Journal's Name
JOHO in Japanese
XINXI in Chinese
- For matching the Journals of
- Because it is said that 21st Century will be information-intensive society
- In order to adapt the coming symbiotic period with sciences and technologies

Now, in Asia, we cannot find a high-level scientific journal like the NATURE published in UK and the SCIENCE published in USA. If Asia also start this kind of high-level scientific journal, then it will surely becomes an important source of information in the world dispatched from Asia. There are many electronic magazines published on the INTERNET in many fields, but general scientific journals are still very rare.

The international journal INFORMATION presents the latest information and research papers concerning high technologies and modern sciences rotate Asia. The journal introduces up-to-date trend concerning the forefront researches in all fields of science and technology, provides a spot to presents original and novel ideas, outlines some present research activities, forecasts some future research directions, discusses some research themes, and presents some high-level research papers.

Statement on the First Issue
The most distinctive feature in the development of modern sciences and technologies is that various sciences, which were classified so far according to their research objects and methodologies, penetrate and combine with each other gradually. Therefore, many new disciplines and technologies were born from boundary areas of those existing sciences. Today, from classical sciences to modern technologies, almost all sciences and technologies have depended on each other so closely that they cannot exist and grow independently and have to grow in harmony with each other.
In the coming 21st century, as the most fundamental science and a typical cross-cutting science, mathematics will still, as it has always done, penetrate into various sciences through its high-degree of abstraction, rigorousness of demonstration, and extension of application, and provide the unified theoretical scientific methodology and representation and/or description tools for the abstraction, formalization, and systematization of each science. On the other hand, those empirical and/or experimental sciences, where experimentation is the major research means, such as natural sciences, psychology, agriculture, and engineering will still use the experimental scientific methodology as the major scientific methodology but computer simulations will become another important experimental technique in addition to the traditional physical and biological experimental means. Moreover, with the advance of information processing technologies using computers, the so-called third scientific methodology, or computational scientific methodology, is being established as a new scientific methodology in almost all scientific disciplines including natural sciences, human sciences, social sciences, agriculture, and engineering. There is an abstract, general and cross-cutting concept that concerns the above all scientific methodologies and sciences; it is information.
Information is not matter, and it is not energy either. Information is one of basic elements in the world. It is widely said that the mankind has already entered into an information-oriented time. There may be little argument that in the 21st century, so-called knowledge economy will occupy a leading position in the international economy. An economy that is based on knowledge depends greatly on creation, acquisition, transaction, communication, and application of information. For a knowledge economy in the 21st century, information resources will become more and more important than matter resources and energy resources.
The 21st century is an era of information. And, 21st century Asia has been in the global limelight in recent years. As is well known, there have been some first-class international general science magazines like NATURE in Europe and SCIENCE in America. In Asia, however, there are still no magazines at the same level.
The general science magazine INFORMATION was founded with such goals, by contributors from the Chinese Academy of Science and Engineering in Japan (CASEJ) and scientists and researchers in Asia and from the world. Though INFORMATION is still in a trial stage, we are trying to establish an important science and technology information resource for 21st century Asia and a science and technology information dispatch resource from Asia to the world as well. INFORMATION will publish original research papers that present important discovery and/or novel ideas in all fields of science and technology, and various articles including surveys and reviews that have the greatest possible impact on various disciplines, to make contributions from Asia to the world in advanced and frontier areas.