Contents (1998- )
Vol.1, No.1, July, 1998
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Trust Region Algorithms for Nonlinear Equations
(Yaxiang Yuan)
- An Invitation to Genome Informatics for Computer Scientists
(Hiroshi Matsuno)
- Who was Karl Hessenberg ? (Seiji Fujino, Erhard Heil)
- Statistics : a Short Linear Static History with a Promising Nonlinear
Dynamic Future ? (Jinfang Wang)
- Human and Social Sciences
- The Impact of the East Asian Financial Crisis on China's Economy
(Dexiu Zhang)
- The Impact of an Interdisciplinary Study on Macro and Micro Accounts
(Hideyuki Kamiryo)
- The Way of Thinking for Innovation (1) : View Point and Thinking Way
(Hidetaka Isaka)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Formal Methods and Intelligent Software Engineering Environments
(Shaoying Liu)
- Is Robot Usefulness ? --- Development of Multijoint Robot Arms ---
(Shugen Ma)
- A New Type of Micropump Using an ICPF Actuator
(Shuxiang Guo)
- Dimethyl Ether, A New Clean Fuel for Internal Combustion Engine
(Zhili Chen, Mitsuru Konno and Shuichi Kajitane)

Vol.1, No.2, October 1998
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Lagrange Multipliers and Other Coupling Techniques for Combined Methods of
Elliptic Equations (Zi-Cai Li)
- An Approximate Solution of Integral Equation for Radiative Heat Exchange
(Yuhe Ren and Lei Li)
- Algebraic and Geometrcal Aspects on the Chinese Remainder Theorem
(Yoshimitsu Iwasaki)
- Human and Social Sciences
- The Way of Nongovernmental Company in China and Examination of
Nonpersonal Private (Fengbin Zhao)
- Latest Developments of Stylometry in Japanese
(Mingzhe Jin)
- The Way of Thinking for Innovation (2) The Way of Creative Thinking
(Hidetaka Isaka)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Criteria of Generalized Diagonally Dominant Matrices and its Application to
Fluid Analysis (Seiji Fujino, Ryutaro Himeno and Lei Li)
- A New Approach to Using!!Corpus in Machine Translation
(Fuji Ren and Lixin Fan)
- Preparation of the Polymer Langmuir-Blodgett Films Having 8-Aminoquinolyl
Group and the Copper (II) Complex Formation
(Pu Qian, Toshiro Yokoyama, Hideyuki Matsunaga, Osamu Itabashi,
Tokuji Miyashita, Toshishige M. Suzuki)
- Review of Imaging Techniques for Burn Region Observation in Laser Fusion Research
(Yen-Wei Chen)
- Track Mobile Users in Personal Communication Service Networks
(Jie Li)

Vol.2, No.1, January 1999
- A Special Issue on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- On Improvements of Parameters of the SOR-Like Durand-Kerner Method
(Sachio Kanno)
- Verification of a Numerical Method for the Exact Solution of Burger's Equation
Using Overload Function of C++
(Fumitaka Hoshino, Masaaki Sugihara, Seiji Fujino)
- On the Numerical Conformal Mapping of Multiply-Connected Domains
(Kaname Amano and Dai Okano)
- Numerical Verifications of Solutions for Variational Inequalities Using
Newton-like Method (Mitsuhiro T. Nakao and Cheon Seoung Ryoo)
- 3-D Eddy Current Computation Using the Nedelec Elements
(Hiroshi Kanayama, Fumio Kikuchi)
- On Model Analysis for Two-Phase Flow of Liquid and Vapor in Pipelines
(Masaji Watanabe, Yukio Kono)
- Comparison of Three Finite Difference Approximations for Dirichlet Problems
(Nami Matsunaga)
- On the Computation of the Characteristic Values of Mathieu's Function
(Tsuyako Miyakoda)
- Iterative Estimation of Perron Root and Generalized Diagonally Dominance
(Michio Sakakihara)
- A Slanted Ellipse Detection by a Circle Detecing Hough Transform
(Yasusuke Asayama and Mitsuru Shiono)
- Measures for Circular Genome Comparison
(Katsuhisa Horimoto, Kentaro Mori, Satoshi Fukuchi)
- A Fractal Set Having any Box-Counting Dimension
(Takuya Osada and Yoshimitsu Iwasaki)
- Discretization for Ordinary Differential Equations that Have General Solution
(Toshiaki Itoh)
- Difference Approximations in Analysis of Unsteady Pipeline Flows
(Masaji Watanabe, Yukio Kono)
- Quantum Control on Quantum Amplifier Processes by Means of Squeezed State
(Shigeru Furuichi and Kunio Oshima)
- Fast LU Factorization for the Stiffness Equation by Block-Triangularization
Method (Ichiro Ario)
- Application of Matrices Generated by Rank One Matrices in Mathematical Science
(Kunio Oshima and Sigeru Furuichi)

Vol.2, No.2, April 1999
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Iterative Method for Skew-Symmetric Systems,
(Y. Huang, A.J. Wathen and Lei Li)
- Isolation and Infectivity of Klebsiella oxytoca from Cadaver
Larvae of Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio xuthus L., (Akira Yamanaka,
Katsuhiko Endo, Weihua Kong and Masao Watanabe)
- Coupled Flexural and Torsional Vibration Based on the Rotor Unbalance,
(Fuchun Ren and Kun Yang)
- Integer Factorization Based on the Continued Fraction Method,
(Qian Li and Kunikatsu Kobayashi)
- A Fast Numerical Solution of the Neutron Diffusion Equation by Tridiagonal
Approximate Factorization Parameter
(Katsuyoshi Sotani)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Some Problems in Development of Science and Technology in China
(He Ping)
- The Way of Thinking for Innovation (3) The Way and Example of
Organization Innovation, (Hidetaka Isaka)
- The Output Model of Time Series and Solution,
(Geng Xianmin)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An Analysis of Asynchronous Boltzmann Machine Using Stochastic Petri Nets,
(H. Zhu)
- Visualization and Synthesizing of Ocean Waves,
(Shengping Jiang and Fuji Ren)
- Molecular Arrangements of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives of Diacetylene Observed
by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy,
(Pu Qian, Hiroshi Nanjo, Toshiro Yokoyama, Norio Sanada and Toshishige M. Suzuki)
- On Some Contributions of S.A. Gerschgorin,
(Seiji Fujino, Joachim Fischer)

Vol.2, No.3, July 1999
A Special Issue on Asian Economy in the 21st Century
Human society is on the eve of the 21st century. How will the instability of the
present international political situation affect the world economy? In particular, the
economic boom of Asia in the past decade of the '90s was hailed as the Asian Miracle.
However, the Sudden downturn - monetary and economic crisis from the summer of 1997 -
not only brought an abrupt halt to economic growth in Asia, but around the world.
Can the Asian economy recover in the 21st century? Can the Asian nations-Japan,
China and Southeast Asia, escape the current economic depression? What role will the
Asian economy play in the 21st century?
These are the questions that are the focus of attention worldwide.
With the timely topic of "The Asian Economy in the 21st Century" as its? theme,
along with its aim of being an information resource of the latest news from Asia to
the world at large on Science and Technology, INFORMATION is publishing this "Special
Edition on Economics."
1. The Asian Financial Crisis and Chinese Currency Fengqi Cao
2. From the Crisis to the Recovery : An Analysis of the Asian Crisis Hiroshi Ohnishi
3. Hong Kong's Economy and Trade in the 2 Ist Century Paul S. W. Leung
4. Japanese Economy and Its Role in Asia Masaaki Kanno
5. The Reform and Prospect of Chinese National Economic Accounts Xianchun Xu
6. Moneyflow Analysis under the Changing Financial System in Japan Hiroshi Matsuura
7. Cultural Innovation and Competitiveness Development Yanyun Zhao
8. About Developing and Strengthening Synthetic Power and the Mutual Movements
to "Soft and Hard Power" Runchang Xi and On Sugaya
9. An International Balance of Payments and the Flow of Funds in China Nan Zhang
10.An International Comparison of Productivity Level Between China and Japan
Hiroshi lzumi and Jie Li

Vol.2, No.4, October 1999
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Combining Different Methods for Elliptic Boundary Values Problems I.
Elliptic Problems and Different Numerical Methods,
Zi-Cai Li
- On the k- Taxi Problem,
Yinfeng Xu, Kanliang Wang, and Binhai Zhu
- An Analysis of the G/G/1 Queueing System under One Arrival Process,
Yoshio Yoshioka
- Parameter Descending Method and the Magnetoencephalography,
Yoshiaki Adachi, Hisashi Kado, and Takashi Suzuki
- Computing Theory in the Derivative Algebra DAn,
Jiangfeng Zhang
- Human and Social Sciences
- The Way of Thinking for Innovation (4)
The Details of That I Arrived to This Thinking,
Hidetaka Isaka
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An Optimal Combinations Approach for Cost Estimation Models of Management
Information System,
Jianping Zhang and Fuji Ren
- Estimation of Doacross Loops with Synchronization Costs and
Experiments on Parallel Computers,
Akira Kojima, and Seiji Fujino
- Learning Approximately Even Linear Languages from Positive Examples,
Yue Wang, Shuuji Nakamura, Katsushi Inoue, Akira Ito, and Tokio Okazaki
- On Approximate Solutions of Durand-Kerner Type Iterative Methods for
Solving Simultaneouly Algebraic Equation,
T. Matsuura, S. Fujino and A. Kojima

Contents ( 2000- )
Vol.3, No.1, January, 2000
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Combining Different Methods for Elliptic Boundary Values Problems II.
(Zi-Cai Li)
- A Penalized Least Squares Method for Image Reconstruction and its Stability Analysis
(Weiwei Sun)
- Numerical Methods for Initial Value Problems of Hybrid High Order Ordinary
Differential Equations
(Chisato Suzuki)
- Optimization of Transform Coding by Minimizing Blocking Effect along Block
Boundary (Kanae T.Kobayashi, Hideo Sawami)
- Potential Flow Analysis by the Numerical Conformal Mapping
(K.Amano, D.Okano, H.Shimohira, T.Okamoto, Y.Igaue)
- Human and Social Sciences
- A Status Report on Institutions on Higher Learning in America-with
Particular Focus on Challenges from For-Profit Distance Education Universities
and Corporate Universities
(Yasuhiko Ikebe, Dong-Sheng Cai, Yasushi Kikuchi, Yoshinori Miyazaki)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- The Foster Adoption of Manufacturing Strategies
- Numerical Simulation of Vibration of Elastic Bar with Non Uniform Cross Section
(Hideo Tsuru, Hirofumi Nakajima)
- Humancasting : A Fundamental Method to Overcome User Information Overload
(Yong Shi)

Vol.3, No.2, April, 2000
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Application of Matrices Generated by Rank One Matrices in Mathematical
Science II. (Kunio Oshima, Ichiro Hofuku, Shigeru Furuichi)
- Program to Compute Chebyshev Points and the Numerical Experiment
(Arito Mita and Tetsuo Inoue)
- Distinguishing the H-Matrices: Methods and Applications
(Lei Li)
- On the Computation of the Inverse Matrix Using the Preconditioning
Gauss-Seidel Method (Toshiyuki Kohno, Hiroshi Kimura and Hideo Sawami)
- Bias in the Estimator of the New Up-and-Down Method
(Yoshio Komori and Hideo Hirose)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Burden Sharing Conflict in the Western Alliance
(Hideki Fujiyama, Hiroshi Ohnishi)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Dynamics of Nanomachine and Stochastic Resonance
(Hiroyuki Matsuura, Masahiro Nakano)
- A Parallel Structure of the Chromatic Channel in Human Visual System
(Jing-Long Wu, Yoshikazu Nishikawa)
- Performability Analysis of a Triple Module Redundant System using Petri
Nets and Markov Renewal Processes
(Mitsuo Kamei)
- An Intelligent Web Representative
(Yi Shang, Doug Sapp and Hongchi Shi)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Feasibility of Gene-Location Distance in Microbial Genome Analysis
(Katsuhisa Horimoto, Satoshi Fukuchi)

Vol.3, No.3, July, 2000
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An Information-Theoretic Aspect for the Behavior of the Two-Level
Atom by Means of a Magnitude Function.
(S. Furuichi, M. Ohya, K. Oshima)
- A Investigation on a Hybrid Nomenclature of "Eigenvalue" with German "eigen"
(Seiji Fujino, Rudiger Weiss)
- Maximum Principle for Generalized Diagonally Dominant Matrix
(Michio Sakakihara)
- Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Energy Release Rate in 2D Fracture
(Kohji Ohtsuka, Olivier Pironneau and Frederic Hecht)
- Numerical Investigation on Verification Methods for LCP
(Yukihiro Shogenji)
- Numerical Computations to Support Splitting Phenomena in Some Diffusion Equations
(Kenji Tomoeda)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Seepage Analysis by Zoning a Superannuated Earth Dam and Using the
3-D Finite Element Method
(M.A.A. Sarkar, M.Kunitake, F.Kondo and Y.Yamamura)
- Tractable Problems in Bayesian Networks
(Shichao Zhang; Chengqi Zhang)
- SAFT: An Efficient States Assignment for Finite States Machines Tool
(Ali Mahdoum)
- The Management of the Large Users' Accounts in the Distributed Computer Systems
(Chun-Xiang Chen)
- Strictly Nonblocking Multirate Broadcasting Clos Networks
(Guo-Hui Lin; Dongsoo S. Kim; Ding-Zhu Du)

Vol.3, No.4, October, 2000
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- An ADI Galerkin Method with Moving Finite Element Spaces for a Class
of Second-order Hyperbolic Equations
(Tongjun Sun)
- An Acceleration Process Based on Jennings-type Formura
(Ken Iguchi)
- Phase Field Models for Solidification of Alloys
(Kazushige Sakai)
- Numerical Simulation to the Behavior of the Thin Film Peeling from the Plate
(Kazuaki Nakane)
- A Posterior Error Analysis of a Two-Level Scheme for Solving the Obstacle Problem
(Yongmin Zhang)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Bi-Reduction: A Parallel Algorithm for Tridiagonal Linear Systems
(Takashi Naritomi: Yamaguchi University)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- An Analysis of the Queueing System Starting the Service at the
Timer Interrupts
(Yoshio Yoshioka)
- Discovery of Compact Rules in Relational Databases
(S.Ben Yahia, K. Arour, A. Slimani and A. Jaoua)
- Development of the Contour Line Drawing Program Based on a Multi-Language
(Takashi Yoshida)
- Dialogue Machine Translation based upon Parallel Translation Engines
and Face Image Processing
(Fuji Ren and Shigang Li)
- The Construction of a Packing Graph -- A Graph Model for Packing Identical Cargo
(Z W Wen and K K Lai)

Vol.4, No.1, January, 2001
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Advances in Theory of Stochastically Excited and Dissipated Hamiltonian Systems
(Weiqiu Zhu and Zhilong Huang)
- Mathematics, Mathematical Tools and Their Interactions -- Case Studies
from History --
(Rudiger Weiss and Seiji Fujino)
- Continuous Schemes of Numerical Conformal Mapping by the Charge Simulation Method
(K. Amano, D. Okano, H. Ogata, S. Katayama and N. Maki)
- Integrabilities for Algebraic Finite Difference Equations and GAGA Principle
(Toshiaki Itoh)
- Application of Matrices Generated by Rank One Matrices in Mathematical Science III
(Kunio Oshima)
- Estimation Method on Quantization Error with Extension of Color Still Image
(Kanae T. Kobayashi and Hideo Sawami)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Technical and Social Responses to the Emerging Information Society
(Rashid Emad, Rausch A. Scott, Yoshio Yoshioka and Tadao Nakamura)
- On China's Aggregate Investment Expenditure Model during 1983-1995
(Ping Jiang, Haiyan Song and Songshan Zhao)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Transforming Logic Programs by Generating Eureka Properties.
First Part: Preliminaries and Formalisation
(Khaled Bsaies)
- Visualization of Asymmetric 3D Temperature Distribution with Ultrasound CT
(Ning Zhu, Yong Jiang and Seizo Kato)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- A Theory for the Shape Change of Liposomal Membranes due to
Adsorption of Protein
(Y. Suezaki, H. Ichinose and H. Hotani)

Vol.4, No.2, April, 2001
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Proximate Analysis of Brown Rice Adopting Thermogra Vimetric Analysis
(T.K. Goswami and M. Madhava)
- When and How Seki-Sarrus's Rule was Spread Out ?
(Seiji Fujino and Takehisa Abe)
- Convergence of Inconsistent Finite Difference Scheme for Dirichlet Problem whose Solution has Singular Derivatives at the Boundary
(Q. Fang, T. Matsubara, Y. Shogenji and T. Yamamoto)
- Gerschgorin Disks, Brauer Ovals of Cassini (a vindication), and Brualdi Sets
(Richard S. Varga)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Modeling the Price Fluctuations
(Mieko Tanaka-Yamawaki)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Simple Neural Network for Solving Quadratic Programming Problems and its Applications in Optimal Control
(Q. Tao, D. Sun, H. Qiao and T. Fang)
- Transforming Logic Programs by Generating Eureka Properties. Second Part: An Algorithm, Completeness Results and Examples
(Khaled Bsaies)
- Adaptive Neural Network for Multi-Spectral Data Classification
(Robert Li, Gary Lebby and S. Baghavan)
- Making a Local Map of Indoor Environments by Swiveling a Camera and a Sonar
(Shigang Li and Fuji Ren)
- Upswing and Stabilization Control of Inverted Pendulum System by the SIRMs Dynamically Connected Fuzzy Inference Model
(J. Yi, N. Yubazaki and K. Hirota)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Asymmetry of Distribution on Eye Movements with Eyes Closed in Chronic Schizophrenics
(T. Sato, N. Jiang, T, Hara, M. Takefu and S. Yamada)

Vol.4, No.3, July, 2001
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Certain Consideration on Effect of Modified Incomplete Cholesky Factorization
for the CG Method
(Seiji Fujino and Masaaki Sugihara)
- Recovered Derivatives for the Shortley-Weller Finite Difference Approximation
(Kazuki Yoshida and Takuya Tsuchiya)
- Set Covering Problem, Genetic Algorithm and Its Domain Specific Knowledge
(Kakuzo Iwamura, Tomoya Sibahara, Masanori Fushimi and Hozumi Morohoshi)
- A Recursive Algorithm for the Linear Complementarity Problem with an M-matrix
(Lei Li and Yoshinori Okubo)
- Unique Supported-Model Classes of Logic Programs
(Pascal Hitzler and Anthony Karel Seda)
- Comparison Theorems for the Preconditioning Gauss-Seidel Method
(Hiroyuki Hirano and Hiroshi Niki)
- Nonlinear Function Identification by Using Neuro-Fuzzy Model
(Yan Shi, Masaharu Mizumoto and Baowen Wang)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Nation Wealth : Is it an Effective Measurement of Sustainable Development ?
(Minxue Gao)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Encryption Enhancement of Steganography with Chaotic Signals
(Kang Yen and Faisal Kaleem)
- Decision Model for the Assessment of Information and Automation Technology in
A Construction Company
(Amaury A. Caballero and Jose Mitrani)
- CafePie - A Visual Programming Environment for CafeOBJ
(Tohru Ogawa and Jiro Tanaka)
- On the Taxonomization of Tutoring Systems
(Albert K W Wu)
- Fuzzy Competitive Learning and Genetic Algorithms for Unsupervised Training
(Chih-Cheng Hung, Kai Qian and Tommy L. Coleman)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Fractal Dimension Analysis of Eye Movements with Closed Eyes in Psychiatric
(Takeshi Sato, Tomihide Hara, Nan Jiang, Masasuke Takefu and Shigeto Yamada)