Vol.4, No.4, October, 2001
- A Special Issue for the ISCA 16th International
Conference (Guest Editors: Prof. Chih-Cheng Hung, and Prof. Sung Y. Shin)
- An Index-Based Checkpointing/Recovery Approach for Distributed Systems
(B. Gupta, S.K. Banerjee and Z. Wang)
- Developing a Probabilistic Security Measure Using a Software Reliability
Model (Charlie Yong-Sang Shim, Rex E. Gantenbein and Sung Yun Shin)
- Mobility Scheme Using Dynamic Circle Location Register in Wireless
Communications (HyunCheul Shin and JongGoo Park)
- Detection of Closed Shape Objects (Rami Qahwaji and Roger Green)
- Java RMI-based Data Distortion Method for Securing Confidential Data
(Haklin Kimm)
- Disconnection Tolerance in Real-Time Mobile Databases (Bruno Sadeg,
Laurent Amanton and Samia Saad-Bouzefrane)
- An Approach to Integration Models of FEDI on the Internet (Shin-Jer Yang
and William Chung Kung Yen)
- Criteria-Based Eyelash Detection Model for Accurate Iris Segmentation
(Wai-Kin Kong and David Zhang)
- Application of a Heuristic Search to the Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm
that Achieves the High Concurrency (Hoon Oh)
- Designing A GaAs-Based Floating-Point Multiplier (Jeffrey Espenschied,
Eugene Lee and Ashok Goel)
- A Distributed Fault-Tolerant Asynchronous Algorithm for Performing N
Tasks (Gehan Weerasinghe and Lester Lipsky)
- HTTP Load Balancing with the Scalable Distributed Apache System (J.
Michael Meehan and David Ladiges)
- An Improved Graphical Environment for Transcription and Display of
American Sign Language (Jorge Toro, Jacob Furst, Karen Alkoby, Roymieco
Carter, Juliet Christopher, Brock Craft, Mary Jo Davidson, Damien Hinkle,
Glenn Lancaster, Ashley Morris, John McDonald, Eric Sedgwick, Rosalee Wolfe)
- The Impact of Output Selection Function on Adaptive Routing (A.
Funahashi, M. Koibuchi, A. Jouraku and H. Amano)
- Agent-Based System for Cooperative Database (El Hassan Abdelwahed,
Mohamed El Adnani, Djamal Benslimane and Kokou Yetongnon)
- A Host Based Multi-Source Information Attack Detection Model Design and
Implementation (Brajendra Panda and Rajesh Yalamanchili)
- Alpha Cut Based Rule Derivation from Uncertain Data (Junping Sun)
- Noise Reduction and Compression of Non-Stationary Signals Using Adaptive
Segmentation and Orthogonal Expansion (Jean H. Andrian, Christopher A.
Edmonds, Kang K. Yen and James P. Stephens, Sr.)
- Noise Reduction in Nonlinear Time Series Using Wavelet-Based Library
(Kang Yen, Ali Naqui, Jean Andrian, Gustavo Roig)
- Adaptive Eye Tracking in Color Video Image Sequence (Kai Qian,
Chih-Cheng Hung, Guo Wei Zhou, Hongwei Tao and Prabir Bhattacharya)

Vol.5, No.1, January, 2002
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Optimization Method for Window Function with Quantization Error
(Kanae T. Kobayashi and Hideo Sawami)
- Effect of Initial Residual in Variants of Bi-CG Method
(Kuniyoshi Abe, Seiji Fujino and Ryutaro Himeno)
- A New Direct Test for H-Matrix
(Keiko Ojiro, Hiroshi Niki and Masataka Usui)
- A Complete Characterization of Boolean Semirings
(Shamik Ghosh)
- First Excursion Probability Estimation Method of Secondary System
with Elasto-Plastic Characteristics Subjected to Seismic Loading
(Shigeru Aoki)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Great Economist Alfred Marshall and its Influence by Mechanics
(Masayuki Deguchi)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Properties of a Hybrid List Scheduling for a Class of Program Nets
Executed With Two Processors
(Qi-Wei Ge)
- Translation Rule and Empirical Knowledge in Machine Translation
(Fuji Ren and Lixin Fan)
- The Cooperation of Two Time-Scale's Adaptation in Dynamical
(Kazuko Yamasaki and Masuteru Sekiguchi)
- Self-Verifying Nondeterministic and Las Vegas Multihead Two Dimensional
Finite Automata
(Satoshi Inoue, Katsushi Inoue, Akira Ito, Yue Wang)
- Pneumoconiosis Analysis in Chest Radiographs using Neural Network
(Lifeng Zhang, Takaharu Kouda and Hiroshi Kondo)
- An Autonomous Mobile Robot with Vertically Stretchable Mechanism
for the Disabled's Activity Support
(Tsuyoshi Kiyo-oka, Masayuki Yamamoto, Jing-Long Wu and Yoshiro Sakai)
- Digital Signature Schemes using Discrete Logarithm Problem over
(Tsutomu Ansai, Toshiyuki Koide and Kunikatsu Kobayashi)
- Information Processing : Its Methods, Complexities and New Possibilities
(Lei Li)

Vol.5, No.2, April, 2002
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Independent Component Analysis as a Method Independent of Conventional
PCA and FA (Toshinao Akuzawa)
- System Analysis Based on the Physical Method and its Application to Social
Prediction (H. Matsuura, M. Nakano and L.G. Liu)
- Numerical Conformal Mappings of Unbounded Doubly Connected Domains
(Tetsuo Inoue and Ikuyo Kitasaka)
- Entanglement Degree of Two Two-Level Atoms
(Mahmoud Abdel-Aty and Abdel-Shafy F. Obada)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Behind the Varying Understandings of Asian Values
(Ouyang Kang)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Wavelet Transform Image Compression with Transition Matrix
(Tatsuya Fukushige and Hiroshi Kondo)
- Summarization of Multiple Chinese Technical Articles
(Minghui Wang and Hidehiko Tanaka)
- Knapsack Cryptosystems Using Power and Sum Operations
(Tsutomu Ansai, Takahiro Hayata and Kunikatsu Kobayashi)
- Advances and Application of Fluid-Solid Coupling Seepage
Flow Theory in Oil Reservoir
(Zhijun Zhou, Yongjian Liu, Kaoping Song and Dianjun Guo)
- Improvement of Vector Space Model by Using Long-term Relevance Feedback
(Xiaoying Tai, Masami Shishibori, Fuji Ren and Kenji Kita)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Spectrum Analysis of Eye Movements with Closed Eyes in Psychiatric Patients
(Takeshi Sato, Masasuke Takefu, Tomihide Hara, Nan Jiang and Shigeto Yamada)

Vol.5, No.3, July, 2002
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Symmetric Dual Multiobjective Fractional Programming (Laxminarayan Das and Sudarsan Nanda)
- Application of Preconditioning Iterative Methods to the Numerical
Calculation With a Boundary-Fitted Coordinate System (Hiroyuki Hirano, Hiroshi Niki
and Naotaka Okamoto)
- Computations of the Forces on Obstacles in Two-Dimensional Potential
Flows by the Charge Simulation Method (Hidenori Ogata, Dai Okano and Kaname Amano)
- Numerical Analysis of Two-dimensional Incompressible Viscous Flow
in Orthogonal Coordinates (Nami Matsunaga, Hao Liu and Ryutaro Himeno)
- Human and Social Sciences
- A Probe to the Mechanism of Interaction between Needs and Techniques
in Product Development (Guanghui Zhang)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Natural Language Generation Based on Desired Intention
(Khosrow Kaikhah, Susantha Herath and Ajantha Herath)
- Robust Human-Face Recognition Using Wavelet Mosaic Pattern
(Norihide Ito and Hiroshi Kondo)
- Human Visual-Audio Information Processing on Phase Discrimination
in the Time Course (Jing-Long Wu, Osamu Nobuki and Yoshiro Sakai)
- Application of Multiple Model Predictive Control to a pH Neutralization
Experiment (Ning Li, Shao-Yuan Li and Yu-Geng Xi)
- A Method to Obtain the Parameters of the Lightning Wave Form
(Hideo Hirose)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Factors Related to Hematogenous Metastasis of Cancer
(Chunlin Ye)

Vol.5, No.4, October, 2002
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- A Semi Direct Criterion for H-Matrix (Keiko Ojiro, Hiroshi Niki and Masataka Usui)
- Errors Bound Under {Eik}-Orthogonal in Variable Weight Combined Forecasting
(Xiaowo Tang, Zongfang Zhou and Yong Shi)
- A Total Ranking Based on Examination Scores for a Small Number of Subject
(Ichiro Hofuku and Kunio Oshima)
- On the Fractional Differential Equations by N-Fractional Calculus
(Tsuyako Miyakoda)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- A Performance Comparison of Dynamic vs. Static Load Balancing
Policies In a Mainframe - Personal Computer Network Model
(Said Fathy El-Zoghdy, Hisao Kameda and Jie Li)
- Some Convergence Issues in Theoretical Computer Science
(Anthony Karel Seda)
- Study on an Improved Genetic Algorithm
(Yan Jie and Cao Binggang)
- A Robust Watermark Against Image Processing
(Tomohiro Aoki, Tsutomu Ansai and Kunikatsu Kobayashi)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Female Reproduction and Characteristics Breeding Sett of
Japanese Badger, Meles Meles Anakuma, in Western Honshu, Japan
(Hiroshi Tanaka, Akira Yamanaka and Katsuhiko Endo)
- A Thermodynamical Study of the Schrodinger Gear Proposed in his
Clockwork Hypothesis (Eiji Shiomitsu, Minoru Kubo, Hideo Suzuki and Etsuro Ito)

Vol.6, No.1, January, 2003
- A Special Issue on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Guest Editors: Prof. Hiroshi Niki, Okayama University of Science)
- An Application of a Preconditioning Iterative Method to a Three-dimensional Numerical Computation of Fluid Flow (Hiroyuki Hirano, Hiroshi Niki and
Naotaka Okamoto) [ PDF ]
- Complexity on the Order of Polynomial Sequence used in GPBiCG Method and its Effect to Convergence (Seiji Fujino)
[ PDF ]
- Perturbative Study of Quantum Decoherence using Diagrammatic Technique (Satoshi Nakamura) [ PDF ]
- Analysis of Influence of Shear Layer on the Structure of Two-dimensional Cavity Flow in Several Reynolds Numbers (Itaru Hataue and Osamu Fujisawa)
[ PDF ]
- On the Relation Between Generalized Difference Scheme and the Fractional Calculus (Tsuyako Miyakoda)
[ PDF ]
- A Study of One-Dimensional Traffic Flow by Compressible Flow Model Including Optimal Velocity Function (Itaru Hataue and Takamichi Nagao)
[ PDF ]
- A Sufficient Condition on Concavity of the Auxiliary Function Appearing in Quantum Reliability Function (S. Furuichi, K. Yanagi and K. Kuriyama)
[ PDF ]
- A Note on Extremal Compact Riemann Surfaces (Masumi Kawasaki and Shigeru Furuichi) [ PDF ]
- On Quantum Baker's Map with Noise (Kei Inoue, Masanori Ohya and Igor V. Volovich) [ PDF ]
- Management Model for Distributed Contents on Internet (Michio Sakihara and Fumio Kitagawa) [ PDF ]
- Numerical Conformal Mapping from Domains with Multiple Slits onto the Canonical Slit Domains by the Charge Simulation Method
(Dai Okano and Masatoshi Terazono, Hidenori Ogata and Kaname Amano) [ PDF ]

Vol.6, No.2, April, 2003
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- On Crisp Equivalents and Solutions of Fuzzy Programming with Different
Chance Measures (Mei Lu)
- Insertions and Deletions in B-trees (Prabir Bhattacharya)
- Probability-significance in Fuzzy System and Its Analysis Methods
(Suoping Li and Kunhui Liu)
- NetNUMPAC; a System on the WWW for Using Mathematical Software
Package (Toshiki Sandoh, Takemitsu Hasegawa, Yoshio Sato,
Yohsuke Hosoda, Yasuyo Hatano and Ichizo Ninomiya)
- Human and Social Sciences
- A Generalized Krugman-Lenin Model of International Trade and Capital
Movement (Hiroshi Ohnishi and Yinheng Liu)
- Adjusting Chinese Enterprise Inner Organization System Subjected to
Power and Information (Changying Ke and Zhicheng Li)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Automatic Derivation of Programming Using Domain Knowledge
(Fuji Ren and Shigang Li)
- Sliding Mechanism for Actin Myosin System
(Baoquan Ai, Xianju Wang, Guotao Liu, Lianggang Liu, M. Nakano and H.Matsuura)
- Shared Resource Allocation Using Token Passing Strategy in
Interconnected Networks (R. Rajendra Prasath and P. Thangavel)
- Finding the Fuzzy Satisfying Solutions to Constrained Predictive Control
Systems (Shaoyuan Li and Tao Zou)
- Visual Architecture (Tadao Nakamura, Masatsugu Hashimoto,
Geng Chun and Norio Izumi)
- System Identification for Financial Time Series Using BP Neural Networks
(Dayong Gao, Y. Kinouchi and K. Ito)

Vol.6, No.3, July, 2003
- A Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Computing
(Guest Editors: Prof. Laurence T. Yang (Canada) and Prof. Yi Pan (USA) )
- An Object-Oriented Approach for Building PC Clusters
(A. Soulaimani, T. Wong, Y. Azami and A. BenElhaj-ali)
- Theoretical Cost Comparison of Remote Visualization Strategies
(Lori A. Freitag and Raymond M. Loy)
- A Distributed Nearest Neighbor Heuristic with Upper Bound under the PVM
for the TSP (Jung-Sook Kim)
- Scheduling Partially Ordered Tasks in a Multi-Processor Environment with Hybrid
Genetic Algorithms (Man Lin and Laurence Tianruo Yang)
- A Simple Cost-Optimal Parallel Algorithm to Solve Linear Equation Systems
(P. Alonso, R. Cortina, I. Diaz, V. Hernandez and J. Ranilla)
- A Distributed Application Server for Automatic Differentiation
(Boyana Norris and Paul D. Hovland)
- Frequency Interpolation Methods for Accelerating Parallel EMC Analysis
(K. Homma, M. Noro, K. Nagase, T. Yamagajo and P.E. Strazdins)
- A Static Scheduling Algorithm for Workload Balancing
(T. Tabirca, Sabin Tabirca, Len Freeman, Laurence Tianruo Yang)
- Parallel Simulation of Topical Heart Cooling
(Roman Trobec, Gregor Pipan and Borut Gersak)
- The Improved Parallel BiCG Method for Large and Sparse Unsymmetric Linear
Systems On Distributed Memory Architectures
(Laurence Tianruo Yang and Richard P. Brent)

Vol.6, No.4, October, 2003
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Fuzziness in Generalized Fuzzy Rough Sets (Mi Jusheng, Chen Degang and Zhang Wenxiu)
- Fuzzy Differential Inclusions with Fuzzy Constraints (Yuanguo Zhu)
- On Realization of the Fast Polynomial Division (Yosuke Shimamura, Hiroshi Matsuno and Lei Li)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Two Methods for Ranking Alternatives in Group Decision-Making
with Different Preference Information (Zeshui Xu)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Activation Maps of Human Brain in using the Answering Device in fMRI
(M. Kitazawa, Jing-Long Wu, K. Negoro, M. Hashida, J. Ogasawara,
S. Yamauchi, T. Sanada, N. Matsunaga and Y. Sakai)
- Reduction of First Excursion Probability and Absorbed Energy by
Hysteresis Loop Characteristis (Shigeru Aoki)
- Global Exponential Stability Analysis of wavelet Neural Network
(Xiao Sheng-Zhong and Zhang Xin-Zheng)
- An O(1) Time Algorithm for Generating Restricted Permutations
(Limin Xiang, Kazuo Ushijima and Jianjun Zhao)
- A Model for Long-Latency Duration-Selective Neurons in the Auditory
Cortex (Kenji Fujimoto, Yohsuke Kinouchi and Jufang He)
- Optimal Adaptive Antenna Radiation Pattern Design by Phase-Position
Perturbations Using Genetic Algorithm
(Chao-Hsing Hsu and Kang K. Yen)
- Construction Project Management using Fuzzy Logic (Amaury A. Caballero)
- An Analysis of a Group Arrival Queue with a Server Transmitting
Packets at Timer Interrupts (Yoshio Yoshioka)
- DWT Digital Image Compression with No Indication Map
(Hiroshi Kondo, Hiroki Kou, Takaharu Kouda and Liefeng Zhang)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- The Neural System Sustaining People Identification by Auditory Information
(Sheng Ge, Takashi Saito, Jing-Long Wu, Jun-ichi Ogasawara, Shuichi Yamauchi,
Kiyoshi Negoro, Masahiro Hashida, Taizo Sanada and Naofumi Matsunaga)

Vol.6, No.5, December, 2003
- A Special Issue for Japanese-Chinese Symposium in Fujihakone
(Editored by CASEJ)
- Boundary Element Analysis for Signorini Contact Problem
(Yiming Chen, Yajuan Hao and Yan Shi)
- A Simple Verification and a New Estimation for L. Collatz Conjecture
(Lei Li and Makoto Takahashi)
- On Two-dimension Vector Liapunov Function of Linear Time-Varying
Dynamical System with n Variables
(Yongmao Wang, Yan Shi and Hirofumi Sasaki)
- The Water Resources and Development of Self-sustaining a Griculture
of the@Silk Road in the 21th Century
(Cui Xia)
- To Understand and Create the Emotion and Sensitivity
(Fuji Ren and Shunji Mitsuyoshi)
- Human Brain Functional Network of the Tactile Object Size Recognition :
A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Study
(Sheng-Fu Lu, Yoshiro Sakayi, Jing-Long Wu, Masayuki Kitazawa,
Junichi Ogasawara, Sheng Ge, Syuichi Yamauchi, Masayuki Yamamoto,
Kiyoshi Negoro and Naofumi Matsunaga)
- Simulated Annealing based on Reinforcement Learning and its Application
(Satoru Nate and Lei Li)
- Investigating Text Entry Strategies for an Immersive Virtual Environment
(Noritaka Osawa, Xiangshi Ren and Motofumi T. Suzuki)
- Development of a Micro Intelligent Autonomous Moving Robot
(Shuxiang Guo and Jian Wang)
- The Dynamic Features of Eye Movement with Illusionary Vision
(Shanjun Zhang and Kazuyosi Yoshino)
- A New Kind of Microrobot in Pipe Using Driving Fin
(Shuxiang Guo, Yasuhiro Sasaki and Toshio Fukuda)
- Nondestructive Measurement of Fruit Firmness
(Shu-huai Zhang, Hiroshi Fukuchi and Hiromichi Kato)

Vol.7, No.1, January, 2004
- A Special Issue for the ISCA 17th International
(Guest Editors: Prof. Sung Y. Shin (USA) and Prof. Chih-Cheng Hung (USA))
- A Design-Oriented Approach to Software Maintenance Based on Design
Units (Jaehyoun Kim)
- Cluster Analysis of Spatial Data Using Peano Count Tree
(Qiang Ding and William Perrizo)
- Combined Histogram for Image Classification
(Wan Hualin and Morshed U. Chowdhury)
- Cost-Based Inference for Semantic Query Transformation
(Junping Sun)
- Data, Information and Knowledge
(Mark Burgin)
- Data Link Frame Aggregation Protocol
(J. Michael Meehan, Philip A. Nelson, David Engeset and Athos Pashiardis)
- Formalization of the Balanced Scorecard Implementation Viewed
as Project Plan (Narayan C. Debnath, German Montejano,
Roberto Uzal and Daniel Riesco)
- Interactive Cardiovascular Tutoring using Concept Map Construction
(Injoo Jeong, Yeongkwun Kim and Martha W. Evens)
- Read-Commit Order for Concurrency Control in Centralized High
Performance Database Systems (Victor T.S. Shi and William Perrizo)
- Retargeting Pixel Applications to Diverse Processors (Ralph Duncan)
- Segmentation of Man-Made Objects in Aerial Photography Image
(Ralph Flora and Chih-Cheng Hung)
- Enhanced User Verification System on Telebanking Using Kernel based
PCA (Sung Y. Shin, Su Jeong Byun, Ali Salehnia and Won Don Lee)
- A Design and Implementation of the Belief-Desire-Intention Agent-Based
Programming Language (Chang-Hyun Jo, Wei Zhao and Bin Cong)

Vol.7, No.2, March, 2004
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences
- Rough Set Approximations Based on Fuzzy Information Transformation
(You-Hong Xu and Wei-Zhi Wu)
- An Uncertain Ordered Weighted Geometric Averaging (UOWGA) Operator
And its Application (Zeshui Xu and Qingli Da)
- Existence and Variation Equations of Singular Stochastic Control with
Fail-stop Strategy (Suoping Li, Kunhui Liu and Haibo Yang)
- A Flexible Electronic Payment Scheme and Its Management
(Hua Wang, Jinli Cao, Yanchun Zhang and Xiaodi Huang)
- Two New Counting Formulae for the Number of Permutations with Constraints
(Wakana Tamada, Lei Li and Hiroshi Matsuno)
- Human and Social Sciences
- Discussion on Informationalization and Higher Institution
Management Reform (Anfu Zhang)
- Agriculture and Engineering
- Enhancing Execution Bandwidth of Java-Embedded Processor
(Progyna Khondkar, Masa-Aki Fukase and Tadao Nakamura)
- A GIS-based System for Vehicle Routing Using Real Road Networks
(Md. Shahid Uz Zaman, Hayao Miyagi and Yen-Wei Chen)
- A Distributed Register File Architecture for Executing Scientific Applications
(Clecio D. Lima, Progyna Khondkar, Kentaro Sano and Tadao Nakamura)
- Effect of Dough Ingredients in Combination on Gelatinization Temperature
Of Wheat Starch Studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
(T.K. Goswami and S.P. Divekar)
- The Functional Distributed Control System Using a Dataflow Processing
Scheme (Dan-Ning Zhao and Yoshio Yoshioka)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Age-dependent Changes in D-type K+ Channel Properties Influence on
Synaptic Integration and Back Propagation of Action Potentials in Dendrites
(Y. Shimokawa, S. Sato, M. Saito, H. Takagi, S. Koyama and H. Suzuki)