.
- Protocol Sequence Analysis for Generating Massive Users
(Yeonjun Choi, Hangkee Kim, Changjun Park, Hunjoo Lee and Seongil Jin) pp.1059-1064.
- Study on Smart Meter Concentration Protocol for AMI
(Byung-seok Park, Cheoul-shin Kang, Young-Hun Lee and In-ji Choi) pp.1065-1070.
- An Enhanced Deflection Routing Scheme in Optical Burst-Switched Networks
(Byun-Gon KIM, Kwan-Woong KIM, Geun C. Hoang and Yong-Kab KIM) pp.1071-1076.
- A Study on the Semantic Analyzer of an Objective-C Compiler based on AST-Semantic Tree Transformation
(Yunsik Son and YangSun Lee) pp.1077-1082.
- A Task Scheduling Algorithm for Practical DAG in Cloud Service
(Gyeong-Geun Choe and Bong-Hwan Lee) pp.1083-1096.
- A Resource Monitoring Code Generation for Self-healing
(Jeongmin Park, Ingel Chun, Sung-Hwa Hong, Taebok Yoon and Wontae Kim) pp.1097-1102.
- An Implementation of a Multi-carrier Ad-hoc Routing (MAR) Protocol for Maritime Data Communication
Networks (Seong Mi Mun, Joo Young Son, ChiaSyan Lim, Won Boo Lee, Hun Ki Kim and Byung Wook Lee)
- Avoidance of Beacon Collisions in a Wireless MAC Protocol for Wearable Computer Systems
(Kyeong Hur, Won-Sung Sohn and YangSun Lee) pp.1113-1120.
- Design and Implementation of the Distributed Framework Based Livestock Farm Integrated Control System
(Hyungi Kim and Hyun Yeo) pp.1121-1132.
- A Study on the Transient analysis of Wind Power System in Distribution Systems Based on the
PSCAD/EMTDC (Byungmok Kim, Jintaek Jeon, Joonho Son, Moonseok Lee and Daeseok Rho) pp.1133-1138.
- Network Selection Method based on Multimedia Service User's Preference between Heterogeneous
Wireless Networks (Hyun Jong Kim, Won Seok Choi and Seong Gon Choi) pp.1139-1144.
- Improvement of Mobile U-health Services System (Byung-Won Min) pp.1145-1150.
- Design and Implementation of the Rhythm Action Game Difficulty Based on Fuzzy Logic
(Jung-Yoon Kim and Won-Hyung Lee) pp.1151-1160.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Methods for Evaluating the Performance of Screening Tests in the Absence of a Gold Standard:
a Latent Class Analysis (Seong-A Lee, Chung-Yill Park, Kang-Suk Lee and Won-Mee Jeong) pp.1161-1166.

Vol.17, No.4, April, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Security on Improvement of Modified Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol
(Min-Shiang Hwang, Shu-Yin Hsiao and Wei-Pang Yang) pp.1173-1178.
- Study and Realization of Encrypting and Hiding Images Algorithm Based on Dual Chaos Projections
(YongSong Zhu) pp.1179-1186.
- Provably Secure Message Recovery Limited Verifier Signature Scheme with Low Cost
(Chien-Lung Hsu and Han-Yu Lin) pp.1187-1200.
- Management and Social Sciences
- dinsPlayer: A Browser Extension for e-Learning Content Rendering
(Sungjae Han, Jaehyuk Cha and Byung-Uk Choi) pp.1201-1208.
- Discussion on Inducts the TPM Activity in Taiwan's Enterprises through Case Study
(Chi-Chih Shen) pp.1209-1216.
- Authorship Attribution of Cell-phone E-mail (Ryoko Tanaka and Mingzhe Jin) pp.1217-1226.
- Technological Leadership Support for Knowledge Sharing Purpose: A Case Study
(Lokman Mohd Tahir, Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Mohd Said, Khadijah Daud and Mohd Fadzli Ali) pp.1227-1244.
- Analysis of the Buzz Formation Model: New Marketing Approch (Jun Oheki) pp.1245-1254.
- The Process of Negotiations towards Acceptance of the Montreal Protocol in Malaysia: Focusing
on Environmental Management (Muhammad Rizal Razman, Mazlin Bin Mokhtar, Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria,
Kadir Arifin and Nor Fairuz Abu Bakar) pp.1255-1262.
- Real-time Progressive Collapse Detection System for Buildings Using a Ubiquitous Sensor Network
(Bo bae Lee, Hyo Seung Ahn and Sang Boem Lim) pp.1263-1270.
- A Novel User Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme with Smart Cards over Insecure Networks
(Chun-Ta Li and Cheng-Chi Lee) pp.1271-1284.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Performance Comparison of Electrocardiogram De-noising Based on Adaptive Filter and Gamma Filter
(Balambigai Subramanian and Dr.Asokan Ramasamy) pp.1285-1298.
- Image Acquisition and Pre-Processing System for Single Photon Counting X-Ray Imaging
(Sang Don Kim, Ki-Man Jeon, Jae Gi Son and Seung Eun Lee) pp.1299-1304.
- Development of Open API for Microscale Air Environment Service based on USN
(Hyungjin Lee and Sang Boem Lim) pp.1305-1312.
- Performance Analysis of Extreme Learning Machine for Robust Classification of Epilepsy Detection
from EEG Signals (M.Balasubramani, Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganeshbabu and G.A.Nivhedhitha) pp.1313-1324.
- Software development effort estimation using ANFIS (Praynlin. E and Latha. P) pp.1325-1338.
- A Neural Network Ensemble Model for Software Reliability Prediction
(Li Kewen, Chen Chenxi, Zhao Kang and Liu Wenying) pp.1339-1350.
- Architecture for Service Selection Based on Consumer Feedback(FBSR) in Service Oriented
Architecture Environment (S.Thangam, Dr. E. Kirubakaran and Dr. J.William) pp.1351-1362.
- Rule based Methods for Detection and Classification of Attacks in Real Environment
(Dr. T. Subbulakshmi) pp.1363-1374.
- SHAD: Swift Home Agent Discovery Mechanism to Mitigate Home Registration Latency in MIPv6 Network
(A.Avelin Diana, V.Ragavinodhini, K. Sundarakantham and S. Mercy Shalinie) pp.1375-1382.
- TNet: A Trust Network for Predicting Trust in Online Social Networks
(M.Parvathy, R.Ramya, K.Sundarakantham and S.Mercy Shalinie) pp.1383-1394.
- Clustering of the Handwriting of Uyghur Based on Improved K-neighbor Classifier
(Wang Ling, I. Dawa, Su Guo-ping and Wushour Slam) pp.1395-1402.
- A Privacy-preserving K-NN Query Processing Algorithm using Spatial Grid Index for Outsourced Databases
(Miyoung Jang, Min Yoon and Jae-Woo Chang) pp.1403-1418.
- An Extended Intersection-Priority based RSU Allocation for VANET
(Jeonghee Chi, Hyunsun Park, Taehyeon Hwang and Soyoung Park) pp.1419-1432.
- Rendezvous Framework Using Beacon Broadcasting for Self-Organizing MIMC Ad-hoc Networks
(Do-yun Kim and Young-June Choi) pp.1433-1450.
- Locally Exploitable Heterogeneous Multihop Communications Applied to Cooperative-robots with Awareness
(Akira Tanaka) pp.1451-1464.
- Carrier Sensing Multiple Access with Collision Resolution (CSMA/CR) Protocol for Next-Generation
Wireless LAN (Hyun-Ho Choi) pp.1465-1480.
- A Community-Based Routing Algorithm for Opportunistic Networks (Ma Xuebin and Bai Xiangyu) pp.1481-1494.
- Performance Analysis of Packet Loss Impact on Scheduling in Wireless Real-Time Control System
using Matlab/Simulink (Nguyen Vu Anh Quang and Myungsik Yoo) pp.1495-1506.
- Design and Implementation of Intersection Movement Assistant Applications using V2V Communications
(Hyun-Soo Seo, Chang-Jin Lee, Dong-Gyu Noh and Sang-Sun Lee) pp.1507-1516.
- Potential Privacy Vulnerabilities in Android Data Sharing between Applications
(Taenam Cho, Seung-Hyun Seo and Seungjoo Kim) pp.1517-1532.
- Comparison of 6/8 Sparse-ON Modulation Codes (Myungha Hwang, Byungsun Kim and Jaejin Lee) pp.1533-1540.
- On-line/Off-line Blind Signature (Chun-I Fan, Chien-Nan Wu and Wei-Kuei Chen) pp.1541-1558.
- Certificateless Signatures with Message Recovery (Raylin Tso) pp.1559-1574.
- Sensor-based Monitoring System applying Expert System for Performance Improvement
(Hee-suk Seo, Seung-hwan Ju, Seung-jae Lee and Kim, Min-su) pp.1575-1586.
- RFID Authentication Protocol Based on a Novel EPC Gen2 PRNG
(Pino Caballero-Gil, Candido Caballero-Gil and Jezabel Molina-Gil) pp.1587-1604.
- A Study on One-Time Password Authentication Scheme in Smart Work
(Hong-Gi Kim, Min-Hong and Im-Yeong Lee) pp.1605-1618.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Social Support and Depression Among People Living with HIV in Yunnan Province, China
(Jianping ZHANG, Yang DENG, Yun ZHU, Gui ZHOU, Shiju QIU, Junhua LIAO, Yongfei WANG, Jiabo KANG,
Guanghui WU, Hua CHEN, Zhuo ZHANG, Taro YAMAMOTO and Gouxi CAI) pp.1619-1626.
- Relationships of SOC to Social Environment and Subjective Health Status Among Senior Citizens
(Kiyomi Ota, Kazue Ninomiya, Junko Sakano and Mineko Nanba) pp.1627-1632.
- Measuring DNA Sequence Similarity using Bigram-tokens
(Patsaraporn Somboonsak and Mud Armeen Munlin) pp.1633-1650.

Vol.17, No.5, May, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Fast and Secure Method to Preserve Anonymity for Electronic Voting
(Hyungkyu Yang, Yunho Lee and Younghwa An) pp.1657-1664.
- Efficient Mining of Frequent Patterns Based on a Condensed Tree Structure
(Byung Joon Park, Sang Young Kim and Lynn Choi) pp.1665-1670.
- Optimal Algorithm for Determining Nonlinear Systems Parameters via Walsh Function Transformations
(Joon-Hoon Park) pp.1671-1676.
- Rough-set based Incremental Rule Induction (Shusaku Tsumoto and Shoji Hirano) pp.1677-1682.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Indexing Large Social Data based on Influential Nodes in an Online Social Commerce Network
(Haesung Lee and Joonhee Kwon) pp.1683-1690.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Review of Scientific Discourse Representation Models (Hao Xu, Jing Yu, Wei Liu and Lan Huang) pp.1691-1696.
- Performance of Geographic Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
(Jia Uddin, Mohammad A. Haque, Jong-Myon Kim, Cheol-Hong Kim, Myeong-Jae Yi and Tae-Gong Kim) pp.1697-1702.
- Global Motion Estimation by Feature Based Block Matching (JeongHwan Kim, Toan Dinh Nguyen and GueeSang Lee)
- A RFID Data Distribution for Business Application in EPCglobal Networks
(Min Sung Kang, Byunggil Lee and Do-Hyeun Kim) pp.1711-1716.
- Collaborative Editing Mechanisms based on Concurrency Control for Efficient Level Design of a Game Map
(Jun Lee, Jee-In Kim, MinGyu Lim, HyungSeok Kim, SungJun Park and Jim Whitehead) pp.1717-1722.
- Towards a Semantic Infrastructure for the "Conference of the Future" (Hao Xu and Fausto Giunchiglia) pp.1723-1728.
- Using Formal Methods and Aspect Oriented Techniques to Model Cyber Physical Systems
(Jingyong Liu and Lichen Zhang) pp.1729-1734.
- Toward Detecting Advanced Persistent Threat using Malicious Non-Executable Files
(Young Han Choi, Hyoung Chun Kim and Dong Hoon Lee) pp.1735-1740.
- A Secure and Practical Key Management for Smart Meter Networks
(Bo-Chao Cheng, Guo-Tan Liao, Yu-Jen Lin and Ping-Hai Hsu) pp.1741-1748.
- A Data Stream Cube for OLAP Systems (Ho Jin Woo, Nam Hun Park, Woo Sock Yang and Won Suk Lee) pp.1749-1754.
- Robust Vehicle Tracking with Euclidean and Bhattacharya Distance
(M. Eren Yildirim, Jangsik Park, Byung Woo Yoon, Hyuntae Kim and Jongkwan Song) pp.1755-1762.
- Multi-Robot Collaboration Simulation using LTL Synthesis (Sunghae Kim and Gihwon Kwon) pp.1763-1770.
- Classification of Lungs Nodules using Hybrid Features and Neural Network
(M. Arfan Jaffar, Wook-Jin Choi and Tae-Sun Choi) pp.1771-1776.
- Wireless Sensor Monitoring System for Hydrogen Leakage Detection
(Seokcheol Lee, Hoonsik Jang, Unbong Baek, Changsoo Kim and Seunghoon Nahm) pp.1777-1782.
- Design and Implementation the Wireless Sensor Networks based Estrus Detection System for Stalled Sow
(Hoseok Jeong and Hyun Yoe) pp.1783-1788.
- An Efficient Method for Gas Safety Monitoring using Smart Devices (Jeong Seok Oh) pp.1789-1794.
- Provision of the Multisensory 4D SMCaster based on Single Media Multiple Devices
(JaeKwan Yun, HyunWoo Oh, JaeDu Huh and KwangRoh Park) pp.1795-1802.
- Seamless Connectivity Support using Movement Trajectory in LED-ID Networks
(Tuan Nguyen, Mostafa Zaman Chowdhury and Yeong Min Jang) pp.1803-1808.
- A Practical Anonymous Electronic Prescription Scheme Based on RSA Cryptosystem
(Chanjoo Chung, Kwangwoo Lee, Jungmee Yun, Namje Park and Dongho Won) pp.1809-1816.
- Malware Variant Analysis Algorithm with Control Flow Graph considering Instruction Semantic of Executable File
(Donghwi Shin, Kwangwoo Lee and Dongho Won) pp.1817-1824.
- Intelligent Prediction Model of Vehicle Fuel Consumption (Min Goo Lee, Yong Kuk Park and Kyung Kwon Jung)
- Development of Evaluation Simulator of New Distributed Power Sources using the LabVIEW Software
(KyungsangRyu, Sooyong Lee, Sukhwan Song, Seobhan Kim and DaeSeok Rho) pp.1831-1836.
- A Competent Traffic Classification Mechanism Using Packet Size Distribution and Cumulation
(Bo-Chao Cheng, Guo-Tan Liao, Ming-Tse Yu, Ting-Chun Yin, Huan Chen and Kuo-Pao Fan) pp.1837-1844.
- A Divide-and-Conquer Method for Minimum Cycle Time Analysis (Jaegeol Yim and Kyubark Shim) pp.1845-1850.
- Area Correction for Annotation Interface of Touch Tablets
(Jae-Kyung Kim, Won-Sung Sohn, Tae-Hoon Kim and YangSun Lee) pp.1851-1856.
- Enhancement of Security in MAODV using SHA-512 (Gulshan Kumar, Mritunjay Rai and Tae-sik Kim) pp.1857-1864.
- Performance Analysis of Mutual AF Cooperation for OFDMA Based Wireless System
(Hyoung-Kyu Song, Jae-Seon Yoon and Jung-In Baik) pp.1865-1870.
- Efficient Knowledge Modeling Techniques in SAGE (Jeong Ah Kim, InSook Cho, BinGu Shim, Min Hee Choi,
SunTae Kim, Sun Ah Kim, Yongho Kim, Chang Hee Lee, Heeseong Yun and Dongkyu Seo) pp.1871-1876.
- Architecture for Dynamic Security Services in Overlay Network Environments
(DaeHee Seo, JongHyun Kim, ByungGil Lee and JangMi Baek) pp.1877-1884.
- Improved Secure Durability Service for Digital Content support OSMU
(Dae-Hee Seo, MiYeon Yoon, ByungGil Lee, DongSub Cho and JangMi Baek) pp.1885-1892.
- A Routing Protocol using Relative Velocity in Inter Vehicle Communication
(Min-Woo Ryu, Si-Ho Cha, Keun-Wang Lee, SeokJoong Kang and Kuk-Hyun Cho) pp.1893-1898.
- Frameworks for MIRA(Mobile Information Retrieval Agent) based on Component Integration
(Haeng-Kon Kim) pp.1899-1912.
- An Effective, Secure, and Loop-Free Mesh Network Implementation (Minseok Oh) pp.1913-1920.
- Adaptive Redundant Speech Streaming with Scalable Speech Coding Based on Speech Quality Estimation
(Jin Ah Kang, Hong Kook Kim, Seung Ho Choi and Sang Ryong Kim) pp.1921-1932.
- Semantic Parser for Context and Common Topic Analysis in Automatic Summarization
(Kyonam Choo and Jungwon Cho) pp.1933-1938.
- A Design for Addiction Diagnosis and Treatment System Based On the Pattern of Smartphone Use
(Youngseok Lee and Jungwon Cho) pp.1939-1944.
- A New OS Structure for Simplifying Understanding of Operating System Behavior
(Toshihiro Yamauchi, Akira Kinoshita, Taisuke Kawahara and Hideo Taniguchi) pp.1945-1950.
- Exploring Image Databases at the Tip of Your Fingers
(Gerald Schaefer, Mattew Fox, William Plant and Matthew Stuttard) pp.1951-1960

Vol.17, No.6(A), June, 2014 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Multiband Image Segmentation by using Enhanced Estimation of Centroid (EEOC) (V. Saravana Kumar, S. Anantha Siva Prakasam, E.R. Naganathan and M. Kavitha)
pp.1967-1980. [ PDF ]
- Optimal Drug Dosage Regimens in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (Omid Rahmani Seryasat and Javad Haddadnia) pp.1981-1990.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparison of Expert-based and Tourist-based Methods for Tourist Attraction Ranking (Narodom Kittidachanupap, Jitimon Angsakun and Thara Angsakun)
pp.1991-2006. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Impact on Project Team Culture in an Information Institution Implementation (Chung-Yang Chen and Wen-Lung Tsai) pp.2007-2016.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Primary Factors Providing Efficency Learning with Web System (Kanae Taniguchi) pp.2017-2028.
[ PDF ]
- Multi-Agent Simulation Analysis of Multi-Scenarios Evolutionary Mechanism in Urban Demolition Mass Incident (Dehai Liu, Jingfeng Chen and Ruirui Chai)
pp.2029-2040. [ PDF ]
- Empirical Analysis of IT Outsourcing in Municipal Governments ? Drivers, Inhibitors and Predictive Factors (Dalibor Stanimirovic) pp.2041-2054.
[ PDF ]
- Issues and Challenges in Book Information Retrieval (Shah Khusro, Irfan Ullah, Azhar Rauf and Saeed Mahfooz) pp.2055-2078.
[ PDF ]
- Cluster Analysis of the Component Stocks of SSE 180-index (Sen Wu, Deying Xiong and Min Jiang) pp.2079-2092.
[ PDF ]
- Dynamic Copula based Correlation Risk Analysis: An Empirical Investigation (Yang Xiao) pp.2093-2100.
[ PDF ]
- Protection Mechanism of User Privacy Based on Key Assignment and Trust Level in Social Network Service Environments (Wenji Quan and Myungsik Yoo)
pp.2101-2108. [ PDF ]
- Turnover Paths and Turnover Causes among Industrial Security Professionals (Tae-Sung Kim and Hye-Won Yoo) pp.2109-2122.
[ PDF ]
- Development and Utilization of Multicultural Education Programs in University using German and French Commercial Movies -An Educational Policy Proposal
for Social Integration- (Hyeong Min Kim and Chang Hyun Cho) pp.2123-2134. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Improved Security Mechanism over Mobile WIMAX Initial Networks (Byeong-Tae Ahn and jeong-Mi Seo) pp.2135-2144.
[ PDF ]
- Watermarking with Two-dimensional Principal Component Analysis for Quick Response Application (Te-Jen Chang, Ping-Sheng Huang and I-Hui Pan) pp.2145-2154.
[ PDF ]
- Comparative Analysis of Distance of Dependency in Human-Translated and Machine-Translated Sentences (Takehiko Yoshimi) pp.2155-2168.
[ PDF ]
- A Complexity Scaling Scheme for Adaptive-Codebook Coding in G.723.1 Coder (Rong-San Lin) pp.2169-2184.
[ PDF ]
- Generative and Discriminative Models for Hand Gesture Spotting and Recognition in Stereo Color Image Sequences (Fayed.F.M.Ghaleb, E.A. youness,
M. Elmezain and F. Sh. Dewdar) pp.2185-2206. [ PDF ]
- Attribute Set Based Encryption for User Centric Data Security and Privacy in Cloud-Assisted WBANs (Ragesh G K and K Baskaran) pp.2207-2216.
[ PDF ]
- A Category Based Search System to Optimize Query Retrieval Time, Total Number of Good Pages Visited and Category Based Search (T.Kalaikumaran,
N.Karthikeyan, S.Karthik and K.Srihari) pp.2217-2224. [ PDF ]
- Optimized 512-Point FFT Processor with Effective Computational Components for WLAN application (Umamaheswari.R and P.Nirmal Kumar) pp.2225-2238.
[ PDF ]
- Area Efficient High Speed Low Power Dual Mode Jacobian MLMAP Decoder Design using FPGA Technology (P.Maniraj Kumar and S.Sutha) pp.2239-2252.
[ PDF ]
- Impact of the Performance Metrics in the Improvement of Accuracy in Software Effort Estimation (M. Senthil Kumar and B. Chidhambara Rajan) pp.2253-2266.
[ PDF ]
- An Investigation on High Performance Concrete with Ultra Fine Natural Steatite Powder (Shanmugasundaram.M and Sudalaimani.K) pp.2267-2278.
[ PDF ]
- Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks using Dominating Set Theory with Minimum Cardinality Factor (B.Paramasivan and K.Mohaideen
Pitchai) pp.2279-2288. [ PDF ]
- Multipath Diversity Routing in Stateless Multicasting for Adhoc Networks (K. Senthil Kumar, S. Sasikumar and C. Sugapriya) pp.2289-2298.
[ PDF ]
- VLSI Implementation and Quality Analysis for High Density Impulse Noises (P. Thirumurugan, S.Sasi Kumar and C. Sugapriya) pp.2299-2310.
[ PDF ]
- Efficient Path Selection in MANETs Using AESP Protocol (K. Senthil Kumar, P. Thirumurugan, S. Sasikumar and S. Navaneethakrishnan) pp.2311-2320.
[ PDF ]
- High-throughput LDPC Decoder with Efficient Check Node Processing for DVB-S2 (Ji Won Jung, Tae Hun Kim and Hae Chan Kwon) pp.2321-2332.
[ PDF ]
- An Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for WBAN through Flexible Frame Structure (Jun Sung Choi and Jeong Gon Kim) pp.2333-2344.
[ PDF ]
- Adaptive Allocation for Usable Frequency in FFR Based Femtocell Network Environment (Won Geon Bae and Jeong Gon Kim) pp.2345-2358.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of Multimedia Transport Performance in the LTE Network (Anbin Kim, Chanhong Park, Daniel P. Jeong and Seong-Ho Jeong) pp.2359-2368.
[ PDF ]
- Reliable Cluster-based Common Channel Setup Method for DSA CR Networks (Min-Gyu Kim, Kwang-Eog Lee and Sang-Jo Yoo) pp.2369-2386.
[ PDF ]
- Cross-Layer Design for Adaptive Beaconing Scheme in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (Jhihoon Joo and Dong Seog Han) pp.2387-2400.
[ PDF ]
- MIMO Underwater Communication with Sparse Channel Estimation (Ki-Man Kim, Byung-Chul Gwun, Jeong-Woo Han, Ji-Won Jung, Kwon Son and Seung-Yong Chun)
pp.2401-2410. [ PDF ]
- Software-based Monitoring System to Detect End-Point for the Etching Process (Sang-Chul Kim) pp.2411-2422.
[ PDF ]
- Mode Selection and Resource Allocation for Device-to-Device Communications in Cellular Networks (Gil-Mo Kang and Oh-Soon Shin) pp.2423-2436.
[ PDF ]
- A Robust Crime Detection Method under Different Illumination Levels (Ahmad kadri Junoh, Muhammad Naufal mansor, Wan Suhana Wan Daud and Wan Zuki
Azman Wan Muhamad) pp.2437-2444. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Posterior Insula Role on Semantic Processing for Japanese in Chinese-Japanese Bilinguals (Xiujun Li, Zhenglong Lin, Qiyong Guo and Jinglong Wu)
pp.2445-2462. [ PDF ]
- MRI-Compatible Tactile Orientation Stimulator to Investigate Neural Mechanisms of Tactile Orientation Discrimination (Yinghua Yu, Jiajia Yang,
HongZan Sun, Qiyong Guo and Jinglong Wu) pp.2463-2472. [ PDF ]

Vol.17, No.6(B), June, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Lot-Sizing Problem with Outsourcing: Greedy Algorithm and Reformulation (Ping Zhan) pp.2479-2486.
- Implicit Methods for Solving First-order Phase-locked Loop Transient Statistics (Dah-Jing Jwo) pp.2487-2508.
- Convolution and Correlation Theorem for Linear Canonical Transform and Properties
(Mawardi Bahri, Zulfajar and Ryuichi Ashino) pp.2509-2522.
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Development of Urban Farm Management System using Open IoT Platform based on Commercial SNS
(Dae-Hyun Ryu, Seung-Jung Shin and Seung Hoon Nahm) pp.2523-2530.
- The New Volume Calculation Method of Waste for the Efficient Landfill Facility Management
(Seungyun Cho, Youngdae Lee and Jeongjin Kang) pp.2531-2542.
- Multi-Agent base Intelligent Type2 Diabetic Patient Management System for Prompt Perception
of Emergencies (Malrey Lee, Keun-kwang Lee, Sangsub Han and Young-keun Lee) pp.2543-2552.
- Analyzing Causal Structure of IT Utilization in Local SMEs (Shuhei Kudo) pp.2553-2566.
- An Experimental Study on Relationship between Classification Performance and Degree of
Class Imbalance (Xiying Hao, Yanwen Dong and Sen Wu) pp.2567-2582.
- Analysis of the Influence of Firm's Financing Strategies for Investment on GDP in an Agent-Based
Economic System (Kousei Takashima, Kenta Kato and Shigeaki Ogibayashi) pp.2583-2604.
- Period Value at Risk and its Estimation by Simulation (Yanli Huo, Chunhui Xu, Kuohei Osaka and
Min Huang) pp.2605-2618.
- A Study on the Target Processing Time of Worker Allocation Optimization Problem in Limited-Cycle
Multiple Periods (Xianda Kong, Jing Sun, Hisashi Yamamoto and Masayuki Matsui) pp.2619-2634.
- Current Status and Strategies on the Mobility of Professional Engineers within APEC Economies
(Edward H. Wang) pp.2635-2654.
- TQM practices in Saudi Arabia: Antecedents and Consequences of Job Performance Among
R&D Center Employees (Khalid I. Alshitri and Abdulmohsen N. Abanumy) pp.2655-2674.
- Analysis of the Structure Models and the Process Models : New Marketing Strategy Approach
(Jun Oheki) pp.2675-2682.
- Tourist Attraction Categorization using a Latent Semantic Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques
(Komkid Chatcharaporn, Jitimon Angskun and Thara Angskun) pp.2683-2698.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- The Speed Tracking of IPMSM based on a Simple Adaptive Back-Stepping (YongHo Jeon and ShinWon Lee) pp.2699-2704.
- A Study on Smart-Contents Visualization of Publishing Big Data (Haejong Joo, Bonghwa Hong
and SuckJoo Hong) pp.2705-2710.
- A Detection Design for Malicious Code with the Use of Multiple Profiling Technique
(Jin-Kyung Kim and Seung-Jung Shin) pp.2711-2716.
- IT Governance Concerns Model as a Complexity System (Lee Sang-Hyun, Jeong-Gi Lee and Moon Kyung-Il)
- A Study of Wearable Smart Device through Smart Health-care
(Chang kyu Lee, Lee Seung-Jung and Shin Dae-Hyun Ryu) pp.2723-2730.
- Interacting Multiple Model Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filtering for Navigation Sensor Fusion
(Dah-Jing Jwo and Mu-Yen Chen) pp.2731-2750.
- A Secure Mutual Authentication Protocol for Mobile RFID Systems
(Tzu-Chang Yeh, Jia-Liang Dai and Sheng-Shih Wang) pp.2751-2764.
- CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) Investigation of WHR (Waste Heat Recovery) Unit (A Cement Plant Case Study)
(Hafiz Muhammad Ali, Zulfiqar Khattak, Jamil Ahmad Khan, Sifat Shah, Abdur Rashid and Anjum H Shah) pp.2765-2772.
- Optimizing Time-multiplexing Raster Cellular Neural Network Simulator using Genetic Algorithms with RK7(5)
(O.H. Abdelwahed and M. El-Sayed Wahed) pp.2773-2784.
- Design of an Efficient Verifiably Encrypted Signature from Weil Pairing
(Jian Shen, Dongmin Choi and Ilyong Chung) pp.2785-2794.
- Sentiment Classification using Adaptive Threshold Centroid Classifier (Mohamed Abdel Fattah) pp.2795-2812.
- Vehicle Load and Moving Similarity based AODV Routing Scheme for VANETs
(Tasleem Kausar and Gulistan Raja) pp.2813-2822.
- Extending the Functionality of ARToolKit to Semi-controlled/Uncontrolled Environment
(Ihsan Rabbi, Sehat Ullah, Sami Ur Rahman and Aftab Alam) pp.2823-2832.
- Performance Comparison of DMTL Phase Shifter based on Bragg Frequency and Substrate Materials
(V. Prithivirajan, P. Venkata Krishnan and A. Punitha) pp.2833-2842.
- Localized Audio Contents Authentication Algorithm using Reversible Data Hiding (Hae-Yeoun Lee) pp.2843-2854.
- Multi-Car Multi-Shaft Elevator System Design Problem and a Solution Method Using CPN Tools
(Shingo Yamaguchi and Norihide Ishida) pp.2855-2864.
- Enhancing Security of SCADA Network Using a Trust System (N. Rajesh kumar and Dr.P. Jaganathan) pp.2865-2872.
- Fuzzy Inference Optimization Algorithm for Resource Scheduling in Cloud Environment
(P.Sundaramoorthy, Dr. M.Selvam, Dr. S.Karthik, Dr. K.Srihari) pp.2873-2880.
- Integrating Piecewise Linear Representation and Ensemble Neural Network for Stock Price Prediction
(Md. Asaduzzaman, Md. Shahjahan, Fatema Johera Ahmed , Md. Monirul Islam and Kazuyuki Murase) pp.2881-2902.
- Design of Register Element for Low Power Clocking System (P. Nagarajan, R. Saravanan and P. Thirumurugan)
- An Experimental Study on Fresh and Hardened State Properties of Fibre Reinforced Self Compacting
Concrete using Different Types of Fibres (T. Meena and Dr. G. Elangovan) pp.2915-2924.
- An Efficient Cellular Automata-based Error-Correcting Capability
(Jetsada Ponkaew, Sartra Wongthanavasu and Chidchanok Lursinsap) pp.2925-2942.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Evaluation of the Physical signal for the Normal Posture on the Near Network
(Jeong-lae Kim and Myeong-jin Jeong) pp.2943-2948.
- Predictive Models of VTP and MLP Neural Network for Hepatitis C patients Diagnosis
(Yong Gyu Jung, Jun Heo, Ki Young Lee and Hyo Hyun Choi) pp.2949-2954.

Vol.17, No.7(A), July, 2014
- Management and Social Sciences
- Does the Ability of Managers Affect the Firm's Tax Avoidance ?
(Chang Youl Ko, Joonho Park and Hoon Jung) pp.2961-2966.
[ PDF ]
- Risk Analysis of Water Resources PPP Projects in China
(Song-Il Kim, Dong-Youl Lee, Yong-Jun Lee and Min-Jae Lee) pp.2967-2972.
[ PDF ]
- An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Price Discovery of ETFs
and Trading Volume: Focused on ETFs of KOSPI200 in Korea
(Jonghae Park, Youngtae Byun and Seokkyu Kang) pp.2973-2978.
[ PDF ]
- Case-based Exploratory Study on Drivers and Dynamic Nature for Forward
Vertical Integration in Flat-Glass Industry (Jongdae Kim and Sangchun Lee) pp.2979-2984.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationships Among Constructs Concerning Environment Friendly SCM: Evidence
from Korean Firms (Chan Kwon Park, Jaewoo Chung and Chae-Bogk Kim) pp.2985-2990.
[ PDF ]
- An Analysis of the Moderating Effect of Value on Internet Misuse
(Dae Hyun Jung and Lee Sang Jung) pp.2991-2996.
[ PDF ]
- Production Planning Based on Simulation and Mathematical Programming
(Jaewoo Chung and Chae-Bogk Kim) pp.2997-3002.
[ PDF ]
- The Moderating Effects of Price on the Seller Trust-Price Premiums
Relationship from the Perspective of Consumer Behavior in the Online
Open Marketplace (Lee-Sang Jung and Jung-Hee Han) pp.3003-3008.
[ PDF ]
- Optimizing Supply Chain Finance Model with Destruction and Disruption Risks:
Application of the Game Theory and the PSO method
(KyoungJong Park and Gyouhyung Kyung) pp.3009-3014.
[ PDF ]
- Joint Effect of LMX Differentiation and Team-Oriented HR Practices on
Subordinate Distributive Justice Perception and Discretionary Work Behavior
(Won Jun Kwak, Min Ho Lee and Ji Hyun Shim) pp.3015-3020.
[ PDF ]
- Building Your Company with Strong Vision Platform (Kim Gye Soo) pp.3021-3026.
[ PDF ]
- Efficiency of National Tax Collection in Tax Office Regions and Its Determinants
(Seok-Young Lee and Sang-Lyul Ryu) pp.3027-3032.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Indirect Offset Trade Models Tailored to Korea for Expanding the Defense
Materials Export (Ho Gun Lee and Jae Young Lee) pp.3033-3038.
[ PDF ]
- The determinants of increasing Uniqueness on Perceived Brand Globalness of
Korean and Chinese Consumers (Jae-Weon Hong and Kyungyoung Ohk) pp.3039-3044.
[ PDF ]
- The Ability of Korean Elementary School Students' to use Analogical
Reasoning in Classical and Physical Causality Analogy Tasks
(Jinkyu Jung, Youngmin Kim and Jongho Park) pp.3045-3050.
[ PDF ]
- Bullying and School Violence: An Investigation of School Safety Policies
(Inero V. Ancho and Saehoon Park) pp.3051-3056.
[ PDF ]
- TEE Unit Design for Authentic Communication based on UbD (Insook Cho and Hyeon-Suk Kang)
pp.3057-3062. [ PDF ]
- Action Research on Class Criticism and the Reflective Recognition of Pre-service
Teachers on Teaching Elementary Music Class (Mihae Ryu) pp.3063-3068.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Validation of Creative Personality Scale (Sook Hee Park) pp.3069-3076.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship Between Creativity and Academic Achievement of Elementary School Students
(Kyoung-hoon Lew, Kyung-cheol Lee, Sun-mee Kang and Jung-hwan Park) pp.3077-3084.
[ PDF ]
- Dysphasia in Elderly: Preventive Care and Education (Mi-Ran Kim and Su-Jeong Han) pp.3085-3090.
[ PDF ]
- Analyses of Correlations Among Types of Perceived Stress, Exhaustion, and Job Satisfaction
in Nurses (Hye-Won Kim and Mi-Ran Kim) pp.3091-3096.
[ PDF ]
- An Influence on Self-directed Learning of Reading Trend, Reading Attitude, Reading Motivation
(Mi-seok Yang and Jeong-kyoum Kim) pp.3097-3104.
[ PDF ]
- College Students' Perceptions Toward Instructional Media and its Predictors for Enhancing
Their Learning Improvement (Myoung-Lang Kim, Sun-Young Chang and Seak-Zoon Roh) pp.3105-3110.
[ PDF ]
- Ecobehavioral Assessment for Students with Special Needs: Comparing to Applied Behavior
Analysis (Kim Joungmin and Lee Ok-In) pp.3111-3116.
[ PDF ]
- Teachers' Knowledge of Technology Integration (Hyugil Kwon) pp.3117-3122.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Usefulness, Enjoyment, Sense of Community on Knowledge Management in Community
of Practice (CoP) among University Students (Minkyung Sung and Jisuk Kim) pp.3123-3128.
[ PDF ]
- A Meta-analysis of Relationship between Constructs on the Theory of Reasoned Action
(Soo-tai Nam, Hyun-chang Lee, Seong-yoon Shin and Chan-yong Jin) pp.3129-3134.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Experimental Work on Damage Detection of Shear Building Structure
(Hee-Chang Eun, Su-Yong Park and Rae-Jung Kim) pp.3135-3140.
[ PDF ]
- Traffic Measure with Moving Vehicle Method Using Two CCTVs
(Seong-Yoon Shin and Yang-Won Rhee) pp.3141-3146.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Oxide Thickness Dependent Subthreshold Swing for Asymmetric DGMOSFET
(Hakkee Jung) pp.3147-3152. [ PDF ]
- Development of Assessment Index and Assessment Technique Using a Case Analysis
for Carbon Emissions in Apartment Buildings in Korea (Doo-Sung Choi, Hung-Chan Chun,
Kyun-Hyong Cho, Yong-Shik Kim and Yong-Ho Jung) pp.3153-3162.
[ PDF ]
- An Experimental Study on Structural Behaviors of Innovative Partially Concrete-filled
Composite Beam (Myung-Ho Yoon and Yoon-Hee Lee) pp.3163-3168.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Visual Information Acquisition Based on Spatial Cognition
(Gyu-heon Chang, Soo-ho Lee, Gyu-yeob Jeon and Won-hwa Hong) pp.3169-3174.
[ PDF ]
- Detecting the Earthquake-induced Signals Due to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake in
GRACE Monthly Gravity Data (Sang-Hoon Park and Seok-Woo Hong) pp.3175-3180.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Performance of Internal Light Shelf System Applying Green-Home IT Technology
(Sunhyeon Kwon, Heangwoo Lee and Yongseong Kim) pp.3181-3186.
[ PDF ]
- Suggestion of Double Skin Facade System applied with Phase Change Material for
Reduce Cooling Energy (Ri Ryu, Chung-gu Ji, Janghoo Seo and Youngseong Kim) pp.3187-3192.
[ PDF ]
- Study of Room Temperature Changes Resulted from Thermal Storage Wall applied with Phase
Change Material: Focused on Cooling Period of Apartment
(Kyu-young Lee, Janghoo Seo and Yongseong Kim) pp.3193-3198.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Daylighting Performance of Light Shelf According to Variation of Spatial Depth
(Heangwoo Lee, Janghoo Seo and Yongseong Kim) pp.3199-3204.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of the Evaluation of Lighting Performance According to Size and Angle of the
Indoor Type Light Shelf System within the Residential Space
(Woori Chae, Heangwoo Lee and Yongseong Kim) pp.3205-3210.
[ PDF ]
- Analytical Test of Beam-to Column Connection Using Modified Advanced First Order Second
Moment method (Dongkyu Lee, Soomi Shin, Hyemin Kim and Hyunjung Park) pp.3211-3216.
[ PDF ]
- Experimental Analysis Based on Feature Engineering Techniques for Effective Polarity
Identification on E-Commerce User Reviews (Tanmay Sinha and Dae-Ki Kang) pp.3217-3222.
[ PDF ]
- Relational Database Normalization Algorithm: A TAM Database Analyst Technique
(Ahmed Abdulhakim Al-Absi and Dae-Ki Kang) pp.3223-3228.
[ PDF ]

Vol.17, No.7(B), July, 2014
- Management and Social Sciences
- Study on the Factors that Influence the Utilization of Education Information Sharing System
(Seung Young Shin and Mi Ryang Kim) pp.3235-3240. [ PDF ]
- Design of a Semantic Web based Education System (Jeongmin Chae, Sujin Yoo, Yoonah Cho,
Hyosook Jung and Seongbin Park) pp.3241-3246. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effects of Pop Song Hunminglish (PSH) for Below-Average Learners
(Jin-Sung Kim and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.3247-3252. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Awareness of Teachers on the Actual Condition of the Specialized Vocational
High Schools (SVHS) in Korea (Ju-Young Hwang, Young-Il Jang, Wan-Shin Park and Won-Sik Choi) pp.3253-3258.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Multicultural Sensitivity of Elementary Students through Multicultural Chorus
(Youngsoon Kim and Seungeun Choi) pp.3259-3266. [ PDF ]
- Marine Culture and Middle School History Textbooks (Yun Jae Woon) pp.3267-3276.
[ PDF ]
- What are Characteristics, Patterns, and Ways to Promote Communication in the English as a Foreign
Language Classroom at Elementary School in Korea ? (Hye Young Chung) pp.3277-3282.
[ PDF ]
- A Study Analyzing the Development of Concerns and Personality Traits in Early Childhood Teachers
with Respect to Social Demographic Variables (Jeong Jin Youn, Hyun Ah Seo, Jung Ju Kim and Mi Young Cha)
pp.3283-3290. [ PDF ]
- Development of a Film-based Program Model to Promote Creativity and Personality for Pre-Service
Kindergarten Teachers (Jeong Jin Youn, Hee Seung Lee, Se Jin Eom, Hyoung Jai Kim, Jun Yeon Lee
and Seung Soo Shin) pp.3291-3298. [ PDF ]
- Rethinking Culture and Multi-Cultural Society in the Age of Globalization: A Report in Consideration
of Korean and German Multiculturalism (Hyeong Min Kim, Soo Gil Oh and Min Su Lee) pp.3299-3316.
[ PDF ]
- An Empirical Study on the Critical Success Factors to Invigorate Social Business
(Tae Yeong Kim and Kyeong Sok Han) pp.3317-3324. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Evaluation System for Customer Satisfaction of Medical Tourism
(Min-Shik Kang and Eun-Jee Song) pp.3325-3330. [ PDF ]
- An Economic Feasibility Study on the Research Infrastructure Project of the WiBro-Adv.
Testing and Certification (Dae Ho Kim) pp.3331-3336. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- The Effect Technique of Video Editing on Social Media (Hakhyun Choi and Mina Hur) pp.3337-3342.
[ PDF ]
- Agreement between Empirical and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation Results of Chemical
Vapor Deposition of a Silicon Carbide Coating (Yootaek Kim and Junwon Choi) pp.3343-3350.
[ PDF ]
- The Explanation of Mobile Instant Messenger Dependence Focusing on Media and Message Attributes
(Yun-Hee Lee, Kyung-Ja Park, Chan-Yong Jin and Do-Goan Kim) pp.3351-3356.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Analytical/Numerical Method for the Performance Evaluation of Intercooler
(Myungjae Lee, Foad Vashahi, Jintaek Kim and Byung Joon Baek) pp.3357-3362.
[ PDF ]
- Formal Metatheory and Recent Developments of Mechanical Developments (Gyesik Lee) pp.3363-3368.
[ PDF ]
- Robot Motion Authoring and Visualization System for Robot Based Performing Art
(Dongwook Lee, Jinsul Kim and Minsoo Hahn) pp.3369-3374. [ PDF ]
- A Study on an Integrated Engineering Support System for Outfitting Design in the Field of
Shipbuilding and Marine Industry (Min-Gil Park, Wan Kyoo Kim and Myeong-ki Han) pp.3375-3380.
[ PDF ]
- A Safe Distance of Prey for Avoiding Pursuit of Predator (Jae Moon Lee and Kitae Hwang) pp.3381-3386.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Effective Regulation Measures to Prevent Web-board Games from Becoming Speculative
(Seung-Hun Lee) pp.3387-3392. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Accessibility to Korean Web Services (Eunju Park, Yangwon Lim and Hankyu Lim) pp.3393-3398.
[ PDF ]
- Semantic Model for Utilization of Legacy System AtoN Data in e-Navigation
(Daewon Park and Suhyun Park) pp.3399-3404. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of GLONASS Time Transfer with Korean Observation (Donghui Yu, Youngkyu Lee, Sunghoon Yang,
Changbok Lee and Sinhyuk Yim) pp.3405-3410. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Effect of Reminiscence Therapy on the Elderly with Dementia ? Meta Analysis
(Mi-hwa Kwon, Ba-hoe Cho and Jae-shin Lee) pp.3411-3416. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Action Observation Training on Motor Function of the Upper Limb and Lower Limb
Among Stroke Patients : A Meta-Analysis (Jin-Ho, Kang, Sook, Eom and Jae-Shin, Lee) pp.3417-3424.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Cognitive Function of Women in the Early Phase of Old Age according to Body
Mass Index (Eun Ju Lim and Jun Hee Noh) pp.3425-3430. [ PDF ]
- Cultural Adaptation Experiences of The Marriage Immigrant Women
(Yeunmi Kim, Eunkwang Yoo, Myeongkyeong Song and Sunju Jeong) pp.3431-3440.
[ PDF ]
- Content Analysis of CTH (Chemotherapy Telephone Helpline) in the Ambulatory Oncology Unit
(Kyung Ja, Kang, Hee Jin, Kim and Hye Jin, Kim) pp.3441-3448. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Computerized Cognitive Rehabilitation with White Noise on Cognitive Function in Elderly
(Gi-Do Kim, Jun-Cheol Lee and Kyung-Yoon Kim) pp.3449-3454.
[ PDF ]
- Competency Assessment of New Graduate Nurse: Development and Validation of an Instrument
(Jeong Hye Park and Hye Young Hwang) pp.3455-3466. [ PDF ]
- Disparity in Korean Adults' Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases According to Socioeconomic Status and Sex
(Eun Sun So and Myung Hee Lee) pp.3467-3472. [ PDF ]
- Useful Effects of Regular Exercise on Arteries, Peripheral Nerve Function and Cerebral Circulation
(Kyung Yae Hyun, Kyung Mo Oh, Min Kyung Lee, Seong Ja Seok, Hwa Sik Choi and Seok Cheol Choi)
pp.3473-3480. [ PDF ]
- Women's Cancer: Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive Behavior Among Female University Students
(Ju Young Ha) pp.3481-3486. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Diary Writing Program on Cognitive Function in Elderly
(Ji-Young Kim and Young-Hee Kim) pp.3487-3492. [ PDF ]
- Gender Differences in the Association between Weight Perception and Depression Experience among
Adolescent Students (Haewon Byeon) pp.3493-3498. [ PDF ]
- Factors Related to Fatigue in Elderly Predialysis Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
(Su-Jeong Han and Hye-Won Kim) pp.3499-3504. [ PDF ]
- Literature Review on the Evaluation of Nursing Curriculum (Eunhee Hwang, Wonsuk Lee and Sujin Shin)
pp.3505-3516. [ PDF ]
- The Perception and Importance of Sanhujori, Korean Traditional Postpartum Care, Perceived by
Sanhujoriwon Employers in Korea (Eun Kwang Yoo, Hye Jin Kim, Mi Joon Lee and Myoung Hee Kim) pp.3517-3522.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Simulation-based Education in an Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Program for
Nursing Students (Woo Jeong Kim and Min Young Kim) pp.3523-3528.
[ PDF ]
- The Impact of Legitimate Medical Personnel Operations on Patient Safety in a Korean Hospital
(Young Mee Kim, Min Young Kim and Young Shim Yun) pp.3529-3534.
[ PDF ]
- Relevance Halitosis and Oral Conditions of Patients' Halitosis in Geriatric Hospital
(Soo-chul Park, Hong-sik Kim and Myung-hee Jung) pp.3535-3540.
[ PDF ]

Vol.17, No.8, August, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On Convergence of Nonoverlaping Domain Decomposition Method with Robin-type Interior Boundary
(Heng Wu, Xuchong Liu, Ruihua Sun and Ningjia Zhu) pp.3547-3558.
- Differential Sandwich Theorems for p-valent Functions Associated with Two Generalized
Differential Operator and Integral Operator (T. Al-Hawary, A.A. Amourah and M. Darus) pp.3559-3570.
- Management and Social Sciences
- Price Inertia in the Residential Property Market (Kyung June Jo and Sang Bong Kim) pp.3571-3576.
- Emotional Response in Crisis Management (Seung-Ho Cho) pp.3577-3582.
- A Study on the Improvement of Air Cargo Process using Cost Structure (Woong Eun and Yongseok Seo)
- Quick and Exact Calculation of Net Present Value (Jin Hyoung Jang) pp.3589-3596.
- A Study on the Development of Educational Smartphone Application for the Nature Experiential
Learning (Junyon Kim) pp.3597-3602.
- Inflation Hedging Ability of Residential Property in Korea (Chsoon Choi) pp.3603-3612.
- An Analysis of Students' Understanding Process about an Illustraion and Text Related to
the Earth System : An Eye-Tracking Study (Sungman Lim, Yanghee Kim and Ilho Yang) pp.3613-3622.
- Development and Application of Blended Teaching and Learning Model Using American Television
Programs (Young-Hee Kim and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.3623-3628.
- The Effect of Subject Based STEAM Activity Programs on Scientific Attitude, Self Efficacy,
and Motivation for Scientific Learning (In-Cheol Ji and Young Tae Kong) pp.3629-3636.
- A Study on Customer Satisfaction Survey System for Effective Customer Feedback Analysis
(Eun-Jee Song and Min-Shik Kang) pp.3637-3642.
- The Effect of Chinese Provincial Administrative Urbanization Spatial Structure on Labor Productivity
(Peng Zhang, Qingshan Yang, Xujia Zhang, Daqian Liu, Yanji Ma and Linshan Li) pp.3643-3658.
- Technological Affordances of E-Learning: An Analysis of Students' Perceptions in Tertiary
ICT Education (Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Mohamad Said, Lokman Tahir, Mohd Fadzli Ali, Norah Md Noor,
Noor Azean Atan and Zaleha Abdullah) pp.3659-3674.
- Improving Search Performance for Tourism Domain Using Semantic Web and Bayesian Network
(K.Palaniammal and Dr.S.Vijayalakshmi) pp.3675-3682.
- The Roadmap to E-learning adoption in India (B.Kalpana Sai and Dr. P.Suresh Kumar) pp.3683-3696.
- The Use of Mobile Devices in University Classrooms: Effects on Students Outcomes
(Ayham Fayyoumi) pp.3697-3712.
- Bruner's Narrative Theory and Its Educational Meaning (Hyeon-Suk Kang) pp.3713-3718.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Region-based Stereo Matching Using Meta-heuristic Algorithm
(Hyunjung Kim, Ilyong Weon, Youngcheol Jang and Changhun Lee) pp.3719-3728.
- Incentive Compatible Service Allocation in Grid-Federation Environment
(Fereshteh-A-Parand) pp.3729-3740.
- Locality Competent Flash Translation Layer (LC-FTL) for NAND Flash Memory
(A.B.M. Rezbaul Islam, Dong-Joo Park and Tae-Sun Chung) pp.3741-3768.
- Investigation on User Web Navigation Using Enhanced Active Ontology Cluster and Subjective
Association Rules (Dr.J.Vellingiri, S.Kaliraj, S.Satheeshkumar and T.Parthiban) pp.3769-3788.
- Solving Problem of Ambiguity Terms using Ontology (Herlina Jayadianti, Lukito Edi Nugroho,
Paulus Insap Santosa, Carlos Sousa Pinto and Wahyu Widayat) pp.3789-3796.
- A Study on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Based Mobile WIMAX Initial Entry
(Byeong-Tae Ahn and Sang-Ho Moon) pp.3797-3806.
- Recovery of State Pattern Instances based on Reference Flows
(Chanjin Park, Taeksu Kim, Chanwoo Yoo and Heechern Kim) pp.3807-3824.
- Computational Intelligence for Information Retrieval using Genetic Algorithm
(Veningston K and Shanmugalakshmi R) pp.3825-3832.
- Relative Velocity-based Forwarding Strategy for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
(Sabri M. Hanshi, Mohammad M. Kadhum and Tat-Chee Wan) pp.3833-3848.
- Video Streaming: Single and Compound Report Transcoding Method (S.Vetrivel and Dr G.Athisha) pp.3849-3858.
- Comparison of Different Optimization Algorithms for Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification
(Dr.R.Harikumar, Ms.S.N.Shivappriya and Dr.S.Raghavan) pp.3859-3866.
- Privacy Preserving Distributed Mining of Association Rules Using Inverse Frequent Itemset Tree
(M.S. Thanabal and L. Ganesan) pp.3867-3876.
- Scalable Secure Cloud Storage built on HBase (Sujitha.G, Varadharajan.M and MercyShalinie.S)
- A New Density Based Probabilistic Counter Based Scheme for Solving Broadcast Storm in Mobile
Ad hoc Networks (B.Sundaravadivazhagan and Dr.P.Jaganathan) pp.3889-3900.
- Flooding Reduced-Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing Protocol
(Dr. N.Karthikeyan, Dr. K.Periyakaruppan, Dr. S.Karthik and Dr. K.Srihari) pp.3901-3908.
- An Investigation of the Impact of Web 2.0 Technology on ERP Systems
(Anis Zarrad and Ayham Fayyoumi) pp.3909-3920.
- Implementation of Genetic Algorithm framework for Fault Tolerant System on Chip
(Deepa Jose, Dr. P. Nirmal Kumar, J. Abanah Shirley and Ghayathrrie. S) pp.3921-3946.
- Design and Analysis of Feature Classification Model using Information Extraction in Tomato
Growing Environment (Dhanasekaran Kuttiyapillai and Rajeswari Ramachandran) pp.3947-3960.
- A Support Vector Machine Approach for Churn Prediction in Telecom Industry
(Ali Rodan, Hossam Faris, Jamal Alsakran and Omar Al-Kadi) pp.3961-3970.
- Prediction of Stochastic Cognitive Neural Schema with Neural Network Paradigm of Latent Semantic
Nodes in Autobot - Humanoid Robot Using Nonlinear Regression of Gaussian Sigmoidal Curves in Boltzmann
Normalisation (Ashok Kumar Ramadoss, Marimuthu Krishnaswamy) pp.3971-3984.
- Locally Exploitable Heterogeneous Multihop Communications Applied to Cooperative-robots with Awareness
(Akira Tanaka) pp.3985-3998.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Literature Review on the Evaluation of Nursing Curriculum
(Eunhee Hwang, Wonsuk Lee and Sujin Shin) pp.3999-4010.

Vol.17, No.9(A), September, 2014
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Empirical Research on the Relationship between Smart Product Characteristics and Customer
Satisfaction (Won-jun Lee) pp.4017-4022. [ PDF ]
- The Determinants of Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEO) Evidence: from IT Firms in KOSDAQ
(Sungsin Kim) pp.4023-4028. [ PDF ]
- Price and Volume Effects Associated with Inclusion in the Health Care Index List
(Joonwoo Park and Chang Won Lee) pp.4029-4034. [ PDF ]
- Economic Crises, Bank Efficiency and Its Determinants: Evidence from Korean Commercial Banks
(Seok-Young Lee and Sang-Lyul Ryu) pp.4035-4040.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Characteristic, Life Cycle for Each Development Stage of Self-employed Creative
Company and Relationship with Management Performance (Young-Soon Chang, Hun-Young Yuk and
Jong-Hyen Seo) pp.4041-4046. [ PDF ]
- Residential Property Investment Psychology Variation and Households Bankruptcy
(Kyung June Jo and Sang Bong Kim) pp.4047-4052. [ PDF ]
- The Influence of Human Capital and Financial Capital for the Propensities of Early-Stage Investment
(Taehoon Ha, Jinwoo Kim and Youngkeun) pp.4053-4058.
[ PDF ]
- Economic Crisis and Market Rewards to Meeting or Beating Analysts' Earnings Forecasts: Evidence
from Korea (Si Woon Hong, Joo Yeon Hong and Young-Soo Choi) pp.4059-4064.
[ PDF ]
- National Comparison on Communication Education in Science Education
(Seongsoo Jeon and Jongho Park) pp.4065-4070. [ PDF ]
- The Structural Relationship Between E-leaners' Circumstance, Learning Factors, and Satisfaction
in Higher Education (Hyunwook Kim and Joungmin Kim) pp.4071-4076.
[ PDF ]
- An Analysis on Educational Needs for Designing Reinforcement Program of Teaching Competency
(Sook Hee Park) pp.4077-4082. [ PDF ]
- Requirement Analysis and Learning Process Model Design of a Customized Knowledge Sharing System
for Administrative Employees in Universities (Sangmi Kim and Chan Jung Park) pp.4083-4088.
[ PDF ]
- Self-determination for Students with Disabilities: Meta-analysis of Single Subject Researches
(Okin Lee and Joungmin Kim) pp.4089-4094. [ PDF ]
- A Comparison of Reflective Thinking Type in Students with and without Writing Disabilities
(Okin Lee and Eun-young Park) pp.4095-4100. [ PDF ]
- Use of Exploratory Factor Analysis in English Education Research: Comparing Recommended and Actual
Practices (Sunhee Choi and So Young Jang) pp.4101-4108.
[ PDF ]
- Second Language Teachers' Perceptions of Blended Learning (Myung-Jeong Ha) pp.4109-4114.
[ PDF ]
- Bruner's Narrative Theory and Its Educational Meaning (Hyeon-Suk Kang) pp.4115-4120.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of a Self-led, Collaborative Learning Method on Self-led Learning Skill and Class
Satisfaction (Boc Nam Park and Mee-Kyung Shin) pp.4121-4126.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting Intercultural Sensitivity of Korean Adolescents (Seak-Zoon Roh) pp.4127-4136.
[ PDF ]
- Mapping Changes over Time on an Asynchronous Forum: Critical Thinking and Interaction
(Jamie Costley and Seunglock Han) pp.4137-4144. [ PDF ]
- The Potentialities of Korea Culture and its Globalization Strategy (Sang-Bum Chin) pp.4145-4150.
[ PDF ]
- Der Baader Meinhof Komplex: Focusing on the Justification of Violence (Chang Hyun Cho) pp.4151-4158.
[ PDF ]
- On Study of the Hologram Display using Mirror in Interactive Media Arts
(Hyeyoung Yoo and Hyunggi Kim) pp.4159-4164. [ PDF ]
- The Productive Reception of Goethe's Faust in Korea (Sang Bum Chin) pp.4165-4170.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of the Interactive Media Art's Interface Factor for Playing-based Interaction: Focused on
Experiential Media Art Contents (Yoonje Chang, Sun Song and Hyunggi Kim) pp.4171-4176.
[ PDF ]
- Logistics Service Model for Sustainability of Supply Chain (Kyeongrim Ahn and Suyoun Lee) pp.4177-4182.
[ PDF ]
- Development of the Extended eXCampus System for School Administration in Colleges and Universities
(Lee Yong Hui and Kim Hwan Seok) pp.4183-4188. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Device for Detection of Fuselage Defective Parts (Yair Wiseman) pp.4189-4194.
[ PDF ]
- An Alternative Name Space and System for Locator-Identifier Split Internet Architecture
(Pyung Soo Kim and Mun Suck Jang) pp.4195-4200. [ PDF ]
- Subthreshold Current for Doping Profile Dependent Conduction Path of Symmetric DGMOSFET
(Hakkee Jung and Ohshin Kwon) pp.4201-4208. [ PDF ]
- Effect of Ultrasonic Waves from Polyvinyldene Fluoride Film (PVDF) on Filterability of Fiber Drainage
(Young Uk Kim, Zhenhua Xin, Li Sak Kim, Sang Hyung Park and Jun Ho Moon) pp.4209-4214.
[ PDF ]
- Damage Detection Using the Curvature of Mean FRF Data in the First Resonance Frequency
(Hee-Chang Eun, Rae-Jung Kim, Young-Jun Ahn, Seung-Guk Lee and Su-Yong Park) pp.4215-4220.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Characteristics of Planning Within Analyzing the 'Physical Settings' of Exterior
Space in Mixed-use Development for Urban Regeneration in Tokyo (Lee Yong Sung) pp.4221-4226.
[ PDF ]
- Use of Seating Spaces on Shopping Streets in Japan (Yunjeong Lee, Kyeonghwa Byun and Seungeun Lee)
pp.4227-4234. [ PDF ]
- Recycle of the Abandoned Industrial Facility Site and Regeneration Plan of the Old Downtown
- Focused on Northern part of Paris Gare du Nord's Restructuring -
(Yekyeong Shin and Hyungjun, Noh) pp.4235-4240. [ PDF ]
- BigData Collected Using GPS to Measure and Study the Battery Consumption on of Mobile Devices
(Jin-Tae Park, Hyun-Seo Hwang and Il-Young Moon) pp.4241-4246.
[ PDF ]
- BigData based on a Combination of GPS and Movement Pattern Analysis of Students
(Jin-Tae Park, Hee-Soo Kang, Jun-Soo Yun and Il-Young Moon) pp.4247-4252.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the System for Analyzing Social Network Information
(Eun-Jee Song, Suk-Jung Hong and Min-Shik Kang) pp.4253-4258.
[ PDF ]
- The Overlay Multicast Scheme for Reducing Multicast Tree Constructing Overhead
(Yong Wan Gwak and Ji Seung Nam) pp.4259-4264. [ PDF ]
- Requirement Formalization using OWL Ontology-based Zachman Framework
(Ju Yeon Lee, Kyeongrim Ahn and Suyoun Lee) pp.4265-4270.
[ PDF ]
- A Degree of Similarity based Music Search-Recommendation Algorithm using Signal-Power Spectrum Analysis
(Yunsik Son, Yonghan Joo and Seman Oh) pp.4271-4276.
[ PDF ]
- Measurements of File Systems: on Usages of Large Data Files
(Hyun-chul Kim and Myung-Jeong Ha) pp.4277-4282. [ PDF ]
- Sphere-Tracing Signed Distance Fields with OptiX (Taejung Park and Yangmi Lim) pp.4283-4292.
[ PDF ]

Vol.17, No.9(B), September, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Dependence of Global Bifurcation of Cavity Flow on Locally Added Random Noises
(Ling-Xiang Tang and Itaru Hataue) pp.4299-4306.
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Tour Scheduler Pursuing Energy Efficiency and Time-dependent Gains for Electric Vehicles
(Junghoon Lee and Gyung-Leen Park) pp.4307-4316.
- Research on Grain Security System Based on the Balance of Production and Sale in Different Regions
(Feng LI and Guangsi LI) pp.4317-4326.
- A Discussion on Key Successful Factors of TPM in Enterprises (Chi-Chih Shen) pp.4327-4334.
- Research on Transformation of Measures of Sports Management with the Development of Informationalization
(Zheng Yamiao and Tang Jingdong) pp.4335-4344.
- A Review on Cache in French in View of Engineering (Chiaki Itoh and Seiji Fujino) pp.4345-4352.
- Development of a User Adaptive Learning System Using Computer Graphics
(Kotaro Matsushita, Takuya Sakiyama, Takahiro Kurumagawa, Natsumi Nemoto, Hideo Suzuki, Kenneth J.Mackin
and Eiji Nunohiro) pp.4353-4360.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Adaptive Retinex Back-light Compensation Algorithm Using Skewness Information of Image
(JongGeun Oh and Min-cheol Hong) pp.4361-4370.
- MRF-based Adaptive Detection Approach: A Framework for Restoring Images Degraded by Gaussian
(Tuan-Anh Nguyen and Min-cheol Hong) pp.4371-4380.
- Image Enhancement and Post-processing for Low-resolution Compressed Video
(Beomsu Kim and Min-Cheol Hong) pp.4381-4390.
- User Generated Interactive Audio-Visual Communication System Using Braille Method
(JeeHyun Yang, JaeSik Jeong, Kyujung Kim and George Legrady) pp.4391-4398.
- Driver Assistance Systems Using an Optimized RANSAC B-spline Fitting Algorithm
(Jiayong Deng and Youngjoon Han) pp.4399-4414.
- Accelerating Dynamic Data Dependence Analysis with SIMD Vectorization
(HyoYoung Kim, Sungtae Ryu and Hwansoo Han) pp.4415-4430.
- Designing Fast, Reliable In-Memory File Systems for Non-Volatile Memory
(Hyunjun Kim, Joonwook Ahn, Sungtae Ryu, Jungsik Choi and Hwansoo Han) pp.4431-4442.
- An Efficient Digital Contents Encryption Scheme for Mobile Devices using Open Pad of Bit-Stream Blocks
(Youn-Sik Jeong, Seong-Je Cho, Jeonguk Ko, Hyungjoon Shim, Jongcheon Choi, Moonju Park, Joonmo Kim,
Minkyu Park and Sangchul Han) pp.4443-4454.
- Cost-aware Watermarking for Mobile Applications (Joonhyouk Jang, Bongjae Kim, Yookun Cho,
Yoojin Chung and Jiman Hong) pp.4455-4464.
- Implementation of a Patient Monitoring System Using a Software 2D Graphics Controller Based on RTOS
(Bong-Joo Kim and Jiman Hong) pp.4465-4474.
- Effective APIs Extraction and Compression Schemes for Dynamic Binary Similarity Comparison
(Youngsu Park, Daeho Kim and Jiman Hong) pp.4475-4484.
- Feature based Filtering System for Preventing Illegal Distribution of Android Applications
(Minwoo Jang, Youngsu Park and Jiman Hong) pp.4485-4494.
- The Mobile Inspector for Detecting Installed Illegal Android Applications using Fingerprinting
(Hyunho Ji, Woochur Kim, Sanghoon Choi and Jiman Hong) pp.4495-4504.
- A Fast and Efficient Key-Value Store using Infiniband RDMA
(Joonhyouk Jang, Yookun Cho, Jinman Jung and Jiman Hong) pp.4505-4514.
- Efficient PU Detection and Authentication Protocol for Secure Cognitive Spectrum Sharing in Hostile
Environment (Fatty M. Salem and Maged H. Ibrahim) pp.4515-4525.
- Highly Secured Cloud Computing using Functional Encryption Scheme
(R. Manjusha and R. Ramachandran) pp.4525-4534.
- Impulsive Noise Robust Subband Adaptive Filtering Algorithm (Young-Seok Choi) pp.4535-4544.
- A Light Weight Source-End Defense Architecture to Protect IPsec VPN Service from Spoofing Attack
(Saraswathi Shunmuganathan, Renuka Devi Saravanan and Yogesh Palanichamy) pp.4545-4566.
- Simple yet Efficient Pixel-Based Graphics Retrieval (Shang-An Li, Songzhi Su, Shu-Yuan Chen,
Der-Jyh Duh and Shaozi Li) pp.4567-4582.
- Anonymous Web Browsing Against Traffic Analysis Attacks by Reusing the Cache Memory
(Jeevaa Katiravan and N. Duraipandian) pp.4583-4588.
- Automatic Road Network Extraction Through Slegion and Ghkf Using High Resolution Satellite Images
(K. Madhan Kumar, R. Kanthavel and A. Velayudham) pp.4589-4598.
- Bending Stress and Contact Stress Analysis of a Spur Gear For Material Steel C45
(S. Prabhakaran and S. Ramachandran) pp.4599-4612.
- Audit Trail Mechanism to Verify Remote Data (Nirmala V and Dr. R. Shanmugalakshmi) pp.4613-4620.
- MSRM Based Energy Efficient Data Reconstruction for Wireless Sensor Network
(A. Muthu Krishnan and Dr. P. Ganeshkumar) pp.4621-4630.
- Three Stage De-noising Using Local Pixel Grouping (LPG) with Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Packets (DTCWP)
(A. Velayudham, R. Kanthavel and K. Madhan Kumar) pp.4631-4640.
- An HCRFs Approach for Human Activity Recognition Based on Global Shape and Local Motion Features
(Mahmoud Elmezain) pp.4641-4648.
- Efficient Packet Transmission Using Path Selection in MANET- SPSR & ZLR
(Prabhakaran P and Saravanan M) pp.4649-4660.
- Teaching Assistant System used Eye Tracking Device Based on Gaze Estimation by Neural Network and
Intention Recognition by Fuzzy Inference (Mao Wang, Yoichiro Maeda and Yasutake Takahashi) pp.4661-4676.
- Formal Development of Electronic Identity Card System Using Event-B
(Jawid Ahmad BAKTASH and Tomokazu NAGATA) pp.4677-4686.
- Improving the Performance for Relation Based Search Engines in Semantic Web Using Onto Search
(S. Raja Ranganathan, Dr. M. Marikkannan and Dr. S. Karthik) pp.4687-4694.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Kymograph Generation for Analysis of Mitochondrial Transports (Nak Hyun Kim and Yoojin Chung) pp.4695-4702.
- Study of the Whole Body Vibrations in Cairo Different Transportation Systems
(Torki Altameem, Mohammed Amoon, Manal EL Sayed, Shahira Habashy and Mohamed EL Adawy) pp.4703-4714.

Vol.17, No.10(A), October, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Typhoon Recognition Method based on FY-2 Satellites
(Wei Tian, Liguang Wu, Weican Zhou, Tinghuai Ma, Jin Wang and Sungyoung Lee) pp.4721-4726.
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Integrated Metadata Design of Medical Imaging Information for Managing and Distribution
(Suntae Kim, Sangho Lee, Sanghwan Lee, Yongbae Lee and Pyung Kim) pp.4727-4732.
- Context-based Automatic Summarization in News Articles (Kyonam Choo and Jungwon Cho) pp.4733-4738.
- Auditor Provided Tax Services and Aggressive Reporting (Minyoung Noh, Doocheol Moon and
Andres Guiral) pp.4739-4750.
- Conceptual Framework for the Integration of Business Functions
(Chan Kwon Park, Yeong-Bin Cho and Chae-Bogk Kim) pp.4751-4756.
- Efficiency and Productivity Change in the Korean Iron and Steel Industry
(Seok-Young Lee and Sang-Lyul Ryu) pp.4757-4764.
- Factors Affecting Job Performance under Enterprise SNS Environment
(Chang-Gyu Yang, Sang-Gun Lee and Eui-bang Lee) pp.4765-4770.
- The Effects of Leadership on Social Workers' Organizational Commitment:
Focusing on Ethical Leadership, Organizational Trust, and Supervisor Trust (So-Yun Choi) pp.4771-4778.
- The Effects of Strategic Customer Orientation and IT Investment on the Organizational Performance
(Dae-Yul Jeong, Sung-Min Kim and Dong-Ju Yoon) pp.4779-4786.
- One Color Extraction Method in Representation Techniques of Video Production
(Hak-Hyun Choi, Seung-Ae Lim and Jung-Hee Kim) pp.4787-4792.
- English Teacher Motivation Scale (ETMS): Construction, Factor Structure, and Psychometric
Properties (Sunhee Choi) pp.4793-4800.
- Teachers' Perception for the Adequacy of Robot-based Instruction in the School Curriculum
Implementation (Kyunghyun Kim, Hwasook Choi and Jeeun Baek) pp.4801-4808.
- Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Hunminglish Pronunciation Instruction (HPI) Based on
Contrastive Analysis for Korean Adult Learners (Jin-Sung Kim and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.4809-4816.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Genetic Design of Fuzzy Neural Networks by Means of Interval Type-2 FCM Clustering for
Pattern Recognition (Keon-Jun Park, Kwan-Woong Kim and Yong-Kab Kim) pp.4817-4822.
- Scheduling Mechanism on Virtual Machines for Supporting@Latency-Sensitive Tasks
(Byung Ki Kim, Chuck Yoo, Jeong Gun Lee and Young Woong Ko) pp.4823-4828.
- Combining of Frequency Division Multiplexing and Orthogonal Waveforms for Frequency
Sharing of High Frequency Ocean Surface Radar (In-Sik Choi, Seung-Jae Lee, Joo-Hwan Lee,
Joon-Ho Lee and Young-Hoon Lee) pp.4829-4838.
- User Throughput Enhancement in OFDM Systems (Dongwook Kim and Namgi Kim) pp.4839-4846.
- Implementation of Inter-VTS Data Exchange Format Protocol based on Mobile Platform for
Next-generation Vessel Traffic Service System (Namje Park) pp.4847-4856.
- Dynamic Instrumentation for Determining Logical Concurrency Between Threads of OpenMP Programs
(Ying Meng, In-Bon Kuh, Ok-Kyoon Ha and Yong-Kee Jun) pp.4857-4862.
- Inconsistent Source Code Identifiers (Suntae Kim and JeongAh Kim) pp.4863-4868.
- Modeling and Construction of Aged Human Spine Database (Seungwoo Lee, Dongmin Seo, Sang-Ho Lee,
Seung-Bock Lee, Hanmin Jung and Won-Kyung Sung) pp.4869-4874.
- Memory Leakage Detection by PCB Hooking in Android (Jihyun Park and Byoungju Choi) pp.4875-4884.
- Geographic Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks for Reliable FTP Traffic Communication
(Jia Uddin and Jong-Myon Kim) pp.4885-4892.
- Efficiency Improvement of Steel Pile Construction Using RTK-GPS
(Joon-Kyu Park and Kap-Yong Jung) pp.4893-4898.
- Self-descriptive System Identification for Single Image Parallel Computer Architecture
(Jong Wook Kwak) pp.4899-4904.
- Design of the Mutual Authentication Protocol for Passive Tag based on AES Algorithm
(Hyoung-Keun Park and Sun-Yeob Kim) pp.4905-4910.
- Implementation of Smart U-Health Care System (Yeong Seob Jeong, Yeong Ju Kwon
and Seung Eun Lee) pp.4911-4916.
- Optimization of Mutation-based Test Generation with Model Checking
(Yongjie Deng, Hongwei Zeng, Huaikou Miao and Honghao Gao) pp.4917-4922.
- Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects using Entropy Mask Image and Fast Level Set
Method for Video Surveillance (Wan Hyun Cho, In Seop Na, Soon Young Park and Soo Hyung Kim)
- Skin Color Segmentation by Gaussian Mixture Models Classifier and Wavelet Texture Feature
Generation (Chi-Man Pun and Pan Ng) pp.4937-4942.
- Cause-Effect Ordered Mobile Agent Group Communication Protocol (Jinho Ahn) pp.4943-4948.
- Automatic Composition of Internet-of-Things in Service Level Using Boolean Satisfiability
(Hyunyoung Kil and Wonhong Nam) pp.4949-4956.
- Greenhouse Control Architecture based on Context-based Adaptive Middleware
(MyeongBae Lee, InGon Park, ChulYoung Park, HongGeun Kim, TaeHyung Kim,
YongYun Cho, JangWoo Park and ChangSun Shin) pp.4957-4964.
- SMCCSE: Performance Evaluation of a Hadoop-based Distributed Image Conversion Module for
Mobile Media Service (Myoungjin Kim, Yun Cui, Hanku Lee, Seungho Han and Jongjin Jung) pp.4965-4980.
- A Grid-Based Similar Sub-Trajectory Retrieval Technique for Multimedia Data
(Ki-Young Lee and Sung-Bae Kim) pp.4981-4986.
- An Evaluation of Decision Support System for Substitute Item Group Buying
(Satoshi Takahashi and Tokuro Matsuo) pp.4987-4996.
- On the Performance Evaluation of Energy Management Scheme in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor
Network (EH-WSN) (Nico N. Encarnacion and Hyunho Yang) pp.4997-5002.
- On Exploiting Tag Information for Community Detection on Flickr
(Minsoo Choy, Woochul Sung, Jae-Gil Lee, Mun Yong Yi and Young-Ho Park) pp.5003-5008.
- Design and Implementation of a User Management System (Jaegeol Yim and Gyeyoung Lee) pp.5009-5014.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Novel Filter Bank Approach to Adaptive Clutter Filtering based on Signal Phase Consistency
in Ultrasound Imaging (Seong-Ho Song and Moo-Ho Bae) pp.5015-5020.
- Real-time Estimation of Length and Energy Expenditure of Each Step using Noisy and
Orientation-free Acceleration Obtained from an Android Smartphone
(Yao Meng, Hee-Cheol Kim and Sang-Hoon Yi) pp.5021-5030.
- Mining Association Rules between Risk Factors and Diseases in Patients with Acute Myocardial
Infarction (Jun Wook Lee, Dong Gyu Lee, Jang-Whan Bae and Keun Ho Ryu) pp.5031-5036.
- Nurse Turnover Intention and Influencing Factors (Su-Jeong Han) pp.5037-5042.

Vol.17, No.10(B), October, 2014
- Management and Social Sciences
- Measuring the Performance of ERP Systems Implementation with Balanced
Scorecard Approach In Manufacturing Company (Verri Kuswanto and Ford Lumban Gaol) pp.5049-5056.
- Revenue, Market Segmentation and Categories of Mobile Applications
That Affect an Investor's Venture Capital Decision in Mobile Business
Applications (Dennis Adrian, Harjanto Prabowo, Ford Lumban Gaol and Riswan Efendi Tarigan) pp.5057-5064.
- Dynamic Analysis of the Triangular Trade Balance between Korea, China, and Japan by Using the S-curve
(Hyun-Jae Rhee) pp.5065-5072.
- Antecedents and Consequence of User Satisfaction with Chinese Micro-blog: Focused on Gender
(Ki-Han Chung, Yu-Hui Dong and Jae-Ik Shin) pp.5073-5078.
- An Empirical Study of Improving Portfolio Performance with Range Correlation in the Korean Stock Market
(Jonghae Park) pp.5079-5084.
- Factors Affecting Job Performance under Enterprise SNS Environment
(Chang-Gyu Yang, Sang-Gun Lee and Eui-bang Lee) pp.5085-5090.
- User Acceptance of Smartphones in Korea: A Focus on TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) and UTAUT
(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) (Seong Ho Kim) pp.5091-5096.
- The Negative Asymmetric Return-Volatility Relation: Evidence from Korea
(Daesung Jung and Taehyuk Kim) pp.5097-5102.
- Comparative Analysis of Reservation System on the Satisfaction and Revisit Intention in the
Leisure Accommodations (Yeung Ki Suk and Man Su Kang) pp.5103-5108.
- Index Funds and Exchange Traded Funds; Substitutability and Reasons for the Coexistence
(Young-Kyu Park, Hyun-Ju Jung and Hae-Song Choi) pp.5109-5114.
- Study on Development and Effect of a Film-based Educational Program to
Improve Creativity and Personality for Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers
(Jeong Jin Youn, Se Jin Eom and Hyoung Jai Kim) pp.5115-5120.
- Problems Experienced by Korean Teachers (Yangsook Kil) pp.5121-5128.
- Effect Analysis of Scientific Communication Program In Science Education
(Byungtai Park and Seongsoo Jeon) pp.5129-5134.
- An Exploration of Relationship Analysis between Internet Literacy and Internet Addiction for
Korean Adolescent (Chan Jung Park and Jung Suk Hyun) pp.5135-5140.
- Pedagogical Effectiveness of Web Technologies in Global Learning based on 21st Century Skills
(Seung Hyun Kim and Sook-Young Choi) pp.5141-5146.
- Study of Flipped Learning Class Utilizing Big Data (Myung-suk Lee and Yoo-ek Son) pp.5147-5152.
- The Effect of Theme Based STEAM Activity Programs on Self Efficacy, Scientific Attitude, and
Interest in Scientific Learning (Sun-Chen Huh, Hui-Ju Hwang and Young-Tae Kong) pp.5153-5160.
- The Implementation of STEAM Program about Air Pollution in Senior High School
(Young-Tae Kong) pp.5161-5168.
- Korean Educational Meaning of Bilingualism by Learning Hansi (Soyeon Chung) pp.5169-5174.
- Abstract Thinking, Risk-taking, and Impulsivity: Implication for the Smart Phone Addiction of Adolescent
(Jung Suk Hyun, Chan Jung Park, Kyong Eun Lee and Jung Yoon Kim) pp.5175-5180.
- Influence Incident Shock Index and Stress have on Delinquency of Abused Teens - Focused Welfare
Facilities Located in E-si, Gyeonggi-do (Mi-Ja Lee and Sung-Je Cho) pp.5181-5190.
- A Grounded Theory Study about Behavioral Characteristics of Students Depending on a Motivation System
about Science Learning (Il-ho Yang, Seong-un Kim, Sung-man Lim and Cheong-Hwan Lim) pp.5191-5196.
- Critical Issues in Korean-American Intercultural Exchanges (Myung-Jeong Ha) pp.5197-5202.
- A Study on the Effects of Multicultural Education in the Secondary Teacher's College
(Jaebok Seo) pp.5203-5210.
- Associated Factors which Influence Satisfaction of Students on Web-based University Courses using
a Structural Equation Model (Suk-Yeol Lee and Ho-Seub Lee) pp.5211-5218.
- National Comparison on Communication Education in Science Education (Seongsoo Jeon and Jongho Park)
- The Effects of Communication between University Students and Parents on Family Cohesion and Happiness
(Young-Sik, Kang and Jung-Hwan Park) pp.5225-5234.
- Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of the Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory: The Rasch
Measurement Approach (So Young Jang and Sunhee Choi) pp.5235-5240.
- An Integrated Approach to Architectural Education: Development and Use of a Web-based Constructivist
Learning Supporting System (CLASS) (Hyunmi Chung and Doyoung Lee) pp.5241-5248.
- Web-based Testing System for Knowledge Assessment in Outcome-based Education
(Jeong Ah Kim, NamSun Kim and Minsuck Song) pp.5249-5254.
- Implementation of Online Micro Teaching (Jeong Ah Kim, Hae Ha Heo and JungWoo Choi) pp.5255-5262.
- Handwriting Evaluation Tools for Children with Writing Difficulties (Okin Lee) pp.5263-5268.
- Re-conceptualization of the Curriculum Design and Pedagogy through Bruner's Idea of Narrative
(Hyeon-Suk Kang) pp.5269-5276.
- A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of Primary Students through Mathematics Logic Solving with Scratch
(Seungki Shin and Phanwoo Park) pp.5277-5282.
- An Investigation into the Exhaustion and Physical Symptoms of Journalists Working in Seoul, South Korea.
(Saeng-kyu Park and Sung-Je Cho) pp.5283-5288.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- MEMS Contacts for Test Sockets of BGA IC Packages from BeCu Metal Sheet
(Dongsu Lee, Seongseon Yang, Dongin Lee and Bonghwan Kim) pp.5289-5296.
- The Acoustic Characteristics of Korean Diphthongs in Speakers with Flaccid and Hypokinetic Dysarthria
(Haewon Byeon) pp.5297-5302.
- Key-frame-based Depth Propagation Algorithm Considering Z-axis Movement in 2D-to-3D Conversion
(Jin Woo Choi and Taeg Keun Whangbo) pp.5303-5310.
- Improving Efficiency in Range-based Query Processing on the Hadoop Distributed File System by
Leveraging Partitioned Tables (Jong Wook Kim, Sae-Hong Cho and Ilmin Kim) pp.5311-5316.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Psychological and Mental Experiences of Living Liver Donors in South Korea
(Sun Ju Jeong and Eun Kwang Yoo) pp.5317-5324.
- Relations of Clinical Nurses' Organizational Commitment, Professional Self-Concept and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (Jeon, Kyeong ?Deok and Koh, Myung Suk) pp.5325-5338.
- A Study on Contamination of Prefilled Oxygen Humidifiers When Applied to Multiple dyspneic Patients
in the Emergency Room (Yongjeong Lee, Minjeong Kim, Sookyung Jeong and Hyeoncheol Jeong) pp.5339-5346.
- A Strong Need for Health Education and Its Influencing Factors for Foreign Women of Multi-cultural
Family in Korea (Hye Jin Kim, Eun Kwang Yoo, Eun Sil Jung and Yeun mi Kim) pp.5347-5352.

Vol.17, No.11(A), November, 2014
- Special Issue on Computer Applications and Information Processing
Technology (Guest Editors : Prof. Jin Kwak)
- Preface (Jin Kwak) pp.5358
- Design and Fabrication of Patch Antenna for Container Transportation
(Eun Kyu Lee, Jae Joong Kim and Hyung Rim Choi) pp.5359-5368.
- Design and Fabrication of Ceramic Chip Antenna for Global reefer Container Transportation
(Eun Kyu Lee, Jae Joong Kim and Hyung Rim Choi) pp.5369-5378.
- The Device Control System based on the Framework of the Multiple Protocol Version Control Services
(Woon-Yong Kim, SoonGohn Kim) pp.5379-5386.
- A Mechanism to Resolve Congestion by Adapting the MIMO Transmission Mode in the MANET Environment
(Hayoung Oh and Sanghyun Ahn) pp.5387-5396.
- A Study on the Simulation and Analysis of Multi-hop Network with Ber Data Patterns for Maritime
Communication (Yoon-Young Park, Nam-Sik Yun and Gang-Hee Jung) pp.5397-5406.
- A Study on the Outer Container Security Device Based on IoT
(Young Sik Moon, Eun Kyu Lee, Jae Joong Kim and Hyung Rim Choi) pp.5407-5414.
- mVoIP Eavesdropping : Operation Hooking Technique of Device File for Recording All Sound on Android
(Junhee Jeon and Jaecheol Ryou) pp.5415-5424.
- A Study on the Container Security Device based on IoT
(Young Sik Moon, Eun Kyu Lee, Jae Joong Kim and Hyung Rim Choi) pp.5425-5434.
- Performance Analysis of Simple IDS for Floodlight Controller in SDN Environment
(Seong-ho Choi and Jin Kwak) pp.5435-5442.
- A Study on the Attack Prevention Methods for ARP Spoofing
(Jaw-Won Ahn, Jung-Ha Kang and Eun-Gi Kim) pp.5443-5454.
- A Study for Secure Device Management in a Smart Home (Ho-Seok Ryu and Jin Kwak) pp.5455-5462.
- A Secure User Authentication Scheme in the Cloud Service Brokerage System
(Deuk-Hun Kim and Jin Kwak) pp.5463-5470.
- Context-Aware Access Control Scheme for Secure Data Management in Mobile Cloud Environments
(Su-In Lee and Jin Kwak) pp.5471-5478.
- Analysis of Navigation Message Parameter for Efficient Authentication
(JunHoo Park, SeongMin Yoo, SangWoo Kim, JangYong Lee and JaeCheol Ryou) pp.5479-5486.
- An Improvement of the Occlusion Detection Performance in Optical Flow-based Sequential Images
through Object Segmentation and Post-processing (Su-min Jung and Taeg-kuen Whangbo) pp.5487-5494.
- Motion Estimation Method for Multi-view Video Coding
(Mi-Young Kim, Hyo-Sun Yoon and Ok-Hee Gong) pp.5495-5502.
- A Novel Gaze Detection Method with Robustness in Face Rotation Using Facial Feature Tracking
(Seong-Hoon Kim and Gi-Tae Han) pp.5503-5512.
- Improvement of Adhesion Force and Locomotion of Wall Climbing Robot using Physical Analysis
(Sanghoon Kim, Joowhan Park, Taewhan Kim, Jaewoong Shin, Yunseop Yu and Hyun-Ho Choi) pp.5513-5522.
- Korean Morphological Analysis Methods using a Statistical Machine Translation Tool and a
Conditional Random Fields Tool (Hyunmin Seo, Bogyum Kim and Jae Sung Lee) pp.5523-5534.
- Infrastructure Requirements for Cloud Computing Interoperability
(Donghwi O, Yangwoo Kim, Seungyoon Lee and Kangchan Lee) pp.5535-5548.
- A Research of PTZ Camera Control System Based on Absolute Coordinates
(Jae-Sung Shim and Seok-Cheon Park) pp.5549-5556.
- Performance Evaluation of Background Garbage Collection for Solid State Drives
(Ilhoon Shin) pp.5557-5566.
- Efficient Load Shedding for Join Aggregate Queries in Data Stream Processing
(Hyeon Gyu Kim) pp.5567-5576.
- Applying Bug Features based Clustering for Prediction of Bug Fixing Time
(Kwanghue Jin, Kimun Kwon and Byungjeong Lee) pp.5577-5584.
- Development of Programmable LED Control Platform for Accident Prevention
(Phyoung Jung Kim, Sung Woong Hong and Youn Seo Kim) pp.5585-5596.
- Meta-data Configuration and Learning Technique for Wellness Content Recommendation
(Min-sung Hong, O-Joun Lee, Won-Jin Lee, Kee-Won Kim, Seung-Hoon Kim, Hee-Jung Han
and Jae-Dong Lee) pp.5597-5606.
- A Structural Tool to Efficiently Analyze Enterprise Smart Business Capability in a Total
Smart Business Capability Perspective (Chui Young Yoon) pp.5607-5618.
- Rendering Method of Translucent Material in Blinn-Phong Model Using Transparency Coefficient
with Refractive Index (Seong-Hoon Kim, Young-Kyu Yang and Gi-Tae Han) pp.5619-5626.
- Guideline to Tailoring the Software Product Line Engineering Process
(Jeong Ah Kim and JinSeok Yang) pp.5627-5636.
- A Cloud System Digital Forensics Method based on Digital Footprints of XenDesktop Server
Virtualization System (Hyung-Woo Lee) pp.5637-5654.

Vol.17, No.11(B), November, 2014
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Covering Gragh By Upper And Lower Approximations Operations (M. Shokry and R. Mareay) pp.5661-5676.
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study of Vehicle Allocation Using a Transportation Freight-Based Algorithm
(Hee-Yong Kang, Yoon-Kyu Kang, Yong-Tae Shin and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.5677-5682.
- Forensic Analysis of Smishing Hacking in Smartphones (Dea-woo Park) pp.5683-5688.
- A User's Guide for Countermeasures Against Smishing Attacks (Jin Shin and Dea-woo Park) pp.5689-5694.
- A Suggestion for Government Policy on the Cloud Services by Applying the AHP
(Chang-Su Ryu and Chang-Wu Hur) pp.5695-5700.
- Design of an Efficient Data Management Framework for e-Learning Services in High Performance Computers
(Du-Seok Jin, Jung-Lok Yu, Jongsuk Ruth Lee and Hoon Ryu) pp.5701-5706.
- The Salesperson's Method of Approaching the Customer: Rationally-Oriented Versus Emotionally-Oriented
(Jae-Hun Jang) pp.5707-5712.
- A Study of Oral Health Management Practices of Workers in Elderly Care Facilities in South Korea
(Ye-Hwang Kim, Hyun-Joo Kang and Jung-Hwa Lee) pp.5713-5718.
- Understanding the Information Technology Investment Thresholds for Productivity Growth:
Manufacturing vs. Service Industries (Junghoon Moon, Md. Dulal Hossain, Sooran Jo and Hongkyu Lee) pp.5719-5734.
- Competition and Converging Market Structure in the Korean Multichannel Video Programming Distribution
Industry (Ahreum Hong, Yeonbae Kim, Junseok Hwang and Seungwoo Oh) pp.5735-5764.
- Analyzing the Price Negotiation with a Vibration System (Deokkyo Oh) pp.5765-5786.
- Analysis on the Pattern of Citation in Articles for the Prediction of Article Impact
(Hyejin Lee, Mihwan Hyun and Hyesun Kim) pp.5787-5794.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Phase Noise Spectrum Design of M-ary APSK Communication System (Young-wan Kim) pp.5795-5800.
- A New Technique for Reducing D/A Converters in MIMO Transmitters
(Soon-Il Hong and Eui-Rim Jeong) pp.5801-5806.
- Frequency Offset Estimation Based on Partial Correlation (Jieun Park and Eui-Rim Jeong) pp.5807-5812.
- CPU Virtualization Based on VCP-PCPU Mapping in Cloud Computing (Cheul-Woo Ro) pp.5813-5818.
- Design of Optimal Pathway Extraction Algorithm Applied to Multiband Radio Frequency WSN
(Seo-jeong Lee, Jae-Hwan Jeon, Myoung-Ho Kim and Am-Suk Oh) pp.5819-5824.
- Abnormal Sound Events Detection using Two-Pass Sound Indexing Method
(Gwang-Seok Lee and Hag-Yong Han) pp.5825-5830.
- Direct Observation of Wavelength-Dependent Spectral Response of CCD Sensors
(Seong-Jun Kang and Cheol-Hun Na) pp.5831-5836.
- Numerical Prediction based on FCM Clustering and Regression Analysis
(Seokhwan Yang and Mokdong Chung) pp.5837-5842.
- Detection of Trend Features for Topics using N-Gram-based Gini-Index Feature Selection Algorithm
(Heum Park) pp.5843-5848.
- An Extension of CloudSim toolkits for GPGPU-based Cloud Computing Simulation
(Hyun-wook Jun, Chung-Ho Hwang and Kyong Hoon Kim) pp.5849-5854.
- A Robust Copy-Move Forgery Detection Against Geometric Transforms
(Sonia Carole Kouayep and Kyung-Hyune Rhee) pp.5855-5860.
- A Study on Development of Improvement Guidelines of Smart Application Accessibility for the Disabled
(Woochun Jun) pp.5861-5866.
- Sensitive Cancer Cell Recognition in the Frequency Domain
(Cheolhun Na, Seongjun Kang and Sangjin Ryoo) pp.5867-5872.
- Analysis of Threshold Voltage for Gate Oxide Thickness of Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFET
(Hakkee Jung) pp.5873-5878.
- Analysis of Threshold Voltage for Channel Dimension of Asymmetric DGMOSFET
(Hakkee Jung and Ohshin Kwon) pp.5879-5884.
- The Relation of Conduction Path and Subthreshold Swing for Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFET
(Hakkee Jung and Dongsoo Jeong) pp.5885-5890.
- A Voltage Compensated Approach for Clock Drift Compensation in Wireless Sensor Networks
(Shiu Kumar and Seong Ro Lee) pp.5891-5896.
- Congestion Avoidance in a Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks
(Juniven Isin D. Sasi and Hyunho Yang) pp.5897-5902.
- Joint ML & MMSE-SIC Detection for Multi Cell Network Environment
(Won Seok Choi and Jeong Gon Kim) pp.5903-5908.
- Improved Hologram-based Virtual Plastic Surgery Support System (Tae Yong Kim) pp.5909-5914.
- Active Sensor Fusion?Based Map Building and Navigation of Mobile Robot (Taeseok Jin) pp.5915-5920.
- Realization of M2M simulator via Knapsack Problem Algorithm for Implementing Optimal
Communication Network (Gyu-Hyun Kim and Jong-wook Jang) pp.5921-5926.
- A Design and Implementation of a Lightweight Scientific Workflow System for Higher Education
and Advanced Research of Computational Science and Engineering
(HanGi Kim, JungLok Yu, DuSeok Jin, Hoon Ryu and Jongsuk Ruth Lee) pp.5927-5932.
- A Packet Buffer Congestion Controller in WiMedia WLP-based Networks
(Seong Ro Lee, Seung Beom Lee and Min A Jung) pp.5933-5938.
- Configuration Method of Fingerprinting Map using Characteristics of AP Signals
(Min-Ho Jeon and Chang-Heon Oh) pp.5939-5944.
- Integrated Technique of Wire and Wireless Sensors based on Wireless Sensor Network for
GreenHouse Environment Monitoring (Jung-Hee Seo and Hung-Bog Park) pp.5945-5950.
- Development of Optimization Algorithm for Moving Vehicles Using Particle Filters
(Yang-Weon Lee) pp.5951-5956.
- eBYOD: Extended BYOD Solution Architecture using Multi-USIM (Jae-Kyung Park) pp.5957-5962.
- Pseudo-Symmetric Link Configuration in Dispersion-Managed WDM Transmission System with Optical
Phase Conjugator (Jae-Pil Chung and Seong-Real Lee) pp.5963-5968.
- Application Software Development in Cooperation with RFID Handheld Readers for Facility
Location Management Services (Hyun-Sik Kim, Jong-Su Seo and Jeongwook Seo) pp.5969-5974.
- Cloud Type Classification by Fuzzy Logic and the Utility of Near-Infrared Image
(Kwang Baek Kim, Doo Heon Song, Jong Hee Lee and Youngchul Bae) pp.5975-5980.
- Mobile Game Server Framework for Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game Environment
with High Availability (Seung-Hun Lee and Doo Heon Song) pp.5981-5986.
- A Novel Architectural Framework for Aggregated Subscriber Profile - LDAP Interface
(Jagannadham Dulipala and P. Seethalakshmi) pp.5987-5996.
- Using Attribute Programming to Extend Groovy for Monitoring Variables and Methods
(Carlos Cortinhas and Fernando Barros) pp.5997-6008.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Designing Evidence Based Guideline Sharing System based on Knowledge Management
(Myonghwa Park) pp.6009-6014.
- Smoking and Oral Health Status Among Korean Middle and High School Students
(Jung-Won Yun, Jin-Bom Kim and Jung-Hwa Lee) pp.6015-6020.
- A Study of Influence of Different Exercise to Anemia Model for Rats (Zheng Ya Miao) pp.6021-6026.

Vol.17, No.12(A), December, 2014
- Management and Social Sciences
- Determinants of Expenditure of Adult Education (Sun-young Chang and Seung-gil Lee) pp.6033-6038.
[ PDF ]
- Learning by Cooperation: The Experience of Participants in University-high School Affiliation
R&E Project as ESD (Kyunghee Jung and Jihye Lim) pp.6039-6044.
[ PDF ]
- The Framework for Assessing the Performance of Offset (Joonyoung Kim and Jongyi Hong) pp.6045-6050.
[ PDF ]
- The Dialectical Leadership Model for Strategically Aligning the CoP (Community of Practice)
(Jongyi Hong) pp.6051-6056. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Relationship of Contact Service Employee's Attitude and Emotional Intelligence
to Coping Strategy and Service Performance (Kim, Gye Soo and Kim, Youn Sung) pp.6057-6062.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Healthcare Expenditure and National Income in Different Income Groups
(Hyun-Jae Rhee) pp.6063-6070. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Store Image, Charity Image, and Customer Orientation on Customer Satisfaction
and Loyalty in the NPS: The Moderating Effect of Trust (Ki-Han Chung, Deok-Jae Choi and Jae-Ik Shin)
pp.6071-6076. [ PDF ]
- Influences of Daily Stress and Job Satisfaction on Job Stress (in case of NACF employees)
(Moon-dol Kim and Sung-Je Cho) pp.6077-6086. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Operational Efficiency on Asymmetric Cost Behavior (Sang-Lyul Ryu, Seok-Young Lee
and Jayoun Won) pp.6087-6094. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Wine Demand Determinants and Wine Demand Model (Seung-gil Lee and Sun-young Chang) pp.6095-6100.
[ PDF ]
- The Impacts of Positive and Negative Price Perceptions on Price Acceptability in the Digital
Information Goods Market (Dae-Yul Jeong and Sung-Min Kim) pp.6101-6108.
[ PDF ]
- The Study on Factors Affecting SMEs' R&BD Knowledge Information Needs (Dong-ki Noh, Hyun Sook Roh,
Yun-jeong Choi and Jong-Hyen Seo) pp.6109-6114. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Korean Foodservice Franchise Industry (Seonmin Kim) pp.6115-6120.
[ PDF ]
- Case Study of a Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Promoting Problem Solving Among Elementary
Students with Learning Disorders (Hyun Sunwoo and Kwanghyun Choi) pp.6121-6128.
[ PDF ]
- Literacy of Underachieved Middle School Students in Korea (Sun-Hwa, Kim, Jeung-Ryeul Cho
and Soon-Gil Park) pp.6129-6136. [ PDF ]
- Foreign Language Learner's Native Culture and Translation (Jin-Ha Kim) pp.6137-6144.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Problem Based Learning on Knowledge Acquisition and The Problem Solving Process
(Yangsook Kil) pp.6145-6150. [ PDF ]
- Meta-Analysis Of The Influence Of South Korea's Admissions Officer System On University Students' GPA
(Lee, Ho Seub and Lee, Suk Yeol) pp.6151-6156. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Industry Field Practitioners' perception about Construction Department Curriculums
at Specialized vocational High Schools (Ju-Young Hwang, Young-Il Jang, Sun-Woo Kim and Wan-Shin Park) pp.6157-6162.
[ PDF ]
- Development and Application of Engineering Education Program base on Optimum Design of F1
by using Design of Experiment (Hyunwook Nam) pp.6163-6168. [ PDF ]
- Implication from the Study on the Bilingual Education of China's Chaoxianzu Schools
(Youngsoon Kim, Jia Chen and Haiying Huang) pp.6169-6176. [ PDF ]
- International Students' Oral Participation in the Multicultural Classroom (Myung-Jeong Ha) pp.6177-6182.
[ PDF ]
- Transforming Music Education with the application of Critical Pedagogy (Seungeun Choi and Youngsoon Kim)
pp.6183-6188. [ PDF ]
- Comparison of Motivation System of Science Learning Between Gifted Students and Non-gifted Students
in Elementary School (Ilho Yang, Sangil Lee, Seongun Kim and Sungman Lim) pp.6189-6194.
[ PDF ]
- Research on the Parenting Stress and Self-Esteem of Parents with Primary School Children
(Jye-young kim and Sung-JeCho) pp.6195-6202. [ PDF ]
- The Formation of Rapport Between Korean Students and International Faculty
(Trevor Robertson, Joung Hyun Ham and Hyun Jung Min) pp.6203-6210. [ PDF ]
- Experiences from Flipped Classroom by Novice Math Teacher in Middle School
(Hae Ja Heo and Min Ryeol Choi) pp.6211-6216. [ PDF ]
- Structural Relationships of Adult e-Learners' Learning Motivation, Self-Regulated Learning, Learning
Satisfaction, and Academic Procrastination: Focused on the Mediating Effect of Learning Flow
(Seak-Zoon Roh) pp.6217-6226. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the English Learning Status of Multi-Cultural Secondary School Students
(Jin-Sung Kim and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.6227-6232. [ PDF ]
- Re-conception of Cultural Ecology-Based Pedagogy Based on Bruner's narrative
(Hyeon-Suk Kang and Yoon-Bok Lee) pp.6233-6238. [ PDF ]
- Receptive History of 'Cheo-Yong' Story in (Soyeon Chung) pp.6239-6246.
[ PDF ]
- Educational Method for Reflective Writing Based on Traditional Entrust-Biography
(Soyeon Chung and Jiyeong Lee) pp.6247-6252. [ PDF ]
- Narrative Inquiry on Self-Esteem of College Student (Myungsook Rho) pp.6253-6258.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effect of Youth Social Environment factors on Violent Behavior and Suicidal Behavior
(Deok-Jo Kim and Sung-JeCho) pp.6259-6266. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Could Naming Test Really Differentiate among Mild Cognitive Impairment, Mild Dementia and Normal
Elderly ? (Haewon Byeon) pp.6267-6272. [ PDF ]
- Prediction Model for the Smoking in Korean Adolescent Using CART Algorism
(Haewon Byeon and Raeho Lee) pp.6273-6278. [ PDF ]
- Farming related Symptoms among Korean Farmers and their Quality of Life (Myoung-Hee Kim) pp.6279-6284.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Factors that Affect Elderly Women' Health Promotion Behavior in Rural Area
(Jun Hee Noh and Eun Ju Lim) pp.6285-6290. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Nurses' Life Satisfaction Studying for Bachelor's Degree
(Eun Ju Lim, Jun Hee Noh and Eun Young Kim) pp.6291-6296. [ PDF ]
- The Recognition and Expecting Need of Nurses' the Career Ladder System in the Small to Medium
Sized Hospitals (YoungHee Han and KyungSook Kim) pp.6297-6306. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Simulation on Knowledge of Advanced Cardiac Life Support in Nursing Students and Nurses
(Woo Jeong Kim and Min Young Kim) pp.6307-6312. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Perceived Health Status in the Presence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in
Korean Middle-aged Men (Eun Ju Lim) pp.6313-6318. [ PDF ]
- Verbal and Visuospatial Memory Deficits in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Cross-sectional Study
(Haewon Byeon) pp.6319-6324. [ PDF ]

Vol.17, No.12(B), December, 2014
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on the Microprocessor Virtual Lecture Contents Using AVR Simulator
(Dong kyun Lim and Jae Yeon Choi) pp.6331-6340.
- Secure Media Data Management Protocol for Data Confidentiality (Jeongmin Do and Youjin Song) pp.6341-6346.
- Indexing in Multi-Formatted BigData (Wooyung Lee, Jeong-Jin Kang and Muhammad Shahid Ansari) pp.6347-6354.
- IT Governance: Performance and Risk Management Evaluation in Higher Education
(Abdulrahman H. AL-Talhi and Abdullah AL-Malaise AL-Ghamdi) pp.6355-6370.
- A New Study on the Influencing Factors of the Efficiency of M & A Integration in China
(Shu-rong YAN and Man-wen TIAN) pp.6371-6378.
- Chinese State Audit Legal System and Anti-corruption (Cheng Nai-sheng) pp.6379-6398.
- Association and Information Causality among World Stock Markets: Evidence from India, Japan and US
(T. Mohanasundaram and Dr. P. Karthikeyan) pp.6399-6408.
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Signal Strength Value Prediction Model for WLAN-based Indoor Location Determination Technology
(Myungsub Lee) pp.6409-6418.
- Model and Implementation of Forensic Readiness for Privacy Protection on Cloud Service
(Yong-Nyuo Shin and Dong-Kyun Lim) pp.6419-6426.
- Selective Garbage Collection for Hybrid Mapping Flash Translation Layer based on Cost-benefit Analysis
(Ilhoon Shin) pp.6427-6432.
- ANFIS Control Based QoS Management in WSAN (Sang-Hyun Lee, Jeong-Gi Lee and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.6433-6438.
- Forecasting and Modeling of Electricity Demand Using NARX Neural Network in Smart Grid Environment
(Sang-Hyun Lee and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.6439-6444.
- Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Demand Management Including Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Grid
(Sang-Hyun Lee, An-Gyoon Jeon and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.6445-6452.
- 4 or 3 Symbol Error Correction based on the Extended Field Reed Solomon Code
(Sung Il Seo and Hyeong-Keon An) pp.6453-6460.
- Patch Antenna with Band Rejection Characteristic for Satellite Communications
(Joosuk Kim and Taehyun Jeon) pp.6461-6466.
- Low Complexity LLR for PSK Modulated STBC System (Jihye Lee and Taehyun Jeon) pp.6467-6472.
- Compensation of Power Line Communication Channels for Home Network (Sungeon Kim and Taehyun Jeon) pp.6473-6478.
- Effect of Imperfect CSI on SDM System in Railway Channel Environment
(Seong-guen Park, Jongwoo Lee and Taehyun Jeon) pp.6479-6484.
- A 54 - 862 MHz Ultra-Wideband CMOS Driver Amplifier for TV White-Space Applications
(Woon-Sung Choi, Kyung-Hak Lee, Wan-Sik Kim and Yun-Seong Eo) pp.6485-6492.
- Study on the Design and Implementation of Secure USB Platform via Virtual Disk (Hun Jung) pp.6493-6498.
- Sensor Localization Measurements for Wireless Sensor Network in Precision Agriculture
(Sang-Hyun Lee and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.6499-6504.
- Acoustic Characteristics of Sound sources for EEG Turning
(Doo-Hoen Kyon, Jeong-Hee Lee and Myng-Jin Bae) pp.6505-6510.
- A Study on Noise Reduction in In-Ear Microphone using Two Microphones
(Chan-Joong Jung and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.6511-6516.
- Implementation of A System for Recording and Managing of Automotive Driving Information based on Android & Web
(Minyoung Kim and Jong-wook Jang) pp.6517-6522.
- Evaluation of the Presence of UHD Video and Study on its Production Process
(ChangHee Oh and HoeKyung Jung) pp.6523-6530.
- Using High Frequency Accentuation in Speech Signals as a New Parameter in Intoxication Judgment
(Seong-Geon Bae, Myung-Sook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.6531-6536.
- Using High Frequency Emphasis as a Personal Speech Bandwidth in Speech Signal
(Seong-Geon Bae and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.6537-6542.
- A Study on the Foley Sound Effect of Ocean Waves (Ik-Soo Ahn, Myung-Sook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.6543-6550.
- RBF Neural Network Based Smart Grid Security (Sang-Hyun Lee, Heon Jeong and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.6551-6558.
- Development of a Modular 6 DOF Horseback riding Robot
(Wonsik Lee, Youngdae Lee, Chanwoo Moon and Jeongjin Kang) pp.6559-6566.
- Halftoning Algorithm by Enlarging Gradually the Magnitude of Edge based on Gradient
(Young-Man Kwon, Myung-Gwan Kim, Dong-Keun Chung and Myung-Jae Lim) pp.6567-6572.
- Electronic Acupuncture using Intelligence Technology (YouSik Hong, Seongsoo Cho, Bhanu Shrestha
and Young Roak Kim) pp.6573-6580.
- Smart Traffic-Safety System using RFID Technique and DMB System
(YouSik Hong, Chun Kwan Park, Seongsoo Cho, Bhanu Shrestha and Suck-Joo Hong) pp.6581-6588.
- The Influence on Changes of Visual Function by Watching 3D Images - Focused on Blink Rate and
Accommodative Response - (Jung-Ho Kim, Yong-Suk Choi, Soon-Chul Kwon, Kwang-Chul Son, Chae-Bong Sohn
and Seung-Hyun Lee) pp.6589-6598.
- Design of Ultra-High Definition (UHD) Broadcasting System based on Experimental UHDTV Broadcast
(Jae-Pil Oh and Dong Ho Kim) pp.6599-6606.
- Performance Comparison of Spatial Diversity Combining Techniques in Optical MIMO Communication Systems
(Nirzhar Saha and Yeong Min Jang) pp.6607-6612.
- A Study on Indoor Location Information Acquisition Technology using LED-ID based on Smart Device
(Jaesang Cha) pp.6613-6618.
- Power Reduction in DCT Implementation using Comparative Input Method
(K.K.Senthilkumar and R.Seshasayanan) pp.6619-6642.
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Assessment to Sway the Forward-backward Movement of the Body on the Home Health Care
(Jeong-lae Kim, Kyu-sung Hwang and Yong-seok Nam) pp.6643-6648.
- Implementation of Management Bases for the Right-Left Valuation on the Posturography
(Jeong-lae Kim and Kyu-dong Kim) pp.6649-6654.
- Design and Implementation of Health Information Monitoring System for Multi-Patient based on Wireless
Measuring Environment (Myung-Jae Lim, Myung-Gwan Kim, Young-Man Kwon and Jeong-Lae Kim) pp.6655-6660.
- Design and Implementation of a Mobile Web App for Stress Management
(Jong-Jin Park, In-kyoo Park, Gyoo-Seok Choi and Jeong-Lae Kim) pp.6661-6666.
- Development of Safety Sensor Node based on the Spare System
(Min Soo Kang, Kyu Ho Kim and Yong Gyu Jung) pp.6667-6672.
- Environmental Key Influence Features in Fish Farming Using by Clustering Algorithms
(Yong Gyu Jung, Min-Soo Kang and Young-Jin Choi) pp.6673-6678.
- Implementation of Transfer Function for Body Relation by Head Movement on the Axial State
(Jeong-lae Kim and Jong-Jin Park) pp.6679-6684.

Vol.18, No.1, January, 2015
- Management and Social Sciences
- Deployment Model of Big Data for Port Logistics
(Luis Alfredo Alfaro, Thi My Hanh Le, Hyung Rim Choi and Min Je Cho) pp.7-16.
[ PDF ]
- Thinking about Perceived Goal Progress in Consumer Choice: The Effects of Justification and
Assortment Size (Moon-Yong Kim) pp.17-22. [ PDF ]
- Establishments of the Legal Infrastructure for the Korea-Siberian Economic Cooperation:
Focusing on the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Case (Bongchul Kim) pp.23-32.
[ PDF ]
- A Bio-Inspired Computing for the Combined Facility Location and Vehicle Routing Problem
(Ji Ung Sun) pp.33-42. [ PDF ]
- The Creativity of the Future Architectural Engineering Competition
(Jun-Seoung Park, Wan-Shin Park, Young-Il Jang and Jun Ho Gong) pp.43-50.
[ PDF ]
- Examining Customer's Continuance Intention Toward Mobile IM Service from the Perspectives of
Interaction and Network Externalities (Weiyi Luo and Young-Chan Lee) pp.51-62.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Monitoring Models for Big-Data Traffic Analysis and Utilization
(Hae-Jong Joo, Moon-Taek Cho and Jong-Suk Lee) pp.63-72.
[ PDF ]
- The Mediating Effects of Users' Engagement on Sense of Virtual Communities
(Soo Hwan Kwak, Sung Yul Ryoo and Sang Cheol Park) pp.73-84.
[ PDF ]
- The SWOT-ANP Decision Framework for the Enterprise's Cloud Computing Strategy
(Hanh Tang-Nguyen and Young-Chan Lee) pp.85-92.
[ PDF ]
- The New Paradigms of Popular Music Market Utilizing the Internet Social
(Jungmin Byun and Ill Chul Doo) pp.93-108.
[ PDF ]
- The Influence of Active Goals on Evaluation of Hybrid Products (Moon-Yong Kim and Sehoon Park) pp.109-116.
[ PDF ]
- Approach of Co-Creation to the Problem of Unemployment Potential and Limitations
(Sae Eok Han and Hyun Mi Lee) pp.117-124.
[ PDF ]
- Cultural Diversity and European Museum Education (Jong-Youl Hong) pp.125-130.
[ PDF ]
- Students Perception Analysis to Improve Creative Performance
(Jun-Seoung Park, Wan-Shin Park, Young-Il Jang and Jun Ho Gong) pp.131-138.
[ PDF ]
- An Empirical Study on Customer's Intention to Play Social Network Game in China
(Weiyi Luo and Young-Chan Lee) pp.139-148.
[ PDF ]
- Determinants of Post-Purchase Attitude for Social Commerce Users Purchasing Food Service:
A Two-Factor Theory Perspective (Minhee Son, Chunhao Lu and Moon-Yong Kim) pp.149-162.
[ PDF ]
- Korean ODA toward the LDCs: Focusing on the Korea-Laos ODA (Keunhye Shin and Heeyoung Choi) pp.163-172.
[ PDF ]
- The Korean Aid for Trade and its Implication to Developing Countries
(Shim, Chong Seok and Hyelim Lee) pp.173-180.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Tools to Set Characters : Focusing on Analysis of Movie Frozen (Jeong-Hee Kim) pp.181-186.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of ICT Investment on Economic Growth in the United States: A Smooth Time-varying
Cointegration Approach (Sang Hyuck Kim) pp.187-194.
[ PDF ]
- Local Food Stores as a Platform Strategy: A Case of Wanju Local Food Station
(Eunjin Cho and Jong Oh Lee) pp.195-202.
[ PDF ]
- Plans for Building Digital Cadastral Maintenance System for State Land Roads: Korea as
a Case Study (Sungeon Hong and Hyunjoon Lee) pp.203-212.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Study on SMMA-DD Dual Mode Adaptive Blind Equalization Algorithm for QAM (Young Hwa Jeong) pp.213-220.
[ PDF ]
- Learning Search Parameters for Character-specific Path-finding (Kyeonah Yu) pp.221-228.
[ PDF ]
- Change Detection using Integral Images in Color Video Sequence (DongKeun Kim) pp.229-236.
[ PDF ]
- An Indoor Navigation System Using Infrared-ray Sensors and Artificial Markers (Youn-Sik Hong) pp.237-244.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Packet Length to Real-Time Communication Channels (Moonju Park) pp.245-250.
[ PDF ]
- An Efficient Downlink Packet Delivery Scheme in WLAN (Ronny Yongho Kim) pp.251-260.
[ PDF ]
- Inter-Authentication and Session Key Sharing Procedure for Secure M2M/IoT Environment
(Namje Park, JungSoo Park and HyoungJun Kim) pp.261-266.
[ PDF ]
- Fast and Smooth IP Mobility Support Based on Optimal Route Estimation (Hee-Dong Park) pp.267-272.
[ PDF ]
- A Design of SoC for Detecting Pedestrians in Car Based on Integral Channel Feature Algorithm
(Ran Choi, Sang-Hee Yoo and Chang-Suk Cho) pp.273-282.
[ PDF ]
- Structural Performance of Connection between Steel Coupling Beam and Pseudo Strain-Hardening
Cementitious Composites (PSH2C) Wall (Wan-Shin Park, Sun-Woong Kim, Nam-Young Eom, Yong-Il Jang
and Hyun-Do) pp.283-290.
[ PDF ]
- Structural Performance of Tapered Wall in Steel Plate-Concrete Structure
(Nam-Yong Eom, Wan-Shin Park, Kyeong-Tae Kim, Jeong-Eun Kim and Woo-Bum Kim) pp.291-296.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Control Driver of DC-DC Converter for AMOLED Display
(Hyoung-Keun Park and Sun-Yeob Kim) pp.297-304.
[ PDF ]
- Nested Network Mobility Support for IPv6-Based Mobile Sensor Networks (Hee-Dong Park) pp.305-310.
[ PDF ]
- Information on Engineering Properties of Cementless Mortar Containing FGD Gypsum
(Young-Il Jang, Wan-Shin Park and Jun-Young Bae) pp.311-316.
[ PDF ]
- ST_SPAQL : Query Language For Spatio-Temporal Ontology (Won-Il Kim, Jeong-Joon Kim, Jeong-Gon Kim,
Eun-Young Park, Chae-Yun Kim and Ki-Young Lee) pp.317-322.
[ PDF ]
- Spatio-Temporal-based Information Analysis Technology in the Sematic Web
(Lee-Jin Lee, Jeong-Joon Kim, Min-Seok kim, Hye-Min Lee, Ji-Yun Wang and Ki-Young Lee) pp.323-328.
[ PDF ]
- Spatio-Temporal Ontology for the Semantic Web (Ki-Young Lee, Yun-Hee Lee, Jeong-Joon Kim,
Gyoo-Seok Choi, Kyeong-Su Jang, Sung-Jai Choi, Sun-Jin Oh and Jeong-Jin Kang) pp.329-334.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of Location-Based Augmented Reality System Using Opinion Mining
(Ki-Young Lee, Kyeong-Sik Park, Sung-Bae Kim, Sun-Jin Oh, Eun-Yeong Kang, Sung-Jai Choi
and Jeong-Jin Kang) pp.335-340.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Threats of Invasive Alien Plants to the Nature Preserve Estuary in South Korea
(Ji-Hyon Kil, Young-Ha Kim and Kew-Cheol Shim) pp.341-348.
[ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.2, February, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Subclasses of Analytic Functions Associated with k-Symmetric Points
(Zahid Shareef, Saqib Hussain and Maslina Darus) pp.355-364.
[ PDF ]
- An Integral Iterative Method for Solving Fractional Physical Differential Equations
(A. A. Hemeda) pp.365-382. [ PDF ]
- Stability of Bi-Concepts (Sanaa El-Assar and Eman Ghareeb) pp.383-410.
[ PDF ]
- Triple Interleaved-like Sequences for Two Primes (Shenghua Li, Lianfei Luo and Heguo Liu) pp.411-420.
[ PDF ]
- The Beta Generalized Inverted Exponential Distribution (Ahmed M. T. Abd El-Bar and I. E. Ragab) pp.421-430.
[ PDF ]
- Bi-concepts and Mining Association Rules (Sanaa El-Assar, Mohammad Atallah and Eman Ghareeb) pp.431-462.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- TQM Practices in Saudi Arabia: Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Commitment
Among R&D Center Employees (Abdulmohsen N. Abanumy and Khalid I. Alshitri) pp.463-480.
[ PDF ]
- Providing Online Integrated Communication Service Concerning Topics of Business Purpose in
Mobile Application (Hyungjin Lee and Sang Boem Lim) pp.481-490.
[ PDF ]
- A Case Study on the Lean transformation of a Korean Manufacturing SME (H. W. Jin) pp.491-500.
[ PDF ]
- Bibliometric Analysis of Enterprice Architecture in the Public Administration
(Karoll Haussler Carneiro Ramos and Rafael Timoteo de Sousa Junior) pp.501-520.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Packaged Food Safety in Kajang Municipal Council Towards Food and Environmental
Sustainability (Muhammad Rizal Razman, Norul Hajar Nordin, Mazlin Bin Mokhtar, Sharifah Zarina
Syed Zakaria, Kadir Arifin and Zuliskandar Ramli) pp.521-536.
[ PDF ]
- Critical Success Factors in the Adoption of Ubiquitous SCM Systems: Strategic Implications
(Changsu Kim, Sung Won Kim and Gyanendra Prasad Joshi) pp.537-556.
[ PDF ]
- Assessing the Quality of Public Hospital Websites in China
(Xiang De Song, Tian Yi Du, Ping Zhou, Da Wei Shen and Di Xue) pp.557-572.
[ PDF ]
- Decision Making Process for StrategyF New Analytical Methods for Direct Marketing
(Jun Oheki) pp.573-586. [ PDF ]
- Information Evaluation Model for Social Network Users
(Duy-Linh Nguyen, Trong-Hop Do and Myungsik Yoo) pp.587-594.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Construction of Supervised Data from Common Sentences for Machine Learning in Japanese Case Analysis
(Masaki Murata) pp.595-608. [ PDF ]
- Expansion of Bilingual Dictionaries by Generating Synonymous Expressions with Existing
Dictionaries and Multiple Thesauruses (Takehiko Yoshimi and Katsunori Kotani) pp.609-624.
[ PDF ]
- Secure and Robust Enterprise Digital Rights Management Protocol with Efficient Storage
(Maged Hamada Ibrahim) pp.625-640. [ PDF ]
- Location-Fingerprint Based Indoor Localization via Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning
(Lidan Xiang, Dongli Wang, Yanhua Wei and Yan Zhou) pp.641-652.
[ PDF ]
- Maximum Execution Performance of Iterative Methods on Parallel Computers
(George Abe and Seiji Fujino) pp.653-664. [ PDF ]
- Feasibility of a Full-Duplex Relay Based on Direct Interference Subtraction (Oh-Soon Shin) pp.665-672.
[ PDF ]
- Performance Comparison of Conductive Rubber-based Sensor Array Calibration Using Cubic
Spline and Back Propagation Neural Network (Mohd Hanafi Mat Som, Kouki Nagamune and Shogo Kawaguchi)
pp.673-688. [ PDF ]
- Secure Friend-Based Approach for Ad-Hoc Routing Using Fuzzy Random Variables
(Parkavi Murphy John, Dr.Vivekanandan Periyasamy and Swaminathan Arulnandhisivam) pp.689-704.
[ PDF ]
- A Machine Learning-based Approach for Strumming Pattern Recognition from Ukulele Songs
(Thawatphong Phithak, Jitimon Angskun and Thara Angskun) pp.705-718.
[ PDF ]
- Formal Implementation of Routing Information Protocol using Event-B
(Jawid Ahmad BAKTASH, Tadashi SHIROMA, Tomokazu NAGATA, Yuji TANIGUCHI, Morikazu NAKAMURA and
Mursal DAWODI) pp.719-734. [ PDF ]
- GERT and Petri net Analysis for Performance Evaluation of Distribution Centers
(Jun Usuki, Haruki Matsuura, Masatoshi Kitaoka and Hitoshi Takeda) pp.735-752.
[ PDF ]
- Ontology Matching Performance Improvement using DTW (Byoungchol Chang, Jin Lee and Jaehyuk Cha)
pp.753-762. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Computer Assisted Interpretation of the Short EEG using Multiscale Information Measure
(Young-Seok Choi) pp.763-778. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Multiple Ultrasound Echoes for Cortical Bone Thickness Measurement Using Wavelet
Decomposition Processing Method (Muhamad Khairul Ali Hassan, Kouki Nagamune, Kenichiro Kakutani,
Koichiro Maeno, Kotaro Nishida and Masahiro Kurosaka) pp.779-794.
[ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.3, March, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Convolution and Correlation Theorems for Ambiguity Functions (Mawardi Bahri, Asrialdy and
Ryuichi Ashino) pp.803-812.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on the Moderating Effect of National Culture on Corporate Performance and Alliance
Orientation for the Partnership Companies (Jungah Lee and Seongho Kim) pp.813-818.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Collaboration in R&D Organization: The Case of National Institute of Supercomputing
and Networking (On Noo-Ri, Jang Ji-Hoon, Ahn Sun-Il, Hong Jong-Hyun and Ahn Bu-Young) pp.819-824.
[ PDF ]
- Absorptive Capacities and Supply Chain Performance: Focus on Korean Firms and Suppliers
(Seong Ho Kim and Jungah Lee) pp.825-830. [ PDF ]
- Pressure of International Community and the US's Response to Greenhouse Gas Reductions
(Imsoo Choi) pp.831-840. [ PDF ]
- Comparative Analysis of the Multinational Products using the Consumption System Approach
(Man Su Kang, Yeung Ki Suk and Sang Kyu Park) pp.841-846. [ PDF ]
- Statistical Tests of Efficiency Difference between Court-receivership Firms and Workout Firms
(Seok-Young Lee, Sang-Lyul Ryu and Jayoun Won) pp.847-854. [ PDF ]
- Improvement of Teaching Effectiveness In Elementary Music Class Through Teacher Understanding
On Students (Mihae Ryu) pp.855-860. [ PDF ]
- The Evaluation Model of Multicultural Mentoring Program: Focused on the Using Logic Model
as a Framework (Mijung Lee and Hyeonmin Kang) pp.861-866. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Instruction Fostering Creativity in Prospective Natural Sciences and Engineering
Teachers (Hur, Young Ju and Lee, Suk Yeol) pp.867-872. [ PDF ]
- Differing Views on Multiculturalism in South Korea and Adaptation of Foreigners based on
Cultural Identity and Language (Gregg Landsman, Joung Hyun Ham and Hyun Jung Min) pp.873-878.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effects of a Multicultural Education Program on Secondary School Students
(Jaebok Seo) pp.879-886. [ PDF ]
- An Approach to Workflow Modeling Using UML for Effective Coaching Representation
(Misun Hong, Jung Hwan Park and Dohyun Kim) pp.887-892. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Daily and Job Stress of Administrative Personnel at Children Education
Institutes on Their Job Satisfaction ? With a Focus on OO City, Gyeongsangnam-do-
(So-jeong Shin and Sung-Je Cho) pp.893-902. [ PDF ]
- An Effect of Ubiquitous Living English Experience Learning Center on Service Quality,
Satisfaction and Loyalty of Students of English in Republic of Korea
(Young-Hee Kim, Mun-Koo Kang and Ho-Hyuk Jang) pp.903-908. [ PDF ]
- Revisiting English Courses to Develop Intercultural Communicative Competence for Engineering
Students in Korea (Hyung-ji Chang and Mun-koo Kang) pp.909-914.
[ PDF ]
- Toward a Model of Second Language Reading Motivation: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
(So Young Jang and Sunhee Choi) pp.915-920. [ PDF ]
- Korean Pre-service English Teachers' Motivations for Choosing a Teaching Career
(Sunhee Choi) pp.921-926. [ PDF ]
- MOOC's Influence and Revolution of the Higher Education in China (Chengri Piao, YoungSik Kang
and JungHwan Park) pp.927-934. [ PDF ]
- A Group Case Study of Bibliotherapy for North Korean Defectors' Children in South Korea
(Sanyong Kim, Grace Eunjoo Kang and Hyeonsub Cho) pp.935-940. [ PDF ]
- Alternative Energy and CO2 Mitigation in Thai Transport Sector: An End-use Modeling Approach
and Co-benefits Analysis (Panida Thepkhun, Kamphol Promjiraprawat and Bundit Limmeechokchai) pp.941-964.
[ PDF ]
- Birth of Agriculture and Its Development Caused by Population Pressure
(Atsushi Tazoe and Hiroshi Onishi) pp.965-976. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Work in Process Information on the Dynamic Performance of an Integrated
Inventory-Production System (Mohammadreza Parsanejad, Hiroaki Matsukawa, Ebrahim Teimoury
and Bongsung Chu) pp.977-986. [ PDF ]
- Development of New Strategies in the Social Network Game Industry FResearch on Developing
the Next Generation Marketing Strategies (Jun Oheki) pp.987-1000.
[ PDF ]
- Unethical Viral Marketing Using Social Network Service (Seungho Cho) pp.1001-1010.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Analysis of Transition from Vertical takeoff and Landing to Horizontal Flight of Cross
Type and X Type Mini UAV (R. Krishnakumar and Dr. K. Senthil Kumar) pp.1011-1018.
[ PDF ]
- Thumbnail Image Size for Image Transmission System using Satellite Communication in Disaster
(Takayuki Suga, Kenji Muto, Kazuo Yagi, Toshiyuki Onodera, Yoshihiro Nakada and Kunihiko Takano)
pp.1019-1028. [ PDF ]
- Decision Support System for Yellow Rust Resistant Wheat Varieties
(Suman Lata, M.S.Saharan, Indu Sharma, Megha Chaudhary and Vikrant Shokeen) pp.1029-1036.
[ PDF ]
- A System-Level Dynamic Power Management Considering Resource Characteristics
(Myungsub Lee) pp.1037-1046. [ PDF ]
- File Feature Analysis for File Identification Based on Histogram
(Youngseok Lee and Jongweon Kim) pp.1047-1052. [ PDF ]
- Correlation Analysis between Occulomotor Abilities and Visual Fatigue on Watching 3D Images
(Jung Ho Kim, Deok Young Yun, Kwang Chul Son, Seung Hyun Lee, and Soon Chul Kwon) pp.1053-1058.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Improved Depth Information Acquisition by Gradual Pixel Bundling Method at
Time Multiplexing TOF Sensor (Soon Chul Kwon, Ho Byung Chae, Sung Jin Lee, Kwang Chul Son
and Seung Hyun Lee) pp.1059-1066. [ PDF ]
- HomeDCP - Proposed Open Source Model for Home Video Using Cinema DRM
(Sunil Pardeshi, Soon Chul Kwon, Seung Hyun Lee and Alaric Hamacher) pp.1067-1072.
[ PDF ]
- Multicasting Service for Inter-Domain Mobility Management Scheme in Sensor-based PMIPv6
(Myungseok Song, Jun-Dong Cho and Jongpil Jeong) pp.1073-1078.
[ PDF ]
- A Linearization of Time-Varying Nonlinear Systems with Disturbance
(Do-Hyeoun Cho, Kye-dong Jung and Jong-Yong Lee) pp.1079-1086. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of Wavelet Transform based Image Registration and JPEG2000 using MCDT Method
for Multi Sensor Images (Cheol Lee, Jungsuk Lee, Kyedong Jung and Jong-Yong Lee) pp.1087-1094.
[ PDF ]
- Optimization of Authentication Cost based on Key Caching for Inter-MME Handover Support
(Myungseok Song, Jun-Dong Cho and Jongpil Jeong) pp.1095-1100.
[ PDF ]
- Time Division Layered Context Integration for Context-Aware Applications
(Yoosoo Oh and Seonghee Min) pp.1101-1106. [ PDF ]
- Tree-Search Based Quasi-ML Detection for High-Speed Railway Channel
(Seong-guen Park, Jongwoo Lee and Taehyun Jeon) pp.1107-1112.
[ PDF ]
- Synthesis of 2D-PAGE Data Sets for Point-Matching Based Spot Matching Applications
(Dae-Seong Jeoune, Moon Sun Kim and Chan-Myeong Han) pp.1113-1120.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Robo-Cylinder Impactor for a Spinal Cord Injury Model
(Ki-Bum Sim, Chul-Ung Kang and Yung-Cheol Byun) pp.1121-1132. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing ADHD in Older Elementary Students (Young-Ju Jee and Kyoung-Nam Kim) pp.1133-1138.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of the Relationship between Non-patient Revenues and Financial Performance in University
Hospitals (Jong-Hyun Yang) pp.1139-1144. [ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.4, April, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Family of Prediction-Correction Integration Algorithm with a High Order Predictor for First
Principle Chemical Dynamics Simulation
(Xuchong Liu, Heng Wu, Mingquan Fang, Weiming Zhang and Ningjia Zhu) pp.1153-1168.
[Withdrawn by the author Dr. Heng Wu 23/09/2016]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Cyber Engineering Education Strategy Based on Smart Learning
(Ji-Eun Lee, Dongkyun Lim and Gijun Um) pp.1169-1174. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Tourism Strategy Regarding Korean Cultural Properties: Focusing on Artistic, Educational
and Historic Characteristics via Perceived Values on Travelers' Visit Intention (Ji-Hun Lee) pp.1175-1184.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Individual and Environmental Factors Affecting Mobile Payment Service Acceptance
-A Focus on NFC-based Payment Services- (Jae-Beom Lee, Sin-Bok Lee and Chanuk Park) pp.1185-1196.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Business Model Forming Bidirectional Social Commerce Coupon Based on Smartphone
(Jae-Hwan Lee, Seung-Jung Shin, Jong-Yeol Kim and Kyoung-Seung Jang) pp.1197-1202.
[ PDF ]
- What Make Faculty Retention Strategies Effective? (Dr.S.Murugappan and S. Priya Durga) pp.1203-1212.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An Automatic Detection of Landmark Spot Pairs for Iterative Spot Matching Algorithms
(Chan-Myeong Han, Dae-Seong Jeoune and Yun-Kyoo Ryoo) pp.1213-1218.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of the 3D Sphere Wave Database Computing Model (Jinsol Lee and Younghyun Chang) pp.1219-1224.
[ PDF ]
- Suitability Study of Inter-floor Noise Measurement Standards According to Flooring Materials
(Kyoung-Su Yeo and Myoung-Jin Bae) pp.1225-1230. [ PDF ]
- Proposal for Metrics of Sweet Spot of Desktop Speakers (Sun- young Pak and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.1231-1236.
[ PDF ]
- Game-type Image Analysis System for Recognition Rehabilitation of the Elder and Infirm
(Myung-Jae Lim, Myung-Gwan Kim and Young-Man Kwon) pp.1237-1242. [ PDF ]
- A Processing Algorithm of Two Consecutive Domains For Removing the Gaussian Noise of the Image
(Young-Man Kwon, Myung-Jae Lim, Dong-Keun Chung and Myung-Gwan Kim) pp.1243-1248.
[ PDF ]
- A Simplified Circuit Model for GaN-based MIM Capacitor
(Sang-Heung Lee, Seong-Il Kim, Ho-Kyun Ahn, Byoung-Gue Min and Jong-Won Lim) pp.1249-1254.
[ PDF ]
- Durable Playback of Multimedia Bookmarks (Jihyeon Yeom and Hyeokman Kim) pp.1255-1262.
[ PDF ]
- Skeleton Tracking Based on Multiple Depth Sensor for Improving Accuracy
(Jeongmin Do and Youjin Song) pp.1263-1268. [ PDF ]
- Color-Coded Pattern Design for 3D Face (Sunjin Yu, Seonghwa Lee and Sangyoun Lee) pp.1269-1274.
[ PDF ]
- 3D Color Histogram Linking Based on Lab Color Space and ANFIS
(Sang-Hyun Lee and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.1275-1282. [ PDF ]
- Fuzzy Modeling and Control of System Interconnected Photovoltaic Power Generation System
(Sang-Hyun Lee, An-Gyoon Jeon and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.1283-1292. [ PDF ]
- Feature Extraction of Infrared Image Based on Spectral Non-Mixing Method
(Sang-Hyun Lee, Jeong-Gi Lee and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.1293-1300. [ PDF ]
- Developed Foley Sound Contents using Analysis the Sound of Horse Hoof
(Ik-Soo Ahn and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.1301-1306. [ PDF ]
- A Greedy Halftoning Algorithm Using the Fuzzy Set (Young-Man Kwon, Myung-Gwan Kim, Dong-Keun Chung
and Myung-Jae Lim) pp.1307-1312. [ PDF ]
- Deployment issues for the Internet of Things: A Survey (Nojeong Heo) pp.1313-1324.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Optimization of PPL Model in Metropolitan Area at UHF Band
(Cheol-hee Han, Sunjin Yu, Seong-hwa Lee and Jin-Tae Kim) pp.1325-1330. [ PDF ]
- A Study on an Improved Wave Height Measurement Algorithm using Accelerometer in the Buoy
(Dong-Kun Chung, Myung-Jae Lim, Young-Man Kwon and Jong-Soo Park) pp.1331-1336. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Applicability of ANC for Inter-Floor Noise (Han Kyu Sun and Bae Myoung Jin) pp.1337-1342.
[ PDF ]
- A Document Similarity Measurement Technique Based on Smith-Waterman Algorithm
(Ki-Young Lee, Jeong-Jin Kang, Kyu-Ho Kim, Yong-Soon Im, Kyeong-Su Jang, Gyoo-Seok Choi
and Sung-Jai Choi) pp.1343-1348. [ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of Telematics System Using OBD-II (Ki-Young Lee, Jeong-Jin Kang,
Kyu-Ho Kim, Sung-Jai Choi, Gyoo-Seok Choi, Sang-Bong Park and Eun-Young Kang) pp.1349-1354.
[ PDF ]
- An Efficient Concatenate Frame Scheme for Reducing the Energy Consumption in WiMedia Networks
(Jin-Woo Kim, Min-a Jeong and Seong Ro Lee) pp.1355-1360. [ PDF ]
- A Resource Allocation Scheme for Improvement of Reliability between WiMedia Devices
(Jin-Woo Kim, Min-a Jeong and Seong Ro Lee) pp.1361-1366. [ PDF ]
- Resolution of Multi-hop CRP Reservation Conflicts in ECMA-392 MAC Protocol
(Seung Beom Lee, Min-a Jeong and Seong Ro Lee) pp.1367-1372. [ PDF ]
- A Proposition on New Elevator Safety System based on Expert's Decision
(Joo-Bong Park and Seung-Jung Shin) pp.1373-1378. [ PDF ]
- The Comparative Study for Elevator Safety Factor in the Managing System
(Joo-Bong Park and Seung-Jung Shin) pp.1379-1384. [ PDF ]
- The Proposition Study on Five Sense Elevator System using LPD Screen
(Joo-Bong Park and Seung-Jung Shin) pp.1385-1390. [ PDF ]
- Impact Analysis of Radioactive Contamination in Aquaculture
(Yong Gyu Jung, Min Soo Kang and Kyoung Hak Lee) pp.1391-1396. [ PDF ]
- Cloud Datacenter Extension Method using Modular Concept (YoungJin Choi, SangHak Lee, JinHwan Kim,
YongJu Kim, HyeonGyu Pak, GyuYoung Moon, JongWon Kim and YongGyu Jung) pp.1397-1402.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Location Data Searching Method based on Light Landmark in Air-Sculpture
(Eunja Koo and Jaesang Cha) pp.1403-1410. [ PDF ]
- Fusion of Kernel Component Analysis Methods for Speaker Recognition
(Min-Seok Kim, Myung-Jae Kim, IL-Ho Yang and Ha-Jin Yu) pp.1411-1424. [ PDF ]
- A Marching Cubes Algorithm: Application for Three-dimensional Surface Reconstruction Based on
Endoscope and Optical Fiber (Zhongjie Long and Kouki Nagamune) pp.1425-1438.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Evaluation of Quake Wave on the Body Sway Function: Interrelation Right Side and Left Side
(Jeong-lae Kim, Kyu-sung Hwang and Yong-seok Nam) pp.1439-1444. [ PDF ]
- Examination of Micromotion at the Human Body is Action of Front and Back (Jeong-lae Kim and Kyu-sung Hwang) pp.1445-1450.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Direction Recognition of Ear Auricles (Eun-Young Yi and Bae Myoung-Jin) pp.1451-1456.
[ PDF ]
- Association Analysis of Regional Radon PCI/L Levels and Lung Cancer
(Yong Gyu Jung and Young-Jin Choi) pp.1457-1462. [ PDF ]
- Advances in Urine and Feces Disposal Systems for the Treatment of Incontinence
(Yong Gyu Jung, Eunjoo Koh and Sangsoo Park) pp.1463-1468. [ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.5(A), May, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Hybrid Bio-inspired Computing Approach to the Capacitated Hub Location Problem with
Direct Shipment (Ji Ung Sun) pp.1477-1488. [ PDF ]
- General Integral Operator Defined by Wright Generalized Hypergeometric Functions
(Tariq Al-Hawary, Basem A. Frasin and Maslina Darus) pp.1489-1496.
[ PDF ]
- Soft b-Open Sets and Some Topics Related on it (A.A.Nasef and M. M. El-Sharkasy) pp.1497-1508.
[ PDF ]
- On Certain Subclasses of Harmonic Univalent Functions with Respect to k-Symmetric Points
(Entisar El-Yagubi and Maslina Darus) pp.1509-1520. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Impact of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Commitment of
ICT Workers (Suk Bong Choi and Ullah S M Ebrahim) pp.1521-1530. [ PDF ]
- Related Party Transactions, Tax Avoidance and Korean Corporate Income Tax Law
(Jin Tae Kim, Ho Joong Kim and Jin Wook Kim) pp.1531-1536. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Legal Protection on Computer Program and Social Media
(Chang-Soo Sung and Joo Y. Park) pp.1537-1544. [ PDF ]
- Strategies of Fostering Technology Entrepreneurship for the Foundation of Entrepreneurial
Ecosystem (Chang Soo Sung, Hae Jong Joo and Joo Y. Park) pp.1545-1554.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Relevance of Myth-motif Brand 'Nike' using Big Data of Portal Sites, Twitter
and Blogs (Se Jong Oh and Ill Chul Doo) pp.1555-1562. [ PDF ]
- A Research for the Digitalization of Analogue Sound Source Transmembrane Proteins
(Jungmin Byun and Ill Chul Doo) pp.1563-1570. [ PDF ]
- The Paradigm of Cloud Gaming based on an Analysis of Devices, Platforms, and Content
(Hyun Wook Shin, Jaeyong Baek and Ill Chul Doo) pp.1571-1576. [ PDF ]
- Pizza Sales Forecasting Using Big Data Analysis (Daebum Lee and Juntae Kim) pp.1577-1584.
[ PDF ]
- A Study for Integrated Strategic Use of Nonmarket CSR Strategies (Jae Wook Yoo) pp.1585-1590.
[ PDF ]
- A Systemic Review of Technological Innovation Research in Emerging and Transition Countries
(Suk Bong Choi and Jae Hoon Hyun) pp.1591-1608. [ PDF ]
- A Contrastive Study of Korean and Japanese Declarative Sentence-Final Forms - From the
Perspectives of Semantics and Pragmatics - (Changhak Moon) pp.1609-1622.
[ PDF ]
- Application of Inquiry-based Science Assessment in Korean Elementary Students (I)
(Young Tae Kong) pp.1623-1630. [Withdrawn by the author 28/09/2016]
- Statistical Investigation of a Japanese Word Chain Game (Masaki Murata and Tamotsu Shirado)
pp.1631-1640. [ PDF ]
- Coupling Study on Pressure-State-Response System of Urban Water Environment in Jilin
Province, China (Peng Zhang, Rui Zang, Qingshan Yang and Xujia Zhang) pp.1641-1650.
[ PDF ]
- Determinants of Franchisee Contract Renewal Intention (Won Jun Kwak) pp.1651-1662.
[ PDF ]
- Research on the Trade Pattern between China and ASEAN Countries (Deng Jing and He Jia-Qing)
pp.1663-1674. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A CMOS Fully Integrated Biopotential Analog Front-End IC for Neural Recording Applications
(Hyunho Kim, Kangbok Lee, Kyu-Ha Baek, Lee-Mi Do, Changho Seok, Seunghyun Im, Haryong Song
and Hyoungho Ko) pp.1675-1686. [ PDF ]
- Successive Approximation Register (SAR) ADC with Improved Timing Control Logic for Neural
Recording Front-End IC (Haryong Song, Changho Seok, Hyunho Kim, Seunghyun Im and Hyoungho Ko)
pp.1687-1694. [ PDF ]
- IT Accessibility Enhancement in Smart Home Network Systems (Hee-Dong Park) pp.1695-1700.
[ PDF ]
- Study of an Energy Efficient Cache Management (Jonghee M. Youn and Doosan Cho) pp.1701-1706.
[ PDF ]
- Performance Comparison of Full-Wave Rectifiers for Vibrational Energy Harvesting
(Eun Jung Yoon, Min Jae Yang and Chong Gun Yu) pp.1707-1714. [ PDF ]
- A Context Awareness System in the Disabled Persons Facilities Based on the USN
(Chang Gi Kim and Jeong Min Seo) pp.1715-1720. [ PDF ]
- LOD Lifecycle & Platform Design for Utilization of Science & Technology Information
(Yun-Hee Son, Min-A Kang and Kyu-Chul Lee) pp.1721-1726. [ PDF ]
- Automatic Program for Finite Elemental Method of Variable Reluctance Resolver
(Ki-Chan Kim) pp.1727-1734. [ PDF ]
- Detection Experimentation and Validation of Web Applications using Both Static and
Dynamic Analysis (Namje Park) pp.1735-1742. [ PDF ]
- An Enhanced Handover Algorithm for FMIPv6 Using Edge-Information in CAM
(Sang-Dong Jang) pp.1743-1748. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of Mountain Information System Using 3D Spatial Data Processing
(Bonghyun Kim and Sangyoung Oh) pp.1749-1754. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Liver Cupping Therapy on the Effect Using Voice Signals Processing
(Bonghyun Kim and Sangyoung Oh) pp.1755-1760. [ PDF ]
- Individual Difference in Attentional Inhibitory Control: An ERP Study (Ssang Hee Seo)
pp.1761-1766. [ PDF ]
- Development of Boryeong Mud Peeling Product Mixed with Information Of Marine Life
Extract (Moon-Hee Choi, Jung-Hee Yi and Hyun-Seob Cho) pp.1767-1774.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Development of Practical Training Curriculum for Technical Information
Exchange System of Design by Co-op Program (Jong-Ho Lee and Hyeon-Wook Park) pp.1775-1782.
[ PDF ]
- Active Suppression of Duct Noise by Controlling Reduction Ratio
(Yunseon Choi, Jeakwan Kim and Young-Sup Lee) pp.1783-1788. [ PDF ]
- Development of a Touch Locating Simulator for a Simplified Touch Panel using a Commercial
White Board (Seokhoon Ryu, Minsu Kang and Young-Sup Lee) pp.1789-1794.
[ PDF ]
- Dhaksha: Adventure in Crowdsourcing UAVForge Flyoff Challenge at USA Military Base Station
(A. Mohamed Rasheed and Dr. K. Senthil Kumar) pp.1795-1806. [ PDF ]
- Design and Development of Handheld Stabilized Gimbal for Search and Rescue Operations
(M. Venkatesan and Dr. K. Senthil Kumar) pp.1807-1816. [ PDF ]
- An Intelligent System for Learning, Controlling and Assessment Knowledge
(Alibek Barlybayev and Altynbek Sharipbay) pp.1817-1828. [ PDF ]
- A Recommender System for Smartphone Users (Sangwon Park and Dong-Joo Park) pp.1829-1846.
[ PDF ]
- Security Enhancement of JPEG2000 Steganography with Prediction of Code-block Noise
Variance Changes (Sang Moon Yoon and Hae-Yeoun Lee) pp.1847-1854. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Relations between the Internet Use and Antisocial Behavior and Emotional Regulation
in Young Children (Se-jin Ju and Mi Yu) pp.1855-1860. [ PDF ]
- Categorization and Characterization of the Korean Elderly by Type According to Grit
and Successful Aging (Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.1861-1870. [ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.5(B), May, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Profile Analysis of an Accelerated Thermal Life Test (Kyubark Shim and Jaegeol Yim) pp.1879-1884.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Determinants of Operating Efficiency in Korean Construction Firms: Panel Data Analysis
(Jayoun Won and Sang-Lyul Ryu) pp.1885-1892. [ PDF ]
- The Efficiency of Supply Chain Hub in Korea by Establishing Factory and Warehouse in Vietnam
(Taikoo Chang) pp.1899-1904. [ PDF ]
- Corporate Earnings Quality in the Socially Responsible Investing Firms (Wan Suk Ko and Su Sung Kim)
pp.1905-1910. [ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Imageability and Acquisition of Nouns and Verbs in Korean Young Children
(Hyoung Jai Kim and Soon Ohk Hong) pp.1911-1918. [ PDF ]
- Instructional Innovation for Creative Convergence: Based on e-portfolio of Hanyang Elementary School
(Hyugil Kwon) pp.1919-1924. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Learners' Digital Literacy on Self-regulated Learning Skill at University e-learning Environment
(Mi-seok Yang and Jeong-kyoum Kim) pp.1925-1930. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Study of Relative Distances among Koreans' English Front Vowels in a Reading Passage
and Isolated Sentences (Ji-Eun Kim and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.1931-1936.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effects of Job Satisfaction and Work Stress on the Mental Exhaustion of Childcare Center
Teachers -Centered around the Ulsanarea - (En-Yung Lee and Sung-Je Cho) pp.1937-1944.
[ PDF ]
- Perception and Actual State of Creativity - Personality Education in Future Kindergarten Teachers
(Hyoung Jai Kim, Jeong Jin Youn and Se Jin Eom) pp.1945-1950.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Effectiveness of an Extensive Reading Program (ERP) on Students' Reading Proficiency and
Reading Motivation (Ho-Hyuk Jang, Mun-Koo Kang and Young-Hee Kim) pp.1951-1958.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Correlation between Parenting Efficacy and Emotions of Parents with Children in Elementary School
(Jae-Young Kim, Hye-Kyung Jeon and Sung-Je Cho) pp.1959-1966. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Working Environment and Community Resource on Job Satisfaction of Workers who work at
Community Child Center of Rural Area in Korea (Soongyu Kim, Hyejeong Choi and Jaebok Seo) pp.1967-1974.
[ PDF ]
- Relations of Cognitive Skills with Reading and Listening Comprehension among Korean Children: A 1-year
longitudinal study (Jeung-Ryeul Cho, Soon-Gil Park and Young-Suk Kim) pp.1975-1982.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Youth Education on Entrepreneurship (Myeonggil Choi and Eunju Park) pp.1983-1990.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Self-Esteem and Psychological Exhaustion on Teacher Efficacy of the Kindergarten Teachers
in O-Gu, Ulsan city (Pil-Yeon Kim and Sung-Je Cho) pp.1991-1998. [ PDF ]
- Factors of Students, Parents, and Teachers Influencing Adolescents' School Adjustment and Satisfaction
(Seak-Zoon Roh and Man Sik Park) pp.1999-2008. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Current Status of English Education for Dental Hygiene Students
(Su-Young Park, Mun-Koo Kang and Yong-Myeong Kim) pp.2009-2016.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Job Stress and the Stress Coping Methods of Employees at the National Agricultural
Cooperative Federation (Moon-Dol, Kim and Seong-Je, Cho) pp.2017-2026.
[ PDF ]
- Searching for Identity-Consistency after Retirement: The Meaning of Consumption among Elderly Consumers
(EunHye Oh and HyeKyung Choi) pp.2027-2032. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Ethical Management on Social Workers' Organizational Effectiveness - With Focus on the
Mediating Effects of Superior Ethical Leadership and Employee Ethics - (So-Yun Choi) pp.2033-2038.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Financial Capability and Financial Stress, with a Focus on the Users of
Community Welfare Centers (Dong-Ho Jang) pp.2039-2048. [ PDF ]
- Influence of Personal Environment Factors on the Violent Behaviors and Suicidal Thoughts of the Adolescent
(Deok-Jo, Kim and Seong-Je, Cho) pp.2049-2058. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Effect of Recognition and Reward for Volunteer Activity and the Willingness to Continue
and the Mediator Effect of the Volunteer Activity Satisfaction of the Volunteer Organizations -Centered
Around the Members of Volunteer Organizations Members (Hee-Jin Kang and Sung-Je Cho) pp.2059-2068.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the levels of Daily Life Stress and Life Satisfaction of participants of Cultural
Activities - Centered Around Visitors of Social Welfare Centers - (Hyung-Seok, Seo and Seong-Je, Cho) pp.2069-2076.
[ PDF ]
- Decrease in the Number of Marriage Migrants and Implications for the Korean Government
(MyungHee Kim) pp.2077-2084. [ PDF ]
- Construction of Structural Equation Model concerning Quality of Life among Korean Multicultural Women
(Rack In Choi) pp.2085-2090. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Design of Scatter Partition-based Fuzzy Neural Networks Using FCM Clustering and Genetic Optimization
for Pattern Recognition (Keon-Jun Park, Jong-Pill Lee and Dong-Yoon Lee) pp.2091-2098.
[ PDF ]
- Performance Optimization of a Distributed Transcoding System based on Hadoop for Multimedia Streaming Services
(Myoungjin Kim, Seungho Han, Yun Cui, Hanku Lee and Changsung Jeong) pp.2099-2110.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Light-Shelf according to the Ceiling Height
(Heangwoo Lee, Janghoo Seo and Yongseong Kim) pp.2111-2116.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Performance Evaluation of Lighting Performance of Internal Light-Shelf according to the Reflectivity
(Do-yeon Heo, Henagwoo Lee and Yongseong Kim) pp.2117-2122. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Passive Technical Elements Applied to Smart Envelope Design
(Ri Ryu, Janghoo Seo and Yongseong Kim) pp.2123-2128. [ PDF ]
- Mobile Multimedia Application Feasibility of Cognitive Radio-based Random Access (Hanho Wang) pp.2129-2136.
[ PDF ]
- Design of the Location Based Service System for Local Area Tourism (Jaegeol Yim) pp.2137-2142.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Gender-specific Risk Factors for Suicide Attempts in Korean Adolescents (Ju-Young Ha) pp.2143-2148.
[ PDF ]
- Influencing Factors on Youth Drug Use; using the 2014 Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey
(Young-Ju Jee) pp.2149-2156. [ PDF ]
- Baseline Survey for Mother Child Health Improvement Training Program Development for Africa
(Myung Suk Koh, Eun Jeong Song, Eunhyang Cha and Mihyang Cha) pp.2157-2162.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Care Workers Image on Their Job Satisfaction in Korea (Dong-Young Seo and Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.2163-2168.
[ PDF ]
- Familism and Caregiving Stress of Adult Married Children :Focused on comparison between Korean and Chinese
(Hailan Jin and Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.2169-2174. [ PDF ]
- Effect of Familistic Values of Married Immigrant Women on Caregiving Stress: The Mediating Effect of
Cultural Adaptation Stress (Hyun-Su Ka, Yun-Jeong Kim and Hyun-Jung Kang) pp.2175-2180.
[ PDF ]
- The Difference in Human, Social and Cultural Capital of the Elderly in Urban and Rural Areas
(Yun-Jeong Kim and Hyun-Jung Kang) pp.2181-2186. [ PDF ]
- The Mediating and Moderating effect of Grit in Relationship Between Depression and the Suicidal Ideation
of the Korean Elderly (Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.2187-2192. [ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.6(A), June, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On New Subclasses of Meromorphic Starlike Univalent Functions With
Positive Coefficients (Mostafa Albehbah and Maslina Darus) pp.2201-2208.
[ PDF ]
- Enhanced Method for Avoiding Worst Case Complexity in Quicksort
Algorithm (Mohammed Awad and Malek Imam) pp.2209-2218. [ PDF ]
- Hartree-Fock and time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations with the Gogny
interaction using a Lagrange mesh (Yukio Hashimoto) pp.2219-2232. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on Relation between Smartphone Addiction Factors and Gender:
Focused on Adolescent (Chloe Jihee Shin, Clara Sumin Yoon and Hun Choi) pp.2233-2240.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Performances
(Yun Ji Moon) pp.2241-2246. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Model Transformation Framework for Heterogeneous Smart Learning
Contents (Woo Yeol Kim) pp.2247-2252. [ PDF ]
- The Development of WorldSkills Competition Mobile Robotics Course for
improving the STEM convergence capability of technical high school student
(Bae Sang Yong, Ryue Dae Hyun and Shin Seung Jung) pp.2253-2258.
[ PDF ]
- A Review and Classification on the Supply Chain Risk Management
(Tang Liu and Hiroaki Matsukawa) pp.2259-2274. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Student Behavior in the Beer Game (H. W. Jin) pp.2275-2282.
[ PDF ]
- Organisations' Perceptions towards the Effectiveness of Integrated
Management System in Malaysia (Kadir Arifin and Muhammad Rizal Razman) pp.2283-2292.
[ PDF ]
- A New Trend in the Digital Economy: A New Era of Digital Convergence Business
(Gyanendra Prasad Joshi, Changsu Kim and Sung Won Kim) pp.2293-2304.
[ PDF ]
- Concept, Method and Business Intelligence Model (Andre M. R. Wajong) pp.2305-2314.
[ PDF ]
- Listenability Measuring Method based on Learner Proficiency from Multiple
Perspectives (Katsunori Kotani and Takehiko Yoshimi) pp.2315-2328.
[ PDF ]
- (Cancelled by the authors 07/31/2015)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Estimating on the Optimal Productivity Indicators based on Simulation
Software (Sang-Kook Park and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.2351-2356. [ PDF ]
- Attack Model on Smart Home Network under Internet on Things
Surroundings (Jung Tae Kim) pp.2357-2362. [ PDF ]
- The Classification of Heart Sound during Systole and Diastole by Neural
Network (Sang-hee, Eum and Jae-hyun, Nam) pp.2363-2368. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Tunneling Current for Channel Dimension of Sub-10 nm
Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFET (Hakkee Jung and Ohshin Kwon) pp.2369-2374.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Drain Induced Barrier Lowering for Channel Length and
Thickness of Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFET (Hakkee Jung) pp.2375-2380.
[ PDF ]
- Vision based Crack Identification and Analysis on the Surface of Concrete
Slab Structures (Kwang Baek Kim and Doo Heon Song) pp.2381-2386.
[ PDF ]
- Intelligent 8-phases Traffic Signal Control Model based on Fuzzy Logic
for High Level Traffic Congestion Situation (Kwang Baek Kim and Doo Heon Song)
pp.2387-2392. [ PDF ]
- Fair Allocation of Sensor Measurements Using Shapley Value
(Sang-Seon Byun) pp.2393-2400. [ PDF ]
- Development of an Around-View Monitoring System Using USB Rear View Cameras
and Image Processing (Gyu-Hyun Kim and Jong-Wook Jang) pp.2401-2406.
[ PDF ]
- Development of PE/PET Film Cutting System using the Displacement Sensor
and the 3-axis DC Servo Motor Control System
(Gwan-Hyung Kim, Oh-Hyun Kwon and Am-Suk Oh) pp.2407-2412. [ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of a Finger Tracking Algorithm for HCI
(Human-Computer Interaction) (Byungkook Jeon and Sungkuk Cho) pp.2413-2418.
[ PDF ]
- Stochastic Design Tool based on Extended State Diagram for Reactive
Software System (So Young Moon, ByungKook Jeon, R. Young Chul Kim
and Jae Hyub Lee) pp.2419-2424. [ PDF ]
- Location Estimation for Personalization using Received Signal Strength
in the GPS Signal Attenuation (Seongjin Cho, Sungkuk Cho and Byungkook Jeon)
pp.2425-2430. [ PDF ]
- Metamodeling for Automatic Test Case Generation
(Bokyung Park, ByungKook Jeon, R. Young Chul Kim and Jae Hyub Lee) pp.2431-2436.
[ PDF ]
- Advanced Efficiency of DC-LED Lighting Systems to Replace the Conventional
AC-LED Lighting Systems (Yeon Seok Lee, Sang-Ui Choi and Sherif A. S. Mohamed)
pp.2437-2442. [ PDF ]
- Development of Reader for Non-metallic Permeability Enhancement on
134KHz Bandwidth (Min Soo Kang, Yong Gyu Jung and Jae Ho Lee) pp.2443-2448.
[ PDF ]
- Relative Location Measurement in Container-Grown Seedlings Based on
Wireless Sensor Networks (Sang-Hyun Lee and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.2449-2456.
[ PDF ]
- Neural Networks based Adaptive Tracking for Nonlinear Systems
(Raheel Quraishi, Nisar Ahmed and Muhammad Shafiq) pp.2457-2476.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Competitiveness in Secondary Battery Using Bibliometric
Analysis (Young-il Kwon, Dae-hyun Jeong, Hyun-kyoo Choi and Jae Yun Lee)
pp.2477-2488. [ PDF ]
- Calculation of Synthetic Electric Field and Ion Flow Density along UHVDC
Transmission Lines Based on the Non-Grid Method (Qinghui Zhang and Cui Yong)
pp.2489-2502. [ PDF ]
- Design and Evaluation of Self-organizing Scheduling Mechanism Adaptive
To Traffic Load for Wireless Networks (Yoshiaki Taniguchi and Kyohei Inoue)
pp.2503-2512. [ PDF ]
- Virus detection backdoor in Microsoft Security Essentials
(Silnov Dmitry Sergeevich and Tarakanov Oleg Vladimirovich) pp.2513-2520.
[ PDF ]
- Cloud Storage Integration as a Learning Object Repository for Massive
Open Online Course (Ridi Ferdiana) pp.2521-2530. [ PDF ]
- Efficient Robust and Secure E-DRM with Encrypted Content Search
(Maged Hamada Ibrahim) pp.2531-2546. [ PDF ]
- Performance Comparison of Two Open-source CloudStack Client Libraries
for High-performance Computing (Guohua Li, Hyeyoung Cho, Seung Chan Shin,
Jaekeun Yeom, Jaegyoon Hahm and Sang Boem Lim) pp.2547-2560.
[ PDF ]
- Performance Analysis and Improvement of Meteorological Impact Assessment
System (Tongji Jin, Ying-Hua Bian, Rongxu Xu and Sang Boem Lim) pp.2561-2569.
[ PDF ]
- The Evaluation of Vehicle Interior Acoustics Through Statistical Neural
Network Approach (Ahmad Kadri Junoh) pp.2569-2588. [ PDF ]
- Calculation Method for Change of Micro-bubble Diameter
(Seiji Hirai, Shigeru Aoki and Makoto Kohmura) pp.2589-2592.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of NO3-N and COD Concentration Based on a Ratio of
Purification Material to Wastewater (Takahiro Yamazaki,
Shigeo Ishikawa, Sadao Nagasaka and Masao Igarashi) pp.2593-2600.
[ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.6(B), June, 2015
- Management and Social Sciences
- Prestigious Real Estate Measurement (Min-Seok Baik) pp.2607-2612.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Congruity between Parent Brand's Image and Consumers' Self-Image on
Attitude toward the Extension Brand (Min-Jeong Kang) pp.2613-2618.
[ PDF ]
- Decomposition of Health Spending by Ageing Population and Income Bracket:
Results from a Korean Example (Hyun-Jae Rhee) pp.2619-2626.
[ PDF ]
- Preannouncement and Release Effects on Apple's Supply Chain
(Insung Son, Hankyung Lee and Jinsu Kim) pp.2627-2634. [ PDF ]
- Partner Relationship Management Improvement Model using SOM2, CART and AHP
(Jang Hee Lee and Jiyoun Lim) pp.2635-2640. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Sales Volatility on Selling, General and Administrative Cost Behavior
(Seungah Song, Jeong-Ho Koo and Tae-Young Paik) pp.2641-2646.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Learning Capabilities on the Type of Strategic Alliance and Alliance
Performance (Jungah Lee and Seongho Kim) pp.2647-2654. [ PDF ]
- Social Capital and the Firm's Effectiveness within the Airline Team Organization
(Sohyung Kim and Min-Ah Kim) pp.2655-2660. [ PDF ]
- The Variability of Sales Promotion Spending and its Financial Factors
(Seungah Song, Jeong-Ho Koo and Tae-Young Paik) pp.2661-2666.
[ PDF ]
- An International Comparison on Operational Efficiency of Terrestrial TV Operators
Using Bootstrapped DEA and Tobit Regression (Yonghee Kim, Jeongil Choi and Youn Sung Kim) pp.2667-2672.
[ PDF ]
- The Impact of the Weakness of Internal Control of Financial Reporting Systems for
earnings management in Korea's mutual savings banks (Soon-Mi Yu and Hyun-Jung Kang) pp.2673-2678.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Application Plans of Big Data to Improve Customer Satisfaction in Auto
Maintenance Industry (Lee-sang Jung and Dae-hyun Jung) pp.2679-2684.
[ PDF ]
- The Antecedents and Consequences of Cheong in Korean Traditional Market
(Ki-Han Chung, Eun-Ok Park and Jae-Ik Shin) pp.2685-2690. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Corporate Governance on Dividend Payouts (Jaisik Gong) pp.2691-2698.
[ PDF ]
- Awareness of Traditional Culture and National identity of Mother's of Preschool Children
(Kyoung-Sook Oh, Hee-Kyong Joo and You-Me Han) pp.2699-2706.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparison of Group and Individual Creativity (Kyoung-Hoon Lew) pp.2707-2712.
[ PDF ]
- Creativity and Personality Using Digital Curation Education Program Development Research
Directions (Kyung-Eun Kim, Se-Jin Eom and Jeong-Jin Youn) pp.2713-2718.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Cognitive Load of Visual Learners While Performing a Scientific Classification
Task Composed of Pictures and Words (Eun-ae Kim, Il-ho Yang and Sung-man Lim) pp.2719-2724.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of the Difference in Parenting Stress and Parent-Children Communication According
to the General Characteristics of Parents and Children in 00 City, Gyeongsangnam-do
(Geun-hye Jeon and Sung-Je Cho) pp.2725-2730. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Differences between the Outcomes of Synchronous and Asynchronous
Tele-Collaborative International Learning Exchange (Jong-Yeon Lee, Sang Hoon Park, Min Jung Chei
and Yang Mi Koo) pp.2731-2736. [ PDF ]
- Developmental Characteristics of Creative Thinking Ability and Creative Personality of
Elementary School Children in South Korea (Kyunghwa Lee and Jusung Jun) pp.2737-2744.
[ PDF ]
- Development and Validation of K-ICT (Korea-Integrative Creativity Test) for Elementary
and Secondary School Students (Kyunghwa Lee) pp.2745-2752.
[ PDF ]
- Vocabulary Glosses and Second Language Reading (Myung-Jeong Ha) pp.2753-2758.
[ PDF ]
- Structural Relationships of Adult e-Learners' Teaching Presence, Self-Efficacy toward
e-Learning, and Learning Satisfaction: Focused on the Mediating Effect of Learning Presence
and Learning Flow (Seak-Zoon Roh) pp.2759-2770. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Students and Parents Factors Affecting Elementary School Students' School Adjustment:
Focused on School Type and Survey Stage (Man Sik Park and Seak-Zoon Roh) pp.2771-2780.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Social Supports on Creativity Personality of Pre-Service Kindergarten Teachers :
Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Feeling Happy (Se-Jin Eom, Jung-Ju Kim and Byung-Man Kim) pp.2781-2786.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Influence of Conditions For Satisfactory Life and Economic Stress on the Parenting
Style of Parents in 0 District, Ulsan (So-Jeong Shin and Sung-Je Cho) pp.2787-2792.
[ PDF ]
- A Longitudinal Study on Writing of Underachieving Children
(Soon-Gil Park, Jeung-Ryeul Cho and Kung-Hee Mun) pp.2793-2800.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of the Influence of Parent's Share in Educational Expenditure on the School's Educational
Model (Suk-yeol Lee and Ho-seub Lee) pp.2801-2806. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Improving the Listening Skills of Lower Level High School Students Focused on the
Pop Song Hunminglish Pronunciation (PSHP) Practice in South Korea (Jin-Sung Kim and Mun-Koo Kang)
pp.2807-2812. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Relationship between Participation in Learning Communities and Self-Directed
Learning Readiness in University (Young-ju Hur and Suk-yeol Lee) pp.2813-2818.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Study for the Thermal and the Lighting Environment of Lecture Theatre (Seong-hoon Yoon) pp.2819-2824.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Characteristics of Energy Consumption Pattern and Energy Consumption Unit
of University Dormitory (Jin-woong Son, Hyun-cheol Seo and Won-hwa Hong) pp.2825-2830.
[ PDF ]
- Study of Software Development Analyzing the Parking Data Based on an Open API Map
(Young-woo Lee) pp.2831-2836. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Improving the Lighting Performance of Internal Module-Applied Light Shelf in Residential
Space (Sangwon Oh, Heangwoo Lee and Yongseong Kim) pp.2837-2842.
[ PDF ]
- The Development of an Optimization Algorithm for Shading Device Configuration of Building Facades
(Jinho Park and Woo-Hyoung Lee) pp.2843-2848. [ PDF ]
- Sobol Sensitivity for Building Energy Retrofit Analysis using a Gaussian Process Emulator
(Young-Jin Kim and Cheol-Soo Park) pp.2849-2854. [ PDF ]
- An Analysis Method of Class Concentration by Facial Feature Detection
(Seunghui Cha and Wookhyun Kim) pp.2855-2860. [ PDF ]
- Multiple Depth Sensor Based Rehabilitation Support System Using User Tracking
(Jeongmin Do and Youjin Song) pp.2861-2866. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Psychometric Evaluation and Development of the Perception of Healing Environment Assessment
Tool (P-HEAT) for Clinical Nurses (Young Ran Tak, Hae Young Woo, Ji Hye Kim and Sun Young You) pp.2867-2872.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Hindrance Factors of Active Life and Exercise Behavior in the Frail Elderly
(Young-Hee Kim) pp.2873-2878. [ PDF ]
- Comparison of image quality in Magnetic Resonance Cholangiography using 1.5 T and 3.0 T
(Eun-hoe Goo) pp.2879-2884. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Smartphone Addiction in Nursing Students: Focused on Empathy
(Hye-Sun Jeong and Yang-Sook Lee) pp.2885-2890. [ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.7, July, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- New Subclass of Analytic Functions Defined by q ?Differentiation
(Anessa Oshah and Maslina Darus) pp.2897-2908. [ PDF ]
- The Robust State Feedback Linearization for the Nonlinear Time-Varying System with Model Uncertainty
(Jong-Yong Lee, Kye-dong Jung, Younggi Kim and Seongsoo Cho) pp.2909-2916.
[ PDF ]
- Estimation of Valence Distribution in Perovskites Using the Bond-Valence Method
(Phan Duc Huyen Yen, Nguyen Thi Hang, Dinh Van Chau, Dinh Van Thuong and Hoang Nam Nhat) pp.2917-2926.
[ PDF ]
- The Input/Output Linearization of The Time-varying Nonlinear System with a Model Uncertainty
(Young Soo Park, Kye-dong Jung and Jong-Yong Lee) pp.2927-2934. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Web Application of Content Management System (Suman Lata, Kamal Batra, Sindhu Sareen
Ravish Chatrath and Megha Chaudhary) pp.2935-2942. [ PDF ]
- Research on Development Stage of Service Model in Big Data Industry (Soonduck Yoo and Kwangdon Choi)
pp.2943-2952. [ PDF ]
- Automatic Space Information Extraction from Korean Text (Bogyum Kim, Yongmin Park and Jae Sung Lee)
pp.2953-2962. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Economic Efficiency Evaluation of the Lighting System in University Concert Halls
(Jangweon Lee, Kyongsok An, Kyunghan Lee and Hyeokhwan Kwon) pp.2963-2970.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Application of Special Lighting Design for Church Worship Using the Light Converse
(Jangweon Lee, Changhun Kim, Kyongsok An and Hyeokhwan Kwon) pp.2971-2976.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Integration of IT and CT for the Development of K-POP (Hyunhee Cha and Seongmook Kim)
pp.2977-2982. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Efficient Extraction of Isosurface Components using GPU Acceleration and Cell Decomposion
(Bong-Soo Sohn) pp.2983-3000. [ PDF ]
- Investigation of Preprocessing Factors and Clustering Methods on Name-Alias Relationship
Identification in Thai News Articles (Thawatchai Suwanapong, Thanaruk Theeramunkong
and Ekawit Nantajeewarawat) pp.3001-3020. [ PDF ]
- Heating Treatment Control System based on Internet of Things with Smart Power Regulator and
Controller on Welding Process of Huge Steel Structure (Heum Park and Chang Min Park) pp.3021-3026.
[ PDF ]
- Real Time Decision Making Forecasting using Data Mining and Decision Tree
(Md. Asaduzzaman, Md. Shahjahan, Fatema Johera Ahmed and Kazuyuki Murase) pp.3027-3048.
[ PDF ]
- Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition Based on Feature Correlation Analysis
(Byunghun Oh, Kwangwoo Chng and Kwangseok Hong) pp.3049-3056. [ PDF ]
- Stepped Impedance Resonator Filter for Cognitive Radio System
(Bhanu Shrestha, Seongsoo Cho and Seong Ro-Lee) pp.3057-3062. [ PDF ]
- Performance Enhancement of WiMedia Network with a Hybrid Cooperative MAC Protocol
(Jin-Woo Kim, Iickho Song, Min-A Jeong and Seong Ro Lee) pp.3063-3070.
[ PDF ]
- Dual-Role Device Clustering for Multi-hop N-Screen Services in Home Networks
(Kyeong Hur, Min A Jeong and Seong-Ro Lee) pp.3071-3076. [ PDF ]
- A Fair Channel Resource Allocation in ECMA-392 Networks (Seung Beom Lee, Min A Jeong
and Seong Ro Lee) pp.3077-3082. [ PDF ]
- A Correlation Function Without Side-Peak for CBOC(6,1,1/11) Signal Tracking
(Keunhong Chae, Seong Ro Lee and Seokho Yoon) pp.3083-3092. [ PDF ]
- Web-based Multi-view 3D real-time Display System (Jung-Hwan Ko) pp.3093-3098.
[ PDF ]
- Extended System Classification and Specification (Eun-Bog Lee, Kang-moon Park, Suk-Hoon Shin
and Sung-Do Chi) pp.3099-3104. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Shifted LFM Signals Applicable to Co-channel Multisite Radar Operation
(Kyoung-Whoan Suh and Jung-Ho Ahn) pp.3105-3114. [ PDF ]
- Development of Electronic Snow Depth Measurement System using a Digital Image Processing
and Digital Sensors (JeongHyun Cho, Ahn Cheol Woong, Sang-Min Bae and HyunKi Ryu) pp.3115-3124.
[ PDF ]
- Interconnection between Microgrids on Gapa and Mara Islands through AC Transmission Line
(Sang Heon Chae, Ngoc-Thinh Quach, Ho Min Kim, Gae-Myoung Lee, Seong-Bo Oh and Ho-Chan Kim) pp.3125-3132.
[ PDF ]
- Thermal Analysis of a Cooling System for a High-Temperature Superconducting Magnet System
(Thanh Dung Le, Ji Hyung Kim, Su Jin Lee, Gae-Myoung Lee, Se Ho Kim, Ho-Chan Kim and Ho Min Kim)
pp.3133-3140. [ PDF ]
- Performance Evaluation Metrics for Event Detections of Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems
(KyoungYeon Kim and Yoo-Sung Kim) pp.3141-3148. [ PDF ]
- Development of Gender Classification Scheme Using Facebook Dataset for Unrestricted Real Environments
(Min Wook Kang and Yoo-Sung Kim) pp.3149-3156. [ PDF ]
- Digitally Controlled Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator in Developing Low-Cost Radio
Frequency Modules (Dong Sik Kim, Eunae Lee, Jaejun Han and Jeongmin Lee) pp.3157-3166.
[ PDF ]
- The Design of the n-Media Source Recording Framework for a Control Monitoring System Management
(Woon-Yong Kim and SoonGohn Kim) pp.3167-3174. [ PDF ]
- Design of 3D Geofence Model by Location-aware Mechanism (Byungkook Jeon and Sungkuk Cho) pp.3175-3180.
[ PDF ]
- Original IP Detection Method in case of TOR or Proxy Server and Its Prototype
(Byungho Park and Dukyun Kim) pp.3181-3186. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of Polymorphic Malware DB based Dynamic Analysis System for Android Mobile Applications
(Han Seong Lee and Hyung-Woo Lee) pp.3187-3198. [ PDF ]
- Development of Wireless Device for Controlling the Ship Lift Crane
(Heon Jeong, Jaehyo Kim and Sang-Hyun Lee) pp.3199-3206. [ PDF ]
- Development of a 3D Scanner and UI using Kinect Sensors (Sang-Hyun Lee, Sang-Joon Lee and Dae-Won Park)
pp.3207-3212. [ PDF ]
- Development of Handheld 3D Scanner for Human Bodies based on IR Sensor (Sang-Hyun Lee) pp.3213-3218.
[ PDF ]
- Development of Remote Managing System for Leisure Boat Mooring (Heon Jeong, Hyeong-Sam Park
and Sang-Hyun Lee) pp.3219-3226. [ PDF ]
- Development of Non-contact Biological Signal Measurement System (Jeong-Gi Lee, Gwang Lee,
Bong-Keun Kim and Jun-Ha Kim) pp.3227-3236. [ PDF ]
- Improving Test Maturity Levels of Test Organizations With Visual Method (Kidu Kim and R. YoungChul Kim)
pp.3237-3244. [ PDF ]
- Smartphones Behavior Analysis based on Sequential Pattern Approaches (Nguyen Ha Nam and Gyoo Seok Choi)
pp.3245-3252. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Evaluation of Little Activity of Human Sway in Posturography Techniques: Correlation with Dynamic
and Static Activity (Jeong-lae Kim, Kyu-sung Hwang and Yong-seok Nam) pp.3253-3258.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Vermicular Motion of Head Neck on the Normal Balance (Jeong-lae Kim and Young-ah Rha)
pp.3259-3264. [ PDF ]
- Optimization of Calming Effect of Quivering Wave on the Shaking Balance
(Jeong-lae Kim and Woo-cheol Lee) pp.3265-3270. [ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.8, August, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Block Reconstruction for Task Graphs (Lin Chen, Qi-Wei Ge and Mitsuru Nakata) pp.3277-3288.
[ PDF ]
- The Weighted Kumaraswamy Distribution (M. M. E. Abd El-Monsef and S. A. E. Ghoneim) pp.3289-3300.
[ PDF ]
- On Nabla Operator Utilized in the Vector Analysis (Seiji Fujino) pp.3301-3306.
[ PDF ]
- Connecting Convolution and Correlation in the Reduced Biquaternion Linear Canonical Transform
Domains (Mawardi Bahri and Ryuichi Ashino) pp.3307-3320. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- An Analytical Framework for Environmental Sustainability IT Strategy (Min Ho Paek) pp.3321-3338.
[ PDF ]
- Satisfaction with Accounting Information Curriculums in Convergence Education
(Hyung Cheol Song and Shin Nam Lee) pp.3339-3352. [ PDF ]
- Business Intelligent System To Make Management Decision in Project Management
(Andre M. R. Wajong) pp.3353-3360. [ PDF ]
- Development of Consumer Health Information Seeking Model through an Analysis of Social Q&A Service
(Hyejin Lee, Mihwan Hyun and Jongmyung Baek) pp.3361-3374. [ PDF ]
- CCTV Control Reinforcement Plan through Authentication and Steganography (Byeong-Tae Ahn) pp.3375-3382.
[ PDF ]
- How Multicultural Acceptability's KSA are Associated with Self-efficacy: Evidence from South Korean
University Students (Seon-Young Ha, Kyungok Park and JuSung Jun) pp.3383-3390.
[ PDF ]
- The Overarching Role of Emotional Intelligence in Service Organizations (Sujeong Choi) pp.3391-3408.
[ PDF ]
- Reexamining the Antecedents of Customers' Switching Intention in the Social Commerce Market using
the Quantile Regression Approach (Min Kyung Song, Injae Lee and Sang Hyuck Kim) pp.3409-3418.
[ PDF ]
- Study of a Series of Speeches Walter Gropius in JAPAN (Ming LI) pp.3419-3428.
[ PDF ]
- The Localization Strategy of Global Mobile Messenger: A Case of NHN Line (Jae Hoon Hyun) pp.3429-3438.
[ PDF ]
- Possible Negative Consequences of Student Laptop Use in the College Classroom: An Empirical Evaluation
(Bogdan Daraban) pp.3439-3446. [ PDF ]
- Access to Government Information in Public Policy Making Process: A Case Study of Kurdistan
(Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah and Mohd Fitri Abdul Rahman) pp.3447-3458.
[ PDF ]
- Going Back to the Basic of Financial Innovations: Learning from Japan's Bubble Economy
(GAO Wen) pp.3459-3466. [ PDF ]
- A Model for Evaluating Quality of User-Generated-Contents Service Sites In Social Media Context
(Yoo-Jung Kim, Yun Ji Moon and Sora Kang) pp.3467-3484. [ PDF ]
- Entrepreneurial Orientation to Start-up Abandonment Intention: Role of Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy
and Goal Orientation (Ju Hyeong Jin and Won Jun Kwak) pp.3485-3494.
[ PDF ]
- Secure Taxi Service Scheme in Vehicular Cloud Environment (Lewis Nkenyereye and Kyung Hyune Rhee)
pp.3495-3506. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Proposal and Evaluation of a Virtual Router Migration Policy in IP Networks Equipped with Adaptive
Link Rate Line Cards (Vincenzo Eramo, Emanuele Miucci and M. Ammar) pp.3507-3522.
[ PDF ]
- Mitigating DOS Attacks in Software Defined Network (Yustus Eko Oktian, SangGon Lee, HoonJae Lee and
JunHuy Lam) pp.3523-3532. [ PDF ]
- New Small Cell Traffic Offloading Algorithm according to the Network Utilization and Offloading
Preference (Seung-Que Lee, Hye-Rim Cheon, Shin-Hun Kang and Jae-Hyun Kim) pp.3533-3546.
[ PDF ]
- Encoding Method and Optimal Performance of the Real Number M-ary Signal
(Hae Chung and Jae-hyun Chung) pp.3547-3560. [ PDF ]
- A Novel Live Streaming System using P2P and Statistical Multiplexing
(Sookyung Park, Doohyun Lee, Md. Jalil Piran and Doug Young Suh) pp.3561-3570.
[ PDF ]
- TOPS : A Peer to Peer Social Networking Service Exploiting Triangle Relationship among Friends
(Hyungjin Kim, Taehyun Kim and Sanghwan Lee) pp.3571-3596. [ PDF ]
- An Efficient Content Retrieval Mechanism based on Clustering in the CCN Environment
(Kamrul Hasan, Seonghyuck Kwon, Minsub Lee, Seong-Ho Jeong) pp.3597-3606.
[ PDF ]
- A Residual Energy Gradient Cognitive Scheme for Cluster Reconstruction in Wireless Sensor Networks
(Hwan Kim, Sanghyun Ahn, Hayoung Oh and Joon-Sang Park) pp.3607-3618. [ PDF ]
- Performance Evaluation of Video Transport Service Using CCN in Wireless Networks
(Nazib Abdun Nasir, Chanhong Park, Minsub Lee, Seong-Ho Jeong) pp.3619-3626.
[ PDF ]
- A Novel Live Streaming Strategy in Peer-to-Peer Topologies Based on Complex Network Theory
(Venus Marza, Mehdi Dehghan and Behzad Akbari) pp.3627-3640. [ PDF ]
- SVM and HMM-Based Hand Gesture Spotting and Recognition in Stereo Color Image Sequences
(Fayed. F. M.Ghaleb, E. A. youness, M. Elmezain and F. Sh. Dewdar) pp.3641-3654.
[ PDF ]
- Cooperative MAC Protocol based on Transmission Rate and Channel Contention Level in Wireless Networks
(Sunmyeng Kim) pp.3655-3672. [ PDF ]
- Efficient Algorithm for KNN Queries in Spatial Network Databases (In-Su Shin, Chun-Geol Park,
Jeong-Joon Kim and Ki-Joon Han) pp.3673-3692. [ PDF ]
- A Review on Data Mining Approaches For Clustering, Classifying and Optimizing The Level of Sound and
Vibration in Vehicle Cabin (Zulkifli Mohd Nopiah and Ahmad Kadri Junoh) pp.3693-3704.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of Interference Estimation Methods for Graph Coloring-based Link Scheduling in Wireless
Relay Networks (Yoshiaki Taniguchi) pp.3705-3716. [ PDF ]
- The Assessment of Car Cabin Interior Noise Based on Fuzzy Set Theory (Zulkifli Mohd Nopiah and Ahmad
Kadri Junoh) pp.3717-3722. [ PDF ]
- Fake C&C Server for Evidence Aggregation and Detection of Server-Side Polymorphic Mobile Malware on
Android Platform (Han Seong Lee and Hyung-Woo Lee) pp.3723-3738.
[ PDF ]
- Data Mining Techniques in DoS/DDoS Attack Detection: A Literature Review (Bayu Adhi Tama and
Kyung-Hyune Rhee) pp.3739-3748. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Study on the Implementation of Mobile Dental Healthcare Products System (Yong-Keum Choi, Hyun-Sun Jeon
and Kyung-Oh Lee) pp.3749-3756. [ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.9, September, 2015
- Management and Social Sciences
- Intelligent Inventory Management System for Public Organization (SungKyu Yoo, JaeHyun Bang and Yoojin Chung)
pp. 3763-3770. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Color Features of Korean Traditional Costumes (Okju Song, Wonhyung Lee and Jung-Yoon Kim) pp.3771-3776.
[ PDF ]
- A Reconciliatory Interpretation of English Complemental Clauses (Chang-Hun Han and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.3777-3782.
[ PDF ]
- Prediction Model for Facilitating of Multicultural Family Support Center in Korea Using Classification and Regression
Trees Algorithm (Haewon Byeon, Seong-Hun Yu, Hee-Kyung Jin and Sung-Hyoun Cho) pp.3783-3788.
[ PDF ]
- Curriculum Development for the Competency Improvement of the Preservice Youth-leaders (Hwasook Choi and Juyung An)
pp.3789-3794. [ PDF ]
- Analyzing Student Voice: Writing Lived Experiences about Their Lives (Jinhee Kim and Mijung Lee) pp.3795-3800.
[ PDF ]
- A Study about the Labeling System on Disabilities in South Korea's Special Education (Jong-Gu Kang) pp.3801-3806.
[ PDF ]
- Actualities and Problems of South Korea's Bilingual Education for Multicultural Family: Centered on the Government
Department Programs (MyungHee Kim) pp.3807-3814. [ PDF ]
- The Development of STEAM Educational Program Based on the Real Landscape Painting, Dodamsambong (Yongpil Park,
Haksung Kim and Mabyong Yoon) pp.3815-3820. [ PDF ]
- The Application of STEAM Education Program Based on the Kim Hongdo's Real Landscape Painting Dodamsambong
(Yongpil Park, Haksung Kim and Mabyong Yoon) pp.3821-3826. [ PDF ]
- Determinants for Adult Continuing Education applying the Tobit model and the Heckman Selection Model (Sun Young, Chang)
pp.3827-3832. [ PDF ]
- What Policy Approaches are Needed to Improve Startup Education in University (Sin-Jeong Lee and Young-Min Lee)
pp.3833-3838. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Self-Esteem and Self-Competence on Interpersonal Skills of Future Early Childhood Teachers
(So-Jeong Shin and Sung-Je Cho) pp.3839-3844. [ PDF ]
- The Influence of Early Childhood Educators on the Continuing Education Awareness and Career Attitude on Job
Satisfaction -With a Focus on U City- (So-Jeong Shin and Sung-Je Cho) pp.3845-3850.
[ PDF ]
- Language Characteristics of School-aged Korean Multicultural Children (SoJung Oh, HyunSook Huh and YoonKyoung Lee)
pp.3851-3856. [ PDF ]
- An Analysis of Questions for the Conceptual Formation of Students Provided in the Chapters Related to the Earth
and Moon in Elementary School Science Textbooks; From the Viewpoints of Factual and Generative Questions
(Ilho Yang and Sungman Lim) pp.3857-3862. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Direction of Improvement of English Education for Dental Hygiene Students (Su-Young Park, Mun-Koo Kang
and Yong-Myeong Kim) pp.3863-3868. [ PDF ]
- Characteristics and Correlations of Diadochokinetic Time, Maximal Tongue and Lip Strength Scores According to
Age Group in Typically Developing Korean Children (Yunkyung Song) pp.3869-3874.
[ PDF ]
- The Characteristics of College-level Photography-related Courses (Minung Kim and Yonghwan Lee) pp.3875-3880.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Influence of Factors on User Satisfaction of Recreational Forest Using Logistic Regression
(Man-Su Kang, Hee-Young Son and Sang-Kyu Park) pp.3881-3888. [ PDF ]
- Structural Equation Model to Determine the Relationship between Economic Hardship, Depression, Family Relationships
and Suicide Ideation in Elderly South Koreans (Jung-Min, Choi and Jung-Bin, Yang) pp.3889-3896.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Client Violence and Secondary Traumatic Stress among South Korean Public Social Welfare
Specialists: The mediating Effects of Coping Strategies (Jung-Bin Yang and Ja-Young Kim) pp.3897-3904.
[ PDF ]
- The Perceptional Difference of Home Economics Education and Necessity of the Subject Instruction depending on
Characteristics of Youth (Eun-Jeung Kim) pp.3905-3910. [ PDF ]
- A Path Analysis of Caregivnig Stress, Caregiving Service and depression in Suicide Ideation of Korean Daughters -in-Law
(Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.3911-3918. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Work-Family Conflict on Subjective Well-being and Voice Behavior in Korea Workplace: Moderating Effects of
Age and Flow (Hoe-Chang Yang) pp.3919-3924. [ PDF ]
- Analysis on the Needs for Improved Effectiveness of Policies on Marriage, Childbirth, and Child Care -With a focus
on the Survey assessing the Awareness on Such Policies among College Students in Their 20s - (Seo, Sunyoung) pp.3925-3932.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Tour Scheduler Design for Electric Vehicles Integrating DC Chargers (Junghoon Lee and Gyung-Leen Park) pp.3933-3942.
[ PDF ]
- Design of SLA-based VM Provisioning Mechanism for Cloud Computing (Yeongho Choi and Yujin Lim) pp.3943-3950.
[ PDF ]
- Application-Level Task Execution Issues in Mobile Cloud Computing (Abida Shahzad and Jiman Hong) pp.3951-3960.
[ PDF ]
- An Efficient Backup System using Hot-Cold Data Classification in a Distributed Memory System
(Woochur Kim, Donghee Min, Joonhyouk Jang and Jiman Hong) pp.3961-3970.
[ PDF ]
- A System for Finding the Compact Set of Intrusion Detection Rules on the MapReduce Environment (Inbok Lee, Phuong Do,
Lan Do and Sung-Ryul Kim) pp.3971-3978. [ PDF ]
- An Optimized Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Classifier using Breast Mammogram Tomography: Trade-off between Specificity
and Sensitivity (Chulwoo Pack, Samaneh Aminikhanghahi, Sung Shin, Soon Ik Jeon and Seong Ho Son) pp.3979-3988.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Effective Way for the Emotional Reproduction of Diorama Using 3D Printing (Seok Hee Oh and Taeg-Keun Whangbo)
pp.3989-3994. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Stereoscopic Interactive Art based on Presence (YoungEun Kim and SangHun Nam) pp.3995-4000.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Performance Analysis of Automated Axonal Transport Tracking Using Simulation (Nak Hyun Kim and Yoojin Chung) pp.4001-4008.
[ PDF ]
- The Hybrid Emotion Classification using Bio-Signal (Hanmoi Sim, Dongju Kim, Wonhyung Lee and Jung-Yoon Kim) pp.4009-4014.
[ PDF ]
- Patient Role Simulation Practicum in Maternity Nursing: The Effects on Problem Solving Ability, Self-directed Learning
Ability, and Communication Skill (Myoung-Hee Kim and Yun-Mi Kim) pp.4015-4024.
[ PDF ]
- School Bullying: Victims Experience (Bo Yun Sim and Ju Young Ha) pp.4025-4032.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Stress Experienced by Nursing Students During Clinical Practicum (HyeSun Jeong) pp.4033-4038.
[ PDF ]
- Influencing Factors of Problem Solving Process among Nursing Students (HyeSun Jeong) pp.4039-4044.
[ PDF ]
- The Development of an Coping Education Program for Menstrual Distress and its Evaluation on University Women (Nayoung Choi)
pp.4045-4050. [ PDF ]
- Adoption of An Educational Program for the Prevention of Dry Eye Syndrome among Adults in Urban Areas (Seong-Ran Lee)
pp.4051-4056. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Applying a Problem-based Learning an Approach to Nursing Education (Sung-Ju Park and Sun-hee Choi) pp.4057-4062.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Self-directed Learning (SDL) and Interpersonal Skills in Nursing Students (Miran Kim and Sujeong Han)
pp.4063-4068. [ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.10, October, 2015
- Management and Social Sciences
- Seoul Tourist Course Mobile Location-Based Services Technology for Free Individual Travelers
(Ki-Hwan Ryu and Young-Soo Park) pp.4075-4082. [ PDF ]
- Relation between Online Sports Community Awareness and Sports Activity (Ah-Young Lee and
Sun-Mun Park) pp.4083-4090. [ PDF ]
- Development of Korean only E-Learning Systems for Education of Handicapped Students
(Sang-Hyun Lee) pp.4091-4098. [ PDF ]
- Knowledge-Based Process Coordination for Improving Project Quality in R&D Based Software
Development (Jae-Young Choi, Young-Hwa Cho, Jongpil Jeong, DooHwan Kim and Jang-Eui Hong) pp.4099-4104.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of an English Language Training System Using ICT and DCP Training
(Jong-Jin Park and Robert W. Cobb) pp.4105-4114. [ PDF ]
- Acoustic Characteristics of Sounds in the Forest (Sun-young Pak, Myung-sook Kim and Myung-jin Bae)
pp.4115-4122. [ PDF ]
- Study on a Foley Sound of Stepped on Snow (Ik-Soo Ahn and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.4123-4130.
[ PDF ]
- Using Valid-frame Deviation to Judgment of Intoxication (Won-Hee Lee, Myung-Sook Kim and
Myung-Jin Bae) pp.4131-4136. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Effects of Informational Properties of Product-Related Word of Mouth on Related
Activities: Focused on the On-line Market of Korea (Janghyun Kim, Yoshimoto Koji and Ilhyun Bae)
pp.4137-4144. [ PDF ]
- How Facebook Intensity Influenced Brand Attitude ? - Focus on Type of SNS Manager -
(Janghyun Kim and Ilhyun Bae) pp.4145-4152. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Interference Avoidance Mechanism using Distributed Channel Allocation Algorithm in Wireless
Sensor Networks (Joon-Ik Kong, Min A Jeong and Seong Ro Lee) pp.4153-4160.
[ PDF ]
- Differentiated Channel Resource Allocation in ECMA-392 Networks (Seung Beom Lee, Il-Whan Oh,
Min A Jeong and Seong Ro Lee) pp.4161-4166. [ PDF ]
- The Developed Methods For Acoustic Source Estimation (PrabeshPaudel, Min-a Jeong and Seong Ro Lee)
pp.4167-4174. [ PDF ]
- Performance Analysis of LMS Adaptive Beam forming Algorithms for Smart Antennas
(Prakash Thapa, Min-a Jeong and Seong Ro Lee) pp.4175-4182. [ PDF ]
- Clinical Consideration of Synkinesis and Vision Training using Stereoscopic Vision Improvement
on 3D Images (Jung Ho Kim, Sung Hwan Park, Seung Hyun Lee and Soon Chul Kwon) pp.4183-4192.
[ PDF ]
- Performance Evaluation of Color Management Systems (for UHDTV) (Alaric Hamacher, Sunil Pardeshi,
Kwang Chul Son, Taeg-keun Whangbo and Seung Hyun Lee) pp.4193-4204. [ PDF ]
- Elliptic Curve Algorithm-based Security Module Interface Design (An-Gyoon Jeon, Jeong-Gi Lee
and Sang-Hyun Lee) pp.4205-4218. [ PDF ]
- Justifiable Trend Impact Analysis Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System (Sang-Hyun Lee,
Yong-Gil Kim and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.4219-4228. [ PDF ]
- Analysis and Implementation of the Microstrip Duplexer Using the Dual-mode Resonator and the
Radial-stub (Tae-Soon Yun) pp.4229-4236. [ PDF ]
- Fingerprint Singular Point Enhancement through Angular Bandwidth Allocation Filtering
(Sang-Hyun Lee, Heon Jeong and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.4237-4244. [ PDF ]
- Objective Quantification of Software Artifact Assessment for Efficient Project Process Control
(Jae-Young Choi, Jongpil Jeong and Jang-Eui Hong) pp.4245-4252. [ PDF ]
- A Performance Comparison of Feature Detection Methods using Wide-angle Lens for 360 Panoramic
Image (Jihye Jeon, Jihee Yang and Gooman Park) pp.4253-4260. [ PDF ]
- A Fast Parallel Implementation of Image Processing Algorithm by Utilizing SIMD Kernel with TBB
(Cheong Ghil Kim and Sang Woon Lee) pp.4261-4266. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Parallel Implementations for High Efficiency Video Coding on Heterogeneous Computing
(Sang Woon Lee and Cheong Ghil Kim) pp.4267-4272. [ PDF ]
- Risk Situation Detection Using Facial Expression (SungPil Ryu, NaeJoung Kwak and IlYoung Hwang)
pp.4273-4280. [ PDF ]
- Camera Control Method for Object Recognition System (SungPil Ryu and NaeJoung Kwak) pp.4281-4288.
[ PDF ]
- Reinforced Secure Secret Sharing for Quantum Communication (Kondwani Makanda and Jun-Cheol Jeon)
pp.4289-4296. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Interference Analysis between Wireless Headset and Wi-Fi in ISM Bands
(SeungNam Kim, IlKyoo Lee and Kyoungil Min) pp.4297-4304. [ PDF ]
- Development of IoT based Sensor Node to Improve Reliability of V2X Communication
(Jong Min Park and Sung Ho Cho) pp.4305-4310. [ PDF ]
- The Adaptive Selection Method of Cluster Head with Respect to the Energy of Sensor Node in WSN
(Jong-Yong Lee and Kyedong Jung) pp.4311-4320. [ PDF ]
- The GF(2^16)/GF(2^32) Code Formation based on the 16 Bit LFSR and VHDL Language (Sung ?Il Seo
and Hyeong Keon An) pp.4321-4326. [ PDF ]
- Design the Circuit of X to the 3rd Power and Zero Crossing Detector Circuit in the GF(2^16)/GF(2^32)
Finite Field (Sung ?Il Seo and Hyeong Keon An) pp.4327-4332. [ PDF ]
- GF(216) Code Multiplier/Divider Design and the Radix Base Change for the Transformation
(Hyeong Keon An and Hee Chang Lee) pp.4333-4338. [ PDF ]
- Design and Performance Analysis of Cost-Optimized Handoff Scheme Based on Fuzzy Logic for
Building Smart Car IoT Applications (Jae-Young Choi and Jongpil Jeong) pp.4339-4346.
[ PDF ]
- Symbol Window Detection for Multipath Propagation Channels (Jihye Lee and Taehyun Jeon)
pp.4347-4352. [ PDF ]
- Joint Optimization of AGC and Timing Detection for OFDM Systems (Jihye Lee and Taehyun Jeon)
pp.4353-4358. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Development of the Low Cost Assistive Listening Device for Hearing Impaired Person
(Taewoo Kim, Junyong Song and Hojun Yeom) pp.4359-4366. [ PDF ]
- Clinic Decision Support System for Emergency Perception Using AdaBoost Algorithm
(Myung Jae Lim, Dong kun Chung and Young Man Kwon) pp.4367-4372. [ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of an Interface for Recognition Rehabilitation Based on Human-Device
Interaction (Myung Jae Lim, Young Man Kwon and Dong kun Chung) pp.4373-4378.
[ PDF ]
- A New Binarization Algorithm by Using the local Thresholding and Clustering Algorithm for
the Document Image (Young-Man Kwon, Dong kun Chung and Myung-Gwan Kim) pp.4379-4384.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Analysis Affecting Crowd Funding Using a Machine Learning (Young-Man Kwon, Donghyun Sim,
Dong-Keun Jung and Myung-Gwan Kim) pp.4385-4392. [ PDF ]
- A Three Step Algorithm for Contrast Enhancement (Young-Man Kwon, Myung-Gwan Kim, Dong-Keun
Chung and Myung-Jae Lim) pp.4393-4398. [ PDF ]
- Relation of Effect with a Translation of the Swagger and Tremor Function on the Human
(Jeong-lae Kim and Chul-young Lee) pp.4399-4406. [ PDF ]
- Acoustic Characteristics of the Forest Sounds Inducing Sleep (Kyoung-Su Yeo, Myung-Sook Kim
and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.4407-4412. [ PDF ]
- Research on Modeling of Sound on Mountain Summits by Atmospheric Pressure Difference
(Eun-young Yi and Myung-jin Bae) pp.4413-4420. [ PDF ]
- Development of On-line Based One-Stop Insurance Claim System between the Private Sector
Medical Insurance and Hospital (Min Soo Kang, Yong Gyu Jung and Kyoung Hak Lee) pp.4421-4426.
[ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.11, November, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Certain Fractional Derivative Operator and New Class of Analytic Functions with Negative Coefficients
(Tariq Al-Hawary, A.A. Amourah, Feras Yousef and M. Darus) pp.4433-4442.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Facilitating Service Matchmaking based on Semantic Similarity (Yousub Hwang) pp.4443-4458.
[ PDF ]
- A Design Science Approach for Web Service Discovery (Yunchu Huang and Yousub Hwang) pp.4459-4470.
[ PDF ]
- WebServSOM: A Prototype System for Facilitating Semantic-based Web Service Discovery (Yousub Hwang) pp.4471-4482.
[ PDF ]
- The Evolution of the Korea-Southeast Asia FTA Laws (Bongchul Kim) pp.4483-4488.
[ PDF ]
- An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Hub Location-Routing Model in Postal Delivery Service
(Ji Ung Sun) pp.4489-4498. [ PDF ]
- Past and Future Engine of Chinese Economic Miracle: Evidence from Sources of Financing (Woonghyun Baek,
Jin Wook Kim and Cheong Kyu Park) pp.4499-4504. [ PDF ]
- The Interplay of Consumer Animosity and Regulatory Focus in Influencing Consumer Responses to Cause-Related
Marketing (Moon-Yong Kim) pp.4505-4512. [ PDF ]
- A Contrastive Study of Korean and Japanese Inference Forms (Changhak Moon) pp.4513-4526.
[ PDF ]
- Storytelling and Potential of Literature Contents : Focusing on Guillaume Musso's Novels (Jeong-Hee Kim) pp.4527-4532.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of SNS Social Support For the Relationship between Emotional Labor and Burnout (So-Hee Kim) pp.4533-4538.
[ PDF ]
- An East Asia FTA: The Viability and the Challenges (Eun Kyung Kim and Ho Kim) pp.4539-4548.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effects of eWOM in Social Network Service on the Brand Attitude, Purchase Intentions and Diffusion
of eWOM (Hayran Kim) pp.4549-4556. [ PDF ]
- A Success Model for Learning System in Information Technology (Hae-Gill Choi and Sung-Ho Sim) pp.4557-4562.
[ PDF ]
- Laws on the Mongolian Water Transportation Infrastructure (Bongchul Kim) pp.4563-4568.
[ PDF ]
- Master Plan of IS/IT for University (Case Study: STMIKXYZ) (Maryani and Henny Hendarti) pp.4569-4578.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Employee Value Proposition and Proactive Personality on Job Crafting: South Korean Professional
Assistants' Case (Suwon Yim, Aekyung Choi and Kyungok Park) pp.4579-4586. [ PDF ]
- Research on the Impact of China's Producer Service Trade Liberalization to Manufacturing Upgrading
(Deng Jing, Zhang Wenqian) pp.4587-4598. [ PDF ]
- What Shared Mental Model Brings to Self-managed Teams: Developing and Sustaining Team Effectiveness
(Lim, Da-Young and Lee, Young-Min) pp.4599-4628. [ PDF ]
- Church Leadership Identity : Between Hopes and Reality (Solidarity Network Leadership as an Alternative)
(By Retnowati Wiranto) pp.4629-4642. [ PDF ]
- Accessibility Assessment of Health Services in Kabul City, Using GIS (Kazem NASERI, Jawid Ahmad BAKTASH,
Dongshik KANG, Tomokazua NAGATA) pp.4643-4650. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Using Different Transformation Forms to Investigate the Relationship between Economic Growth,
Energy Consumption, and CO2 (Zaidi Isa, Ahmed R. M. Al Sayed and Sek Sok Kun) pp.4651-4660.
[ PDF ]
- Productivity Analysis of Quay Cranes with Multi-Lift Spreaders (Chang-Ho Yang, Sang-Hei Choi and Seung Hwan Won)
pp.4661-4676. [ PDF ]
- Outsourcing Decision-Making Using Analytic Hierarchy Process: A Case Study of a Water Park
(Dong Hyun Lee, Ho Lee and Sung Tae Kim) pp.4677-4688. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Object Collaboration Model for Self-directed Learning on IoT Environment (SokPal Cho, IlYoung Chong, HeeChang
Chung) pp.4689-4694. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of a Smart Phone Application to a Plant Cultivating System with a Monitoring PC
(Lee Kyung Mog) pp.4695-4704. [ PDF ]
- Performance Evaluation of MSAG-GMMA Adaptive Blind Equalization Algorithm (Young Hwa Jeong) pp.4705-4712.
[ PDF ]
- The Requirements and Solutions of 5G Mobile Communication for Industry 4.0 (Hong Woo Lee, Kyoung Yul Bae)
pp.4713-4720. [ PDF ]
- Development of U-Healthcare Device for Elderly Using Power Assisted Electric Wheelchair (Jung-Shik Kong, Bo-Hee Lee)
pp.4721-4730. [ PDF ]
- Development of the Control Algorithm Using Driving-Will Force Estimation for a Power-assisted Wheelchair
(Jung-Shik Kong, Bo-Hee Lee) pp.4731-4740. [ PDF ]
- Fast and Flexible Communication Support for Social Networking Services (Yunjin Lee and Mingyu Lim) pp.4741-4748.
[ PDF ]
- Arabic Semantic Spell Checking Based on Power Links (Mahmoud Rokaya) pp.4749-4770.
[ PDF ]
- Water Body Classification based on Machine Learning ofWater Index and Terrain Surface (Supattra Puttinaovarat,
Paramate Horkaew, Kanit Khaimook and Weerapong Polnigongit) pp.4771-4792. [ PDF ]
- Text Extraction of Lecture Videos without Text Detection (Songzhi Su, Chi-Yuang Shiao, Shu-Yuan Chen,
Der-Jyh Duh and Shaozi Li) pp.4793-4814. [ PDF ]
- A Tree-based Ensemble Learning of Minority Cases in the Imbalanced Data (Pasapitch Chujai, Nittaya Kerdprasop
and Kittisak Kerdprasop) pp.4815-4836. [ PDF ]
- A Cloud-based Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Analysis Integrated System (Guohua Li, Hyungjin Lee and
Sang Boem Lim) pp.4837-4844. [ PDF ]
- Performance Analysis of RESTful Web Service-based One-stop Attendance Management (ShenDe Fan, YoungWook Cha,
ChoonHee Kim) pp.4845-4854. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Study on the Implementation of Mobile Dental Healthcare products System (Yong-Keum Choi, Hyun-Sun Jeon and
Kyung-Oh Lee) pp.4855-4862. [ PDF ]

Vol.18, No.12, December, 2015
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Finite Element Wave Model for Laplace Equation (Taehwa Jung and Sangyoung Son) pp.4869-4874.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Topic Model for Korean Folk Literature, Pansori (Dong-Gun Kim and Hwa-Young Jeong) pp.4875-4882.
[ PDF ]
- Proposals for the Threshold Volume for the Application of Safeguard Measures of an East Asia FTA
(Shim, Chong Seok and Ho Kim) pp.4883-4888. [ PDF ]
- Market Value of Capital Expenditure and Controlling Shareholders' Ownership Structure (Ho Joong Kim, Jin Wook Kim
and Yong Joon Shin) pp.4889-4894. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the New Trend of Information Technology for Cyber Education (Sung-Ho Sim and Won-bong Lee) pp.4895-4900.
[ PDF ]
- A Simulation Model Considering Type and Level Information of Risks in a Supply Chain (KyoungJong Park) pp.4901-4906.
[ PDF ]
- Medical Service Evaluation by Russian Medical Travelers (Moon-Yong Kim and Egai Denis) pp.4907-4916.
[ PDF ]
- BCR Model for Cloud-Based Social CRM Service Selection Using the AHP (Nguyen-Hanh Tang and Young-Chan Lee)
pp.4917-4922. [ PDF ]
- Selection of Expatriate for Subsidiaries of Korean Firms in China Using AHP and TOPSIS (Liyuan Wang and
Young-Chan Lee) pp.4923-4928. [ PDF ]
- AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Selection of Mobile Phone Brand: A Case of Foreign Students in Korea
(Qin Yang and Young-Chan Lee) pp.4929-4934. [ PDF ]
- Digital Divide, Information Technology Acceptance and Smart Divide: Korean Information Network Village Project Case
(Youngmin Park and Kibum Nam) pp.4935-4944. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) on Income and Poverty among Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
(TANF) Recipients (Jiyoung Yoo) pp.4945-4954. [ PDF ]
- Creative Europe and EU's Media Literacy Policy (Jong-Youl Hong) pp.4955-4962.
[ PDF ]
- Exploratory Study of the Korean Smart Work Policy and Japan Telework Policy (Kibum Nam) pp.4963-4972.
[ PDF ]
- Effect on Production Result by the Relationship Between the Characteristics of Flexibility, Strategy Type and
Management Accounting Information (Jae-jin Jung) pp.4973-4980. [ PDF ]
- Local Culture App in the UX Perspective (Hyeon-Wook, Park and Jong-Ho, Lee) pp.4981-4986.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Correlations among Real Estate Information-related Variables Using Spatial Big Data
(B. J. Kim and J. H. Choi) pp.4987-4998. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Functionalist Characteristics of Information Delivery Found in the Gutenberg Bible
(Jang Hoon Kim) pp.4999-5006. [ PDF ]
- Study on the UX Characteristics of Mobile Coupon Services (Jung-Ae Lee and Il-Moon Choi) pp.5007-5012.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Change of Gender Concept through Female Characters in Animations (Yi, Jung Hee and Choi, Mun-Yong)
pp.5013-5018. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Appropriate Technology in the Information Technology: Governmental Purchasing System for Kenya
(Violet Asiko Murwa and Han-Kyung Yun) pp.5019-5026. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Safe Microcontroller with Code Block Fingerprint Analysis Accelerator for Embedded-Software Integrity Verification
(Daejin Park and Jeonghun Cho) pp.5027-5036. [ PDF ]
- Fab-in-the-Loop Verification Method using On-Chip Virtual Clock Management Unit and Built-in Test Vector
Generation Unit for Fast IC-level Test of Sensor-integrated System-on-Chip (Daejin Park and Jeonghun Cho)
pp.5037-5044. [ PDF ]
- Open Source Software and Human Resource (Minsuk Lee) pp.5045-5052.
[ PDF ]
- Development of a Predictive Controller Passive Power Filter for Harmonic Reduction (Hyun Seob Cho) pp.5053-5058.
[ PDF ]
- Mobility Prediction to Support Mobility Management in WLAN for IPv6 Network (Sang-Dong, Jang) pp.5059-5066.
[ PDF ]
- Fuzzy Neural Network-Based LED Emotional Lighting Control (Keon-Jun Park, Ho-Jun Kim, Young-In Jo,
Geun-Chang Hoang, Cheol-Soo Bae and Yong-Kab Kim) pp.5067-5072. [ PDF ]
- Development of DNS GUI Management Module (Young-Gil Park, Si-Woong Lee and Bong-Hyun Kim) pp.5073-5078.
[ PDF ]
- Genetic Design of Interval Type-2 Individual Cluster-based Fuzzy Neural Networks
(Keon-Jun Park, Ji-Seong Kim, Young-In Jo, Ho-Jun Kim, Cheol-Soo Bae and Yong-Kab Kim) pp.5079-5084.
[ PDF ]
- Impulsivity-Related ERP Correlates in Attentional Inhibitory Control under Emotion-Attention Interaction
(S. H. Seo) pp.5085-5090. [ PDF ]
- Study of Tokenization for Easy Payment System on Mobile Platform (Hyun-Joo. Yoo, Su-jin. Lee, Sang-dong.
Jang and Min-soo. Jung) pp.5091-5096. [ PDF ]
- Rotor Shape of Variable Reluctance Resolver for Precise Position Detect (Ki-chan Kim) pp.5097-5102.
[ PDF ]
- Tag-Reader Mutual Authentication Protocol for Safe RFID/USN Environments (Hyo-chan Bang, Bong-jin Seo,
Jung-hoon Cha and Young-seok Lee) pp.5103-5116. [ PDF ]
- Design of RF Coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Byung-Joon Park, Ki-young Kim and Sun jib Kim) pp.5117-5122.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on an Available Capacity Calculation Model for V2G based on Passenger Vehicle Driving Information of Korea
(Dong-Wook Kim, Sung-Yong Son and Soon-Nam Chu) pp.5123-5128. [ PDF ]
- Mapping Learning Object Resource Metadata for Retrieval via Linked Open Data (Noppol Thangsupachai,
Suphakit Niwatthanakul and Nisachol Chamnongsri) pp.5129-5142. [ PDF ]
- Designing Optimum Vehicle Tracking Systems Using CamShift Algorithm for Multi-Channel Video Surveillance
Applications (Ibrahim Furkan Ince, Ilker Yengin and Jang Sik Park) pp.5143-5154.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Sasang Constitution Taeeumin Classification System Using Pitch Analysis (Bonghyun Kim and Sangyoung Oh)
pp.5155-5160. [ PDF ]
- Application of Mammograms Using Gray Level Conversion and Spatial Filters in Detection of the Mass Type Breast
Tumor (Jin-hyoung Jeong, In-su Kim, Byung-kwan Lee, Jae-uk Ko, Nam-sun Kim and Sang-sik Lee) pp.5161-5166.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Utilization of Multimedia for Effective Delivery of Medical Information (Robin Kang) pp.5167-5172.
[ PDF ]
- Development of Detecting Algorithm for Brain Tumor (Jun-tae Kim, Han-guel Lee, Jee-hun Jang,
Nam-sun Kim, Bong-su Kim and Sang-sik Lee) pp.5173-5180. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Health Care UI Design of IT-based Smart Watch (LEE, Hyun Ju) pp.5181-5188.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Facial Asymmetry Using X-ray Image (Ki-young Lee, Jin-hyoung Jeong, Jae-uk Ko, Won-yeob Park,
Sung-ha Hong and Sang-sik Lee) pp.5189-5196. [ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.1, January, 2016
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Some Results on Differential Subordination Defined by a Generalized Derivative Operator (Entisar El-Yagubi
and Maslina Darus) pp.7-16. [ PDF ]
- Positional Variance of the Hand based on Linear Quadratic Regulator in Two-Link Upper-Arm Reaching Movements
(Yoshiaki Taniai, Tomohide Naniwa and Munadi) pp.17-24. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Interconnecting Online Shopping Services with Social Funding Projects (Sung Soo Kim, Yang Hyun Cho and
Hyeon Gyu Kim) pp.25-30. [ PDF ]
- A Marketing Support System for Small Business Owners (Jong-Jin Jung, Jong-Bin Park, Myoungjin Kim and
Hanku Lee) pp.31-36. [ PDF ]
- Construction of National R&D Data Retrieval-based Researcher Map (Myung-Seok Yang, Nam-Gyu Kang, Tae-Hyun Kim,
Won-Kyun Joo, Kyung-Tae Lim, Kwang-Nam Choi and Young-Kuk Kim) pp.37-42.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Standardization of Survey System for Effective Evaluation of Customer Feedback of Service Industry
(Eun-Jee Song and Min-Shik Kang) pp.43-48. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Customer Feedback of Tourism Service using Social Big Data (Hyo-Soon Kong and Eun-Jee Song) pp.49-54.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Historical Importance Using Wikipedia's Link Structure (Kyung-Tae Lim, Nam-Gyu Kang, Myung-Seok Yang
and Kwang-Nam Choi) pp.55-60. [ PDF ]
- Data Management based Big Data Technology for Implementing Remote Vehicle Diagnostic System (Lionel Nkenyereye
and Jong-Wook Jang) pp.61-66. [ PDF ]
- Similarity Measurement System Design of Music Contents (Mi-Hae Shin, Eui-Jeong Kim, Su-Seok Seo and Young-Chul Kim)
pp.67-72. [ PDF ]
- Comparison of MVNO Policy in Korea and Other Countries (Jin Shin and Dea-woo Park) pp.73-78.
[ PDF ]
- A Case Study on Applications of Economic Analysis for Energy Storage System (Young-Sang Yoon, Weon-Young Jeon,
Yoondeok Kim, Yong-Lak Choi, Yongtae Shin and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.79-84. [ PDF ]
- Proposal for Local Pose Animation System for Games Using iClone (Chang-Su Ryu and Jae-Hun Jang) pp.85-90.
[ PDF ]
- Semantic Term Weighting Method by Using Correlation Coefficient (Jatsada Singthongchai, Suphakit Niwattanakul
and Nisachol Chamnongsri) pp.91-106. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Principal Transformational Leadership and Teacher Resilience on Principal Role Behaviors for
Inclusive Education (Rah Kyung Kim) pp.107-120. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of Foreign Ownership on the Stock Returns and Accounting Performance of the Listed Corporations
in the Palestine Exchange (Zahran "Mohammad Ali" Daraghma) pp.121-138.
[ PDF ]
- Development and Evaluation of a User Adaptive Learning System Using Computer Graphics for Arithmetic Classes
(Kotaro Matsushita, Takahiro Kurumagawa, Takuya Sakiyama and Hideo Suzuki) pp.139-148.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- The Compensation Effects of the Position of Dispersion Compensating Fiber and the Control Position of Net
Residual Dispersion on the WDM Signal Distortions in the Dispersion-Managed Optical Links with Optical Phase Conjugator
(Jae-Pil Chung and Seong-Real Lee) pp.149-156. [ PDF ]
- Bottom Gate Voltage Dependent DIBL of Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFET (Hakkee Jung and Dongsoo Jeong) pp.157-162.
[ PDF ]
- Gate Oxide Thickness Dependent Tunneling Current of Sub-10 nm Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFET (Hakkee Jung) pp.163-168.
[ PDF ]
- Gate Voltage Dependent Tunneling Current of Asymmetric Double Gate(ADG) MOSFET (Hakkee Jung and Ohshin Kwon)
pp.169-174. [ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of a Smart Clothing System Coping with Emergency Status (Sang-Hyun Seo, Jong-Wook Jang
and Si-Woong Jang) pp.175-180. [ PDF ]
- An Advanced Ceramic Defect Detection with Anisotropic Filtering and Diagonal Binarization (Kwang Baek Kim and
Doo Heon Song) pp.181-188. [ PDF ]
- Car Tire Replacement Estimation System Development based on Tire Analysis System (Sung-Hyun Baek and Jong-Wook Jang)
pp.189-194. [ PDF ]
- Design of an Efficient Unified Storage System for Large-Scale Science Experimental Data Services
(Duseok Jin, Hee-Jun Yoon, Chi-Woong Kim and Jung-Lok Yu) pp.195-200. [ PDF ]
- A Behavior Analysis and Emergency Determination System Based on a 9-Axis Sensor for Emergency Rescue Support
(Jun-Su Hwang and Young-Bok Choi) pp.201-206. [ PDF ]
- IoT-based Trace Management System for Upgrading Quality on Production of Plastic Injection Molding (Heum Park)
pp.207-212. [ PDF ]
- Average Parking Duration and Parking Turnover Rate Using CCTV (Seong-Yoon Shin) pp.213-218.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of Image-Forensic System for Extraction of Sexual Assault in Elevator (Kwang-Seong Shin and
Seong-Yoon Shin) pp.219-224. [ PDF ]
- foF2 Analysis Using R-project and Ionospheric Raw Data (Yong-Jin Jung, Min-Ho Jeon and Chang-Heon Oh) pp.225-230.
[ PDF ]
- Employing Ionospheric Analysis Method to Achieve Stable Frequency Bands for Given Altitudes (Min-Ho Jeon and
Chang-Heon Oh) pp.231-238. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Improved DTN Routing for Disaster Situations (Jong-Bae Kim and Sung-jin Jang) pp.239-244.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Creation of VITD based on Quantum GIS (Eun-Seok Lee, Hyeon-Kyung Lee, Ki-Bum Kim and Jong-Bae Kim)
pp.245-250. [ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of Dangerous Driving Behavior Analysis Application for Improving Driving Habits
(Jae-Gon Yoo and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.251-256. [ PDF ]
- The Conceptual Architecture Model Using Common Service Areas for Whole Industries (Baek-min Seong, Min-gyu Lee,
Hyo-jung Sohn and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.257-262. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Agent System Model for Response to Spear-phishing (Chang-Hong Kim, Sangphil Kim and Jong-Bae Kim)
pp.263-268. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Extraction of the Ordinary Skill based on the RDF from Patent Documents (Jin-Woo Kim, Song-Ho Lee
and Kyounghak Lee) pp.269-276. [ PDF ]
- A Virtual Power Plant Simulator Based on Emergency Generators Considering the Characteristics of Island-mode Operation
(Kyu-Sang Cho, Soon-Nam Chu and Sung-Yong Son) pp.277-282. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of MP4 Video Player based on Web standard in Moodle LMS (Ho-Jin Kim, Tae-Yeon Kim and Chang-Soo Kim)
pp.283-290. [ PDF ]
- Efficient Multi-Query Processing in the MapReduce Framework (Hyeon Gyu Kim) pp.291-296.
[ PDF ]
- Secure Software Development Lifecycle which Supplements Security Weakness for CC Certification
(Min-gyu Lee, Hyo-jung Sohn, Baek-min Seong and Jong-bae Kim) pp.297-302.
[ PDF ]
- Counting Pedestrians Passing Through a Line in Crowded Scenes by Extracting Optical Flows (Yoshiaki Taniguchi,
Miki Mizushima, Go Hasegawa, Hirotaka Nakano and Morito Matsuoka) pp.303-316.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Geospatial Analysis Research for an Optimal Helicopter Rescue Planning System (Jong-Kook Park, Sangphil Kim,
Ki-Bum Kim and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.317-322. [ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.2, February, 2016
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Traffic Situation Modeling of an Intersection with Construction (Hasnaa Elmandili and Benayad Nsiri) pp.329-336.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of Parallel GPBiCG_AR Method (Seiji Fujino, Kosuke Iwasato and Moe Thu Thu) pp.337-342.
[ PDF ]
- Analytical Estimates for the Expectation of the Beta Distribution on the Basis of the Known Values of the
Variance and Mode (S. A. Oleinikova, O. Ja. Kravets, D. S. Silnov) pp.343-352. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Structural Tool to Efficiently Analyze Enterprise Smart Business Performance in a Smart Management Environment
(Chui Young Yoon) pp.353-364. [ PDF ]
- Effective Parental Mediation for the Right Use of Smartphones in Early Childhood (Ji Yeon Cho, Taisiya Kim and
Bong Gyou Lee) pp.365-372. [ PDF ]
- The Method of Solving Science and Technology Societal Challenges with Scientist Participation
(Yun-Young Hwang and Jeonghoon Park) pp.373-380. [ PDF ]
- Analyzing the User Experience by the Hedonic Empirical Value for Digital Signage Utilization
(Hang Sub Kim, Yong Beom Kim and Bong Gyou Lee) pp.381-396. [ PDF ]
- Applying Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) to Exam Consumer Behavior in Multi-channel Environment
(Soo Kyung Park, Taisiya Kim and Bong Gyou Lee) pp.397-404. [ PDF ]
- Research on Strategic Implementation of Blended Smart-learning in Tennis Using Analytic Network Process
(Woowhuk Choi, In Sung Yeo and Dae Sun Ko) pp.405-412. [ PDF ]
- Thai Domestic Tourists Clustering Model Using Machine Learning Techniques: Case Study of Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya
Province, Thailand (Wirot Yotsawat and Anongnart Srivihok) pp.413-422. [ PDF ]
- Transfer Redistribution Development in Legislation of the Russian Budget (Elizaveta V. Goncharova,
Tatiana V. Ogneva and Roman V. Konovalov) pp.423-428. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Authenticity of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) on Consumer Perception (Seungho Cho) pp.429-436.
[ PDF ]
- Prospects of Multilevel Use of Geothermal Resources of the Khankala Deposit of the Chechen Republic
(Zaurbekov Sh.Sh., Mintsaev M.Sh., Shaipov A.A., Machigova F.I., Churikova T.G., Cherkasov S.V. and Gairabekov I.G.)
pp.437-444. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Design and Implementation of MAC Protocol for Realtime Improvements in IoT Environment (Jae-Sung Shim, Do Ryu
and Seok-Cheon Park) pp.445-454. [ PDF ]
- A Design and Implementation of GDB Access Agent (Kwang-il Hwang and Seung-Kyu Park) pp.455-464.
[ PDF ]
- Optimal Number of Neighbors for Fast Consensus in Wireless Networks with Access Delay (Hyun-Ho Choi and
Sanghoon Kim) pp.465-472. [ PDF ]
- An Authentication Scheme for Privacy Protection in the Cloud-Based Internet-of-Things System (Deuk-Hun Kim and
Jin Kwak) pp.473-480. [ PDF ]
- Data Transmission Method for Secure V2N Communication (Dae-Hyun Kim and Jin Kwak) pp.481-490.
[ PDF ]
- Vulnerability Assessment of Android SQLite Database for Information Exposure Detection (Dongwoo Kim, Sangwho Kim
and Jaecheol Ryou) pp.491-504. [ PDF ]
- Security Improvement of Biometric Authentication Systems at Cancelable Biometrics (Sanggyu Shin and Yoichi Seto)
pp.505-514. [ PDF ]
- User-Controllable Location Privacy Protection of Geometric Approach in Location-Based Services
(Mihui Kim, June S. Hong and Sanghoon Kim) pp.515-522. [ PDF ]
- Phishing Detection Using Web Site Heuristics (Jin-Lee Lee and Doo-ho Park) pp.523-530.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Smart Clothing System Using Sensors (Jooyoung Ko and Hyenki Kim) pp.531-538.
[ PDF ]
- A Stochastic Reasoning Approach for Semantic Sensing Data (Yoosoo Oh) pp.539-544.
[ PDF ]
- Estimation of Mobile Phone Location by Image Matching (Dongyue Wang and Taegkeun Whangbo) pp.545-554.
[ PDF ]
- NILM Method Using FHMM Reflecting Correlation between Two Appliances (Kwang-Soon Choi, Bo-Won Yang and
Han-Na-Rae Choi) pp.555-564. [ PDF ]
- Development of Real-time Sharing Platform of Equipment PLC Data (Phyoung-Jung Kim and Seok-Hwan Yoon)
pp.565-576. [ PDF ]
- Simple and Robust Eye Tracking with a Webcam (Natalina de Fatima Gusmao, Jung-Min Park and Sang-Rok Oh) pp.577-586.
[ PDF ]
- Kalman Filter Based Object Tracking Scheme for Active Vision with Multiple Cameras (Yanan Xu, Viacheslav Tarasenko,
Young-Ho Sohn and Dong-Won Park) pp.587-594. [ PDF ]
- Developing IoT Security Requirements for Service Providers (Dong Hee Kim, Ji Yeon Cho, Jongin Lim and
Bong Gyou Lee) pp.595-604. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Prospect and Security Technology of Big Data (Dae-Jea Cho) pp.605-614.
[ PDF ]
- Fall Detection Algorithm using the Fall Feature Parameters Extracted from Video and Accelerometer Sensor
(YunSeop Yu and Sang-Hoon Kim) pp.615-622. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Defect Inspection System using Efficient Thresholding Method (Myeongsuk Pak and Sanghoon Kim)
pp.623-630. [ PDF ]
- A Searching Systems of Vehicle information on Highway from Fisheye CCTV Image Using a Nonlinear Equation
(In Jung Lee) pp.631-642. [ PDF ]
- An Integrated Approach to Korea's e-Navigation Communication Infrastructure (JaeMyoung KIM and Yoon-Young Park)
pp.643-650. [ PDF ]
- Utilizing Feature based Classification and Textual Information of Bug reports for Severity Prediction
(Kwanghue Jin, Eun Chul Lee, Amarmend Dashbalbar, Jungwon Lee and Byungjeong Lee) pp.651-660.
[ PDF ]
- Cloud Database Design for MMORPG and Performance Analysis based on User Play Tendency
(Seong-Hoon Kim, Gi-Tae Han and Young-Kyu Yang) pp.661-672. [ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of BigData Visualization System Based on Meta DB Automatic Mapping Algorithm
(Weon-Jin Cho, Jae-Sung Shim and Seok-Cheon Park) pp.673-682. [ PDF ]
- Enhanced Hybrid Encryption Method using the Half-Key Exchange and the Dynamic S-Box and Shift-Row in AES
(Seong-Hoon Kim and Gi-Tae Han) pp.683-694. [ PDF ]
- An Evaluation Method of Hardness on Quantitative Measurement System for Lachman Test Using Force Sensor
(Shogo Kawaguchi, Kouki Nagamune, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Daisuke Araki, Yuichi Hoshino, Tomoyuki Matsumoto,
Takehiko Matsushita, Ryosuke Kuroda, and Masahiro Kurosaka) pp.695-704. [ PDF ]
- Extension of OpenID Connect for Utilizing Attributes (Tadashi Shiroma, Tomokazu Nagata, Yuji Taniguchi,
Morikazu Nakamura and Shiro Tamaki) pp.705-716. [ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.3, March, 2016
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study of the Factors Affecting the Intention to Use the Vietnam E-government in Trade and Economy (HungTrong Van,
ThiThanhThao Vo, SooYeop Kim, Jong-Bae Kim and GwangYong Gim) pp.723-728. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing of the Motivation Caused of Cyber Language on Continuous Using Intention in Smartphone Environment
(Tae-Young Chung, Chan-Yong Jin and Soo-Tai Nam) pp.729-734. [ PDF ]
- Reading Children's Emotions based on the Fuzzy Inference and Theories of Chromotherapy (Doo Heon Song, Hae Kyung Rhee,
Jeong Hoon Kim and Jong-Hee Lee) pp.735-742. [ PDF ]
- Significance of the Olympic Winter Games Mascots (Young-Ran Chang and Shin Kim) pp.743-750.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Organizational Justice and Job Characteristics on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Korean
Civil Service (Sunjoo Kwak) pp.751-758. [ PDF ]
- Comparative Study on the Core Form of Epistemic Modality between Korean and Japanese (Changhak Moon) pp.759-770.
[ PDF ]
- Pollution Routing Problem to Reverse Logistics of Disposed Food Waste (Wonsob Kim, Jun-Gyu Kang and Hyunsoo Kim) pp.771-780.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Categorization Method and Data Collection of Social Lifelogging Utilizing Gamification (Sunhee Chang,
Jaeyong Baek and Ill-Chul Doo) pp.781-786. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Semantics of the French Prefixes 'Demi-' and 'Semi-' (Ji In Choi) pp.787-802.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluating Communicative Rationality in Citizen Participation: The Case of the Marion Citizen-Initiated Performance
Assessment Project (Sunjoo Kwak) pp.803-810. [ PDF ]
- Design of SNS Utilization System for the Efficiency of Enterprise Management (Bonghyun Kim, Sangyoung Oh and Yongsung Suh)
pp.811-816. [ PDF ]
- Development Plans of K-Culture Publicity and Information Apps. (Kyeol Park and Jong Oh Lee) pp.817-824.
[ PDF ]
- Cultural Diversity and European Cultural City Strategy (Jong-Youl Hong) pp.825-832. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Analyses of Requirement for Secure IoT Gateway and Assessment (Jung Tae Kim) pp.833-840.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Active Data Processing in the PC-based Availability Information System (Hae-Sook Jang and Park Ki-Hong) pp.841-846.
[ PDF ]
- A Network Management Scheme for the MIMO Technique (Sangjoon Park and Jongchan Lee) pp.847-852.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of Image-Forensic System for Extraction of Assault Scene in CCTV (Kwang-Seong, Shin and Seong-Yoon, Shin)
pp.853-858. [ PDF ]
- Artificial Neural Network Filtering Spam Messages (Gyeongtak Yu, Jeawon Park and Jaehyun Choi) pp.859-864.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the IOT Platform for Security (Hui-Hoon Cho, Sung-Mook Choi and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.865-870.
[ PDF ]
- Fast Noise Removal in Nondestructive Crack Detection and Analysis for Concrete Slab Structure Health Monitoring
(Kwang Baek Kim and Doo Heon Song) pp.871-876. [ PDF ]
- Understanding Obesity through a Big Data Analysis on Lifestyle Diseases (Ok-Kyeong Yu, Youn-Soo Cha, Moon-Sun Byun,
Soo-Tae Nam, Chan-Yong Jin and Do-Goan Kim) pp.877-882. [ PDF ]
- The Front-end Optimization Design Method for The Integration of Ultrasound-guided HiFU System (Cheol-Min Han and
Byun-Gon Kim) pp.883-888. [ PDF ]
- Customized 3D Webtoon Viewer Enabling Smart Device-Based Visual Effects (Chang-Su Ryu) pp.889-894.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Phising, Pharming and Smishing Spam Mail Trend and Techniques from Other Countries (Dea-woo Park) pp.895-900.
[ PDF ]
- An Analysis of Hourly Ionospheric Data to Secure Stable Reception Position for High Frequency Communication
(Min-Ho Jeon and Chang-Heon Oh) pp.901-906. [ PDF ]
- Design for Future Paradigm Strategy on the basis of ICT (Sangwon Lee and Seong-Yoon Shin) pp.907-912.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on User's Preferable Model through the Analysis of Twitter based on Storm (Hyeon-Kyung Lee, Jae-Jung Kim and
Jong-Bae Kim) pp.913-918. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Threshold Voltage and Conduction Path According to the Ratio of Channel Length and Thickness of Asymmetric
Double Gate MOSFET (Hakkee Jung) pp.919-924. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Android Based Fitness Recommendation System (In-Yong Jeong, Jong-Won Lee and Hoe-Kyung Jung) pp.925-932.
[ PDF ]
- Quality Evaluation Factors for the Social Network Service (YuJin Jo, Ka Eun Kim, Jaehyun Choi and Jeawon Park) pp.933-938.
[ PDF ]
- Performance Evaluation of MSAG-GMMA-DD Dual-Mode Blind Equalization Algorithm Using Decision-Directed Error size for
High-order QAM Signals (Young-Hwa Jeong) pp.939-948. [ PDF ]
- Determination of Parameters based on Various Data Environments in Collaborative Filtering (Y. -D. Cheon, H. J. Cho and
Y. S. Kim) pp.949-962. [ PDF ]
- A Smart Attendance and Absence Management System based on NFC (SangDong, Jang) pp.963-968.
[ PDF ]
- Optimum Design of Permanent Magnet Generator coupling with Power Converter (Ki-chan Kim) pp.969-974.
[ PDF ]
- An Efficient Algorithm for Electing Cluster Headers By Energy Level in MANET (Wu Woan Kim) pp.975-980.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Location Positioning Calibration with Beacon-Based Quartile Deviation (Jae-Gwang Lee, Jae-Pil Lee, Eun-Su Mo,
Jun-Hyeon Lee and Jae-Kwang Lee) pp.981-986. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of Data Visualization of Harmful Information Filtering System (Bonghyun Kim and Sangyoung Oh) pp.987-992.
[ PDF ]
- Voice Parameter Analysis of Voice Modulation Program Unobtrusive (Bonghyun Kim, Sangyoung Oh and Jaehong Kim) pp.993-998.
[ PDF ]
- Research for the Needs of Practical Pitch Correctional Sight-singing Practice Program Functioning by Linking with
Mobile Communication Device (Jin-Sook,Son and Eui-Young, Cha) pp.999-1004.
[ PDF ]
- TCP Throughput Gain in Multi-radio Wireless Networks Using ACK Removal Technique (Ayinebyona Eliab, Jongsun Park,
Joo-Yub Lee and Jungmin So) pp.1005-1010. [ PDF ]
- A RDF Indexing Scheme for Large Scale Semantic Web (Kyoungsoo Bok, Jongtae Lim, Kiyeon Kim and Jaesoo Yoo) pp.1011-1020.
[ PDF ]
- A High Performance Security Model for New Cloud Computing Environment (Hae-Gill Choi and Sung-Ho Sim) pp.1021-1026.
[ PDF ]
- Hybrid Group Key Management Architecture for Multicast Applications (K. Saravanan and T. Purusothaman) pp.1027-1038.
[ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.4, April, 2016
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Sports English Teaching Model Based on Winter Sports Instructors' Needs and Perceptions (Ji-Eun Kim and Ho Yoo)
pp.1045-1050. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Self-assessment and Goal-setting Intervention on Handwriting for Children with Autism (Okin Lee) pp.1051-1056.
[ PDF ]
- The Search for Factors Affecting Competences of School Teachers in Leading Countries: Using PIAAC Data
(Hyunseok Kwak and Soo-Young Lee) pp.1057-1064. [ PDF ]
- Suggesting Directions for Medical Education through Content Analysis of the Written Section of Korean Medical Licensing
Examination (Son-hwan Choi) pp.1065-1070. [ PDF ]
- Perceived Problems of Early Childhood Teachers and Their Turnover Intention: Examining the Moderating Effect of
Organizational Culture (Jeonghwa Lee and Jeongeon Park) pp.1071-1076. [ PDF ]
- Measuring the Impact of Organizational Culture on Burnout and Turnover Intention Among Early Childhood Teachers
(Jeongeon Park and Jeonghwa Lee) pp.1077-1082. [ PDF ]
- Education of Constellations in Eastern and Western Cultural Art through a STEAM Program (Ju-Mi Lee and Seungyon-Seny
Lee) pp.1083-1088. [ PDF ]
- Design of the Multi-Touch Table-based Ubiquitous Class (Kang-Hee Lee) pp.1089-1094.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Collaborative Problem-Based Learning Model based on Smart Education (Seong-Won Seo and Eui-Jeong Kim)
pp.1095-1100. [ PDF ]
- Taoist Imagination within Modern Korean Poetry (JuCheol Shin) pp.1101-1108. [ PDF ]
- Development of the STEAM Educational Program Based on Mt. Mai Science Learning Area and Ice Spikes to Foster Topophilia
(Mabyong Yoon and Haksung Kim) pp.1109-1114. [ PDF ]
- Action Research on Applying the STEAM Program Based on Mt. Mai's Ice Spikes and Science Learning Area to Foster
Topophilia (Mabyong Yoon) pp.1115-1120. [ PDF ]
- A Function for Assigning the Absolute Level in Criterion-referenced Evaluation (Yong-Myeong Kim, Mun-Koo Kang and
Seok-hee Han) pp.1121-1126. [ PDF ]
- 'Movienglish' Focused on English Content Words for Enhancing the English Listening Skills and the Affective Factors
of High School Students in Korea (Jin-Sung Kim and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.1127-1132.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Pre-teachers' Awareness on Media Usage in the class of Korean Classical Literature Education: by
comparing of high school students and undergraduate students (Youngran Hyun and Soyeon Chung) pp.1133-1138.
[ PDF ]
- A Path Model of Adolescents' Humor and Creativity (Kyoung-Hoon Lew and Sook Hee Park) pp.1139-1144.
[ PDF ]
- A Structural Analysis on the Decision-making Level, Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy, Career Decision Immersive,
Career Preparation Behavior, and Self-Determination of College Students who Participated in the Training Courses from
Lifelong Educators (Myeung-sin Park and Sang-hoon Han) pp.1145-1162. [ PDF ]
- Alternative Curriculum Design: Toward a Narrative-based Backward Design (Hyeon-Suk Kang and Ho-Jae Jeon) pp.1163-1168.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Phonics Contents on Kindergartener's Reading Ability (HongSeyoung, Mun-Koo Kang and Jeoungju Bae)
pp.1169-1174. [ PDF ]
- Influence of Organizational Exchange Relationship on Motivation: Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital
and Self-enhancement Bias (Hoe-Chang Yang, Woo-Ryeong Yang and Choon-Ho Lee) pp.1175-1180.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Equivalence and Latent Mean on Leisure Satisfaction of Korean Adults (Byoungwook Ahn) pp.1181-1186.
[ PDF ]
- Characteristics of Performance of Yeonwoo Stage's Original Musicals (Sa-Bin Shin and Woo-Chang Lee) pp.1187-1192.
[ PDF ]
- The Influence of Sports Celebrity's Image on Psychological Desire and Exercise Satisfaction in Leisure Sports
Participants (Min-Jun Kim, Joo-Hyug Jung, Jung-In Yoo and Yong-Taek Rhim) pp.1193-1200.
[ PDF ]
- Moderating effect of Social support on the matter of Stress perception and Exercise burnout with Recreational golfers
(Kim, Min-Jun, Yoo, Jung-In and Rhim, Yong-Taek) pp.1201-1208. [ PDF ]
- Local Sport Development Strategy through Sport Development Model and TOWS Matrix (Namsu Kim) pp.1209-1214.
[ PDF ]
- Changing Safety Culture through Isomorphic Learning in Korea (Hakkyong Kim) pp.1215-1220.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Perception of Home Economics Education and Necessity of Subject Instruction on Core Competences of
Home Economics Education -Focusing on Grade differences (Eun-Jeung Kim) pp.1221-1226.
[ PDF ]
- The effect of Middle School Students' Interest in and Awareness of Necessity on Preference for Home Economics
(Eun-Jeung Kim and Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.1227-1232. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Motivations of Herd Behavior (Yun-sun, Lee and Hye-kyoung, Choi) pp.1233-1238.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of Daily Stress on the Life Satisfaction Level of the Elderly Living Alone in Urban and Rural Areas
(Deok-jo Kim and Sung-je Cho) pp.1239-1244. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Depression on Learning Activity of Youth Mediated by Type of Mobile Phone Use (Jihae Kim) pp.1245-1250.
[ PDF ]
- Lessons from Taiwan's Revised Immigration Law for Marriage Migrants (MyungHee Kim) pp.1251-1258.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Female Participation in Cultural Activities on the Everyday Life Stress of Social Welfare Center Users
(Hyeong-Seok Seo and Sung-Je Cho) pp.1259-1264. [ PDF ]
- The Mediating Effect of Mobile Phone Dependency on the Relationship between Depression and School Life Adaptation
of Middle School Students (Wankyeong Park and Soongyu Kim) pp.1265-1270. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Factors Influencing the Health of the People with Disabilities (Eunsil Yi and Soongyu Kim) pp.1271-1276.
[ PDF ]
- What Cultural Value Can Help Explain the Caregiving Behavior of Married Children in Korea ? -Focused on the Cultural
Justification and Filial Piety on Caregiving Behavior- (Yun-Jeong Kim and Sun-Young Seo) pp.1277-1284.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing School Life Satisfaction among Children in Community Child Centers (Gyubok Jin, Eunkyung Kim
and Yeong Hun Yeo) pp.1285-1290. [ PDF ]
- Issues in South Korea's International Marriage Brokerage Business from Information Asymmetry Perspective with
Alternative Suggestions (MyungHee Kim) pp.1291-1298. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Study on the iOS-to-Tizen Smart Game Converter using Resource Converter and Platform Mapping Engine
(Jaehyun Kim and YangSun Lee) pp.1299-1304. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the WIPI-to-Tizen Converter for Smart Game Contents Compatibility (Jaehyun Kim and YangSun Lee) pp.1305-1310.
[ PDF ]
- Derivation Factors of Smart Space Awareness for Effective CPTED (Dong-Hyeok Seo and Jeonghwa Song) pp.1311-1316.
[ PDF ]
- A Novel Measurement of Events for the Awareness of Danger in the Residential Condition (You Jeong-Bong, Si-kyung Kim,
Ho-ik Jun and Seo Dong-Hyeok) pp.1317-1324. [ PDF ]
- Design of a Lifelog-based Bus Information Web Application (Jaegeol Yim and Chiyoung Kim) pp.1325-1330.
[ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.5, May, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Tourist Spot Review System using Sentiment Expression based on Opinion Mining (Ki-Young Lee, Sung-Bae Kim, Jeong-Jin Kang, Sung-Jai Choi,
Gyoo-Seok Choi, Yong-Soon Im and Myeong-Bok Choi) pp.1337-1342. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Early Childhood Education Application focusing on Educational Aspect (Ki Won Nam, Hee Wan Kim and Yong Gyu Jung) pp.1343-1348.
[ PDF ]
- Acoustic Characteristic of Music Inducing Sadness (Kyoung-Su Yeo, Myung-sook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.1349-1354.
[ PDF ]
- A Theoretical Approach to Korean Wave and Its Empirical Study on Intention to Purchase (Sangcheol Park, Janghyun Kim and Ilhyun Bae)
pp.1355-1362. [ PDF ]
- Brand Experience and Unplanned Buying at Point of Purchase (ChulSung Lee and Janghyun Kim) pp.1363-1368.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Application of MICE to Smart Phone Apps A Case Study of Ilsan KINTEX (Ki-Hwan Ryu) pp.1369-1376.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Design and Implementation of the Temperature Control Tumbler using Smart Phone (Ki-Young Lee, Jeong-Jin Kang, Myeong-Gu Lee, Sung-Jai Choi,
Sang-Bong Park, Yun-Sik Lim and Gye-Kuk Kim) pp.1377-1382. [ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of Patient Management Applications using Sensors (Ki-Young Lee, Kyu-Ho Kim, Jeong-Jin Kang, Sang-Bong Park,
Kyeong-Su Jang, Eun-Young Kang, Han-Chun Song and Myeong-Bok Choi) pp.1383-1388. [ PDF ]
- Character Recognition for Information Retrieval based on Mobile Phone (Myung-Jae Lim, Young-Man Kwon and Dong-Kun Chung) pp.1389-1394.
[ PDF ]
- Intelligent System to search User Information Via Facial Recognition Using AdaBoost Algorithm (Myung-Jae Lim, Young-Man Kwon and Dong-Kun Chung)
pp.1395-1400. [ PDF ]
- Effective Mobile Malware Behavior Analysis System (Hee Wan Kim, Ki Won Nam and Yong Gyu Jung) pp.1401-1406.
[ PDF ]
- Three-State Search Algorithm for Codebook-Based Beamforming (Thanh Ngoc Nguyen and Taehyun Jeon) pp.1407-1412.
[ PDF ]
- Performance of Frequency Hopping Scheme in Severe Interference Channels (Quoc Kien Nguyen and Taehyun Jeon) pp.1413-1418.
[ PDF ]
- Reduced Complexity Channel Decomposition for MIMO Systems (Byung-Chan Kim and Taehyun Jeon) pp.1419-1424.
[ PDF ]
- Design Study on Cloudlet and Mobile Devices Communication based on Distance (Niyonsaba Eric and Jong-Wook Jang) pp.1425-1430.
[ PDF ]
- Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise System Designed for the Prevention of Urinary Incontinence (Jea-Hui Cha and Jong-Wook Jang) pp.1431-1438.
[ PDF ]
- Novel Superframe Structure to Improve the Transmission Efficiency in WiMedia Network (Jin-Woo Kim, Min A Jeong and Seong Ro Lee) pp.1439-1446.
[ PDF ]
- Octagonal Hairpin Resonator for X-band Applications (Bhanu Shrestha, Seongsoo Cho and Seong Ro Lee) pp.1447-1452.
[ PDF ]
- Beacon Signaling Framework in IEEE 802.15.6 WBAN for Efficient WUSB Channel Allocation (Seung Beom Lee, Min A Jeong and Seong Ro Lee)
pp.1453-1458. [ PDF ]
- Stochastic Cluster Head Selection Method for Stable Data Transfer (Seongsoo Cho and Seong Ro Lee) pp.1459-1468.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Confidence and Control through Voice of Kim Jung-un (Hyung-Woo Park, Seong-Geon Bae and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.1469-1474.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Dog's Vocalization with Emotional Voluntariness (Sunyoung Pak, MyungSook Kim and MyungJin Bae) pp.1475-1480.
[ PDF ]
- An Acoustic Analysis of Kim Jong-un's Speech For Examining His Emotional State (Jisung Yoon, MyungSook Kim and MyungJin Bae) pp.1481-1486.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Decreasing Earphone Leak Sound by Inverse Wave Generation (Eun-Young Yi and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.1487-1492.
[ PDF ]
- The Sensor Fusion for Accurate Attitude Measurement (YongHo Jeon and ShinWon Lee) pp.1493-1500.
[ PDF ]
- The Study of Emergency Communications Traffic Prediction Method on the Public Safety Network (Giho Han, Sungjun Shin and Daehyun Ryu)
pp.1501-1508. [ PDF ]
- Propose of Smart Place IoT Systems for Strengthen Security of the Smart grid Environment (Jindae Choi and Sungjung Shin) pp.1509-1516.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of DDoS Testbed using Virtual Botnets (Jinyul Kim and Seung-Jung Shin) pp.1517-1524.
[ PDF ]
- CMS (Content Management System) Model studies for Security Management (Jehun Oh and Sungjung Shin) pp.1525-1530.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of an Collaborative Information Bus for Personal Media Framework (Kwangil Lee, Kyeongdeok Moon and Donghee Kim)
pp.1531-1538. [ PDF ]
- Two-Step Transformation of ODM Documents for Generating Electronic Case Report Forms (Sooa Jung, Soryung Lee and Hyeokman Kim) pp.1539-1548.
[ PDF ]
- Construction of Port Logistics Security System based on the Information Security Management System (Jae-Hoon Sim and Gyusung Cho)
pp.1549-1556. [ PDF ]
- 5G Mobile Technology Development Trend Analysis (Se-Hwan Park, Jong-Kyu Park and Young-Hyun Lee) pp.1557-1564.
[ PDF ]
- A Disk Scheduling Algorithms based on the Insertion and Two-way SCAN Techniques (Myungsub Lee) pp.1565-1574.
[ PDF ]
- Noninvasively Detecting Internal information of 3D Printed Objects Using Terahertz (Choonsung Shin, Jisoo Hong, Youngmin Kim, Hoonjong Kang,
and Sung-Hee Hong) pp.1575-1580. [ PDF ]
- Study on Real-time HVAC Control System Implementation in Mobile Cloud Environment (Hun Jung) pp.1581-1586.
[ PDF ]
- Security of Wireless Sensor Network using the Subfield Transformed Reed Solomon Code (Hyeong Keon An) pp.1587-1592.
[ PDF ]
- A Safety Module to Integrate Multiple Sensor Sources for Elevator (Seungchul Lee, Byungchul Lim, Yeonchun Jung and Byungkook Jeon)
pp.1593-1598. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Using J48 and REPTree to Predict Risk Factors in Medicine (Yong Gyu Jung, Min Soo Kang and Young Jin Choi) pp.1599-1604.
[ PDF ]
- Bi-directional Signal Jacket with Bio Inspired Sensor Detection (Yong Gyu Jung, Young Jin Choi and Min Soo Kang) pp.1605-1610.
[ PDF ]
- Planning research for Medical-IT Health care R&D Support (Il-Hoon Cho, Ji Young Mun, Min Soo Kang and Sung Hoon Lim) pp.1611-1618.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of a Foley Sound Contents Based on Analysis and Compare of Frog Crying Sound (Ik-Soo Ahn, Eun-Young Yi and Myung-Jin Bae)
pp.1619-1624. [ PDF ]
- Patient Management System Model Proposed in General Hospital Environment (Sung-Hee Lee, Sungjung Shin and Dea-Hyun Ryu) pp.1625-1632.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Identity of Career and Job-seeking Stress to College Students (Jung Ae Kim and Eui Young Cho) pp.1633-1644.
[ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.6(A), June, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On p-valent Functions Under Certain Linear Operator (Zahid Shareef, Saqib Hussain, Janusz Sokol and Maslina Darus) pp.1651-1656.
[ PDF ]
- Real Matrix Representation for Trinion Numbers and its Properties (Mawardi Bahri, Mulkiah, Nur Erawati and Ryuichi Ashino) pp.1657-1666.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of the Erosive Action of Runoff Flow on Agro-landscape with Light Darkly-brown Soil of the North Slope of Ile Alatau
(Yerkin Kakimzhanov, Aizhan Assylbekova and Zheken Mamytov) pp.1667-1678. [ PDF ]
- Some Properties of General Convolution in Spatial and Frequency Domains Associated with Hypercomplex Fourier Transform
(Mawardi Bahri and Ryuichi Ashino) pp.1679-1688. [ PDF ]
- A Numerical Study on Blow-up Solutions of a Reaction-Diffusion Model (Xiao-Yu Zhang, Ruyun Wang and Qing Fang) pp.1689-1696.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Study on Accounting Education through the KcLeb Program (Shin Nam Lee) pp.1697-1702. [ PDF ]
- Firm Longevity Based On Human Capital Theory in Indonesia Cellular Telephone Operator Industry (Engkos Achmad Kuncoro and Zaenal Abidin)
pp.1703-1710. [ PDF ]
- Intellectual Property Rights: A Challenge for Indonesian Trademark Law (Syafrinaldi, Muhammad Rizal Razman, Syed Zahirruddin Syed Zakaria
and Mohd Talib Latif) pp.1711-1718. [ PDF ]
- Shortcomings Technology Transfer In Indonesia: A Critical Appraisal (Abd Thalib, Fithriatus Shalihah, Muhammad Rizal Razman and Kadir
Arifin) pp.1719-1728. [ PDF ]
- Trend Analysis of Operation: Local Governance Perspectives in Indonesia (Rahyunir Rauf, Nurman, Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria and Kadir
Arifin) pp.1729-1736. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of Direct Election: Regional Head Against Legitimacy of the People's Sovereignty (Yusri Munaf, Ellydar Chaidir,
Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria and Kadir Arifin) pp.1737-1744. [ PDF ]
- Government Authority in Religious Affairs: Study on the Implementation at the District Level in Indonesia (Husnu Abadi, Efendi Ibususilo,
Kadir Arifin and Muhammad Rizal Razman) pp.1745-1752. [ PDF ]
- Competency Relationship of Islamic Economics Graduate with the Working World: Experiences from Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia
(Zulkifli Rusby, Kadir Arifin, Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria and Muhammad Rizal Razman) pp.1753-1760.
[ PDF ]
- Social Capital, Knowledge Acquisition and Value-Creation for Business Performance (Hamrila A. Latip and Kosmas X. Smyrnios) pp.1761-1770.
[ PDF ]
- Methods for Measuring of Regional Intellectual Capital (Olga Loseva, Marina Fedotova and Natalia Filimonova) pp.1771-1784.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of the Acunetix for Testing the Banking Website (Owned by the government and non-government in Indonesia)
(Drajad Wiryawan and Noerlina) pp.1785-1792. [ PDF ]
- A New Approach to Identification and Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Models (Koki Kyo and Hideo Noda) pp.1793-1812.
[ PDF ]
- In Vitro Regeneration of Chrysanthemum Callus After Gamma Ray Irradiation For Its Resistance to Medium Plains
(Ari Wijayani and Muafi) pp.1813-1818. [ PDF ]
- Information Access Capability of Goat Farmers in Purworejo Indonesia (Budi Guntoro, Subejo and Hasan Sazali) pp.1819-1826.
[ PDF ]
- S.Amanzholov is the Founder of Cognitive Linguistics in Kazakhstan (Meruyert Imankulova, Tanat Nurgaziev, Alua Tanzharikova,
Masalieva Shanar and Darkulova Kuliash) pp.1827-1836. [ PDF ]
- Going-Concern Audit Report: The Role of Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee (Suhaimi Ishak) pp.1837-1844.
[ PDF ]
- Comprehension of Chinese Idiomatic Expressions in Word-for-word Translation into the Russian Language (Olesya Vladimirovna Pavlova,
Ruslan Ivanovich Bazhenov, Natalia Gennadievna Bogachenko, Yulia Alexandrovna Salnikova, Natalya Viktorovna Guryan) pp.1845-1852.
[ PDF ]
- The Global Financial Crises and Intermediation Efficiency in the Korean Banking Sector (Sang-Lyul Ryu and Jayoun Won) pp.1853-1860.
[ PDF ]
- The Influence of Cultural Adaptation Stress on Depression in Married Chinese and Vietnamese Immigrant Women (Yun-Jeong Kim,
Jeong-Shin An and In Kang) pp.1861-1868. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Married Immigrant Women's Familism on Caregiving Stress: Targeting Chinese and Vietnamese Married Immigrant Women
(Hyun-Su Ka and Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.1869-1876. [ PDF ]
- Who's a Good Mother in the Perspective of Korean Early Adult Children ? -With a focus on the perception of mom by college students
in "journal writing"- (Seo, Sunyoung) pp.1877-1884. [ PDF ]
- Specific Kankor Management System for Afghanistan (Mursal Dawodi, Jawid Ahmad Baktash and Tomokazu Nagata) pp.1885-1892.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- The BRP: A Novel BER-Based Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (Nguyen Xuan Tien and Jong Myung Rhee) pp.1893-1906.
[ PDF ]
- Comparison of Tractive Performance of a Single Grouser Shoe in Three-Dimensional Shear Model and Experiment (Nan Gu, Xiulun Wang,
Hiroshi Nakashima) pp.1907-1920. [ PDF ]
- Spam Reduction Based on Power Link Analysis (Mahmoud Rokaya) pp.1921-1932. [ PDF ]
- Proposal of Evaluating C Language Programs by Using Original Syntax Tree (Huricha Bao, Qi-Wei Ge and Mitsuru Nakata) pp.1933-1944.
[ PDF ]
- CrowdOP: An Opinion Polling Model for Crowdsourced Software Development (Nitasha Hasteer, Abhay Bansal and B. K. Murthy) pp.1945-1956.
[ PDF ]
- An Analysis of the Impact of Process Variations on the Performance of C-Element Structures Implemented in Bulk CMOS and SOI Technologies
(Ziyad Ahmed Al Tarawneh and Saif E. A. Alnawayseh) pp.1957-1976. [ PDF ]
- Sense Disambiguation in Usages of Japanese Locational Expressions (Masaki Murata, Masahiro Kojima, Ryo Nishimura, Shoki Nishimura and
Yasuhiko Watanabe) pp.1977-1990. [ PDF ]
- An On-line Incremental Robot Coverage Algorithm integrated with SLAM for Unknown Environments (Jung Kyu Park) pp.1991-2002.
[ PDF ]
- Variable Length Block Algorithm for User-level File System (Young-Jun Yoo, Byung-Kwan Kim, Jin Kim, Saang-Yong Uhmn, Sung-Bong Jang and
Young-Woong Ko) pp.2003-2008. [ PDF ]
- Indoor localization Using Multi BLE OpenWrt Router (Jea-Gu Lee, Byung-Kwan Kim, Sung-Bong Jang and Young-Woong Ko) pp.2009-2014.
[ PDF ]
- Development of Bio-board Using Corn Straw |Effects of Refining on Mechanical Properties of Bio-board| (Ren Dongyang, Wang Xiulun,
Kito Koji, Zhang Jin) pp.2015-2020. [ PDF ]
- Top and Bottom Gate Oxide Thickness Dependent DIBL of Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFET (Hakkee Jung) pp.2021-2026.
[ PDF ]
- Implement of Multiple SDN Controllers with OpenStack Neutron Network for HPC Service (Guohua Li, Xinhua Jin, Rongxu Xu, Yinghua Bian,
Hyungjin Lee, Sang Boem Lim) pp.2027-2032. [ PDF ]
- Discovery of New Technology Opportunities through Observing R&D Topographical Map using Bibliometric Database : Case of Transparent
Electrode Material Technology (Hyunsang Chung, Ildoo Chung and Jongseok Kang) pp.2033-2038.
[ PDF ]
- Effectiveness of a Simple Small Seismic Isolation System Intended for Art Objects (Yuki Sato, Katsumi Kurita, Shigeru Aoki, Mitsuo Kanazawa)
pp.2039-2044. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Computer vision based Automatic Canine Cataract Region Extraction for Pre-Diagnosis (Kwang Baek Kim and Doo Heon Song) pp.2045-2050.
[ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.6(B), June, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Method for Analyzing Graph Structure Using the Node-Clustering Algorithm (Ichiro Hofuku and Takeru Yokoi) pp.2057-2064.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of a Generalized Multibaker Map with a Boundary Condition by the Chaos Degree (Kei Inoue and Mitsue Kato) pp.2065-2070.
[ PDF ]
- Non-Symmetric Shape a Hanging 3-Section Staff Forms (Yoshiroh Machigashira) pp.2071-2078.
[ PDF ]
- Biorthogonal Wavelet Expansions on the Sphere (Kensuke Fujinoki) pp.2079-2088. [ PDF ]
- Ontology-Based Data Integration of Minerals in Indonesia (Herlina Jayadianti, Singgih Saptono, Hafsah and Juwairiah) pp.2089-2098.
[ PDF ]
- An Inequality on Instantaneous Amplitudes (Takeshi Mandai) pp.2099-2106. [ PDF ]
- Numerical Computation of Gas?Liquid Two Phase Flow in Rectangular Container with Aeration from Center of Bottom (Taichi Yamaguchi,
Hiroyuki Hirano, Kenya Kuwagi) pp.2107-2110. [ PDF ]
- Towards a Meta-Order of the All-Space-Filling Polyhedral Honeycombs through the Mating of Primary Polyhedra (Robert C. Meurant)
pp.2111-2124. [ PDF ]
- Learning of Morphogenesis in Sea Urchin Development Using a Computer Painting Tool (Chisato Kitazawa, Chikara Sakaguchi,
Chisato Miyahara, Aika Doi and Akira Yamanaka) pp.2125-2136. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Impact of Integration of Management System on IS014000 EMS towards Corporate Sustainability (Sreenivasan Jayashree, Chinnasamy Agamudainambhi
Malarvizhi, Shabnam Mayel and Amin Rasti) pp.2137-2144. [ PDF ]
- An Awareness Survey on First Grade Teacher Programs Targeting Construction Class Teachers (Ju-Young Hwang, Wan-Shin Park, Young-Il Jang
and Sun-Woo Kim) pp.2145-2152. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Emotional Interaction Types of Elderly Couples (Sun-Young Seo and Hang Ok Lee) pp.2153-2160.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Perception and Necessity on Core Competences in Home Economics Education - focusing on boy and girl students difference-
(Eun-Jeung Kim) pp.2161-2168. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Preparations for Retirement Related to Lifestyle of the First and Second Baby-Boom Gererations (Eun-Young Choi) pp.2169-2176.
[ PDF ]
- A Hybrid Recommender System of Collaborative and Content Based Filtering (Mimu Kawai and Shinya Nogami) pp.2177-2184.
[ PDF ]
- Incite into Health, Wellness, and Adaptation as it Correlates with Academic Success in South Korea (Brittney Bayer, Ham Joung Hyun and
Min Hyun Jung) pp.2185-2192. [ PDF ]
- Discovering Critical Success Factors for Information Technologies Governance Through Bibliometric Analysis of Research Publications in This
Domain (Karoll Haussler Carneiro Ramos, Rafael Timoteo de Sousa Junior, Thiago P.B Vieira, Joao Paulo Carvalho Lustosa da Costa) pp.2193-2208.
[ PDF ]
- Small Retailing Business Goes Online: A Study on Users' Intention of Adopting Smartphone-enabled Service in Taiwan Business Context
(Yu-Teng Jacky Jang and Shuchih Ernest Chang) pp.2209-2216. [ PDF ]
- Tackling Macroeconomic Precariousness: The Role of the Composite Leading Indicator (Chin-Hong Puah, Wei-Ting Tan, Abu Mansor Shazali,
Shirly Siew-Ling Wong) pp.2217-2224. [ PDF ]
- Forecasting Property Market Dynamics: Insights from the Property Cycle Indicator (Chin-Hong Puah, Tai-Hock Kuek, M. Affendy Arip,
Shirly Siew-Ling Wong) pp.2225-2232. [ PDF ]
- Definition of Success/Failure in Business Alliance (Reina Yamamoto, Shinya Nogami) pp.2233-2244.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting the Use of Computers for Instruction In South Korean Universities (Massuline Antonio D. Ligaya, Joung-Hyun Ham and
Hyun-Jung Min) pp.2245-2256. [ PDF ]
- Diagnostic Model of Vulnerability based on Penetration Testing (Wiman Kang, Gyoocheol Lee, Sangphil Kim and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.2257-2262.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Renewable Energy Generation for Decentralized Grid Resources and Services (Hyeok Sang Kwon, Sang Kyeong Lee, Ahmed Abdullah
saand youssouf, Young-Sang Yoon, Se-Jeong Park, Yongtae Shin, Jong-Bae Kim) pp.2263-2268.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Status of EA Activation and its Achievement Through Analysis of its Condition (Weon-Young Jeon, Kyeong-Seok Han,
Hyeon-Kyung Lee, Jong-Bae Kim) pp.2269-2274. [ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting Retention at a University in South Korea: Voices of the Students (Shaneil R. Dipasupil, Joung-Hyun Ham, Hyun-Jung Min
pp.2275-2284. [ PDF ]
- Corporate Bankruptcy Forecast Using RealAdaBoost (Tadaaki Hosaka and Yuta Takata) pp.2285-2298.
[ PDF ]
- Detection of Emerging Technology based on Growth Pattern Analysis of Papers and Patents (Sejung Ahn, Oh-Jin Kwon, June Young Lee)
pp.2299-2306. [ PDF ]
- Bruner's Narrative Theory and Educational Idea (Hyeon-Suk Kang) pp.2307-2312. [ PDF ]
- Study about Future of Schooling based on Storytelling and Narrative (Hyeon-Suk Kang, Ho-Jae Jeon, Ji-Eun Lee) pp.2313-2322.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Statistical Model for Effect of Two Ultrasonic Vibrations on Reduction of Residual Stress in Welded Joint (Shigeru Aoki, Katsumi Kurita
and Shigeomi Koshimizu) pp.2323-2328. [ PDF ]
- Rotation Invariant HLAC Descriptors for 2D Image Analysis (Motofumi T. Suzuki) pp.2329-2334.
[ PDF ]
- Reduction of Residual Stress using Ultrasonic Vibration (Stress Distribution for Build-up Welding of Thin Plate of SUS304)
(Shota Mutoh, Shigeru Aoki, Katsumi Kurita, Shigeomi Koshimizu and Akira Maekawa) pp.2335-2340.
[ PDF ]
- Damping Performance Evaluation of Eddy Current Damper (Koichi Nomura, Shigeru Aoki, Katsumi Kurita and Naoki Miyata) pp.2341-2348.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Performance Evaluation of Silicon Oil Damper (Koichi Nomura, Shigeru Aoki and Katsumi Kurita) pp.2349-2356.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Ionospheric Data by Region to Improve HF Communication (Min-Ho Jeon and Chang-Heon Oh) pp.2357-2362.
[ PDF ]
- A Model Checking Method of Agent-Oriented Petri Net PN2 with SPIN (Shoki Tsugawa and Shingo Yamaguchi) pp.2363-2368.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Visual Programming Tools for the Open Source Project IoTivity (Jae-Gon Yoo, MyungChul Ma, Sangphil Kim, Saemaro Moon,
Jaeyoung Yoo, Yojin Choi, JinYung Hong, Jong-Bae Kim) pp.2369-2374. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Quasi-Periodic Noise Reduction Using the Delayed Phase Inversion Signal (Juhye Yoo, Sumin Chung, Jaehyun Choi,
Jeawon Park) pp.2375-2382. [ PDF ]
- A Malicious-Comment Detection Technique on the Internet using the Support Vector Machine (Jinju Hong, Jeawon Park, Jaehyun Choi)
pp.2383-2390. [ PDF ]
- File Similarity Evaluation Scheme using Bit String of Representative Hashes (Byung-Kwan Kim, Jin Kim, Young-Woong Ko and Kwang-Mo Lee)
pp.2391-2396. [ PDF ]
- Keyword Hierarchy Construction Using Co-Word Analysis (Jeongyong Seo, June Young Lee, Sejung Ahn, Oh-Jin Kwon, Dohyun Kim)
pp.2397-2402. [ PDF ]
- Design and Evaluation of a Multicore Dataflow DSP with Modified Ring Interconnection Networks (Kenji Ichijo, Masato Kubota
and Akiko Narita) pp.2403-2418. [ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.7(A), July, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Generalizations of Rough Sets Using two Topological Spaces with Medical Applications (A. S. Salama) pp.2425-2440.
[ PDF ]
- A Multi-Start Heuristic for the Capacitated Planar Location-Allocation Problem with Facility Fixed Costs (Martino Luis,
Hendrik Lamsali, Arif Imran, and Abdullah Lin) pp.2441-2446. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Implementation of Multiple Functions Intervention Model to Evaluate the Impact of the Crisis and Gambling Prohibition Policy
on Tourism in Batam (Sri Rezeki, Suyadi, Suhartono, Zuliskandar Ramli and Muhammad Rizal Razman) pp.2447-2458.
[ PDF ]
- Issue on Korean Job Education from Statistics Related German Labor Market after German Reunification
(Jeong-Eun Kim, Wan-Shin Park, Young-Il Jang and Sun-Woo Kim) pp.2459-2468. [ PDF ]
- Online Collaborative Learning Interactions in a Tertiary ICT Education Course (Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Mohamad Said,
Lokman Tahir and Mohd Fadzli Ali) pp.2469-2476. [ PDF ]
- Does Practicum Experience Influence Preservice General Education Teachers' Efficacy and Concerns about Inclusive Education ?
A Case of South Korea (Rah Kyung Kim) pp.2477-2486. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of Working Capital Efficiency on Stock Returns: Evidence from Palestine Exchange
(Sharif M. Abu Karsh, Zahran "Mohammad Ali" Daraghma) pp.2487-2500. [ PDF ]
- Inward versus Outward Gratifications in the Continuing Use of Social Media: The Moderating Effects of Social Orientation and Gender
(Jung Lee and Hyun-Sun Ryu) pp.2501-2520. [ PDF ]
- Between Reading and Listening, which Modality is More Comfortable for Low Proficiency Heritage Language Learners?
(Kum-Jeong Joo and Kitaek Kim) pp.2521-2526. [ PDF ]
- Differences in Budgetary Participation in View of Assessment of Corporate Governance, Sector, and the Experience of Managers in
Public SOE in Indonesia (Dian Indri Purnamasari, Rahmawati and Mulyanto) pp.2527-2532.
[ PDF ]
- Firm Capabilities Role as Mediator of Relationship Between Levers of Control and Firm Performance (Empirical Study on Financial
Institutions in Indonesia) (Imam Ghozali, Lilis Sulistyani) pp.2533-2554. [ PDF ]
- Using Technological Relational Capabilities to Investigate Marketing Performance in International Wooden Market
(Nuryakin and Berta Bekti Retnawati) pp.2555-2564. [ PDF ]
- Behaviour Analysis of General Election in the Province of Riau, Indonesia (Syafhendri, Muhammad Rizal Razman,
Zuliskandar Ramli and Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria) pp.2565-2570. [ PDF ]
- State and Community Responsibilities on Compensation for Victims of Crime (Zul Akrial, Muhammad Rizal Razman,
Kadir Arifin and Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria) pp.2571-2576. [ PDF ]
- Theoretical Model to Estimate System Uncertainty in Economics (Evgeny A. Kuzmin) pp.2577-2588.
[ PDF ]
- Freedom of Beliefs as an Ideology (Shuralyov A.V.) pp.2589-2594. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Assessment of Achieving Financial Business and the Efficiency of Informationization Business
(Soon-Chul Kwon, Weon-Young Jeon, Jin-young Park, Jong-Bae Kim) pp.2595-2600.
[ PDF ]
- Marketing Effectiveness of Smart Phone to the Small Merchants (Wiman Kang, SeungJoo Choi, GwangYong Gim and Jong-Bae Kim)
pp.2601-2606. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Exact Calculation Distribution Model of Music Rental Fee in Monthly Streaming Service
(Kyung-Sik Bang, Sangphil Kim, Kyung-Seok Han and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.2607-2612. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effect of the National Culture on the E-government Usage Behavior in Vietnam (Thi Thanh Thao Vo, Jae Kul Lee,
SungTaek Lee, GwangYong Gim and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.2613-2618. [ PDF ]
- Analytical Approach to the Household Income and Expenditure in Slovakia (Anna Antonyova, Abd Halid Bin Abdullah and
Sasitharan Nagapan) pp.2619-2624. [ PDF ]
- Earnings Management Through Real Activities Manipulation and Corporate Governance Mechanism Model (Nuryaman) pp.2625-2630.
[ PDF ]
- Impact of External Factors on Implementation of ISO 14000 EMS towards Corporate Sustainability
(Sreenivasan Jayashree, Chinnasamy Agamudainambhi Malarvizhi, Azilah Kasim and Shabnam Mayel) pp.2631-2636.
[ PDF ]
- Obesity and the Role of Malaysian Slimming Centre Health Technologies (Hasliza Hassan, Abu Bakar Sade and Muhammad Sabbir Rahman)
pp.2637-2642. [ PDF ]
- Different Styles for Different Complexity: Empirical Findings on Documentation Styles for Information Technology Management
(Sin-Ban Ho, Ian Chai and Chuie-Hong Tan) pp.2643-2648. [ PDF ]
- Gender Diversity Creates Leadership Style (Noor Afza Amran, Natrah Saad, Zarifah Abdullah and Marhaiza Ibrahim) pp.2649-2654.
[ PDF ]
- Audit Size and Earnings Value Relevance in Malaysia (Kamarul Bahrain Abdul-Manaf, Noor Afza Amran, Rokiah Ishak) pp.2655-2660.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Estimating the Number of People Using Existing WiFi Access Point Based on Support Vector Regression
(Takuya Yoshida and Yoshiaki Taniguchi) pp.2661-2668. [ PDF ]
- A Fast Object Labeling based Moving Object Detection for Video Surveillance System (Nuwan Sanjeewa and Won-Ho Kim) pp.2669-2680.
[ PDF ]
- An XMPP Extension Protocol Proposal for the Fault and Performance Monitoring on IT-System (Whee Kyoung Cho, Cao Kerang, Hoe-Kyung Jung)
pp.2681-2686. [ PDF ]
- Intelligent Smart Monitoring Systems for Photovoltaic Power Generators (Hyun Cheol Cho) pp.2687-2692.
[ PDF ]
- The Study of Model-Free Control System Based on Intelligent PID Controller (Gwan-Hyung Kim, Oh-Hyun Kwon and Am-Suk Oh) pp.2693-2698.
[ PDF ]
- Fast Automatic Railway Extraction for Vision based Railway Surveillance Systems (Kwang Baek Kim and Doo Heon Song) pp.2699-2704.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Ensuring Security of Personal Information in the PC-based Availability Information System (Hae-Sook Jang, Ki-Hong Park)
pp.2705-2710. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Weighting Filters for Salt and Pepper Noise Images Based on Histograms (Se-Ik Kwon, Gi-Baek Kim, Nam-Ho Kim) pp.2711-2718.
[ PDF ]
- The Design of Detecting Public Transportation Driver Assaulting Event Using Object Tracking (Jae-Gon Yoo, Sa Jae Hun,
Cha Sang Wook, JaeHyun Choi and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.2719-2724. [ PDF ]
- Establishment of Efficient Logistics Management System for Components of Marine Equipment
(Doo-Jin Park, Yong-Seok Choi and Jung-Yee Kim) pp.2725-2730. [ PDF ]
- Building a Conceptual Data Model on Marine Biodiversity Research using Reference Data Model
(Soon Chul Kwon, Chul Hun Hwang, Hoe-Kyung Jung) pp.2731-2736. [ PDF ]
- Automatic Measurement of Abdominal Muscle Thickness based on Fascia Extraction of External Oblique using Ultrasound Image Analysis
(Kwang Baek Kim, Doo Heon Song and Hae-Jung Lee) pp.2737-2742. [ PDF ]
- Automated Web User Interface Testing Technique Based on JAVA SCRIPT and XML (Kyung-Hwan Kim, Jong-Won Lee, Hoe-Kyung Jung)
pp.2743-2748. [ PDF ]
- Validity and Reliability Testing of Information Security Practices-Organizational Agility Instrument: a pilot study in Multimedia
Super Corridor status companies in Malaysia (Muhamad Khairulnizam Zaini, Norizan Anwar, Mad Khir Johari Abdullah Sani,
Mohammad Noorman Masrek) pp.2749-2754. [ PDF ]
- The Proof-of-Concept on The Determinants of Strategic Utilization of Information Systems (Norizan Anwar, Mohamad Noorman Masrek,
Mad Khir Johari Abdullah Sani and Ahmad Nadzri Mohamad) pp.2755-2760. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Manual Therapy of Shoulder Musculoskeletal Diseases When Arms are Lifted While Spread Straight (Seongjin Park and Seong-Yoon Shin)
pp.2761-2766. [ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.7(B), July, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Review on Knowledge Audit Process and Tools (Aini Shahirah Abdul Latif, Sulfeeza Mohd Drus and Siti Salbiah Mohd Shariff) pp.2773-2778.
[ PDF ]
- Financial Education Initiative in Malaysia Unit Trust Industry (Norfaiezah Sawandi) pp.2779-2784.
[ PDF ]
- Strategic Orientations and New Product Success: The Mediating Impact of Innovation Speed (Siti Norhasmaedayu Mohd Zamani,
Asmat-Nizam Abdul-Talib, and Hasbullah Ashari) pp.2785-2790. [ PDF ]
- Review of literatures on Trust Factors Affecting Customer's Purchase Intention on SOHO seller: S-Commerce Context
(Ramona Ramli, Asmidar Abu Bakar and Norshakirah Aziz) pp.2791-2796. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of Knowledge Transfer Program on Malaysian Higher Education Strategic Planning (Abd Rahman Ahmad, Ng Kim Soon,
Sairun Syakira Saiman, Rosman Md Yusoff) pp.2797-2802. [ PDF ]
- Integration of EDT and UTAUT for Biometric Technology Adoption (Han-Foon Neo, Devinaga Rasiah, Tong Yoon Kin David and Chuan-Chin Teo)
pp.2803-2808. [ PDF ]
- The Role of Project Knowledge in IT Project Management Performance (Norshima Humaidi, Erne Suzila Kassim, Naffisah Mohd Hassan)
pp.2809-2814. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of HR Sustainability Practice to Employee Productivity in SMEs Malaysia (Beni Widarman Yus Kelana, Nur Naha Abu Mansor
and Lim Sanny) pp.2815-2820. [ PDF ]
- Strategic Fit between Market Orientation and Supply chain Orientation to Supply Chain Performance (Yuhainis Mohd Yusoff, Hasbullah Ashari)
pp.2821-2826. [ PDF ]
- Qualitative Profiling of Quality of Life using Geographic Information System: A Case of Coastal Population (Lazim Abdullah, Xiou Qing See)
pp.2827-2832. [ PDF ]
- Hospital Information System (HIS) Implementation in Malaysian Public Hospitals (Nurul Izzatty Ismail, Nor Hazana Abdullah) pp.2833-2838.
[ PDF ]
- The Operational Efficiency of Health Tourism Industries in Three Provinces of Northeastern Thailand (Nattanin Ueasin and Anupong Wongchai)
pp.2839-2844. [ PDF ]
- Corporate Social Responsibility in a Multinational Enterprise: A New DNA for Business (Fathilatul zakimi A Hamid, Md Suhaimi Md Salleh,
Norazita Marina Abdul Aziz) pp.2845-2850. [ PDF ]
- The Design of the Academic Quality Assurance Management Information System (Rashidah Mokhtar, Azizah Abdul Rahman and Siti Hajar Othman)
pp.2851-2856. [ PDF ]
- How Accounting Students View the Ethical Behaviour of Organizations - A Malaysian Case (Zaleha Othman, Fathilatul Zakimi Abdul Hamid,
Rohami Shafie) pp.2857-2862. [ PDF ]
- Analysis and Comparison of Forecasting Methods for Thai Garment Export Industry (Surachart Buachum, Kwanruetai Boonyasana,
Chakkrit Snae Namahoot and Punnee Sittidech) pp.2863-2868. [ PDF ]
- Measurement of Current and Potential Non-Financial Business Value Delivery of IT Investments (Oscar Gonzalez-Rojas, Guillermo Beltran
and Dario Correal) pp.2869-2874. [ PDF ]
- The Recommendation of Tourist Attraction on Chai-Nat Province Using User Travel Patterns from Social Media Data Sharing
(Surachart Buachum, Phattaramon Kla-Asa and Punnee Sittidech) pp.2875-2880. [ PDF ]
- Knowledge Management in an Organization: An Assessment of Knowledge Creation Abilities of Malaysian PTD (Nur Izzati Yusof,
Mohamad Noorman Masrek and Siti Arpah Noordin) pp.2881-2886. [ PDF ]
- Product Innovation and Brand Predicting Preferences and Mediating Role of Brand Personality by Generation Y in Communication Industry
(Rohaizat Baharun, Davoud Nikbin, Noor Hazarina Hashim and Zubaidah Awang) pp.2887-2892.
[ PDF ]
- Are All Audit Committee Directors Equal? The Busyness of Chair, Financial Expert and Other Member (Mohamad Azlan Jaafar,
Wan Nordin Wan-Hussin, Hasan Mohammed Bamahros) pp.2893-2900. [ PDF ]
- Internationalization of Malaysian Small-medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Review (Mazida Ismail, Norhidayah Mohamad, Salleh Yahya) pp.2901-2906.
[ PDF ]
- Strategies for Sustainable Social Commerce: The Roles of Customer Focus, Innovative Business Model, Legality and Trust
(Erne Suzila Kassim, Abdul Kadir Othman, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri) pp.2907-2912. [ PDF ]
- The Framework of National Health Insurance (NHI) in Malaysia (Mohd Redhuan Dzulkipli, Aziz Jamal, Siti Norsuriani Ma'on) pp.2913-2918.
[ PDF ]
- The Determinants of Age-Friendly Environment in Malaysia (Ming-Ming Lai, Shi-Ying Lein, Siok-Hwa Lau and Ming-Ling Lai) pp.2919-2924.
[ PDF ]
- Knowledge Management System Framework to Support Information Distribution in Project Management (Haryani Haron, Wan Faezah Abbas,
Lailatul Aimi Abd Rahman) pp.2925-2930. [ PDF ]
- Aging in Place in Malaysia (Lai Ming Ming, Cheng Jo Hau and Chew Kok Wai) pp.2931-2936. [ PDF ]
- Digital Competency Standard at Schools (Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan, Shuhaida Mohamed Shuhidan and Sofia Akmal Abu Bakar and
Azma Asnawishah Abd Hakim) pp.2937-2942. [ PDF ]
- The Level of the Enterprise Software Usage and Firm Performance: User's Satisfaction as a Mediator (Weli, Imam Ghozali and Agus Purwanto)
pp.2943-2948. [ PDF ]
- Challenges in CSR Engagements: The Case of Bank Islam (Fathiyyah bt Abu Bakar, Mohd 'Atef Md Yusof) pp.2949-2954.
[ PDF ]
- Behaviour of Stock Returns in Relation to General Elections: Evidence from Malaysian Stock Market (Tay Lee Ying, Devinaga Rasiah
and Lai Ming Ming) pp.2955-2960. [ PDF ]
- Customers' Online Channel Switching Behavior: The Moderating Role of Switching Cost (Zahra Pourabedin, Yeoh Sok Foon,
Rajat Subhra Chatterjee and Jessica Sze-Yin Ho) pp.2961-2970. [ PDF ]
- The Effectiveness of Risk Management Committee and Hedge Accounting Practices in Malaysia (Azrul Abdullah, Ku Nor Izah Ku Ismail)
pp.2971-2976. [ PDF ]
- Consumer Protection in the Draft Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): a Race to the Bottom? (Nicole Grmelova) pp.2977-2982.
[ PDF ]
- Environmental Cost and Environmental Performance in Malaysian Small-Medium Manufacturing Enterprises (Che Zuriana Muhammad Jamil,
Rapiah Mohamed) pp.2983-2988. [ PDF ]
- Elements in the Cyber Security Framework For Protecting the Critical Information Infrastructure Against Cyber Threats
(Mohd Shamir Hashim, Mohamad Noorman Masrek and Zahri Yunos) pp.2989-2994. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Ontology-Based Decision Support System for Crop Selection on Android (ODESSA) (Naruepon Panawong, Chakkrit Snae Namahoot and
Michael Brueckner) pp.2995-3002. [ PDF ]
- Presentation Mining Tool: From Slides to Mind Maps (Vinothini Kasinathan, Aida Mustapha, Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad,
Rahmita Wirza OK Rahmat and Evi Indriasari Mansor) pp.3003-3008. [ PDF ]
- Finding Optimal Controller Parameters of HP and PHEV for Frequency Control in an Isolated Small Power System Using a Neural Network Model
(Kaewarin Jandum and Kreangsak Tamee) pp.3009-3016. [ PDF ]
- A Tourism Recommendation System for Thailand using Semantic Web Rule Language and K-NN Algorithm
(Chakkrit Snae Namahoot, Naruepon Panawong and Michael Bruckner) pp.3017-3024. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Risk Assessment for Assessing the Subjective Occupant Seating Discomfort related Office Works (Mohd Nasrull Abdol Rahman,
Nurul Husna Zakaria, Ibrahim Masood, Sharifah Adzila and Nurul Fitriah Nasir) pp.3025-3030.
[ PDF ]
- SWRL Rules Optimization for an In-Patient Diet Planning System (DIPS) (Sakesan Sivilai, Chakkrit Snae Namahoot and Michael Bruckner)
pp.3031-3038. [ PDF ]
- Knowledge Seeking Behavior In Healthcare Environment Among Malaysian Citizen (Noorazizun Mohd Saad) pp.3039-3044.
[ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.8(A), August, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Conceptual Study on Information System Quality's Role in Determining Good Work Life Balance among Malaysian ICT Employees (Research in
Progress) (Sharmini Gopinathan and Murali Raman) pp.3051-3056. [ PDF ]
- Integrity Model of Public Librarians (INPULs) (Mad Khir Johari Abdullah Sani, Mohamad Noorman Masrek, Noor Zaidi Sahid, Mohd Zailan Endin,
Jamiah Baba and Yamin Khamis) pp.3057-3062. [ PDF ]
- The Moderating Effects of Affective Commitment on the Relationship between Personality Traits and Customer-Oriented Behavior
(Lim Lee Ping, Ungku Norulkamar Ungku Ahmad and Ong Choon Hee) pp.3063-3068. [ PDF ]
- Board Characteristics and Environmental Disclosure in Nigeria (Nosakhare Peter Osazuwa, Ayoib Che-Ahmad and Noriah Che-Adam) pp.3069-3074.
[ PDF ]
- Bank Loan Application: A Profile of Discouraged Malaysian SMEs (Ropidah Omar and Wan Nordin Wan Hussin) pp.3075-3080.
[ PDF ]
- Does Philippine Peso Exchange Rate Influence the Volatility of the Philippine Stock Exchange Index? A Granger Causality Analysis
(Frederick P. Romero) pp.3081-3086. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Knowledge Management Processes for Human Capital of Malaysian Plantation Industry (Lew Sook Ling) pp.3087-3094.
[ PDF ]
- Measuring the Effects of the Philippine International Reserves and Remittances to the Volatility of the Philippine Peso Exchange Rate:
A Test of Causation between Variables (Frederick P. Romero) pp.3095-3100. [ PDF ]
- The Moderating Effect of Honesty on Tax Noncompliance Behaviour (Nor Zuhairatun Md. Radzi and Zaimah Zainol Ariffin) pp.3101-3106.
[ PDF ]
- Is Scheme of Arrangement in Cross-border Insolvency in Europe Over? (Tomas Moravec, Jan Pastorcak and Petr Valenta) pp.3107-3112.
[ PDF ]
- Regulatory Approach to Homeopathic Medicine on EU Market (Jan Vavrecka and Petr Stepanek) pp.3113-3118.
[ PDF ]
- Sustainable Development Initiatives by a leading Co-operative Bank in Malaysia (Fathilatul zakimi A Hamid, Zaleha Othman and Rohami
Shafie) pp.3119-3124. [ PDF ]
- Value Creation and Government Linked Companies: Towards High Level of Accountability (Nik Herda Nik Abdullah and Jamaliah Said)
pp.3125-3130. [ PDF ]
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) Readiness Among Petrol Station Operators in Malaysia (Soliha Sanusi, Rohaya Md Noor, Normah Omar,
Zuraidah M. Sanusi and Aleezia Alias) pp.3131-3136. [ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting and Means of Managing Zakat Surplus in Malaysia (Ram Al Jaffri Saad and Norfaiezah Sawandi) pp.3137-3142.
[ PDF ]
- It's Not that Simple! Intercultural Communication Adaptive Behaviors of High-Context Global Virtual Team Members
(Norhayati Zakaria, Nursakirah Ab Rahman Muton) pp.3143-3148. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Busy Directors, CEO Duality and Ownership on Firm Performance (Kamarun Nisham Taufil Mohd, Rohaida Abdul Latif,
Hasnah Kamardin, Noriah Che Adam) pp.3149-3154. [ PDF ]
- CEO Characteristics and Frequency of Share Repurchases (Rohaida Abdul Latif, Kamarun Nisham Taufil Mohd, Hasnah Kamardin) pp.3155-3160.
[ PDF ]
- Online Mail-Handling Design to Support E-Administration in Karanganyar (C. Dyah Sulistyaningrum I., Andre N. Rahmanto, Anton Subarno,
Rosihan Ari Y.) pp.3161-3166. [ PDF ]
- Determining Tourists' Behavioural Intention to Use Mobile Tourism Applications: Moderating Effect of Gender (Tan Gek Siang, Kamarulzaman Ab.
Aziz and Zauwiyah Ahmad) pp.3167-3172. [ PDF ]
- Translating Information and Awareness of Green Hotels' Green Tech Practices Into Lodgers' Satisfaction and Green Trust Into Lodgers' Loyalty
(William Wee-Lim Hew, Gerald Guan-Gan Goh and Mong-Kun Yong) pp.3173-3178. [ PDF ]
- Related Party Transactions in Family Firms vs. Non-family Firms: Malaysian Evidence (Noor Marini Haji-Abdullah, Wan Nordin Wan-Hussin)
pp.3179-3184. [ PDF ]
- Harmonisation of Contract Laws in ASEAN: Completeness of Contract (Nantanat Jintapitak and Manop Kaewmoracharoen) pp.3185-3190.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluating the Business Value of Website Performance (Lukas Cegan) pp.3191-3196. [ PDF ]
- The Influence of Employee Perceptions of Training on Turnover Intention (Mikkay Wong, Choi Sang Long, Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail,
Tan Owee Kowang) pp.3197-3202. [ PDF ]
- Teleconsultation Success Model for Knowledge Exchange Between Medical Practitioners (Ramli, R and Ali, N) pp.3203-3208.
[ PDF ]
- Turn Team Innovation Into Product Attractiveness: A Case Study (Chin Fei Goh, Amran Rasli, Owee Kowang Tan, Sang Long Choi and
Halimah M. Yusof) pp.3209-3214. [ PDF ]
- An Investigation of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction of Malaysian Public Librarians
(Mad Khir Johari Abdullah Sani, Mohamad Noorman Masrek, Noor Zaidi Sahid, Mohamad Khairulnizam Zaini and Norizan Anwar) pp.3215-3220.
[ PDF ]
- How Does Internet Addiction Affect Employees Online Training Outcome: A Feasibility Study on Malaysian Private and Government Employees
(Siti Salina Saidin, Yulita Hanum P. Iskandar and Nornina Dahlan) pp.3221-3226. [ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention among Employees at a Manufacturing Company in Malaysia
(Gan Jen Ling, Halimah M. Yusof, Rabeatul Husna A. Rahman) pp.3227-3232. [ PDF ]
- The Use of Constructionism to Improve English Understanding and Speaking Skills of Rural Students in Thailand (Manissaward Jintapitak
Nopasit Chakpitak and Olarn Chaipravat) pp.3233-3238. [ PDF ]
- Modeling Opportunity Creation: The Case Study of Green Technology Researchers in Malaysia (Huslan, M. A. A, Ahamat, A, Rajiani, I, Ahmad, S)
pp.3239-3244. [ PDF ]
- A Descriptive Study of Malaysian Manufacturing Firms' Experience in Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains (Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin,
Suhaiza Zailani, Mahazir Ismail and Siti Fatin 'Ainaa Shaikh Mahdzar) pp.3245-3250. [ PDF ]
- Lawyer's Compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering Regime: Some Preliminary Evidence from Malaysia (Zaiton Hamin, Rohana Othman and
Saslina Kamaruddin) pp.3251-3256. [ PDF ]
- Challenges Encountered by SME Manufacturers in Acquiring and Sustaining ISO Certification (Siti Sarah Omar, Rohaizan Ramlan, Raja
Zuraidah Raja Mohd Rasi, Amirah Ideris) pp.3257-3262. [ PDF ]
- Mobile Marketing Acceptance: Empirical Evidences Among Undergraduates in Malaysia (Yeo Sook Fern, Tan Cheng Ling and Lim Jia Qing)
pp.3263-3270. [ PDF ]
- Dynamic Panel Estimator for Thailand's Tourism Demand (Supanika Leurcharusmee, Vicente Ramos and Panisara Phochanachan) pp.3271-3276.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Phytochemical Ontology Knowledge Model (M. Hamiz, Haryani Haron, Azlin Sanusi and M. Bakri) pp.3277-3282.
[ PDF ]
- Comparative Study of Examination Question Classification Tools (Shuhaida Mohamed Shuhidan, Atikah Mohamad, Saidatul Rahah Hamidi and
Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan) pp.3283-3288. [ PDF ]
- Plantation Index Forecasting using Historical Price Distribution (Isaac YS Goh, Kwan-Hua Sim and Kwan-Yong Sim) pp.3289-3294.
[ PDF ]
- Predicting Shopper Volume Using ARIMA on Public Wi-Fi Signals (Ian K. T. Tan, Ooi Boon Yaik and Ooi Boon Sheng) pp.3295-3300.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of Disaster Management Policy in Malaysia and Its Compliance Towards International Disaster Management Framework
(Khairilmizal, S., M F Hussin, A R Hussain, Mohamad Huzaimy Jusoh, Ahmad Asari Sulaiman and Ainul Husna, K.) pp.3301-3306.
[ PDF ]
- The Need for an Integrated Disaster Management System for Lead Responding Agency in Malaysia During Response and Recovery Phase
(Khairilmizal, S., M F Hussin, Ainul Husna, K., Ahmad Ihsan Mohd Yassin, Wan Ahmad Syafiq Hilmi bin Wan Abdull Hamid, Mohamad
Huzaimy Jusoh, Ahmad Asari Sulaiman and Jamil Saadun) pp.3307-3312. [ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.8(B), August, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Improvement of Thermal Property in Poly(L-Lactied) via Trifluoromethyl Substituion (Jeonghun Kim and Sungchul Hong) pp.3319-3326.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Feasibility Study on the ICT Research Infrastructure Projects for the ICT Devices and SW Globalization using AHP (Dae Ho Kim)
pp.3327-3332. [ PDF ]
- The Relationship between the Level of Social Support for Nursing Students and Influencing Factors (Hye-Won Kim and Mi-Ran Kim)
pp.3333-3340. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Key Nursing Skills Necessary for Nursing College Graduates (Mi-Ran Kim) pp.3341-3346.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparison between Elementary and Middle School Teachers in Perceptions on Instructional Strategies (Hyugil Kwon) pp.3347-3352.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Analysis of Structural Relationships among Early Childhood Teachers' Knowledge of Mathematics, Attitudes towards
Mathematics, Teaching Efficacy of Mathematics, and Problem-Solving Ability (Heo Su yun and Seo Hyun Ah) pp.3353-3358.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Application of Cultural Arts Education Service for Corporates - Corporate Case Studies (Ji-Sung Park and Seungyon-Seny Lee)
pp.3359-3364. [ PDF ]
- Evaluating Co-op programs: The Role and Tasks of College Career Development Center (Sungeun Cho and Young-Min Lee) pp.3365-3370.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Team-Based Learning on nursing students' major satisfaction, critical thinking, communication skills, problem solving,
and self-directed learning of Nursing Students (Eun-Hee Kim and Sung Jung Hong) pp.3371-3376.
[ PDF ]
- Contrastive Research on Tense and Aspect in English Present Perfect and Korean Past Tense Affix '-?-' - Centered on contextual time
(Ji-Hye Lee and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.3377-3382. [ PDF ]
- Exploration on Relation between Creative Self-Efficacy and Disposition of Problem-Solving (Sook Hee Park) pp.3383-3388.
[ PDF ]
- An Exploration on the Support for Students with Disabilities in South Korea (Jong-Gu Kang) pp.3389-3394.
[ PDF ]
- Development of a Co-creation Model for the Social Problem Resolution (Soon Goo Hong, Hyun Jong Kim and Na Rang Kim) pp.3395-3400.
[ PDF ]
- Gender Differences in Child Maltreatment in South Korea (Young Kwang Lee, Eun Gu Ji and Madhu Sudhan Atteraya) pp.3401-3406.
[ PDF ]
- Research on Moderating Effect of Parental Attachment in Relationship on Self-esteem per Teenager's Gender and Internalization Problem
Behavior (Minjoo Kim, Eungu Ji and Mijeong Cho) pp.3407-3412. [ PDF ]
- Teachers' Perceptions Regarding Boarding School Type Junior High Schools in Korea, with Special Reference to Their Achievements and
to Future Policy Directions (Young-Chool Choi, Ji-Hye Lee and Hye-Jeung Lee) pp.3413-3418.
[ PDF ]
- Attachment Anxiety Predicts Courtship Stalking Behaviors in Female College Students (Sung Hee Lee and Young Mi Ko) pp.3419-3426.
[ PDF ]
- Development and Application of an Education Program Based on Socio-Scientific Issues for Enhancing Students' Understanding of
the Nature of Science and Moral Sensitivity (Eun-Ae Kim, Eun-Yeong Park, Sung-Man Lim and Il-Ho Yang) pp.3427-3432.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Relationship Control in the Dating Relationships of College Students (Sung Hee Lee and Mi Young Kim) pp.3433-3444.
[ PDF ]
- Changes in the Particles Models of the Korean Elementary Students about the State of Water (Il-Ho Yang , Jin-Seo Ha and Kwang-Ho Lee)
pp.3445-3450. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Study on Aspect in English Present Perfect and Korean Past Tense Affix '-?-' -focused on Topic Time
(Ji-Hye Lee and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.3451-3456. [ PDF ]
- Effect of Role Conflict and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction : A Survey o Nurses in General Hosptals
(Jinhee Kim, Eunhee Choi and Hyunsu Lee) pp.3457-3468. [ PDF ]
- A Feasibility Study on the ICT Research Infrastructure Projects for the Next-Generation Network Computing Platform using AHP
(Dae Ho Kim) pp.3469-3474. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Ethical Issues in Using Information (Eunjoo Oh) pp.3475-3482. [ PDF ]
- Study of the Relationship between External and Internal Factors that Influence Cosmetic Surgery Consumption Behavior
(Heejoong Hwang and Minjeong Kang) pp.3483-3488. [ PDF ]
- Factors on Subjective Well-being among Retiring Baby Boomers of Korea: the Mediating Role of Perceptions on Preparation for Retirement
(Myung-Jin, Hwang and Jung-Bin, Yang) pp.3489-3496. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Study on Elements of Visual Expression Shown in Projection Mapping (Jihun Lee and Hyunggi Kim) pp.3497-3502.
[ PDF ]
- Analyzing Media Art Used Images Commercial: Projection Mapping (Changyong Jung and Dongjo Kim) pp.3503-3508.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Vjing Image Expression Utilizing Visual Components (Jisu Jung and Hyunggi Kim) pp.3509-3514.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Interactive Art applying Affordance of Hartson (Haein Yoon and Hyunggi Kim) pp.3515-3520.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Application of Technology of Media Performance (Hoyoung Jung and Hyunggi Kim) pp.3521-3526.
[ PDF ]
- System of the Creation and Evaluation of Realistic Digital Contents in Virtual Space (Jaeho Ryu, Nayeon Kim and Heeyoung Maeng)
pp.3527-3534. [ PDF ]
- A Fast Method of Tuning Kalman Filter to Improve Sensor Based Indoor Positioning (Jaegeol Yim, Jinseok Kim and Kyubark Shim) pp.3535-3540.
[ PDF ]
- Mechanical Properties of Adhered Aluminum Foams per Thickness Under Compression (Jung-Ho Lee and Jae-Ung Cho) pp.3541-3546.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Changes in Rainfall According to 24 Seasonal Days in Korea (Ki-bum Park, SeungSeop Ahn, KyoSik Kim, SangChul Moon,
DaeHeung Kim and Dong Il Park) pp.3547-3552. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Structural Performance of CFT Column with Inner-sided Corrugated Ribs (Dongoun Lee and Deageon Kim) pp.3553-3558.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Response according to Longitudinal Track-Bridge Interaction Analysis Methods with respect to Various Type of Bridge
(Kyungmin Yun, Beomho Park and Namhyoung Lim) pp.3559-3564. [ PDF ]
- Building an Integrated Data Repository for Korea LTER: Requirements, Features and Design Decisions (Sunil Ahn, Taesang Huh, Jihoon Jang
and Soonwook Hwang) pp.3565-3570. [ PDF ]
- Application of the AdaBoost Algorithm to Post-Classification Change Detection of High Resolution Satellite Images (Dong-Min Woo)
pp.3571-3578. [ PDF ]
- Regional Index for Exhibition of G-Valley in the Subway (Haeyeon Yoo) pp.3579-3584.
[ PDF ]
- Laboratory Study for the Maximum Storm Runoff of the Environmental Round-bottom Flume (Hyoungsan Kye, Sejong Han, Jaemyung Han
and Kue-young Lim) pp.3585-3592. [ PDF ]
- A Mobile Application for Exchanging Business Cards through BLE Beacon Technology (Jae-Hwan Jin and Myung-Joon Lee) pp.3593-3598.
[ PDF ]
- An Investigation on the Thermal Analysis of Automotive Seat with Hot Wire (Jae Ung Cho) pp.3599-3604.
[ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.9(A), September, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- The Sensor Fusion for Optimal Estimation using second-order Runge-Kutta Methods (Yong Ho Jeon and Shin Won Lee) pp.3611-3616.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Correlation between Hypertension and Body Activity, Quality of Life (Kahyun Lim, Ungu Kang and Youngho Lee) pp.3617-3622.
[ PDF ]
- The Analysis of Subjective Physical Symptoms and Physiological Indexes of Hemodialysis Patients Focused on the Highflux
Hemodialysis (Jung Hur) pp.3623-3634. [ PDF ]
- Automatic Recommendation System for Travel Places using Intelligence Rules (HakSoo Han, ManKi Kim, YouSik Hong) pp.3635-3640.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of Art Therapy and Music Therapy (ManKi Kim, Hak Soo Han, YouSik Hong, Eunmi Park) pp.3641-3646.
[ PDF ]
- Auto-ethnographical Research on First-time Supervisors' Experiences with Art Therapy Degree Trainees (Boram Park) pp.3647-3654.
[ PDF ]
- An Influence of the Using Pattern of Sports Media on Loyalty & Sports Attitude (Sun-Mun Park, Ah-Young Lee) pp.3655-3662.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Implementation of 2D map for Path-Planning of Mobile Robot (Jung-hwan Ko and Jong-Yong Lee) pp.3663-3668.
[ PDF ]
- DL-TEEN: L-TEEN with Dual-hop Transmission Method (WooSuk LEE, Jong-Yong Lee) pp.3669-3674.
[ PDF ]
- An Advanced Image Magnification Algorithm using the Curved Surface Properties in Image (Jung, Soo-Mok) pp.3675-3680.
[ PDF ]
- An Improved Data Loading Method for a Large Amount of Data (Hee Wan Kim, Yong Gyu Jung) pp.3681-3686.
[ PDF ]
- Lecture understanding Decision System using the Intelligence Rules (Hak Soo Han, ManKi Kim, YouSik Hong) pp.3687-3692.
[ PDF ]
- Spectro-Temporal Masking of Sine Sweep Signal for Room Transfer Function Measurement in Noisy Environments
(Deokgyu Yun and Seung Ho Choi) pp.3693-3700. [ PDF ]
- Fast Transmission of Road State Information over VCCN (Seung-Seok Kang, Ye-Eun Chae, Longzhe Han) pp.3701-3710.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Usage Model for Cloud Media Service Using Cloud DRM (YoungMo Kim, Byung-gi Kim, Hyung Min Lim, Seok-Yoon Kim)
pp.3711-3718. [ PDF ]
- Characteristics of Brainwaves in Patient with Anxiety Disorder and Some Suggestions for Relieving its Symptoms
(Ji-Sung Yoon, Myung-Sook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.3719-3724. [ PDF ]
- On the Use of Forest Sounds for Relieving Depression Focusing on Characteristics of Human Brainwaves
(Won-Hee Lee, Myung-Sook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.3725-3730. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Speeches of Kim Jong-un, North Korean Leader: Changes Detected from Imitating Kim Il-sung to Shaping his Own Voice
(Seong-Geon Bae, Myung-Sook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.3731-3736. [ PDF ]
- Study on a New Sound Necklace for a Body Fitness (Ik-Soo Ahn, Myung-Jin) pp.3737-3744.
[ PDF ]
- Development and Quality Management of SDD-Telecom Management System for Offshore Installation (Seongmi Mun, Wonseok Jang)
pp.3745-3752. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of Mobile Application for Regional Information Service (Hyenki Kim) pp.3753-3758.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Echo Wave of Falter Function by the Oscillation on the Posture (Jeong-lae Kim, Moon-sam Shin) pp.3759-3764.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of Little Action of Human for Cordless Device based on the Constrained Application Protocol
(Jeong-lae Kim, Soon-Jong Yoon, Su-Kang Park) pp.3765-3770. [ PDF ]
- Modeling of the Resonance for Wriggle Wave by the Plangent Motor System (Jeong-lae Kim, Hyun-woo Jeong) pp.3771-3776.
[ PDF ]
- Home Automation System using Wireless Communication (Ki-Young Lee, Min-Soo Kang, Jeong-Jin Kang, Sung-Jai Choi,
Yong-Soon Im, Eun-Young Kang, Yeon-Man Jeong) pp.3777-3782. [ PDF ]
- Reliability Measurement System for Movie Review Rating (Ki-Young Lee, Kyu-Ho Kim, Jeong-Jin Kang, Sung-Jai Choi,
Yong-Soon Im, Eun-Yeong Kang, Myeong-Bok Choi) pp.3783-3788. [ PDF ]
- Crime Prevention Application using Social Data (Ki-Young Lee, Myung-Jae Lim, Jeong-Jin Kang, Sung-Jai Choi, Yun-Sik Lim,
Han-Chun Song, Myeong-Bok Choi) pp.3789-3794. [ PDF ]
- 3D Facial Modeling using the Fitting Algorithm Improvement based on AAM (Ki-Young Lee, Sung-Bae Kim, Jeong-Jin Kang,
Sung-Jai Choi, Gyoo-Seok Choi, Yeon-Man Jeong, Young-Dae Lee) pp.3795-3800. [ PDF ]
- Loitering Event Detection Scheme Using Partial Trajectory Features (Yonghwa Kim, KyoungYeon Kim, and Yoo-Sung Kim)
pp.3801-3808. [ PDF ]
- Designing of High Power LED Lighting System Using Bluetooth based Fuzzy Lighting Control (InKyu Park, GyooSeok Choi)
pp.3809-3818. [ PDF ]
- Human Control Analysis for Nonlinear Crane System Operation (Woong-pyo Hong, Tae-yeop Lee, Heon Jeong, Kyungseok Park,
Jaehyo Kim) pp.3819-3826. [ PDF ]
- Development of a Detachable and Compatible Power-Supplying Unit on a Manual Wheelchair for the Elder and Disabled
(Jihun Kim, Jinuk Kim and Jaehyo Kim) pp.3827-3834. [ PDF ]
- Feasibility of Hands-Free Smart-Device Interface for Quadriplegic Patients (Hyeonseok Kim, Heon Jeong and Jaehyo Kim)
pp.3835-3842. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Implementation through the Standardization of Remote Monitoring and the Design of Profitable Operation Model
for photovoltaic (Je-Teak Woo, Jae-Hwan Lee, Mi-Ja Seo, Tae-Won Seo, Myung-Hee Han) pp.3843-3856.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of the Bandpass Filter Using the Tapped-line Geometry and the Bow-tie Resonator (Tae-Soon Yun) pp.3857-3862.
[ PDF ]
- Development and Design of Smart Tide Time (Sang-Hyun Lee) pp.3863-3868. [ PDF ]
- Concurrent Communication Framework of Mobile Robots and Wireless Sensor Network Applications (Sang-Hyun Lee, An-Gyoon Jeon
and Kyung-Il Moon) pp.3869-3878. [ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of an Integrated OSD Module to handle Multimedia with Elevator's Operation Information
(Byungchul Lim, Yeonchun Jung and Byungkook Jeon) pp.3879-3884. [ PDF ]
- State-Transition Mapping Tree Approach for Single Class (Je-Ho Park, Soo-Kung Choi and Young B. Park) pp.3885-3894.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of a Framework of Three-Dimensional Geofence (Eom Young-Hyun, Choi Young-Keun, Sungkuk Cho and
Byungkook Jeon) pp.3895-3900. [ PDF ]
- Analyzing Characteristics of Body Signal by the Effect Health Control on Mobile Cordless Device
(Jeong-lae Kim, Soon-Jong Yoon, Su-Kang Park) pp.3901-3906. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of the Physical Signal Function by the Oscillation on Cordless Medical Device (Jeong-lae Kim, Soon-Jong Yoon,
Su-Kang Park) pp.3907-3912. [ PDF ]
- Study on Energy Changes During Korean Vocalization of English Natives (Kwang-Bock You, Myung-Jin Bae) pp.3913-3918.
[ PDF ]
- System Modeling and Position Control Method for a Two-Wheel-Steered Moving Stage (Daehee Won and Sang-won Lee) pp.3919-3924.
[ PDF ]
- Multi Stage System Using Multiple Components: Development and Application (Sang-won Lee, Sul-Hee Lee and Dahee Won)
pp.3925-3930. [ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.9(B), September, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Object Recognition through Object Geometry and Continuity Analysis for a Sequence of Consecutive Images (Seok-Lyong Lee) pp.3937-3942.
[ PDF ]
- Neighborhoods of Certain p?valent Analytic Functions Defined by a Generalized Differential Operator (A.A. Amourah, Tariq Al-Hawary,
M. Darus) pp.3943-3950. [ PDF ]
- Estimation of Eye Radiation Dose during Nasopharyngeal CT Examination for an Individual Patient (Choirul Anam, Freddy Haryanto,
Rena Widita, Idam Arif, Geoff Dougherty, Donald McLean) pp.3951-3962. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- e-Learning Applications and Computer Graphics Games for Education: Design Framework (Eddy Fazlin Amdan and Sallimah M. Salleh)
pp.3963-3970. [ PDF ]
- Game-Based Learning as a Platform for Formative Assessment in Principles of Account (Marhani Lot and Sallimah M. Salleh) pp.3971-3976.
[ PDF ]
- Simultaneous Impact of Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment : a study at Bandung Polytechnic for
Manufacturing in Indonesia (Emma Dwi Ariyani) pp.3977-3982. [ PDF ]
- The Incidence of Banking Relationship on the Degree of Credit Rationing (Alaitz Mendizabal and Aitziber Olasolo) pp.3983-3988.
[ PDF ]
- A Review to Identify Citizens' Satisfaction Factors to Enhance Public E-Services in Oman (Fatma Saif Al-Busaidi, Ali Al-Aufi and
Taisira Al-Balushi) pp.3989-4002. [ PDF ]
- Innovation Voucher as the Support Instrument of Small and Medium Enterprises (Tomlain Juraj and Bondareva Irina) pp.4003-4008.
[ PDF ]
- English Grammatical Rules Representation by a Meta-language based on RDF Model and Predicate Clausal Form (Alena Lukasova and
Martin Zacek) pp.4009-4016. [ PDF ]
- The Artistic Life of Bali in the 1930-s in the Context of the Creative Activity of the Russian-German Artist Walter Spies
(Senokosova Anastasia and Golynets Sergey) pp.4017-4024. [ PDF ]
- Research Instrument Testing for Strategic Management of Information Technology Private University of XYZ (Suyatmi and Ferry Wahyu Wibowo)
pp.4025-4032. [ PDF ]
- Role of Contamination Fear and Fingerprint Technology: A Moderated Mediation Analysis (Han-Foon Neo, Devinaga Rasiah, Tong Yoon Kin
David and Chuan-Chin Teo) pp.4033-4038. [ PDF ]
- Direct Information of Commodity Market Prices: An Initiative for Social Justice through Systems Engineering (Corinthias P.M. Sianipar
and Kiyoshi Dowaki) pp.4039-4044. [ PDF ]
- Gross Domestic Product and Its Influence on the Household Consumption Expenditure in the Light of Economic Sociology
(Anna Antonyova, Peter Antony and Benfano Soewito) pp.4045-4050. [ PDF ]
- Web-Based Disclosure: A Comparative Study between Malaysian and Singaporean Non-Profit Organisations (Sarah Zainal Abidin Shah,
Saunah Zainon, Akmal Aini Othman and Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram) pp.4051-4056. [ PDF ]
- Investigating Relationship between Unemployment Rate and GDP Growth in Malaysia (Hamidah Muhd Irpan, Rosfadzimi Mat Saad and
Noorazilah Ibrahim) pp.4057-4064. [ PDF ]
- Factors Causing South Korean Women Students to Dropout of Engineering (Jong Tae Youn and Song Ah Choi) pp.4065-4074.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of Information Systems Master List of Documents based on Quality Management System Standard ISO 9001:2008 Case Study
at STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta (Akhmad Dahlan) pp.4075-4080. [ PDF ]
- Starting E-Business for Farmers in Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities (Gyanendra Prasad Joshi, Changsu Kim and Sung Won Kim)
pp.4081-4090. [ PDF ]
- Job Applicant Recruitment via Reputation of "Career-Friendly" Organization (Won Jun Kwak) pp.4091-4100.
[ PDF ]
- Bibliometric Cartography of Nutrition Science Researches based on Power Links Analysis (Mahmoud Rokaya and Dalia I. Hemdan) pp.4101-4114.
[ PDF ]
- Extending Theory of Interpersonal Behavior for Cyberloafing to Work and Private Demands (Patrick Chin-Hooi Soh, Kok Wai Chew,
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo and Klan Yeik Koay) pp.4115-4122. [ PDF ]
- Islamic Law Of Business Contract: Implementation Of Al-Wakalah (Agency) Contract In Contemporary Gold Trading
(Mohd Sollehudin Shuib, Azizi Abu Bakar, Amirul Faiz Osman, Mohd Adib Abd Muin, Aiman bin Fadzil and Suhaimi Ishak) pp.4123-4130.
[ PDF ]
- Research on Relevance of International and China's Grain Prices (Deng Jing and Zhou Yu) pp.4131-4138.
[ PDF ]
- An Integrated Case-Based Approach for Deployment of Global Information Systems (Hossein Bidgoli) pp.4139-4156.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Social Capital and Task Performance in the Korean Service Industry (Shin Nam Lee) pp.4157-4162.
[ PDF ]
- The Impact of the Environmental Students' Extracurricular Activities on Formation of their Environmental Consciousness
(Sholpan Sh. Khamzina, Larissa A. Semenova, Bagzhanat D. Kairbekova, Gulmira A. Suleimenova, Ella Yu. Sarsembayeva) pp.4163-4168.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Vehicle Speed Detection and Notification for Highway Monitoring (Vikas Upadhyaya and Soharab Hossain Shaikh) pp.4169-4176.
[ PDF ]
- An Efficient Image Compression Using Bit Allocation based on Psychovisual Threshold (Ferda Ernawan, Zuriani binti Mustaffa
and Luhur Bayuaji) pp.4177-4182. [ PDF ]
- Generating Weight Paint Area on 3D Cartoon-Face Models (Samuel Gandang Gunanto, Mochamad Hariadi and Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno) pp.4183-4190.
[ PDF ]
- Segmentation of Local Regions in Repetitive Patterns (Kamelia Kamel and Nursuriati Jamil) pp.4191-4196.
[ PDF ]
- Radius Based Block LBP for Facial Expression Recognition (Abdul Aziz K Abdul Hamid and Md Jan Nordin) pp.4197-4202.
[ PDF ]
- An On-line Stacking Algorithm for the 3D Palletizing Problem with Strongly Heterogeneous Box Sizes (A. K. M. Foysal Ahmed, Seowon Song,
Jungsun Heo, Sangjae Park and Ji Ung Sun) pp.4203-4212. [ PDF ]
- An Enhanced Simulation Model for Complex Human Pedestrian Movement System using Hybrid Discrete Event and Agent Based Simulation
(Mazlina Abdul Majid, Mohammed Fakhreldin and Kamal Z. Zamli) pp.4213-4218. [ PDF ]
- NoSQL-based Spatial Data Processing Systems in Big Data Environments (In-Su Shin, Jeong-Joon Kim, Yong-Soo Lee and Jin-Yong Moon)
pp.4219-4236. [ PDF ]
- Spatio-Temporal Ontology Management Systems for Semantic Web (Jeong-Joon Kim, In-Su Shin, Yong-Soo Lee and Jin-Yong Moon) pp.4237-4254.
[ PDF ]
- A Nutritional Guidance system Based on Rough Sets and Links (Dalia I. Hemdan) pp.4255-4264.
[ PDF ]
- Environmental Communication Model for Disaster Mitigation of Mount Sinabung Eruption Karo Regency of North Sumatra
(Puji Lestari, Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha, Eko Teguh Paripurno, Herlina Jayadianti) pp.4265-4270.
[ PDF ]
- Reliability Improving Identity Link Evaluation Technique for Linked Open Data Publication (Yonglak Sohn) pp.4271-4280.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Gender and Age- Specific Blood Pressure Control among Hypertensive Adults in South Korea: Based on a Cross-Sectional National Survey
(Eunok Park and Hyo Geun Geun) pp.4281-4290. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Natural Gardenia Pigments on Coloring Dental Plaque (Hyungwoo Kim, Sungsuk Bae and Minkyung Kang) pp.4291-4298.
[ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.10(A), October, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Characterizing Carbon Dioxide Emission Patterns in Korea, China, and Japan (Hyun-Jae Rhee) pp.4305-4312.
[ PDF ]
- (Cancelled by the authors 06/07/2017)
- A Study on Construction Method of General Evaluation System of STEAM Education Program (Yi Yeon Kim and Dong Ho Kim) pp.4319-4324.
[ PDF ]
- A Research on the Stress of Cultural Adaptation and Adaptation to the Korean Culture of the International Students from Mongolia
-Focusing on the moderating effect from the social support- (Su-Jeong Han and Kyung-Hoon Han) pp.4325-4338.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparative Qualitative Study on Preschooler's Creativity in Korea and the U.S.A. (Kyunghwa Lee) pp.4339-4344.
[ PDF ]
- A study on the Projection for Supply and Demand of Jeju Pork (Chung-hyeon Kim, Bae-sung Kim, Seong-bo Ko) pp.4345-4350.
[ PDF ]
- The Role of Social Capital between Manufacturer-Dealer Relationships in Distribution Channel (Min-Sook Park, Jong-Kuk Shin, Yong Ju)
pp.4351-4356. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Team-Level Antecedents on Individual-Level Innovation (Su Jin Han, Yoo Jung Kim, and Sora Kang) pp.4357-4362.
[ PDF ]
- The Study of Comparison of Work Ethics between Esthetician and College Students (Jang JoungHyeon, Nam HeeEun) pp.4363-4370.
[ PDF ]
- Review on "Outline Signal Teaching Method" (Piao Chengri, Nan-Joo Lim, Jung-Hwan Park) pp.4371-4378.
[ PDF ]
- A Hedonic Price Analysis of Industrial Land Prices: A Case Study of Southeastern Industrial Region in South Korea
(Jae Heon Shim and Chun-Il Kim) pp.4379-4386. [ PDF ]
- Matching Strategy between Coach and Coachee in Coaching (Mi-Sun Hong, Kyeong-Chul Lee, Jung-Hwan Park) pp.4387-4392.
[ PDF ]
- Counseling Model Development for Treatment of Gambling Addict: Combination of Transtheoretical Model and Motivational Interviewing
(Jung-Im Jang, Sung-Bong Kim) pp.4393-4398. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Children's Exposure on Domestic Violence and Violence Transfer toward their Peers and Parents (InSungYoun, Madhu Sudhan Atteraya)
pp.4399-4404. [ PDF ]
- Logistics Warehouse Rent Determinants : Evidence from South Korea (Saejoon Oh and Jongchil Shin) pp.4405-4412.
[ PDF ]
- The Oak versus the Willow: Resilience as Deterrence to Terrorism (James Pattison, Hakkyong Kim and Sungyong Lee) pp.4413-4420.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Economic Status on Adolescent health: the Mediating Effects of Psycho-Social Factors (Soongyu Kim, Soim Lee and Ayeoung Jang)
pp.4421-4426. [ PDF ]
- Relationship between Leisure Activities and Parenting Stress of Parents of Children with Disabilities (Gi-Soon Kim, Sung-Je Cho)
pp.4427-4432. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of High Pressure Natural Gas Regulating Valve with Computational Fluid Dynamic
(Joon-Ho Lee, Han-Ik Park and Sung-Oug Lim) pp.4433-4438. [ PDF ]
- Synthesis of Microporous Hyper Branched Polymers (Helicenes): Their Application to CO2 (Rajangam Vinodh, Cadiam Mohan Babu,
Aziz Abidov, Rramaswamy Ravikumar, Mei Mei Peng, Wang Seog Cha and Hyun Tae Jang) pp.4439-4444.
[ PDF ]
- Graphene Oxide Supported Amine Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Lead Removal (Cadiam Mohan Babu, Rajangam Vinodh,
Aziz Abidov, Rramaswamy Ravikumar, Mei Mei Peng, Wang Seog Cha and Hyun Tae Jang) pp.4445-4450.
[ PDF ]
- Attrition of Aminoalkyl Siloxane Sorbent in a Fluidized Bed (Aziz Abidov, Vinodh Rajangam, Wang Seog Cha and Hyun Tae Jang) pp.4451-4456.
[ PDF ]
- One Pot Synthesis of 5-fluorouracil Entrapped Poly Amino Alkyl Siloxane: A Novel Drug Carrier with Slow Release Property
(Rramaswamy Ravikumar, Cadiam Mohan Babu, Rajangam Vinodh, Aziz Abidov, Mei Mei Peng, Eun Young Choi and Hyun-Tae Jang) pp.4457-4462.
[ PDF ]
- The Effectiveness of Magnetic Water Treatment to Improve Milk Fat and Milk Production of Dairy Cows (Hey-Sil Kim, Okka Adiyanto,
Jae-Young Byun, Sung-Won Chung, Soon-Goo Kwon, Jong-Min Park, Jong-Soon Kim and Won-Sik Choi) pp.4463-4468.
[ PDF ]
- Development of Key Performance Indicators of BIM Performance Measurement in Design Phase (Jihye Shin and Jungsik Choi) pp.4469-4474.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Structural Tests and Analyses of H-Shaped Beam-to-Column Connections with Reformed T-stub Components
(Soomi Shin, Hyemin Kim and Hyunjung Park) pp.4475-4482. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Effect of Hand Hygiene Education on Hand Hygiene Knowledge, Hand Hygiene Perception, and Number of Bacterial Colonies on the Hands of
Care Helpers (Mi-Young Yoo and Hyeon-Cheol Jeong) pp.4483-4490. [ PDF ]
- Customer Incivility's Effect on Organizational Achievement and Mediated Effect on Emotional Exhaustion (Mun-Mi Cho and Jung-Hwa Lee)
pp.4491-4498. [ PDF ]
- Attitude of the Student Nurses about Euthanasia before and after Their Clinical Practics (Myung Hae Kim, Gum Jung Kim and Muyeong Seak Yang)
pp.4499-4504. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Childbirth Intention of Female University Students in Korea (Myoung-Hee Kim) pp.4505-4510.
[ PDF ]
- Perception of Nursing Malpractice from Nursing Students with Experience in Clinical Practicum (Joo EunKyung and Yoo EunKwang) pp.4511-4516.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of Older Women with Osteoarthritis Patients (Kim, Young-Hae and Young-Ju Jee) pp.4517-4524.
[ PDF ]
- Comparison of Emotional and Psychological Indicators According to the Presence or Absence of the Use of Electronic Cigarettes among Korea
Youth Smokers (Young-Ju Jee) pp.4525-4532. [ PDF ]
- Defining Span of Control for First-Line Nurse Manager (Miyoung Kim, Sujin Choi and Ae-lee Choi) pp.4533-4538.
[ PDF ]
- Nurse's Job Demands, Job Resources, and Their Relationship with Work Burnout and Engagement: Mediating Effects of Emotional Labor
(Han, Jeong Won) pp.4539-4544. [ PDF ]
- Effects of a Breast Cancer and Breast Self-examination Education Program for Nursing Students (Hye Sook You) pp.4545-4556.
[ PDF ]
- Academic Stress, Major Satisfaction, and Academic Achievement according to Type of Achievement Goal Orientation in Nursing Students
(Eun Young Kim, Eun Ju Lim and Jun Hee Noh) pp.4557-4562. [ PDF ]
- An analysis on the Knee Function and Life Satisfaction of Osteoarthritis Patients Waiting for Total Knee Replacement
(Kyung Hye Park, Jong Keun Seon, Mi Ryeong Song) pp.4563-4568. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Turnover Intention of Nurses in Comprehensive Care Units (Miyoung Kim, Eun Jung Kim and Sujin Choi) pp.4569-4574.
[ PDF ]
- Oral Health Behavior and Attitude of Elementary School Teachers According to Subjective Assessments of Oral Health Status
(Soo-Chul Park and Jung-Hwa Lee) pp.4575-4582. [ PDF ]
- A Study of College Students Gender Egalitarianism and Attitudes Toward Marriage by Gender and Year (Yeong-Hee Kim and Young-Mee Lee)
pp.4583-4588. [ PDF ]
- Tympanic Temperature Measurement: Comparison among the Insertion Methods (Seung-Kyo Chaung) pp.4589-4594.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Fertility Intention of Female University Students (Myeong-Jeong Chae, In-Sook Cho and Jin-il Kim) pp.4595-4604.
[ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.10(B), October, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Best Resource Recommendation for a Stochastic Process (Likewin Thomas, Manoj Kumar M V and Annappa) pp.4611-4616.
[ PDF ]
- Concept Drifts Detection and Localisation in Process Mining (Manoj Kumar M V, Likewin Thomas and Annappa B) pp.4617-4622.
[ PDF ]
- Modification of Soft Topology via Soft Stacks (Rodyna A. Hosny) pp.4623-4632. [ PDF ]
- Speech Steganography System Using Lifting Wavelet Transform (Ahlam Majead Kathum, Saad Najim Al-Saad) pp.4633-4638.
[ PDF ]
- Extra Strongly Generalized Closed Soft Sets (Rodyna A. Hosny) pp.4639-4646. [ PDF ]
- The Complete Cyclic Structure of the RSA Cryptosystem (Hideo Suzuki, Hiroshi Yasuoka, Kotaro Matsushita and Masaki Hanada) pp.4647-4662.
[ PDF ]
- Certain differential Sandwich Theorem Involved Constructed differential Operator (Mohammad Al-Kaseasbeh, Maslina Darus and
Saba Al-Kaseasbeh) pp.4663-4670. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Evaluating Computer Mediated Comforting Communication Theory In Online Education Support Group (Ahmad Subhi Bin Zolkafly and
Rahayu Ahmad) pp.4671-4676. [ PDF ]
- An Empirical Study on the Determinants Influence Brand Loyalty on Sportswear among Undergraduates (Lim Kah Boon, Yeo Sook Fern,
Goh Mei Ling and Ong Zhen Hui) pp.4677-4682. [ PDF ]
- A Framework of Culinary-Specific Competencies for Sustainable Professional Development in Gastronomic Tourism
(Nornazira Suhairom, Aede Hatib Musta' amal, Nor Fadila Mohd Amin, Dayana Farzeeha Ali and Umawathy Techanamurthy) pp.4683-4688.
[ PDF ]
- Diffusion Innovation in Telecommunication Industry through Customer Participation in Develop Service Quality
(Ainul Mardhiyah Binti Nor Aziz, Fadillah Binti Ismail) pp.4689-4694. [ PDF ]
- The Service Quality and Its Relationship to Customer Satisfaction Among the Customers of a Few Selected Banks in Malaysia
(Hanani Hussin, Nurul Ashikin Yusoff and Mohd Shafiz Saharan) pp.4695-4700. [ PDF ]
- The Determinant of Sales Career Tenure among Insurance Salesperson (Masilah Mohamad and Khairul Azfar Adzahar) pp.4701-4706.
[ PDF ]
- An Innovation-based Strategy towards Sustainable Services by Third Party Logistics (3PLs) in Closed-Loop Supply Chains (CLSCs)
(Siti Fatin 'Ainaa Shaikh Mahdzar, Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin, Mahazir Ismail and Suhaiza Zailani) pp.4707-4712.
[ PDF ]
- Discovery of Twitter User Interestingness based on Retweets, Reply Mentions and Pure Mentions Relationships
(Ong Kok Chien, Poo Kuan Hoong and Chiung Ching Ho) pp.4713-4718. [ PDF ]
- Multidimensional Scaling Perceptual Map of Social Media Data (M. Bakri, S.Z.Z. Abidin, N. Omar and M. Hamiz) pp.4719-4724.
[ PDF ]
- Funding Terror in Cyberspace: Challenges in the Financial Investigation of Cyber Terrorist Financing
(Zaiton Hamin, Rohana Othman and Hayyum Suleikha Selamat) pp.4725-4730. [ PDF ]
- Determinants of Technological Factor Influencing Green Production Adoption by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia
(Mohd Firdaus Ruslan, Aslan Amat Senin, Khairiah Soehod) pp.4731-4736. [ PDF ]
- Technology to Support Reminiscence Therapy for Elderly (Haryani Haron, Maryani Che Ali and Sabiroh Md Sabri) pp.4737-4742.
[ PDF ]
- Exploring New Factors for M-Learning Adoption in Blended Learning Environment (Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Mohd Isa,
Anitawati Mohd Lokman, Mimi Nurakmal Mustapa, Intan Noratika Mat Sah, Abdul Razak Hamdan and Johan Eddy Luaran) pp.4743-4748.
[ PDF ]
- Exploring the Challenges in Adopting IT Outsourcing in Large Scale Projects (Roy Deddy Hasiholan Tobing) pp.4749-4754.
[ PDF ]
- SME Swot Ranking for Strategic Planning Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Rohaizan Ramlan, Siti Sarah Omar,
Jing Yee Wong and Shahryar Sorooshian) pp.4755-4760. [ PDF ]
- An Analysis of the Engagement Partner Busyness in Malaysia Pre- and Post- Establishment of the Audit Oversight Board
(Wan Nordin Wan-Hussin, Hasan Mohamed Bamahros, Siti Norwahida Shukeri) pp.4761-4766. [ PDF ]
- System of Priority Indicators of Sustainable Development in Russia (Taisiya F. Ryabova, Tatiana V. Ogneva, Roman V. Konovalov,
Vladimir N. Samanchuk and Vladimir L. Evseev) pp.4767-4772. [ PDF ]
- Priority Opportunities of Economic Growth of the Organizations Providing Independence of Import in Russia
(Elena V. Minaeva, Taisiya F. Ryabova, Tatiana V. Ogneva, Roman V. Konovalov, Vladimir N. Samanchuk and Vladimir L. Evseev) pp.4773-4778.
[ PDF ]
- Using Information Technology to Enhance Business Education in Palestine: A Theoretical View (Sharif M. Abu Karsh) pp.4779-4794.
[ PDF ]
- Cost of Liability Capital under Shareholders' Monitoring (Krismiaji and Ani Sri Murwani) pp.4795-4810.
[ PDF ]
- Sustainability and Democracy Towards Sustainable Development Through Interest Approach: Focusing on The Precautionary Principle
(Yusri Munaf, Emrizal, Muhammad Rizal Razman, Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria, Kadir Arifin and Zuliskandar Ramli) pp.4811-4818.
[ PDF ]
- Ecological Preferences of Dominant on Type Seedling in the Destruction Peat Land Vegetation in the River Stretch of the Serkap Riau,
Pelalawan Regency (Elfis, Titisari, Zuliskandar Ramli, Emrizal and Muhammad Rizal Razman) pp.4819-4826.
[ PDF ]
- The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the Liability for the Terrorism (Tatiana F. Minyazeva and Rinat T. Gamidov) pp.4827-4838.
[ PDF ]
- Program Budgeting: New Aspects of Efficiency (Mstislav P. Afanasiev and Nataliya N. Shash) pp.4839-4846.
[ PDF ]
- Technology of Creativity Improvement Using Storytelling in College Education (Sook-Yeong Hong and Seungho Cho) pp.4847-4852.
[ PDF ]
- Serving Asian American Students with High-Incidence Disabilities: Bridging the Perceptions and Experiences of Teachers with Families
of Exceptional Children (Nari Choi and Raymond J. Ostendorf) pp.4853-4862. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Approaches to TNCs' Strategy Management in the Soft Drinks Market in Terms of Crises (Vasily S. Starostin and
Veronika Y. Chernova) pp.4863-4874. [ PDF ]
- Economic Interpretation for the Environmental Education: Aiming the Economy-Environment Balance (GAO Wen and PARK Hye-Sook) pp.4875-4882.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Logging Solutions to Mitigate Risks Associated with Security Issues in Platform as a Service Cloud Models (Pakorn Chan-in and
Winai Wongthai) pp.4883-4890. [ PDF ]
- Measuring Crowd Sourced Analytics: A Review (Chiung Ching Ho, Choo-Yee Ting) pp.4891-4896.
[ PDF ]
- An Infostructure Maturity Model (IMM): Conceptual Framework (Aliza Abdul Latif, Noor Habibah Arshad and Norjansalika Janom) pp.4897-4908.
[ PDF ]
- An Improved Mechanism for the Unequal Cluster Routing Protocol in Sensor Networks (Kyung-Oh Lee, Yong-Keum Choi) pp.4909-4916.
[ PDF ]
- Shrinkage Prediction of High Strength Concrete at Early Age Using Hierarchical Neural Networks
(Won-Jik Yang, Thomas Neitzert, Gyu-Young Kim and Sun-Gyu Park) pp.4917-4926. [ PDF ]
- Tunneling Dependent Subthreshold Swing of Sub-10 nm Symmetric and Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFET (Hakkee Jung) pp.4927-4934.
[ PDF ]
- Veterinary-Sanitary Examination of Domestic and Wild Duck Meat at Sarcocystosis (Ivan G. Seregin, Vladimir E. Nikitchenko,
Vadim G. Plyushchikov, Dmitry V. Nikitchenko, Tursunbai S. Kubatbekov) pp.4935-4942. [ PDF ]
- Design of Resilient Combinational VLSI Circuits (Ziyad Ahmed Al Tarawneh) pp.4943-4962.
[ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.11(A), November, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Research on Cooperation Platform for the Cybersecurity Industry World Markets (Dea-woo Park) pp.4969-4974.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Relationship between the SNS and Social Issues through Critical Analysis within SNS (Handong Lee, Youngsuk Park and
Jong-Bae Kim) pp.4975-4980. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of Innovation on R&D Effectiveness (Alex J. Kim and Cheong Kyu Park) pp.4981-4988.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Job Preference Information of College Students in Beauty Design (Hye-Kyun Kim) pp.4989-4994.
[ PDF ]
- An Analysis of Civil Traffic Complaints Using Text Mining (Soon Goo Hong, Hyun Jong Kim and Hyung Rim Choi) pp.4995-5000.
[ PDF ]
- Application of IoT to Inventory Management in the Tire Industry (Kangbae Lee, Doo-Hwan Kim, Hyung Rim Choi, Byung-Kwon Park,
Min-je Cho and Dong-Yeon Kang) pp.5001-5006. [ PDF ]
- Impact Assessment Model of Risk Priority in a Supply Chain (KyoungJong Park) pp.5007-5014.
[ PDF ]
- Urban Regeneration of the Original Jeju Downtown - Vitalization of Themed Streets Using Local Resources - (Sung su-hyun and Lee jong-oh)
pp.5015-5024. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Co-Creation Strategy to Implement Innovation in Digital Ecosystems (Eunjung Han and Soon-Goo Hong) pp.5025-5032.
[ PDF ]
- The Moderating Role of Product Knowledge in the Effect of Message Sidedness (Moon-Yong Kim and Hyun Joo Ahn) pp.5033-5040.
[ PDF ]
- The Influence of Regulatory Focus on Consumers' Responses to One-Sided and Two-Sided Messages (Moon-Yong Kim) pp.5041-5048.
[ PDF ]
- The Organizational Culture: Two Branches of the Military Leadership from the General Leadership Theory Perspective (Lee Jong-Oh)
pp.5049-5056. [ PDF ]
- Co-creation and Reform of State Owned Enterprise A Case Study about President Hahm's Co-creation Driven Leadership at Kangwon Land
Casino and Resort (Seong Bae Lim and Soon-Goo Hong) pp.5057-5064. [ PDF ]
- Managerial Overconfidence and Real Earnings Management: Evidence from Korea (Soo-Joon Chae and Hae-Young Ryu) pp.5065-5074.
[ PDF ]
- Network Firms and Corporate Governance (Eun Seok Han) pp.5075-5090. [ PDF ]
- An Exploratory Research on the Concentration Ratio of Narrative Elements and Its Application to Clustering Korean Classical Texts
(Woonho CHOI and Dong Kun KIM) pp.5091-5098. [ PDF ]
- Process Models for Students According to Scores (Ruksana Akter and Yoojin Chung) pp.5099-5106.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Lookup-Table-Based Digital Predistortion Technique with Iterative Adaption of Feedback Samples (Kwang-Pyo Lee and Eui-Rim Jeong)
pp.5107-5112. [ PDF ]
- Information Sharing Status of the Port Community System in Vietnam (Thi My Hanh Le, Hyung Rim Choi, Kangbae Lee, Byung Kwon Park,
Luis Alfaro and Doo-hwan Kim) pp.5113-5118. [ PDF ]
- Bio-Inspired Uplink Power Control for Energy-Efficient Mobile Stations in Wireless Cellular Networks (Hyun-Ho Choi and Jung-Ryun Lee)
pp.5119-5124. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of an IoT-Assisted Relay Control System in Social Networking Environments (Jae-Hyun Lim and Jeongwook Seo) pp.5125-5130.
[ PDF ]
- The Relational Analysis between the Number of Major Crime by Region and High Risk Drinking Rate through R
(Jin Young Park, Kwon Hye Jeong, Jaeyoon Cheon and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.5131-5136. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Software Development Cost Model based on Hazard Function of Lindley Distribution (Hong-kyu Kwon and Hee-cheul Kim)
pp.5137-5144. [ PDF ]
- A Structural Safety Evaluation through the Harmonic Response Analysis due to the Shape of Leaf Spring (K. K. Choi and J. U. Cho)
pp.5145-5152. [ PDF ]
- A Structural Safety Study on Hub Bearing due to the Contact Area of Caliper Pad Using Simulation Analysis (K. K. Choi and J. U. Cho)
pp.5153-5160. [ PDF ]
- Design of Virtual Machine Monitor for Real-Time Systems (Sung-Hoon Sohn) pp.5161-5168.
[ PDF ]
- Discovering Frequent Service Patterns with Dynamic Weight (Jeonghee Hwang and Jeonghee. Chi) pp.5169-5176.
[ PDF ]
- Starting Method based on SVPWM for Automotive Applications (Joon Sung Park, Hwan-Chul Na, Junbo Yun and Ju Lee) pp.5177-5184.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Risk Analysis of the Existing Transformer Capacity for the Apartment Considering Potential Increase of EVs
(Jihun Choi, Sung-Yul Kim and Ju Lee) pp.5185-5192. [ PDF ]
- Study on Stress-Strain Behavior Characteristics along with Water Content Change of Weathered Granite Soil
(Lee Jong-Ho and Park Hyeon-Wook) pp.5193-5200. [ PDF ]
- Main Industry Business Strategy Research through 3D Printing Technology (Lee Jong-Ho and Park Hyeon-Wook) pp.5201-5208.
[ PDF ]
- Indoor Location Trace Technique based on Personal Step Detection and Wi-Fi Fingerprinting (Ikhyun Cho, Seonguk Lee and Jiman Hong)
pp.5209-5218. [ PDF ]
- Cache Data Compression for Non-Volatile Memory based Last-Level Cache (Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak and Seong Tae Jhang) pp.5219-5234.
[ PDF ]
- An Efficient Similarity Measurement Technique using Dynamic Birthmark based on API (Cherl-hong Ko, Dae Shin Park and Jiman Hong)
pp.5235-5244. [ PDF ]
- A Dynamic Taint Analysis Method of Control-Dependent Data (Byeongho Kang, TaeGuen Kim, Junhyoung Kim and Eul Gyu Im) pp.5245-5260.
[ PDF ]
- A Dynamic Duty-cycle Control Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks (Sun-Sup So, Jisup Yoon, Young-sun Yun, Sungbae Eun and Jinman Jung)
pp.5261-5270. [ PDF ]
- Efficient Data Node Selection and Load Balancing Mechanism for Hadoop Heterogeneous Clusters (Kisu Kim, Gibeom Byeon and Jiman Hong)
pp.5271-5280. [ PDF ]
- TSL-RDMA: Thread-Safe and Lightweight RDMA API for InfiniBand-based Cluster Computing Systems (Bongjae Kim) pp.5281-5290.
[ PDF ]
- CoAP-HTTP Proxy Server Based on ZigBee Network (Jaewoong Lee, Sang-Young Cho and Yoojin Chung) pp.5291-5298.
[ PDF ]
- Prefetching Data Cache based on SSD Device in Distributed File Systems (Doowon Paik, Jae-Hoon An, Younghwan Kim and Jiman Hong)
pp.5299-5308. [ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of Formation Flight of Drones using Two Stereo Cameras (Dongki Kwon and Yoojin Chung) pp.5309-5216.
[ PDF ]
- Delay-Constrained Scheduling in the Virtual Machine Environment (Cherl-hong Ko, Kiwook Kang, Jeonghwan Lee and Jiman Hong) pp.5317-5326.
[ PDF ]
- Methods to Improve Mobile Application Accessibility through Applying a Tactile User Interface in a Smartphone
(Hyuna Choi and Jae Wan Park) pp.5327-5336. [ PDF ]

Vol.19, No.11(B), November, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Research Trends in Mediterranean Area Studies in Korea based on a Network Analysis of Coappearing keywords (Dong-Yul Lee, Ji-Hoon Kang
and Sang-Ho Moon) pp.5343-5350. [ PDF ]
- A Development of Group Counseling Program for Prevention of Gambling Addiction Based on the Combined Counseling Model (Jung-Im Jang and
Sung-Bong Kim) pp.5351-5356. [ PDF ]
- Personality Types and Relational Benefits: A Study of Cosmetic Medical Customers (Eun Ju Heo, Hui Sun and Saebum Kim) pp.5357-5364.
[ PDF ]
- Effect of General/Job Stress Mindset to Decrease the Influence of Job Stress to Burnout (SangWoo, Hahm) pp.5365-5372.
[ PDF ]
- How Brand Authenticity Works for Brand Reputation and Brand Loyalty? -Focusing on Dental Clinic`s Customer-
(ZhengHua Yang, Saebum Kim and DongYeol Jung) pp.5373-5380. [ PDF ]
- What Factors Determine the Entrepreneurships of College Graduates?: Evidence from Panel Data (Lee Young-Min, Son Jong Seo, Lim Jung-Yeon
and Cho Sung-Eun) pp.5381-5388. [ PDF ]
- What Makes Chinese Consumers Satisfied with and Repurchase Korean Cosmetics? (Hui Sun, Eun Ju Heo and Saebum Kim) pp.5389-5396.
[ PDF ]
- The Study of Consumer's Brand Attachment Behavior (Seungbae Park, Kyungyoung Ohk and Jaewon Hong) pp.5397-5402.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the National Culture on International Human Resource Management Strategy and Knowledge Creation (Jungah Lee and Nakjung Kang)
pp.5403-5410. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Analysis on allophone of Korean for English natives (Seong-Geon Bae, Byung-Min Lim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.5411-5416.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Special Education with Multicultural Background from the Perspectives of Disability Studies (Jong-Gu Kang and Young Pyo Kim)
pp.5417-5422. [ PDF ]
- Using Serious Games to Enhance the Congnitive Ability of Elementary School Children to Learn About Shapes (ChunHo Yi, SuHyeok Eo and
TaeYong Kim) pp.5423-5428. [ PDF ]
- Community of Practice Model Development in College (Jung-A Lee and Mijin Kim) pp.5429-5434. [ PDF ]
- Characteristics of 'Free Semester' Evaluations (Yangsook Kil and Jihye Woo) pp.5435-5440. [ PDF ]
- Changing Perceptions about Reading to Write and Practices of Connecting English Reading to Writing in an L2 Writing Classroom
(Ho-Jung Yu) pp.5441-5446. [ PDF ]
- Influence of Adaptation to School Life in Career Maturity of Adolescents (Deog-sun Choi and Sung-Je Cho) pp.5447-5452.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of Adolescent Attachment to Father on Self-Efficacy (Deog-sun Choi and Sung-Je Cho) pp.5453-5458.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Perceptions of ADHD among Pre-service Preschool Teachers by the Q Method (Koh Hee-Seon and Kang Yu-jin) pp.5459-5464.
[ PDF ]
- Beyond the Nostalgia: a Guide to Regional and Cultural Education (Heejin Yun and Hyeonmin Kang) pp.5465-5470.
[ PDF ]
- A Meta-Analysis Study on the Effect of Psychotherapy Programs for Improved Adjustment of Maladjusted Preschoolers (Koh Hee-Seon and Choi Eun-a)
pp.5471-5482. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Proximity-Based Efficient Super-Peer Selection for Clustering in Peer-to-Peer Systems (Won-Ho Chung) pp.5483-5490.
[ PDF ]
- Characteristics of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Speakers drawn out through Spectral and Cepstral Analysis
(Haewon Byeon, Seonghun Yu and Sunghyoun Cho) pp.5491-5496. [ PDF ]
- Analysis on Vowel Formant Variation of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by Using Spectrogram: a longitudinal case study
(Sung-Hyoun Cho, Hee-Kyung Jin and Haewon Byeon) pp.5497-5502. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Study on the Nurse Practitioners Want to Work with Type of Nurse Manager (Sunyoung Jang and Meesuk Wang) pp.5503-5508.
[ PDF ]
- Change of Elderly's Handwashing Habits Pre and Post the Onset of Infectious Diseases (Minsun Song and Namyoung Yang) pp.5509-5516.
[ PDF ]
- Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) for Patients with Lumbar and Shoulder Disorders (Jaesung Choi, Jaeeun Kim and Jongeun Yim)
pp.5517-5522. [ PDF ]
- Differences in Ankle Instability and Static Balance after 8 Weeks Short Foot Exercise on Type of Feedback: A Randomized Controlled Trial
(Eunsang Lee, Juchul Cho and Seungwon Lee) pp.5523-5528. [ PDF ]
- Effects of a Sling-based Exercise for Trunk Control on Gross Motor Function and Balance in Infants with Developmental Delay
(Younghoon Kim, Sieun Ko and Seungwon Lee) pp.5529-5534. [ PDF ]
- Changes of Natural Staining by Carthamus tinctorius L. with Various Mordants (Suk-Yul Jung) pp.5535-5540.
[ PDF ]
- Efficacy of Applying Lidocaine/Prilocaine Cream on Pain, Anxiety and Discomfort before Intravenous Injection (Sun Hee Nam, Yong Hee Kim and
Ji Yun Choi) pp.5541-5546. [ PDF ]
- An Old Local Community Associated with Dementia are Aware of Content Analysis (Muyeong Seak Yang) pp.5547-5552.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Relationship between Suicidal Ideation and Chronic Diseases Amongst the Elderly (Yeojin Lee and Eunkwang Yoo) pp.5553-5558.
[ PDF ]
- Life Experiences After Arteriovenous Fistula for Hemodialysis (Lee, Jeoung Sil and Yoo, Eun Kwang) pp.5559-5566.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of the Doula Touch Delivery of Kim Gum Jung with the Participation of the Spouse on Married Couple Attachment, State Anxiety,
and the Perception of Birth Experience (Gum Jung Kim) pp.5567-5576. [ PDF ]
- Perception and Associated Factors on Patient Safety Culture of Care Helper in Nursing Facility (Ju Young Hong and Eun Kwang Yoo) pp.5577-5582.
[ PDF ]
- A Correlation Study on Couple Role Performance, Depression and Family Strength of Multi-cultural Couples (Kim Yeunmi, Kim Hyejin and Yoo Eunkwang)
pp.5583-5588. [ PDF ]
- Effect of Job Stress on Mental Health Among Caregivers (Joo Hee Han and Eun Kwang Yoo) pp.5589-5594.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Adaptation of Older Nursing Students to College Life (Ji Hyun Oh and Eun Kwang Yoo) pp.5595-5600.
[ PDF ]
- The "Twilight Childcare" Experiences of Grandmothers (Young Soon Kwon and Eun Kwang Yoo) pp.5601-5606.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients (Gyeong Yub Park and Eun Kwang Yoo) pp.5607-5612.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Emergency Room Nurses' Experience of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Kyoung A Han and Eun Kwang Yoo) pp.5613-5618.
[ PDF ]
- Health Care Experiences of Medical Aid Excessive Users in Korea (Myeong Kyeong Song, Eun Kwang Yoo and Yeun Mi Kim) pp.5619-5626.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of Nursing Students' Satisfaction with Their Major, Self-identity, and Social Support on Their Career Identity
(Hye-Won Kim and Mi-Ran Kim) pp.5627-5632

Vol.19, No.12, December, 2016 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Effects of Self-Esteem and Depression of Parents on Parenting Efficacy (Jae-Young Kim and Sung-Je Cho) pp.5639-5644.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Leisure Culture of Migrant Workers (Mijung Lee, Urkunchiev Adylbek and Hyekyeong Nam) pp.5645-5650.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Factors Affecting the Usage in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) (Jae Hun Sa, Jae Mo Lee, Tae Won Kang, GwangYong Gim
and Jong-Bae Kim) pp.5651-5658. [ PDF ]
- Comparison of Eye Movements in an Observation Activity of Elementary School Students Depending on Their Emotions toward the Object
of Observation (Eun-Ae Kim, Young-Hyun Park and Il-Ho Yang) pp.5659-5666. [ PDF ]
- Partitioning Strategies and Fraction Scheme of 5th graders (Yeon Joo Lim and Kwangho Lee) pp.5667-5674.
[ PDF ]
- Predictors of Sexual Attitudes by Gender among Undergraduates (Kyu Eun Lee, Nam Sun Kim and Song Hee, Han) pp.5675-5684.
[ PDF ]
- The Makeup Technique According to the Much Deeper Shades of Color and Light of the Joseon Dynasty (Keejung Barng) pp.5685-5690.
[ PDF ]
- The Effective Teaching Methods of Modal Auxiliary Verbs through the Analysis of Middle School English Textbooks
(Hyang-Mi Lee and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.5691-5696. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Activation Measures for Communicative-Centered English Teaching Under the Criterion-referenced Evaluation
(Jong-Soo Han, Yong-Myeong Kim and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.5697-5702. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Activation Measures of Communicative-Centered English Teacher Training Under the Criterion-refe renced Evaluation
(Lae-Ok Jeong, Yong-Myeong Kim and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.5703-5708. [ PDF ]
- Does Capital Structure Change the Value of Real Estate? (Seonghun Min and Sang Su Keum) pp.5709-5714.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Tax Efficiency and Investment Activity (HyunWook Ryu and SangSu Keum) pp.5715-5722.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Optimal Site Selection of Large Scale Public Facility Using the Importance Factor Based on Stakeholders' Regional
Characteristics - focused on Sports Complex Facility (Hyoungseok Oh, Joong Hun Kim, Hayang Kim, Minseok Baik and Jaehoon Hwang)
pp.5723-5730. [ PDF ]
- Competition between China and Russia and Central Asia's Responses (Ji-eon Lee) pp.5731-5738.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Reliability Tasks Improvement of South Korea Defense (Jaehun Park, Joonyoung Kim and Si-Il Sung) pp.5739-5744.
[ PDF ]
- Impact of Motivation for Participation in the Sharing Economy and Perceived Security on Attitude and Loyalty toward Airbnb
(Sujin Yang and Sungsook Ahn) pp.5745-5750. [ PDF ]
- Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and Sendai Framework 2015~2030: Implications for Emergency Management Policy in Korea
(Younhee Kim) pp.5751-5756. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Social Workers' Perceived Role of Board of Directors on Organizational Ethics in Social Welfare Organization
(So-Yun Choi) pp.5757-5762. [ PDF ]
- Development of the Exercise Rehabilitation Algorithm for the Developmental Disorder Child (Eun-Surk Yi, Kyo-Man Koo,
Chun-Jong Kim, Ah-Ra Oh, Chan-Woo Ahn, Gun-Sang Cho and Jung-Min Baek) pp.5763-5774. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Volunteer Activities on a Sense of Community through Mediation of Self-Esteem and Career Identity in Adolescents
(Jihae Kim) pp.5775-5780. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Stress Coping Behavior in the Psychological States of Social Welfare Center Users (Hyeong-Seok Seo and Sung-Je Cho)
pp.5781-5786. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effects of Social Workers' Job Characteristics on Professional Self-Efficacy (So-Yun Choi) pp.5787-5792.
[ PDF ]
- Perception of Social Capital and its Impact on the Welfare Awareness of Social Welfare Service use (Minjoo Kim and Eungu Ji)
pp.5793-5798. [ PDF ]
- Predictive Factors of Secondary Traumatic Stress among Korean Social Workers for Suicide Prevention Programs
(Jung-Bin, Yang and Ja-Young, Kim) pp.5799-5804. [ PDF ]
- Contributing Factors for Compassion Fatigue among South Korean Social Workers in Long-Term Care Hospitals
(Jung-Bin, Yang) pp.5805-5812. [ PDF ]
- Factors Associated with Life Satisfaction among Workers with Disabilities (Young Kwang Lee and Eun Gu Ji) pp.5813-5818.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of Interpersonal Relationship of Volunteers on the Continuity of Volunteer Activity (Hee-jin Kang and Sung-je Cho)
pp.5819-5824. [ PDF ]
- Condition and Limitation of Pupils' Drop-out Meditation System in South Korea (MyungHee Kim) pp.5825-5830.
[ PDF ]
- Protection and Prevention? A Paradox of South Korea's Recent Reform Measures for Female Marriage Migrants and Need for Follow-up
Actions (MyungHee Kim) pp.5831-5838. [ PDF ]
- Resource Allocation Patterns among Baby-boomers: Focused on Economic Support for their Offspring, Caregiving to their Parents,
and Preparation for their own Future Life (Yong-Jun Park and Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.5839-5850.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Re-evaluation of Internet use Time to Indicate High Risk and Potential Risk of Internet Addiction among Korean Adolescents
(Eun Sun So and Young-Ran Chin) pp.5851-5856. [ PDF ]
- Antenatal Depression among Women of Advanced Maternal Age: Self-Esteem and Spousal Support as Predicting Factors
(Sung Hee Lee and Eun Ja Jung) pp.5857-5872. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Learning Flow, Critical Thinking, and Communication Skills in Nursing Students (Mi-Ran, Kim and Su-Jeong, Han)
pp.5873-5878. [ PDF ]
- Childhood Abuse Experience and Perception of Stalking Predict Courtship Stalking Behaviors Among College Students
(Gune Gu and Sung Hee Lee) pp.5879-5890. [ PDF ]
- Parents Child Intimacy, Empathy, Relationship Control and Dating Violence Perpetration Among College Students
(Sung Hee Lee, Gune Gu and Gi Young Youk) pp.5891-5902. [ PDF ]
- Nurses' Care-Tailored Character in Clinical Settings (Jeonghye Park and Minjong Park) pp.5903-5912.
[ PDF ]
- Barriers to and Strategies for Increased Use of Home Care Nursing in South Korea (Young-Ran Chin and Eun Sun So) pp.5913-5918.
[ PDF ]
- Effect of Non-pharmacological Intervention and Pharmacological Intervention Application for the Pain and Anxiety during Arteriovenous
Fistula Needling (Eun Sook Jeong, Hye Young Ahn, Ji Eun Lee and Ju Hyung Kang) pp.5919-5924.
[ PDF ]
- Quality of Lifein Understanding College Female Nursing Students with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Sung Hee Lee and Hoon Jung Jeon)
pp.5925-5936. [ PDF ]
- A Systematic Review of Effectiveness of Exercise Intervention on Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
(Suk Jeoug Lee and Jae Hee Jeon) pp.5937-5948. [ PDF ]
- Comparative Analysis of Influencing Factors on Subjective Happiness among College Students (Hee Jung Jang) pp.5949-5954.
[ PDF ]
- Clinical Judgment and Skill Performance by Metacognition Level in Team-based Nursing Simulation Learning (Hye Kyung Oh) pp.5955-5960.
[ PDF ]
- Relationships between Nurses' Image and the Professionalism of Nurses based on the Gender of Nursing Students
(Inkyung Kim and Jinhyun, Kim) pp.5961-5966. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.1(A), January, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Visualization of Extreme Precipitation by AWS Points and Development of Automatic Contour Diameter Calculation Application
(Jin Woo Choi, Tae Min Kim and Taeg Keun Whangbo) pp.7-14. [ PDF ]
- Discriminant Problems in the Nonlinear Model (Kyubark Shim and Jaegeol Yim) pp.15-22. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Construction the Rough-and-Tumble Play in School Park for Preschoolers and Its Effects of Application (Sung-jae Kim and Ji-ae Hwang)
pp.23-30. [ PDF ]
- Influencing Factors Analysis on the Acceptance of Multicultural Youth (Young-Chun Kim) pp.31-38. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Early Childhood Science Activities on the Scientific Attitude and Problem-Solving Capability of children in accordance
with the Strength Intelligence (Eun-gyung Yun and Sang-hee Park) pp.39-46. [ PDF ]
- Analyzing the Needs of Retirement Support Service: Some Implications for Public Practice (Lee Young-Min, Park Ka-Yeul, Cho Sung-Eun
and Lim Jung-Yeon) pp.47-54. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Teaching Image, Communal Sense, and Class Environment on Academic Procrastination in a University E-Learning Setting
(Jeong-kyoum Kim) pp.55-62. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Study on the Linking Relationship of the Syntactic Structures and Semantics of the Japanese and Korean Auxiliary
Verb Sentence; Through the "-te-simau" Sentence, "-eo-beorida" Sentence, and "-go-malda" Sentence (Youngju Hong and Yongil Park) pp.63-70.
[ PDF ]
- Brain Cortical Thickness and Subcortical Volume Related to Learning Motivation in Convergence and Mathematics Thinking
(Seung-Hyuk Kwon, Young-Ji Lee, Dong-Yong Kim and Yong-Ju Kwon) pp.71-80. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Generation Solidarity and Generation Differentiation on Subjective Generation Perception among Korean Baby-Boomers
(Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.81-90. [ PDF ]
- A Study of the Experiences of Directors providing Care Services at Community Child Centers in Rural Areas of South Korea
(Soongyu Kim, Shinae Park and Hyunchoul Cho) pp.91-98. [ PDF ]
- Self-Regulated Learning and Social Factors Affecting Major Satisfaction of Korean College Students (Hyejin Kim and Okboon, Kim) pp.99-106.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Social Structural Factors of Regional Differences in Fertility Rates (Samsik Lee and Hyojin Choi) pp.107-114.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of Recognition and Reward on the Satisfaction of Volunteer Activities (Hee-jin Kang and Sung-je Cho) pp.115-122.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparative Study on Syllabic Rates of Korean between English Speakers and Korean Speakers (Myungsook Kim and Myungjin Bae) pp.123-130.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Parenting Stress on Parenting Efficacy of Double-Income Parents (Hye-Kyung Jeon, Eun-Mee Jang and Eun-Mee Jang) pp.131-138.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Research Study on the Energy Performance Evaluation of Light-Shelves based on Real Life Conditions during the Winter Solstice
(Gangmin Jeon, Heangwoo Lee and Yongseong Kim) pp.139-146. [ PDF ]
- A Fundamental Study on the Reduction of Power Energy Consumption through the Detachable Air Cap Frame Applied by Double Glazing
? Based on the Winter Season ? (Beomdong Seo, Heangwoo Lee and Yongseong Kim) pp.147-154. [ PDF ]
- A Study Comparing Korean and Japanese Group Homes for the Elderly (Jung In Moon, Ki Choi and Im Jung Choi) pp.155-162.
[ PDF ]
- A Research on Element Technology for Implementing 'Green Remodeling' (Jinsoo Jeong, Ri Ryu and Yongseong Kim) pp.163-170.
[ PDF ]
- Issues and Implications of the Renewal Promotion Plan in Korea: Focusing on the Sinam Renewal Promotion Area (Jaeil Jang) pp.171-178.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Environmental Impact Calculation at a School Building consequent on Cost Analysis of Input Materials in Construction
Statement (Doo-Sung Choi, Hung-Chan Jeon, Kyun-Hyong Cho and Myung-Eun Lee) pp.179-186. [ PDF ]
- Evaluation of Remodeling Period through Life Cycle Analysis of Heat Insulation Performance of Apartment Housing Outer Walls
(Bong-Jae Hong, Doo-Sung Choi and Myung-Eun Lee) pp.187-194. [ PDF ]
- Research on Special Education Schools that Support Employment as a Mediator of Community Education and Social Independence
(Sunwoo Lee and Jinju Jung) pp.195-202. [ PDF ]
- Characteristics of Transition Metal Catalytic Converter for Gasoline Vehicle (S. W. Lee, Jongmin Kim and Doo-Sung Baik) pp.203-210.
[ PDF ]
- Properties Comparison between Non-cement Mortars Using Fly Ash and Fused Waste Slag with Respect to the Addition of Alkali Activator
(Yootaek Kim and Kyongwoo Lee) pp.211-218. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Study on Satisfaction of Clinical Practice of Nursing Students (Minsun Song and Namyoung Yang) pp.219-228.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Types of Perception of Death among Korean Elders by Using Q Methodology (Yeon ja Kim) pp.229-238.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Re-employment Adaptation Experience of Child Care Teachers Experiencing Career Discontinuity by Using Phenomenological
Methodology (Mihye Kim and Yeon ja Kim) pp.239-246. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Perception of Afterlife among Elders by using Phenomenological Methodology (Yeon ja Kim and Kae-Hwa Jo) pp.247-256.
[ PDF ]
- The Difference of Suicide-related Factors in Korean Teenager with Drinking and Smoking in 2015 (Young-Ju Jee and Yun-bok Lee)
pp.257-264. [ PDF ]
- Perception of volunteers's needs for sustainability of Hospice Volunteering: An Application of Q-methodology (DongHo, Kang and HyunJung,
Doo) pp.265-280. [ PDF ]
- The Relationships between Childhood Physical Violence, Attachment Anxiety, and Courtship Stalking Behaviors of College Male Students
(Eun Young Yoo, Seung A Lee and Sung Hee Lee) pp.281-288. [ PDF ]
- Personality Types on long-term Hospice Volunteers (HyunJung, Doo and Mihye, Kim) pp.289-300.
[ PDF ]
- The Mediating Effect of Health Promoting Lifestyle on the Relationship between Night Eating behavior and Subjective Happiness
among Korean College Students (Hee Jung Jang) pp.301-308. [ PDF ]
- Development of Posttraumatic Growth Program for college student of school bullying (Ju-Young Ha and Bo-Yun Sim) pp.309-316.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Social Support on Depression at Workplace (Hye-Young Choi, So-Hee Kim, Ju-Young Ha and Young-Mi Ahn) pp.317-324.
[ PDF ]
- Regret Appraisals, Regret Coping Styles and Subjective Well-Being in Middle-Aged Men (Sung Hee Lee and Su Hyun Jang) pp.325-338.
[ PDF ]
- End-of-life Care for the Elderly with Terminal Stage Chronic Illnesses: a Literature Review (Suyoung Choi and Min Young Kim) pp.339-346.
[ PDF ]
- An Integration Plan for South-North Korean Nursing Education Systems in Accordance with Unification Stage (Jieun Kim and Jinhyun Kim)
pp.347-354. [ PDF ]
- Clinical Factors and Non-Clinical Factors Associated with Delayed Stay in Post-Anesthetic Care Units for Common Types of Surgery
(Je Bog Yoo, Eun-ju Lee, Jin-young Ahn and Hee Jung Jang) pp.355-362. [ PDF ]
- The Buddhist Approach to Spiritual Counseling (Meesook Cheong and Dongho Lim) pp.363-370. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.1(B), January, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- The Profile of Size-Specific Dose Estimate (SSDE) along the Longitudinal Axis in CT Using Tube Current Modulation (TCM)
(Choirul Anam, Freddy Haryanto, Rena Widita, Idam Arif, Geoff Dougherty) pp.377-382. [ PDF ]
- Wolbachia-Infected Mosquitoes Introduction and Improvement of Environment Quality in Controlling Dengue Disease
(Asep K. Supriatna, Nursanti Anggriani, Melanie and Hennie Husniah) pp.383-388. [ PDF ]
- Optimal Vaccination in Tuberculosis Intervention assuming Endogenous Reactivation and Exogenous Reinfection Factors with DOTS Strategy
(Nursanti Anggriani, Asep K. Supriatna, Beverly C Wicaksono) pp.389-396. [ PDF ]
- Difference of General- Graphs and its Corresponding Matrices (H. Rafat and F. Salama) pp.397-404. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Studty on Groupthink for Online Communtiy of Korea and Vietnam (Soo Yeop Kim, Joong Bum Seo, Nguyen Bich Thao Uyen, James Chae,
Gwang Yong Gim) pp.405-410. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Analysis of Korea and Vietnam On Usage Intention of Massive Open Online Course (SungTaek Lee, MyeonJae Lee,
SeokHee Lee, TaeWon Kang, Gwang Yong Gim) pp.411-416. [ PDF ]
- Authorship Attribution of Korean Texts by Using Phrase Patterns (Jongchan LEE, Jae-Woong CHOE and Mingzhe JIN) pp.417-428.
[ PDF ]
- Anglicisms in Present-Day Russian (Based on an Analysis of Content Circulating in the Media and on the Internet)
(Inna Nikolaevna Pakhomova and Olga Vladimirovna Nizkoshapkina) pp.429-436. [ PDF ]
- Towards Understanding Environmental Capabilities in Electronic Commerce: An Evolutionary Perspective (Seungbong Park and Jun-Seok Seo)
pp.437-444. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Impact of Speech Anxiety Thoughts on Self-efficacy and Career Preparation Behavior of College Seniors (Han Mi Hee)
pp.445-452. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Fuzzy Association Rule Frequent Itemset Selection to Predict Ovarian Cancer (Dwina Kuswardani, Aniati Murni Arymurthy) pp.453-458.
[ PDF ]
- A Ontology-based Indoor Path Tracking System using a Portable Beacon (Chi-Gon Hwang, Daesung Lee, and Chang-Pyo Yoon) pp.459-464.
[ PDF ]
- Design of App Storming Complementing Brainstorming with Multimedia (Seung Joo Choi, Kwon Hye Jeong, Joonghyo Bok and Jong-Bae Kim)
pp.465-470. [ PDF ]
- A Smart Decision System Addressing the Severe Accident of a Nuclear Power Plant (Euy-Hyun Suh) pp.471-476.
[ PDF ]
- Object Tracking with Kinect V2 and Remote Monitoring Application (Niyonsaba Eric and Jong-Wook Jang) pp.477-482.
[ PDF ]
- Supporting Join Aggregates in Large-Scale Stream Processing Engines (Hyeon Gyu Kim) pp.483-488.
[ PDF ]
- Task Model and Task-based Tourist Information Service for Safety of Oversea Tour using Users' Generic Activities (Heum Park) pp.489-494.
[ PDF ]
- Seamless Roaming Service among Different Communication Links for e-Navigation (Kwangil Lee) pp.495-500.
[ PDF ]
- Auto Check System for One-sided Wear of Tires (Jea-Hui Cha, Jong-Wook Jang) pp.501-506.
[ PDF ]
- Internet of Things Management Service-based Event-driven Approach for IoT Applications (Lionel Nkenyereye, Jong-Wook Jang) pp.507-512.
[ PDF ]
- A Safety and Security Monitoring System of Shipborne Networks for Smart Ship (Kwangil Lee) pp.513-518.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of Tire Wear Measurement System Using Depth Camera (MinJoon Kim, JongWook Jang) pp.519-524.
[ PDF ]
- Development of a System for Recognition and Correction of Automotive Tire Information with a Kinect Camera (Gyu-Hyun Kim, Jong-Wook Jang)
pp.525-530. [ PDF ]
- Open Security Issues for Smart Home System based on Internet of Things (Jung Tae Kim) pp.531-536.
[ PDF ]
- Design of the Improved System for Recognizing Raised Characters of Tires with the Use of Laser Range Sensor (Hyun-Young Jang,
Jong-Wook Jang) pp.537-542. [ PDF ]
- A Fast Scalable Image Restoration based on Fuzzy Associative Memory Structure (Jong Hee Lee, Doo Heon Song) pp.543-548.
[ PDF ]
- Development and Application of Mobile Coaching Systems of Each Sport Game for Athletic Directors (Se-Min Kim, Chang-Su Ryu and
Kang-Soo You) pp.549-554. [ PDF ]
- Automatic Defect Inspection for Spectacle Lens Products with Fuzzy Stretching (Kwang-Baek Kim and Doo Heon Song) pp.555-560.
[ PDF ]
- A MMPP Modeling for the HARQ Mechanism (Sangjoon Park and Kwanjoong Kim) pp.561-566.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Cloud Computing-based Disaster Recovery System for Securing High Availability of Academic Affairs Information Service
(Ki-Hong Park, Hae-Sook Jang) pp.567-572. [ PDF ]
- Vehicle Identification Using Ratio from Canny Edge Detection (Jae-Gab Choi, Seong-Yoon Shin) pp.573-578.
[ PDF ]
- High Throughput CAVLC Encoder for 1920x1080@30p H.264 Codec (Ki-Bum Suh) pp.579-584. [ PDF ]
- Recycling Drum Check System Using Color Histogram Difference (Kwang Seong Shin, Seong Yoon Shin) pp.585-590.
[ PDF ]
- Musculoskeletal Disorders: Horizontal Abduction and Horizontal Adduction of the Shoulder (Seong-Yoon Shin, Oh-Shin Kwon) pp.591-596.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of the Comparison between Exercise and Food Interventions on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors Utilizing Big Data
(Ok-Kyeong Yu, Chan-Yong Jin and Soo-Tai Nam) pp.597-602. [ PDF ]
- A Meta-Analysis of the Success Factors Based the Information Systems Success Model Utilizing Big Data (Xiao-Wen LIU, Chan-Yong Jin
and Soo-Tai Nam) pp.603-608. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of Real-Time Transportation Management System Based on Smartphone (Doo-Jin Park, Yong-Seok Choi) pp.609-614.
[ PDF ]
- Consciousnes-based Emotion and Behavior of Pet Robot with Brain-Inspired Method (Sakmongkon Chumkamon and Eiji Hayashi) pp.615-630.
[ PDF ]
- Prefetching Mechanism of Image Content Based on Users of Interest in Social Networking Services (Mingyu Lim) pp.631-642.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Analysis of Nurse Call Data Based on the Medical Care Process (Osamu Takaki, Tsuyoshi Kato, Atsuko Sugimoto, Kota Torikai, Hiroki Endo
and Yuichiro Saito) pp.643-658. [ PDF ]
- Managing the Optimization of Dosage the Medical Oxygen during the Oxygen Therapy (Anna Antonyova, Peter Antony and Benfano Soewito)
pp.659-664. [ PDF ]
- A Fully-automated Retinal Blood Vessels Detection using Filling Algorithm (N.Badariah A. Mustafa, W.Mimi Diyana W.Zaki, Aini Hussain
and Jemaima Che Hamzah) pp.665-674. [ PDF ]
- Decision Support System Prototype in Electrocardiography for Primary Care Doctors (Boy Subirosa Sabarguna, Sarah Rosanisa Sabarguna,
Sugeng Utomo, Sastra Kusuma Wijaya and Atiek Maryati) pp.675-680. [ PDF ]
- Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Related to Shift Work among Korean Workers Aged from 30 to 49 Years (Su Jung Choi, Yeon Sook Kim,
Eunok Park) pp.681-692. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.2(A), February, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Factors on Successful Adoption of Smart Work: A Case Study through Time Geography and Communication Cube Perspectives
(Yong-Young Kim, Sangjo Oh, Han-Mo Oh and Jae-Eun Lee) pp.699-712. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Green Ship Technology for Sustainable Growth (Youngtae Park) pp.713-718. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Usage Behavior of Pre-installed Mobile Applications (Seongmook Kim and Hyunhee Cha) pp.719-726.
[ PDF ]
- A Design and Implementation of Location-based Multilingual Chat System (Hee-Wan Kim and Yong Gyu Jung) pp.727-732.
[ PDF ]
- Approach to Improve the Structure and the Function of the Security-Enhanced Data Hiding USB
(Joon Taik Lee, Dong Kun Chung, Young Man Kwon and Myung Jae Lim) pp.733-738. [ PDF ]
- Influence of Servant Leader's Commitment to the Growth of People and Growth Need Strength on Need Satisfaction in IT Industry
(Sangwoo, Hahm) pp.739-748. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Appropriateness of Applied Music Education in Designated Vocational Training Facilities
(Won Kyoung Moon and Seungyon-Seny Lee) pp.749-758. [ PDF ]
- Expansion of Stage Presentation Utilizing the Projection Mapping (Haehyun Jung, Dongjo Kim and Hyunggi Kim) pp.759-764.
[ PDF ]
- On a Tracking Resonance Sounds of the Sinkhole on Traffic Road (Ik-Soo Ahn, Myung-Sook Kim, Myung-Jin Bae) pp.765-770.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effect of Entrepreneurship Orientation and Market Orientation on Innovation Performance: Mediation of
Innovation Capabilities (Min Je Park, Jong Woo Park and Sangmin Lee) pp.771-778. [ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Perceiving a Calling and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Effects of Living a Calling and Flow
(Soyeon Kim) pp.779-788. [ PDF ]
- Why Organizations Should Develop Its Creative Ability? Validation of Creative Thinking Process for Trading Firms
(Chanuk Park, Sin-Bok Lee and Ki-Hoon An) pp.789-818. [ PDF ]
- Determinants of Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Performance: Leadership and Employee Inclination (Won Jun Kwak) pp.819-826.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Impact of Contention based LAA on Wi-Fi Network (Rojeena Bajracharya, Rakesh Shrestha and Sung Won Kim) pp.827-836.
[ PDF ]
- Recent trends and Cost Effective Solution for Optical Fiber Daylighting Technology (Ngoc Hai Vu and Seoyong Shin) pp.837-848.
[ PDF ]
- A Summarization Technique for Semistructured Databases (Guang-Ho Cha) pp.849-858. [ PDF ]
- Feature verification for Korean Semantic Role Labeling (Tae-Ho Park and Jeong-Won Cha) pp.859-866.
[ PDF ]
- An Improved TMS Architecture for Ships and Offshore Plants (Jungwoo Kim, Jooyoung Son and Kyoungkuk Yoon) pp.867-876.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Bayesian Inference for Personal Identification Verification (Myung Jae Lim, Young Man Kwon and Dong kun Chung)
pp.877-882. [ PDF ]
- An Efficient Reversible Data Hiding Scheme using the Characteristics of Image (Soo-Mok Jung) pp.883-890.
[ PDF ]
- The Extraction Algorithm of Text Regions By Using Hit-or-Miss Transformation (Young-Man Kwon, Dong-Keun Chung and
Myung-Jae Lim) pp.891-896. [ PDF ]
- Human Identification based on EMG Signal Pattern according to Gait Habits using HMM (Sang Ho Kim and Deok-Hwan Kim) pp.897-902.
[ PDF ]
- Human-Robots Operability Assessment Framework (HROAF) for the Holistically Analytic Approach to the Robotic System Design
(Sang Yeong Choi and Woo Sung Park) pp.903-910. [ PDF ]
- On a Study of Correlation between Eating Sound and Taste of Sweet and Sour Pork (Ji Hye Bae, Ik-Soo Ahn and Myung-Jin Bae)
pp.911-916. [ PDF ]
- On a Foley Sound Content of the Bird's Song (Ik-Soo Ahn and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.917-922.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Variations of Speech Signal Parameters when Chinese speakers speak Korean (Kwang-Bock You and Myung-Jin Bae)
pp.923-928. [ PDF ]
- Acoustic Characteristics of Han-ok Focusing on Low Frequency (Won-Hee Lee, Myung-Sook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.929-934.
[ PDF ]
- Extending Use Case Point (e-UCP) mechanism for Cost Estimation and Priority for the Renewable Energy Monitoring System
(Bo Kyung Park, Woo Sung Jang and R. Young Chul Kim) pp.935-944. [ PDF ]
- Validating Requirement Satisfaction through Software Tracking Matrix Model (Bo Kyung Park and R. Young Chul Kim) pp.945-952.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of a Smart Traffic Light System with an IOT-based Connective Mechanism (Hyeon Jun Lee, R. Young Chul Kim and
Hyun Seung Son) pp.953-962. [ PDF ]
- xCodeParser based on Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel (ASTM) for SW Visualization (Hyun Seung Son and R. Young Chul Kim)
pp.963-968. [ PDF ]
- Characteristics of Dehumidifier using Psychoacoustics Parameters in Sound Signal Processing (Seong-Geon Bae and Myung-Jin Bae)
pp.969-976. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Definition of Unknown Explosion Sound using a Signal Processing (Seong-Geon Bae, Myung-Jin Bae and Geum-Ran Baek)
pp.977-984. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Implementation of a Natural Light Chromaticity Coordinates-based Healthy Lighting System (Yang-Soo Kim, Sook-Youn Kwon and
Jae-Hyun Lim) pp.985-992. [ PDF ]
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation System for Treating Tinnitus based the Stimulation Intensity Control According to the Tinnitus
Frequency Amplitude (Jaeung Lee and Hojun Yeom) pp.993-998. [ PDF ]
- Myoelectric Controlled Electrical Stimulation in Sleep Bruxism Treatment with Adaptive Artifact Canceller (Hojun Yeom)
pp.999-1004. [ PDF ]
- Secure and Anonymous Health Data Transmission Protocol for Remote Healthcare Monitoring (Youngho Park, Chul Sur and Kyung-Hyune Rhee)
pp.1005-1014. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Real-time Toxic Chemical Management System based IoT (Min Soo Kang, Young Gyu Jung, Ji Young Mun and Chun Hwa Ihm)
pp.1015-1022. [ PDF ]
- Visualization Device of Living Organism through Soft x-ray (Ji Young Mun, Kyung Eun Lee, Won Ja Lee, Hwa Shik Youn, Min Soo Kang and
Sung Sik Han) pp.1023-1030. [ PDF ]
- Evaluation of Dynamic-motion in Body Index Techniques: Body Mass Index and Physical Sensory Index (Jeong-lae Kim and Kyu-Ok Shin)
pp.1031-1036. [ PDF ]
- Examination of Static-motion at the Central Body Techniques: Central Body Function and Sensory Nerve Unit Function
(Jeong-lae Kim and Hea-Kyung Choi) pp.1037-1042. [ PDF ]
- Coding Clinic System using WIKI and Unified Communication in Healthcare (Young-Jin Choi, Jong-Hei Ra, Yong-Gyu Jung and Yookyung Boo)
pp.1043-1050. [ PDF ]
- The Design Method to Improve the Scalability of Cloud Data Center using Container (Young-Jin Choi, Jong-Hei Ra, Gyu-Young Moon and
Yong-Gyu Jung) pp.1051-1058. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.2(B), February, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Dependence of Asymptotic Solutions of 2-D Fitz-Hugh Nagumo Model on Random Noises (Itaru Hataue) pp.1065-1074.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on the Hybrid Matching Recommendation System - Focusing on Matching Variables and Matching Recommendation Filtering Technique -
(Mi-Sun Hong, Kyung-Cheol Lee and Jung-Hwan Park) pp.1075-1082. [ PDF ]
- Embedded Metadata in Digital Audio For Copyright Management (Hyunboo Kim) pp.1083-1090. [ PDF ]
- Computer Music System Research - Proposal for an Effective Vocal Tune utilizing Vari Audio - (Tae-Seon Cho) pp.1091-1098.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Utilization of Internet Service through Sharing the Certified Attribute Information (Tae Kyung Kim) pp.1099-1106.
[ PDF ]
- Learning Environment based blended Learning designs for effective PBL Activities (Keunsoo Lee) pp.1107-1114.
[ PDF ]
- Crosstabs Analysis of ICT lecture for Welfare-Technology Course Recommendation (Youngseok Lee and Jungwon Cho) pp.1115-1122.
[ PDF ]
- The Storytelling of Making TV Sub-title (Hyun Hahm) pp.1123-1130. [ PDF ]
- Design of Hierarchical Decision Structure for Age-group Classification Based on TV-Watching History of Family Member (Seungdo Jeong and
Gwanggil Jeon) pp.1131-1138. [ PDF ]
- Goals for Death Education based on the Analysis of Social Workers' Attitudes toward Death (Arma Park, Kwang-Hwan Kim) pp.1139-1146.
[ PDF ]
- The Development of Financial Engineering Expert STEAM Program based on Creative Mechanical Engineering Design (Namje Park) pp.1147-1154.
[ PDF ]
- Speaker Systems and their Functions for Critical Listening (Yoemun Yun) pp.1155-1162. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Design and Implementation of Data Processing Models Based on Big Data Storage Methods to Reduce Operational of Existing DBMS
(Hyun Joo Kim and Min Sun Kim) pp.1163-1170. [ PDF ]
- Considering a Hierarchical Routing Architecture and Algorithm for Internet of Vehicles (Si-Ho Cha) pp.1171-1178.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Environmental Change about Lombok Island according to REDD+ Project Utilizing Time Series Landsat Satellite Images
(Myoung-Kwan Oh and Jong-Sin Lee) pp.1179-1186. [ PDF ]
- An Adaptive Filter for Image Upsampling (Chuho Yi and Gwanggil Jeon) pp.1187-1194. [ PDF ]
- Effective Postprocessing of Compressed Images using Weighted Least-Squares Method (Jongho Kim and Chuho Yi) pp.1195-1204.
[ PDF ]
- A Weight Estimating for Relearning in Neural Network via Singular Value Decomposition (Jung-Jae Kim, Min-woo Ryu, Si-Ho Cha and
Kuk-Hyun Cho) pp.1205-1212. [ PDF ]
- Gaze Direction Recognition Based on Isophote Curvature for Monitoring of Driver Attention (Seungdo Jeong and Jongho Kim) pp.1213-1220.
[ PDF ]
- Contrast Enhancement Scheme using Histogram Stretching and Equalization on Singular Value Domain (Donghyung Kim) pp.1221-1228.
[ PDF ]
- Full Channel Color Restoration Approach Using Directional Interpolation (Seung-jong Kim) pp.1229-1236.
[ PDF ]
- Low Resolution Obscene Video Detection Method using Repetitive Motion Extraction (Daedong Hwang and Keunsoo Lee) pp.1237-1244.
[ PDF ]
- Hough Transform-based Robust Shot Change Detection in Digital Video Images (Seok-Woo Jang and Siwoo Byun) pp.1245-1252.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparative Performance Evaluation for NHPP Software Reliability Model Considering the Shape Parameter Property of Life Distribution
(Hee-cheul Kim) pp.1253-1260. [ PDF ]
- A Commonality & Variability Analysis Method for Software R&D Process Tailoring (SeungYong Choi, JeongAh Kim and SunTae Kim) pp.1261-1268.
[ PDF ]
- Semantic Data Representation Based on Risk Index for Monitoring Underground Facility (Muhammad Sohail Khan, Ho-Yong Kang,
Jae-Heum Lee, Dong-Hwan Park and DoHyeun Kim) pp.1269-1276. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Real-time Analysis of Abnormal Pattern using the Sensor Data in IoT Environments (Jin-Hee Ku) pp.1277-1284.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Smart Grid/Plug Technology Trends (Sun-Yeob Kim) pp.1285-1292. [ PDF ]
- A Secure EPC System Based on Encryption Key using Matrix Puzzle (In-hwa Choi, Kyung-Sang Sung and Gi-Sung Lee) pp.1293-1300.
[ PDF ]
- Key Distribution and Recovery mechanism for Internet of Things (Yunjung Lee and DoHyeun Kim) pp.1301-1308.
[ PDF ]
- Information Exchange between VTSCs for Secure Next-generation Vessel Traffic System (Namje Park) pp.1309-1316.
[ PDF ]
- Reliability Prediction for Rocket Motor Systems (Hanggeun Shim, Myoungjin Choi and Jaekyung Yang) pp.1317-1324.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Mutual Interference Between Grounding Resistance and Ground Electrode of Mesh Ground Electrode and Shielding System Using Panel
(Young-Choon Kim and Moon-Taek Cho) pp.1325-1332. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Surface Discharge Characteristic and Boundary Surface Destruction Mechanism caused by Surface Medium Around Silicon
(Young-Choon Kim, Chung-Sik Lee and Moon-Taek Cho) pp.1333-1340. [ PDF ]
- Frequency Characteristics for Solenoid Planar Inductor (Jae-wook Kim) pp.1341-1348. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Mounting Level Test Method of Semiconductor for Smart Devices (Hyoung-Keun Park) pp.1349-1356.
[ PDF ]
- Attrition characteristics of CO2 sorbents for fluidized bed systems (Abidov Aziz, Rajangam Vinodh, Mei Mei Peng, Muthiahpillai Palanichamy,
Wang Seog Cha, Hyun Tae Jang) pp.1357-1364. [ PDF ]
- Influences of Pd Nanoparticles Enriched PANI Matrix for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Applications (Rajanagm Vinodh, Aziz Abidov, Mei Mei Peng,
Rramaswamy Ravikumar, Muthiahpillai Palanichamy, Mani Ganesh, Wang Seog Cha and Hyun Tae Jang) pp.1365-1372.
[ PDF ]
- Cobalt supported Metal Organic Framework: Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Application (Mei Mei Peng, Aziz Abidov, Mani Ganesh,
Rajangam Vinodh, Rramaswamy Ravikumar, Muthiahpillai Palanichamy, Hyun Tae Jang) pp.1373-1380.
[ PDF ]
- Preparation and Characterization of Curcumin Loaded Polycaprolactone-Poly Ethylene Glycol Electrospun Nanofibres
(Rramaswamy Ravikumar, Aziz Abidov, Mani Ganesh, Mei Mei Peng, Rajangam Vinodh, Muthiapillai Palanichamy, Eun Young Choi and Hyun Tae Jang)
pp.1381-1388. [ PDF ]
- Pre-annealing Effect of Graphene Growth on Cu Films by Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition (Ki-Chul Kim) pp.1389-1396.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Study about Perspectives, Preparation and Attitudes of Well-dying (Moon-Gee Choi, Yong-Ha Kim, Chong Hyung Lee, Sang-Yoon Ahn,
Moo-Sik Lee, Moon-Sook Shim, Moon-Joon Kim, Hyeon-Dong Song, Hye-Jeong Hwang, Yu-Rim Song, Min-Ji Kim, Kwang-Hwan Kim) pp.1397-1404.
[ PDF ]
- Relationship between Variables Regarding Discussions on Expanding Multicultural Acceptability (Young-Mee Lee) pp.1405-1412.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of a Web-Based Education Program on Job Knowledge, Problem Solving Competence, Performance Ability and Self-efficacy
(YoungSoon Choi) pp.1413-1420. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.3(A), March, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Perception of Peace Education for Young Childrens' Parents (Hyo-Sook Yi, Mi-Na Lee and Jun-Soo Cho) pp.1427-1436.
[ PDF ]
- Characterizing the Path of Catch-up between Aggregated Income Groups in the World (Hyun-Jae Rhee) pp.1437-1446.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Determinants Guarantee Performance Impact Factors : Evidence from Public Finance Service(CGFs)
(Huifeng Pan, Hee-young Son and Man-Su Kang) pp.1447-1454. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Efficiency Analysis of Credit Guarantee Policy for SMEs: With a business of Regional Credit Guarantee Foundation as the center
(Huifeng Pan, Jin-sung Bae and Man-su Kang) pp.1455-1462. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Legal Cases against High Schools and Middle Schools Concerning Sports-related Concussions (Kyongmin Lee and Woojeong Cho)
pp.1463-1470. [ PDF ]
- A Study of the Market Reaction Following the Change of the Real Estate Transfer Tax Policy - Focus on the Korean Real Estate Market -
(Seong-hoon Jeong and In-ho Choi) pp.1471-1478. [ PDF ]
- The Relationships among Sustainability, City Marketing Assets and City Marketing Effectiveness in a Marine Sport Event
(Woojeong Cho and Kyongmin Lee) pp.1479-1486. [ PDF ]
- Influence of Kindergarten Teacher's Literacy Education Capability on Toddler's Playfulness (Mi-Hui Bak and Hyeong-Seok Seo) pp.1487-1494.
[ PDF ]
- Realities and Implications of Public Education Support Policies for Multicultural Youth in South Korea: Focusing on Multicultural Preliminary
School and Multicultural Special Classes (MyungHee Kim) pp.1495-1502. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Attractiveness of Physical Education Teachers on Students' Intrinsic Motivation and Fun Experienced During Physical Education
Classes (Jung-In Yoo, Min-Jun Kim and Joo-Hyug Jung) pp.1503-1510. [ PDF ]
- Effect of Humanity Education Program on University Students' Self-esteem, Self-efficacy and Subjective well-being (Kwang-soon Kang)
pp.1511-1518. [ PDF ]
- A Systematically Distinctive Analysis of English Present Perfect and Korean Past Suffix in terms of Klein's Topic Time
(Ji-Hye Lee and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.1519-1526. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Critical Thinking Disposition and Communication Competence on Learning Attitudes in Nursing Students - Focusing on a College of
Nursing - (Hye-Won Kim and Mi-Ran Kim) pp.1527-1534. [ PDF ]
- Efficient Method to Discover and Update the Korean Unnown Foreign Word (Irfan Ajmal Khan, Ji Hoon Seo and Jin Tak Choi) pp.1535-1544.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing the Pro-environmental Behavior of Women's College Students in Korea (Mi-Ran Kim and Su-Jeong Han) pp.1545-1552.
[ PDF ]
- The Impact of Poverty on Health-related Quality of Life among Elderly Women: Based on Moderating Effect of Local Elderly Welfare Facilities
(Eunsil Yi and Yeong Hun Yeo) pp.1553-1562. [ PDF ]
- A Comparison of Operational Stability between Business and Other Types of Hotels (Seonghun Min) pp.1563-1570.
[ PDF ]
- Predictors of the Problem Behaviors among High School Girls (Young-Ju Jee and Kyoung-Nam Kim) pp.1571-1580.
[ PDF ]
- Duration and Pitch of English Front Tense and Lax Vowels Produced by Korean Speakers (Ji-Eun Kim) pp.1581-1588.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Funds in Korea? (HyunWook Ryu and SangSu Keum) pp.1589-1598.
[ PDF ]
- The Debate on the Human-Mind and the Tao-Mind" and its Neuro-Ethical Implications (Seok-yong Chae) pp.1599-1604.
[ PDF ]
- Ethnography on the Participation of Retirees in Music Activities (Jeongsoo Kim and Euna Park) pp.1605-1612.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of an Empowerment Program for Children in Poverty (Nayoung Choi) pp.1613-1620. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Family and Personal Factors on Depression among Korean College Students: Structural Equation Model Analysis (Jung-Ah Choi)
pp.1621-1628. [ PDF ]
- Impact Offeeling of Happiness of Parents with Infants and Toddlers on Satisfaction with Life [with Focus on Ulsan Metropolitan City]
(En-Young Lee) pp.1629-1640. [ PDF ]
- The Intermediation Effect of the Family Network on the User's Satisfaction of the Community Elder Care Services (Jin-Soo Kim) pp.1641-1648.
[ PDF ]
- Important Roles of Agriculture in 21C and Key Factors in Educating Therapeutic Agriculture Experts (Heaseon Kim and Hyeim Ahn) pp.1649-1658.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Influence of Numerology Education Program on the Difference between Psychological Wellbeing and Self-esteem of its Participants
(Won-Hee Kim and Sung-Je Cho) pp.1659-1666. [ PDF ]
- The Mediating Effect of Differentiation of Self between the Family of Origin Experiences and Their Marital Satisfaction among Korean Married
Women (Junho Lim and Sangmoo Lee) pp.1667-1674. [ PDF ]
- The Mediating Effects of Health on the Relationship between Discrimination Experience and Life Satisfaction in people with Disablities
(Miok Kim and Eunsil Yi) pp.1675-1682. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Fast Training of Convolutional Neural Networks and Its Application to Image Classification (Keonhee Lee and Dong-Chul Park) pp.1683-1692.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Securing of Visibility and Performance Evaluation of Windows based on Attachment Location of Insulation Air Cap in Winter Season
(Ji-un Her, Hangwoo Lee and Yongseong Kim) pp.1693-1700. [ PDF ]
- Photoelastic Stress Analysis of Tensile Plate with Blind Hole by Use of Reflective Polariscope (Tae Hyun Baek and Jie Cheng) pp.1701-1708.
[ PDF ]
- Simultaneous Load Analysis of the Hotel buildings located in Korea (Ji-Hye Ryu, Ji-Ae Lee and Won-Hwa Hong) pp.1709-1716.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Characteristics and Residents' Recognition of ERV System in Apartment Houses through IPA Analysis (Sung-Kyung Kim, Won-Hwa Hong
and Ji-Hye Ryu) pp.1717-1724. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Urban Transitional Pattern at Building Use Derived from Institutional Intervention (Woo-Hyoung Lee) pp.1725-1732.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Plan Composition of Urban-Life Housing Share House for Single-person Households (Dasom Kim, Ri Ryu and Yongseong Kim) pp.1733-1740.
[ PDF ]
- Development of Asset Management Framework for Urban Bridges Considering LOS and RISK (Dongjin Kim and Minjae Lee) pp.1741-1750.
[ PDF ]
- Spacial Distinction of Lower Level Floor's Layout of Middle Schools Located in Sejong City, Korea According to the Free Learning Semester
Program (Dong-hoon Chang and Jin-ju Jung) pp.1751-1758. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Phenomenological Study on Experience of People Who have Disabled Sibling (Hye-Gyung An, So-Hee Kim and Ju-Young Ha) pp.1759-1768.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of the Hypertension Management Program based on Self-efficacy for the Elderly in South Korea (Youngran Han and Younghee Park)
pp.1769-1776. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Musculoarticular Strengthening Exercise on K-WOMAC, Fear of Falling and HRQOL in Elderly with the Knee Osteoarthritis
(YoungHee, Kim) pp.1777-1784. [ PDF ]
- The Research on Concept Development: Prejudice (Young Soon Kwon and Eun Kwang Yoo) pp.1785-1794.
[ PDF ]
- Nutritional Status and Women's Health in University Students (Su-Jeong Han and Hye-Won Kim) pp.1795-1804.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.3(B), March, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Korean Traditional Dance as Art and Intangible Cultural Heritage: Focus on Taepyongmu (Hee-Jeong Hwang) pp.1811-1828.
[ PDF ]
- The Impact of Negative Waiting Experience of Korean Plastic Surgery Tourism on the Negative Emotional Response and Exit Intention :
A study on Chinese Medical Tourists Visiting Korea (Sung-ho In, Eun-ju Seok and Jung-hoon Kim) pp.1829-1840.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Late-developer Country's Decision on Optimal Entry Timing in Emerging Industry under Global Value Chain: Using A-U Model of
Technological Development (Yeonggil Kim and Jeong Soo Park) pp.1841-1850. [ PDF ]
- Blockholder and Firm Performance: Evidence form Korea (Heon-Yong Jung, Kyung-Shick Cho, Gu-Hyung Chung and Bu-Yeon Cho) pp.1851-1858.
[ PDF ]
- Korean TESOL Graduate Students' Attitudes Toward Korean English (Jae Hyung Shim and Hohsung Choe) pp.1859-1872.
[ PDF ]
- Development and Application Impacts of Resilience Improvement Program (Kyung-Hee Chung and Soon-Gil Park) pp.1873-1876.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Recognition of the Need for Learning Korean among Cambodian Workers: Focused on Mixed Methods Research Methodology
(Su-Jeong Han and Kyung-Hoon Han) pp.1877-1892. [ PDF ]
- Study on Adaptation To University Life of Freshmen (Jang Hyun-Jung and Lee Yun Jeong) pp.1893-1900.
[ PDF ]
- The Structural Relationship of Influencing Factors on Self-Directed Learning Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers (Young Ju, Hur)
pp1901-1908. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of Multicultural Sensitivity in Pre-service Teachers on Multicultural Teaching Efficacy and Multicultural Education Competence
(Young Ju, Hur) pp.1909-1916. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Causes and Learning Support of Underachievement for Students on Academic Probation in College (Suk Yeol, Lee) pp.1917-1926.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of College Professors' Perceptions of Core Research Competences and Differences Based on Professors' Individual Characteristics
(Soo-kyung Kim, Ho-Seub Lee and Sook-Jung Lee) pp.1927-1940. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of the Impact of Extracurricular Activities on the Academic Achievement of High School Students (Suk-Yeol Lee and Ho-Seub Lee)
pp.1941-1956. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Quality Evaluation of the University Information Disclosure Website - A Focus on the Development and Application of
Website Quality Evaluation Tools- (Young-Hawk Lee and Ho-Seub Lee) pp.1957-1970. [ PDF ]
- Influence of Self-learning Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Major Satisfaction on the Psychosocial Quality of Life in Korean University
Students (Byung duck An and Kyung Duk Cho) pp.1971-1984. [ PDF ]
- Competencies of Early Childhood Teacher Perceived by the Principals of Kindergartens and the Adjunct Principals of Affiliated
Kindergartens (Minjung Kang, Kungchul Kim and Bookyung, Cho) pp.1985-1996. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of Festival Quality on Festival Image: An analysis of differences by demographic characteristic (Yong-soo Cheon) pp.1997-2006.
[ PDF ]
- A Qualitative Case Study on the Meaning and Directivity of Lifelong Education for Those with Disabilities (Jeong-Suk Kwon and Yeo-joo Jung)
pp.2007-2016. [ PDF ]
- A Post-methods Classroom Finding: A Pedagogical Gaming Approach in CALL (B.T. Stoakley and Jeong-ryeol Kim) pp.2017-2030.
[ PDF ]
- First Clinical Experience on Male Nursing Students (MuyeongSeak Yang) pp.2031-2038. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Nurses for the Major Senior Students in Lifes Experience College (Gum Jung Kim and MuyeongSeak Yang) pp.2039-2046.
[ PDF ]
- Implications of Changes to Alternative Provision Including Pupil Referral Units in the UK (MyungHee Kim) pp.2047-2054.
[ PDF ]
- "The Debate on the Human-Mind and the Tao-Mind" and its Neuro-Ethical Implications (Seok-yong Chae) pp.2055-2060.
[ PDF ]
- The Development of English Personal Reference in the Korean ESL Learner Corpus (Eun-Joo Lee) pp.2061-2072.
[ PDF ]
- A Father's Child Rearing Experiences During Paternity Leave (Gayeon Ko and Joohyun Kim) pp.2073-2082.
[ PDF ]
- Blended Learning in Nursing Education: Learning Motivation, Student Engagement, and the Interaction between Learner and Instructor
(Myung-Suk Koh and Hyun-Sook Zin Lee) pp.2083-2090. [ PDF ]
- Effectiveness of a Video debriefing-Based Suction Training on Self Self-efficacy, Learning Satisfaction and Clinical Performance of
Nursing Students (So-eun Choi and Hyun-ju Kim) pp.2091-2104. [ PDF ]
- Male Students' Experience of Choosing to Major in Nursing (Eun Hee Choi, In Sun Jang, Mi-Suk Ko and Jae Hee Jeon) pp.2105-2116.
[ PDF ]
- Parent-Child Intimacy and Relationship Control as Predictors of Courtship-Stalking Behaviors in University students (Mi Mi Hwang and
Sung Hee Lee) pp.2117-2124. [ PDF ]
- Factors Associated with the Career Decisions Among the University Students Majoring in Social Welfare in Korea (Byungduck An and Won
Woo Shin) pp.2125-2138. [ PDF ]
- A Qualitative Case Study of the Support Experiences of Residential Service Staffs for the Independent Living of People with Developmental
Disabilities (Miok Kim and Min Ah Jung) pp.2139-2148. [ PDF ]
- A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of the Relationships between Activities of Daily Living, Depression, and Successful Aging among
the Korean Elderly with Disabilities (Jung-Min, Choi and Jung-Bin, Yang) pp.2149-2156. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Study on the Architectural Design Applying the Concept of the Cityscape in Terms of the City Identity of New York City (Donghyeog Choi)
pp.2157-2166. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Heating Supply Temperature According to the Transport Distance in District Heating System (Ji-Ae Lee, Ji-Hye Ryu and
Won-Hwa Hong) pp.2167-2174. [ PDF ]
- Design of Interaction Space Model for Smart Interaction Environment (Chang Ok Yun and Tae Soo Yun) pp.2175-2188.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Predictive Study on factors affecting Subjective Sleep Satisfaction in Korean Adolescents: Based on 2013 Adolescent Health Behavior
Survey Statistics Online (Young-Sun Kim and Hye-Gyung An) pp.2189-2202. [ PDF ]
- An Investigation of the Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem in the Relationship between Partner Support and Anxiety Among Women of Advanced
Maternal Age (Soon Yeon Cho, Yeong Ran Yu and Sung Hee Lee) pp.2203-2210. [ PDF ]
- The Influence of Job Stress and Self-Efficacy of Small and Mid-Sized Hospital Nurses on Their Job Satisfaction (Yu-Kyeong Kong,
Sung-Ju Park and Jeong-Suk Kim) pp.2211-2218. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Customer Orientation in Small and Medium-sized Hospital Nurses (Soo-yeon Cho and Kyung-hee Chung) pp.2219-2230.
[ PDF ]
- Experience in Establishing the Relationship Between New Nurses and Senior Nurses (Sung Ja Yoon and Joo Hyun Kim) pp.2231-2238.
[ PDF ]
- The Factors Affecting the Quality of Life for Korean Elders Placed under Long-Term Care Facilities in South Korea and the United States
(Hyun-Ju Lee and Jung-Hee Song) pp.2239-2248. [ PDF ]
- Cultural Experiences of Korean Nurses Caring for Foreign Patients (Jae Hee Jeon) pp.2249-2258. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.4(A), April, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Multi-purpose Control Laws in Motion Control Systems (Mikhail N. Smirnov, Maria A. Smirnova, Tatyana E. Smirnova and Nikolay V. Smirnov)
pp.2265-2272. [ PDF ]
- Preservation Theorems Concerning Compactness in Generalized Topological Spaces (Samer Al Ghour and Abeer Al-Nimer) pp.2273-2280.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Branding Halal and Future Prospects for the Medical Tourism Industry in Malaysia (Dr. Abdullah Sarwar and Prof. Dr. Murali Raman)
pp.2281-2288. [ PDF ]
- About Research of Features of Legal Culture on the Basis of Historical-Literary Heritage (Elnur L. Hasanov) pp.2289-2296.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of the International Division of Labor on Manufacturing Industries' Upgrading of China based on Export Vertical
Specialization (Bin Zhang, Keonhyeong Lee and Wence Yu) pp.2297-2312. [ PDF ]
- Application of the Marketing Strategies Experience of Multinational Corporations to Modernize the Russian Industry
(Ekaterina A. Degtereva, Veronika Y. Chernova and Boris A. Heyfets) pp.2313-2324. [ PDF ]
- Artifacts as a Source of Russian and Kazakh Zoological Terms (Zifa Temirgazina, Uldanai Bakhtikireeva and Vladimir Sinyachkin)
pp.2325-2336. [ PDF ]
- Structural Relationships between Elementary School Teachers' Intercultural Sensitivity, Multicultural Acceptability, Learning
Cultures, and Multicultural Teaching Competency (Jong-Hun Kang and JuSung Jun) pp.2337-2344. [ PDF ]
- Moral Hazard Testing (Risk Transfer Behavior) in the Deposit Insurance System Based on Fair Premium for Determining Coverage Limit
(Firman Pribadi, Eduardus Tandelilin, Mamduh M Hanafi and Suad Husnan) pp.2345-2360. [ PDF ]
- The Problems of National and International Legal Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights (Irina Mirskikh and Zhanna Mingaleva)
pp.2361-2372. [ PDF ]
- Modern Trends of Vertical Integration: Opportunities and Problems (Irina Komarova, Ekaterina Novikova and Elena Ustyuzhanina)
pp.2373-2382. [ PDF ]
- An Analysis of Verbal Interaction in Elementary School Class using the Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories (Hyunwook Kim and
Sekeun Ahn) pp.2383-2390. [ PDF ]
- Safe Reagent Management System for Volatile Organic Compound Management (Changsu Kim, Hyungwook Choi and Hoekyung Jung) pp.2391-2396.
[ PDF ]
- Performance Accountability in the Public Sector: Applying a Social Mechanisms Approach (Sunjoo Kwak) pp.2397-2404.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Air Cargo Decision Support System (Jakkawan Patomtummakan and Narameth Nananukul) pp.2405-2416. [ PDF ]
- A Judgment of Intoxication using Pitch Contour Compare Signal(PCCS) (Seong-Geon Bae, Won-Hee Lee and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.2417-2424.
[ PDF ]
- A Software Framework for the Rapid and Accurate Development of UAV (Jung Kyu Park and Jaeho Kim) pp.2425-2434.
[ PDF ]
- Extracting Job Hunting-related Information From Web Documents Using Machine Learning and Characteristic Word Extraction
(Masaki Murata and Shinnosuke Sawa) pp.2435-2444. [ PDF ]
- A Dissociation of Vision and Action for Selecting Grasp Positions in Different Task Demands (Takahiro Komatsu and Masazumi Katayama)
pp.2445-2454. [ PDF ]
- Time Amplifier Based on Metastability-Dependent Time to-Voltage Converter (Ziyad Ahmed Al Tarawneh) pp.2455-2468.
[ PDF ]
- Step Rate Measuring System using a Communication Module on a Smart Shoe (Si-Woong Jang, Dong-Hoon, Jung and Jong-Wook Jang)
pp.2469-2476. [ PDF ]
- A Step Counting Method using a Communication Module on a Smart Shoe (Si-Woong Jang and Jong-Wook Jang) pp.2477-2482.
[ PDF ]
- Design with Implementation of User and Simulation Management Tool for EDISON Middleware (Jin Ma, Inho Jeon, Jongsuk Ruth Lee,
Kumwon Cho and Minjae Park) pp.2483-2494. [ PDF ]
- Big Data Based Disease Keyword Recommendation System (Changsu Kim, Hakbum Park and Hoekyung Jung) pp.2495-2500.
[ PDF ]
- Sensor Flow Control System Based on Smart Home (Cao kerang, Hangil Jung and Hoekyung Jung) pp.2501-2506.
[ PDF ]
- Medial Rotation and Lateral Rotation in Musculoskeletal Diseases Associated with Shoulders (Seong-Yoon Shin) pp.2507-2512.
[ PDF ]
- Facial Image Denoising from Degraded Rough Casual Photographs using Hopfield Neural Network (Kwang Baek Kim and Doo Heon Song)
pp.2513-2518. [ PDF ]
- 'WiFi Direct Neighbor Discovery' Search Method for IoT-based Pill Box Control (Yangmi Lim and Taejung Park) pp.2519-2524.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on CPS-based Mold Information Management System for Smart Factory (Hyun-Jun Shin, Sung-Jin Kim and Chang-Heon Oh) pp.2525-2530.
[ PDF ]
- A Health Management Support System Based on Wearable Devices and Internet-of-Things Platform (Munkhtsetseg and Jeongwook Seo)
pp.2531-2536. [ PDF ]
- Industry Evaluation Analysis System for Enhanced Industry Analysis Information (Kyungwon Kim, Tae-Beom Lim and Kyoungro Yoon)
pp.2537-2542. [ PDF ]
- Automatic Ganglion Cyst Detection from Ultrasound Images using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Method (Alethea Suryadibrata, Doo Heon Song
and Kwang Baek Kim) pp.2543-2548. [ PDF ]
- Performance Evaluation of Dual-Mode MSAG-MMA-MRD Blind Equalization Algorithm (Young-Hwa Jeong) pp.2549-2554.
[ PDF ]
- Design of Data Processing Model based Big Data Technology for Connected Cars Services (Lionel Nkenyereye and Jong-Wook Jang)
pp.2555-2560. [ PDF ]
- Manual Therapy for Flexion and Extension of Cervical Spine (Seong-Yoon Shin, Sun-Kyoung Kang and Hyun-Chang Lee) pp.2561-2566.
[ PDF ]
- WDM Transmission Links with Dispersion Management by Linearly or Nonlinearly Incremented RDPS and Midway Optical Phase Conjugation
(Jae-Pil Chung and Seong-Real Lee) pp.2567-2572. [ PDF ]
- SNS Based User Information Analysis System (Xitong Yang, Hakbum Park and Hoekyung Jung) pp.2573-2578. [ PDF ]
- Analytical Study on the Acoustic Noise Reduction Method of the Permanent Magnet Motor (Hwang yo-han, Kim yong-chul, Shin duck-woong
and Lee ju) pp.2579-2586. [ PDF ]
- Speedy Calculation Method of Motor Sizing and Performance for Modification Design based on Tradition Model (YC Kim and Ju Lee)
pp.2587-2598. [ PDF ]
- Fault Analysis of Dual Winding Motor (YC Kim and Ju Lee) pp.2599-2608. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Grasp Position Selection based on Task Demand for Lifting up Target Objects (Takahiro Komatsu, Takeshi Nakayama and Masazumi Katayama)
pp.2609-2616. [ PDF ]
- Formation of Cell Micronuclei in Pregnant Women with Congenital Malformations in Foetal Central Nervous System (Tatiana A. Sarymsakova,
Gulnara U. Asymbekova and Arystanbek O. Atykanov) pp.2617-2624. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.4(B), April, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Analysis of the Mathematical Similarity between Daeyoung-Hong's Juhaesuyong and Baekwon-Ha's Jaseungcha-dohae (Kwangcheol-Rim and Dongho-Lim)
pp.2631-2638. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Releasing Heung on the Playground Called (Wonjun Cho, Eunkyung Kim and Hohyun Lee) pp.2639-2646.
[ PDF ]
- Social Creativity and Design Thinking: Developing Foundation Courses in Undergraduate Transdisciplinary Design Education (Hyun-Kyung Lee and
Soojin Jun) pp.2647-2654. [ PDF ]
- Theoretical Exploration of the Effects of Mega Sporting Events on Economy (Seyun Kim and Yongbae Jeon) pp.2655-2662.
[ PDF ]
- The Source of Competitive Advantage: Internal Marketing (Won-Seok Bang, Jae-Ik Shin and Ki-Han Chung) pp.2663-2670.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the vocalization Duration of English Speakers in Korean Speaking (Ik-Soo Ahn, Ji-Sung Yoon and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.2671-2678.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Global Learning Using Web Technologies on 21st Century Skills (Sook-Young Choi and Seung Hyun Kim) pp.2679-2686.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Identity and Existential Search on the Psychological Well-Being of Art Therapist (Hea-kyoung Cho and Sung-Je Cho) pp.2687-2694.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of a Tidy Manner and Solemn Demeanour (Jeongje-Eomsuk) on Self-Regulated Learning Ability of Korean High School Students
(YongNam Yun, Chang-suk Choi and Seak-Zoon Roh) pp.2695-2704. [ PDF ]
- Effect of Integrated Art Curriculum of Exploration, Expression and Appreciation for Young Children on Art Teaching Efficacy of Pre-service
Early Childhood Teacher (Kyung-chul Kim and Hye-seung Jung) pp.2705-2718. [ PDF ]
- How Infants Recount their Experiences in Classes Conducted by Trainee Teachers (Kyung-chul Kim and Eun-ok Kim) pp.2719-2732.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Children's Rule Following Behavior in Early Childhood Education Centers (KyoungSook Oh, YuNa Kim and YouMe Han) pp.2733-2740.
[ PDF ]
- Contraceptive Knowledge, Contraceptive Attitude and Contraceptive Behavior in College students (Hee-jung Jang and Sun-yeun Hong) pp.2741-2748.
[ PDF ]
- Predictive Factors of the Eating Attitudes among High School Girls (Young-Ju Jee) pp.2749-2756. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Qualitative Research about Creativity of Elementary Students between Korea and the U.S.A (Kyunghwa Lee and Hyejin Yang)
pp.2757-2766. [ PDF ]
- Tuberculosis Related Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive Behavior in College Students (Moon-hee Mo and Hee-jung Jang) pp.2767-2778.
[ PDF ]
- Analysing the Saemaul (New Community) Movement Policy Using a Program Logic Model (Young-Chool Choi and Hak-Sil Kim) pp.2779-2792.
[ PDF ]
- Adult Attachment, Parent Child Intimacy, Rejection Sensitivity of University Students (Yeong Ran Yu, Gi Young Youk and Sung Hee Lee)
pp.2793-2800. [ PDF ]
- The Changes of Effectiveness of Team-based Learning in Undergraduate Nursing Students (Sukwon Hahn and Young Mi Ryu) pp.2801-2810.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Self-directed Learning Ability, Empowerment, and Clinical Practice Competency in a Self-directed Learning-enhancement
Program for Nursing Students (Chang-suk Jung and Hye-kyung Oh) pp.2811-2818. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Empathy Among College Students (Sung Hee Lee and Su Jeong Song) pp.2819-2826.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Preoperative Planned Education for Children with Tonsillectomy (Hyun Jung Kim, Hye Young Ahn, Byung Sun Cho, Ji Eun Lee,
Hye Sun Choi and Joo Hyun Lee) pp.2827-2836. [ PDF ]
- The Role of Psychological Needs as a Moderating Factor in Leisure Constraint Negotiation (Min-Jun Kim, Jae-Deung Kim and Jung-In Yoo)
pp.2837-2844. [ PDF ]
- Academic Major Based Differences in Effects of a Career Exploration Program for the First Year College Students (Hyejin Kim) pp.2845-2852.
[ PDF ]
- Gender Differences in Effects of Leadership Development Program among Korean College Students (Hyejin Kim) pp.2853-2860.
[ PDF ]
- Elementary Schools Students' Use of Beauty Products and Makeup Behavior (Keejung Barng) pp.2861-2868.
[ PDF ]
- The Beauty of the Children Act of Self-Recognition and Representations for Research (Keejung Barng) pp.2869-2876.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect on the Pre-nursing Teachers' Play Treatment Understanding, Fields, Expectation and Satisfaction after Enrolling in the Play
Treatment Course (Eon-Jeong Park and Sung-Je Cho) pp.2877-2884. [ PDF ]
- A Study of the Impact of Households' Financial Structures and Financial Capabilities on Family Conflicts in South Korea (Dong-Ho Jang)
pp.2885-2892. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Tea-culture Therapy Program for the Empathy Improvement of Juvenile Delinquents (Insook Kim) pp.2893-2902.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Comparable Assessment System for BIM Performance in the Construction Industry (Jihye Shin and Jungsik Choi) pp.2903-2912.
[ PDF ]
- The Tendency and Characteristic of Student Life's Supporting Spaces, Home base and Media space, of New All High Schools in Sejong City,
Korea (Dong-hoon Chang, Sun-woo Lee and Jin-ju Jung) pp.2913-2920. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Estimation Method of Disruption Cost due to material delay (Yongdeok Jeon, Wooram Kim, Kichang Jeong and Jaeseob Lee)
pp.2921-2928. [ PDF ]
- Development of Rule-based Building Code Compliance Checking System for BIM-based Quality Improvement (Jungsik Choi and Inhan Kim)
pp.2929-2936. [ PDF ]
- Efficient Method to Discover and Update the Korean Unknown Foreign Word (Irfan Ajmal Khan, Ji Hoon Seo and Jin Tak Choi) pp.2937-2944.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Impact of Narrative Therapy on Fear of Death Anxiety and Ego-integrity in Elderly (Youngmi Ahn) pp.2945-2954.
[ PDF ]
- An Exploration of Participation in Leisure Activities of Korean Working Women (Jeong-Soo Kim) pp.2955-2962.
[ PDF ]
- Influential Factors on Fall Efficacy among Community-Dwelling Elderly (Youngju Jee, Eunjoo Lee, Eunsil Jang, Hyunhwa Hong and Kyoungran An)
pp.2963-2972. [ PDF ]
- Relationship between Medical Services Satisfaction and Hospital Revisiting Intention (In-Ok Kim and Sung-Rae Shin) pp.2973-2982.
[ PDF ]
- Exploring the Experiences of Korean Senior Adults' Music Performance in a Cultural Center (Euna Park and Jeong-Soo Kim) pp.2983-2990.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Factors Influencing of Nurses' Turnover Intention (Bong-Sil Choi, Hae-Kyung Jang and Jung-Suk Kim) pp.2991-2998.
[ PDF ]
- Does the Negative Life Events relate to the Cognitive Determinants of Smoking Behavior of Adolescent? (Eun Jin Shon, Hyung-Bin Im and
Sung ?Rae Shin) pp.2999-3008. [ PDF ]
- Relations of Psychosocial Development Tasks of Korean Adults : Differences by Age, Educational Levels, and Health Status (Jeong-shin An,
Jin-jin Park and Young-sook Chong) pp.3009-3022. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.5(A), May, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Relationship among Self-Efficacy, Teaching Presence, Learning Presence, Learner-Instructor Interaction, Satisfaction, and Recommendation
Intention in South Korea (Haengnam Sung, Dae-Yul Jeong and Jae-Ik Shin) pp.3029-3036. [ PDF ]
- Examining Factors Affecting Intention to Use E-Government - A Comparative Study between Vietnam and Korea- (Jae-Kul Lee, Seong Muk Choi,
Myeon Jae Lee, Thi Thanh Thao Vo and GwangYong Gim) pp.3037-3046. [ PDF ]
- The Effective Learning Strategies through the Analysis of Computer Learners' Problem-Solving Skills (Sungock Lee, Hangil Jung and Hoekyung Jung)
pp.3047-3054. [ PDF ]
- Estimation of Future Option Prices Corresponding to Underlying Asset Price Based on Current Market Option Prices (Jung-Youn Lee and Sun-Myung
Hwang) pp.3055-3064. [ PDF ]
- A National Comparative Study of the Effects of Webtoon Contents and Cooperative Characteristics on Intention to Use in Open Collaboration
Platform (Wi-Man Kang, Myung-Bae Kim, Yeong Kyu Hwang, Sang-Hee Lee and Gwang-Yong Gim) pp.3065-3072. [ PDF ]
- The Bright Side and Dark Side of Retargeting Advertising (Miyea Kim and Kyungyoung Ohk) pp.3073-3082.
[ PDF ]
- Performance Evaluation Indicators for Social Enterprises in Korea: Future Policy Directions (Young-Chool Choi, Sang-Yeup Lee and Sang-Hyun Ju)
pp.3083-3096. [ PDF ]
- Integrative Modeling of Medical Tourism Industry's Competitiveness and a Moderating Effect of Related Experience (Min-sook Kim) pp.3097-3104.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of SNS Tourism Information Service Quality on the Intention of Sharing Information: with a Focus on the Moderating Effect of Trust
and Satisfaction (Dae Young Kwak) pp.3105-3114. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Consumer Innovativeness on Smartphone Loyalty: A Causal Model (DaeEop Kim and Jae-Ik Shin) pp.3115-3122.
[ PDF ]
- Network Analysis on Sustainable Development Research and its' Implication (Hyunjung Seo, Younchul Choi and Bookyung Cho) pp.3123-3132.
[ PDF ]
- The Petrobras Scandal and the Need for Privatization (Chae Chang Im, Jeong Ho Kim, Suyoung Choi) pp.3133-3142.
[ PDF ]
- A study on Brazil corporate's CSR Activity and Propensity of Tax Avoidance (Chae Chang Im, Jeong Ho Kim, Jury Ko) pp.3143-3152.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Handwashing Education Program in preschool Children (Ji Min Lee) pp.3153-3160. [ PDF ]
- Curriculum Design for Improving the Track & Field Practical Skill Teaching Method (Chun-ok Yu and Hwa-sook Choi) pp.3161-3168.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Pupillary Responses in Cognitive Conflict Caused by Discrepant Events (Eun-ae Kim, Eun-jin Kim and Il-ho Yang) pp.3169-3176.
[ PDF ]
- Does South Korea can Handle Personality Education? Focusing on Research Trends and Agenda (Jinhee Kim) pp.3177-3186.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship among Destination Image, Hospital Image, Attitude on K-Medical Tourism : Focusing the Chinese medical tourists
(Gwijeong Park, Jaesin Oh, Kihan Chung and Wonjong Kim) pp.3187-3198. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of the CSR Activities on Consumer Trust and Attitude toward the Distribution Company: The Moderating Effect of Involvement
(Gwijeong Park, Kihan Chung, Jaesin Oh and Wonjong Kim) pp.3199-3210. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Gender Identity among Sports Participants (Byoungwook Ahn) pp.3211-3218. [ PDF ]
- Is Busan a Safe City for the Elderly ? - Evaluation Study of Safety Management for the Elderly Welfare Center (Nam-Sook Kim) pp.3219-3226.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Hangul Font Recommendation System Based on Geometry, Purpose, and Emotion Properties (Hyun-Young Kim and Soon-Bum Lim) pp.3227-3234.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Performance Evaluation of Dual Light-shelf system according to the Upper Reflection Board Variables (Eunsu Park, Heangwoo Lee and
Yongseong Kim) pp.3235-3242. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Trend Analysis of Data Governance Research using Metadata Analysis (Kyoung-ae Jang and Woo-Je Kim) pp.3243-3250.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Vehicle Driving Analysis System Based on OBD and Video Information (Ming-Shou An and Dae-Seong Kang) pp.3251-3258.
[ PDF ]
- A Symbol Table Verification Method for JavaScript Compiler using Reverse Translator on HTML5 Smart Virtual Machine (Yunsik Son, Seman Oh
and Yangsun Lee) pp.3259-3266. [ PDF ]
- An Information Service Plan through the Improvement of the Design Deliberation Information System (Hyun Ok) pp.3267-3274.
[ PDF ]
- Research of the Optimum Conditions for Thermal Comfort of the Changing Room after a Bath (Seonghoon Yoon and Yekyeong Shin) pp.3275-3282.
[ PDF ]
- Pronunciation Stress Study of Korean Speech on English Natives' (Hyung Woo Park, Sang-Hwi Jee, Myung-Jin Bae) pp.3283-3290.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparative Analysis on Allophone of Korean for English Natives (Seong-Geon Bae, Byung-Min Lim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.3291-3298.
[ PDF ]
- A Cross-Layer and Enhanced Pipeline-Forwarding MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (Nguyen Ngoc Minh and Myung Kyun Kim) pp.3299-3306.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Optimum Information System for the Prevention of Peritoneal Recurrence in Advanced Gastric Cancer (Seong-Ran Lee) pp.3307-3314.
[ PDF ]
- The Correlation of the Factors Affecting the Smartphone Addiction of Young Adult Women (Nayoung Choi) pp.3315-3324.
[ PDF ]
- A Method for Comparing Measurement to Improve Life Quality in Patients After Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy (Seong-Ran Lee) pp.3325-3332.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Analysis and Solution of Health Risk Factors with Age in Elderly Women (Jeong-Hun Shin and Yoo-Kang Ji) pp.3333-3340.
[ PDF ]
- Optimum Information System for the Prevention of Peritoneal Recurrence in Advanced Gastric Cancer (Seong-Ran Lee) pp.3341-3348.
[ PDF ]
- Micronized Process of Barely Aqueous-Soluble Trichlorocarban Using Supercritical Fluid (Jeong-Lae Kim and Moon Sam Shin) pp.3349-3356.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Simulation-based education within pediatric nursing practicum for newborn (Ji Min Lee) pp.3357-3366.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship Among Nursing Students' Self-esteem, Body Surveillance, and Intension of Cosmetic Surgery According to the Appearance Stress
(Sun-Jung Park, Bock-Soon Park, Hana Cho and Byung-Jun Park) pp.3367-3376. [ PDF ]
- Structural Equation Modeling for Key Competence, Critical Thinking, Practice Satisfaction and Clinical Competency in Nursing Students
(Sun-Jung Park, Young -Hui Hwang) pp.3377-3386. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Fluid intake education on Knowledge, Attitude, and Self efficacy about older people for Care givers (Eun Hee Kim and Ji Min Lee)
pp.3387-3394. [ PDF ]
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Safety Attitudes Question-naire (SAQ-32) in the Korea (Leesuk Ferencsik and Sung Jung Hong) pp.3395-3404.
[ PDF ]
- Effect of Aromatherapy on Postoperative Nausea & Vomiting and satisfaction in patients who have undergone Laparoscopic Hystrectomy
(Ji Min Lee, Hwa Sun Kim, Sung Jung Hong) pp.3405-3416. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.5(B), May, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on the Basic Asset Determinants of Regional Credit Guarantee Institutes Using Panel Data (Man-Su Kang, Ji-yeon Kim and Jin-Sung Bae)
pp.3423-3430. [ PDF ]
- Testimonials of Prospective Preschool Teachers Who Took a Preschool Multimedia Class (Kyung-chul Kim, Eun-hye Kim and Ko-eun Lee) pp.3431-3438.
[ PDF ]
- An Analysis of Game Piracy Determinants in E-sports Using the Theory of Reasoned Action (Eui-Yul Choi and Yun Seok Choi) pp.3439-3446.
[ PDF ]
- Job Path Development (Sukkyun Chung, Chang Wan Ryoo and Hyung Rok Yim) pp.3447-3454. [ PDF ]
- Vitalization Strategy for a Venture Creation Platform through Co-Creation (Na-Rang Kim and Soon-Goo Hong) pp.3455-3462.
[ PDF ]
- How to Manage Portfolio by Robo-Advisor (Jae Yeon Park, Jae Pil Ryu and Hyun Joon Shin) pp.3463-3470. [ PDF ]
- An Empirical Study on the Adoption of Smart Banking in Korea (Byoungho Jun) pp.3471-3478. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Improvement of Quality Evaluation Index for Community Social Service Investment: With a Focus on Fuzzy Analysis on Quality
Evaluation Index (Yun-Jeong Kim, Min-Jung Kim and Hye-Kyong Choi) pp.3479-3488. [ PDF ]
- Development of an Application Providing Information on Speech Rehabilitation Service Based on Android Mobile Platform (Haewon Byeon and
Sunghyoun Cho) pp.3489-3496. [ PDF ]
- The Moderating Effect of Information Support and Technology Support between Quality and Satisfaction: Focused on B2B Market of Medical Instrument
(Jae-Won Hong and Seung-Bae Park) pp.3497-3504. [ PDF ]
- What Role does the NFT Play in the Relation between Mobile Advertising Types and Perceived Informativeness? (Jaewook Jo) pp.3505-3512.
[ PDF ]
- The Impact of Consumer Perspectives on Judgments of Message Types in Loyalty Program (Jungyeon Sung) pp.3513-3520.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Consumer Involvement and Content Types in Virtual Reality on Attitude toward Advertisement (Jungyeon Sung and Seung-Bae Park)
pp.3521-3528. [ PDF ]
- Influence of the Big Five Personality Traits of IT Workers on Job Commitment and Job Satisfaction (Hyo Jung Kim and Paikho Rho) pp.3529-3538.
[ PDF ]
- E-Government Future in the era of 4th Industrial Revolution (Choong-Sik Chung) pp.3539-3548. [ PDF ]
- The Correlation between Features of Universities and Implementation of University Specialization Projects in Korea - Focusing on the Engineering
Field- (Ho-Seub Lee and Suk-Yeol Lee) pp.3549-3556. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Analysis of the Status of Energy Welfare and a Chart of Grading Considering Characteristic of Energy Poverty Classes (Mi-Ryeong Eum, Won-Hwa
Hong and Ji-Ae Lee) pp.3557-3564. [ PDF ]
- The Dynamic Identity Design of the Korean Royal Palace through a Contemporary Reinterpretation (Hanna Lee and Jong-hoon Choe) pp.3565-3574.
[ PDF ]
- A Methodological Approach to Cyber Home Services through Virtualization of Networked Residential Devices (Kyou Ho Lee and Young Hun Lee)
pp.3575-3584. [ PDF ]
- The Debris Flow Behavior by Climate Change in Materials with Coarse and Fine Sediments (Byong-Hee Jun, Ho-Jin Lee and Sungduk Kim) pp.3585-3592.
[ PDF ]
- Durability Study on Damage at the Front Side of Bulldozer due to Fatigue Load by Using Finite Element Method (Kyekwang Choi and Jaeung Cho)
pp.3593-3602. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Restoration Property and Damage Estimation at 3 Point Bending Specimen of CFRP Laminated due to Stacking Angle through FEM
(Guewan Hwang and Jaeung Cho) pp.3603-3612. [ PDF ]
- Analysis Study on Fracture Behavior at Center Crack due to the Load Connected with Pin at CFRP Made in Uni-direction (Jaewoong Park and Jaeung
Cho) pp.3613-3622. [ PDF ]
- Durability Study on Damage Estimation due to the Fatigue Load of Turnbuckle for Vehicle by Using Finite Element Method (Kyekwang Choi and
Jaeung Cho) pp.3623-3632. [ PDF ]
- Compacted Governor Design and Analysis of Machine Room Less Type Elevators (Jong-Seok Lee, Bo-Sung Kim and Byoung-Jo Jung) pp.3633-3640.
[ PDF ]
- A Research for Flood Control Capability Evaluation of Aging Reservoirs (Seung Seop Ahn, Kibum Park and Kyosik Kim) pp.3641-3648.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Cost-Effective Reliability Centered Maintenance of Running Gear System for Rolling Stock (Chul Su Kim, Ji Hwan Hwang and
Jin Tae Jung) pp.3649-3656. [ PDF ]
- Comfort Evaluation of a Coccyx Seating Mat Based on Body Pressure Measurements (Yong-Du Jun, Evan Cho and Seong-Hyun Park) pp.3657-3666.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Abnormal Noise Characteristics for Moving Device of Automotive Power Seat (Sung-yuk Kim, Oh-hwan Jeon and Key-sun Kim)
pp.3667-3674. [ PDF ]
- The Analysis of Disaster Vulnerable Districts using Heavy Rainfall Vulnerability Analysis Indicators (Jong-Young Park and Jung-Sik Lee)
pp.3675-3690. [ PDF ]
- A Study on BIM Application for the Efficient Maintenance Management of Bridge Structures (TaeHak Kim and SeongJin Kim) pp.3691-3698.
[ PDF ]
- A Research on Hydrological Review for Calculating Storage Capacity of Non-point Pollution Source Auto Separator (Gwangbok Choi, Kibum Park
and Seung Seop Ahn) pp.3699-3706. [ PDF ]
- SiO2 Nanoparticles Based Bi-Layer Anti-Reflection Coating for Cover Glass of Photovoltaic Cells (Min Hwan Kwak and Ki-Chul Kim) pp.3707-3714.
[ PDF ]
- BIM-based Value Engineering Application in Sustainable Construction (Jihye Shin and Jungsik Choi) pp.3715-3724.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of a High-Contrast Grating Lens with Polarized Beam Splitting Ability (Seung Dae Lee) pp.3725-3732.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Activation Energy of the Design Basis Events (Sungwan Park and Sunchul Jung) pp.3733-3742. [ PDF ]
- Development of Neighbourhood Renewal in Malaysia through Best Practices and Lessons Learnt from South Korea and England (Wan Jiun Tin and
Seok Hwan Lee) pp.3743-3750. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Guideline to Implement Open Data Activities Based on the Risk Management (Gilang Ramadhan, Chang-Soo Kim, Il-Kyeun Ra and Arry
Akhmad Arman) pp.3751-3760. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the MU Number Estimation of ADM Muscle Using Surface EMG (Sung-hun Kwon, Sun-hyung Kim and Young-chang Kang) pp.3761-3778.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Sintering Compression Process of Small Latch Gear for Automobile Seats (Bum-Suk Oh, Ju-Gwang Jang, Sang-Kyu Bae and Key-Sun Kim)
pp.3779-3786. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Comparison of Calcium and cAMP Measurements for the Screening of Corticotropin Releasing Factor Receptor Antagonists (Seohyun Park and
Sunghou Lee) pp.3787-3794. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Factors Affecting Job Burnout of Nurses in General and Cancer Wards (Mee-Suk Wang, Han-Jin Yoo, Jin-A Lee, Soo-Ok Kim and
Hyeon-Cheol Jeong) pp.3795-3804. [ PDF ]
- The Experience of becoming a Male Nurse in the Clinical Process using Parse's Research Methodology (Hee-jang Yun, Eun-mi Kwak and Hyeon-cheol
Jeong) pp.3805-3816. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.6(A), June, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the IT Industry: The Moderating
Effects of Self-Efficacy (Xiu Jin and SangWoo Hahm) pp.3823-3834. [ PDF ]
- Digital FX Processing of Parallel Mastering: Focusing on Multi-Layering Technique (Changseop Shin and Janghyun Kim) pp.3835-3842.
[ PDF ]
- The role of Motivations for Smartphone Use and Social Stress in Increasing Smartphone Usage for University Students (Lee, Heejung and Ilhyun Bae)
pp.3843-3852. [ PDF ]
- An Exploratory Study on Strategy of Korea and Japanese Companies in Visegrad Group (Koji Yoshimoto and Ilhyun Bae) pp.3853-3860.
[ PDF ]
- On the Present Perfect and Culture: A Corpus-based Analysis (Kang, Nam-Kil) pp.3861-3876. [ PDF ]
- To Increase Team Altruism: The Roles of Team Goal Orientation, Team-Member Exchange, and Transformational Leadership (Sangwoo, Hahm and
Kun Dong, Choi) pp.3877-3888. [ PDF ]
- Korean Traditional Music Instrument and Educational Mobile Tool (Young Joo Park and Zong Woo Geem) pp.3889-3900.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Design of an Energy Efficiency Routing Protocol in IoT Networks (Myungsub Lee and Junhyung Kim) pp.3901-3910.
[ PDF ]
- Visualizing the State of Antebrachial Muscular Activities using Surface Electromyography Signals (Kyosuke YOSHIMURA, Hidetoshi NAGAI and
Teigo NAKAMURA) pp.3911-3920. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Smart Meter Security Using Gaussian Mixture Model (Sang-Hyun Lee and Kwang-Wook Choi) pp.3921-3926.
[ PDF ]
- The Optimal Design of Speaker Installation in the Multimedia Environments (Deog-Geun Song and Seon-Hee Lee) pp.3927-3936.
[ PDF ]
- A Roll Based Fast Rendezvous Scheme in the first part of Post-Disaster Scenario Networks (Junhyung Kim and Myunsub Lee) pp.3937-3946.
[ PDF ]
- Cancelled by IIBC (Editor of the specail issue)
- Selectivity Estimation Methods for Spatial Queries (Jeong-Joon Kim) pp.3957-3970. [ PDF ]
- Performance Analysis of PI Control and BS Control for BLDCM using the Disturbance Observer (Yong Ho Jeon and Shin Won Lee) pp.3971-3978.
[ PDF ]
- Integral Control of BLDCM Considering Influence of Perturbation (Yong Ho Jeon and Shin Won Lee) pp.3979-3986.
[ PDF ]
- A Scheme for Testing Cryptographic Modules in the User's Field (Hee Bong Choi, Wang Ho Ju, Hyuk Joong Yoon and Sang Woon Jang) pp.3987-3994.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Waveguide Sound Pressure Level Finite Element Analysis for Improving FTM Performance (Chul-Seung Yang, Jeong-Gi Lee and Pil-Gyoung Kim)
pp.3995-4002. [ PDF ]
- Forward Scattering Sensor Applied to Improve the Accuracy of Visibility (Mi-Lim Choi, Myung-Jae Lim, Dong-Kun Chung and Young-Man Kwon)
pp.4003-4010. [ PDF ]
- Reversible Watermarking Algorithm Based on Pixel Value Prediction and Data Compression (Soo-Mok Jung) pp.4011-4018.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Modeling for Medical Hazards Management (Jae-young Choi, See sook Kim, Min Hi Lee, Keun-kwang Lee and Malrey Lee) pp.4019-4026.
[ PDF ]
- Emergency Rescue Request System using Seamless LBS Technology (Kyu-Ho Kim, Ki-Young Lee, Jeong-Jin Kang, Sung-Jai Choi, Yong-Soon Im, Myeong-Bok
Choi, Sung-Ho Hwang) pp.4027-4034. [ PDF ]
- Situation Recognizing System for Visually Impaired using Wireless Communications (Ki-Young Lee, Sung-Bae Kim, Jeong-Jin Kang, Sung-Jai Choi,
Myeong-Bok Choi, Sang-Bong Park, Eun-Young Kang) pp.4035-4042. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of the Vermicular Exercise-motion Techniques: Anterior Position Index and Posterior Position Index (Jeong-lae Kim and Chang-sik An)
pp.4043-4048. [ PDF ]
- Relation of the Squirm Exercise-effect on the Techniques: Anterior Flow Index and Posterior Flow Index (Jeong-lae Kim and Hyun-woo Jeong)
pp.4049-4054. [ PDF ]
- A Study on a Fire Extinguisher with Sound Focus (Myung-Sook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.4055-4062. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the High-pitched Vocal Voice of Lee, Nan-Young (Sang-Bum Park, Myung-Sook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.4063-4070.
[ PDF ]
- Reason for a Baby to React on a Certain Music Sound (Ji-Hye Bae, Ik-Soo Ahn, Myung-Jin Bae) pp.4071-4078.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Cow Cry Sound that causes a Baby to Cry (Ji-Hye Bae, Ik-Soo Ahn, Myung-Jin Bae) pp.4079-4084.
[ PDF ]
- Study on the Scale of a Nuclear Experiment by Measuring the Sound Propagation path (Seong-Geon Bae, Hyung-Woo Park and Myung-Jin Bae)
pp.4085-4092. [ PDF ]
- A Resonant Frequency Analysis of the Drum-sound Rock in Mt. Palgong, Korea (Eun-Young Lee, Uk-Jin Song, Myungsook Kim and Myung-Jin Bae)
pp.4093-4100. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Sound Transfer Characteristics of the Cave Concert (Uk-Jin Song, Eun-Young Yi and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.4101-4108.
[ PDF ]
- Collaboration-based Feature Detection for Spectrum Sensing (Quoc Kien Nguyen and Taehyun Jeon) pp.4109-4114.
[ PDF ]
- Efficient Beam Scanning for Large Scale Antenna Array (Thanh Ngoc Nguyen and Taehyun Jeon) pp.4115-4120.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of Simulation Platform with Q-D Based mm-Wave Channel Model (Thanh Ngoc Nguyen and Taehyun Jeon) pp.4121-4126.
[ PDF ]
- Improved Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Network with Regional Division (Dias Abildinov and Taehyun Jeon) pp.4127-4132.
[ PDF ]
- Performance Comparison of Signal Combining Techniques in Interference Channel (Anh Van Le and Taehyun Jeon) pp.4133-4138.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of Un-mounted Virtual Machine Disk Image Analyzer for Advanced Digital Forensics on Virtualization System (Han Seong Lee and
Hyung-Woo Lee) pp.4139-4152. [ PDF ]
- Inferring Action Instances with No Prior Knowledge in Digital Investigations (Joshua I. James and Yunsik Jang) pp.4153-4162.
[ PDF ]
- Force Sensor Activated Authentication for Wearable Devices (Yong-Suk Park, Saet Byeol Yu, Hyoseok Yoon, Hyun-Sik Kim, Jeongwook Seo and
Jong-Moon Chung) pp.4163-4170. [ PDF ]
- Improvement of Low Speed Characteristics on Spindle Motor Driven by Sensorless IC (Jin-seung Yoo and Ju Lee) pp.4171-4178.
[ PDF ]
- The Study on the Optimal Brush Design to Improve the Life Span of Brush DC Motor (Jin-seung Yoo and Ju Lee) pp.4179-4186.
[ PDF ]
- Walking Human-Following of Mobile Robot Using Sound Source in a Networked Intelligent Space (Taeseok Jin) pp.4187-4196.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.6(B), June, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Integrated Therapy Method for Teenager's Addiction to Smart Phones: A Theoretical Review (Yeongcheol Eum and JongEun Yim) pp.4203-4210.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of System Integration and Supply Chain Integration on Supply Chain Performance: A Virtual Integration Theory Perspective
(Sungbae Kang and Taesoo Moon) pp.4211-4218. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Structural Relationship Among Virtual Advertisement Attributes, Advertisement Attitude, Product Attitude, Product Image, and
Purchase Intention (Yongbae Jeon and Seyun Kim) pp.4219-4226. [ PDF ]
- Analysis on Social Influence and Public Awareness of Republic of Korea on Creative Education using Opinion Mining Techniques
(Ji-Hoon Seo, Kil-Hong Joo and Nam-Hun Park) pp.4227-4234. [ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Perceived Quality, Self-efficacy, Flow, and Addiction: Focus on Smartphone (DaeEop Kim) pp.4235-4242.
[ PDF ]
- A Multi-level Approach to a Purchasing Decision of Foreign Medical Service (Min-sook Kim) pp.4243-4254. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Function of Sequencer Program -About Autotune Method- (Tae-Seon Cho) pp.4255-4264. [ PDF ]
- Development Plan of Augmented Reality Smartphone Application Based on Storytelling about Queen Heo of Gaya (Doo-Jin Park, Jung-Yee Kim and
Jae-Jin Jang) pp.4265-4272. [ PDF ]
- Dispatching rule based algorithms for the Total Weighted Tardiness Scheduling with Maximum Allowable Tardiness (Jae-Gon Kim, June-Young Bang,
Seung-Kil Lim and Joung-Yun Lee) pp.4273-4280. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Design Thinking-based Co-Creation Planning Applying for the Sasang Smart City Development Project (Tai Hun Lee, Soon-Goo Hong
and Hayeong Jeong) pp.4281-4294. [ PDF ]
- A Study of the Factors of National Cultural Values Influencing Intention of E-commerce Use (Hyungjoon Kim) pp.4295-4302.
[ PDF ]
- Prospects of Networking the Experience Economy based on ICT : Perspectives on the Expansion of Culture Tourism (Woong-Ki Min and Jin-Hee Ku)
pp.4303-4310. [ PDF ]
- A Research on the Organic Minimalism regarding Changes in Minimalism: Focused on the Field of Contemporary Branding (Yunjung Lee and
Su-jeung Kim) pp.4311-4318. [ PDF ]
- A Rhythm Content Development through a Convergence of Korean Folk Music and Latin Music (Chang Ku Lee and Seungyon-Seny Lee) pp.4319-4326.
[ PDF ]
- Research on TV Cartoon Animation Classification by Genres According to Themes (JaeYoun Chung and Seungyon -Seny Lee) pp.4327-4336.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Vocal Improvisation Characteristics of Louis Armstrong (Hyun Jung Lee and Seungyon?Seny Lee) pp.4337-4344.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Teaching Methods on English Literature Using Flipped Learning and Problem Based Learning (Joo Eun Park) pp.4345-4354.
[ PDF ]
- The Perception on Transition Services of Special Education Teacher for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (Yungkeun Park) pp.4355-4364.
[ PDF ]
- Gaze Pattern Differences during Categorization of Organisms between Science Gifted and General High School Students (Byeon Jung-Ho,
Oh Jae-Young and Kwon Yong-Ju) pp.4365-4372. [ PDF ]
- "The Debate on the Human-Mind and the Tao-Mind" and its Neuro-Ethical Implications (Seok-yong Chae) pp.4373-4380.
[ PDF ]
- Relationship between Tense & Aspect and Temporal Adverbials ? focused on English Present Perfect and Korean Prefinal ending '-eot-'
(Ji-Hye Lee and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.4381-4388. [ PDF ]
- Possibility and Direction of Theoretical System-building in Taekwondo Tourism as Cultural Touristic Content (Tae-seung Park) pp.4389-4404.
[ PDF ]
- Fatherhood and Fathers' Involvement in South Korea (Jiyoung Yoo) pp.4405-4414. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Risk Assessment of Assets for Water Pipelines Facilities (Mi-yun Park, Byung-choon Sho and Hyundong Lee) pp.4415-4424.
[ PDF ]
- Urban Spatial Elements Analysis for Crime Prevention System (Dong-Hyok Suh and Jeong-Hwa Song) pp.4425-4440.
[ PDF ]
- Crime Prevention Through Individual's Gait Estimation (Young-Hwan Oh) pp.4441-4448. [ PDF ]
- Development of Measuring Device for the Efficiency of Photovoltaic Panel (SungHyuk Yang, Dong Joo Shin and Hoyeon Chung) pp.4449-4458.
[ PDF ]
- Fast Angular Mode Selection Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction Using Neighboring Pixel Difference (Seungyong Park and Kwangki Ryoo)
pp.4459-4468. [ PDF ]
- A Reference Model for Qualitative Measurement in FMECA based on Quantitative Analysis Factors (Hoijin Yoon and Youngcheol Park) pp.4469-4478.
[ PDF ]
- Socioeconomic Drought Assessment Based on Potential Drought Damage Index that Considers Resilience (Byoung-Sik Kim, Suk-Ho Lee and
Jin-Hyuck Kim) pp.4479-4494. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Accuracy Improvement of MAPLE Forecast Rainfall Using Ground Rainfall (Dong-Ho Nam, Suk-Ho Lee and Byung-Sik Kim) pp.4495-4510.
[ PDF ]
- 'The Community Connected Lessons Program in University' for Neighborhood Regeneration in Seoul (Haeyeon Yoo) pp.4511-4520.
[ PDF ]
- Development of Rainfall Information Production Technology Using the Optical Signal of Windshield Rain Sensors (Byoung-Sik Kim, Young-Gon Kim
and Suk-Ho Lee) pp.4521-4534. [ PDF ]
- Performance Analysis of PLSI Distributed Shared Filesystem (Joon Woo and Hyong-Shik Kim) pp.4535-4542.
[ PDF ]
- An Adaptive Algorithm Using Harris Corner and Differential Filter For Inspection of Pressure Marks on LCD Panel (Chang-Suk Cho) pp.4543-4550.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Improvement Factors of Design Changes through Technical Proposal Tendering Case of Apartment Buildings
(Hyun Soo Lee and Sooyoung Lim) pp.4551-4558. [ PDF ]
- Korean Null Object Resolution: An Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach (Kim, Euhee) pp.4559-4568. [ PDF ]
- Contemporary Approaches of Public Architecture Toward Urban Sustainability (Soomi Kim and Hyunah Kwon) pp.4569-4576.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Feasibility of Using the Field Triage Guideline Recommendations in the Emergency Department (Young Ro Yang, Jeong Ho Kang and Sungwook Song)
pp.4577-4588. [ PDF ]
- Academic Achievement by Holland RIASEC Types in Nursing Students (Mi Won Kim and Jeong-Mo Park) pp.4589-4598.
[ PDF ]
- Structural Equation Model of Clinical Nurses' Professional Self-Concept, Job Embeddedness, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and
Organizational Performance (Jeon, Kyeong-Deok and Koh, Myung Suk) pp.4599-4606. [ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting Nursing Students' Problem-solving Ability (Seunghee Han) pp.4607-4616. [ PDF ]
- Persistent Effect of the Self-Efficacy Promoting Moderate Drinking Program Applied to Drinking Female College Students : One Month,
One Year Follow Up (Gyung Park) pp.4617-4624. [ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.7(A), July, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- The Evaluation of Integral Statistical Criteria used for Noise Elimination of Quantization during Statistical Processing of Biometric Data on Small
Selections (Alexei I. Gazin, Alexander I. Ivanov, Sergey E. Vyatchanin and Konstantin A. Perfilov) pp.4631-4638.
[ PDF ]
- On Some Bitopological Separation Axioms (Samer Al Ghour and Sanaa Issa) pp.4639-4646. [ PDF ]
- Multi-degree Reduction of Said-Ball Curves with Endpoints Constraints (Abedallah Rababah and Yusuf Fatihu Hamza) pp.4647-4654.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Folklore Tradition and the Elements Formed to the Genre in Literature: "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by A.S. Pushkin
(Marianna A. Dudareva, Svetlana V. Smirnova, Svetlana M. Morozova and Natalya V.Zhurkina) pp.4655-4662.
[ PDF ]
- Man as Subject of Law in the Light of Post-Non-Classical Science: Essence of áIâ Homo Informaticus (Oleg A. Yastrebov and Valery P. Ivansky)
pp.4663-4676. [ PDF ]
- Multilingual Community and Translation: Focus on Information Processing to Enhance Quality (Anastasia Atabekova and Rimma Gorbatenko) pp.4677-4692.
[ PDF ]
- Russia Is Searching for Models of National Integration and the Possibility to Implement Foreign Experience (Yuriy G.Volkov, Konstantin V. Vodenko,
Anatoly V. Lubsky, Alexander K. Degtyarev and Igor P. Chernobrovkin) pp.4693-4708. [ PDF ]
- The Topic of Death in S. A. Yesenin's World of Art: Folklore Formula (Dudareva Marianna, Omelianenko Viktoriia, Zyryanova Svetlana and Gartsova Dilara)
pp.4709-4718. [ PDF ]
- The Manufacturing Sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan's Industry in Line With the New Industrialization and Modification
(Borankul G. Nurpeissov, Marat K. Bazarbayev, Gulnur A. Raikhanova, Leilya M. Bazarbayeva and Valeriy V. Biryukov) pp.4719-4734.
[ PDF ]
- Ethnic and Migratory Factors of the Extremism Spread in the Regions of the South of Russia (Anton Vladimirovich Serikov and Andrey Vladimirovich
Bedrik) pp.4735-4756. [ PDF ]
- Formation of Spiritual and Value-Based Foundations of Personal Safety in Preschool Education (Mariia I. Baisheva, Antonina A. Grigoryeva,
Ludmila V. Popova, Maria K. Ivanova, Sargylana S. Yakovleva and Maria P. Androsova) pp.4757-4766. [ PDF ]
- Behaviour Patterns in the Structure of Commanding Non-Cognitive Skills (Arseniy Lebedev and Tatsiana Krupa) pp.4767-4774.
[ PDF ]
- Artistic Heritage of V. Nijinsky (Tatiana Portnova) pp.4775-4782. [ PDF ]
- Influence of Training Load on Cholekinesis and Choleresis for Sprint and Distance Swimmers (Selena S. Davydova, Inga A. Vakulo and Elena V.
Volynskaya) pp.4783-4788. [ PDF ]
- Psycho-physiological Aspects of the Social and Psycho-logical Adaptation of Deaf Students in Primary Academic Institution
(Konstantin Ivanovich Zasiadko and Daniil Leonidovich Oproshchenko) pp.4789-4800. [ PDF ]
- Assessment of Extent of Adaptation of First Graders with the Different Level of Mental Development to Tu-toring Conditions at School on
Indexes of Variability of the Cardiac Rhythm (Mishchenko Irina Aleksandrovna) pp.4801-4808. [ PDF ]
- Reasons for "Privacy". V. V. Rozanov and the Novel of His Literary Destiny (Yaroslav Vladimirovich Sarychev) pp.4809-4824.
[ PDF ]
- On the Challenge of Future Music Teachers Professional Training in the Context of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in
the training field "Pedagogical education" (Irina Petrovna Stegantseva and Valeriia Sergeevna Yaroshenko) pp.4825-4832.
[ PDF ]
- The Use of Slowgerman Podcast in Teaching German Language to Students of Pedagogical University (Elena V. Chesnokova) pp.4833-4838.
[ PDF ]
- Grammatical Parameters of the Text as a Factor in Assessing the Personality under Conditions of Changing Socio-psychological Constants
(Shatalova Olga Vasilyevna) pp.4839-4848. [ PDF ]
- Gastric Reaction of the Fighters at Different Stages of the Ontogenesis under Competitive Pressure (Sergei Fedorovich Panov and Irina Petrovna Panova)
pp.4849-4858. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Effect of Subjective Economic Conditions on Stresses from Support for Family and Preparation for Old life among Korean Baby-Boomers
(Sang-Jin Lee and Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.4859-4866. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Science and Mathematics Activities of Science Core High School Students on Career Choice (Shin, Han and Joo-Young, Lee) pp.4867-4888.
[ PDF ]
- Predictors for Suicidal Intention of the Korean Elderly in Poverty: Focusing on Depression and Economic Activity Status (Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.4889-4898.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effect of High School Volunteer Service on Satisfaction and Personality (Rah Kyung Kim) pp.4899-4908.
[ PDF ]
- The Effective of Group Art Programs on the Self-esteem and School Adjustment Levels in Girl's High School Students of Korea
(Eun-Mi Shin and Yun-Jeong Kim) pp.4909-4920. [ PDF ]
- Safety of Climate Levels Related to the Safety Management on Empowerment Dimension Aspects (Kadir Arifin, Roziah Abudin, Muhammad Rizal Razman
and Zitty Sarah Ismail) pp.4921-4926. [ PDF ]
- Employers' Concerns in the Employment of People with Disabilities (Rah Kyung Kim) pp.4927-4934. [ PDF ]
- Mass Media Coverage on Terrorism in Order to Achieve Peace and Justice According to the World Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
(Muhammad Khairil, Muhammad Nur Ali, Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria, Kadir Arifin and Muhammad Rizal Razman) pp.4935-4940.
[ PDF ]
- Impact of Supply Chain Relationship Quality on the Relational Performance: The Moderating Effects of Supply Chain Agility (You Kyung Lee) pp.4941-4948.
[ PDF ]
- From International Students to "permanent sojourner" - Japanese Institute of Technology Chinese Students' Awareness of Staying in Japan ?
(Liu Wen) pp.4949-4970. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Persistent Short Time Series Data Acquisition Algorithm for Wireless Smart Sensor Networks (Vladimir Vyacheslalovich Kopytov, Fariza Bilyalovna
Tebueva, Pavel Vladimirovich Kharechkin, Andrey Olegovich Shulgin and Mikhail Aleksevich Senokosov) pp.4971-4982.
[ PDF ]
- Subthreshold Characteristics by Potential-Energy-Dependent Tunneling of Sub-10 nm Double Gate MOSFET (Hakkee Jung) pp.4983-4990.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Bit Truncation Process in FFT Algorithm for OFDM Systems (Sangjin Ryoo) pp.4991-4998. [ PDF ]
- Simulation of Timing Error Detection for OFDM Systems (Sangjin Ryoo) pp.4999-5006. [ PDF ]
- Seismic Performance of RC Coupling Beams with Alternative Steel-Angle Reinforcement (Sun-Woong Kim, Wan-Shin Park, Young-Il Jang, Sun-Woo Kim,
Yi-Hyun Nam and Hyun-Do Yun) pp.5007-5014. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Cyber Sickness of Virtual Reality based on HMD (Eun-Jee Song) pp.5015-5022. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Base Station Design for Wireless Green Networks (Sangjoon Park and Kwanjoong Kim) pp.5023-5028.
[ PDF ]
- A Design of DRX Operation for the Power Saving (Sangjoon Park, Jongchan Lee and Kwanjoong Kim) pp.5029-5034.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of the Variations of Energy of the Speech Signal when English Speakers speak Korean (Kwang-Bock You and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.5035-5040.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Welfare State and Issues Affecting the Health Care of Older and Senior Citizens (Nataliya Yur'evna Zhukovskaya) pp.5041-5050.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Group Types of Male Korean Adults Classified by Cardiometabolic Factors, and the Influencing Factors of Physical Activity
and Living Habits: Using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) (Sang-Min Lee, So-Yeun Jun and Jeong-Won Han) pp.5051-5064.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of Family Function, Mental Health and Depression on Suicidal Ideation in Fresh College Joiners (Younghee Park) pp.5065-5078.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.7(B), July, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Ethical Role of Information System Based on Online Technology: Consumer's Perspective on Online Information of Ethic Management of a Travel Agency
(Woong-Ki Min, Jin-Hee Ku and Nam-Jo Kim) pp.5085-5092. [ PDF ]
- Exploring Interaction between Human Action and Organization Structure in the Process of Adopting Information Systems (Soonhan Bae and Jaeyoung Choi)
pp.5093-5106. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Influence of Personality of Cruise Port between Port Attachment and Behavioral Intention : Focused on Chinese Cruise Tourists in Busan
(Sung-Ho In, Myung-Hwa Nam and Jung-Hoon Kim) pp.5107-5116. [ PDF ]
- Agency Problem, Cost Stickiness, and Controlling Shareholders (Tae-Young Paik and Jeong-Ho, Koo) pp.5117-5124.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Factors Which Improve Social Identity among Foreign Students (Xiu Jin and Sang-Woo Hahm) pp.5125-5134.
[ PDF ]
- Fitness between Creative Support for Teams and Creative Personality: Influence on Work Engagement (SangWoo Hahm) pp.5135-5142.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Employee's Perception of Supervisor's Characteristics on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Mediating Role of Trust in Supervisor
(Xiu Jin and Sang-Woo Hahm) pp.5143-5152. [ PDF ]
- Information Content of the VKOSPI Entropy Indicator - A Dynamic Asset Allocation Approach (Joung Keun Cho) pp.5153-5160.
[ PDF ]
- Educational Policy Suggestions to Actualize 'Flipped learning' in English Classroom Through Recognition Survey of Primary and Secondary School Teachers
(Jong-Soo Han, Yong-Myeong Kim and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.5161-5168. [ PDF ]
- The Practices of Kindergarten Curriculum Implementation in the United States and its Implications for Korean Early Childhood Education
(Kyungchul Kim and Youngsil Sung) pp.5169-5178. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Measuring the Effectiveness of the University Reform Policy, Through an Analysis of the Financial Changes of South Korea University
(Soo-kyung Kim) pp.5179-5186. [ PDF ]
- The Structural Relationship Amongst Influencing Factors on the Creative Personality of University Students (Young Ju, Hur) pp.5187-5194.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis on grammar patterns of English textbooks for middle school juniors according to revised curriculum in 2009 (Youn-A Kwon and Mun-Koo Kang)
pp.5195-5202. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Cognition of College and Department's Core Competencies and Collective-Efficacy on Department Satisfaction and GPA: Mediating
Effects of Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem (Hoe-Chang Yang) pp.5203-5210. [ PDF ]
- The Future of Ecology Humanities Using Local Communities ? Focusing on the Implication of Converged Elementary Education (Myoung Hee Yi and Young
Ran Jung) pp.5211-5218. [ PDF ]
- Family Planning Education Effects on High School Students in Uganda (Mi Soon Ko and Myung Suk Koh) pp.5219-5230.
[ PDF ]
- Type, Motivation and Strategies of the Learning in Public Health Students (Eunyoung Kim, Eunju Lim and Junhee Noh) pp.5231-5238.
[ PDF ]
- Investigating the Strategic Importance of Character Education in Nursing in South Korea (Jeong hye Park) pp.5239-5248.
[ PDF ]
- Influencing Factors on the Cultural Competence of Nursing Students (Minsun Song and Namyoung Yang) pp.5249-5256.
[ PDF ]
- Classification of Nurses That Nursing Students Want to Become Using Q Methodology (Sunyoung Jang and MeeSuk Wang) pp.5257-5264.
[ PDF ]
- Interpersonal Competence among Nursing Students: Influencing Factors (Sunghee Lee and Yeojeong Nam) pp.5265-5272.
[ PDF ]
- Development of Teaching Competency Model for the Improving Creativity (Kyung-hwa Lee and Kyoung-hoon Lew) pp.5273-5280.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers' Creative Self-Efficacy and Creative Self-Assessment (Sook-Hee Park and Kyoung-hoon Lew) pp.5281-5288.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effect of Awareness and Education on Digital Literacy (Wookjoon Sung) pp.5289-5300. [ PDF ]
- The Most Dangerous in Islam ? Understanding "Jihad" as Defined and Mis-defined by Muslims (James Pattison, Hakkyong Kim, Sungyong Lee and Youngsik Kim)
pp.5301-5308. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Imitative Isomorphism on Medical Service Purchasing Intention and Moderating Effect of Structural Embeddedness (Min-sook Kim) pp.5309-5318.
[ PDF ]
- For Activation of License Exemption Frequency (Seong-Min Cha) pp.5319-5326. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Development of a Height ? Adjustable Light Shelf system (Kyungsoo Kim, Dasom Kim, Heangwoo Lee and Yongseong Kim) pp.5327-5334.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Passive Design Envelope for Building Energy Saving (Jinsoo Jeong, Hwiyeong Jeong, Ri Ryu and Yongseong Kim) pp.5335-5342.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Non-Dailiness Architectural Space Planning for the Daily Activities - The Shared Space in the University Society
(Jung-Dae Park and Donghyeog Choi) pp.5343-5352. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Architectural Design in Terms of the Concept of Boundary ? The Pier Museum for Cuban Immigrants (Jung-Dae Park and Donghyeog Choi)
pp.5353-5362. [ PDF ]
- Bitmap Indexing for Complex Similarity Queries (Guang-Ho Cha) pp.5363-5372. [ PDF ]
- Physiological Feature-Driven Interactive Human Body Appearance Synthesis: A VR Game Character Perspective (Seongah Chin) pp.5373-5380.
[ PDF ]
- The Pedagogical Significance of Development of Turtle Ships: Focusing on the Scientific Perspectives involving Premier Ryu Seong-Ryong and
Admiral Na Dae-Yong's Roles (Jae-Oh Park, Ji-Young Huh and Jun-Ho Huh) pp.5381-5390. [ PDF ]
- Research on the Innovative Product Development Model with Flexible Display in the UX Design (Seung Eun Chung and Han Young Ryoo) pp.5391-5400.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of the Interpreter for the Light-Weight Virtual Machine on IoT Environments (Yunsik Son, Seman Oh and Yangsun Lee)
pp.5401-5408. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Development and Performance Evaluation of a Light Shelf using Curved Reflection Plate (Jiun Her, Heangwoo Lee and Yongseong Kim)
pp.5409-5416. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Improvement of Indoor Characteristics for Dynamic Subjects in Infants (Dongsik Kang and Myungho Kim) pp.5417-5424.
[ PDF ]
- A Puzzle-Based Augmented Reality Language Learning Device that can implement Various AR Contents through Character Blocks with Embedded Character
Information Chip (Ho Kwon Kim and Tak Hoon Kim) pp.5425-5432. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Novel Convergence Approach for an Experimental Medicine to Improve Stomach Cancer Screening Rates (Seong-Ran Lee) pp.5433-5440.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Foot Rehabilitation on Weight Bearing and Gait Velocity in Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Jonggun Kim, Junhyuck Park
and Jongeun Yim) pp.5441-5448.(The titled is changed by authors) [ PDF ]
- Effect of Kinesio Taping on Walk Ability and Muscle Activation of Women with Total Knee Replacement (Junhyunck Park, Wonjae Choi, Jiyu Park and
Seungwon Lee) pp.5449-5458. [ PDF ]
- Measurement of Heath Enhancement through A Training Program among Patients with Gastric Cancer (Seong-Ran Lee) pp.5459-5466.
[ PDF ]
- Prevalence Rate and Factors Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency among Adolescents in the Korea (Ji Won Oak) pp.5467-5474.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.8(A), August, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On the Reduced Testing of a Primitive Element in Zn (Hideo Suzuki) pp.5481-5488. [ PDF ]
- Some Useful Properties of Trinion Fourier Transform (Mawardi Bahri, Mulkiah, Anisa Kalondeng, Muh.Saleh AF and Ryuichi Ashino) pp.5489-5498.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Change of Stability Levels of Coexisting Multiple Solutions in Nonlinear PDE System (Itaru Hataue) pp.5499-5508.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Effects of a Simulation-based Debriefing using Video in Nursing Education (Hyun-Ju Kim) pp.5509-5514. [ PDF ]
- An Empirical Study on the Effect of Service Types on Post-Adoption Behavior in Smartphone Applications (Hun Choi) pp.5515-5520.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of the Quality on User's Trust and Continuance Intention in Mobile Payment System: Focused on Cognitive Trust and Emotional Trust
(Hun Choi and YooJung Choi) pp.5521-5526. [ PDF ]
- Risk Factors Affecting Trust and Satisfaction in Mobile Payment Systems (YooJung Choi and Hun Choi) pp.5527-5532.
[ PDF ]
- A Public Opinion Study of Public for Jeonju Moju Utilizing Big Data Analysis (Chan-Yong Jin, Ok-Kyeong Yu, Xiao-Wen LIU and Soo-Tai Nam) pp.5533-5538.
[ PDF ]
- Time-constraint-based Cluster Management Scheme for Increasing Scalability of Hadoop Cluster (Wooseok Ryu) pp.5539-5544.
[ PDF ]
- The Improving Methods of JIT Production Logistics Systems Interfaced with SAP (Doo-Jin Park, Hee-Sung Bae and Woo-Sun Kim) pp.5545-5550.
[ PDF ]
- Teacher's Professional Activity to Make Students' Motivation to Learn Math Higher (Elena N. Fokina, Oksana N. Berduygina, Elena V. Ermakova) pp.5551-5562.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Organizational Culture and Work Motivation on Job Performance Among the Private Universities' Full-time Faculties in South Sumatera Province
(Siswoyo Haryono and Yasir Arafat) pp.5563-5576. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Novel Live Wire Trace Method Based on NB-PLC Technology (HeeJung Byun and SuGoog Shon) pp.5577-5582. [ PDF ]
- Automatic Control Device for Agriculture Crop Growth Environment (Hyun-Chang Lee, Seong-Yoon Shin and Sun-Kyoung Kang) pp.5583-5588.
[ PDF ]
- Development of Real-time Intelligent Auto Tagging Application System (Sun-Kyoung Kang, Hyun-Chang Lee and Seong-Yoon Shin) pp.5589-5594.
[ PDF ]
- A Method of Binarization with Less Information Loss using Merge and Conquer Approach and Fuzzy (Ho Chang Lee) pp.5595-5600.
[ PDF ]
- Forensic Evidence of Cyber Attack (APT) and Spear Phishing Scenario (Jung-ho Noh and Dea-woo Park) pp.5601-5606.
[ PDF ]
- Research of IoT and AI Platform with Web Technology (JinTae Park and IlYoung Moon) pp.5607-5612. [ PDF ]
- Study of the Safety Requirements for Medical Laser Radiation Equipment and the Test Methods for the Requirements (Hyoun-Rae Cho and Sang-Geon Park)
pp.5613-5618. [ PDF ]
- The Scheme of FGrid File for Multidimentional Data on a Flash Memory (Dong Hyun Kim, Sung Kyu Lim and ChaeHoon Ban) pp.5619-5624.
[ PDF ]
- Real-time Processing Structure for Handling HRV Tuples (Ahmed Younes Shdefat, Sung-Jun Park and Hee-Cheol Kim) pp.5625-5630.
[ PDF ]
- Improvements to Guidelines for De-identification of Personal Data (Dea-woo Park and Chan-young Choi) pp.5631-5636.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of a GP-GPU with Memory Latency Hiding and Unified Control Module (Kwan Ho Lee and Chiyong Kim) pp.5637-5642.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of a Memory Optimized CNN Processor for Object Recognition without Image Preprocessing (Hee Kyeong Jeon and Jun Mo Jeong) pp.5643-5648.
[ PDF ]
- Improve Energy Consumption Problem of Dual-hop Routing Protocol (Jong-Yong Lee and Daesung Lee) pp.5649-5654.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Eye Movements for Designing a Portal Service based on the User Experience (Jongsoo Ha and Sungwoo An) pp.5655-5660.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of Mobile Views for Battery Efficiency of Smart Phones (ChaeHoon Ban and DongHyun Kim) pp.5661-5666.
[ PDF ]
- Usage of Kinect Depth Sensor for Distance Measurement Function in Unmanned Vehicles (Niyonsaba Eric and Jong-Wook Jang) pp.5667-5672.
[ PDF ]
- Adjustment of Threshold Voltage by Bottom Gate Voltages and Work Function of Sub-10 nm Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFETs (Hakkee Jung) pp.5673-5678.
[ PDF ]
- Development of an IoT-Assisted Environmental Data Monitoring System for Agricultural Applications (Yongsoo Park and Jeongwook Seo) pp.5679-5684.
[ PDF ]
- Combining Chromotherapy and Grunwald's Space-Disposition Theory with Fuzzy Logic in Understanding Children's Personality/Emotions from Digital Drawings
(Kwang Baek Kim and Doo Heon Song) pp.5685-5690. [ PDF ]
- Improved Discrimination of Gallbladder in Ultrasonogram by Support Vector Machine using Significance Test (Hyun Jun Park and Kwang Baek Kim) pp.5691-5696.
[ PDF ]
- On the Attack Model and Vulnerability for Mobile Healthcare System (Jung Tae Kim) pp.5697-5702. [ PDF ]
- Design of a Security Scheme for High-Rate Close Proximity Point-to-Point Communication (Jae Seung Lee, Moon-Sik Lee and Yeong Jin Kim) pp.5703-5708.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Complex IPS for Correcting the Accuracy of WPS (Hyoun-Sup Lee and Jin-Deog Kim) pp.5709-5714.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of Efficient Location Tracking System Based on Bluetooth 4.0 (Am-Suk Oh) pp.5715-5720.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of an Automatic Smartphone-Based Access Control System (Am-Suk Oh) pp.5721-5726.
[ PDF ]
- OneM2M Communication Based on the Internet of Things (Am-Suk Oh) pp.5727-5732. [ PDF ]
- The Structural Performance of RC Coupling Beam Using T-Shaped Steel for Alternative detail (Yi-Hyun Nam, Sun-Woong Kim, Wan-Shin Park, Young-Il Jang,
Sun-Woo Kim and Hyun-Do Yun) pp.5733-5740. [ PDF ]
- Surface Tension and Adhesion Properties of Films and Coatings (Sergey I. Matyukhin and Konstantin Yu. Frolenkov) pp.5741-5750.
[ PDF ]
- The Removal of Copper from Clay Loam Soil by Chemical-Enhanced Soil Washing (CESW) (Dal-Heui Lee, Tae-Yoon Park, Shin Han) pp.5751-5756.
[ PDF ]
- A Design Mechanism for Secure Feature Model (Cheeyang Song and Eunsook Cho) pp.5757-5776. [ PDF ]
- Extension of Semantic Lexicon Using Word Embeddings and Synonyms (Da-Sol Park and Jeong-Won Cha) pp.5777-5788.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.8(B), August, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Study of Change of Narcissistic Experience in Art through Interactive Art (Hyunju UM and Hyunjung YU) pp.5795-5808.
[ PDF ]
- The Importance of Infographics in Travel Posters ? A Case Study of the Ten Most Traveled Cities in the Republic of Korea (Carolina Ji Young Lee and Sue
Hwa Kim) pp.5809-5816. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Relationship with Attitude and Satisfaction of the Continuance Intention in Fintech (Leesang Jung) pp.5817-5824.
[ PDF ]
- The Measure for Continuous Growth Groping of Korea Construction Company through the Changed Order Pattern of Foreign Construction Market
(Seung-Wan, Ju, Lee-Sang, Jung) pp.5825-5832. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Behavioral Intention According to the Shopping Orientation of Consumers Using Distributors; Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Omni-
Channel's Perceived Value (Hee-Young Cho, Sang-Ho Han and Yoon-Hwang Ju) pp.5833-5840. [ PDF ]
- Why College-Level Liberal Education Reforms Have Failed: Policy Suggestions to Overcome the Crisis of General(Liberal) Education in Korean Higher
Education (Soo-kyung Kim and Sook-Jeong Lee) pp.5841-5848. [ PDF ]
- Determining the Relative Importance of Factors Affecting Social Responsibility: Focusing on the Korea Young Talent Award Winners (Hyosun Kim and Jang Wan Ko)
pp.5849-5856. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Mediating Effect of Acculturation on Life Satisfaction of Marriage-based Female Immigrants (Myoung-hee Im, Mi-na Choi and Jae-bok Seo)
pp.5857-5866. [ PDF ]
- A Variety of Standpoints of English and Korean Language Expressing Time and Aspect (Ji-Hye Lee and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.5867-5874.
[ PDF ]
- Possibilities and Limitations of Bruner's Theory of Narrative Curriculum (Hyeon-Suk Kang) pp.5875-5888. [ PDF ]
- Inquiry into the Application of Narrative to Korea's Curriculum and Subject Matter Education (Ji-eun Lee and Hyeon-suk Kang) pp.5889-5898.
[ PDF ]
- The Analysis through Experiences and Actions in the Permanent Return Movement of Sakhalin Koreans (Bong Su Park and Young Hun Oh) pp.5899-5906.
[ PDF ]
- Exploring the Narrative Dialectic: Focusing on the Comparison of Legal Narrative and Literary Narrative (Hye-Won Shin and Hyeon-Suk Kang) pp.5907-5914.
[ PDF ]
- Effect of short ?term Overseas Experiences on Cultural Empathy Ability and Sense of Cityzenship (Mihee Han) pp.5915-5922.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Research Trends of Job Analysis Presented in the form of Academic Theses in Korean Universities (Jong-Wook Kim and Jinsoo Kim) pp.5923-5932.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette Education on High School Students (Minsun Song and Namyoung Yang) pp.5933-5940.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting Profitability of the University Hospitals in Korea (Jong-Hyun Yang and Jeong-Ah Yoon) pp.5941-5948.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Personality, Interpersonal Relations and Stress of Clinical Practice of Nursing Students (Miran Bang and Sunsook Sim) pp.5949-5958.
[ PDF ]
- Complete Mental Health and Suicide Resilience among University Students in South Korea (Seong Eun Kim) pp.5959-5966.
[ PDF ]
- The Structural Relationship of Influence Factors of Personal Information Security Awareness (Youngki Kim and Youngju Hur) pp.5967-5974.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Accounting For Parenting Behavior of the Marriage Migrant Women Raising Young Children (Hera Kim, Moo-Young, Lee, Ji-Young Kim and Jung-bin Yang)
pp.5975-5982. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Franchisors' Management Styles on Dissolution Intention: Mediation Effects of Task-Focused and Procedural Conflict and Moderation
Effects of Image of Franchisor (Sang-Ho Han, Hoe-Chang Yang and Hee-Young Cho) pp.5983-5994. [ PDF ]
- An Analysis on Metaphors of Teacher's Perceptions of Teacher Training (Changun Park, Jeonghwa Tak, Zhangpei Li) pp.5995-6002.
[ PDF ]
- Smartphone Addiction Level and Smartphone Use Expectation in Adults (Myung Soon Kwon, Oh Soon Yoon, Ghee-Young Noh, Jiyoung Chun and Suk Jung Han)
pp.6003-6010. [ PDF ]
- Multi-Sensory Stimulation Method for Concentration Improvement of the University's Library (Ye-Jin Lee and Myung-Ho Kim) pp.6011-6018.
[ PDF ]
- Economic Analysis of the EDISON Program (EDucation-research-industry Integration through Simulation On the Net) (Buyoung Ahn) pp.6019-6026.
[ PDF ]
- Strengthening Mentoring Support System for Youth (Il Nam Kwon and Se Kwang, Kim) pp.6027-6036. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Attachment to Power-Symbol Products: Focused on Economic Powerlessness (Miyea Kim) pp.6037-6046.
[ PDF ]
- Negative Impacts of Forcibleness of Retargeting Advertising on Brand Loyalty (Dong Soon Shin and Miyea Kim) pp.6047-6054.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of NPD on Social Network Formation and Information Sharing Behavior (Kyungyoung Ohk, So-Hyun Joo, Kiwan Park, Hae Kyung Yang) pp.6055-6062.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Emotional Advertisement between Same and Competitive Brand on the Attitude towards Ad after Consumer Dissatisfaction (Jungyeon Sung)
pp.6063-6070. [ PDF ]
- The Moderating Effect of Cost-to-benefit Ratio on In-Flight Service and Marketing Performance (Seung-Bae Park and Jae-won Hong) pp.6071-6078.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Efficiency of Community Social Service Investment for Children in Utilization of the DEA Analysis ? Focusing on the Child and
Youth Psychological Support Service and Child Emotional Development Support Service (Hyun-Ok Kang and Hye-Won Hwang) pp.6079-6086.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Index and Satisfaction of the Sharing (Heesang Yoon, Seunghoe, Choi and Hyeryung Kim) pp.6087-6094.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of Newborn Abandonment Cases Using Media Reports (Hae Sung Kim) pp.6095-6102. [ PDF ]
- A Research on Job Stress, Psychological Well-Being and Coping Resources of Fire Officials: Focusing on the mediating effects of Self-Efficacy and
Social Support (Hyo-Jin Shin and Ha-Sung Kong) pp.6103-6110. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Suicidal Ideation in Male Baby Boomers (Kim Hee Sook and Shin Eun Jeong) pp.6111-6120.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Anxiety and Supporting Behavior of a Mother Hospitalized Patients Provided Information about the Treatment during Hospitalization
(Mi-jin Kim and Young-Soon Choi) pp.6121-6128. [ PDF ]
- The Association of Cultural Dispositions and Psychological Health with Morality Among University Students in South Korea (Byungduck An and Won Woo Shin)
pp.6129-6136. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A New Differential Privacy Scheme Ensuring Security and Effectiveness (Soonseok Kim, Kwangsoo Yeo and Cheoljung Kim) pp.6137-6148.
[ PDF ]
- A Detection System of Personal Information based on Text-Learning and Images Analysis (YoungKyung Lee and Yoojae Won) pp.6149-6158.
[ PDF ]
- The Detection of Data Leakage based on the Convolution Neural Network (Myung-Ho Kim and Min-Ji Seo) pp.6159-6170.
[ PDF ]
- Requirement of Secure IoT devices for Smart Home Network Based on Internet of Things (Jung Tae Kim) pp.6171-6178.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.9(A), September, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Stochastic Mathematical Models in Epidemiology (Meksianis Z. Ndii, Asep K. Supriatna) pp.6185-6196. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Insecticide on the Vector of Rice Tungro Disease: Insight from a Mathematical Model (Nursanti Anggriani, Muhammad Yusuf, Asep K. Supriatna)
pp.6197-6206. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Comparison between a Sense of Depth in an Displayed Object near a Frame of a Stereoscopic Monitor and It Positioned at the Center (Hisaki Nate)
pp.6207-6218. [ PDF ]
- Usability Testing of Initial User Interface Design of Nakhon Si Thammarat National Museum Website (Suthanya Doung-in and Satjaree Sirichai) pp.6219-6232.
[ PDF ]
- Chinese Retrieval System Using Hangeul Pronunciation of Chinese Language (Hongwon Yun, Wang Yu, Pyeoungkee Kim and Junghwa Lee) pp.6233-6244.
[ PDF ]
- A Proposal for the Optimization of Halalizing Korean Restaurant Service Processes (Lee Chiaw Mon and Lee Sung Pil) pp.6245-6260.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on application of Limited Animation for Education of Animation Production (Chul-Young Choi and Yan Jihui) pp.6261-6276.
[ PDF ]
- Construction of a Harmful Animals Scaring System Protecting Plantation Farm with Smart Phone Application (Lee Kyung Mog) pp.6277-6286.
[ PDF ]
- IT, the Hands-off Manager: Digital Business Strategy in the Ecosystem Environment (Hyeyoung Kim, Jae-Nam Lee and Jaemin Han) pp.6287-6304.
[ PDF ]
- Application on the Law of Tort Focusing on Private Nuisance Towards Sustainablity Land Conservation (Arifin Bur and Muhammad Rizal Razman) pp.6305-6312.
[ PDF ]
- On Some Generation Z Teaching Techniques and Methods in Higher Education (Olga Vikhrova) pp.6313-6324. [ PDF ]
- A.P. Chekhov and Aesthetic Quest of the Silver Age: On Ontology in Poetics (Marianna A. Dudareva, Irina V. Monisova, Olga V. Murashova and Gayane B.
Atalyan) pp.6325-6338. [ PDF ]
- The Crisis of Public Finances and the Detachment of Budgetary Reform (2011-2015 Years in Russia) (Mstislav Platonovich Afanasiev, Natalyia Nikolaevna
Shash) pp.6339-6350. [ PDF ]
- Can Gait Deviation Index (GDI) be an Early Indicator for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? (Nur Khalidah Zakaria, Lusiana Syaiful,
Nadia Mohd Mustafah, Haidzir Manaf, Marina Ismail and Nursuriati Jamil) pp.6351-6360. [ PDF ]
- Innovation Oriented Education Model as a Solution for Undergraduate Unemployment Prepared for Biomedical Engineering Study program
(Boy Subirosa Sabarguna) pp.6361-6368. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Machine Learning-based Adaptive Video Streaming Algorithm in Dynamic Network Environments (Chaemin Seong, Seongjun Hong and Kyungshik Lim) pp.6369-6376.
[ PDF ]
- Construction of Pull Request Contribution Graph for Assessing Developer Contributions to Pull Requests in GitHub (Jungil Kim, Sunbin Park, Geunho Choi
and Eunjoo Lee) pp.6377-6384. [ PDF ]
- 2-step Word Alignment Framework for Thai-English Statistical Machine Translation (Prasert Luekhong, Taneth Ruangrajitpakorn, Rattasit Sukhahuta and
Thepchai Supnithi) pp.6385-6398. [ PDF ]
- Smart Interaction Design Based on Space-Centric Interaction Framework (Chang Ok Yun and Tae Soo Yun) pp.6399-6416.
[ PDF ]
- A Risk Detection System for Improved Survival of Drones (Se-il Park and Jong-wook Jang) pp.6417-6426.
[ PDF ]
- Advanced Optical Feedback of redesigned Focused Augmented Mirror-based Facial Makeup System (Ja Hu Ku, Jae Seok Jang and Soon Ki Jung) pp.6427-6436.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis and Visualization Method Developed for the Gameplay Process in FPS Games (GyuHyeok Choi and Mijin Kim) pp.6437-6450.
[ PDF ]
- Application of Biometric Key in Practical Secret Sharing for DNSsec (Anneke Soraya Hidayat, Rosemary Koikara, Pyung-Han Kim and Kee-Young Yoo) pp.6451-6460.
[ PDF ]
- Cooperative DDNS based Home IoT platform using Home Gateway in Dynamic IP address Environment (Hyeongcheol Park, Sungwon Lee, Eunbae Moon and Dongkyun Kim)
pp.6461-6468. [ PDF ]
- Vision-Based Drone Landing System Using Convolutional Neural Networks (Donghwa Lee and Dong-Hyun Lee) pp.6469-6478.
[ PDF ]
- Detecting Approximate Duplicate Records In the Thai Language (Intiraporn Mulasastra and Komon Jitsatja) pp.6479-6496.
[ PDF ]
- AHP and Delphi Method based Attack-capability Evaluation Methodology (Mun-soo Kong, Nam-jung Kim and Gang-soo Lee) pp.6497-6510.
[ PDF ]
- Design of Mobile Robot Avoidance System Using Kinect (Min-Joon Kim and Jong-Wook Jang) pp.6511-6520. [ PDF ]
- A Design and Implementation of Block Cipher Algorithm using Cube (Min-Ho Kim, Jun Lee, Hyeon-Seon Jeon and Eun-Jung Choi) pp.6521-6532.
[ PDF ]
- Handle Pose Estimation for Micro Aerial Vehicles (Dong-Hyun Lee) pp.6533-6540. [ PDF ]
- Compound Task Allocation in Preference-based Multirobot Coordination (Dong-Hyun Lee and Donghwa Lee) pp.6541-6548.
[ PDF ]
- A Taint Analysis Enabling Technique for Detecting Contact Information Leak App (Manhee Lee) pp.6549-6556.
[ PDF ]
- Image Reconstruction using Weighting Matrix in Electrical Capacitance Tomography (Ji-Hoon Kim and In-Soo Lee) pp.6557-6564.
[ PDF ]
- Improved Reversible Data Hiding Scheme using Weighted Matrix with Overlapping (Kwang-Yeol Jung, Dae-Soo Kim, Young-Ju Kim, Kee-Young Yoo) pp.6565-6574.
[ PDF ]
- Exploiting Temporal Influence for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Shokirkhon Oppokhonov and Seyoung Park) pp.6575-6584.
[ PDF ]
- Calculation of the Critical Times of Carbon Monoxide Influence on Humans in Case of Fire in the Premises (V.G. Plyushchikov, S.V. Puzach, Yury G.
Fominykh, V.G. Puzach, R.R. Gurina and Nguen Tat Dat) pp.6585-6594. [ PDF ]
- Modelling of the Relaxation Properties of Petroleum-Bitumen Suspension (Artyem O. Romashev, Tatyana N. Aleksandrova and Aleksandr V. Aleksandrov)
pp.6595-6604. [ PDF ]
- Determination of the Degree of Impact Destruction of Gold-bearing Ore Particles in the Layer (Nadezhda V. Nikolaeva, Tatyana N. Aleksandrova and
Vadim A. Taranov) pp.6605-6614. [ PDF ]
- Diagnostics in the Methodology of Aviation Accident Investigation (Yuri V. Popov, Vladimir A. Gorshkov, Anatoly I. Pleshakov, Sergey K. Kamzolov and
Anatoliy I. Frolkov) pp.6615-6626. [ PDF ]
- Comfortable Pillow Design Based on Individual Basis (Akisue Kuramoto, Yuma Inui, Tomu Ichikawa, Hiroyuki Ono, Naoto Sekiyama, Hitoshi Kimura and Norio
Inou) pp.6627-6644. [ PDF ]
- Analyses of Characteristics of the Changes in Cerebral Activation State Based on Sasang Constitution (Jeong-Hoon Shin and Hyo-Won Jeon) pp.6645-6656.
[ PDF ]
- Expert System for Biocoenosis Diagnosis Based on Bayesian Data Analysis and Fuzzy Production Rule System (Lyubov Lomakina, Irina Soloveva, Sergey
Zelentsov) pp.6657-6664. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Bioinformatics Study of Mutations of Resistance to Antivirals in the NS5A Gen of HCV (Florez Hector and Salvatierra Karina) pp.6665-6672.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.9(B), September, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Visual Attention of Science Class: An Eye-tracking Case Study of Student and Teacher (Seung-Hyuk Kwon, Dong-Yong Kim, Yeong-Ji Lee and Yong-Ju Kwon)
pp.6679-6686. [ PDF ]
- Students' Understanding on Formal Arrangement of Algorithms: Evidence from Eye Movements (Hye Min Kim and Kwangho Lee) pp.6687-6694.
[ PDF ]
- Comparison and Analysis of Determinations of Apartment Prices and Marketability in Ho Chi Minh City for Tourism Development
(Youseok Chung, Jaehwan Kim and Minseok Baik) pp.6695-6702. [ PDF ]
- Exploring the Self-Concept of Childhood with Folktale Picture Books Analysis - "Three Little Pigs" and the Parodies (Sang-hee Park) pp.6703-6710.
[ PDF ]
- The effects of Promotional Event of Gyeongnam 6th Industrial Antenna Shop on Store Awareness, Product Image, and Store Image
(Eunil Son, Gwijeong Park and Soyoung Park) pp.6711-6718. [ PDF ]
- (Cancelled by the authors in 25/01/2018)
- The Authority of Newspapers and the Citizen Participation in Online Public Journalism (Jin-soo Kim and Hye-joo Kim) pp.6727-6734.
[ PDF ]
- An Essay about the Freedom and Liberty of University: A Comparative and Darwinian lessons from Birth and Growth of European and Asian-Korean Universities
(Se-Yeoung Chun and Wim van de Grift) pp.6735-6744. [ PDF ]
- A Quest on Possibility of Design Thinking?based STEAM Education for Strengthening Elementary School Students' Interest in Math and Science, Personalities,
and Science and Technology Career Choice (Jinmi Tae) pp.6745-6754. [ PDF ]
- Creative Beauty of Daily Routine in Children's Photographs: Focused on outdoor playground (Hyuo-won Lee and Jeong-jin Youn) pp.6755-6762.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis on Affective Domain's Characteristics of Scientifically Gifted Students from Rural and Urban Area: Focus on Emotional Intelligence,
Self-regulated Learning Ability, Conviction on Intellectual Capacity, and Achievement Motivation (Chunryol Ryu, Jiyoung Ryu and Jiseon Kim) pp.6763-6772.
[ PDF ]
- Toward a Deep Change: What Factors Influence Teachers' Implementation of Multicultural Curricula ? (Jinyoung Choi and Hyunhee Cho) pp.6773-6782.
[ PDF ]
- Teachers' Perception for English Curriculum Continuity between Elementary and Secondary School in South Korea (Eun-Sok Won) pp.6783-6794.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of the Academic Difficulty and Adjustment to College of Students under Academic Probation (Suk-Yeol Lee) pp.6795-6802.
[ PDF ]
- A Meta-Analysis of Social Story Intervention for Improving the Social Skills as Evidence-Based Practice (Yungkeun Park) pp.6803-6810.
[ PDF ]
- Constructivism in Early Childhood Education: Research Trends in Korea (Jeongeon Park) pp.6811-6818. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Study of Health Perceptions, Passion for the Teaching Profession, Teacher Efficacy, and Happiness of Forest Kindergarten Teachers across
Types of Forest Kindergartens (Shin-young Lee) pp.6819-6826. [ PDF ]
- Mediating Effect of Academic Adaptation between the Perceived Creative Learning Self-Efficacy and Career Maturity (Aekyeong Yang and Myung Sook Lee)
pp.6827-6834. [ PDF ]
- The Analysis of Vocabularies in Stories in Teacher's Guidebooks of Nuri Curriculum in South Korea (Jinyoung Go, Youngsil Sung and Kyungchul Kim)
pp.6835-6842. [ PDF ]
- Career Guidance through Analysis of the Effects of College Counseling Program (Young-Ran, Yoon and Ae-kyeong Yang) pp.6843-6850.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of the Father's Optimistic Explanatory Styleon the Young child's Resilience and Social Competence (Cha, Young Hee) pp.6851-6858.
[ PDF ]
- Profiling the 'active cadre' of Terrorist Organizations Compared to the 'lone wolf terrorists' (James Pattison and Hakkyong Kim) pp.6859-6866.
[ PDF ]
- Does Social Work Supervision Affect Social Workers' Professional Efficacy ? Focusing on the Effects of Three Functions of Supervision (SoYun Choi)
pp.6867-6874. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Moderating Effect of Customer Orientation and Supplier Participation on Relation between Process Innovation and Corporate Performances of
Chinese Companies (Yeonggil Kim and Jeong Soo Park) pp.6875-6886. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Translation Strategies of Accounting Terminology in the Translation of IFRS into the Korean Language (Jeong Mok Seo) pp.6887-6898.
[ PDF ]
- Awareness from a Debate of Permitted Limit of a Prosthetic Limb When Boarding (Jiwonn Shim and Euitay Jung) pp.6899-6906.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Values of Sports of Participants in Sports in Daily Life on Motivation of Sports Participation and Exercise Satisfaction
(Kim, Sung Kue, Kim Min Jun and Yoo, Jung In) pp.6907-6916. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Study on the Care Service System for the Elderly in East Asia: Approach on the focused Perspective of Community-based Integration Care
(Youngran Oh) pp.6917-6926. [ PDF ]
- A Korean Research Trend based on the Analysis with the Keywords of Elderly Suicide (Mi Ran Lee) pp.6927-6934.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Development of Biological Nitrogen Removal Program in Step Feed Anoxic-Oxic Process (Byung-Dae Lee) pp.6935-6942.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Characteristics of MMA resin for Manufactured of Permeability Cold-recycled Asphalt (Hyo-Jin Cho, Jong-Won Lee and Young-Il Jang) pp.6943-6950.
[ PDF ]
- The Characteristic Function of a Multi-Level Single-Layer Artificial Neural Network (Jong-Joon Park) pp.6951-6958.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Graphic Symbol Reflecting Experiences (Si Na Kim and Su-jeung Kim) pp.6959-6966. [ PDF ]
- Design Changes in Automobile Interface for Drivers Due to the Spread of Smart Media (Su-young Jung and Jong-hoon Choe) pp.6967-6976.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Characteristics of Greenhouse Building Plans and Eco-Friendly Design Strategy: A Focus on Seoul Botanic Park Greenhouse (Hoon Park)
pp.6977-6996. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Study of the Microgap of Implant Fixture and Abutment in four Different Fastening Methods (Soo-Chul Park and Jung-Hwa Lee) pp.6997-7004.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program on the physiological sign, depression, s-cortisol and IgA on Breast Cancer Survivors in Korea
(Kwang-soon Kang) pp.7005-7012. [ PDF ]
- The Role of Pregnancy Stress, Anxiety, and Sense of Mastery in Family Function among Women with High-risk Pregnancy (Sunghee Lee and Eunyoung Lee)
pp.7013-7020. [ PDF ]
- Rejection Sensitivity and Empathy Predict Dating Relationship Control in Female College Students (Sung He Lee and Seol He Son) pp.7021-7028.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Subjectivity of Infertility : Q-methodology (Sunyoung Jang) pp.7029-7036. [ PDF ]
- Anger in the Family Members of the Major Caregiver of Demented Elderly at Home (Sun-Hee Bae, Young-Ju Jee and Young-Sun Park) pp.7037-7050.
[ PDF ]
- Problem Drinking Behavior and Related Factors in Male University Students According to Alcohol Use Disorder, Drinking Motivation, Coping Style and
Stress (Eun Ju Kim) pp.7051-7058. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Flipped Learning in 'Fundamental Nursing' Curriculum Subject (Yeon ja Kim and Mi-hwan Chin) pp.7059-7066.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.10(A), October, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Analysis and Predictions of Social Phenomena via social media using Social Physics method (Akira Ishii) pp.7073-7086.
[ PDF ]
- On the Cardinality of Elements each with a Given Order in Zn (Hideo Suzuki, Masaki Hanada, Rie Suzuki and Tadao Nakamura) pp.7087-7092.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of Time Series Obtained from an Experiment of a Laser Chaos by Chaos Degree (Kei Inoue and Fumiyoshi Kuwashima) pp.7093-7100.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Walter Spies and the Shaping of the School of Batuan Painting (Indonesia, Bali) in 1930-s (Anastasia Senokosova) pp.7101-7108.
[ PDF ]
- Is the Corporate Default Probability Factor Systematic and Priced in Taiwan's Stock Market? (Nicholas Ruei-Lin Lee, Fu-Min Chang, Kun-Teng Lee and
Hsiang-Jane Su) pp.7109-7116. [ PDF ]
- Comparing Students' Level of Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Skills when Solving Non-Routine Problems (Norizan Abdullah, Masitah Shahrill,
Abby Tan and Jamilah Yusof) pp.7117-7124. [ PDF ]
- Compliance Program in the Light of Criminal Liability of Legal Entities (Lucie Andreisova) pp.7125-7134.
[ PDF ]
- Energy Intensity Decomposition for Manufacturing Sector in Thailand: A Story of Past Two Decades (Bundit Chaivichayachat) pp.7135-7142.
[ PDF ]
- The Influence of Law Changes in the Czech Republic to the Easiness of Set up a Company (Petr Valenta and Tomas Moravec) pp.7143-7150.
[ PDF ]
- Enhancing Students' Understanding of Geography through Concept Mapping (Radiman Idris, Rosmawijah Jawawi, Rohani Matzin and Jainatul Halida Jaidin)
pp.7151-7158. [ PDF ]
- Socio-Economic Analysis of Choice of Gambling Type among South African University Students: An Ordered Logit Model (J Surujlal and Y Akinwale)
pp.7159-7170. [ PDF ]
- Methodological Approach to Modelling of Economic Growth of Innovative Economy of the Region (Vladimir Glinskiy, Lyudmila Serga, Ekaterina Simonova
and Kirill Zaykov) pp.7171-7178. [ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Urban Household Food Insecurity in a Low Income Neighbourhood in South Africa (Wynand Grobler) pp.7179-7190.
[ PDF ]
- Inter-industry Linkage of Tourism Related Sectors in Thailand: Past, Present and Future (Bundit Chaivichayachat) pp.7191-7198.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of Legal Literacy and Communication in the Enforcement of Environmental Laws (Muhammad Khairil, Cheryl Stephen Jeganathan, Muhammad Rizal
Razman, Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria and Shaharuddin Mohamad Ismail) pp.7199-7208. [ PDF ]
- Disabilities in Pakistan's R&D Sector: Knowledge Management Capability (Zeeshan Asim, Surriyya Sarwat, Shahryar Sorooshian and Muhammad Shahid Ahmad)
pp.7209-7216. [ PDF ]
- Overview on Pakistan R&D Sector in Context Adopting Technological Capabilities (Zeeshan Asim, Surriyya Sarwat, Shahryar Sorooshian and Muhammad
Shahid Ahmad) pp.7217-7226. [ PDF ]
- Collaboration of Information and Innovation Sharing among SMEs in Thailand (NARISSARA KITIPAT and SAWAT WANARAT) pp.7227-7240.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Leaders' Motivational Language on Employee Performance: A Mediation Model using Korean Bank Tellers (Jung-hyun Ahn, Jihyeon Jeon and
Kyungok Park) pp.7241-7248. [ PDF ]
- Exploring Factors Influencing Lottery Purchasing (Seungho Cho and EunJung Shim) pp.7249-7256. [ PDF ]
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Family Mealtime-Related Factors on Subjective Well-Being among Korean College Students (Eunsil Choi) pp.7267-7274.
[ PDF ]
- VRIO and THES Based Development of University Competitive Advantage Model in Formulating University Strategic Plan (Sudiyatno, Setyabudi Indartono
and Ferry Wahyu Wibowo) pp.7275-7284. [ PDF ]
- Nurse's Quality of Work Life in Health Community Service (Ali Zaenal Abidin, Suwatno, Tjutju Yuniarsih and Disman) pp.7285-7292.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of Social Changes in Russia of 1900-1921 on the B. Zaytsev Literary-Artistic Method (Elena Dudina and Elena Puzankova) pp.7293-7306.
[ PDF ]
- Legal Aspects of National Interests Protection when Executing State (Municipal) Procurements in Russia (Tatiana A. Guseva, Pavel A. Astafichev and
Vitaly E. Sizov) pp.7307-7318. [ PDF ]
- Exploring the Possibility of Integration of Backward Design and Narrative Theory (Hyeon-suk Kang and Hye-won Shin) pp.7319-7326.
[ PDF ]
- Folk Pedagogy's Implication on Future Education (Hyeon-suk Kang and Ji-eun Lee) pp.7327-7336. [ PDF ]
- Theoretical Possibilities and Discussion of Bruner's Narrative Curriculum Theory (Hyeon-suk Kang) pp.7337-7344.
[ PDF ]
- Expansion Sequences and their Clusters of the All Space-filling Periodic Polyhedral Honeycombs (Robert C. Meurant) pp.7345-7362.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- FingerVeri: An Enhanced E-Commerce Website with Fingerprint Technology (Han-Foon Neo and Chuan-Chin Teo) pp.7363-7370.
[ PDF ]
- Framework for Supporting the Creation of Marketing Strategies (Ana Morante, Maria del Pilar Villamil and Hector Florez) pp.7371-7378.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Improved Pragmatic Multiple Trellis-coded Modulation for Mobile Communication Networks (Sangjin Ryoo) pp.7379-7386.
[ PDF ]
- Wikipedia-based Concept Networks: A Probabilistic Approach (Han-joon Kim and Ga-hui Lee) pp.7387-7398.
[ PDF ]
- Treatment of Abnormality in Lateral Flexion and Rotation of Cervical Spine (Seong-Yoon Shin and Jong-Ryul Kim) pp.7399-7406.
[ PDF ]
- Automatic Virtual Camera Control Using A Style Imitation Technique For 3D Game Based Animation (Ahmad Zainul Fanani, Supeno Mardi Susiki Nugroho,
Mochamad Hariadi and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo) pp.7407-7428. [ PDF ]
- Developing Arabic Ontology based on Power Links (Mahmoud Rokaya and Ahmed S. Ghiduk) pp.7429-7444.
[ PDF ]
- The Emerging Modern Information System in Agricultural Development: A Case Study on ICT Use for Supporting Agricultural Activities in Rural Yogyakarta
Indonesia (Subejo, Dyah Woro Untari, Ratih Ineke Wati and Gagar Mewasdinta) pp.7445-7462. [ PDF ]
- Hepatoprotective Activity of Avocado and Coconut Oils Against Biochemical Alteration and Oxidative Stress Induced by Nicotine in Male Albino Rats
(Nabila Y. Mahmoud Abdulmaguid and Dalia I. Hemdan) pp.7463-7478. [ PDF ]
- Optimal Ratio of a Purification Material to Wastewater Based on COD and NO3-N Concentration (Takahiro Yamazaki, Shigeo Ishikawa, Sadao Nagasaka and
Masao Igarashi) pp.7479-7486. [ PDF ]
- Data Classification Method Based on Ontological Characteristics of Objects (Chul Hyun Hwang, Hyunok Song and Hoe-Kyung Jung) pp.7487-7494.
[ PDF ]
- Impact of Doping Concentration on Threshold Voltages for Sub-10 nm Double Gate MOSFET (Hakkee Jung) pp.7495-7502.
[ PDF ]
- A Method to Extract Size-feelings from Customer-reviews (Dongli Han, Takehiro Ishibashi, Kyosuke Takanami and Ryo Shinozaki) pp.7503-7510.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.10(B), October, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Microgenetic Analysis on Descriptive Concept Formation (Jung-Yun Shin and Il-Ho Yang) pp.7517-7524. [ PDF ]
- Comparing Novice and Expert Students' Eye Movement in the Descriptive Concept Formation (Su-Kyoung Kim, Jung-Yun Shin and Il-Ho Yang) pp.7525-7532.
[ PDF ]
- The development of the STEAM educational Program Based on the Relationship between Growth of Licorice and Meteorological Elements
(Jae-Hee Cho, Hak-Sung Kim and Yong-Pil Park) pp.7533-7540. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Sports Values on the Academic Self-Efficacy and Interpersonal Relations of Middle School Students (In-Je, Yang, Jeong-Ho, Choi and
Jong-Lyoul Park) pp.7541-7548. [ PDF ]
- Pre Service Teachers' Understanding of Science Practices During Open-inquiry Chemistry Laboratory Activities (Heontae Shim and Suna Ryu) pp.7549-7556.
[ PDF ]
- A Consideration on Elderly-friendly Paid Welfare Houses Seniors (Min-Seok Baik and Jae-Hwan Kim) pp.7557-7564.
[ PDF ]
- Design Museums Experiencing and Seeking Practicality with Aesthetic Value (Hyun-Kyung Lee) pp.7565-7572.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Communication between Politicians and Korean Festivals: Q Methodological Approach (Kyung-Suk Yoo) pp.7573-7580.
[ PDF ]
- Treadmill Exercise Enhance the Peripheral Nerve Regeneration by Induce the Macrophages (Jae Sung Park) pp.7581-7588.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Innovation Activities of Export Firms and their Use of Intellectual Property Rights (Sungho RHO and Sehwan OH) pp.7589-7600.
[ PDF ]
- Implied Equity Volatility and Liquid Alternative Hedge Fund Investing by Qualified Korean Investors (Joung Keun Cho) pp.7601-7608.
[ PDF ]
- Non-Recourse Mortgage and Implied Option Pricing by Black-Scholes Model (Bongjoon Kim) pp.7609-7618. [ PDF ]
- An Empirical Study to Understand the Effects of Product Recall on Consumer Behavior (Won-jun Lee) pp.7619-7626.
[ PDF ]
- Estimation of Willingness to Pay for Virtual Reality Theme Park through Contingent Valuation Method (Yijoong Kim, Heysook Kim, Yonghee Kim and
Jeongil Choi) pp.7627-7634. [ PDF ]
- The influence of Emotional labor strategy and Organizational Commitment on the Airline Employees' Big 5 Personality (Cho Ju-eun and Choi Sang-soo)
pp.7635-7642. [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Start-up Decision-making Process for Prep Entrepreneurs by Psychological Mechanism (Kyoungyoung Ohk and Jaewon Hong) pp.7643-7650.
[ PDF ]
- The Influence of Social Capital Factors on Innovation Performance of Social Enterprises (Sung-Hee Jang and Jae-Ik Shin) pp.7651-7658.
[ PDF ]
- Consumer Choice to the Polarization of Consumptions: Focusing on Mating Goal Priming (Junsik Kwak) pp.7659-7666.
[ PDF ]
- The Factors that Determine Startup Intentions among Korean Youth (Sungeun Cho and Young-Min Lee) pp.7667-7676.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Improvement of Emotional Intelligence of Employees: Focused on food
and beverage department of Hotel (Sung-ho In and Sun-mi Yun) pp.7677-7684. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Market Reaction Following the Change of the Acquisition Tax Rate of Real Estate (Seong-hoon Jeong and In-ho Choi) pp.7685-7692.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of CEO's Problem-Solving Styles on Managerial Commitment and Performance under the Context of Task Uncertainty
(Hee Ok Lee, Dong Seop Chung, Jinxi Michelle Li) pp.7693-7700. [ PDF ]
- Problem-Solving Styles of CEO-Manager Dyads Affecting Task Characteristics and Organizational Effectiveness: A Taxonomy Approach based on
Kirton's Adaptor-Innovator Model (Dong Seop Chung and Jinxi Michelle Li) pp.7701-7708. [ PDF ]
- Mediating Effect of Company Size on Relationship between Product and Process Innovation and Corporate Performance in China (Yeonggil Kim, Jeong
Soo Park and Kyungwhan Shin) pp.7709-7716. [ PDF ]
- Effects of a Peer Tutoring Program applied to Nursing College Students (Min-Suk Kim and Suk-Won Hahn) pp.7717-7724.
[ PDF ]
- Augmenting English Education via an Online Reading Program (B.T. Stoakley and Jeong-ryeol Kim) pp.7725-7732.
[ PDF ]
- Review of Research Trends in Special Education Teachers' Job (Jong-Gu Kang) pp.7733-7740. [ PDF ]
- A Direction for Inclusive Education in South Korea's Educational Environment (Jong-Gu Kang) pp.7741-7748.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Increasing the Coverage of Impact Angles of Non-Overturning Crashworthy Post (Man-Gi Ko, Kee-Dong Kim, Min-Hyung No and Duk-Geun Yun) pp.7749-7758.
[ PDF ]
- Properties according to Na2SiO3 Mixing Ratio of Non-cement Lightweight Matrix (Won-Jong, Kim, Tae-Hyun, Kim and Sang-Soo, Lee) pp.7759-7768.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Sustainable Urban Regeneration of Slope Residential Area Applying the Street Oriented Block-Unit Planning Concept
(Donghyeog Choi and Sohyun Jeoun) pp.7769-7776. [ PDF ]
- A Study of the Urban Regeneration for Pedestrian-Friendly City Environment - to Accommodate the Overpass as a Pedestrian Street
(Donghyeog Choi and Yujin Seo) pp.7777-7784. [ PDF ]
- Properties of Radon Gas Adsorption-type Matrix Utilizing Vermiculite (Heontae Kim Hyunung Lim, Ohhan Gwon and Sangsoo Lee) pp.7785-7792.
[ PDF ]
- Experimental Study on Engineering Properties of Mortar using Binary and Ternary Blended Cements (Young-Il Jang, Jun-Young Bae, Jong-Ho Park and
Ji-Su Im) pp.7793-7802. [ PDF ]
- Entertainment Company's Brand Extension with Pop Culture Content Communication (Yoon Kyung Eom and Su-jeung Kim) pp.7803-7812.
[ PDF ]
- Functional Role of Angelica gigas and Achyranthes bidentata on Microorganisms in Seoborrheic and Hair Loss Scalp (Yun Seok Jung, Su-Youn Park
and Suk-Yul Jung) pp.7813-7820. [ PDF ]
- A New Effective Measurement of Information Application for Preventing Macular Degeneration (Seong-Ran Lee) pp.7821-7828.
[ PDF ]
- Wordnet based Document Clustering System (Jeong-Joon Kim and Jeongmin Park) pp.7829-7842. [ PDF ]
- R based Network Log Analysis Techniques (Jeong-Joon Kim and Jeongmin Park) pp.7843-7856. [ PDF ]
- A Technique Identifying Reusable Software R&D Process Assets for Software Process Tailoring (SeungYong Choi, SunTae Kim and JeongAh Kim) pp.7857-7864.
[ PDF ]
- A Study about Development of Text Data Label Auto-Generation Technology using Machine Learning method (JeongBeom Kim) pp.7865-7872.
[ PDF ]
- Multi-dimensional Assessment Educational Strategy for University (Gi-Dae Kim, Chung-Eun Yang and Anna Han) pp.7873-7880.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.11, November, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on the Resilience, Self-directed Learning Ability and Happiness Index of University Students (Kyung-Hee Chung, Nam-Soo Lee and Soon-Gil Park)
pp.7887-7894. [ PDF ]
- An Analysis of the Relation between Learners' Needs and Participation in MOOC (Myounglang Kim, Youngtae Lee and Sunyoung Chang) pp.7895-7906.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis on Creativity Research Trends Based on Six Domains (Kyung-hwa Lee and Kyoung-hoon Lew) pp.7907-7914.
[ PDF ]
- Effect of the' Korea-Australia International Cooperation Instruction (KAICI)' on the Improvement of Elementary Students' Creativity
(Lee Kyunghwa) pp.7915-7922. [ PDF ]
- A Study for ESP Education for Airline-Service Majoring Students: Needs Analysis and Job Analysis (Ji-Eun Kim and Seong Hyun Jin) pp.7923-7930.
[ PDF ]
- College Education Factors Affecting Permanent Employment of Elementary and Middle School Teachers (Youngju Hur) pp.7931-7938.
[ PDF ]
- An Analysis of English Relative Pronouns - Focused on 'that' (Ji-Hye Lee and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.7939-7946.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Team-based Learning in Nursing Education (Soon-Ock Kim and Ji Soon Kang) pp.7947-7954. [ PDF ]
- Early Childhood Teachers' Concepts of Constructivist Teaching and Learning (Jeong-Hwa Lee and Ji-Young Kim) pp.7955-7962.
[ PDF ]
- Reading film : using an ecological perspective (Hyuo-won Lee and Jeong-jin Youn) pp.7963-7970.
[ PDF ]
- Developing Measurement in Creativity Character Education for Early Childhood Teachers' Beliefs (Kyung-Chul Kim, Min-Jung Kang, Boo-Kyung Cho and
Yun-Chul Choi) pp.7971-7978. [ PDF ]
- A Preliminary Research on English Immersion Dictionary for Science and Math (Jeong-ryeol Kim and Je-Young Lee) pp.7979-7986.
[ PDF ]
- Consideration of Change Process of Young Child-Teacher through Project Approach-Focusing on Television Projects (Kyung-chul Kim and Eun-ok Kim)
pp.7987-7994. [ PDF ]
- Cooperating Teachers' Perceptions on Student Teachers through Metaphor Analysis (Kang Yu Jin and Kim Hye Yoon) pp.7995-8002.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis of the Perception of Maladjusted Children among Preservice Early Childhood Teachers (Hee-Seon Koh) pp.8003-8010.
[ PDF ]
- The Development and Application of a STEAM Program for Middle School Students Using an Internet of Things Teaching Aid (Jinmi Tae) pp.8011-8018.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship Between Outcomes of Promoting University Specialization by Academic Discipline and University Characteristics in South Korea
(Ho-Seub Lee and Suk-Yeol Lee) pp.8019-8026. [ PDF ]
- A Study of Class Satisfaction and Career Exploration Activities of Arts & Culture Education Instructors in Korea : Based on Concurrent Mixed Method
(Su-Jeong Han and Kyung-Hoon Han) pp.8027-8040. [ PDF ]
- Influence of Social Skills of Child on Teacher-child Relationship and Peer Competence (Kyung-chul Kim, Eun-ok Kim and Ko-eun Lee) pp.8041-8048.
[ PDF ]
- Protocol Analysis with Related Search Term Stimuli for Concept Generation (Yoon-Jung Huh) pp.8049-8056.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Development of Java Capstone Design of Network Security Curriculum: Focusing on DDoS Intrusion Detection System (Jun-Ho Huh and Soyoung Hwang)
pp.8057-8066. [ PDF ]
- Low Complexity Design of Two-Bit Multiplier Using Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (Young-Won You and Jun-Cheol Jeon) pp.8067-8074.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of QCA Shift Register with High Space Efficiency Based on Planar Structure (Jin-Seong Lee and Jun-Cheol Jeon) pp.8075-8082.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of Exercise Posture Tracking Accuracy in Kinect Sensor and Motion Capture System (Kyoung Shin Park) pp.8083-8092.
[ PDF ]
- Development of Smart Plug Service Based on Service Design Approach (Youngmi Kim and Han Young Ryoo) pp.8093-8100.
[ PDF ]
- Perception Difference between Developer and User on Functions of Smart Plugs (Da Jeong Jeong, Joo Hyun Park and Han Young Ryoo) pp.8101-8108.
[ PDF ]
- Positive and Negative Reinforcement Strategy for Behavior Inducement Type Intelligent Product (Dahyun Kang, Min-Gyu Kim and Sonya S. Kwak) pp.8109-8116.
[ PDF ]
- Comparison of Drivers' Perceived Multitasking Workload (Lin Wang and Jaehyun Park) pp.8117-8124. [ PDF ]
- Shadow Indexing Scheme Using Hybrid Memory for Column-Based Datawarehouses (Siwoo Byun) pp.8125-8132.
[ PDF ]
- A Robust Identity Recovery Scheme for the Ethereum Blockchain Platform (Wookun Lee, Jae-Hwan Jin and Myung-Joon Lee) pp.8133-8142.
[ PDF ]
- Comparison and Evaluation of a Multi-Tag Method for Advanced Image Search (Dae-Hoon Hwang) pp.8143-8150. [ PDF ]
- A Method to Solve overflow or underflow errors Resulting from Activation functions in Convolutional Neural Networks (JunMo Jeong, SeJin Choi and
ChiYong Kim) pp.8151-8158. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- An Investigation of Factors Predicting Dating Violence Victimization in Out-of-School Female Adolescents (Min-Jung Kim and Sung-Hee Lee) pp.8159-8166.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Ethical Values and the Attitude of Brain-dead Tissue Donation among Clinical Nurses (Ji Yun Choi, Jong Wook Ko and Sun Hee Nam)
pp.8167-8174. [ PDF ]
- Content Analysis of the Parenting Awareness of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in Infancy and Early Childhood (Jeon, Kyeong-Deok and Sun-Jung Park)
pp.8175-8184. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Oral Health Education on Oral Knowledge of Tribal Village Filipino Students (Chun Yeole, Kim Kyoung Mi and Hwang Hye Young) pp.8185-8192.
[ PDF ]
- The Process of Male Baby Boomers' Adjustment to Life after Early Retirement (Kwang Za Yu and Hee Sook Kim) pp.8193-8204.
[ PDF ]
- Impact of Psychosocial Treatment Among Married Women in the Urban Area with Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (Seong-Ran Lee) pp.8205-8212.
[ PDF ]
- Influences of Parenting Stress, Spouse's Involvement in Parenting on Turnover Intention of Married Nurses (Mi-Jung Kim and Sung-Ju Park) pp.8213-8220.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting the Basic Competencies of the Disaster Nursing among Nursing Students (An-Sook Park and Jong-Hyun Yang) pp.8221-8228.
[ PDF ]
- Study on Clinical Performance Ability and Organizational Socialization among New Nurses (Seong Shin Kim, Mi Joon Lee and Sun Hee Nam) pp.8229-8236.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Wearing Foot Acupressure Insole on Edema, Pain and Fatigue of Lower Extremity in Hospital Nurses (Mee Lan Park, Se jeong Kim and Ji Boon Park)
pp.8237-8244. [ PDF ]
- The Actual Condition among Clinical Dental Hygienists of Bullying Experience and Sexual Harassment within the Workplace (Sun-Ju Kim) pp.8245-8254.
[ PDF ]

Vol.20, No.12, December, 2017 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Effects of Brain-based Biomimicry-focused Convergence Learning Model on the Change of Resting State Connectivity (Seung-Hyuk Kwon and Yong-Ju Kwon)
pp.8261-8268. [ PDF ]
- Effect of Sense of Coherence and Communication Competence on Self-Leadership of College Students (Suk-Yeol Lee) pp.8269-8276.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Relationship between a Teacher and a Young Child on Peer Competence and Peer Interaction (Kyung-chul Kim, Hye-seung Jung and Eun-hye Kim)
pp.8277-8284. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Curving Acculturation Process of Korean Chinese in South Korea (Lin Wang) pp.8285-8292. [ PDF ]
- Development of Forest Education Teacher Training Program for Early Childhood Teachers: Focusing on Focus Group Interview (Sana Kim and Hyunah Seo)
pp.8293-8300. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Validation of the Self-Control Scale for Early Childhood Teachers (Sangwoo Byeon and Hyunah Seo) pp.8301-8308.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of Peer Learning on College EFL Learners in Korea (Ji-woo Won, Hyung-ji Change and Mun-Koo Kang) pp.8309-8316.
[ PDF ]
- Research on Child-care Teachers' Perception of Safety Education (KyungSook Oh and YoungSik Kang) pp.8317-8324.
[ PDF ]
- Development of C-mooc Model as a General Education Course Based on a Creativity Personality Digital Curation System (Mi-seung Yun and Jeong-jin Youn)
pp.8325-8332. [ PDF ]
- Design and Application of Character Education in Forest School Program for Primary School Children (Shin-young Lee and Min-jung Chung) pp.8333-8340.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on the Change of 10-Year Variables on Employment after College Graduation (Soo-Kyung, Kim) pp.8341-8348.
[ PDF ]
- Applicative Analysis of Storytelling-Based Mathematics Textbooks in Elementary School Level (Hyeon-Suk Kang and Yun-Bok Lee) pp.8349-8356.
[ PDF ]
- Why Paul took Titus along to Jerusalem ? (Saya Lee) pp.8357-8364. [ PDF ]
- The Quality Analysis on the Satisfaction and Performance of HIS (Mi Jin Noh and Hyun Hee Park) pp.8365-8372.
[ PDF ]
- Legal Issues Regarding Automated External Defibrillators in Sports Facilities (Kyongmin Lee and Chul-Ho Bum) pp.8373-8380.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Innovation System Approach to National R&D in the Aged Society: Focusing on GT in Korea (Inje Kang, Byeong-Hee Lee and Ki-Seok Choi)
pp.8381-8392. [ PDF ]
- Study on the Division between Musical Literary Works' Protected Expressions and Unprotected Ideas (Kyung-Ho Lee) pp.8393-8404.
[ PDF ]
- Reserve Noncommissioned Officers' Training Corps for good noncommissioned officer's training operations (Jun hwa Song) pp.8405-8412.
[ PDF ]
- The Variables of Social Enterprise Support Effecting Job Satisfaction through Social Performance (Won-Geun So and Ha-Kyun Kim) pp.8413-8420.
[ PDF ]
- The Influences of Depression, Self-esteem, and Self-identity on the Career Identity of the Youths (Ji Hae Kim) pp.8421-8428.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting First-Time Employee Job Turnover Preparation in the Information Communications Technology Sector (Youngki, Kim and Youngju Hur)
pp.8429-8436. [ PDF ]
- Assessing the Effects of Client Violence and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention of Social Workers: The Role of Perception of their Human Rights
(Eun Jung Lee) pp.8437-8444. [ PDF ]
- Lonely Deaths Among Elderly People: Challenges and Solutions (Hae Sung Kim) pp.8445-8452. [ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting Occupational Professionalism of Caregivers for the Elderly (Kwangsoo Kim) pp.8453-8460.
[ PDF ]
- A Structural Relationship Analysis of Social Adjustment, Depression, and Social Support, Discriminatory Experience among Marriage Migrant Women
(Ji Sun Park and Ji Eun Chun) pp.8461-8468. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effects of Work-life Balance Factors on Self-efficacy and Job Attitude among Cosmetologists (Hyun-Sook Jung, Dong-Sook Tea and
Soon-Bok Hong) pp.8469-8478. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Control System Design and Experimental Validation of Hybrid Multicopter for Enhancement of Endurance (TaeHyung Kim and SungKyung Hong) pp.8479-8486.
[ PDF ]
- Methods to Derive Shooting Positions based on 3D Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Path Planning (Seong-Geun Choi, Woo-Jung Jung and Jeong-Hun Choi) pp.8487-8496.
[ PDF ]
- A Precise Control of Moving Path on its Rotation Section for an AGV Using BLE Beacons (Youn-Sik Hong and Uk-Jin Jang) pp.8497-8504.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparative Study on the Passengers' Satisfaction of KTX (Korea Train eXpress) based on the Personal Characteristics (Ji, NamSeok and Kim, Joong Hun)
pp.8505-8514. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Effects of AIDS Education Program on AIDS Knowledge, Attitude and Recognition among College Students (Hee-Jung Jang and Moon-Hee Mo) pp.8515-8524.
[ PDF ]
- Relationship between Suicidal Ideation, Posttraumatic Growth, Self-Efficacy, and Cultural Orientation in Korean University Students (Jiseun Lim and
Byungduck An) pp.8525-8536. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Subjectivity of Nursing Students on Dating Violence : Q-Methodology (Sunyoung Jang and MeeSuk Wang) pp.8537-8544.
[ PDF ]
- Factors Influencing Decision to Continue Hospitalization in People with Mental Illness (Inhong Kim and Younghee Park) pp.8545-8554.
[ PDF ]
- Eucalyptus - Ultrasonic Wave Massage to Treat Pain, Anxiety and Sleep Patterns in Elderly with Chronic Lower Back Pain (Heakyung Moon) pp.8555-8562.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of the Use of Physical Restraint on Nursing Practice (Bongsil Choi) pp.8563-8570. [ PDF ]
- Gender Differences in the Effects of Smoking-Stimulating Factors, Smoking Recognition, and Health Behaviors on College Students' Smoking
(Gui-Yun Choi, Young-Mi Ko and Sung-Hee Lee) pp.8571-8580. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Factors that Influence the Mental Health of Nurses (Bongsil Choi) pp.8581-8588. [ PDF ]
- Effects of the MBSR Program on Stress Response, Psychosocial Adaptation and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients undergoing Hemodialysis
(In-Hee Cho, Soon-Rim Suh and Kyung-Hwa Jang) pp.8589-8596. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Early Oral Feeding on Xerostomia, Abdominal Pain, and Abdominal Distension in Spontaneous Pneumothorax Patients after Surgery
(Yun Yi Bang, Won Jin Lee, Su Ok Lee and Eun Suk Kwon) pp.8597-8604. [ PDF ]
- The Influence of Mothers' Helicopter Parenting Behaviours on the Psychological Well-Being of College Students (Jin Ju Woo, Yun Ra Hur and Hye Young Ahn)
pp.8605-8612. [ PDF ]
- The Mediating Effect of Self-esteem in the Relationship between Workplace Bullying and Response to Bullying in Hospital Nurses (Sun Yee Yoo, Eun Mi Kim
and Hye Young Ahn) pp.8613-8620. [ PDF ]
- Recognition of Life After Death in Nursing College Students Using Q-Methodology (Yeon ja Kim and You jung Kim) pp.8621-8628.
[ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.1, January, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Co-Movement between Output and Price: Empirical Evidence from Thailand (Supanee Harnphattananusorn) pp.7-14.
[ PDF ]
- Venus as a Reference for Determining the Qibla Direction in Indonesia (Anisah Budiwati, Maryanto and Amir Mua'llim) pp.15-22.
[ PDF ]
- Optimizing the Construction of LDA-based Science & Technology Knowledge Base (Sang-Gi Lee, Inje Kang and Chul-Su Lim) pp.23-32.
[ PDF ]
- Design of Public key based Mutual Authentication Protocol for Public Facility Management (Young-Jin Kang, Young-Sil Lee, Hoon-Jae Lee, Tae-Yong Kim)
pp.33-40. [ PDF ]
- Regulation against Nuisance Calls in Korea (Jin Shin) pp.41-50. [ PDF ]
- A Meta Analysis on the Studies Related Aronia in Korea (Soo-Tai Nam, Ok-Kyeong Yu, Xiao-Wen LIU and Chan-Yong Jin) pp.51-58.
[ PDF ]
- The Impact Analysis of Offering Support Programs on Software Education for Children (Yu, Jeong-Su) pp.59-66.
[ PDF ]
- Personalized Recommendation System for Instructing Students Using Multiple Machine Learning (Hyun-Ku Han and Euy-Hyun Suh) pp.67-74.
[ PDF ]
- An Introduction of Novel Engineering Integrating Literacy, STEAM and Robotics in Elementary Schools (Ki-Cheon Hong) pp.75-82.
[ PDF ]
- The Effect of introducing new Educational Methods with consideration to the Enneagram Personality Type Model on the attitude of students in Programming
Practice Classes (Se-Min Kim and Ki-Cheon Hong) pp.83-90. [ PDF ]
- Significance of the Formal and Management IS Control Mechanisms Compatibility as Predictors to the Superior IS Capabilities in the Context of
ICT Outsourcing (Elizaveta Srednik and Kyung Jin Cha) pp.91-98. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Potential Value Change of the Corporate in Personal Information Leakage (Min-Jeong Kim and Jinho Yoo) pp.99-108.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Visualizing Security Principles to Access Resources based on Linked Open Data: Case Study DBpedia (Paulo Alonso Gaona-Garcia, Kevin Gordillo,
Carlos Montenegro-Marin and Adriana Gomez Acosta) pp.109-122. [ PDF ]
- Prediction Model for Children's Cognitive Development Using Machine Learning Techniques (Seok-Hyun Cho and Seok-Lyong Lee) pp.123-130.
[ PDF ]
- Communication Infrastructure for Monitoring Heart Rate of Patients on the Cloud using IoT Devices (Daniel Mendoza, Paulo Alonso Gaona-Garcia,
Fredy Vargas and Carlos Montenegro) pp.131-138. [ PDF ]
- A Hybrid Computational Intelligence Technique for Vehicle Routing Problem (Ji Ung Sun) pp.139-148. [ PDF ]
- The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Spot Detection System Using OpenCV (Changsu Kim, Jaedon Lim and Hoekyung Jung) pp.149-156.
[ PDF ]
- Measurement of the Angle of Inversion and Eversion, and Treatment of Pain in Foot (Seong-Yoon Shin and Hyun-Chang Lee) pp.157-164.
[ PDF ]
- Research on the Processing to Develop the AI Application based on Web Technology (Hyun-Gook Kim, Jin-Tae Park and Il-Young Moon) pp.165-172.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Fire Detection using Faster R-CNN and ResNet (Young-Jin Kim and Eun-Gyung Kim) pp.173-180.
[ PDF ]
- Marketing Activation Strategy through Analyzing and Building a Web Site for Personalized Hair Products (Seong Yoon Shin and Hyun Chang Lee) pp.181-188.
[ PDF ]
- Performance and Energy-aware Switch Mechanism based on Application Profiling in Mobile Cloud Computing (John Cristoper A. Mateo and Jaewan Lee)
pp.189-200. [ PDF ]
- The V_(on-off) for Gate Work Function and Bottom Gate Voltage of Nanostructure DGMOSFET (Hakkee Jung) pp.201-208.
[ PDF ]
- Measuring Similarity with Accurate Reference Environment for Digital Forensics (Ho Ryu and Il-Young Moon) pp.209-216.
[ PDF ]
- Authentication Using Visual Cryptography : Gesture on Touchscreen (HyunHo Kim, KiHwan Kim, SuHyun Park and HoonJae Lee) pp.217-230.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Maker Kit based on Internet of Things (Am-Suk Oh) pp.231-238. [ PDF ]
- High-speed CUDA Algorithm for GPU-based Feature Extraction in Iris Images (Youngbok Cho, Minkang Kim and Sunghee Woo) pp.239-248.
[ PDF ]
- Marathon-256, Suggest of bi-directional clock-controlled nonlinear keystream generator (HoonJae Lee, YoonJung Choi, Ki Hwan Kim, Sang-Gon Lee)
pp.249-258. [ PDF ]
- Performance Enhancement of Quadcopter Flight using Vision-Sensor-Based Optic Flow (Taeseok Jin) pp.259-268.
[ PDF ]
- Bandwidth Performance Comparison of eMMC and UFS according to Block Size and Access Pattern (Ki-ahn Nam, Jae-Hui Myeong, Seong-Hwan Jeong and
Oh-young Kwon) pp.269-276. [ PDF ]
- Preemptive Response Strategy for Attacker Origin for National Cybersecurity (Dae-woo Park) pp.277-286.
[ PDF ]
- Extensible Authentication Protocol for MPI-CDL Link Protection: A Comparison of the Authentication Schemes (Sang-Gon Lee, Hoon-Jae Lee and
Yong-Shin Kim) pp.287-298. [ PDF ]
- Heart Rate Measurement using Band Pass Filter and Fast Fourier Transform in AWGN Channel (Dae-Hee Lee, Min-Ho Jeon and Chang-Heon Oh) pp.299-306.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Complex Positioning System for Improving IPS Positioning Accuracy (Hyoun Sup Lee and Jin Deog Kim) pp.307-316.
[ PDF ]
- Improving the transmission success rate and the network lifetime of LEACH Protocol (Jong-Yong Lee and Daesung Lee) pp.317-324.
[ PDF ]
- Compact Capacitance Model of Single-Gate Tunneling Field-Effect Transistor (Yun Seop Yu) pp.325-332. [ PDF ]
- A Dynamic Node movement Prediction Model for Delay Tolerant Networks (Yoonhyung Dho, Il-kyu Jeon and Kangwhan Lee) pp.333-342.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Role Sharing in Project Learning Considering Personality Types of the Enneagram (Semin Kim and Choong Ho Lee) pp.343-350.
[ PDF ]
- Design of an Instructional Model based on Pair Programming for Improving Novice Programmers' mental models (Sook Young Choi) pp.351-358.
[ PDF ]
- A Big Data Sharing Methodology with Data Description and Data Browsing (Hwa Jong Kim, Soonja Yeom and Kyung Jin Cha) pp.359-370.
[ PDF ]
- Basic Framework Overview of Vision based Hand Gesture Recognition (Yanan Xu and Yunhai Dai) pp.371-378.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Measurement of the Angle of Flexion and Extension, and Prevention and Treatment of Pain in Knees (Jong Ryul Kim and Seong-Yoon Shin) pp.379-386.
[ PDF ]
- The Influence of a Course on Interpersonal Relations and Communication using Group Activities on the Self-efficacy (Haesun Yun) pp.387-398.
[ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.2, February, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On Certain Subclass of Meromorphically p-valent Functions with Positive Coefficients (Anas AlJarah and Maslina Darus) pp.405-420.
[ PDF ]
- Characterizations of Slightly Homogeneous Spaces (Samer Al Ghour and Nahed Al Khatib) pp.421-428. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Analysis of Patterns of Verbal Interaction in Primary School Gifted Students' Experiential Learning in the Science Museum (Shin Han) pp.429-440.
[ PDF ]
- Application of Network Analysis into Emergency Response: Focusing on the 2015 Outbreak of the Middle-Eastern Respiratory Syndrome in Korea
(Jungbu Kim, Jung-Kyu Jung, Jae-Hyuk Cha, Jae Young Choi, Chan Choi and Seong Soo Oh) pp.441-446. [ PDF ]
- The Russian Experience of Fighting Cyber Suicide Among Minors (Alexander Ostroushko, Liudmila Bukalerova and Mariya Simonova) pp.447-458.
[ PDF ]
- New Behavioral Benchmarks of the Value Function (Bogatyrev, Semen Yurievich) pp.459-472. [ PDF ]
- Performance and Sharia Complience in Performance Measurements in the Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta (Unggul Priyadi, Sutardi and Muafi)
pp.473-480. [ PDF ]
- Special Education Support Centers: A Review of Policy Context (Nari Choi) pp.481-490. [ PDF ]
- Determinants of Brand Loyalty in Cosmetics Purchase Intention of Female Consumers Using Path Analysis via Structural Equation Modelling: A Management
Perspective (Muwafaq Alkubaisi, Makarand Upadhyaya, Waleed A. Aziz, Shaju George, Abdulsattar Abdulbaqi Alazzawi and Khaled Al-Tarawneh) pp.491-504.
[ PDF ]
- A Study on Costing of Personal Information Leakages Based on Enterprises' Activities in Response (Jisoo Kim and Jinho Yoo) pp.505-522.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparative Study on Statistics Related to Korean & German Tertiary Education (Jeong-Eun Kim and Wan-Shin Park) pp.523-530.
[ PDF ]
- Introducing Cultural Heritages of Yogyakarta through 10-in-1 Game (Ferry Wahyu Wibowo) pp.531-538. [ PDF ]
- The Influence of Motivation Work and Competence on Performance of Mathematics Teachers With Innovation as Intervening Variable (Suwiyadi, Samsul Huda,
I Kadek Laju and Sukrisno) pp.539-546. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of Competence on Extrinsic And Intrinsic Motivation And Performance Lecturer Of Merchant In Indonesia (Suwiyadi, MarihotSimanjuntak, Ali Imran
Ritonga and Sukrisno) pp.547-554. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Analysis of Effects on Children's Operation Ability and Fine Motor Skills Depending on Various Remote Controls and Game Controller (Semin Kim and Kangsoo You)
pp.555-562. [ PDF ]
- Application of Shortened Block Turbo Codes for Performance Improvement of WLAN System (Hanjong Kim) pp.563-570.
[ PDF ]
- Connectivity Analysis for Distributed Load-Balancing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (Yoon-Hyung Dho, Dongkeun Oh and Kangwhan Lee) pp.571-580.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation ofMQTT based on Arduino (Am-Suk Oh) pp.581-588. [ PDF ]
- Defect Type Analysis and Reliability Improvement of Embedded Software using Static Analysis (Young Bin Kim) pp.589-598.
[ PDF ]
- Assembly-based Neighbor Discovery Protocol for Internet of Things (Woosik Lee, Jong-Hoon Youn and Teukseob Song) pp.599-608.
[ PDF ]
- Impact of Punch-through for Breakdown Voltage of Sub-10 nm DGMOSFET (Hakkee Jung and Ohshin Kwon) pp.609-616.
[ PDF ]
- The Three I's for Smartness in Computing: Intelligence, Interaction, and Interoperability (Hee-Cheol Kim) pp.617-630.
[ PDF ]
- Deep Learning with Gini-Index Algorithm for Extraction of Major Features: Major Adverse Cardiac Events from KAMIR (Heum Park) pp.631-638.
[ PDF ]
- K-ECOHUB: Implementation of Data Platform Supporting Full Life-cycle KNLTER Data Management (Taesang Huh, Sunil Ahn, Geunchul Park, Jae-Hyuck Kwak,
Eunkyu Byun, Dukyun Nam, Soonwook Hwang and Hoekyung Jung) pp.639-658. [ PDF ]
- An Optimal Energy Commuters Scheme in Two-Way Cooperative VANETs Communications (Hayoung Oh and Rong Ran) pp.659-670.
[ PDF ]
- Design and Implementation of an Adaptable IoT Gateway Using Docker (Jonggwan An, Hyuncheol Park and JaeSeung Song) pp.671-678.
[ PDF ]
- Smart Offering System Using Marketing Strategy and Digital Promotional Brochure (Jong-Jin, Jung, Kyung-won Kim and Jong-Bin, Park) pp.679-686.
[ PDF ]
- Fuzzy Logic-based Binarization: A Divide and Conquer Approach (Ho Chang Lee) pp.687-694. [ PDF ]
- Study for Big Data Analysis Design Model (Joonho Park and Namyoung Lee) pp.695-708. [ PDF ]
- Hbase Based Multi-row Transaction Management Techniques (Jeong-Joon Kim) pp.709-722. [ PDF ]
- Data Summary Techniques based on Mapreduce in Bigdata (Jeong-Joon Kim) pp.723-732. [ PDF ]
- Spatio-temporal Query Processing Operators in Sensor Networks (Jeong-Joon Kim) pp.733-744. [ PDF ]
- Tracking the Value of Data: Motivation and Requirements (Hwa Jong Kim) pp.745-754. [ PDF ]
- Big Data Preliminary Analysis: A Framework for Easier Data Sharing and Discovery (Seong Eun Hong, Hwa Jong Kim and Kyung Jin Cha) pp.755-764.
[ PDF ]
- Memory Diagram for Quantum Computers : A Proposal (Siddhartha Sankar Biswas and M. Afshar Alam) pp.765-776.
[ PDF ]
- An Isopleth-Oriented Multi-hop Ad-Hoc Communication using Clustering Control for Urgent Disaster Detection (Tomotaka Wada, Satoshi Katayama and
Young-Bok Choi) pp.777-788. [ PDF ]
- Game Application of Selarong Story In Approaching of Javanese Knight Soul (Ferry Wahyu Wibowo) pp.789-796.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Evaluation of Root Surface Roughness after the Use of Different Modes of Instrumentation (Sung-suk Bae) pp.797-804.
[ PDF ]
- The Comparison of Dry Eye Syndrome between Digital Textbook Users and Paper Textbook Users in Elementary School (GyeongAe Seomun, Hyo Myung Kim, Jung-Ah Lee,
Eun-Young Kim, Eun-Jung Kim and Wonjung Noh) pp.805-820. [ PDF ]
- A Path Analytic Study of Self-Compassion, Forgiveness, and Mental Well-Being (Myung-Sun Chung) pp.821-830.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Median Nerve Mobilization Therapy on Stroke Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; A Pilot Study (Sea-Hyun Bae, Tae-Gon Kim, Young-Shin Lee,
Jin-A Hwang, Byung-Hyun Jeon and Kyung-Yoon Kim) pp.831-842. [ PDF ]
- The Role of Emotional Control Difficulty in Impulsiveness and Internet Addiction among College Students (Seung-Ae Yang and Kyung-Hyun Suh) pp.843-850.
[ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.3, March, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Reliability Analysis of Systems Using Level Interval-valued Neutrosophic Sets (Sang Yeop Cho) pp.857-864.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Development of Measurement Framework for Individual E-business Competency in an E-business Management Environment (Chui Young Yoon) pp.865-874.
[ PDF ]
- Mining User-generated Opinions Online with LDA Model to Discover Service Complaints (KyungBae Park and Sung Ho Ha) pp.875-884.
[ PDF ]
- From University to Industry: Problem Challenges Commercialization Nanotechnology (Wan Mohd Hirwani Wan Hussain, Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman and Zinatul
Ashiqin Zainol) pp.885-894. [ PDF ]
- The Development of Knowledge Management Competency Model (Sugunah Supermane, Lokman Mohd Tahir, Jamilah Ahmad, Mohd Fadzli Ali and Amirmudin Udin)
pp.895-908. [ PDF ]
- What Drives Them to Do CSR? Another Empirical Study of CSR Motives from the Perspective of the Internal and External Stakeholders (Naziatul Aziah Mohd
Radzi, Khai Ern Lee, Sharina Abdul Halim and Chamhuri Siwar) pp.909-928. [ PDF ]
- The Reciprocal Longitudinal Relationship between Career Maturity and Career Indecision in South Korean College Students (JuSung Jun) pp.929-936.
[ PDF ]
- On Eurocentrism in Modern Translation Theory (Victor I. Shadrin) pp.937-944. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Novel Architecture of PMIPv6-based Distributed Dynamic Mobility Management Scheme for Software-based Smart Factory Networking (Byunghun Song, Yoon-Deock
Lee, Seung-Hoon La and Jongpil Jeong) pp.945-962. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Pairing-based User Authentication for Key Distribution System in WSN (Gun-Wook Choi and Im-Yeong Lee) pp.963-970.
[ PDF ]
- Effective Behavior Analysis using API Calls Tracking and Matrixization (JIhun Kim and Jonghee M. Youn) pp.971-978.
[ PDF ]
- The Method of Personalized Recommendation Service -Focusing on Korean Scientists- (Yun-Young hwang, Seong-Eun Park and Jungsun Yoon) pp.979-986.
[ PDF ]
- An Implementation of a Dynamic Module Changing Framework of a Self-adaptive System for Smart Home with Changing Environment (JungHyen Ahn and Young B.
Park) pp.987-996. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of Parallel training method for Convolutional Neural Network (Sejin Choi and Kwangyeob Lee) pp.997-1004.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of 3D Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Cell Analysis (Jaeyoung Park and Sangjoon Lee) pp.1005-1014.
[ PDF ]
- Adaptive Heartbeat Estimation in Safety Critical Systems (Hyeon Gyu Kim) pp.1015-1022. [ PDF ]
- Adjusting Initial Weights for Adaboost Learning (Kisang Kim and Hyung-Il Choi) pp.1023-1030. [ PDF ]
- Implementation of Multi-Threads based De-noising Filter for 3D Graphics Rendering (Seong-Hyeon Han and Kwang-Yeob Lee) pp.1031-1042.
[ PDF ]
- Design of Car License Plate Area Detection Algorithm for Enhanced Recognition Plate (Chi-Sung Ahn, Bong-Gyou Lee, Seung-Su Yang and Seok-Cheon Park)
pp.1043-1050. [ PDF ]
- Development of Reuse-Related Content Web for Promotion of Sustainable Spatial Design (Sooknyung Ha) pp.1051-1058.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of User Data Model-based Recommender Service on Social Commerce (Jinhong Kim and Sung-Tae Hwang) pp.1059-1066.
[ PDF ]
- Effective Monitoring SW Development for Damage Detecting Sheet (Mingi Nam, Byungmo Kang, Byoung Chan Jeon, Sang Yeop Cho and Insik Hong) pp.1067-1076.
[ PDF ]
- A Comparison of Reliability Factors of Software Reliability Model Following Lindley and Type-2 Gumbel Lifetime Distribution (Hee-cheul Kim) pp.1077-1084.
[ PDF ]
- Cryptanalysis and Improvement of an Advanced Security Scheme Based on Clustering and Key Distribution in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (YoHan Park)
pp.1085-1092. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Robust Authentication Mechanism for Routing Attacks in Wireless Network Environments (Hwan-Seok Yang) pp.1093-1104.
[ PDF ]
- The Low-Cost CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) Project in Long-Term Delayed Area of Redevelopment (Junyon Kim) pp.1105-1112.
[ PDF ]
- Development of IoT Node Management System Based on Vert.x Framework (Hee-Dong Park) pp.1113-1120. [ PDF ]
- Development of Web-Based Telemedicine System with HL7 Converter (Hee-Dong Park) pp.1121-1128. [ PDF ]
- Dynamic Routing Algorithm for Spatio-temporal Query Processing in Sensor Networks (Jeong-Joon Kim) pp.1129-1148.
[ PDF ]
- Hot/Cold based Replacement Algorithm for Flash Memory Buffer Management (Jeong-Joon Kim) pp.1149-1160.
[ PDF ]
- Fuzzy Logic Based Model For Optimizing Inventory Cost (M. T. Mira, Saeed Rubaiee, A. A. M. Ahmed, Roobaea Alroobaea and Ahmed S. Ghiduk) pp.1161-1176.
[ PDF ]
- An Implementation of IoT Intelligent Convergence Security Monitor for User Hazard Event Monitoring (Junho Jeong, Dong-Ha Park and YunSik Son) pp.1177-1186.
[ PDF ]
- To Analysis of the Model of Innovation Diffusion in the Social Systems under the Influence of the Media and Interpersonal Communication (Anatolii Fedotov,
Aslanbek Murzakhmetov, Anuar Dyusembaev and Mikhail Grishko) pp.1187-1196. [ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Effects of Psychological Factors on Exercise Adherence Intentions: A Comparison by Stages of Exercise Behavior in University Students
(Mijeong Park and Hana Yoo) pp.1197-1212. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Pre-healthcare Workers' Knowledge, Perception of the Importance of and Attitude toward Patient Safety on their Confidence in Patient Safety
Management (Haeyoung Lee and Mijeong Park) pp.1213-1228. [ PDF ]
- Black Cumin Extract as Denture Cleaner in Slowing down The Micro Bacteria Inhibition (Supriyana, Endah Aryati EN, Sukini, Betty Saptiwi and Ismi Rajiani)
pp.1229-1238. [ PDF ]
- A Review on the Measurements of Financial Management Competency for Nurses (Wonjung Noh) pp.1239-1248.
[ PDF ]
- The Therapeutic Effect of Arabic Gum, Purslane and Cress Seeds on Rat Infected with Elevated Uric Acid Levels in the Blood (Dalia I. Hemdan and Nabila Y.
Mahmoud Abdulmaguid) pp.1249-1260. [ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.4, April, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Effect of Involvement of Senior Management in IT, Strategy Committee, Organizational Demographics through Effective IT Governance on Organization
Performance (Farhang Salehi, Sreenivasan Jayashree, Chinnasamy Agamudainambi Malarvizhi, Bentolhoda Abdollahbeigi) pp.1265-1272.
[ PDF ]
- Developing A University Quality Assurance Framework (Dr. Dulce Torres Barraquio) pp.1273-1282. [ PDF ]
- Order Imbalance and Return Predictability: Evidence from Korean Index Futures (Hyoung-Goo Kang and Soo-Hyun Kim) pp.1283-1292.
[ PDF ]
- What are Differences of Customer Characteristics between Multi and Single Channel Users? A Big Data Analysis of a Department Store in Korea
(Seong-Soo Cha and Cheol Park) pp.1293-1300. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Transformational Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support on Job and Life Satisfaction of Preschool Teachers
(Diana Bachtiar, Niko Sudibjo and Innocentius Bernarto) pp.1301-1320. [ PDF ]
- Modeling Time-varying Variability of Asset Returns with Entropy (Soo-Hyun Kim and Hyoung-Goo Kang) pp.1321-1332.
[ PDF ]
- How Realistic is 'good citizenship' of the Corporate Company? The CSR Implementation Among FORBES-listed Top Oil and Gas Companies
(Naziatul Aziah Mohd Radzi, Khai Ern Lee, Sharina Abdul Halim, Chamhuri Siwar) pp.1333-1348. [ PDF ]
- Islamization of the Sunda Kingdom (Nina Herlina Lubis, Affan Sulaeman, Yusri Munaf and Muhammad Rizal Razman) pp.1349-1358.
[ PDF ]
- Priangan in Voting Behaviour Legislative Election Study on Transition Democratic Era (Affan Sulaeman, Nina Herlina Lubis, Yusri Munaf and Muhammad
Rizal Razman) pp.1359-1366. [ PDF ]
- Anonymity Strategy in Telegram Communication (Russian Segment) (Marina Bulavina, Victoria Kurilenko, Yulia Biryukova, Ivan Pugachev and Kristina Akhnina)
pp.1367-1376. [ PDF ]
- AHP Modeling for the Selection Attributes of Mobile Phone Service (Hyung Seok Lee and Hyun Jung Park) pp.1377-1386.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Effect of Fluid Properties on Distribution of Micro-bubble Diameter (Shigeru Aoki, Seiji Hirai, Makoto Komura, Vichai Saechout, Tsutomu Horiuchi,
Katsumi Kurita and Hiroshi Ikeda) pp.1387-1392. [ PDF ]
- Improve Preference Prediction Accuracy of Users for D-Library Recommender System (Elmak-Elmassad Saad) pp.1393-1406.
[ PDF ]
- Influence of Pronunciation Time of Bass Guitar on Listener's Perceived Groove (Makoto Fukumoto and Michito Uematsu) pp.1407-1414.
[ PDF ]
- Discrimination Index Measurement Method as Complementing H-index based on Jain's Fairness Index (Adian Fatchur Rochim, Abdul Muis and Riri Fitri Sari)
pp.1415-1430. [ PDF ]
- A Calibration Technique for Array-antenna-based Anti-jamming GPS Receivers (Haeng-Bok Kil and Eui-Rim Jeong) pp.1431-1440.
[ PDF ]
- A New Digital Pre-distortion Technique for Closely Spaced Dual-Band Transmitters (Sung Mi Jo and Eui-Rim Jeong) pp.1441-1448.
[ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.5, May, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Role of Moderators on Software as a Service Continuous Intention: Based on The Extended Task-Technology Fit Model (SungBum Park and SungHyun
Kim) pp.1453-1478. [ PDF ]
- Learner Evaluation on Emotionally Affordable E-Learning Environments (Taejung Park) pp.1479-1494. [ PDF ]
- Impact of Brand Image and Country Image on Brand Purchase Intention of South African Consumers : Focusing on Mobile Phone Brands of Korea,
Japan and China (You Kyung Lee) pp.1495-1504. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Competence and Motivation in Influencing Teacher Performance with Innovation as Intervening Variable at Technical Senior
Scholl in Central JAVA (Suwiyadi, Agus Hadi Purwantomo, Sumardi, Agus Subardi, Sukrisno and Rustono) pp.1505-1512.
[ PDF ]
- The Relationship between Calling and Well-being: Examining the Mediating Effects of Career Decision Self-efficacy and Career Decidedness
(Yongho Park) pp.1513-1522. [ PDF ]
- On the Safety Stock Calculation Function Considering Supply Chain Disruption Risk (Guixiang Jin, Akihiro Nakatsuka and Hiroaki Matsukawa)
pp.1523-1538. [ PDF ]
- Factors Contributing to the Success and Weakness of Public Participation in Local Plans at Local Authority Selangor: A Review
(Mohd Azhar Mohamed Ali, Kadir Arifin, Muhammad Rizal Razman and Zitty Sarah Ismail) pp.1539-1548. [ PDF ]
- The Communication on Enforcement of Open Burning Cases in Malaysia (Muhammad Khairil, Cheryl Stephen Jeganathan, Muhammad Rizal Razman,
Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria and Kadir Arifin) pp.1549-1554. [ PDF ]
- Occupational Safety and Health on the Aspect of Indoor Air Quality in Malaysia towards Environmental Sustainability (Nurman, Sytty Mazian Mazlan,
Emrizal, Kadir Arifin and Muhammad Rizal Razman) pp.1555-1562. [ PDF ]
- Incentive Modality in Tatar and English Languages (Galina Abrosimova, Elmira Galiullina, Ekaterina Voronina, Irina Kondrateva, Natalia Madyakina,
Evelina Mukhametshina, Nailya Khabirova) pp.1563-1572. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Design of Online Action 3D Game based on DirectX (Youngsik Kim and Taek-Soo Jeong) pp.1573-1582. [ PDF ]
- Performance Analysis of Satisfiability Solvers for Bounded Model Checking (Wonhong Nam, Dokyoung Lee and Hyunyoung Kil) pp.1583-1594.
[ PDF ]
- Linear Compressor Performance with Characteristics of Suction Reed Valve using a 1-d Thermal Model (Y. L. Lee) pp.1595-1602.
[ PDF ]
- Graph-Based Approach for Modeling and Matching Parallel Business Processes (Riyanarto Sarno, Kelly R. Sungkono and Rizal Septiarakhman)
pp.1603-1614. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of JPEG Compression Algorithm Attack on the LSB Steganography Method (Mohammed Kamal and Hameed M Abduljabbar) pp.1615-1624.
[ PDF ]
- Three-dimension Machine Lip-reading Using Point Pair Feature (Yoshihiro Sato, Yue Bao and Suguru Shiraishi) pp.1625-1636.
[ PDF ]
- Development of the Marine Sector, Fishery, and Public Empowerment to Increase Real Original Revenues in Central JAVA (Agus Hadi Purwantomo,
Ali Imran Ritonga, R.A.J Hadi Susilo Wibowo, Dodik Widarbowo, Asep Hendiawan, Kundori, Sukrisno) pp.1637-1644.
[ PDF ]
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Effects of Nurse-perceived Authentic Leadership on Patient Safety Nursing: Focused on the Mediating Effects of RN-MD Collaboration, Occupational
Coping Self-efficacy, and Burnout (Hee-Yeong Woo and Jeong-Won Han) pp.1645-1656. [ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.6, June, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Organizational Crisis and the Oil Palm Smallholders Institution (Azima A.M, Er Ah Choy and Novel Lyndon) pp.1661-1668.
[ PDF ]
- Innovation and Entrepreneur in Malaysia (Azima A.M, Hair Awang, Suraiya Ishak and Zaimah R) pp.1669-1676. [ PDF ]
- Oil Palm Smallholders in Sabah: The Institution Constraints of Innovation (Azima A.M, Er Ah Choy and Novel Lyndon) pp.1677-1684.
[ PDF ]
- Issues of Development, Poverty and Social Mobility in the Context of Research in Development Studies (Nor Hayati Sa'at, Azlina Abdullah, Mansor
Mohd Noor, Faridatulazna Ahmad Shahabuddin and Nor Azlili Hassan) pp.1685-1694. [ PDF ]
- The Effects of Technology Transfer and Adoption on Independent Oil Palm Smallholders' Productivity (Abd Hair Awang, Khairuman Hashim, Zaimah Ramli,
Izzurazlia Ibrahim and Fatin Umaira Muhamad Azian) pp.1695-1704. [ PDF ]
- The Transformation of Smart Village Development through Independent and Integrated City Program in Indonesia (Andy Alfatih, Alfitri, Azhar, Jalaluddin
Abdul Malek, Abdul Razak Ahmad and Mohd. Mahzan Awang) pp.1705-1716. [ PDF ]
- The Neo-Exogenous and Neo-Endogenous Models in Malaysian Rural Transformation in the 21st Century (Jalaluddin Abdul Malek and Zurinah Tahir)
pp.1717-1724. [ PDF ]
- Neo-Endogenous Model for Rural Transformation and Social Business Development (Jalaluddin Abdul Malek and Mohd Azuhari Che Mat) pp.1725-1732.
[ PDF ]
- Perception of Orang Asli Youths on Labour Force Participation in Oil Palm Plantations (Junaidi, A.B. and Vivien W.C. Yew) pp.1733-1744.
[ PDF ]
- National Transformation 2050 and the Younger Generation: The Voice of Future Leadership (Mohd Nizar Sudin, Junaidi Awang Besar, Mohd Fuad Mat Jali
and Marlisa Abdul Rahim) pp.1745-1750. [ PDF ]
- The Role of Guanxi in Marketing the Agricultural Produce of the Rural Chinese Communities Farmers (Novel Lyndon, Lim Jie Wei, Rosniza Aznie C.R,
Mohd Nor Shahizan Ali and Suhana Saad) pp.1751-1762. [ PDF ]
- The Impact of Crime Prevention Innovation Project towards a Residential Area: An Analysis from Abductive Research Strategy (Novel Lyndon, Sivapalan
S. Selvadurai, Rosniza Aznie C.R, Sarmila Md Sum and Norwahida Zainal Abidin) pp.1763-1778. [ PDF ]
- The Role of Education in the Social Mobility of the Rural Iban Community in Spaoh Sub-District, Sarawak: A Phenomenological Study (Novel Lyndon,
Hubert Ron Ragam, Rosniza Aznie C.R, Suhana Saad and Mohd Helmi Abd. Rahim) pp.1779-1788. [ PDF ]
- Economic Problems Faced By Oil Palm Smallholders and Its Solution: The Case of Malaysia (Sivapalan, Selvadurai, Novel, Lyndon and Mohd Helmi, Abd Rahim)
pp.1789-1800. [ PDF ]
- The Influence of Opinion Leader Amongst Oil Palm Smallholders (Suhana Saad, Ali Salman, Mohd Yusof Abdullah, Novel Lyndon) pp.1801-1810.
[ PDF ]
- Relationship between Knowledge, Practice, Attitude and Support for Government Policy towards Climate Change (Suhana Saad, Novel Lyndon, Azima Abdul
Manaf and Abd. Hair Awang) pp.1811-1830. [ PDF ]
- Developing Youths' interest in the Oil Palm Farming Sector: the Role of Opinion Leader (Suhana Saad, Ali Salman, Mohd Yusof Abdullah and Novel Lyndon)
pp.1831-1842. [ PDF ]
- Strategizing Risk Management in Oil Palm Plantation: Experience by Middleman in District of Kluang, Johor, Malaysia (Mohd Yusof Hussain, Mohd Afdzal
Mohd Affendi, Suraiya Ishak, Zaimah Ramli) pp.1843-1856. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture Integration Practice among the Oil Palm Smallholders (Zaimah, R., Sarmila, M.S., Novel Lyndon and Mohd Yusof Hussain) pp.1857-1864.
[ PDF ]
- Use of the AHP Technique in Ranking the Elements of Media Technology Employed in Teaching and Learning (T&L) (Zurinah Tahir and Mohd. Noorhadi Mohd.
Yusof) pp.1865-1872. [ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.7, July, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Dependence of Spatial Structure of Coexisting Multiple Solutions in Nonlinear PDE System on Random Noises (Itaru Hataue) pp.1877-1886.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- An Analysis of Learning Effect of Engineering Basic Projects (Eun-Hee Goo and Chan-Il Woo) pp.1887-1896.
[ PDF ]
- Approach to Golf Swing Model using Hadoop and Self-Organizing Map in Big Data Environment (Wansik An) pp.1897-1906.
[ PDF ]
- A Study of Big Data-based Recommendation Service (Wansik An) pp.1907-1916. [ PDF ]
- Exploring Dimensions of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as Perceived by Customer in Emerging Technological Scenario and Increased Importance
of Co-creation - A Qualitative Focus Group Study in Indian Banking Context (Neeraj Dubey and Purnima S. Sangle) pp.1917-1924.
[ PDF ]
- Public Awareness of Library and Information Science through Text Mining (Jane Cho) pp.1925-1932. [ PDF ]
- Developing an Ontology Based on Theory of Planned Behavior (Patarawat Pitiwan, Anongnart Srivihok, Thepparit Banditwattanawong and Surasak Mungsing)
pp.1933-1942. [ PDF ]
- Validation of the Vocational Skills and Experience Needed in High School Curriculum for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (Rah Kyung Kim)
pp.1943-1958. [ PDF ]
- Historical Analysis of Saudi Arabian Politics and Modernization: The Case of Political Order and Political Stability (Alsubaie Abdulrhman and Suhana
Saad) pp.1959-1970. [ PDF ]
- Comprehensive Assessment of a Higher Education Institution Teacher's Intellectual Capital (Budovich Lidia Sergeevna and Nadtochy Yuliya Borisovna)
pp.1971-1988. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Context-Aware Personalized Recommender System in Smart Vending Machine (Soo-Yeon Jeong, Kim Ryong and Young-Kuk Kim) pp.1989-1998.
[ PDF ]
- A Context-Aware Personalized Dynamic Interface System in Mobile Environment (Kim Ryong, Soo-Yeon Jeong and Kyung-Hye Park) pp.1999-2006.
[ PDF ]
- Framework for Selection of Semantic Web Languages and Tools: A Prerequisite for Web 3.0 (Suraiya Parveen and Ranjit Biswas) pp.2007-2022.
[ PDF ]
- A Method of Manufacturing Control in Smart Factory using Machine Learning (Hyun-Jun Shin and Chang-Heon Oh) pp.2023-2032.
[ PDF ]
- Conformance Study about Construction Site Noise Measurement Criteria (Bong-Young Kim, Eun-Young Yi, Uk-Jin Song and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.2033-2042.
[ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- A Predictive Model Concerning Hospital Nurses' Knowledge Creation (Kyung-Hee Park and Jeong-Won Han) pp.2043-2058.
[ PDF ]
- Visual Identification Attenuates Audiovisual Interaction (Fengxia Wu, Yanna Ren, XiaoYu Tang, Qiong Wu, Yoshimichi Ejima, Jiajia Yang, Satoshi Takahashi
and Jinglong Wu) pp.2059-2070. [ PDF ]
- Effects of Aging on Vibrotactile Stimulus Counting Abilities (Yang Liu, Qiong Wu, Jiajia Yang, Satoshi Takahashi, Yoshimichi Ejima and Jinglong Wu)
pp.2071-2086. [ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.8, August, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Job Crafting and Performance: Analysis of the Mediating Effect of Work Engagement (Yongho Park) pp.2091-2098.
[ PDF ]
- On Three Modal Verbs: A Corpus-based Analysis (Namkil Kang and Hyewon Cho) pp.2099-2120. [ PDF ]
- A Research on Safety Stock Calculation for Demands with Correlation (Guixiang Jin, Akihiro Nakatsuka and Hiroaki Matsukawa) pp.2121-2140.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Study of Sound Contents Development based on Analysis and Compare Foley Sound to Real Sound of Rain (Ik-Soo Ahn, Myung-Jin Bae and Seong-Geon Bae)
pp.2141-2148. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Sound Transfer Characteristics of Whistle and Voice (Bong-Young Kim, Jong-Bae Kim, Kwang-Bock You and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.2149-2156.
[ PDF ]
- Factors in the Design, Implementation and Usability Evaluation of Online Clearance System: A Case Study of Taif University (Roobaea Alroobaea)
pp.2157-2168. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Effect of Music Listening on Stress Reduction through Measurement of Stress Index (Bong-Young Kim and Myung-Jin Bae) pp.2169-2176.
[ PDF ]
- Detection of Closed Boundaries of Endothelial Cells Using Dynamic Programming (Nak Hyun Kim) pp.2177-2186.
[ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- Does Non-Elastic Taping Application Method Affect the Movement-related Cortical Potential and Muscle Activity (Sea-Hyun Bae, Young-Shin Lee and
Kyung-Yoon Kim) pp.2187-2196. [ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.9, September, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Desire for Control and User Experience of Smart Products (Hyun Jung Park) pp.2201-2210. [ PDF ]
- A Comparative Analysis of the Interrogation of Volitional Forms in Japanese and Korean (Moon, Changhak) pp.2211-2224.
[ PDF ]
- The Concept of Community Based Fishery Resources Management Through Fisheries Model Co-Management as the Strengthening of Central JAVA Economic
Competitiveness (R.A.Y Hadi Susilo Wibowo, Fitri kensiwi, Daryanto, Mustholiq and Pambudi) pp.2225-2232. [ PDF ]
- Contribution of Central JAVA Province in Establishing Indonesian Maritime Potential towards Human Resource (HR) Self (Ali Imran Ritonga, Oktavera
Sulistiana, M.T., M.Mar, Dodik Widarbowo, Dimas Pratama and Sukrisno) pp.2233-2240. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Robot Work System Equipped with the Self-Improvement Function (Masashi Fuchizawa, Kyosuke Arai, Keijiro Watanabe and Shuhei Inada) pp.2241-2252.
[ PDF ]
- Volatile Organic Compound Analysis and Health Risk Assessment of Exhaust Gas from a Small Diesel Engine Running on a Mixture of Diesel Fuel and
Waste Cooking Oil (Man Su Cho, Takashi FUKUSHIMA, Hyeon Tae Kim, Xiulun WANG and Kunio SATO) pp.2253-2272.
[ PDF ]
- Subjects for College-Level Open Source Software Education (Minsuk Lee) pp.2273-2284. [ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.10-11, November, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On the Verification and the Estimation for L. Collatz Conjecture (Masahiro Ameya and Lei Li) pp.2289-2310.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Comparison of Fundamental Frequency Extraction Methods in Elderly Signals trough Gender Analysis (JiYeoun Lee, Ji Yun Jeong and Min Sun Kim)
pp.2311-2324. [ PDF ]
- Study of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Cathedral Competition (LI Ming, JIN Chengxie and LIU Haitao) pp.2325-2334.
[ PDF ]

Vol.21, No.12, December, 2018 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Application of a Method for Verifying the Validity of Groupings (Ichiro Hofuku and Takeru Yokoi) pp.2339-2346.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Substructure Online Test Using Parallel Hysteresis Modeling with Neural Network (Won-Jik Yang and Yoshiaki Nakano) pp.2347-2366.
[ PDF ]
- Using Ontology and FA Term Methods to Develop Frameworks for Treating NLP Problems (El-Sayed A. Atlam, Ramy Elkafrawy, Hasan A. Hashim and
Elarabi Keshek) pp.2367-2376. [ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- Effects of Interstimulus Interval Length on Rhythm-based Temporal Expectation (Zhihan Xu, Yanna Ren, Yoshimichi Ejima, Jiajia Yang, Satoshi
Takahashi, Qiong Wu and Jinglong Wu) pp.2377-2388. [ PDF ]

Vol.22, No.1, January, 2019 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Factors Determining the Intention to Use Mobile Payment Services: The Perspectives of Non-Users and Users (Yeong Seon Kang) pp.5-22.
[ PDF ]
- Towards a New Order of the Polyhedral Honeycombs: Part III: The Developed Metaorder, Form and Counterform (Robert C. Meurant) pp.23-46.
[ PDF ]
- The Effects of Consumer Review Volume and Rating Score Distribution on Mobile Application Persuasiveness (Qian Wang and Yeong Seon Kang) pp.47-64.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Characteristics of Acceleration and Displacement Response of System with Friction Subjected to Random Vibration (Shigeru Aoki and Katsumi Kurita) pp.65-72.
[ PDF ]
- Color Conversion for Color Image Recognition of Color Vision Defectives (Hong Shen) pp.73-80.
[ PDF ]

Vol.22, No.2, March, 2019 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Implementation of a Smart Phone Application Controlling Agricultural Chemical Spray System with Bluetooth Communication (Lee Kyung Mog) pp.85-94.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation of Operational Performance of Korea, China, Japan Tripartite Environmental Education Network (TEEN) (Tae-Yoon Park, Dal-Heui Lee, Joo-Young,
Lee and Shin, Han) pp.95-110. [ PDF ]
- Network analysis of 'Study and Life Balance' through Big Data: Focusing on YouTube and News (Su-Jeong Jeong and Jeong-Jin Youn) pp.111-118.
[ PDF ]
- Feasibility Study of the Application of Hydraulic Rock Splitting System to a Granitic Rock Masses in Korea (Jongoh Park, Dal-Heui Lee, Shin Han and Ik Woo)
pp.119-136. [ PDF ]
- A Study on Work and Life Balance in Korea and Japan: Focusing on Network Analysis (Su-Jeong Jeong and Jeong-Jin Youn) pp.137-144.
[ PDF ]
- Economic Growth and Air Pollution: Empirical Study on Basis of the Urban Panel Data from China (GAO Wen, YANG Xin and MA Xiaohang) pp.145-150.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Study on Development of Efficient Virtual Training System for Disaster Response (Eunjee Song) pp.151-158.
[ PDF ]
- Analysis on Hazardous Space associated with Behaviors of each Crime Committing Stage (Dong-Hyok Suh and Kyung-soo Cho) pp.159-174.
[ PDF ]

Vol.22, No.3, May, 2019 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- New Paradigm of Teacher Education Based on Backward Design and IB Curriculum (Hyeon-Suk Kang, Kyung-Ae Shin and Ji-Eun Lee) pp.179-190.
[ PDF ]
- A Preliminary Study on Micro-Entrepreneurship for Using Social Network Sites in Marketing: Facebook Case (Yu-Teng Jacky Jang, Kevin Lai, Min-Chieh Chuang,
Poh-Chuin Teo) pp.191-198. [ PDF ]
- An Evaluation Method for Horse Racing Expected with the PageRank (Katsutoshi Iwamura and Lei Li) pp.199-216.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Benefit Evaluation of Urban Parks in Subtropical Areas Under Climate Change to Reduce Urban Heat Island Effect (Tian-Yow Chern, Chien-Shiun Huang,
Wen-Pei Sung and Che-Lun Lee) pp.217-228. [ PDF ]
- Effect of Soil Moisture Content on Tractive Performance of Single Grouser Shoe in Tracked Vehicle (Zhiqiang Xie, Xiulun Wang and Jun Ge) pp.229-240.
[ PDF ]
- An Intelligent Recommender System Supporting Decision-Making on Academic Major (Mursal Dawodi, Tomohisa Wada and Jawid Baktash) pp.241-254.
[ PDF ]
- Effects of Pressure on the Mechanical Properties of Bio-board Manufactured by Using Soybean Straw (Xiaowen Song and Xiulun Wang) pp.255-262.
[ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- A Systematic Review of Non-surgical Interventions Applied to Cancer Patients with Low Limb Lymphedema (Yun Jung, Lee, So Yeun, Jun) pp.263-272.
[ PDF ]

Vol.22, No.4, July, 2019 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Study on an Effect of Turnover Intention by the Level of Job Mismatch in the Barista (Jae-yeon Park and Seung-gyun Cho) pp.277-286.
[ PDF ]
- Nurses' Performance Evaluation from Gender Perspective (Ali Zaenal Abidin) pp.287-294. [ PDF ]
- Factors Affecting the Switching Intention to Mobile Payment - Focused on Vietnam (Thao An Tran, Kyeong Seok Han, Se Ryeong Park) pp.295-310.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Relationship between Surface Behavior and Internal Convective Flow of a Vibrated Powder Bed (Atsuto KOGANE, Kenya KUWAGI, Yoshihide MAWATARI,
Jonathan P.K. SEVILLE, David J. PARKER) pp.311-324. [ PDF ]
- The Development of Kemiri Sunan Plants in Energy Garden in Gunung Kelir (Ellen Rosyelina Sasmita, Ami Suryawati and Endah Budi Irawati) pp.325-334.
[ PDF ]
- A Multi-Agent System based on Evolutionary Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma and the Reinforcement Learning (Tomotaka Utsumi and Lei Li) pp.335-364.
[ PDF ]

Vol.22, No.5, September, 2019 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Short-term and Long-term Day-of-the-Week Effects in Crude Oil Market: A Study for the Past 35 years (Kwan-Yong Sim, Kwan-Hua Sim) pp.369-378.
[ PDF ]
- Entering into the Era of IR 4.0 and Organizational Sustainability through Proper Training and Business Alignment (Dr Sreenivasan Jayashree,
Dr C. A. Malarvizhi, Mohammad Nurul Hassan Reza, Azilah Kasim) pp.379-386. [ PDF ]
- The Effect of Management Leadership and Commitment on IR 4.0 and Sustainability- A Conceptual Model (Dr Sreenivasan Jayashree, Dr C. A. Malarvizhi,
Mohammad Nurul Hassan Reza, Syed Ali Fazal) pp.387-392. [ PDF ]
- Assessment of the Impacts of Tourism in Sundarban, India using Spatial Technology (Mr. Panchanan Das and Dr. Jatisankar Bandyopadhyay) pp.393-400.
[ PDF ]
- IT Architect Career Path Based on Different Levels Similarity (El-Sayed Atlam, Mahmoud Elmezain, Elsaid Md. Abdelrahim, Zohair S. Malki,
Rasha El-Agamy) pp.401-408. [ PDF ]

Vol.22, No.6, November, 2019 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Managing the Accuracy of Travel Time Estimation with a Large Trajectory Data (Kyungil Choe) pp.413-420.
[ PDF ]
- Implementation of School Protection for Students from Domestic Violence in Surabaya -Indonesia (Dian Ety Mayasari and Andreas L. Atjengbharata)
pp.421-432. [ PDF ]
- Financial Supply-side Structural Reform in China: with Special Reference to Green Finance (GAO Wen, MA Xiaohang, Qian Yingjie and Wu Yulu)
pp.433-440. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- High Efficient Transform Coding Method by Adopted Quantization (Kanae Taniguchi) pp.441-450. [ PDF ]
- A Drones' Application to an Agricultural Water Spraying System as a Carrier of a Smart Phone (Lee Kyung Mog) pp.451-460.
[ PDF ]
- Ensuring Vehicle Black Box Data Integrity by Using Blockchain (Hyunyoung Kil and Wonhong Nam) pp.461-472.
[ PDF ]
- Use Formal Concept Analysis to Mining Association Rules For Different Utilities Itemsets (Arabi Keshk, El-Sayed. Atlam, Hasan A. Hashim,
Eman A. Ghareeb, Amira A. Elkhateeb) pp.473-478. [ PDF ]

Vol.23, No.1, March, 2020 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Multi-Layered Particle Swarm Optimization and a Novel Clustering Technique for Solving Capacitated Location Routing Problem
(A.K. M. Foysal Ahmed and Ji Ung Sun) pp.5-14. [ PDF ]
- Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction among the Elderly: The Mediating Effect of Appearance Management (Myung-Sun Chung) pp.15-24.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Study on Application of Ultrasonic Vibration to Manufacturing (Examples of Application and Future Aspect)
(Shigeru Aoki, Yasunori Sakai and Tomohisa Tanaka) pp.25-32. [ PDF ]
- Applicability of ICT, Data Mining and Machine Learning to Reduce Maternal Mortality and Morbidity: Case Study Afghanistan
(Mursal Dawodi, Tomohisa Wada and Jawid Ahmad Baktash) pp.33-46. [ PDF ]
- Internet of Things: World of Imagination Towards Fusion of Smart (Ahmad Reda Alzighaibi, Elsayed Atlam, Hassan Hashim, Malik Almaliki and Zohair Maliki)
pp.47-54. [ PDF ]
- A Genetic Algorithm with Distance between Individuals (Tatsuki Yamamoto and Lei Li) pp.55-70. [ PDF ]

Vol.23, No.2, June, 2020 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Hard News Analysis of 'Malaysiakini' & 'The New Straits Times': A Contrastive Genre Evaluation of Malaysian Online Newspapers (Saira Asad) pp.75-94.
[ PDF ]
- A Simple Simulation for the Bus Dumpling Driving Problem based on Multi-agent System (Shintaro Mori and Lei Li) pp.95-116.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Methods and Feature Extraction Methods for Dari Sentiment Analysis (Mursal Dawodi, Mohammad Zarif Joya,
Nematullah Hassanzada, Jawid Ahmad Baktash and Tomohisa Wada) pp.117-138. [ PDF ]
- An Optical Encryption Digital Holographic System Based on RSA Algorithm (Yang Peng, Tomoyuki Nagase and Toshiki Kanamoto) pp.139-148.
[ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- A Nonlinear Model to Investigate COVID-19 Behavior in Japan (Masao Igarashi, Takahiro Yamazaki and Yuki Tanaka) pp.149-154.
[ PDF ]

Vol.23, No.3, September, 2020 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Fast Parallel Implicit Method for Solving Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation (Ikuya Uematsu and Lei Li) pp.159-192.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Laminar Flow Forced Convective Heat Transfer Characteristics of Water-Based Al2O3 Nanofluids in a Horizontal Circular Tube with a Constant Heat Flux
Boundary Condition (Masato Akamatsu and Kanji Suzuki) pp.193-204. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]
- A Fundamental Experiment for Micro Ultrasonic Knurling Technology Creating High Precision Texture on Sliding Surface
(Shigeru Aoki, Yasunori Sakai and Tomohisa Tanaka) pp.205-212. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]
- Analysis of Single Rod to Pin Frame's Bending Deformation on External Fixation Device in Unstable Pelvic Ring Fracture
(Kaifeng Liu, Kouki Nagamune and Keisuke Oe) pp.213-228. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]

Vol.23, No.4, December, 2020 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Friction Coefficient in Reaction 20O + 20O by Gogny-TDHFB Method (Yukio Hashimoto) pp.233-246.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Analyzing the Impact of Engagement Semantic Web for E- Learning in E-Crisis Management - A Case Study at Taibah University During COVID-19
(Mahmood Abdulghani AL-Harbe) pp.247-262. [ PDF ]
- An Evaluation Method for Class Curriculum based on the PageRank Algorithm (Yuya Ichioka and Lei Li) pp.263-296.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Pashto Isolated Word Recognition Using 1D Convolutional Neural Network (Mursal Dawodi, Mohammad Zarif Joya, Jawid Ahmad Baktash, Nematullah
Hassanzada, Tomohisa Wada) pp.297-304. [ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- Investigate a Periodic Change of COVID-19 Based on a Positive Ratio of it in Japan (Masao Igarashi, Masahiro Kurihara, Takahiro Yamazaki)
pp.305-312. [ PDF ]

Vol.24, No.1, March, 2021 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Solution for Ride-sharing Route Choice Problem based on Genetic Algorithm (Song Chaoze and Li Lei) pp.5-12.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Going Back to the Basic of the Population Growth: Special Reference to Rural Migrant Workers in China (GAO Wen, QIAN Yingjie, WU Yulu and ZHANG Chenchen)
pp.13-20. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Using Hybrid Method to Detect Internet Worms by Analyzing ICMP Type 3 Messages and Worm Characteristic Matching (Tomokazu NAGATA, WenHung SU, JaeHo LEE)
pp.21-28. [ PDF ]
- Anomaly Intrusion Detection using Decision Trees Approach (Tomokazu NAGATA, WenHung SU, JaeHo LEE) pp.29-38.
[ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- The Function and Achievement of the Coordination Section at Kyushu University, Japan (Yusaku Omodaka, Haruhi Kaku, Takeshi Sato and Toru Maruyama)
pp.39-46. [ PDF ]

Vol.24, No.2, June, 2021 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Novel 2.5D Schema of the Regular and Semi-regular Polytopes and their Sequences, with Analysis by Polytope and Surface Elements
(Robert C. Meurant) pp.51-64. [ PDF ]
- A Remark on Weighted Estimates for Multilinear Fourier Multipliers with Mixed Norm (Mai Fujita and Yoshiroh Machigashira) pp.65-74.
[ PDF ]
- Evaluation Method for Scale-shift Relationship between Two Speech Signals, Using the Fourier-Mellin Transform (Akira Morimoto) pp.75-84.
[ PDF ]
- On Uncertainty Principles for the Fractional Fourier Transform (Mawardi Bahri and Ryuichi Ashino) pp.85-92.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Roadmap of Building e-Diagnostics Services using Neo4J Graph Connectivity and Analytics for the Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT)
(Sabah Mohammed and Jinan Fiaidhi) pp.93-106. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Influence of Arbors on Indoor Natural Ventilation in Lower Floors of Buildings by Numerical Simulation (Liao Mingcheng, Sung Wenpei, Ho Chienwei)
pp.107-116. [ PDF ]
- Reduction of Pressing Force and Friction Force in Miro Ultrasonic Knurling Technology Creating High Precision Texture
(Shigeru Aoki, Yasunori Sakai, Tomohisa Tanaka) pp.117-122. [ PDF ]
- Deformed Image Recognition with Template Matching (Hong Shen) pp.123-128. [ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- MDDCNN: Diagnosis of Lymph Node Metastases in Breast Cancer Based on Dual-CNN Fusion and Segmental Convolution (Ruigang Ge, Guoyue Chen, Kazuki Saruta,
Yuki Terata) pp.129-138. [ PDF ]

Vol.24, No.3, September, 2021 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Consumer Behavior Analysis of Leathercraft Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Using Market Basket Analysis and Clustering Algorithms
(Dian Indri Purnamasari, Asep Saepudin, Vynska Amalia Permadi and Riza Prapascatama Agusdin) pp.143-154.
[ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- Estimate the Number of PCR Tested and Positive Persons on COVID-19 for Each Prefecture in Japan (Yuki Tanaka and Masao Igarashi) pp.155-164.
[ PDF ]
- Development of a Web Consultation Reception Form Under the COVID-19 Pandemic: About one year of achievement (Yusaku Omodaka, Haruhi Kaku, Yurina Matsuda,
Takeshi Sato, Kaku Eguchi, Shinji Oda and Toru Maruyama) pp.165-174. [ PDF ]
- Changes in the Student Counseling System during COVID-19 in a Japanese University (Shinji Oda, Satoshi Takamatsu, Hideaki Fukumori, Fumika Funatsu,
Tomoko Matsushita and Takeshi Sato) pp.175-184. [ PDF ]

Vol.24, No.4, December, 2021 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Isospin Equilibration in Reaction 20O + 34Mg by Gogny-TDHFB Method (Yukio Hashimoto) pp.189-196.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Effect of Government Audit on High-quality Economic Development (GAO Wen, WU Yulu, ZHANG Chenchen and WANG Yutong) pp.197-204.
[ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Simulation Construction of Pedigree Research Method of Post Disaster Reconstruction Strategy in Earthquake Stricken Areas
(Ming LI and Li Haoying) pp.205-218. [ PDF ]
- Resolution Conversion by WDCT Method with Adapted Quantization (Kanae Taniguchi) pp.219-230. [ PDF ]
- An Analysis on Jilin West Railway Station of Jihai Railway (Li Haoying and Ming LI) pp.231-238.
[ PDF ]

Vol.25, No.1, March, 2022 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Proposal of Improvement Method of NSGA-II for Multi-Objective Optimization (Tatsuki Yamamoto and Lei Li) pp.5-38.
[ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Prototype of Blockchain in Hajj Permits System in Saudi Arabia on TRON Blockchain (Alsharyufi Abdullah and Ki-Hyung Kim) pp.39-50.
[ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- The Effectiveness of Kampo Medication Treatment from the Perspective of the Relationship between Emotion and Respiration
(Takeshi Sato, Noriko Yamamoto and Yusaku Omodaka) pp.51-66. [ PDF ]
- A Study on the Awareness Level of COVID-19 in Their 20s and the Level of Infection Prevention Behavior (So Yeun Jun and Yun Jung Lee)
pp.67-84. [ PDF ]
- Development of College Mental Health Questionnaire for Psychological Screening at the Entrance of College
(Takeshi Sato, Noriko Yamamoto, Yusaku Omodaka and Hisae Matsuo) pp.85-104. [ PDF ]

Vol.25, No.2, June, 2022 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On Two Expansions of the Collatz Problem (Lei Li) pp.109-146. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Case Study of architectures left in the Tangshan earthquake: The No.10 Aged Villa of Kailuan Mining Bureau (Tang Zeyu and Li Ming) pp.147-154.
[ PDF ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- Effects of Short-term and Long-term Aerobic Exercise on Serum Aldosterone in Japanese Workers (Noriko Yamamoto, Nana Itoh, Shin-ichi Inoue and
Takeshi Sato) pp.155-172. [ PDF ]

Vol.25, No.3, September, 2022 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Analysis of the Average Number of Steps for the Collatz Problem (Lei Li) pp.177-188. [ PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- Going Back to the Basic of Wage Inequality: With Special Reference to the Skill Premium in China (GAO Wen, ZHANG Chenchen, WANG Yutong and
CHEN Yuanyuan) pp.189-200. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Privacy Preserving Ranked Remote Document Retrieval Using Semantic Search Keyword Technique (Nirmala Vairaganthan, Esther Daniel, Veningston
Koildurai) pp.201-212. [ PDF ]

Vol.25, No.4, December, 2022 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- An Endosymbiotic Evolutionary Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Delivery and Installation (Ji Ung Sun) pp.217-232.
[ PDF ]
- Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Urban Node Traffic Based on TOD Evaluation Mode - Take Shenyang Station Historical Block as an Example
(Yuan WANG, Chengxie JIN, Ming LI) pp.233-244. [ PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Application of the LORA Communication Technology to a Drone Monitoring and Chemical Spraying System on Agriculture Field (Lee Kyung Mog) pp.245-260.
[ PDF ]

Vol.26, No.1, March, 2023 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Asymptotic Approach for the Collatz Conjecture (Lei Li) pp.5-14. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Effect of Airline Relationship Immersion on Brand Attachment and Relationship Persistence Intention in Korea - Focused on the Frequent Flyer
Programs (Jung Hee Kim, Seung Joon Jeon and Kyong Eun Kim) pp.15-34. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]
- Evaluation Methods, Progress and Prospect of Carbon Budget System under dual Carbon Background (Liu Zhuohan and Shen Shigang) pp.35-42.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- Fitting a Nonlinear Curve to the Ratio (Positive/Tested) of COVID-19 in Japan (Cheng-Yen TSAI, Yuki Tanaka, Masao Igarashi) pp.43-48.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]

Vol.26, No.2, June, 2023 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Hybridization Approach to Solve the Capacitated Asymmetric Allocation Hub Location Problem (Ji Ung Sun) pp.53-64.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Going Back to the Basic of Green Economy: Special Reference to Economic Interpretation and Policies (GAO Wen, CHEN Yuanyuan, CHEN Wei and WANG Yutong)
pp.65-70. [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Research on the Revitalization of the Defensive Fortress of the Great Wall Based on the Adversarial Interpretive-Structure Model
(Zhan Jingyi and Li Ming) pp.71-80. [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- An Analysis of Effect of Stress on Self-Efficacy of Flight Trainees in Korea: Using Multiple Regression Analysis
(Seung Joon Jeon, Beomsun Park and Kyoung Eun Kim) pp.81-92. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]

Vol.26, No.3, September, 2023 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on the Changes in Safety Perception of Air Passengers in the Living with COVID-19 Era: The Case of South Korea
(Kyoung Eun Kim, Seung Joon Jeon and Jung Hee Kim) pp.97-116. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Sentiment Analysis using a CNN-BiLSTM Deep Model Based on Attention Classification (WANG Yue and Lei LI) pp.117-162.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]

Vol.26, No.4, December, 2023 [ COVER PDF ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on Countermeasures for Disruptive Passengers on Board Aircraft (Ri Hyun Shin, Ye Ji Kim and Seung Joon Jeon) pp.167-180.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Research on the Training Mode of Digital Applied Talents in Local Private Universities (Xiang Xue bi and Ai Jueyu) pp.181-190.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- The Effects of Job Insecurity of Flying Trainees Caused by Pandemic on the Job-Seeking Efficacy: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Major Satisfaction
(Jae Hoon Yoo, Seung Joon Jeon and Kyoung Eun Kim) pp.191-200. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Classification of Datasets Based on Combination Algorithm of Clustering and Neural Network (Yingfei Yang and Lei Li) pp.201-232.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]

Vol.27, No.1, March, 2024 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On the Verification and the Estimation for Two Expansion Problems of L. Collatz Conjecture (Masato Urabe and Lei Li) pp.5-28.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- A Study on the Relationship between the Performance of Civil Aviation Pilots in Relation to Job Stress, Fatigue, and Conflicts
(Jae Hoon Yoo, Seung Joon Jeon and Hyeon Deok Kim) pp.29-46. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]
- Analysis of Differences in Job Commitment and Workplace Adaptation by MBTI Personality Type in the Aviation Field
(Seung Joon Jeon, Jae Hoon Yoo and Ri Hyun Shin) pp.47-56. [ PDF ]
[ DOI ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Improvements in Similarity Measurement Method for Emotion Classification of Japanese Sentences (Daichi Naya and Takehiko Yoshimi) pp.57-76.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Prediction Model Using LSTM-Based Double-GAN in CNC Machining (Junhae Lee, Sooeun Lee and Sangjoon Park) pp.77-90.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]

Vol.27, No.2, June, 2024 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Improved Elite Correlation Selection Using the Correlation Tournament Selection in Genetic Algorithm (Yumi Shirakura and Lei Li) pp.95-110.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Generation of Sparse AutoEncoder and Ensemble Learning Based on the Genetic Algorithm (Ryuya Watanabe and Lei Li) pp.111-130.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Health and Life Sciences
- Mediating Effect of Vitamin Intake on the Relationship between Depression and Health-related Quality of Life in Cancer Survivors
(Using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2020) (Min Ho Yun and Jong Eun Oh) pp.131-144.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]

Vol.27, No.3, September, 2024 [ COVER PDF ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Magnetothermal Rayleigh-Benard Convection of Paramagnetic Oxygen Gas in a Rotating Shallow Vertical Cylindrical Container (Masato Akamatsu, Nao Kubo
and Mitsuo Iwamoto) pp.149-168. [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Numerical Analysis of Terrain Variabilities and Their Impact on the Traction Performance of Agricultural Tire (Halidi Ally, Xiulun Wang, Tingting Wu,
Tao Liu and Jun Ge) pp.169-186. [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- A Proposal for Improvement of the AnimeGAN Based on CNN (Shuang Wang and Lei Li) pp.187-216.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]

Vol.27, No.4, December, 2024 [ COVER PDF ]
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- The Smallest Computational Complexity for the Linear Complementarity Problem with P-Matrix (Lei Li) pp.221-230.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Management and Social Sciences
- The Impact of Pilots' Learning Satisfaction and Aptitude on Tension and Confidence (Seung Joon Jeon, Jae Hoon Yoo and Wontae Park) pp.231-242.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- An Analysis of Consumer Purchasing Behavior in the Two-Wheeler Motorcycle Market Applying Consumer Theory (Shuangkai MEI and Ke LI) pp.243-252.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Analysis on Determining Factors for companies to Adopt IoT and AI Technologies (Wei SHE and Ke LI) pp.253-262.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Research on Consumers' Choices and Preference for NEVs in Chinese Market by Consumer Theory: Searching for New Factors Promoting NEVs Sales
Post-Subsidy Era (Wei LI and Ke LI) pp.263-270. [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Effect of Mechanical Properties on the Angle of Repose of Clay Soil (Tao Liu, Xiulun Wang, Tingting Wu, Ge Jun and Halidi Ally) pp.271-278.
[ PDF ] [ DOI ]